Chapter 7: Special Training
"Hey! Jhonny, wake up ... "
"Jo, this friend is a heavy sleeper."
"Look, he's moving his eyelids."
I woke up. I felt incredibly good, but I was not sure if it was for sure because of the power of those gems or because of the training I had. When I opened my eyes, I saw Spyro, Cynder and Sparx standing in front of me, surely, they must have tried to wake me up.
"Wow, you finally wake up" said Sparx "surely those of your world sleep for several days ..."
"Sparx, don't start" Spyro cut him off, "Are you okay, Jhonny?"
"Yes, I think better than ever" I replied and got up on all four legs.
"You seemed to move while you slept" Cynder said, "is everything okay?"
"He must have had a nightmare," Sparx said.
"Actually ..." I stopped, I should be telling the truth, but I shouldn't mention Ignitus, "I've seen the Chronicler."
"The Chronicler ?!" the three said in unison.
"Truly?" Terrador said, the three guardians entered the room and approached us.
"Yes," I replied, "And it has taught me the breath of fire."
"Seriously?" Spyro asked somewhat incredulously, could you show us?"
I nodded and concentrated: I should let that fire inside me come out. Immediately, a blast of fire went wild into the air and I managed to hold it for a second and a half.
"Impressive, magnificent, incredible, er... um" said Volteer.
"Wow, you really are full of surprises, young dragon" Terrador congratulated me, "Breathing fire is a great achievement for you. What else did you learn? "
I told them everything I had seen, heard and learned. After listening carefully to me, including Sparx, Cyril spoke:
"I see that the Chronicler has trained you very well. So will you go find him on the white island? "
"Well ... I would like to learn more about my future and that destiny he mentioned ..." I replied.
"But in the hypothetical case you want to go, you should learn even more about being a dragon" said Volteer, "the way there is so adventurous, complicated, difficult ..."
"Undoubtedly" Terrador interrupted "In short, we must teach you even more, follow us."
"Come on, it'll be fun," Cynder said and went after the guardians, who were already leaving the room.
"Yeah, I haven't seen anyone else practice in a long time," Spyro said, and followed her. I followed them too: I was eager to get started.
"Here we go again ..." said Sparx and was the last to leave.
We left the building, and arrived at the main gates of the city: It was a pretty courtyard, surrounded by walls and large buildings. Many moles were walking around, one of them approached Terrador and said:
"The reconstructions of the city will be finished in a few more days, Mr. Terrador, and I have been informed that the moles and dragons in charge of the new temple have not finished everything yet, but the sections of the rooms, the training room and the platform of entry are already finished "
"Thank you very much Mason and don't worry, that's all we'll need for now" he said goodbye to the mole, then turned and spoke to the other guardians, "Well, we better go back to the temple to discuss our next plan of action and for the training of our new partner"
"You are absolutely right, Terrador," said Cyril "the temple is the best training place for the new young dragons."
"Yes, completely agree" confirmed Volteer, "But, if I remember correctly, I think we should first teach Jhonny how to fly"
Terrador looked at me. Like the others. I felt a bit foolish about the fact that I hadn't learned to fly by being a dragon one day and having been trained by the chronicler. Spyro encouraged me:
"Don't worry" he said, "I didn't know how at one time either"
"This I have to see ..." said Sparx.
"Don't worry, young dragon" said Terrador, approaching "Come with me"
I followed Terrador to the center of the square and he began to speak to me:
"Alright, let's get started: Just relax and do what's natural. Let your instinct guide you".
For about five minutes, I was trying to "feel the power of the ancestors" flow through me, but to no avail. Just hearing that reminded me that I was actually human - my ancestors weren't dragons. I didn't know what to do, at some point I decided to at least try to fly. I tried to flap my wings hard and fast several times, but only managed to tire me out.
"No, not like that" said Terrador, "It is not something voluntary: it is natural and instinctive."
I looked at Spyro and Cynder, if they could do it and we were roughly the same size then I should be able to do it too. I refocused on exercise.
"You seem to be more determined, well then" Terrador encouraged me, "You can do this, you just need to let your internal instinct take over. Try again, just close your eyes and just listen to my voice, let everything around you melt, forget everything you knew, forget about yourself ... "
As in fire control training, I stopped thinking about everything: I kept my peace and concentration as long as I could.
"You are now a dragon. Flying is not difficult. It's part of who you are "said Terrador," All you need to do is let that part come out. All you have to do is listen to your instincts. Do not try to force yourself to fly, but let your wings take you into the air"
I felt a tingling and a strange sensation as I kept listening.
