Episode 32 - Y/n and Mario's Illegal Operation
Mr. Goodwill: Breaking news, m'kay! Anime trends have swept across the Mushroom Kingdom! People have been Naruto running and anime battling all across the land!
We then see a few scenes of people doing their usual day to day anime trends along with Y/n and the gang's latest YouTube anime hit video, the Anime Challenge as we see Steve riding an elephant pretending to Ash Ketchum from Pokémon along with Kermit the Frog asking Frankie the Toad some anime related questions.
Steve: Pikachu use Thundersmash!
Kermit: Excuse me, who are you meant to be?
Frankie (As Light): I kill people! :D
Mr. Goodwill: Though seemingly harmless and how Y/n's amazing newfound anime skills has gained a lot of views on YouTube, it has caused tremendous damage to buildings in the entire Mushroom Kingdom community by accident as stated from a local man by the name of Randi. In response, Princess Peach has decreed anime a public health threat and banned it...FOREVER! No Shit! An official division known as the Anime Secret Service, A.K.A the A.S.S have been established to stop the distribution of now illegal anime. And I for one, think that idea that Peach came up with is the stupidest idea that she can come up with. What an idiot!
-At an A.S.S. Conference Meeting-
Toadsworth: Why don't you understand that anime belongs in the trash? (Lights up a torch) (Gibberish)
Then we soon cut over to somewhere in Downtown Creation City, where we see Y/n, Mario and Luigi watching every item that involves with Anime being burned down in a pile after Peach declared a ban on Anime.
Luigi: Well, Peach really did it this time, guys.
Mario: Eh, anime is stupid anyway. But still, this whole anime ban thing is ridiculous.
Y/n: I know, right? Peach has really gone off the deep end on this one.
Then we see Boopkins begging the officer not to throw his favorite anime body pillow in the fire.
Boopkins: No, don't take Sagaru-chan! She's my last one! NO!!!
Then he gets kicked by Officer, which he throws the pillow in the fire.
Officer: I saved the world. :D
Randi: No, you didn't, asshole.
Officer: (Brings out his gun) What the hell did you say to-
Randi used his pistol to shoot at the officer before kicking him into the fire pit.
Randi: I'm going home. (Walks away)
Luigi: I wonder if this is going to have any major consequences...and be the spark that ignites a series of huge events...
Mario: Or probably a bunch of anime fans are gonna kick Peach off the throne and find a new ruler just for banning anime.
Y/n: If that ever happens, I would be very happy if they did.
Boopkins: No, you don't understand! Anime's my life!
Luigi: D-don't worry Boopkins...we'll help you get through this! Right Mario?
Mario: Sure, whatever. I mean, Peach started this whole thing and Y/n only destroyed Peach's castle by accident and Bob got Y/n out of the situation by pinning it on Randi. So why not.
Y/n: Count me in too. I hate Peach as much as you guys do. But if we're gonna put an end to this anime ban, we need to think of a plan to make it happen.
Mario: But what are we supposed to do that without Peach and the A.S.S. troops finding out?
???: I think I can help you with that.
Then they turned to see the person hiding in plain site, which revealed to be Lemmy Koopa, a friend of Boopkins, who also loves anime as much as he does,
Boopkins: Oh Lemmy! It's so nice to see you! How are you doing, my otaku Tomodachi?
Mario: (Vomits)
Y/n: Awkward.
Lemmy: You looking for some of that "desu desu" know what I'm saying?
Boopkins: Yes!
Lemmy: Follow me.
Y/n: Well, this should be interesting.
So then, the gang followed Lemmy to a secluded location, where we see Bob at a local 7-Eleven, waiting for Lemmy to arrive with some costumer, who are interested in purchasing some anime.
Bob: FiNaLlY yOu'Re HeRe. WhAt ToOk YoU, mAn? We GoTtA mAkE tHe DeLiVeRy nOw Or tHe BoSs Is GoNnA bE aNgRy!
Lemmy: Sorry, found some more customers.
Bob: WeLl, ShOw Me ThE gOoDs I'm SmUgGlInG.
Luigi: Smuggling? You're smuggling anime?
Bob: YeAh, I wOrK fOr ThE aNiMe CaRtEl NoW!
Y/n: Anime Cartel?
Bob: YeAh, We WeEbS hAvE bAnDeD tOgEtHeR tO fInD a WaY tO RePeL ThE AnImE BaN!
