Episode 19 - Lost in the Woods

Location: The Dark Oak Forest

It was another day with the SMG4 gang as Y/n, SMG4, Mario and Luigi are wandering in the woods, and they seem to be lost after they tried to go out for a stroll in the Dark Wood Forest until SMG4 started giving the gang some wrong directions to get back to Creation City.

You see, in the Dark Wood Forest, it is known that there was a legend called, The Lost Legend as it is known that when someone enters these woods will cause them to get lost and can't find a way back to the city unless there was a miracle that might lead them to the right direction.

SMG4: Uh...it's this way!...I think...

Luigi: That's what you said 3 hours ago!!!

Mario: Oooh. Mario's fat is not very happy...

Y/n: I hate to say this guys, but I think we're lost.

Luigi: SMG4...don't tell me that we're...LOST!?!?!?

SMG4: (brushing Luigi off) What? Pfft, no! I never get lost. What are you talking about?

Mario: It's okay, SMG4. We know you get lost trying to find the bathrooms.

Y/n: Or to go outside for a nice stroll in these woods, but do you not realize that we're all now lost in the freakin' forest?!?!

SMG4: (offended) Shut up! You know what, I'm getting us out of here right now! Follow me!

The gang then started running off...only to end up back in the same exact place they were before.

SMG4: ...SHIT!!!

Y/n: Let's face it guys. We're now lost in the woods thanks to SMG4's lack of direction.

Mario: (pessimistically) Yep, we're pretty screwed. We're never gonna make it back.

Luigi: (frightened) ...WHA?

Mario: We're probably gonna starve and die.

Y/n: Or die from thirst or freeze to death at night.

Luigi begins spouting a bunch of gibberish from all the tension.

Mario: There's probably also monsters in these woods that will eat us...

Y/n: Or we might get eaten by a hungry bear that is all doped up with cocaine or a horde of vicious, bloodthirsty mountain lions!!!

Luigi passes out from all the dangerous stuff that Y/n and Mario had to shout out.

SMG4: Ok, fine! We're lost. So what? We're lost. So what? We don't have to worry because...

SMG4 then whips out his smartphone as it's their only chance to get them out of the woods.

SMG4: ...WE HAVE TECHNOLOGY!!!...ah crap! It's on 2% battery!

Y/n: What?! You forgot to charge your own phone?!?!?!

Luigi: (panicking) AH! Quick! Call for help!

SMG4: Wait, hang on! I need my daily dose of memes first.

Y/n: No, SMG4!! Don't look up memes on the internet!!! We need to call for help!! It's our only chance!!!

SMG4 started browsing through some funny memes and starts laughing, blatantly ignoring the tense situation that he and his friends are in right now.

Luigi: SMG4! STOP! There are more important things than memes!

SMG4: Heehee, look at this one.

Y/n and Mario looks at the phone and starts laughing...and then the phone dies...as the phone is their only chance to get of the woods.

Phone: DED.

SMG4: (realizing his mistake) ...well shit.

Y/n: Nice one, dumbass.

The Following Day...

Later in the day, the gang continues looking for a way out of the Dark Oak Forest aka the Forest of the Lost Legend.

Mario: OOOHOOHOO! I GOT IT! Oh! Wait! Mario's gonna save the day!

Y/n: Really then? What's your idea this time, Mario?

Mario then takes out a compass from his overall pockets as the compass was one of the oldest forms of navigation before the GPS systems were created in the future.

Mario: Mario has this compass!!

Y/n: Ok then. I think that might help us point into the right direction to Creation City.

SMG4: A compass? You know how to navigate with that Mario?

Y/n: Yeah, can you prove to us that you can use a compass?

Mario: Sure!!

Mario begins shaking the compass, thinking it's a magic guide that will point the gang out of the forest...but nothing seems to work as it makes sense that he doesn't even know how to use a compass.

Mario: Which way should we go?

Mario puts his ear to the compass to hear its response...except there is no response is because compasses don't work like that...what an idiot.

Mario: I think it's broken!!!

Y/n: I don't think that's how compasses work, Mario?

