Episode 11 - Trick or Treat Wars (Halloween Special)
Location: Mario's House
Date: October 31, 2017
Time: 7:00 PM
It's that time of year again as the gang is getting ready to celebrate Halloween by going Trick-or-Treating in their own Halloween Costumes with SMG4 dressed up as Frankenstein, Mario as a bowl of Spaghetti, Y/n as Sans the Skeleton, Tails Doll dressed up as Sonic the Hedgehog and Ember in his wolf form that is the perfect and cheapest way as his Halloween costume as his usual attire has a some rips and tears to make him look like an actual Werewolf.
SMG4: Yo, guys! You ready to go trick or treating?!
Y/n: You bet we are. Ember just looks great in his wolf form.
Ember: Yeah. It's the easiest and cheapest way to get a costume for this Halloween.
Y/n: How about you, Luigi? You ready to go trick-or-treating?
Looks at Luigi that is standing on the table with his back turned in his Halloween costume.
SMG4: Uh Luigi?
Y/n: You okay, buddy?
Ember: Is, uh...is he gonna be okay?
Luigi: I am...the savior of the Mushroom Kingdom...I AM-
SMG4: Oh you're going as a trash bag. Nice!
Y/n: What?! No! Luigi didn't dress up as a trash bag. He dressed up as Batman!
Ember: Yeah, since what made you think that Luigi dressed up as a trash bag?
SMG4: Oh, I thought maybe he dressed up in black clothing to make him look like a trash bag.
Luigi: NOO! I'm suppose to be Batman!!! D:<
Mario then came out of the other room in his Halloween costume along with Tails Doll in his Sonic costume.
SMG4: Mario...What the hell is that?
Mario: Imma bowl of spaghetti! (Ooooo Very Scary!)
Tails Doll: And I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!
Y/n: Wow. You two look great in your costumes.
Mario: Yep and it didn't take me too long to get Tails Doll in his Halloween costume.
SMG4: Let's just leave.
Ember: Yeah, let's get a move on and get some candy.
Y/n: That's Superman's line, Luigi.
Mario: Hmmm...I don't remember buying a talking trash bag...
Tails Doll: That's not a trash bag, Uncle Mario. That's Uncle Luigi in his Batman costume.
So the gang are on their way to go Trick-or-Treating in the entire Mushroom Kingdom as they head over to Peach's Castle as the first place to get candy.
(Doorbell Rings)
Then as the front doors of the castle, Peach came out in her Witch costume.
Peach: Oh?
The Gang, but Mario: Trick or Treat!
Peach: Aww, don't you...grown men look great in your outfits! We have a cook Frankenstein, a cute hedgehog, a cool, but spooky skeleton, a werewolf, a Trash bag (Luigi shocked by Peach's reaction) and a bowl...of spaghetti...
Mario: Can we have some candy now?
Peach: Here you go.
Peach then handed the candy to their trick or treat buckets while Mario got his candy into his mouth, demanding more.
Peach: You know what, you boy's costumes are so creative. I'll give you extra!
Peach then gave everyone, but Mario extra amounts of candy for having such creative costumes, despite Ember's costume is just his wolf form.
The Gang: Thank you.
Peach: Now PISS OFF!!! >:(
(Slams the Door!)
Y/n: Well, that was rude!
Ember: Yeah, but at least we got some extra candy, except for Mario. Good thing that Peach didn't see me as a wild animal or else she would have called animal control to hunt me down.
Y/n: Yeah that was a close on.
Mario is starting to get extremely angry that he didn't get any extra candy from Peach with SMG4 started laughing his ass off that Peach's didn't like his costume.
SMG4: Too Bad Mario! Looks like Peach didn't like your costume.
Then with a fit of rage, Mario tackled SMG4 and pushed him to a wall as retaliation for making fun of his costume.
Mario: Oh yeah....my costume is way better than yours...I BET I COULD GET WAY MORE CANDY THAN YOU!
So then, SMG4 and Mario started running into the night to the nearest neighborhood to get as much candy before the end of Halloween night with the rest of the gang watching them running to Uptown Creation City to start a Trick-or-Treat War.
