Episode 24 - Y/n and the T-Pose Virus

 Location: Peach's Castle - The Mushroom Kingdom

It was a normal day here at Peach's Castle, as we see a naked Mario is humping a plate of spaghetti.

Mario: Oh boy! Eh! I'm-a got a boner!

We then see Toad standing in the corner innocently. The camera slowly zooms in on him as Mario continues to move around humping the spaghetti while singing, with a fish-eye lens appearing over him. Seeing Mario acting so weird to that plate of spaghetti makes Toad want someone to put him out of his misery to embrace the sweet release of death.

Toad: (I w a n t t o d i e...)

On the other side of the room, Luigi is making two Luigi Dolls make love, with one touching the other's butt. To be completely honest, it's pretty cringy if you ask me 

Luigi: *chuckles* Oh yeah! Goochie goochie! Goochie goochie!

Then we see Y/n just sitting at a corner, thinking about what happened back at Nintendo HQ when Waluigi finally got the chance to be in Smash Bros thanks to his newfound Special Move known as the Power of Rejection, only to go away once he's been accepted by Nintendo HQ's CEO Master Hand, but was rejected once again.

That caused Waluigi so angry, he vowed to be revenge on the people who rejected him one too many times, all because he just wanted to be in the new Super Smash Bros Video game. Luckily, Y/n was there after Waluigi and Master Hand left the stage that they were in and tried to think of a way to stop Waluigi and his so called Revenge Plan from ruining his reputation that will eventually leave to be forgotten forever.

It's a good thing that Y/n was able to know what actually stops Waluigi's Special Move...The Power of Acceptance.

But then, we see SMG4 is staring out the window, intrigued by something. Y/n and Luigi noticed what SMG4 is doing and walks over to him to see what he is looking at out the window.

Luigi: SMG4?.... What...are you looking at?

Y/n: Yeah, what do you see outside? Is it a wild animal or are we under attack or something?

We cut over to the window, showing what's out to see Shroomy standing outside the castle, doing a T-pose for some reason, and isn't moving. This starts to worry SMG4 as something might have happened to Shroomy that got him stuck in a T-Pose position.

SMG4: Shroomy's been standing in...that pose...the ENTIRE day...

Y/n: An entire day....that's interesting....

Luigi: Maybe it's some kind of new yoga?

SMG4: That's some strange-ass yoga... I'm gonna go check on him.

Y/n: I don't know if you should do that, SMG4. I starting to feel like something bad is going to happen if you go out there and check on Shroomy.

SMG4: Oh come on. You're worrying too much. I'm sure there's a logical explanation for this. You guys just wait here and I'll be back in a jiffy.

Y/n: Ok.........

As SMG4 goes outside to check on Shroomy, Luigi turns to Mario and Toad to tell them what's going on with Shroomy outside.

Luigi: Hey guys, come check this out. Shroomy's being weird...

Y/n: And he's seems to be stuck in T-Pose for a whole day. Could you believe being stuck like that for a entire day? He's definitely going to be at the chiropractor's for a whole week if he stays like that a little longer.

We cut back to a still-naked Mario, who has set up a table with candles and plates. The spaghetti is resting on a stool on the opposite side of the table.

Mario: WHAT!? Mario has some very important business to tend to!

Y/n: (Covers his eyes) We know, Mario. We know.

We then cut back to the window, as SMG4 walks up to Shroomy to see what's wrong with him while Y/n, Mario and Luigi watch from inside the lobby.

Luigi: Oooh... Maybe it's just a prank or something

Y/n: I don't think it's a prank at all, Luigi. Something's not right about Shroomy.

Mario: Oh look, SMG4 is being a bird with Shroomy!

Luigi: WHAT?

Y/n: Ayo What?

They both turn back to the window as they both see SMG4 now T-posing as well. He and Shroomy both turn around and gaze directly at the window, planning to infect their friends to make them go into T-Pose like it's some sort of zombie-like virus.

Y/n: WHAT THE F***?!

Luigi: AH! OH GOD! WHAT THE F**K?!

SMG4 and Shroomy slowly move towards the front door as Y/n Mario, Luigi, and Toad look on to see them slowly move their way to the front door.

Mario: oh... no...

Y/n: This...could be a problem....

Then suddenly, they heard slow banging on the door as they are trying to break into the castle through the front door. Luigi screams and he and Y/n quickly barricade it by using a pile of items, including his dolls, chairs, a Thwomp, a Super Star, and the rock to prevent them from breaking in as they both press themselves against the barricade to try and keep SMG4 and Shroomy out.

