Episode 18 - Stupid Mario & Y/n Sports Mix
Location: Peach's Castle - The Mushroom Kingdom
It was another normal day here at the Mushroom Kingdom as we see Toad at his usual spot near the castle entrance feeling uncomfortable with Mario sleeping on a plate of spaghetti (butt naked) and Y/n sitting on a chair next to his room playing on his 3DS system.
Everyone else is pretty much chilling and relaxing today with SMG4 and Ember watching some TV eating pizza, Luigi and Boopkins playing some toys with Steve watching the action and Bob sitting on the floor holding a sign that says "Make Bob the Movie 3! Chapter in this book".
We also see Meggy checking out Shroomy's Pokemon Gym Badge Collection since he is a Master Boy Scout after all with so many badges on his sash.
Then we see Wario and Waluigi doing the hustle in a pile of gold coins with Bowser dancing along with them.
Then suddenly, Peach burst through the doors in a state of panic as she had an actual sports team that lost another sports tournament one too many times.
Peach: Ugh! I can't believe it. It happened again!
Y/n: What happened again, Peach? Did you spend all your gold coins again? I already paid my rent for this month.
Peach: Yes I know that, but it's not the money problem again. It's worse than that. (Holds up a newspaper showing a picture of a couple of retarded roads that lost a basketball game with the Lakers) That good for nothing sports team...This kingdom's sports image has been ruined too many times!
Y/n: *Thinking* I didn't know that she had a sports team.
Peach: I'm gonna need new players...but who?
Then she looked around the entire room to see everyone just relaxing and she had an idea that will bring her sports team's reputation back to the big leagues and that idea is to bring everyone in the room to be her new sports team.
So Peach gathered everyone to local gym with a bunch full of sports equipment for them to use as her new sports team.
Peach: Ok folks, this kingdom needs a new sports team and I think all of you are perfect for it!
Everyone was a bit confused or excited to be Peach's new sports team as Mario raised his hand to ask Peach a question, but she knew what he is going to ask her.
Peach: No Mario, eating is not a sport.
Mario: Damn it!
Y/n: I told you that it wasn't a sport unless eating competitions are a type of sport.
Peach: Ok guys! Let's practice and see what sports you're good at!
First Sport: Basketball
As we go into the first sport known as Basketball, we see Bowser with Steve going up against Y/n and Mario as the italian plumber is holding the basketball before he started charging towards the goal while dribbling the ball.
Steve tried to stop Mario as he made an attempt to catch Mario to get the ball until he just fell down the floor and Mario is stil dribbling his way to the goal that is being guarded by the Koopa King himself.
Mario tried shooting the hoop to get a score, but Bowser managed to block it with his large body. Mario is not happy about it as he tried it again and again, but Bowser just kept blocking it.
This has caused Mario to go completely ballistic and tackled Bowser to the ground for Y/n to grab the ball and do a slam dunk!
Mario: Y/N! I got this fat ass pinned down! Get the ball!
Y/n: I'm on it!
Y/n then started dribbling towards the goal in breakneck speed until Bowser managed to get up and push Mario out of the way, so he can block Y/n from doing the slam dunk.
However, with Bowser blocking Y/n's way from the goal, Y/n threw the ball at Bowser, hitting him in the face that made him scream in pain from the impact!
Bowser: AHHHH!!! MY FACE!!!! AHHHHH!!!
Y/n then grabbed the ball, jumped up and did an epic slam dunk!
Second Sport: Swimming
As we move onto the next sport, which is swimming as we see Toad on a pool floating looking all chill and relaxed along with Shroomy swimming laps in the pool and it looks like SMG4 is not moving as he is floating lifelessly in the pool. (We should probably call 911 immediately)
Then we see Peach shouting at Bowser to get in the pool and get to swimming, but Bowser doesn't want to get in the pool because it was too deep for him to get in.
Peach: Come on Bowser! Get in the pool and swim!
Bowser: But....it looks too deep. I don't want to die. D:
Peach: Ugh...Be more like Mario! He's going fine!!!
