Chapter 22: Goodbye to the past
I woke up after a few minutes. Realizing that I was no longer in the dragon temple, but in the Chronicler's room. I looked around, and realized that I was not alone: Edel had also been transported and she was opening her eyes.
"Jhonny!" she said to me, looking around her, "how did we get to the white island while we were sleeping?"
"Don't be afraid Edel" I replied, "this is only a temporary connection that the Chronicler uses to communicate, we are not really on the island."
"Very well said, young dragon" Ignitus appeared from behind the hourglass, "You have become stronger and wiser than you imagine. Therefore, you are truly worthy of being my successor as the guardian of fire."
"Do you really think he can do it, Ignitus?" I asked him, thinking of the great duty that awaited me: I would usually be nervous or scared for not performing it correctly, "I do not know if a human is worthy of such an honor."
"You have faced the trials to prove that you are a real dragon, and I am not referring to the trials of the Guardians; I am referring to the leadership, courage, wisdom and love that you have shown to have."
By saying 'love' he meant Edel and me, as he looked at us while he said this last quality. She approached me and nodded believing Ignitus' words. Next to Edel, I felt more confident than ever, with more courage and security to do things.
"I'll do my best" I said to Ignitus, "Thank you by the way, you gave us the key to beat Simian"
"You would have also found it yourself. The mind of a child may be wiser than even the oldest," he replied, "And when you made your decision, your destiny became to be the leader of a new generation of guardians, your generation. But now I feel a certain unease in your mind, can you tell me why? "
"It's my Ignitus family, my human family. Normally, if a person disappears from our world, others think that he escaped, was kidnapped or died. But none of those things happened to me, so surely my family will be looking for me without tired, quite worried. What I wanted was some way to talk to them ... say goodbye ... "I looked at Edel, and added," and tell them that it is time for me to start my own life here. "
"That feeling for your family is beautiful, believe me, I know what I'm talking about. That's why I'll help you: I can help you talk to your family for a limited time, if your dreams were able to find the crack and make your whole being If you go through it, you can enter the realm of convexity, in the form of dreams, but not completely. Also, you can take your family there in the same way"
"As long as I can talk to them, no problem. I really appreciate your help Ignitus."
"Jhonny" said Edel, "I would like to meet your family, would you mind if I accompany you?"
"Of course, my family will be glad to see you, although they will first get over the surprise of seeing us together. Can Edel come, Ignitus?"
"No problem, as long as you are both connected in mind and heart, you can enter together. Now, focus and clear your minds, I will help you enter"
We did so, holding each other by the hands.
"Jhonny, they think about your desire to see your family, remind them who they are and bring them to you ..." Ignitus' voice trailed off.
(In human reality ...)
Rey was lying on his bed, not wanting to grab his cell phone or computer and start playing. He didn't feel like anything.
It had already been several days since his older brother disappeared without a trace, and they still had no answers from the authorities. His brother was sometimes foolish or childish, but he never would have thought that he would run away or leave. Perhaps, since he had already come of age, he wanted to leave. Besides, he always got annoyed whenever he got bad reviews, just like him. But, leave without telling them? Without carrying his cell phone? Without even taking luggage?
Rey's mother was not having a very good time, she was really worried that none of her relatives knew anything about Jhonattan; his godmother and sister were also quite worried: he used to visit them when he had problems, but the fact that he did not show himself there was really worrying.
His mother had arrived, even without news, she looked quite sad, surely, she thought that something bad happened to her son. There were always bad people in the world, and then you hear news of people being murdered and robbed. Having that thought would tear the heart of any mother to think that her son is dead. Rey told him to relax and take a break. He did so, and he went to sleep for a while. As he returned to his bed, he too felt tired, but he felt like the tiredness was growing more and more. Suddenly, he fell asleep.
Rey opened her eyes after a few seconds, he couldn't believe what he was seeing: he was lying on top of a floating island! He got up faster than ever in his life when He realized that and looked around me: purple streams of some unknown energy flowed in the open space, while strange creatures flew around. There were also strange planets and asteroids floating around.
The most surprising thing was that he was not alone: her mother, her brother's godmother and Fatima (the god-sister) were also on the island, but not in a solid way, but they seemed almost ghosts. Rey looked at myself and also noticed that he was in the same situation. He came over and woke them up. They were also shocked by what they saw and how they looked.
"Mom, do you think we're dead or is it a dream?" Rey asked him.
"I don't know, Rey" she replied.
"If it's a dream," answered Nancy, "then we all have it and it's the scariest I've ever had."
"Heavens, what is this place?" Fatima said, "How do we get out? Can we really wake up?"
"You are here because I asked to speak to you one more time," said an oddly familiar voice.
They all looked up, and gasped when they saw who had pulled. In front of them, with a smile on its face, was a dragon, male by voice, with red and gold scales with brown eyes, orange crests and a flame tail, which was probably between its adolescence and adulthood judging by its size... In addition, it was accompanied by another dragon with scales and celestial eyes, something about it seemed to give the impression that it was female.
They were terrified, they were surely going to eat them! Rey was brave and tried to fight the dragon as if it were a movie.
"I won't let you eat us!" he tried to hit the scales off him, but they were too hard.
"Easy rookie" said the dragon, "I see that you are still as impulsive as ever dwarf".
Rey froze: he only remembered one person who called him 'rookie' or 'dwarf'.