Luigi: Mama-Mia.
Y/n: I knew that these two are gonna fight each other just get the most candy as some sort of contest.
Ember: Yeah, this might go badly.
Y/n: Should we go get them before they start causing trouble in the entire neighborhood, Luigi?
Luigi: Yeah, I would highly suggest you boys go help out my brother, Mario before he gets himself arrested. I know that his costume is lame and all, but he is my brother and he can dressed up as his favorite food.
Y/n: Good idea, Luigi. We'll go help out Mario and we'll eat all the candy all night long.
Ember: You and me both pal. Tails Doll can also be a huge helpful with his cuteness and demonic powers to get as much candy as possible.
Tails Doll: It's true.
Y/n: Alright then, let's get going and get some candy before Halloween is over.
Ember/Tails Doll: Yeah!
So then, the three of them head their way to the nearest neighborhood to find Mario and help him beat SMG4 at his own game of getting the most candy on Halloween with SMG4 putting on the burns and ran as fast as he can to the nearest house until Mario tackled him and made for a run for the nearest house.
Then we see Toad at a house in his Halloween costume as a garden gnome until Mario charged at him, grabbed him by the neck and threw him out of the way in the night sky before the owner of the house opened up to see who's at the door.
Old Man: What? Who's dere? Jerry?
Mario: Trick or Treat, Motherf***er!
Old Man: (Mumbling holding a bowl of candy)
Then Mario jumped in and bit the old man's hand that was holding the candy, causing the old man is scream his head off while trying to shaking him of his hand that is causing him to destroying his whole house from the inside.
Then we see Y/n, Ember and Tails Doll in front of the house watching what is happening from inside the house as Mario is not doing a good job at Trick-or-Treating.
Y/n: This is going to be tougher than I thought.
Ember: Eh, don't worry. We got this in the bag.
Y/n: Yeah, I guess you're right. (Turns to Tails Doll) Hey, Tails Doll. Do you want to go from door to door to get some more candy without murdering anyone or getting caught by animal control by yourself or do you want to stay with us and help your Uncle Mario with the Trick-or-Treating?
Tails Doll: Yeah, I can get some candy by myself.
Y/n: Are you sure? I don't want you to get in trouble or get caught by someone dangerous here.
Tails Doll: I'm a big boy, dad. I can take care of myself, plus I am a demon and in case some sort of Pedophile tries to offer me candy, I'm gonna rip his eyes out and cut his wiener off.
Y/n: Ok then. Just be careful and don't talk to strangers. We'll meet back at Mario's house with the candy at 10pm.
Tails Doll: Ok daddy. See ya.
Then the Tails Doll teleported away, leaving Y/n and Ember to go help out Mario to get some candy before SMG4 beats them to the punch.
Y/n: Ok, while Tails Doll is getting some candy by himself, let's go help out Mario before he does something really stupid.
Ember: Good idea, let's get going.
Then Mario jumped over to the next house with Y/n and Ember going after him as Shroomy opens the door in a Vampire costume.
Shroomy: Raaah, I'm 'ere to suck ya blood! Hahaha! Oh hey Mario, what's up?
Mario then holds up a baseball bat, demanding candy from Shroomy.
Mario: Hello.
Shroomy: Oh. If you're here for candy then sorry, I don't have any...but I DO have something much better than that!
Mario: Oh yeah.
Then a Bob-omb showed up out of nowhere and exploded that shoved Mario out of the way as SMG4 took over to get some candy from Shroomy, not even realizing that Shroomy doesn't have any candy.
Shroomy: Ah, here we go! Oh, SMG4, you want some of our treats too? Alrighty...HERE YOU GO HAVE SOME BROCKOLI!!! YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!
Well, looks like SMG4 messed up on that one.
SMG4: Wait, WHAT?! I don't that crap!
Shroomy: Eh, oh well back to my Halloween party!
Then we cut to see a bunch of people partying inside Shroomy's house and they seem to be having a good time.
Mario started to regain consciousness after getting hit by a Bob-omb by SMG4, Y/n and Ember soon finally caught up to Mario after running a lot to get to him.