Then we cut to Mario swimming in the pool as he spins around in circles in the water until he sank down into the water and died.
Y/n: Someone get a lifeguard and fish him out! I think he's dead now!
Then we cut to Luigi and Ember chilling out in the pool and it's a good thing that Ember can now swim in clear water thanks to Boopkins' magical powers of the deep to gove Ember the ability to swim in the water since it's actually bad for his own kind since they can't swim in water.
Luigi: Oh Yeah! go Weegee! I’m great in the water!
Ember: So am I. I'm glad that I can now swim in the pool since I can no longer die in water.
Fishy Boopkins: You think water is your ally? You merely adopted the water and I gave that inkling that ability to swim in the water. I was born in it! Molded by it! I didn't see land until I was already a man!
Ember: Whatever dude.
Luigi: Yeah, whatever floats your boat Boopkins.
The two of them swam out of here, leaving Boopkins completely ashamed of what he just said to them, thinking that it would make him sound like a badass.
Boopkins: Oh I thought I sounded badass....
Then we see Meggy in a bathing suit, all pumped up to go swimming, except that she doesn't share the same type of water immunity as Ember got from Boopkins as she is ready to get in the pool.
Meggy: Bring it on, water!!!
Ember: Meggy, wait!! Don't get in the pool! You don't have the same anti-water powers like me!
Boopkins: He's right, Meggy! Don't do it!
She didn't listen and immediately jumped in, only for her to start failing in the pool and started to drown, only for Y/n to grab her and jump out of the pool with her in his arms.
Y/n: *Whew* Thank god that I got you out of the pool before you drowned. Are you okay, Meggy?
Meggy: (Blushing) Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for saving me.
Y/n: No problem.
Meggy: Oh man...I hate not being able to swim.
Y/n: Yeah I know it sucks. At least Ember is able to swim in water thanks to Boopkins' undersea magic.
Meggy: Aww...lucky. I wish I had that kind of power that Ember got.
Y/n: I'm sure Boopkins can give you that kind of power too.
Then Bowser offered Meggy a floatie in case she wants to go to the pool again without drowning.
Bowser: Want a floatie? :D
Meggy: No thanks I'm good.
Ember: Hey Boopkins. You think you can give Meggy that water immunity power like me. It would be very helpful for her in case we invite her to some pool parties.
Boopkins: Sure, I can do that.
Then after one water immunity spell from Boopkins, Meggy is able to swim in the water without drowning, but this time she is sitting on Y/n's shoulders to avoid drowning in the pool again while Bowser is having fun in his floaties along with Wario and Waluigi with Waluigi using Wario as a boat while using an oar.
Peach was proud of them for doing some progress in swimming in the pool for sport.
Peach: Good job guys! Now where the heck is Bob?
As Peach turned her back to know where Bob is at, she didn't realize that Bob was using a jet ski in the pool, which I'm pretty sure that is illegal to use a jet ski in a indoor pool.
Bob: I'm gonna be the best swimmer bitches! Hell ya boy!
Third Sport: Archery
Next up is Archery as we see Link holding his bow ready to shoot some arrows on the target, screaming like a deranged lunatic for a second or two and managed to shoot an arrow right at the center of the target like a pro.
Y/n then did the same thing but with three arrows as they all hit on the center, with Link very impresssed by Y/n's archery skills.
Y/n: Ha! Not a bad aim, huh.
Link: Mmm hmmmm.
Mario: Nice shot, Y/n. My turn. Here I go.
Mario then started doing the same thing that Y/n and Link did as he aimed the bow and arrow high up in the air, far away from the targets until it landed on his head.
Y/n: Oh boy, that's not good. Better call Dr. Healer to help Mario out.
Then as Luigi is next in line to shoot a target with a bow and arrow, he then started aiming the arrow to the target in a state of panic since he is nervous of doing this kind of sport.
However, as Luigi shot the arrow, it only landed just a few inches away from the fence.
