Meeting For The First Time

The next day, Kevin and Robin were inside the kitchen at Wayne Manor. During the last few days, Kevin and Bruce developed a good father son relationship together. When Bruce wasn't on patrol as Batman or doing his usual philanthropist stuff at Wayne Enterprises, he was spending time with Kevin, getting to know him better. Kevin was showing Robin how to make a pizza with pepperoni, black olives, mushrooms, bacon, and with cheese stuffed into the crust. As Robin watched Kevin make this ambitious pizza, the toon said, "gee Kevin, you sure do know how to cook. How'd you get so good at cooking?"

"When I was a kid, I used to watch Mom cook every now and then," explained Kevin, "she'd usually have me help her with cooking. It really helped us bond. So I learned how to cook real quickly, especially when reading all those cookbooks. Mom used to call me her Little Chef." Robin smiled and said, "that's sweet. I'm glad I got to meet your mom through face chat on your phone. She seems like such a sweet lady." Kevin nodded and said, "she sure is. Just don't mess with her. She's practically the mama bear. And it's foolish to mess with the mama bear's cubs." Robin chuckled and then he got a text notification on his cell phone. Robin checked his phone and then said, "Hey Kevin, Babs is coming over. And she's bringing a friend with her too." Kevin checked the timer and said, "well that's good. Hope she's hungry for pizza." Robin then said aloud while texting, "sounds great. Kevin's making pizza. Hope you and your friend are hungry for pizza." He then sent the notification. Robin sighed and blushed. This didn't go unnoticed by Kevin. "Someone looks in love." Tyler said, walking in, causing Robin and Kevin to scream in surprise. "A little warning next time?" Robin asked, breathing intensely. "Sorry. The smell of bacon aroused my curiosity and I just had to know what was cooking in the kitchen," said Tyler. "Pizza with bacon, pepperoni, mushrooms, and black olives," replied Kevin. "With cheese stuffed into the crust!" Robin replied excitedly. "That sounds delicious actually," said Tyler. "Barbara and her friend are coming over as well," said Kevin. Robin smiled in a dopey and blushing manner, nodding. "You like Babs, Mr. Warner?" Tyler asked, chuckling and smiling a little at Robin's cartoony expression. "Well, I, uh, like Babs as a friend," rambled Robin, "I mean, I only met her a couple days ago, so we hardly know each other, and what if I'm not her type..."

"Now Tyler, let Robin be," said Kevin. "Alright. I'm just teasing," said Tyler as she raised her hands in mock surrender. Fifteen minutes later, the pizza was ready, and Kevin got it out of the oven. Five minutes later, Barbara rolled her wheelchair inside. She rolled to the kitchen and said, "hey guys!" Robin brightened up and said in a chipper voice, "hi Barbara!" When he realized how over-enthusiastic his voice was, Robin blushed and covered his mouth. Tyler chuckled. "The pizza smells great Kevin," complimented Barbara as she smiled softly at Robin, "anyway, I want to introduce you to a friend of mine." That's when Kara walked in. She had her blonde hair down with glasses, and she wore a yellow sundress with a light brown belt, and brown shoes, no socks or nylons. She shyly looked at Barbara and asked, "is it okay if I take off my glasses?" Barbara smiled and said, "yeah. You're among friends, Kara." The Kryptonian then took off her glasses, looking at everyone. "Hi, I'm Kara Zor El Kent," she said, smiling. The moment Kevin saw Kara Kent, he was at a loss for words. If this was a movie, the song Dream Weaver by Gary Wright would be playing. "Uh, I'm Kevin Beaumont..." he said, regaining his ability to speak. Kara looked at Kevin, and her eyes widened in shock. When their eyes met, it was as if there was a spark between them. "Wow, he's really handsome..." she thought, blushing. Barbara, Tyler, and Robin could obviously tell that these two had small crushes on each other. Barbara playfully whispered to Robin, "someone's in love." Tyler smirked at Kevin once more. Kevin then gave a look at Tyler that said "don't even think about it..." Tyler once again raised her hands in mock defense. Robin decided to break the tension by saying, "so who's hungry for pizza?"

"Ah yes, let me slice up the pizza," said Kevin as he got out the pizza slicer. Robin and the three ladies then got out of the kitchen so that Kevin could slice the pizza. Kara looked at Robin and asked, "I take it you're the toon?" Robin nodded and confirmed, "that's right. My name is Atticus Melvin Isadore Frederick Charles Bosko Steven George Walton Lucas Warner. But my friends call me Robin." When Kara gave a confused look, Barbara chuckled and explained, "it's a long name gag just like his cousin Dot Warner." Kara smiled and said, "oh. I guess that is pretty funny." They all then went to the dining hall and took their respective seats. Robin decided to sit next to Barbara. A couple minutes later, Kevin walked in with a large pan of his homemade pizza and said, "alright everyone, I got slices for everyone! Bon appetit!" He then placed the pizza at the center of the table and gave paper plates to everyone. Once Kevin sat down, he and the others each took a slice, the gooey cheese coming out of the crust, satisfying to look at. Robin and Babs ate their slices and the redhead commented, "this is really delicious Kevin. You outdid yourself." Kevin smiled at Barbara's comment and asked Kara, "so you're Supergirl and you're related to Superman, right?"

"How did you figure that out?" Kara asked in surprise until she realized, "oh right. Those profiles in the Batcomputer. But yeah that's right, I am related to Kal. Would you believe it if I said I was older than him?" Kevin gave look of surprise and said, "no way! How is that possible?" Once Kara had taken another bite of her pizza, she explained, "the rocket I wound up in kind of malfunctioned and went through a wormhole that left my body in suspended animation, which is how I never aged while Kal did on Earth." Kevin nodded and said, "fascinating. Well I gotta say, you definitely look good for your age." Kara blushed and giggled, "well thank you Kevin. You're just as handsome. So you're not from Gotham?" Kevin nodded and replied, "that's right. I was raised and grew up in Bellevue, Washington. It was always me and my mom. Mom told me about Dad when I was 13." Kevin continued to eat his slice of pizza. "Well I gotta say, you certainly do have your father's eyes, among other things," said Kara, "how did you and Robin meet?"

"Well that's a funny story," replied Robin, "Kevin was on a bus that got a flat tire and then died, so he tried hitchhiking for about an hour in the hot boiling sun. I was pretty much just driving around the state when I saw him and offered him a ride. He needed to go to Gotham and so bada bing, bada boom, here we are." Kevin chuckled, "that's a simple way of putting it. But if it weren't for Robin I would have suffered a heat stroke." Kara smiled and said to Robin, "well you're quite the hero." For the next hour and a half, Kevin, Robin, Kara, Barbara, and Tyler ate and chat, getting to know each other. "I usually don't have a lot of friends," admitted Tyler, "but I think I can consider all of you my friends now." Robin nodded and agreed, "oh yeah, this could be the start of a wonderful friendship." Kara then gave Kevin a note and said, "you're technically the first guy I've ever done this for... here's my number. If you want to hang out, call me." It was something Kevin would consider.

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