Then Lemmy went over to a wooden crate and brought out an anime body pillow.
Boopkins: Ooooohhhhh!
Bob: Oh My! YeS! tHaT iS sOmE pReMiUm 2D tItTy RiGhT tHeRe.
Luigi: G-guys, I don't like the look of this.
Mario: This is a very strange sight for Mario right here.
Y/n: What do you guys mean? This is the perfect solution to bring the anime ban down once and for all. We got no other choice to help these weebs with smuggling some anime. Plus, I can help you guys get those A.S.S. bozos off your back as long as we work together.
Mario/Luigi: Ok.
But then, just as they are about to plan something, someone decided to crash the party.
???: Stop breaking the law asshole!
Boopkins: Huh?
Then as they A.S.S vehicle pulls into the alley with two A.S.S. agents as well as SMG4 came out to arrest them for smuggling illegal anime.
Mario: (Laughs) @ss! (Gets hit by an A.S.S Agent)
SMG4: You're all under arrest for association with the Anime Cartel!
Boopkins: SMG4?!
Y/n: You got to be kidding me right now?!
Luigi: We swear, we didn't know anything about this!
SMG4: Guys?! How could you do something so illegal, I-I can't believe my own friends...
Mario: Bro, it's just a drawing!
Y/n: And it was an accident after all.
SMG4: Even so! I promised the princess that I would respect the law and help the A.S.S ban anime!
Boopkins & Luigi: Oh no!
Bob: CrAp! EvErY nErD fOr ThEmSeLvEs! (Runs away with the body pillow)
Bob: (Runs away screaming like Cleo)
SMG4: Why are you running? Why are you running?
Luigi: Mario! Y/n! Let's get out of here!
Lemmy: Godamnit. Well, now since Bob's probably gonna be arrested, I need a new mule.
Mario: We can help out, but it's not gonna be easy, especially if Peach is in charge of all of this.
Lemmy: What? No! I need someone to help me smuggle some anime into the Mushroom Kingdom.
Y/n: Don't worry, I got a plan that might work out.
Luigi: Wah!? No! Th-that's illegal!
Mario: Luigi! This is serious! We have no other choice, but to do this! I'm not letting Peach get away with this bullshit!
Lemmy: Alright, if you guys do this...there will be unlimited anime waiting for you after.
Boopkins: Unlimited anime!?
Y/n: That's a lot of anime.
Mario: Think of how much money we could make selling it to weebs!
Luigi: No! I refuse! We are not breaking the law anymore. We are good people, and we are not going to associate ourselves with crim...
But as Luigi kept ranting about not being a part of the smuggling ring, Luigi soon realizes everyone is already gone.
Luigi: Ooooh.
But then suddenly, Luigi soon got grabbed by Heavy Weapon as he, Agent Blood, Scout, Dr. Healer, Teddy, Car, Cuphead, Mugman, Ms. Chalice, Mickey, Oswald and all of the other members of the SMG5 crew are in on Y/n's idea to help the weebs and nerds smuggle anime to all of the anime fans and figure out how to put an end to the anime ban once and for all.
Heavy: I promise you, Weegee! Pain without end!
Luigi: (Screaming in terror)
Location: Somewhere in the Dry Bones Desert Highway
Then we cut over to Y/n, Mario and Boopkins riding in a semi-truck with some pretty illegal cargo inside the truck as they are on their way to deliver the goods to the Anime Cartel, while they have to keep on a lookout for the A.S.S. agents that are on the lookout for anyone smuggling the anime out of Creation City.
Boopkins: It was sure nice of Lemmy to give us his truck before running off. I wonder why he had to go?
Mario: Probably to take a piss...
Y/n: Or maybe he had to find a place to hide from the A.S.S. Heh. Ass. That's a dumbass name.
Boopkins: Yeah, I can't believe all we have to do is drive this truck full of anime!
Mario: Yeah, and no A.S.S in site!
Y/n: Yeah, as long as we keep an eye out for them, we should be ok for now. (Feeling a really bad headache right now) GAH!
Boopkins: Ah, Y/n are you okay?
Mario: Getting those strange headaches again bro?
Y/n: Yeah?
Mario: (Hands Y/n some aspirin and a water bottle) Here, Y/n. Take some of these.
Y/n: Thanks. (Takes the aspirin and drank the entire water bottle) Aah. That's better.
Boopkins: Uh, are you sure you're gonna be okay, Y/n? I didn't expect you to get a painful headache like that. How did that happen?