Wario: (Laughing) My turn. Check this f***ing shit out!
He then aimed his bow and arrow with so much strength, only for the arrow to be hanging on a rope that is tied to a stick by Waluigi that is trying to get the arrow in the center of the target, which is clearly cheating and Link does not like that at all.
Wario then started cheering until he saw Link and Y/n behind him looking at him with disappointment.
Y/n: This is illegal you know.
Wario: Ah shit.
Then Meggy and Ember shot their targets with a bunch of arrows that landed on the center of the target as they both passed the sport with flying colors like a couple of badasses.
Y/n: Wow! Nice shot guys! You two are bassess in this sport!
Link: Sugoiiiiii!!!
Bob is not impressed or amused at Meggy and Ember's archery skills.
Bob: Bitch that's nothing! Check this out, I was a native american in my past life!
Bob then tried to aim his bow and arrow to his target with a barrage of arrows, except that none of the arrows made to the target and only one of them to hit at the edge of the target and not at the center.
Bob: Holy shit! I did it! Did u see that Peach?!
Peach: Wow, I'm impressed! Keep it up Bob!
She then left the area with one of Bob's arrow that landed on her back. Bob notices it and he starts to leave the scene before she finds out.
Bob: Shit x7!
Fourth Sport: Tennis
Up next is Tennis as Mario and Y/n are ready to get their game on as they're up against both SMG4 and Ember on the tennis court.
Mario: Are you ready to die? Good!
Y/n: Your ass is grass and we're gonna mow it!
Mario then served the ball and then SMG4 hit the ball, then Y/n and Ember as the four of them started hitting the ball in a crazy and loud way that you seen in Tennis matches on TV and video games.
Peach: Uh...can you play a bit...a bit more quieter?
Y/n: (Panting) I don't...think so....AHHH!!!
Mario: AAAAAHHH!!!!
Ember: AAAAHHHH!!!
Fifth Sport: Snow Boarding
As we move onto the winter sport known as Snow Boarding, Y/n and Mario rode down the snowy mountain on their snow boarding like a couple of pros as they started doing some sick tricks on their boards to earn some points.
Y/n made it down to the bottom of the mountain with a total of 1,959,801 Points and Mario only fell down and faceplanted to the bottom of the mountain losing a rough 984 points and only got a total of 254 points, but at least he had fun though.
Mario: (Muffled) That was a lot's of fun!
Y/n: You can say that again.
Then we see Waluigi riding down the mountain on his snowboard as he is earning points with his sweet moves. Wario tried to do the same thing that Waluigi did, but ended up wiping out on a snowy ramp. losing over a million points.
Shroomy: Oh golly, fellas, that's nice and all, but leeme show you how real snowboarding's done!
Shroomy then went down the mountain on his snowboard and it looks like he's really on a roll in this sport.
Shroomy: Haha! Boy Scout Shroomy is on a roll! Oh crap...
Then suddenly, he spotted a huge ramp that he is heading straight towards to as he went up high up in the air, screaming at the top his lungs in a state of panic.
Shroomy: AHHH! Oh! Ok, I'm pretty high up, this pretty bad...Oh no...Oh hey, I can see my house--
Then after that, Shroomy landed on the snow, head-first and lost a bunch of points, but won a movie ticket to the Emoji Movie, one of the worst animated movies of all time.
Sixth Sport: Bowling
As we move on to the next sport, which is bowling, the gang started rolling the bowlling balls into the pins to see who can rank up the most points by hitting the pins in each turns like getting a strike or a spare as we see Bowser use himself as the bowling ball to get a strike.
Bowser: (Laughing before looking at Peach in confusion) What?
Toad: Oh man...I don't think my stick arms can do this...
Steve: I'm ready, I'm ready!
Toad then tried to roll the bowling ball to hit the pins, but only got a gutterball. Steve on the other hand managed to get a strike with his body.
Toad: Godammit! C'mon Toad...imagine the pins as something you hate...
He then started to immagine the pins as his own girlfriend, Toadette asking Toad to buy her more jewelery.
