Chapter 3: Wish granted

(Spark's POV)

It was early in the morning in Warfang, and the people had woken up to continue rebuilding the city. But it seems that Spyro's brother, Sparx, is thinking of other things than helping.

"How come those two left without telling me? It's not fair that they get all the fun! " he said as he headed outside.

"Hey Sparx! Where are you going in such a hurry? " asked Hunter (the best hunter cheetah belonging to the clan in the Avalar valley).

"You see, Spyro and Cynder left yesterday and they didn't tell me. I know they said they would go out together one day, but they didn't tell me which one!"

"Calm down, I'm sure they'll come back later. They would like to be alone for a moment after everything that happened to them."

"Well, I'm still going to look for them to claim them!" Sparx said, and he hurried off down the path to the forest, he thought was right, "I can't believe they dumped me!"

But surely Sparx must have listened to Hunter, or brought a map, because after a while, after walking through the forest, he found himself lost.

"Damn it! I must have been confused or bent where it was not, " he thought after a while of having walked in circles through the forest, very close to the swamp, because he noticed the giant mushrooms growing there.

Sparx had never found himself this lost. The only time he was in the woods or in the swamp was when he was playing with Spyro. But now that he wasn't around, how would he get out of that one? He was running out of many options. Perhaps it would have been best for him to have stayed.

"I think I should go back, huh ... what's that?" it was said suddenly.

He had reached an enlarged area, almost like a clearing, for it seemed that the trees and some mushrooms had grown separately. In the center of the clearing was a fire dragon.

(Jhonny's POV)

I was exhausted because the dream had seemed so real to me. Anyway, I felt at peace, because if it had all been a dream, I would have been on vacation; therefore, I could sleep a little more until I woke up.

I didn't want to be woken up, but apparently, they weren't leaving me alone: ​​there was a kind of buzzing, like the flight of an insect passing near my ear, and then there was a voice speaking to me.

"Hey, hey, come on, wake up, wake up if you're still alive!"

"Ah! Who let a chattering mosquito in? " I replied while rubbing my eyes. For some reason, something made me feel weird.

"Hey! Who are you calling the mosquito? I'm a dragonfly and my name is Sparx. "

"Well, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were ... Wait, what? " I said while wiping my eyes to better see who was speaking to me. My eyes met in a kind of forest and the person who spoke to me was a small being that shone in front of me.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh!" I stared in disbelief as I tried to sit up with some annoyance to see a talking dragonfly, something really very unusual.

"Great, I am finally recognized! Well, it was to be expected. After all, I am very handsome, so they do not notice me. Well, to be clear, who are you? "

"My name is Jhonny." Sincerely, that's not my real name, it's only the nickname that people know me by.

"It's a pleasure that you can meet the great Sparx, Jhonny. Although, by the way, that is a rare name for a dragon. "

"Well, that's how ... wait, what did you call me?"

"What? Any trouble calling a dragon 'dragon'? Hey, what are you doing to your face? "

At the same time that he said 'dragon', I touched my face: what I felt was a snout covered with red scales, and what was touching it were not hands but clawed feet.

Then, I touched my head: I no longer had hair, but more scales, I could also feel horns that were not there before. The most shocking thing was when I looked back and what I saw was a body covered in scales with some ridges, with wings on the back and a tail with ridges that gave the impression of a flame shape at the tip.

I looked at my new body, not knowing what to do about it. At first, I struggled to get up, although it took me a couple of tries to get to my feet (or should I say on my feet), but I managed to succeed and immediately leaned against a tree.

I could not believe it. At first, I thought I was dreaming, but then I pinched myself and realized that I was not; I had really turned into a dragon. Although it was unsettling, I had to remain calm. Something that was truly impressive was that, at the same time, I felt rejuvenated, as if I had the body of a dragon between youth and adolescence. Other than that, I was not in my house, and certainly not in my world. What was this place?

"Hey, Sparx, right? Can you tell me where I am? " I asked, touching my head.

"What's wrong with you? Did you miss out on hitting yourself very hard on the head? Or did you fall off your bed? " he asked with a humorous touch.

"Let's say a bit of both." I decided to go with the flow.