Y/n: (Panting) There you are....(Gasp) Mario! You are really hard to catch up.
Ember: I never seen him run so fast even after he ate so much Spaghetti before we even went out to go Trick-or-Treating.
Y/n: We're here to help you out, Mario.
Mario: Really? You guys want to help me?
Ember: Yeah, bro. We're not gonna let SMG4 have all the candy to himself. We can share all the candy by the end of the night.
Mario: Okie-Dokie. This should be more easier with you guys on my side.
Y/n: Yeah, and I know which houses have the best kind of candy. Just follow my lead and we should be good to go.
Mario: Alright, let's-a-go!
Then the trio started their journey to the neighborhood to get some candy before SMG4 has a chance to beat them until the end of the night. Then we cut to Bob and Boopkins in their Halloween costumes as they rang the doorbell and then a random guy answered the door.
Boopkins: Trick or Treat.
Bob: GiVe mE SOMe CanDY BitCHes!
HeY oPeN uP yOu LiTtLe sHiT I KnOW WhErE u LiVE I'lL kIcK yOuR bAlLs AnD--
Boopkins: Oh man, Bob we aren't getting any candy... this isn't working...
Bob: It'S oKaY bOoPkInS wE'rE gOnNa GeT sO MuCh CaNdY aLl ThE bItChEs WiLl Be AlL oVeR uS
Then Bob backed up for a moment to avoid getting trampled to death by Y/n, Ember, Mario and SMG4.
Bob: oH JeSuS cHriST
Then they started beating on the door over and over again until the guy opened the door to see what's going on.
Random guy: dafuq?
Then the guy got tackled by Ember in wolf form as he is getting mauled to death by Ember's savage mode.
Y/n: Holy crap! Ember, Stop! You're mauling him to death.
Boopkins: Oh no! the poor man! Bob! Do something!
Bob: WaY aHeAd Of YoU bOoPkInS! (Pulls out a shotgun) SAy HeLlo To my LiTTle FRieNd, WoLF BoY!
Then Ember stopped attacking the man and looked back at Bob for a moment before attacking Bob.
Bob: OW mY OvArIeS!!!
Y/n: Yeah! Do it, Ember! Rip his face off!!!
Boopkins: Ah man.. What are they doing?
Luigi: Mama Mia...They're having a competition to see who can get more candy...
Bob: DiD yOu JuSt SaY cOmPeTiTiOn Oh HeLl YeAh I'm GoNnA kIcK tHiEr AsSeS i'M gOnNa GeT sO mUcH cAnDy (Kicks Ember in the face).
Ember: Ow! What the hell, man! That hurt!
Boopkins: Ah wait wait wait for me Bob! Oh Luigi! Nice trash bag costume by the way :)
Y/n/Ember: He's Batman, not a Trash Bag!
SMG4: Hey guys, you think we should stop attacking and work together instead?
Mario/Y/n/Ember/Luigi: Uh no!
Later that night...
SMG4: Ok men. We've recruited you for a very dangerous mission...One that may take your very lives...
Then we cut to see the gang along with Steve (Dressed up as a Clown), a Koopa Troopa, a Goomba and a Shy Guy wearing fairy wings.
SMG4: Alright men, let's all work together and get some candy!
Everyone: Oh yeah!
Then the gang went over to every house in the neighborhood to collect as many candies as they can before Y/n, Ember, Mario, Bob and Boopkins get ahead of them. Well, most of them (mainly the Koopa Troopa, Goomba and Shy Guy) are doing a decent job in getting the candy while the shy guy went up to a guy's window that just freaked him out.
Then we see Toadette sorting her own candy and Steve slowly went up to her before she turned to face him.
Steve: How ya doin'?
Then everyone started putting up the candy into a big pile and continued going to different houses to get more candy with Steve putting the candy he grabbed in the pile with Toadette in tow and went into another house to get some more candy.
Mario, Ember and Y/n are at another area in Uptown Creation City with Mario is searching for the area with a pair of binoculars and Y/n pulled out his phone to call an old friend that can help them with their mission to get the Halloween candy from SMG4.