Toad then freaked out and threw the ball towards the pins that landed him a strike. Steve was impressed by what Toad just did.
Steve: Noice.
Bob rolls a bowling ball, but it ends up in the gutter, along with all the other bowling balls he tossed.
Bob: Goddamn it, not another gutter ball! Hey Boopkins How r u doing?
Boopkins is seen not playing bowling with his bowling, but seems to be eating it like it's a rock that he loves to eat all the time.
Boopkins: Ah this is delicious! I love this buffet! :D
Bob: Dafaq?
Luigi tries his chance to hit a spare on the last two pins that are far apart, bu he is too scared to do it and asks Y/n and Mario to help him out to get the last two pins.
Luigi: Y/n! Mario! Help me!
Mario is sticking his head in the bowling ball returning machine*
Mario: *his head is now shaped like a bowling ball* Oh boy! I'm a pizza pie!
Y/n: Ha Ha. Classic Stupid Mario! (To Luigi) Watch this, Luigi! I'm gonna bowl a strike to get a cool bowling animation.
Mario: Ooooohhh! I wanna see that! Bowling Animations are a classic.
Y/n: Yeah, watch and learn, Luigi and you might learn how to become a pro like me.
Luigi: Ok then. Go for it!
Then as Y/n is ready to bowl a strike, there seems to be someone walking around inside the TV Screens as the guy seems to be trapped inside the digital world as part of the classic and nostaglic bowling animations.
Trapped Man: Melvin? Melvin is that you? Somebody? Anyone out there that can here me? (Sees what Y/n is doing) What the?
Then Y/n readies himself to bowl a strike with everyone around him chanting for him to get that strike as the trap man begged Y/n to not bowl a strike as he knows what happens when someone like Y/n bowls a stike.
Trapped Man: Buddy! What are you doing?! Don't bowl a strike! For the love of GOD!!!!
Y/n didn't even bother listening as he literally bowled a strike that caused a explosion and everyone cheered for Y/n after bowling a strike and earned an epic bowling animation as an atomic bomb fell down in the background that caused a nuclear explosion with the words, "STRIKE!!!" on the mushroom cloud and the trapped man started run for his life, but didn't make it as he is now torn to pieces by the explosion.
After the trapped man died, everyone including Peach cheered for Y/n, not caring that the trapped man is now dead from the strike as we see Y/n looking at the screen with an sinister smile on his face.
Seventh Sport: Baseball
The next sport is baseball and Shroomy is up to bat with Bowser as the pitcher as he threw a flaming fast ball that caused Shroomy's bat to break apart and it ripped off Chargin' Chuck's hand.
Luigi then threw the ball to SMG4, which he managed to hit the ball and started running towards the bases with Bob and Toad tries to catch the baseball before SMG4 makes it to home base.
Bob: It's mine, it's mine, bitches! Stand back! I got this!
Toad: No It's Mine!
The two of them didn't get it, but Steve managed to grab it until Bob and Toad tackled him to get the ball.
Mario: Mama Mia! (Sees SMG4 running to 2nd base and kept running towards third base) Oh no! (Growls) We're gonna need more time!!
SMG4 then went to third base and started making his way to hoe base until Mario stripped himself from his outfit and jumped in front of SMG4 to blind him from his own nudity, thus blinding SMG4's eyes from seeing Mario naked.
SMG4: OH GOD! MY EYES!!!!!! Ahhh it burns!
Then after a brutal struggle, Toad finally got the ball.
Toad: *holding the baseball* HA! GOT IT!
Bob: Oh U piece of Shit!
Toad then started running to tag SMG4 with the ball to strike him out.
With Toad managed to make it to home base, SMG4 was struck out after Toad managed to tag him out and Mario distracted him to buy some time.
Mario: HAH! Take that, SMG4!!!! :DDDD SMG4?
Y/n: Mario? What I just witnessed will scar me for the rest of my life.