Luigi: MARIOOO!!! Halp! Halp! Halp!

Mario: Naaaahhh, it's probably nothing.

Y/n: This is no time to be stupid right now, Mario. We're dealing with a serious problem right now. Now help us out here before they break through the door.

Luigi continues to whimper in fear, only for SMG4 to suddenly broke a hole through the door. Luigi yelps at that as he and Y/n get knocked over.

Mario: HOLY SHIT! 

Then Mario tries to think of something to stop SMG4 and Shroomy from getting in as we see in Mario's view, there are two convenient piles of baseball bats and assault rifles, respectively. However, Mario's gaze goes from them to Toad standing nearby, scared as heck, which gave Mario an idea.

Mario: I got it! (Picks up Toad and charges towards the door) FOR THE MOTHERLAAAAAAAAAAAND!!!

Toad: AAH, Jesus Christ! Nonononononononononononono-

Mario: Super Toadie Grenade!

Mario then throws Toad, who screams as he flies through the hole in the door and vanishes from view. The commotion outside suddenly stops as Luigi stares, dumbfounded and Y/n feeling both surprised and confused at the same time.

Y/n: There's no way that would've worked.

Mario: See, guys? Mario fixes everything :D

Suddenly, Toad appears through the hole, now a T-Pose zombie as well. Mario shrieks in fright as the barricade crashes aside, with the infected SMG4, Shroomy, Shrek, Po, and a slender Koopa slowly moving through the hole where the door once was.




The three of them ran up the stairs and to the first floor in a panic to get away from the T-Pose Zombies.

Meanwhile, on the second floor, Fishy Boopkins is showing Ember, Meggy and Bob his Yu-Gi-Oh! card game collection as the three of them are playing a friendly card game, completely unaware of what's going on downstairs.

Boopkins: Haha! Looks like you've activated my trap card, Meggy!

Meggy stares, confused as she doesn't even know how to play the game, even Ember doesn't seem to know how this game even works at all.

Boopkins: I use my... Trap Hole, to destroy Exodia the Forbidden One!

Ember: Say what now?

Meggy: uhh.....ummm... Uhh...Go fish?

Bob: wHaT? oH, i ThOuGhT wE wErE pLaYiNg pOkEr, LoL.

Ember: I thought this a called UNO that everyone is talking about like in the memes.

Meggy: I think we're playing the Pokémon card game.

Boopkins: No, guys, we're playing Yu-Gi-Oh!

Suddenly, the screaming Y/n, Mario and Luigi crash through the doors and into the room.

Mario: Mama mia!

Y/n: Help! Somebody help us!

Ember: Oh, hey guys!

Meggy: Y/n, Mario, Luigi!? Oh, thank God. You guys can play for me-



Y/n, Mario and Luigi sprint past a confused Ember and Meggy, who looks toward the staircase to see SMG4, Shroomy, and Toad round the corner. Meggy and Ember gasps on what they're seeing right now.

Bob: wHaT tHe TiTs? wHaT's GoInG oN?

Ember: Oh geez, they're not joking about them being in T-Pose!

Boopkins: Oh hey, guys! Did you come to play Yu-Gi-Oh! with us?

The infected slowly close in on an oblivious Boopkins, who shows them his deck as he is not aware of what's really going on here.

Boopkins: Oh, you guys here to see my Yu-Gi-Oh! collection? Here's Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier! He's my rarest card right now!

Ember: Boopkins! Get serious right now! They're gonna infect you like a zombie!

The zombies don't respond with Boopkins ignoring Ember trying to warn him about not getting T-Posed, which he is about to if he doesn't run away in time.

Boopkins: Oh, are you guys really that interested? Here's my binder! I've been collecting for a who-

Boopkins gets tackled by the horde, who begin infecting him.


Ember/Meggy: BOOPKINS!!!!

As classic horror music plays, the infected eventually move away from Boopkins, who is now one of them as a T-Pose Zombie.

Meggy: BOB! Help me and Ember take these guys out!

Ember: Uh...he's running away from us!

[Cut to Bob sprinting up the stairs to the second floor.]

Bob: hAhA nOpE, lOl! i'M wItH tHe BoYs! SeE yOu, EmBeR aNd MeGgY!

Meggy: ugh... fine. I'll do this myself!