Mario: It pretty much happened after we did the anime challenge, we did and before Peach started this whole anime ban. Luckily, Dr. Healer gave us these pills that helped Y/n with his constant headaches and they seem to be getting worse every time they come back.
Y/n: Yeah, I don't know why I've been getting these headaches, but I'll be fine. (Spots an A.S.S. Checkpoint) Whoa! Stop the truck, Mario!
Mario then slapped the breaks to see an A.S.S. Checkpoint nearby, as the A.S.S. officers are making sure that no one is carting any anime in their vehicles before they can let them pass as they seem to be doing their job seriously and they're using a chain chomp to sniff out the anime from any vehicle that might have some anime stashed in there.
Officer: Next meme. NEXT meme.
(Chain Chomp barks)
Officer: Put your hands up!
Hideo: Hey you guys, Hideo Kojima here.
Officer: Yo, we got some trash in here!
Then the officer took down Hideo and used an Air strike on the truck, destroying it as well as the anime in the truck in the process.
Boopkins: Oh no, what do we do?
Y/n: Don't worry, just drive over there and remain calm.
Boopkins: But what if they-
Mario: Relax, Boopkins. Just let us cook and the rest will follow.
Boopkins: (Worried) Ok...
Then Mario drove up to the checkpoint before the A.S.S. Officers went up to them to ask if they got any anime.
A.S.S. Officer: Y'all got some of that sweet anime?
Boopkins: Uh, no sweet, sweet anime in here.~
Y/n: Yep. There's nothing to see here.
Mario: We're just on a mission to deliver some non anime cargo.
A.S.S. Officer: Open the truck, please sir...
Boopkins: Ok. Uhhh...
Then Y/n, Mario and Boopkins open up the back of the truck before the Chain Chomp began sniffing out the anime inside the truck.
Chain Chomp: Bork Bork, I'm sniffing.
Boopkins: Oooooh noooo.
Y/n: Just relax.
Mario: Wait for it...
Chain Chomp: Bork Bork, OwO what's this?
The Chain Chomp continues barking until the officers opened up one of the crates to see what's inside the crates.
A.S.S. Officer: What the f*ck is that?
He soon grabbed something from the crate that appears to be...
Baby oil?
A.S.S. Officer: Baby Oil? Check the other crates, men!
Then they opened up the other crates and they all appear to be empty as the only thing they found was nothing but one bottle of baby oil.
A.S.S. Officer #2: There's nothing else in here, sir. All the crates are empty.
Y/n: Damn it. P. Diddy must've taken all the baby oil inside the truck.
Mario: Damn you, P. Diddy!
Boopkins: Uh....yeah! He must've taken it because he is secretly hoarding anime in his house with all the bottles baby oil along with it.
Officer: Damn it, P. Diddy! Alright back to your post's men. You boys can pass now.
With that, all of the A.S.S. Agents went back to their posts as they let the three of them leave the checkpoint.
Mario: Alright! Let's go!
Mario then got back on the wheel and drove off.
Boopkins: Uh, guys. I know we managed to trick the A.S.S Agents with empty crates and one bottle of baby oil, but where did all the anime that we're supposed to deliver go?
Y/n: Here. (Takes off his Hat) I'll show you where they're at.
Boopkins: (Confused) Wait what?
Then Y/n teleported Boopkins to the pocket dimension inside Y/n's hat as it's filled with so much stuff in a space like pocket dimension and Boopkins can see all of the crates filled with anime all tied up together with chains with a sign that reads: "Important Anime Cargo - DO NOT TOUCH!"
Boopkins: Ooooh. That's where the anime went. Honestly, that was a smart move, guys. Who knew using a pocket dimension inside Y/n's hat would be so handy.
Timeskip - 3 Hours Later
After 3 hours of driving, the three of them finally made it to their destination as they parked the truck by a warehouse before they went inside to meet up with two guys, who are waiting for them to get the anime they ordered from the anime cartel.
Boopkins: Uh, hello?
Mario: Hello, weebs!
Y/n: You two here for the good stuff?
Unknown Guy: (Waves his hand for the anime)
Y/n: Not so fast. Do you have the green stuff?
Boopkins: (Whispering) Y/n, what are you doing?
Y/n: (Whispers) Making sure that we're not being tricked, Boopkins. Just go get the body pillow from the truck.
Boopkins: Ok.
Boopkins then goes to the back of the truck and starts to dig inside the create to get the body pillow and throws the anime body pillow over to the two buyers.