SMG4: Give me that!!! (Snatches the compass from Mario) Okay, so north is that way. We just need to go north long enough and I'm sure we'll find something!

Y/n: Alright then, lead the way then, SMG4.

Mario: Mario's idea was better...

Timeskip - 2 HOURS LATER...

As two hours passed by, the gang keep walking on the path to find a way back home and Mario is now starting to get bored.

Mario: (complaining) Man, walking sure is boring!

Y/n: You might have a point, Mario. This is getting pretty dull, and we've been walking for two hours. My feet are getting tired from walking.

Luigi: Well, why don't we play a game to pass the time?

Y/n: Sure, I got nothing better to do around here in these woods, so I'll play a game.

Mario: OH BOY! Did you bring a NINTENDO SWITCH!?

Y/n: I wish I had brought a Nintendo Switch, but I didn't.

Luigi: No, I mean we play a game like I Spy...

Y/n: Oh ok. I like playing I Spy.

Mario: Oh, I spy! OKAY!

Luigi: Okay, I'll start...I spy with my little eye, something beginning with T!

Y/n: Ummm....Trees?

Luigi: Yes, that's correct.

Y/n: (Smiles in victory)

Mario: (scratching his head)...seven?

Luigi: Wait...what???

Y/n: (Laughs) What did he say? Seven (Laughs) Seven doesn't start with a T, Mario! That's ridiculous. (Laughs)

Mario: I would like to lock in Seven as my final answer! (Mario, you are one smart Jackass!)

SMG4: I think we need a more simple game for this idiot...

Y/n: Alright. What else can we play, Luigi?

Luigi: Uhh...oh! How about a rhyming game? I'll say a word and you guys think of something that rhymes with it!

SMG4: Oh! Sounds like fun!!

Y/n: Sure. I can go for a little rhyming game.

Luigi: Well I brought this Cat!

SMG4: Hat! (Ah, yes)

Y/n: (Brings out a Baseball Bat and an actual Bat) Bat!

Mario: (literally pitch black all of a sudden) Black!!

Y/n, SMG4 and Luigi stare silently at Mario, confused as to how he got like that...

Y/n: How did he turn his whole body pitch black?

SMG4: Mario, black doesn't rhyme with hat...

Mario: What are you?...A RACIST!?

Y/n: NO!!! I'm not racist!!!

Mario: Not you, Y/n. I'm said that SMG4 is racist!!!

SMG4: (shocked) What! NO!!!

Mario: Then why won't you let black rhyme with hat???


Mario turns towards Luigi and begin yelling in his face.

Mario: What an asshole!

SMG4: You're an idiot...

Mario: No, u!

Y/n: I'm gonna rip those mustaches on both of your faces if you two don't knock it off.

Luigi: WAIT GUYS! Do you smell that??

Y/n: (Sniffing) Yeah, I do smell something?

SMG4: Yeah, I do actually!

Mario: Smells like...FOOOD!

Luigi: It's coming from over there!

Mario: ...YES.

Mario begins sniffing his away over to the area while the others started following him to where the smell came from.

Y/n: That's it, Mario! Follow your nose to that smell!!

Then we cut to sometime later in the day, and Mario is still sniffing to where the smell was coming from.

Mario: Ahah! The smell is from this way!!! (Resumes sniffing)

SMG4: Goddammit Mario! You're probably smelling a skunk's ass or something!

Y/n: (Sniffs) Nope! It's actually food, not skunk's ass.

Mario continues sniffing until he finally finds the area where the smell is coming from, a log cabin...

Y/n: A log cabin? Here in these woods? Could someone actually be living in these woods?

SMG4: Oh sweet!!! We can finally get help!!!

Luigi: (creeped out) N-nooo! I don't like this!!!!! Let's head back...

Y/n: We'll we gotta do something to get out of these woods, Luigi or we might not be able to get back home.


Luigi then smacks Mario to keep him quiet from making any noise that might attract any attention to anyone that might be living in the cabin or a dangerous animal that could be in the area.

Luigi: Mario! Shhhh! We have to be cautious with this!