Then it was Waluigi's turn as the pitcher and Meggy is now up to bat as Waluigi threw a curve ball at Meggy, but she managed to hit a home run as the ball is out of the park, shocking Waluigi in the process.
Waluigi: Na-NANNIII!!!!!!
Y/n: Wowie-Zowiee!!! She is good!!!
Ember: I know, right?! She hit a home run!!!
With one last effort to catch the ball, Boopkins started running to catch the ball only to stop at a road that is a big problem for him as his father taught him about dealing with crossroads.
Boopkins: Ah, don't worry I got the ball, I got this! (Sees a road in front of him) Oh no! It's a road! My dad always says that I gotta be very careful...
Luigi: Uh...guys, she's getting to 3rd base already!!!
Y/n: Go Meggy! You can do it!
Ember: Yeah, Meggy! You got this!
Bob: Jesus Christ! I'll get that ball! There's not even any-
But before Bob could cross the road to get the ball, he got run over by a speeding taxi, thus making this hit a home run as we move on to the last sport in this chapter, which is...
Final Sport: American Football
As we head onto the final sport that is a game of football, we see Boopkins getting ready to grab and throw the ball from Wario as he started counting the bubers of the players on the team to start the game.
Boopkins: Uhhh...
Wario: 32, 71, 42...HUT! (Throws the ball to Boopkins)
Boopkins: (Grabs the ball) Huh? I got the ball! Wha-WHAT DO I DO WITH IT NOW?!
Boopkins: Uhh, Ohh okay!
Boopkins then started running, only for Y/n and Mario to run towards him to tackle him.
Mario: We'rea gonna get you!
Y/n/Mario: Dogpile!
The two of the tackled Boopkins and Mario picked up what he thought was the ball, but turned out to be Boopkins and not the football.
Y/n: Gah! We grabbed the wrong ball, Mario!
Mario: Shit!
Luigi then slowly went over to grab the football and he started cheering that he got the football, only for a horde of Chargin' Chucks to charge at Luigi that got the football and dogpiled on Luigi until Wario grabbed the football from Luigi.
Wario: (Laughing) Have a rotten day.
Mario: Hmm? No you don't!
Y/n: Let's get him, Mario!
Mario: Okie-Dokie!
Then the two of them charged at Wario to get the ball back while Boopkins went over to Luigi to see if he's okay.
Boopkins: Uh...Hey Luigi, are you OK?
Luigi: Yeah...I don't think we're cut out for this Boopkins.
Boopkins: Yeah well, that's OK. YOU WANNA PLAY POKEMON?!
Luigi: Awh hell yeah!
Then we see Wario make his way to the goal only to find out that Boopkins is no longer playing on his team along with Luigi and would rather play Pokemon training cards instead.
Wario: What are you doing Boop?
Boopkins: Go away, Wario, you meanie! We're not playing anymore!
Wario: *Sigh* Fuck you. Wha?
Y/n/Mario: Dogpile!!!
Then as the three of them started fighting each other for the football, Boopkins and Luigi seems to be having a great time playing with their Pokemon training card collection.
Boopkins: Ooh. That's a nice Pikachu you got there, Luigi. I play Blue Eyes White Dragon. Hehehe.
Then after everyone played every sport assigned by Princess Peach, she appreciated everyone for participating in the event of sports.
Peach: Thank you everyone for showing off your skill in these sports! I'm happy to say that I've come to a decision for a team. Unfortunately, you all suck as a team. So I just hired a professional team.
Then we cut to see a group of Teletubby that are shown to be professional sports players as everyone is not happy for Peach hiring a professional sports team and just wasted everyone's time today.
Y/n: GEEZ! What a bitch!
Everyone: (Agreeing with Y/n)
So then, Y/n managed to convince the mayor of Creation City to ban Peach from participating any type of sport and having her own sports team since the teletubbies that she hired were secretly a group of drug dealers to help her with her own money problems.
She was then arrested for a few months with everyone got away scot-free and earned a well-desered vacation after that.
Nobody likes a karen after all, especially if that Karen was Princess Peach herself.
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