Then suddenly, Y/n and Mario somehow recognized that voice before and it sounds exactly like Swagmaster as Y/n's hunch was correct as these two buyers are none other than Swag and Chris in disguise.
Mario: Wait....where have I heard that voice before?
Swag (?): Uh...I don't know what you're talking about...I am definitely not in disguise.
Y/n/Mario: (The Rock Sus Glare Meme)
Mario: (Glares at Swag (?)) Hmmmm...What's your name?
Y/n: (Glares at Swag (?)) You a cop, bro?
Swag (?): (Nervously) Uh...My name is Jeff.
Chris (?): Hey! Shut your damn mouth!
Y/n: You know what? I think you two need a time out....SWAG AND CHRIS!!!
Mario: I KNEW IT!!!
Then suddenly a whole bunch of A.S.S. troops enter the building in their A.S.S. Swat Trucks after Swag gave the signal to break in as the A.S.S. police and even SMG4 enter the room with their weapons aiming at the three before Swag and Chris get out of their disguises.
SMG4: What's good!
Swag: Lol Surprise.
Boopkins: AH! Y/n! Mario! What do we do!?
Y/n: I'll think of something. Just give me time.
Mario: Yeah, Boopkins! Let Y/n cook! He's got Infinite IQ!
SMG4: Just come quietly you guys, we don't want to hurt you!
Swag: Yes, we do! We lost our jobs at the prison because of these assholes.
Y/n: To be fair, you arrested us for the wrong reason, and you did cause the alien invasion while me and Mario got our Pingas stuck in the doors.
Mario: And you were a bit weird with Sonic after he is declared a free hedgehog thanks to his husband Shadow.
Swag: I don't care! (Brings out his Huge Rocket Launcher) Remember this bois?! (Fires the rockets)
Then Y/n, Mario and Boopkins dodged out of the way before the rockets hit the back of the truck with the crates inside.
Boopkins: (Shocked) NOOO! The Anime!!!
SMG4: Damn it, Swag! What are you doing? These guys are my friends! Let me handle this!
Swag: Bitch.
Then SMG4 slowly walks over to Y/n, Mario and Boopkins as Y/n looked at him with a serious glare in his eyes.
SMG4: Come on guys, just come quietly.
Mario then grabs SMG4 by the neck and brought out an Anime doll and holds it up to SMG4 like he's holding a weapon at him.
Mario: Stand back! I'm warning ya! Shoot any of us and I'll turn him into a weeboo by using this anime doll!
SMG4: Mario you idiot, that's not how it works!
Y/n: (Kicks SMG4 in the balls)
Swag: Lol easiest triple kill of my life!
Chris: (Slaps Swag) Do you want to get fired again, Swag?
Swag: Chris, you hit me, that was not very nice! :-(
Boopkins then quickly grabs a body pillow from the crate that is left untouched and throws it at Swag.
Swag: (Gets hit by the body pillow and gets set on fire) AH JESUS CHRIST!!! CHRIS HELP!!! I GOT THE AIDS! GET IT OFF!
???: (Muffled) Mah main goal is to blow up!
Everyone: (Confused) Huh?
Chris: Wait a minute? Is there something inside these body pillows?
Then Chris cut open the body pillows on the ground with a knife, revealing the body pillows to be filled with Bob-Ombs that are all supercharged with a powerful energy source to blow up just as powerful as an atomic bomb.
Bob-Ombs: Mah main goal is to blow up!
SMG4: What the?! You guys filled these body pillows with super charged Bob-Ombs?! Are you crazy?!
Y/n: Crazy like a fox, SMG4! Plus, there's plenty more where that came from inside the truck, and I even made the crates add more storage to fit more of those Bob-Ombs to blow this place the f*** up! And thanks to Swag's misguided missile attack, they are about to go off any second now. Sayanora, bitches!!!
Then Y/n used his teleportation powers to get him and his friends including SMG4 out of the building before the bombs are about to blow up in 3...2...1...
Chris: Swag, you're an idiot!
Swag: Ok, I deserved that, but damn! That cool kid got us good! If we both survived the blast, let's just day that SMG4 double crossed us and call it a day.
Chris: Sure whatever.
The Bob-Ombs soon blew up, creating a massive mushroom cloud as we see Randi in wearing anti-nuke vision goggles as he smiled evilly and watches the devastation with the A.S.S. troops getting caught in the explosion.