Mario: (annoyed) Fine! You go knock on the door then!

Luigi: M-meee?.....

Y/n: Don't be scared, Luigi. You can do this! You just got to be brave and confident.

Luigi: Ok then. I'll go knock on the door.

Luigi looks up towards the creepy log cabin to knock on the door to see who's living in the cabin and see if this person living in the cabin can help them get out the woods to head back home.

Luigi: I..I can.........I CAN DO THIS!

With his newfound confidence, Luigi heads towards the doorbell of the log cabin...


Luigi knocks the door, but then snaps right back into a scared fit, ragdolling away from the cabin...

Y/n: Oh well, at least he tried.

Mario: ...let Mario try, Luigi.

Mario kicks down the entire door allowing to the gang to gain access to the cabin, which appears to be a very cozy looking cabin.

Mario: YIPEEE!

The other two enter the cabin, where they find the heads of Tails, K.K Slider, Arin Hanson, and Heavy mounted above a machine guy and nearby some axes, the creepy decor causing Luigi to freak out...

SMG4: Hey. This place is pretty good!

Y/n: Yeah, it's so nice and cozy in here.

Mario screams in the background after discovering what he just smelled, a fully cooked turkey.

Mario: (holding a turkey) FREE FOOOOOOD!

Mario begins digging in onto the turkey, but the other started protesting that Mario should share some of the turkey .


SMG4: Yeah! You got to save some for us as well!! >:(

Y/n: Yeah, don't starve us to death! Save us some for the rest of us!

The gang then all of a sudden turn to the door as they hear a strange noise coming from it, causing everyone to freak out and hide...oh wait, it's just Bob, coming back to his cabin in the woods after collecting some firewood because he thinks that bitches love fires.

Bob: oH bOy FiNaLlY gOt sOmE wOoD. mY FiRe iS gOnNA bE sO bIg! BlTcHeS lOvE fIrEs!

Then Bob suddenly notices Mario and Y/n pretending to be a couple of head mounts.

bOb: ...dA hElL?

Mario/Y/n: Hello!

B0B: hOlY sHiT fLoAtInG iTaLiAn aNd cOoL gUy!

Then Bob runs into the wall out of fear before Y/n fell down on the floor.

Luigi: ...Bob???...

Then Mario lands on the floor as well

Mario: Bob!? What's your raggy ass doing here?

Y/n: Yeah, why are you living in a cabin in these woods?

b0b: oH. hI y/N, sMg4 aNd fRiEnDs. I sEe YoU'vE fOuNd My HoLiDaY hOuSe.

SMG4: No way...you own this place?...

b0B: yEaH, tHiS pLaCe Is AlL mInE. i BuIlT iT aLl By MySeLf. I bRiNg GiRlS uP hErE eVeRy DaY.

SMG4: Hey, that's pretty good!

Y/n: I don't believe him. He must've stolen somebody's cabin.

Luigi: Yeah, but who else could be living in this cabin in the woods?

Then suddenly, the door that SMG4 is standing in front of opens to reveal...Shrek.


Luigi loses his shit and explodes.

Y/n: Oh Shit! Is that Shrek?! He owns this cabin?! Bob stole his cabin in the woods?!?!

Mario: Oh, hello there!

BOb: oH cRaP lOlolOI I thOuGhT yOU dIeD.

SMG4: This isn't your house...is it?

Y/n: No shit sherlock! He stole this house from Shrek!!! We gotta get the hell out of here!!!!

bOb: loL.

Shrek: (unholy screaming)

B0b: yO shReK wE cAn TaLk AbOuT tHiS rIgHt I wAs JuSt kEePiNg YoUr HoUsE tIdY fOr YoU-

Without warning, Shrek assaults Bob for stealing his cabin.

bOB: oOw My OvArIEs! GuYs DoN't WoRrY tHeRe'S fOuR oF uS aNd OnLy OnE oF hIm...GuYs?

Bob turns around to find that the gang are bolting out of the house to avoid getting pummeled to death by Shrek.

BoB: (accepting his fate) wElL mY aSs Is OgRe FoOd.