Mario: You son of a bitch!
Ember: That bastard. He's got his own little army to do his dirty work.
Y/n: There's only one person we know that can help us.
Then a yellow hummer showed up and the person driving it was none other than Slenderman as he is ready to help out the gang get the candy from SMG4.
Mario: You ready?
Slenderman: (Nods in agreement)
Then he spotted a Goomba holding a bunch of candy before the Goomba spotted him and started scaring the shit out of him right now.
Slenderman: It's time to go to heaven my child!
The Goomba then started backing up before Slenderman jump scared him and said 'Boo!", freaking the Goomba out and Slendy laughed at him before he kicked him out of the neighborhood before Team Y/n got the candy from the Goomba.
Slenderman: Ha Ha Ha! Scaredy cat.
Then Ember, Y/n, Mario and Slendy high-fived each other before making a fun for the next victim and the next house to get some more candy.
[Mission Accomplished!]
Meanwhile with Bob and Boopkins...
As the two of them try their best to get some candy, Bob tried using a simple looking trap with to take candy from a baby, but Boopkins doesn't seem to like Bob's idea of getting candy.
Boopkins: Uh, Bob, I don't think this is working... We haven't gotten any candy yet.
Bob: WhAt ArE yOu TaLkInG aBoUt? iM a GeNiUs SoMe DuMbAsS iS gOnNa FaLl FoR tHiS aNd I'lL tAkE tHeiR CaNdY *whisper* cOmE oN tAkE iT yOu DuMb ShIt. (Gets hit by a police officer) oH CHriSt MaH OVaRIes
Just like that, Bob just got his ass whooped by a local police officer as it might be somewhat illegal to do something stupid like that on Halloween Night.
Boopkins: Ugghhh... This isn't working out...
Bob: oH WeLl TiMe FoR pLaN b!
Bob then pulls out a shotgun as his "Plan B" to get candy tonight, which Boopkins refused to let Bob do something very illegal to shoot people with a shotgun to get candy.
Fishy: Bob, no! Trick or treating in Halloween should be about friendship and family and going to places together-
But Bob didn't even bother listening to Boopkins and just started shooting people with his shotgun.
Bob: gIVe mE yoUR CaNDy BiTChes bOb iS HeRE tO RoB yOU!
As we see a couple of trick-or-treaters walking down the street, one of them got caught by Slendy's tentacles and was dragged into the woods while Mario, Y/n and Ember quickly grabbed the candy as they are all frozen in fear of what just happened.
Mario: *Retarded laughter*
Then the trio put their collected stash into their pile and went back to collect some more.
Mario: Haha! Oh yeah!
But then, Y/n and Ember looked back to see SMG4 trying to steal their candy stash with a vacuum cleaner until Y/n shocked him with a taser and Ember grabbing the vacuum cleaner and shoving it down his head and Y/n kicked SMG4 out of their own candy pile.
Y/n: That's what you get.
Meanwhile with Bob...
As Bob's next attempt to get candy, he hanged himself to a nearby lamppost and spotted a book floating by and pointed his shotgun at the boo, not noticing that the cops are already there watching Bob doing something really illegal right now.
Bob: bOO i'M a SpOoKY GHost aND i'M HerE tO mUG YoU sO dOn'T moVE oR ELsE! (Spots the Cops) aH CrAP!
Bob then tried to get away from the cops with his so-called parkour skills but ends up hitting a nearby wall.
Bob: yOUlL nEVeR cATch mE wATcH tHIs PARkoUr sHIt HaHA! (Hits wall) Owwhh, shit!
Later that Night...
After a long night of hunting down for some candy, the gang then started tallying up on how much candy they got tonight with SMG4's candy stash is the size of the back of a garbage truck, Y/n, Ember and Mario's candy stash is on a huge boat, Boopkins seems to be holding a cup full of sweets and last but not least is Bob, who is currently getting beaten up by the cops and did not even get one single piece of candy.
SMG4: I WIN! My pile is bigger than yours!
Y/n: NO WAY! Our pile is way bigger than yours!