"Very well, let the power of the ancestors flow through you ..." Terrador's voice trailed off.
"Hey? Terrador? " I still spoke with my eyes closed, "Did you say something?"
So, I decided to open my eyes.
It was amazing, it was about 20 meters high! I was really flying, right? I looked at my wings: they moved by themselves. They were moving the wings through the air, dipping and weaving them, letting them go where it felt natural, as Terrador said.
I felt the breeze of my wings in the air. This time I was high above the city moving in a slow circle. It felt so good to be in the air, nothing could compare to this: Flying was feeling free from the world, free from problems, responsibilities and fears. It felt so good to be up here.
I looked down: heights no longer terrified me, but I knew I couldn't be in the air all the time, so I decided to go down.
As I got closer to the ground, I had forgotten something else: I still didn't know how to land. My body was suddenly filled with fear when I was plummeting; I tried to lift my body and flap my wings rapidly in an attempt to stop or to smooth the landing. However, this didn't work out as expected and I ended up hitting the ground, rolling several times before coming to a stop on a wall. I was somewhat in pain, not seriously injured, but rarely happy.
"Don't worry about the landings. I wasn't very good when I started either" Spyro approached me, "But it will come in time"
"Hehehe" laughed at Sparx "good way to put the face"
"That's right, you did very well," Cynder said, "but you must improve the landing."
"That was ... amazing!" I was excited, at the same time I got up and dusted myself off, "I could try many more times ... ouch!" Cynder touched my right wing.
"Well, it seems that you should wait to try again" he said while examining my wing "although it does not seem like it, you have hit yourself hard."
"Hahaha, the spirit of the youth" approached Terrador "take this"
He gave me some red gems, which flew towards me and healed my wing.
"Thank you very much, Terrador" I thanked him.
"Well, we will have more time to practice, for now let's all go to the temple" he concluded. Then we all set off towards the dragon temple.
The views were incredible: the mountains, the rivers, the valleys, the falls, the forests. It was amazing to be able to fly, why was he afraid of all this when he was a human being? Perhaps because it did not have wings and was not in the habit. It felt so good the wind against my face, the feeling of air in the wings, everything was magical. Out of nowhere, the views turned into a set of floating islands with vegetation and some animals on them.
"What is that?" I asked Spyro.
"Ah" said this, "They are some parts of the earth that were left floating when Malefor tried to destroy the world. We call them floating lands "
"I understand"
It took us only a few minutes or so to reach the dragon temple. Looking at it, you could tell that it was being built on the floating lands. If my memory was correct, the original temple had been destroyed while sinking into a volcano during the final battle.
"There!" Terrador indicated pointing to a platform to one side of the temple, "it is the landing platform for the dragons. Follow me"
We landed on a platform, Spyro taught me to handle the landing more smoothly, so this time it was not as difficult as the first.
"Position your whole body straight while slowing down" he said, "Now, flap your wings slowly until your legs touch the ground."
I did it like that. The next minute he was on the platform, uninjured.
"Well done," Cynder said. Then she turned to Spyro, "You are a good teacher."
Then, we all go inside.
Terrador provided Spyro and Cynder with a room for them, while I would have to share mine with Sparx. I didn't want to be ungrateful, but I just prayed that Sparx wouldn't get on my nerves. But it was only the start of my adventure:
For the next few days, the guardians put me under exhaustive training: battles against mannequins, mannequin chases, flight, various things. Phew! Yes, it was exhausting! I may not have been the best in physical education, but you can learn quickly when you have a monkey-like doll who wants to hit you.
On the first day, it was a fighting practice. Mannequins were easy, but when grouped together they were very hard to beat. That day, I had to learn to throw them into the air and hit them there, to avoid a disadvantage against several.
"In the air you have the advantage" explained Terrador, "Throw your enemies into the air and hit them with the tail or your claws"
This is how I did it with the mannequin, although at first it was not easy, I tried until it turned out great.
On the second day, I had to learn from books. They were really interesting: legends, history, magic objects, biology, etc.
"This sounds back to school to me" I thought.
On the third day, I did a speed test flight through dangling rings. Getting through the first few was easy. The real problem was the others, because I had to glue the wings to my body to pass and then spread them again. I also had to learn to move around the walls using the claws to get through the last rings. It was very difficult, and more than once I ended up on the ground, due to a wing or leg that collided with the edge of one.
