Chapter 20: Burning like the sun
As we flew following Spyro, I thought back to my options: jump into the dimensional rift and return home, abandoning my friends and leaving everything to them, or stay here, help them, and abandon the only chance to return to my world. Based on what Ignitus showed me, I'd be in front of the portal, ready to return to my own world, right? Could fate change?
"Jhonny, are you feeling okay?" Edel asked me.
"I'm fine" I replied trying to hide my concern about leaving them, "I was just thinking about some things."
"You mean your chance to return to your world? Don't worry, do it."
"She's right" Ray and Thorr had approached, "You have your own home and you really miss it, don't you?"
"Don't worry about us" said Spyro, "we'll save Cynder and you can go back."
"Well, no more talk" said Sparx, "I really had a blast with you though. You were like a second Spyro. Well, until a girl takes away your fun part."
"Hey!" Edel said.
"Guys!" yelled Flame, "Look!"
We all turn to see better. There, a few meters away, between blue, purple and white lights was an opaque black hole, which gave the impression of a portal.
"There it is" said Spyro, "Sparx, please go back to the temple and tell the guardians where Cynder is."
"Hey! Why me?" Sparx demanded, "Okay I'll go, don't tell me why."
And he went quickly towards the temple.
"You did it so as not to put him out of harm's way, right?" I asked for.
"Yes, the battle can be very dangerous" Spyro replied, "Come on".
Then we fly and enter the portal. I blinked, and found myself in that strange dark blue outer space again, with chunks of rock floating in various places, which we had to dodge as we flew. In addition to the unrecognizable giant planets.
"Woahhhh" exclaimed Ray.
We couldn't blame him for being surprised, as what we saw was a large glowing and somewhat grotesque creature. If you looked at it closely, it looked like a jellyfish with a transparent white head, purple body, and terrifying tentacles. The worst of all was that it was not just one, there were several, but luckily they were not enough to prevent us from navigating. We would be like fish swimming in the danger of death.
There were also several floating islands, made up of the same type of floating stones, each with an altar and a beam of light in the middle. We had to open our eyes wide, we had to find Cynder.
"Does anyone see Cynder?" Spyro asked.
"No, I don't even see apes" Flame said.
"Where are they?" Thorr asked.
"Sounds like a trap to me," Edel said.
"Trap?!" Ember was scared.
"Let's keep our eyes open," said Ray.
We did so. Suddenly, a sound disturbed the silence, for others it was something new, but I felt it strangely familiar, as if it were ...
"A car?!" I exclaimed.
"A what?" Spyro wanted to know.
I looked at where the sound had come from, it seemed to have come from the floating island below us, which had a yellow beam of light like it came through. I quickly flew there, the others followed me.
I slowly approached the beam of light. Suddenly another sound came out, which also seemed familiar: it was that of a lawnmower. Those were objects from my world, which means ...
"This is the portal to my world" I concluded.
"Really?" Ray asked.
"Yes, those sounds are from objects in my world."
"Makes sense" said Spyro remembering something, "I once heard Malefor's voice coming out of his dark realm."
"So will you go?" Edel said.
I turned to look at her and saw her blue eyes: it was really captivating to watch.
"I will not make a decision yet until I help you" I replied, "I want to help you fight"
"Guys, I found them" Ray said looking down at the island.
Sure enough, down there, on another island, but with a deep purple beam of light, were a group of five apes, including Simian, near them, in a cage, and tied with a green ray to something similar to a ghoulish totem. of stone, there was Cynder.
"We must save her" said Spyro, prepared to attack.
"Does anyone have a plan?" Thorr asked.
He remembered Ignitus' instructions, but he still didn't know what they meant. However, we had to do something:
"Spyro, you rescue Cynder with Flame and Ember. We will defeat the remaining apes and distract the boss from her."
"Sounds like a good plan" Edel said, "But how do we defeat Simian?"
"Let's try to just distract him, dodging all of his attacks. When Cynder is free, we will all attack together."
"Good" said Spyro, "Come on!"
We flew in the direction of the apes, which took a while to notice. As we did so, three gargoyles that we fought earlier came out of nowhere and attacked us. Fortunately, Ray shocked them before finishing his attack. Spyro, Ember and Flame went straight to the devil totem and destroyed it, freeing Cynder. Meanwhile, the others do battle with remaining apes, before turning our faces against the boss.
Simian looked pretty scary and strong, just one swing of that sword and he swept Ray, Thorr, Edel and me away with ease.
"Now, they will perish!" he said as he raised his sword again.
A blaze of fire from Spyro saved us. But we stood up immediately, seeing that it had no effect on Simian. We had to regroup.
"Are you alright?" Cynder asked, now released, "Thank you for saving me. Now, we must defeat him."
Ray threw an electric ball at Simian. Unfortunately, he returned it to us with his sword.
"Watch out!" yelled Flame. We all moved to avoid it.
We were very lucky this time, but we had to look for a weakness in his armor. But even if there was, his sword still posed a problem. If I could decipher what Ignitus said ...
"Help!" Edel said, trying to get her legs off the ground, very close to where the electric ball hit, "I'm stuck!"
I quickly went to help her, dodging an attack from Simian's sword with a fire comet. With great difficulty and effort, I managed to get Edel out.
"Thank you" he said to me, "But what kind of energy was that? I had nothing but the ground under my claws."
Suddenly, Edel's words made my brain work: these stones could be similar to magnetite, which were used to make magnets. Now, when the electric ball collided with them, its attractive force increased, making magnetism.
I refocused on Ignitus' words: "the right combination ... not the hardest stone ...".
"That's it!" I thought. "Stone, even the hardest one, can be broken by erosion ... if you heat it to a high temperature and then cool it abruptly, it becomes brittle. Perhaps if, and only if ..."