Randi: Mmmmm...good.
Y/n brought everyone back to Creation City as they make their way back to Y/n's House to come up with a plan to deal with the anime ban while they keep SMG4 locked up to prevent him from snitching on them for smuggling anime.
SMG4: Grr, Put me down, Mario! You're all in big trouble already!!!
Y/n: (Punches SMG4 in the face) Can it, SMG4!
Boopkins: Oh, it's bad enough that the A.S.S. wants us, but the Anime Cartel is going to kill us too for losing their merchandise!
Y/n: Not exactly, Boopkins. Remember when we grabbed all of the crates that you though my pocket dimension inside my hat?
Boopkins: Yeah?
Y/n: Well, those were actually the decoy boxes because I knew the A.S.S. would try to go undercover and trick us to get us caught. That's why I filled all of those boxes with super-charged Bob-Ombs as well as some of the anime from the fire pit to fool them and it looks like those A.S.S. policemen are caught in a huge atomic explosion within the abandoned town that I cleverly disguised it as a secured place to smuggle the anime in case we ever get caught.
Mario: Wow. That's really smart of you do come up with a plan like that.
SMG4: Yeah. I have to admit. That is clever.
Boopkins: Yeah, but what actually happen to the anime though?
Y/n: Don't worry, they're all still inside my pocket dimension behind the coffee mugs. Besides, I'm sure whoever is running the Anime Cartel will understand the situation we've dealt with.
Mario: Yeah, they can't kill us as long as we still got all of the anime safe and sound inside Y/n's hat!
(Car Honking)
Y/n: Huh? What was that?
Then they see a limo driving towards them as the leader of the Anime Cartel is here as the driver stopped right in front of them at the side of the road.
SMG4: O-oh...no...
Boopkins: What is it, SMG4?
Y/n: Yeah, who's inside that limo that got you all worked up like that?
SMG4: It's the boss of the Anime Cartel...
Then the limo window rolled down, revealing none other than Francis (From Super Paper Mario), who is the leader of the Anime Cartel, holding a body pillow of Hatsune Miku with anime music playing in the limo's stereo system.
SMG4: Francis!
Y/n: Oh, hell nah.
Then Francis turn to them and pointed a gun at them, demanding them to get into the limo.
Francis: Get in.
Y/n: I think we better do what he says. He is after the anime shipment after all.
They silently nodded to Y/n and did exactly as Francis told them to as they got into the limo and took off into the streets of Creation City and it looks like Bob is here as well along with his anime obsessed henchmen as he lounges with his two anime body pillows that he declares as his waifu girlfriends.
Bob: HEy, yoU gUYs ArE ARe hErE tOo? GlAd My BaLlS ArEn'T tHe OnLy OnEs ThAt ArE gOnNa GeT bEaT.
Mario: Shut up, Bob.
Francis: Normies, it's time we discussed what happened to my kawaii goods.
Boopkins: But it's not our fault though! Y/n made sure that the goods are safe and sound! He even tricked the A.S.S. police with crates filled with Supercharged Bob-Ombs!
Bob: He UsEd SuPeRcHaRgEd BoB-OmBs On ThE A.s.S. pOlIcE?! GeNiUs MoVe, Y/n!
Y/n: Thank you.
Mario: Plus, SMG4 tried to arrest us as well. You only need to kill him since he works for the A.S.S. gang!
SMG4: Hey shut up!
Y/n: (Places the Cuffs on SMG4 then punches him in the face again) I said can it, you anime-hating traitor!
Then Francis' goons brought out their anime weapons before Francis yelled at them to keep their mouths shut, showing the gang that he means serious business!
Francis: SHUT UP!!! I've had enough of your excuses bakas!
SMG4: W-Wait! I can help you! I worked for the A.S.S.! I can do things that these idiots can't!
Francis: Hmmm...what do you think Miku-sama? Alright...you noobs get one more chance...or else...
Boopkins: Arigatou gozaimasu Francis!
Bob: PrAiSe ThE bIg TiTtY aNiMe GoDs!
Y/n: (Thinking) I literally hate this ugly nerdy prick. He's worse than Cody. Look at him, talking to those body pillows like they're his girlfriends. Bah! Such tasteless romance. At least I got a harem, and he doesn't. He will forever live a life with no bitches! (Speaking to Francis) So, we are we going exactly? If you don't mind me asking?
Francis: Simple. We're heading over to the airport. We need you to use your credentials to escort someone out of the kingdom. Do that and you're off the hook.