Meggy kicks Shroomy away and turns to see SMG4 approaching her from behind before Ember shifts into his wolf form and attacks him with several jabs while dodging SMG4's tackle and the two of them ducked under a spin attack before Meggy kicked him aside too. Boopkins flies towards Ember, but Meggy sees him coming and catches his leg.

Meggy: Sorry about this Boopkins.

Meggy throws Boopkins into Toad, knocking them both down. Ember shifts back into his normal form as he and Meggy smiles in victory as they both turns to join Mario, Luigi, and Bob on the second floor, but suddenly they see Shroomy slowly get back up, completely unfazed by their attacks. The two of them can only watch as, one by one, the zombies get back up and surround them, closing in on them.

Ember: We'll we're both fucked.

Location: Peach's Castle - Second Floor

We then cut back to Y/n, Mario, Luigi, and Bob as they are now holed up on the second floor to get away from the T-Pose Zombies. Luigi freaks out as both Y/n and Mario kept the door held shut to prevent the T-Pose Zombies from getting in.

Luigi: Y/N! MARIO!!! Is there anything we can do?!

Mario: We're all going to die.

Y/n: Guys! Calm down! This is not the time to panic right now! We got to think of something to save our friends!

Bob: (Brandishes Flamethrower) lEt'S sEt ThIs PLaCe On FiRe! BuRn ThE t-PoSiNg BiTcHeS tO tHe GrOuNd!

Luigi: NO! BOB! We can't! These are our friends!!!

Y/n: Yeah! We can't do that! That's dangerous! There has to be a cure for this T-Pose Virus!

Mario: IT'S OK GUYS! Ember and Meggy's gonna kick their asses! They're not even coming up here anymore!

Y/n: Oh shit! I forgot that Meggy and Ember are down there! We gotta save them before they both get infected.

Mario: Well, let's check the door and see if they're still ok.

Y/n: Ok....

Y/n and Mario peeks out the door to check, only to see Ember and Meggy, now a couple of T-Pose zombies, slowly moving up the stairs. They both screamed in terror and they both leaped away from the door.


Bob: dOeS tHiS mEaN wE gEt To SeT tHe PLaCe On FiRe?

Y/n: NOOOO!!!!

Luigi quickly jumps to block the door.]



Mario quickly recovers and joins them as the zombies close in, joined by Toadsworth, Birdo, and a Koopa Bros. member. Luigi panics as he struggles to hold the door shut, with Bob not knowing what to do.

Bob: uM... uM... ShiT, i'M gOiNg To ThE rOoF!



Bob: oH dEaR loRd, LeT tHeSe ThReE GeT iNtO hEaVeN; tHeY wErE cOoL, i GuEsS, aNd NoW tHeY'rE gOiNg To DiE. ReSt In SpAgHeTtI. pEaCe OuT, bItChEs!

Bob runs up the endless stairs and to the tower.

Mario: You son of a bitch!

Y/n: You're gonna regret this after we get out of this situation!

The three of them yell as the door bursts open, flinging them away. The zombies slowly swarm the room as they began screaming in terror and follow Bob up the stairs as fast as their legs can carry them.

As they reach the top of the endless stairs, Mario desperately pulls on the door to the roof, but it is locked.

Mario: HEY! Why is the door locked?!

Y/n: Bob! You better have not locked us in here cause if you did! I'm gonna push you off the roof for leaving us for dead!!!

Location: The Roof - Peach's Castle

Outside on the roof, Bob, having barricaded the door with various rubbish, walks over to the edge.

Bob: aH, tHeRe We Go! nOw I wILL bE dA lAsT dUdE aLiVe, AnD tHeN aLL oF tHe BiTcHeS wILL hAvE tO rEpRoDuCe WiTh Me. bOb, YoU aRe A fReAkInG gEnIuS. nOw It'S tImE tO-

Bob stops in his tracks, realizing that the outside of the castle is entirely surrounded by the infected. Characters such as SMG3, Dr. Eggman, Whomps, and various others fill the entire outside area and the moat.

Bob: pIsS.

Back inside the castle, Y/n and Mario immediately banged on the door to the roof demanding Bob to open up before the T-Pose Zombies catches up to them.



Luigi looks down at the T-Pose Zombies that are about to climb up the stairs while Y/n and Mario are trying to get the door open. He then spots the fire extinguisher on the wall and grabs it to throw it at the zombies instead of using it to draw the zombies away a bit to buy Y/n and Mario some time to get the door open. It didn't work as a T-Posed Donkey Kong's face got hit by the fire extinguisher, resulting it getting messed up.