"Hahaha, I like you as much as Spyro when he had a sense of humor." In any case, we are in a very dense forest, I think we should get out of here. "

A thought hit me in the head. Now I knew why the name Sparx sounded so familiar to me, he was Spyro's brother when he was raised by dragonflies! Wait a minute, Spyro? The purple dragon?

So that meant I was in that world... And then that would explain why I had transformed into a dragon. How was that possible? Was my dream able to send me to another world, even a possibly imaginary one? Or was it not so imaginary after all? Then I remembered: the night before, I had wanted to see the new age of Spyro's world, but that wish was impossible, wasn't it?

"Helloooo? Is there someone in that big red head with horns? " Sparx asked. Then, I came back from my thoughts and decided to focus on my situation.

"Yes, sorry, I was thinking about how to get out of here," I said.

"Well, if we go back the way I came, we'll get to Warfang," said Sparx. At that moment, my mind began to remember: if I was not mistaken, that was the city of dragons.

What could I do? Sitting around trying to figure out what happened to me, knowing that if I'm really in that world, there will be dangers? Or follow Sparx into town and try to think better of it in a safer place? The answer became quite obvious.

"Well... like I have no options... I follow you, my brave and strong captain, " I said in a humorous tone, although later I regretted having done it ...

"That's what I tell Spyro, I should be the captain one day, but lately he's thinking about Cynder and sometimes he listens to my comments. " Sparx and Sparx began talking as we followed him down the path he had chosen.

Although at first it was not easy, I got used to continuing on all fours, like a full dragon. I'd seen cats and dogs move like this quite a few times, so he'd gotten the hang of it: every quadruped supports the left back leg and then the left front. Then they support the right rear leg and then the front right, and so the sequence continues. The important thing was, to have three legs on the ground to be able to maintain stability, forming a triangle.

(Spyro's POV)

Spyro and Cynder had gotten up quite a while ago and were now looking for gems to take to town. Those gems could supply them with enough power to continue rebuilding.

"Spyro, I think these will enough," Cynder said as she placed a good supply of gems in a basket.

"With the ones I have, it should be enough for two days or even three," Spyro replied, as he placed his own, "Well, that's it. Let's go back. "

"Maybe we should go back through the woods near the swamp, so we'll only get there in an hour," suggested Cynder.

"I think it would be prudent," Spyro agreed. "Besides, the only dangerous thing there are frog weeds, and two dragons are too much for them."

So, they took flight down the road to the swamp forest.

(At the same time...)

"I remember that one time I was ..." Sparx kept talking "... that reminds me of another time ..."

I wasn't paying much attention to it, but I was getting used to the dragon body that I now had. It felt very strange to have a tail, horns, wings, claws, and scales, not to mention the fangs that I now felt in my mouth. It was fun and strange to learn how to move them.


Suddenly, Sparx was caught by a long tongue and then swallowed by some kind of ... plant? It was a green creature with the tongue of a frog and it jumped like one, but it had the mouth of a plant and the body of one. It had four arms shaped like claws.

"Not again! Can you help me, friend? " said the voice of Sparx inside the creature. Apparently, he was still alive.

I knew nothing about fighting like a dragon. But I tried to remember how Spyro used to fight these things to save his brother. Also, as soon as that plant swallowed Sparx, something in me arose: something like an instinct, something like an animal.

Almost without thinking about what I was doing, I rammed my head hard at the creature (which didn't hurt, probably because it now had a skull like a dragon), whereupon the creature spat at Sparx. Then I turned as fast as I could on my legs and whipped it hard with my tail, sending it flying against a rock. When the creature fell to the ground, it sank to the ground and no longer came out.

Sparx got up from the ground.

"How I hate those things! They take advantage of the little ones, " he said while trying to clean himself of what looked like the creature's drool, "Thanks for saving me pal."

"It was nothing. What was that thing? "

"A Frog Weed," a grotesque creature that lives around here, feeds on the best it sees, which is me. But thank you very much, you fought very well. "

"You're welcome. Although ... I have to confess that I had never fought, " I told him.

"Haven't you ever fought? Well, you seem to do it like you do. Hey, that reminds me that I hadn't asked you: where are you from? "


Just at that moment, the flapping of wings was heard. Looking up, Sparx and I saw two dragons, both about the same size as I was now, heading down towards us: one black and one purple, both carrying a basket each.

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