"Are you okay, Jhonny?" Spyro asked, giving me his paw to help me up.
"I will be, I'll try again as soon as I dusted myself off" I laughed, taking the help he offered me.
Fourth day: Flights around the temple, which I enjoyed using the gusts of wind. Spyro and Cynder helped me as I practiced throwing a frisbee into the air: the challenge was to catch it with your mouth... like a dog.
"There you go!" Spyro said, tossing the puck at Cynder. She caught it.
"Take it!" Cynder said throwing it at me. It almost escaped me, but I managed to catch it.
On the fifth day, I had the rings test again, but this time I got it. I was proud to have surpassed myself.
On the sixth day, there was doll's combat. It was quite a progress that I had made up to that point: a mannequin received a goring; another, a donkey-style kick; the next, a whip with the tail, and the last, a burn with my breath.
Suddenly, five medium mannequins came out of nowhere. But I was already ready and with enough energy to execute fiery fury and finish them all at the same time.
"Incredible, magnificent..." said Volteer "despite your age and your beginning, you have managed to come out of the tests successfully. Like Spyro and Cynder, you show the qualities to be a magnificent dragon, and all achieved in just six days. "
"You did very well, Jhonny. Take this" said Cyril, handing me some green gems, "you need to recharge your energy".
"Thank you" I said and received them, recovering my strength.
"Well, how about a good dinner?" said Terrador, who returned from hunting with several pieces of lamb. "It seems our new apprentice has done well, right?"
"Yeah," said Spyro, who stood aside with Cynder throughout training "it was great to see him."
"He hasn't done a bad job at all," said Sparx, flapping his wings, "but I don't think I'll get that close when he does the fire trick, it almost scorches me."
"Oh, sorry Sparx" I apologized, "I was so excited during training that I hadn't realized it"
"Don't worry, I'm the one who has to avoid being toasted"
"Well, let's eat," Cynder declared. And we all went to the reconstructed dining room of the temple.
It was weird to eat that way: as a dragon and not as a human. I had almost forgotten that he came from another world. Although I was able to use my fire exhale to cook it and make it more digestible. At the end of dinner, the youngest of us went to sleep.
Meanwhile, in the training room, the guardians had a private meeting:
"I have to admit that, despite his background and inexperience, he has done quite well" said Cyril "Also, thanks to the Chronicler, he has learned the exhalation of fire, which only Ignitus or Spyro could have taught him. Perhaps he could one day become an excellent guardian. "
"I think so too, Cyril," said Volteer, "but what if you don't really want it and you just want to be ready, and then return to your own world? remember that he wants to see the Chronicler to find out his future".
"Maybe, Volteer" said Terrador, "but he told me before starting his training that he appreciated being with us, and he said he wasn't in much rush to go to the white island, it might even take a while."
"So, what do you think?" Cyril asked, "Will he stay or will he go?"
"I'm not sure, but equally, we must prepare a new generation of young guardians, who will one day take our positions."
"Are you implying that we are already old?" asked Volteer.
"No Volteer, I'm just saying that due to the defeat of Malefor, the beginning of a new era, and the loss of Ignitus, we must teach a new generation that they will take over one day; meanwhile, we will continue as we are, and when the time comes for the young to mature... they will be the new guardians "
"Then, we must search for the dragons that hid when Cynder attacked under Malefor's control, and also the females with whom we divided the number of eggs," Volteer declared.
"Well, I don't know if my daughter wants to be a guardian, but I also know where she is, with the second group: when I was free, I found out that my partner passed away, but my daughter and several dragons were in a hidden city called LunaVillage, North of here," Cyril said.
"And they don't know that the war is over?" Terrador asked.
"Maybe not, when Malefor returned, they went into hiding again."
"Then we will send Spyro, Cynder and Jhonny there. In the meantime, I'll summon Hunter to go to another town hidden east by the woods, it shouldn't be a problem. You, keep everything in order around here, I will also go to another town that I know, I don't think it will take more than a day "
"It's a long way to LunaVillage, it'll take like two days to get there because it's at the other side of the world" Cyril said.
"That's why I want Jhonny to go too, it will be a practice so that he can see and learn more than what he usually deals with in training"
"Very true, the best training is the one you get from experience" said Volteer, "There is one thing that I have realized: if we send Spyro and Cynder to LunaVillage ..."
"Yes, I know... They have a good chance of finding their parents. That is why I must send them. They must to know them"
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