Luigi: OK!

The three of them started bashing on the door to get them out of the room before the T-Pose Zombies gets to them.



Outside on the roof, Bob is outside just relaxing as he is keeping the trio inside the castle that are soon about to be infected by the T-Pose Zombies if Bob doesn't let them outside to the roof.

Bob: Uh, uOu DoN't WaNnA cOmE uP hErE. tOo MaNy T-pOsE zOmBiEs.

Back inside, the T-Pose Zombies are already close to them as Luigi, Mario and Y/n are trying their best to get through the door as their own lives depend on it.


Bob: jEeZ, gUyS, cOuLd YoU pLeAsE dIe qUieTeR? i'M tRyInG tO rEaD.

Then Y/n and Mario had enough of this as Mario used his Fat Powers with Y/n holding onto him to use him to get them out of the door before they both get infected as Y/n ran to the door in super-fast speeds!


That actually managed to break down the door and got rid of the stuff that was blocking the door and sent Bob out of the way as Karma finally got to him for leaving his own friends behind.

Bob: oH, sHiT!

Y/n: YES! We made it out, Mario!

Mario: Oh Yeah! Luigi! We did it! We got out!

Luigi: Oh yeah! Hey that's-a-pretty good!

Then suddenly, Luigi was soon grabbed by the T-Pose Zombies that are pulling him back into the castle to infect him.



Y/n then tried to run over to Luigi to save him, but it was too late as Luigi is now being infected by the T-Pose Zombies as the comedic duo are shocked to see Luigi becoming one of them.

Bob was still alive and not infected after Y/n and Mario managed to break through the door that he blocked it to prevent them from getting to the roof. Y/n and Mario are now furious at him for that cause if he hadn't blocked down the door to the roof, then Luigi would've survived and not become a T-Pose Zombie.

Bob: gReAt, NoW tHe T-pOsE aSsHoLeS aRe Up HeRe. hOw CaN tHe WoRlD sUrViVe If I dIe?


Then suddenly, a strange dark aura around Y/n as he somehow feels a dark energy within him as he is about to kill Bob for leaving him and Mario for dead and his own disloyalty and ignorance that lead to Luigi getting infected.

Y/n: (Growling) THAT'S IT!!! I'M GONNA F***ING KILL YOU!!!!

Y/n then attacks Bob by tackling at him, that caused him to topple down the roof and hang onto the ledge of the roof, where all of the T-Pose Zombies are down at the castle grounds.

Bob: oW, mY oVaRiEs! aW sHiT! hEy, EhY'd YoU dO tHaT? iT wAs JuSt A pRaNk, BrO. i DiDn'T mEaN tO gEt YoU gUyS kIlLeD oR-

Y/n ain't buying that from Bob as he placed his foot on his face to shove him down to make him fall down to his demise.

Bob: hOlY sHiT, cHiLl OuT, bRo! pLeAsE, i StIlL hAvE sO mAnY bItChEs To LoVe AnD mOnEy To EaRn!


With a fit of rage, Y/n brutally kicked down Bob on his face, making him fall down to his demise to become a T-Pose Zombie like everyone else. That's what he gets for his own actions.

Y/n: Burn in hell...you lousy bum...

Mario was in complete shock to see Y/n act so brutal especially seeing the dark aura around him as if some sort of dark power is what made him so violent, but he then turned to see his own infected brother, friends and other characters coming towards him and Y/n. Y/n then suddenly went back to normal after he saw the T-Pose Zombies coming at them as the two of them have nothing else to go to avoid getting infected.

Mario: Stay Back!!

Y/n: Don't come any closer!!

They quickly looked around to see if there is another way out to escape, but everywhere around them is full of T-Pose Zombies, which means that this is the end of the comedic duo.

Mario: Well, I guess this is it for the both of us...and I never got to eat golden spaghetti...but at least I got to spend some fun times with you Y/n.

Y/n: Me too, Mario. But at least we both had a good run.

Then just as the two of them are gonna be infected, a helicopter appeared out of nowhere to save the duo from being infected by the T-Pose Zombies. It was Peach and she has the cure to stop the infection.

Y/n/Mario: PEACH!?!

Peach: Hasta la vista, Baby!

Then Peach starting shooting 1-up Mushrooms at both Y/n and Mario but is aiming at the T-Pose Zombies as they are getting hit by the mushrooms while Y/n and Mario got away to find some cover before she stops firing at them.