Mario: Yeah, Are you blind?! Our pile is bigger!!!
Ember: Yeah, we all worked together to make this pile bigger than yours so we win!
Boopkins: Oh, how about me? I think I got a decent amount of candy!
Bob: i HAvE a PriSOn seNteNCe dO i GeT aNYtHinG fOR tHAt?
Everyone: NO!!!
Luigi: Guys Stop! Let's just call it a tie, ok? Mama-mia.... How about we just enjoy Halloween together? Look I even brought Toad along.
Y/n/Ember: What?!
As Toad came in to come trick-or-treating with the gang, Toad was surprised to see a garbage truck and a huge boat filled with so much candy as he made a quick dash and devoured the entire stash of candy.
Toad: Caaaandy! :>
Timeskip - 5 Minutes Later
Toad: 'Burp' Well...Looks like Toad wins! (Faints)
Sanity: 0%, Insanity: 99%-100%
With an uncontrollable urge to kill with 100% of pure rage as Y/n, Mario, SMG4 and Ember (In his Wolf Form) went all out on Toad and beat him to a bloody pulp with Ember mauling at Toad and ripped off one of his arms and legs before they all kicked out of the neighborhood for eating all of the candy that they all worked hard to collect all night.
After Toad was hurled into the air, Y/n shot Toad with a shotgun that caused him to explode in retaliation for eating all of the candy.
Y/n: Piss off, BIGHEAD!
SMG4: Well....what now?
Ember: Well, we lost all of our candy because of Luigi inviting Toad to the party. Now we got nothing left and it's already getting late.
Mario: I can't believe my own brother would do this to us.
Luigi: Hey guys! How goes the trick or treating? Good, I hope!
Y/n: Well, it was going well until you invited Toad that literally ate all of our candy that we all collected tonight.
Luigi: Yeah, sorry about that guys, but I found this thing! Bowser is doing something tonight on Halloween.
Y/n: Let me see that.
Luigi handed Y/n the paper that shows that Bowser is having a costume contest and he's having it at his castle and he said that all costumes are allowed to enter the costume contest.
Y/n: Hmm...this looks like a good idea to spend the rest of Halloween there.
Ember: Yeah, what do you think guys?
(Yeah, about that...)
SMG4: My costume is WAY better than yours!
Mario: Oh, we'll see about that...
Then the two of them head their way over to Bowser's castle to win that costume contest, much to Y/n, Ember and Luigi dismay that they're still competing each other to have the best costume.
Luigi: What have I done...
Y/n: It's fine, I figured that they would try to head over there to see who has the best costume there.
Ember: I think we should get over there and stop them from causing any more problems.
Y/n: Good idea, let's get over there.
Location: Bowser's Castle - The Dark Lands
Bowser: (In a fairy princess costume) Welcome everyone to my first ever costume contest!
As Bowser announced to everyone here at his castle (Which is just at least a few of his minions) that arrived at his first ever costume contest that is about to begin.
Bowser: Let's get started! First up we have Yoshi with his cowboy costume!
(Yoshi posed in his cowboy outfit)
Bowser: Wow! What a brilliant performance by Yoshi!
[Boring background music playing]
Goomba: *Snoring then wakes up* Yeah, what? Oh, I thought somebody said something (Clears throat)
Bowser: Next, we have DK in his...nurse outfit!
DK then started walking down the stage in his nurse outfit that has given him a slender woman's body and does some poses that made someone throw up after seeing that kind of performance.
Bowser: Well, that was uh...disturbing.
Then we see Waluigi come down the stage in his Taco costume that is also supposed to sponsor his Taco-Stand, but Bowser shouted at Waluigi for not being on cue.
But then as Waluigi was doing his Taco Dance until he got knocked out by a boot by someone in the audience.
Bowser: Well...this went south pretty fast...
Then Mario enters the castle through the roof and demandingly asks Bowser that Mario's costume is better than SMG4's costume.
Mario: BOWSER! My costume is better than SMG4's costume right!?
Bowser: What? But SMG4 isn't even here...
