Facing The Dragon
Kevin looked at Skadlig the Dragon, astonished and frightened. When Kevin was a child and saw cartoons that involved dragons, (picture Dragon Tales, Shrek, the stereotypical fairy tales with mean dragons) he never imagined he would face an actual dragon in his life! Kevin was unsure if Kara could risk getting the Alicorn children out without arousing the dragon's attention. "Well?" Skadlig taunted, "you gonna tell me your name, or are you just going to gawk at me until I roast you alive?" Kevin regained his courage and replied, "it is I, Kevin Beaumont of Earth!" Skadlig looked at Kevin and said, "you look like a human... I haven't seen humans in a million years... Quite a surprise, especially one capable of speaking the ancient language of man. But why are you here, human?"
"I am here to rescue the children of Sapphire the Alicorn, children you have wrongfully stolen from her!" Kevin defiantly said. "Oh, so that explains why my lunch went missing," said Skadlig, "and you think you can just take my lunch away from me and get away with it?" The dragon laughed. His cackle was as frightening as The Joker's laugh. "Well why steal them in the first place?" Kevin asked in reply. Skadlig gave a dumbfounded look, and his dumbfoundedness was then replaced with a smug smile as he replied, "why not? I am a dragon of chaos. I love to see the world burn, and I couldn't care less who I hurt in the process." Kevin unsheathed his sword and replied, "well you've gone too far for the last time!"
"My, my... for someone so puny, you're certainly feisty and stubborn," laughed Skadlig. "You'd be surprised what humans are like these days," replied Kevin. Skadlig smirked and said, "you wanna know something, Kev? I've killed many creatures over the years. Humans, elves, orcs, hobbits, dwarves, goblins, trolls, hobgoblins, unicorns, Pegasi, Alicorns, the occasional rabbit, and even other dragons! But every one-sided battle has been rather boring! I mean yes, it was fun killing these creatures the first 224,586 times, but it eventually gets boring. All those one-sided battles. Other dragons put up more of a fight in these battles of brawn. So I want to do something different, Kevin. Instead of a battle of brawn how about I challenge you to a battle of wits?" Supergirl wasn't sure whether to be bewildered or scared for Kevin. "A battle of wits, eh?" Kevin asked, tilting his head. "Yes," replied Skadlig, "if you win, I'll let you escape with Sapphire's children. If I win, let's just say you'll be an appetizer with my lunch."
"What kind of battle of wits?" Kevin asked. "I will ask you three riddles," said Skadlig, "if you get any of these riddles wrong or if you dilly dally and take too long to answer the riddles, you lose. Got it?" Kevin nodded and replied, "you're on." Now he and Kara knew the stakes were high. Kevin was now on borrowed time. "Now here's my first riddle," began Skadlig, "I am that great one who grasps the earth, swallowing wood and water. Bad weather I dread, wind, but no man, and I pick a fight with the sun. Who am I?" Kevin thought about what Skadlig said and when the answer came to him, he replied, "you're the fog." Skadlig gave a look of surprise and said, "that is correct. Well here is my second riddle, and it involves fishermen. What these fishermen caught, they threw away; what they didn’t catch, they kept. What did they keep?" Skadlig arrogantly smiled, thinking this little riddle would go over Kevin's head. At first Kevin didn't get it, but then he thought and he thought, and once he got it, Kevin confidently said, "lice! That's what the fishermen kept!" Skadlig scowled and said, "that is correct as well. You seem to know your riddles well, boy."
"Let's just say my family and I are quite good at solving riddles." Kevin said, smirking. "You can laugh with pride now, boy." Skadlig warned, "but that pride will be your undoing. Here's my final riddle. Get it wrong and I'll roast you alive! I am a thing all things it devours; birds, beasts, trees, flowers; gnaws iron, bites steel; grinds hard stones to meal; slays king, ruins a town, and it beats the mountain down. What am I?" If Tyler had been in Kevin or Kara's position, she would have blurted the answer out because of how easy it was. Kevin thought of what Skadlig asked. The answer came to him like lightning. "You are time itself," answered Kevin. "You fought well in these battle of wits," said Skadlig. "Guess that means I win," said Kevin. Skadlig chuckled and said, "yeah... About that... I was actually planning on double crossing ya, win or lose. I'm chaos incarnate! Did you really think you could trust little old me?" Kevin shook his head and said, "never trusted you to begin with." Kevin then used his sword to stab Skadlig in his big, clawed, right hand. Kevin then screamed to Kara, "GET THE ALICORNS OUT OF HERE, KARA!!! RUN!!!!"
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