With that, everyone one the roof is finally cured from the T-Pose Virus thanks to Peach saving the say.

Bowser: Uhh....what happened?

Peach: Koopa, drop the bombs!

Then the Koopa activated the tactical nuke to finish off the rest of the T-Pose Zombies.


The nukes are actually charged up 1-up mushrooms and it caused an explosion on the T-Pose Zombies, leaving both Y/n and Mario impressed and surprised at the same time.

They kept dropping the cure bombs on the T-Pose Zombies until everyone is finally cured from the infection.

Masterhand: Dear God...

SMG4: What? What's going on?


Meggy: That was weird...

Y/n: MEGGY! 

Meggy looked at Y/n to see him running to her as he gave her a big hug to apologize to her about leaving her and Ember that got them infected.

Y/n: Meggy! I'm so sorry that we left you and Ember to face the T-Pose Zombies yourselves that ended up with you two infected by them.

Meggy: Y/n, it's all good. It's not your fault at all for leaving us like that. It was actually Bob's fault if he didn't help us out.

Ember: Yeah, you're all good bro.

Y/n: (Phew!) Thank god. Well, I'm glad that everyone is ok...except for Bob that left us for dead and I kicked him off the roof in retaliation.

Peach: Mario! I take a vacation for one day and there's a God damn T-Pose zombie apocalypse!

Mario: Peach! Me and Y/n had nothing to do with this!!! Also how did you know that this would happen and know the cure to this T-Pose Virus?!

Peach: This is what happens when you eat poisonous T-Pose Shrooms! Being the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom I gotta know these things.

Y/n: T-Pose Shrooms!

Peach: Who was the idiot who ate them anyway?

Y/n: Why don't we ask Shroomy that started this problem in the first place?

Everyone then looked at Shroomy that was the one who started the infection as Shroomy started to explain what really happened.

Shroomy: *Chuckles* Uhh...I think it happened this morning...

-Flashback Start-

Location: The Starlight Forest

In a flashback, we see Shroomy merrily sings while walking around the forest.

Shroomy: Oh, what a wonderful day! The sun is shinin', the birds are chirpin', and...

He stopped for a moment as he spotted someone in the distance.

Shroomy: Oh, there's an ominous lookin' figure in the distance!

Then the ominous figure came out of the darkness, revealing to be none other than Waluigi holding his staff as he is about to do something to Shroomy that is part of his evil, revenge plan.

Shroomy: Oh, it's just you, Waluigi! How's it goin' there, bud? Oh, nice wand you got there, too!

Waluigi: It's not a wand...it's a staff...

Shroomy: Okey-dokey.

Then Waluigi used his staff to summon a T-Pose Shroom in front of Shroomy as he plans to make Shroomy eat to that will make him become a T-Pose Zombie.

Shroomy: Oh, what's this?

Waluigi: Eat it!

Shroomy: Hmmm....Strange man in the forest tellin' me to eat a mushroom? Yeah, I don't see anythin' wrong with that! 

Then Shroomy starts eating the T-Pose Shroom, which made Waluigi smiled wickedly as things as going as planned for him.

-End of Flashback-

Shroomy: Well, golly gee, I don't think I was very good scout today...Sorry about that, fellas!

Luigi: W-Waluigi? W-why would he do this?

Y/n: Because he had enough of Master Hand's rejection to be in the Smash Bros. game, even after he had shown him his Special Move. So, he's planning to get revenge on everyone that wronged him. Plus, it was Master Hand's fault for making him so angry and go all evil on us!

Everyone (Minus M. Hand): (Agreeing with Y/n)

Master Hand: (Offended) Hey!

Bowser: Eh, we're gonna have to kick his butt when we see him next.

Meggy: I am 100% down for buttkicking!

Ember: Me too!

Mario: Well, I'm glad everyone is back to normal.

Y/n: Me too, Mario....for now that is...

Boopkins: Hey, I've got a great idea! Now that's all over, who wants to check out my Yu-Gi-Oh collection?

Mario: Hey! Who wants to do anything but that?

Y/n: Yeah! Who wants to go hang out my place and play some video games?

Everyone (But Boopkins): (Cheering in agreement)

Everyone then got onto tthe helicopter and fly their way to Y/n's house to play some video games, leaving Boopkins all alone on the roof.

Boopkins: Oh ok then.



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