"Jhonny?" Edel said, "Are you okay? We must help the others!"
I came back to reality with that thought in mind. The others were unsuccessfully attacking Simian and trying to dodge everyone else. I looked at Edel.
"I have an idea that might work," I said, "but we should all be grouped and in the air."
Edel looked at me for a few seconds and nodded. We quickly went for the others.
"Guys, come on" Edel yelled, "Ember, Thorr create us a temporary shield."
Thorr and Ember nodded. Thorr formed a rock ball and Ember a pink protective sphere, we got behind them. We didn't have much time; the shields would not withstand Simian's attacks for more than twenty seconds.
"Listen" I told them, "We have to stay in the air or it won't work. Ray you must strike with electricity to the ground under Simian while Ember and Thorr cover you, make sure you generate as much shock as you can."
"Under him?" Ray asked.
"Yes, trust me. Flame and I will attack him with the strongest flames we have, but we will need more strength ... Cynder, can you give us more strength with a blizzard of air?"
"Sure, no problem" Cynder agreed.
"I can help you with some more fire ..." suggested Spyro.
"Don't worry, the two of us will be enough. But you and Edel will cool it down with an ice blizzard and Cynder will help you too."
"Are you sure of this?" Ray asked.
"If it works, his armor and sword will be no problem ... Now let's go!"
We prepared to fight, we each went on the one hand, and we left the shields.
"Here I go!" yelled Ray, with an electric current at Simian's feet.
"Hahahaha" Simian sneered, "You'll have to aim better if you want ... Wait what ...?"
Simian's sword had slipped from his grasp and he fell to the ground. Simian tried to pick it up, but it was completely attached to the ground, and not only that, but his feet were too. The stones were definitely the same as a magnet.
"Damn!" Simian said, as he threw two balls of dark energy towards Ray.
Quick as lightning, Ember struck one with a pink energy ball. Thorr hit and deflected the other with a earth missile.
Then; Flame, Cynder and I attacked: Flame and I used our fire, while Cynder's wind increased the size of the flames, which flooded Simian with great heat. We were like that for a few seconds, until I screamed.
We quickly switched, Edel and Spyro throwing a freezing blizzard fueled by the same wind from Cynder. Like us, they lasted a few seconds.
"Thorr, shoot him down!" I screamed.
"Earth bomber!"
A barrage of rock missiles bombarded Simian and knocked him down, but after a few seconds, he was on his feet.
"I don't know what you tried" he said, furious and raising his sword, which had already come unstuck, "But it's time to end this!"
Simian stopped. Looking at everyone at his armor, we could see that he was cracking. Finally, that hard-to-break armor had become brittle.
"I'm not done yet!" yelled an enraged Simian. And he swung his sword again, sweeping us all away at the same time. We all fell to the ground almost unconscious.
"First, you" said the enemy and grabbed me with his claws. Immediately, I felt as if I was observing my memories with a strange dark power.
"I see... you are not really a dragon" said Simian, "you are nothing more than a clumsy and useless creature who thinks he may be more than he really is"
"You're wrong!" said Spyro, who had risen "Jhonny may be human, but he has everything a dragon possesses: courage, heart and empathy for others"
"And most importantly" said Edel, to whom I was surprised to hear, "he is my best friend, with whom I would like to share the rest of my life"
"My friends ... Edel ..." I pressed as my body felt warm and then ... quite hot.
Suddenly, a heat like no other invaded my body. A warmth that strengthened me with the feelings and thoughts of my friends. It was amazing, it was like a big group hug. I used it to my advantage: I breathed it in slowly, let it run through me, and finally blew it out. A fury so intense that it sent Simian flying, knocking him close to the portal.
Simian straightened up to look at me, but I too was surprised to see my draconian body: a kind of aura surrounded me like flames, but they didn't hurt me, nor did they burn out. It was as if that energy was pouring out of me.
"Damned!" Simian yelled at me, "How you do that?"
I did not know where that power came from, but I knew I must use it now before it ran out. Looking straight ahead, I felt completely determined.
"Maybe before I was useless" I said fiercely to Simian, "But I don't want to be any more. Before I didn't have the answer of who I am, a sense to live or something precious to fight for. Now, I still don't know who I really am. But I have all the desire to fight for someone who gave me back the meaning of life, by fighting with my friends! "
With each word that came out of my heart (and not my mind), I felt the heat grow more intense. I decided to launch myself surrounded by all the heat I felt.
"Dragon Comet!"
Simian proceeded to defend herself with the side of his sword, and I collided with it. I couldn't see clearly around, but it seemed like the clash of powers was releasing tremendous energy with a very powerful blizzard. I did not know how long I was there, but when we reached a few seconds, the impact of both energies caused a strong explosion that sent me flying backwards and made me fall on the side of my friends. I fell a little dizzy, but alive.
"Jhonny! Are you okay?" Edel asked.
"Yes, I'm fine. Thanks to you" I replied.
"This is not over yet" Flame said, "Look!"
Looking back, we saw that Simian had risen and was approaching us with sword in hand.
Simian's armor cracked again, and the next second, he cracked and fell to pieces on the ground. The enemy's face had changed from angry to scared.
"No! I cannot fail my lord!" said simian
Spyro gave a signal for them to take flight. Which we immediately did.
"If you want so much you have to see your lord" he said, "Go with him ...! Ether breath!"
Spyro then used hisbreath from the Ether element, unique to the purple dragon. With the force ofthat breath, added to the fact that the enemy was exhausted by our fight,Simian flew off in the direction of the beam of light, and was lost behind him.Immediately afterwards, he went out ... indicating that this portal had beenclosed.
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