Then SMG4 jumped in and started throwing haymakers at Mario to prove who has the best Halloween costume here in Bowser's costume contest.
Bowser then used his flames to stop Mario and SMG4, but they both dodged it and started a fire upon the stage and the castle, causing everyone to panic.
Bowser: Everyone just calm down! Just form an orderly line and we'll eva--
But suddenly, as Bowser tried his best to calm down his minions to help them escape the castle before the whole place burns down to the ground, he was soon trampled by his own minions as they all ran for their dear lives.
Now Mario, SMG4 and Bowser are the only ones left to burned to death by Bowser's flamed-up castle.
Then suddenly part of the castle walls fell off and blocked off their only exit for escape as they are soon gonna burn to death before of their stupid argument about who has the better Halloween costume.
SMG4: AH CRAP! I don't want to die like this! Not with Mario anyway!
Mario: Hey, it's not my fault that we got into this mess in the first place!
SMG4: How is this my fault?!
Mario: If you didn't have to make fun of my costume that led us to a trick-or-treating war, none of this would've happened and now we're gonna burn to death!!
SMG4: Shut up, Mario! I don't want to die and be humiliated in shame at the same time.
Then suddenly, a helicopter came in from the roof with Ember piloting the copter and Y/n used his powers to create his own Gaster Blasters to shoot ice beams at the flames to put them out.
Mario: Whoa?! Is it a bird!?
SMG4: Is it a plane!?
Bowser: No! It's a trash bag!!!
Luigi: Take this rope guys!
Y/n: Yeah, grab on before it's too late!
The three of them didn't think twice and grabbed onto the rope and Ember flew the plane out of the castle before they were all became burnt up hot dogs.
Bowser: (Crying) My castle...
Y/n: Don't worry, Bowser. I'll call the insurance agency to make sure that your castle will be good as new. You can stay at my room at Peach's castle until your castle is all fixed up.
Bowser: Thanks, Y/n. I appreciate it. Nice Sans costume by the way.
Y/n: Thanks. (Turns to SMG4 and Mario) I hope you two learn your lesson about competing against each other that almost got you guys killed in that fire.
SMG4: Yeah, we did. We owe you guys big time. Thanks for saving us, guys.
Y/n: Don't thank me and Ember. Thank Luigi for borrowing this helicopter to rescue you guys.
Luigi: No problem...But I cannot rest...as there will always be help needed in the kingdom...
Then suddenly, they all see a spotlight in the sky as it's the Trash signal, telling Luigi that there's something going on in the Mushroom Kingdom.
Luigi: Wah! It's the trash signal! That means someone needs the help of...TRASH BAG!!!
Luigi then jumped out of the helicopter to go fight some crime, only to fall straight down to a rocky platform, killing him instantly.
Y/n: Ow! That's gotta hurt!
Mario: So, uh....you guys wanna go back to my place and watch a scary movie?
All: Yeah!
So, Ember flew the gang back to Mario's house to spend the rest of Halloween Night watching a Puppet Combo movie, only for Y/n to remember something after they all had to go through tonight.
Y/n: Holy Shit! I forgot about Tails Doll!
All: What?!
Y/n: Ember! Go fly back over to the neighborhood so we can find him!
Ember: I'm on it, bro!
But then, Y/n got a text from his phone that is from Tails Doll and it says that he made it back home to Mario's house from Trick-or-Treating safe and sound and showed a photo of a bunch of candy that is filled up in every room of Mario's house and showed a photo of the dead bodies of criminals and pedophiles that he buried somewhere next to Toad's house.
Y/n: Oh...nevermind...he made it back home safe and sound. Looks like we got enough candy to eat tonight while we watch a movie at Mario's place.
Mario: Sweet!
SMG4: Alright!
Ember: Hell yeah!
Bowser: Yeah Boi!
So then, Ember flew everyone back to Mario's house to watch a scary movie and eat all of the candy that Tails Doll has collected, thus making this Halloween Night an amazing adventure that they'll never forget, even though Luigi just killed himself by jumping off the plane while they were still flying through the Darklands.
Either way, Happy Halloween.
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