"Brother...?" he stuttered himself.
"Yeah, who else were you expecting?" he laughed and hugged him. He really was his brother, though it was rare to feel his scaly skin.
"Jonathan?!" his mother was surprised, "Is it really you?"
The dragon nodded at him. His mother came up to him and hugged him with tears in her eyes.
"I can't believe it" said Nancy, coming over and hugging him, "we thought you disappeared, but what happened to you?"
"Before it disappeared, my mind and my desire sent me to this space between dimensions, and then I came to another world" explained Jhonny, "In this world, the spirits of the dragon ancestors, gave me the opportunity to help stop a great evil that had arisen in that new era. "
"So, are you in another universe, turned into an animal?" Fatima said, "It seems like a movie."
"And how do you explain having a dream shared by several in common? How do you explain my disappearance?"
"Well..." she did not complete the sentence, because she could not find an explanation for what had happened or what was happening at that moment.
"I believe you" said the mother, "I know you are not lying, because I am happy to see you. So, when do you come back?"
Jhonny's face darkened a bit.
"Mother, you see ... I will not return" said Jhonny.
"When I had the opportunity to return ... I decided to lose it, because Edel needed my help" he said, pointing to the dragon next to him, "By doing so, the rift between dimensions was closed, and it can no longer be opened."
"And in the process, he saved my life" said the female dragon, "he is a hero who led us to defeat a very powerful enemy."
"She is Edel, the future guardian of the ice; Edel, they are my family, my little brother, my mother, my godmother and my godsister."
"It's a pleasure to meet you" said Edel, and then pointed to Jhonny, "his son will also be a guardian: guardian of the fire, his heart and friendship have helped him to achieve it."
"Guardian of the fire?" the mother was surprised, "So, will you stay in that world?"
"Yes" answered Jhonny, "My fate was in doubt whether I should return or stay. But when I saved Edel, my heart told me that it was the right thing to do, and this makes me happy."
"So, are you dating?" asked Rey.
To his surprise, his brother nodded. It was unusual for him, as he always tried to hide his secrets from him. He seemed to have matured. Edel looked at him happily.
"So, will you marry her?" asked her mother, she always took everything out of context.
"Sometime in the future" answered Jhonny, "but I really want to stay here with her. The reason for this meeting was to tell you that: I am going to start over, in a new life, with a duty to fulfill and with Edel by my side. ... "
"You are crazy! She is a dragon, your human, this is something improper, impossible ..."
"I understand your position: it should be a total waste of all the time and money I spent studying at the academy to vanish with this farewell. But, mom ... didn't you tell me before that I had to find the meaning of my life in something? What do I really want to do? If I let go of happiness it is an empty life. I did not want to tell you before but, I felt empty inside ... Next to Edel, I feel happy and with all of desire to live"
"But ..." the mother started, but Nancy cut him off.
"I see that our boy has matured, and has become more man acting like a dragon" then, he addressed Rey and Jhonny's mother, "I think he must decide his own future. Besides, he has a girlfriend, not the one I imagined, but if he's happy with her, so be it. Don't you see? I think the only thing we can do is give her our blessing so that everything goes well for her, he chose his path "
"But ..." the mother started, but Nancy cut him off.
"I see that my child has already matured, and has become more 'man' like a dragon" then, he addressed the mother, "I think he must decide his own future. Besides, he has a girlfriend ... not the one. I imagined, but if he's happy with her, so be it. Don't you see? I think the only thing we can do is give him our blessing so that everything goes well for him, he has already chosen his path "
There was a moment of silence from everyone. Finally, her mother spoke:
"I'm sorry, I guess it was something unexpected" he said, finally realizing that it would be useless to fight for a decision already made and irreversible, "but I can't do anything anymore. Please take care of yourself and your girlfriend, you both make a good couple. Don't forget us, please. "
With that, his mother reached out and hugged him. One by one, they all joined in the last family hug with the eldest son.
"Maybe we can contact this way another time" said Jhonny, before saying goodbye, then he turned to his younger brother, "Now, you are the man of the house, so be strong. By the way, take this".
With extreme difficulty, he used his mana glowing claws, tore off a piece of red scale, and handed it to Rey.
"I hope it gives you luck, and now they come back."
"But how?" he asked her. Right at that moment, everything around him flashed white and blinded them.
Rey got up from his bed, he was really exhausted, and he had had a strange dream about his brother: he transformed into a dragon, he was going to live in another world and he had a girlfriend, everything really seemed like a fairy tale. Then his mother knocked and came in, she had had the same dream.
Suddenly, Rey noticed something that was on his bed: it was a red-colored scale that looked a lot like his brother's dragon, they had really seen his brother! He showed it to his mother, it was proof that they didn't just dream! His brother was alive, just somewhere else!
While they were thinking about that, the phone rang, it was probably Nancy and Fatima trying to call to make sure that the dream that they had also dreamed had been real. Quickly Rey answered them and gave them the good news.
(In the world of dragons ...)
"Thanks, Ignitus, it was wonderful to see you again" I said, "I feel calmer now".
"It was the least I could do, for all that you did" he replied, "Now, go back to your beds and wake up, the day is coming."
"Thank you very much Ignitus" said Edel, "See you soon".
"See you soon" I repeated.
Ignitus and the room dissolved and I felt again a sensation of a bed of leaves under me.
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