Mario: So, who is this important person we have to escort?
Y/n: I think I know who it might be? (Points to Saiko outside)
Saiko: Jeez, took you nerds long enough!
Bob: DoEs AnYoNe HaVe A gUn?
Y/n: We're not shooting her, Bob. Let's just get this over with.
Then they got out of the limo to meet up with Saiko to be her escorts to travel out of the Mushroom Kingdom without Peach or the A.S.S. interfering with their plans to get rid of the anime ban for good.
Saiko: Ugh, you're giving me these guys as my escorts? (Sees Y/n) Oh, hey Y/n-San.
Y/n: Kon'nichiwa, Saiko-chan.
Francis: (Bows down to her) Suminasen Saiko-chan, it's the best I could find. (To Y/n and his friends) Make sure you protect S-saiko-chan at all costs. GOT IT!?
Y/n: Whatever. I can definitely protect her along with my friends.
Mario: Yeah. We are professionals.
Boopkins: Saiko! Why are you leaving the kingdom?
Saiko: Why? You of all people should know, Boopkins. I'm anime...and it's been banned here...and it's not Y/n-san's fault that Peach created the anime ban, it was her karen attitude and neglence that started all of this.
Y/n: She's right, Boopkins. I'm sorry to say this, but as long as the anime ban is still active, she can't stay here until we get rid of the anime ban.
Boopkins: But we want you to stay! :(((
Bob: No, We DoN't.
Saiko: That's nice of you to say, but...the A.S.S. will stop me...
SMG4: I would have never joined the A.S.S. if I knew they were banning actual people. Let me make it up to you in the very least!
Y/n: You sure you won't snitch on us, SMG4? Cause if you do, I will make sure that you never see the light of day to watch memes ever again. Have I made myself clear to you?
SMG4: Of course. I made a mistake joining them after all, plus I found out that Peach wasn't even gonna pay anyone that worked for her to get rid of the anime, so I'm pretty sure they'll find out eventually and immediately disband in less than a day or two.
Y/n: (Sighs) Alright. (Uncuffs SMG4) You have my trust then.
SMG4: Cool. Thanks bro.
Y/n: Don't mention it. We're gonna stop this anime band together as a team.!
Boopkins: Yeah! We're all gonna help, right, guys?
Bob: TbH, i'M jUsT iN tHiS fOr ThE aNiMe 2D bOoBiEs.
Y/n: Sure, you are, Bob. Also, thanks for getting me out of trouble in front of Peach after I accidentally destroyed Peach's castle with my anime powers.
Bob: No PrObLeM, hOmIe. My AsShOlE RePuTaTiOn HaS aLrEaDy BeEn LoNg GoNe FrOm HeRe.
Mario: Where are you even going anyway, Saiko?
Saiko: Japan.
Boopkins: Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh.
Bob: I'm GoNnA WaTcH sO mUcH hEnTaI!
Y/n: Of course, the only place where anime was born at. That's the perfect place where Peach won't get to you Saiko. You'll be safer when we get there.
Mario: Yipee!
But then just as Y/n and Mario are about to board on the plane with the gang, they were both stopped by Francis's anime loving cronies as they blocked their path with their katana blades as Francis looked at the Comedic Duo with an evil smirk on his face.
Y/n: Hey! What's the meaning of this?!
Francis: (Laughing) Did you think you were going with them?
Mario: Wah? We're not going to Japan?
Y/n: Why can't we go to Japan with them? Explain yourself this instant!
Francis: Well...some baka has to make back all that money we lost. I have a very dangerous mission for you two. And don't even think of using your hocus pocus nonsense by using rocks and cheap metal to get you two out of this situation! I want to see you two work your way out of this one! (Laughs Evilly then began coughing and wheezing) Can anyone get me my inhaler, please?
Anime Weeb Minion: Yeah, sure.
Y/n: Well, Saiko needs me to protect her, and I need to work with Mario to get some cash for the Anime Cartel, despite that I still have the goods in my pocket dimension. So, I know the best way to deal with this problem.
So then, Y/n used his cloning powers to create a perfect duplicate of himself as the clone takes the plane to Japan with the others while the real Y/n stays with Mario to get the money to pay back the Anime Cartel for the anime that wasn't even destroyed by the A.S.S. police and it's still safe inside the pocket dimension within Y/n's hat.
Looks like this Anime Arc is just getting started.
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