Arkham Interrogation
Meanwhile back on Earth, Superman, Batman, and their various allies went out of their way to look for Kevin and Kara. They were looking for every city to see if Kevin and Kara were there. Although it seemed very unlikely, the heroes would check to see if Kevin and Kara were kidnapped by any villains. Tyler was in her Weapon suit and Robin was wearing a peculiar looking jumpsuit as they were on Tyler's motorcycle, driving to Arkham Asylum. They wanted to see if Joker knew of Kevin and Kara's whereabouts and if he kidnapped them, unlikely as it sounded. As Tyler parked her motorcycle, she asked Robin, "what kind of costume is that?"
"Oh this was a suit I wore for a rejected TV pilot," explained Robin, "Kid's WB and Amblin wanted to do a Freakazoid spinoff where I would be his sidekick. The spinoff would've been called Freakazoid And Toon Boy! It only aired once, and the spinoff never got picked up. But they let me keep the costume." Tyler rolled her eyes and replied, "it is so 90's. You don't even have a mask." As they got off the motorcycle, Robin explained, "Tyler, I mean, Weapon, I'm 3 ft 3, I'm an Ink-Blot toon with dog like features including a tail, I have four fingers, and my feet are bigger than Jason's for a guy my size. I don't really have much of an identity to keep secret, so what's the use of wearing a mask if I stick out like an anthropomorphic animal sidekick you would see in a Saturday morning cartoon?" Oracle said on the radio, "nice meta deconstruction, Robin. He's got you there." Tyler smirked and said, "touche. Normally I'm the one who deconstructs. Come on, let's go." As they walked, Robin asked, "remind me again why we're going to Arkham Asylum to interrogate Joker?"
"The big blue clod has a feeling Joker has Kev and Kara held captive in one of his hideouts," replied Tyler. "That sounds very unlikely," said Robin. "That we can agree on," said Tyler. She and Robin went inside the asylum, and Robin said, "It just doesn't sound like Joker's m.o. And he doesn't really go after specific targets... Why would Joker specifically go after Kevin and Kara? It doesn't add up. Barb- I mean, Oracle, what do you make of all of this?" Oracle said on the radio, "well for a while Joker did kill specific people to rob priceless jewels and other items for the first year Bruce and my dad fought him... But now he usually kills at random without rhyme or reason, so he doesn't often do kidnapping. Maybe hold people hostage, but that's usually on a whim. Kidnapping Kevin and Kara specifically wouldn't really be a motive for Joker, unpredictable as he is..." Tyler nodded and said, "very fair points from both of you." After gaining permission to talk to The Joker, they wandered around the asylum, and Robin asked, "remind me again why I'm tagging along with you for this good cop bad cop interrogation? Nightwing, Batman, or even Red Hood would be better than me for that."
"You actually give off a good cop kind of vibe, Atticus." Tyler said, "Jason would be worse at being a good cop, and we would both probably kill Joker." Robin nodded and said, "fair enough. This is gonna be my first time meeting that clown, ya know." Oracle said on the radio, "good luck to both of you." Robin and Tyler then walked on over to the cell of The Joker. They then walked in and saw the Clown Prince himself sitting by his table, reading IT by Stephen King. "Funny, I thought It would appear more as Pennywise throughout the book," chuckled Joker. Robin cleared his throat hoping that this would gain Joker's attention. Joker put the book down and looked at Tyler and Robin. "What kind of dou are you weirdos supposed to be?" Joker teasingly asked as he pointed at Tyler, "you're not Bratgirl. You're a lot shorter than that redheaded bimbo." Tyler grabbed Joker's book and tossed it to a wall, glaring at Joker. "Hey! I was reading that!" Joker complained. "I'm only gettin started," warned Weapon. Joker looked at Robin and asked, "I take it this is a good cop bad cop interrogation? Who are you supposed to be? I don't think I've seen you around, new guy." To hide his real name, Robin replied, "Toon Boy. I guess you could say I'm the good cop." Tyler cracked her knuckles and said, "and I'm the bad cop. You say anything I don't like, I'm gonna make you wish you were dead." Joker giggled, "ooh... I'm so scared!" Before Tyler could try anything violent, Robin got between her and Joker and calmly said, "let's not say or do anything we might regret. Now Joker, we want to ask you a couple questions, and we would appreciate your cooperation."
"Well I'm an open book. Ask away Toon Boy," mocked Joker. "Recently, some people disappeared," said Robin, "one of them is Supergirl, the other is Kevin Beaumont. Were you aware of their disappearance?" Joker gave a confused look and then said, "I know who Blooper Girl is, but I don't know who this Kevin is. Is he related to Andi Beaumont? Now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time..." Tyler slammed her fist onto Joker's left hand and demanded, "were you aware of their disappearance, yes or no?!?!?!" Joker frowned and said, "no! I was right here when these two disappeared? Do you honestly think I would care if some sidekick and some random schmuck would disappear?" Tyler growled and said, "well Superman suspects you or one of your acquaintances might have something to do with it and we have to be sure if they're in one of your hideouts." Joker started laughing and replied, "I had nothing to do with that! I didn't kidnap your friends, 'Toon Boy.' Your assumptions are so pathetic that it's practically hilarious!" Joker continued to laugh as Tyler punched Joker in the right eye and shouted, "do you know where they are god damn it?!?!?!" Joker continued to laugh, "no, I don't! For once I'm telling the truth, angry girl! What's the matter? You mad that I'm innocent for once?" Joker stuck out his tongue and blew a raspberry at them. Tyler glared at Joker and growled, "oh I'm holding back... you haven't seen me really angry..." Robin breathed in and said, "Weapon calm down. For once Joker might be innocent. I hate saying this but, we're going to have to dock Joker off the suspect list. You get all that, Oracle?"
"I did, and I'm informing Bruce right now about the info." Oracle replied on the radio, "you both did the best you could. Let's look elsewhere." Joker smirked at Robin and mockingly taunted, "see you around, Toon Boy." Tyler nodded and then said, "one more thing..." Tyler got out of one of her escrima sticks and then bashed The Joker's teeth with it, shattering his front teeth. "Muh thmile! You wuined muh thmile!" Joker cried, looking at his bloody, shattered, ruined, teeth. Robin and Tyler quickly rushed out of The Joker's cell and Robin quietly hissed, "Tyler what the hell were you thinking?!?!?! Joker was telling the truth, you didn't need to violently assault him! Besides, for once Joker was innocent! It wouldn't have been the first time Bruce has had to prove his innocence!" As they speed walked, Tyler said in a threatening tone of voice, "oh he deserves so much more than what I gave him. The fact that I'm letting him live shows just how generous I am... You know what he's done." And with that little argument, Robin couldn't disagree. He learned what Joker did. Joker kidnapped Jason and tortured him for months, tricking everyone into believing Jason was dead, contributing to Jason's transformation into the Red Hood. He shot Barbara through the spine and didn't stop there. Robin had no right defending Joker. He sighed, "let's just focus on finding Kevin and Kara."
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