Shrek grabs Bob and pins him to the wall.

bOb: uM sHrEk Is LoVe, ShReK iS lIfE...rIgHt?

It was this moment that he knew...he f***ed up.

Bob is presumably fucked as the scene cuts back to the forest, where's it's completely dark outside...

Y/n: (Panting) I think we lost him. I did not expect to find Shrek here in the woods that lives in that cabin in the woods.

Mario: Mario doesn't think he can go much further...

SMG4: Come on guys...we're almost there...I think...

Mario falls to the ground, tired.


SMG4: (Throws the compass to the ground) Stupid broken piece of crap! Okay fine, we will rest for the night.

Y/n: Good idea, SMG4. I think we all had enough fun for today. Let's camp out here and get some rest. We'll continue on our journey back home in the morning.

The gang head to a shaded area of the forest to set up camp for tonight, but they're starting to get cold and need to start a fire.

SMG4: (shivering) Brrrrrr, does anyone know how to start a fire?

Mario: Oh! Mario knows how to start a fire!

Y/n: Please don't cause a forest fire, Mario.

Mario: Don't worry, I'm going to start the fire the old-fashioned way with...two sticks!!

Mario begins rubbing two sticks together to start a fire like in the movies...but it doesn't work because he's not doing it right.

Mario: Piece of SHIT! (Throws the sticks away)

Y/n: Yeah, that only works in movies.

Luigi: Oh no...it's not working!

Mario: OH! SMG4 and Y/n tell me not to touch or break anything!

SMG4: Uhh...Mario, don't touch or break anything...

Mario: Ok, now turn away.

Y/n, SMG4, and Luigi turn away and back around to find that Mario has somehow started a fire...a bit too much of a fire as he accidentally caused a forest fire.

The gang begin to huddle around the campfire, trying to figure out a way out of the forest when they wake up the next morning.

Luigi: (crying) Do you think we'll ever get out of here?

Y/n: Don't worry, guys. I'm sure we'll make it back home safe and sound.

SMG4: We...we have to...

SMG4 opens his palm to reveal a keychain containing an image of his special someone...which turns out to be his PC...

SMG4: I have someone very important to me waiting back home...

The Mario Bros. and Y/n turn towards each other, confused at SMG4's virginity.

Mario: Welp, that made Mario tired now. Night night.

Mario instantly falls asleep.

SMG4: Yeah, I guess we better get some shut eye. G'night boys.

Y/n: Alright then, night everyone.

Then Y/n and SMG4 falls asleep as well, leaving Luigi the only one awake.

Luigi: ...(sobs)

Luigi gets up, too scared to sleep. He looks around the forest and hears a noise, frightening him.

Luigi: (sobs)

Mario: (Waking up) Hmmm?

Y/n: (Waking up, groaning) Luigi?

Luigi: (holding a stick) Stand back! I'm warning ya...

Y/n/Mario: Luigi!

Luigi: (screams and explodes)

Y/n: Will you stop being scared, Luigi. There's nothing out there that could kill us.

Mario: There's no monsters out here, silly Luigi. We'll show you. Like-a-samboooooody! D'uh, hello, I need to speak to somebooody who can-

Luigi: (scared) Mario!

Mario: See Luigi? No monsters to eat us!

Y/n: Yeah. He's right, Luigi. There's nothing to be afriad of.

Then suddenly. Y/n and Mario gets grabbed and taken away by something in the woods as the two of them are being dragging to another part of the woods, scaring the shit out of Luigi.

Luigi: (freaking out) HOLY SHIT!

Mario: Wheeeeeee!

Y/n: Gaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!

Luigi: (Screaming)

SMG4: (Wakes up) WILL YOU SHUT UP?! PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP! (Goes back to sleep)

As SMG4 went back to sleep after Luigi started screaming, ignoring that Y/n and Mario, who is still being taken away by a tentacle as the two of the are being dragged to another part of the woods.

Mario: Wheeeeeeee!

Y/n: Gaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Then suddenly, Y/n and Mario are both slapped down towards the ground.

Mario: OOF!...ohhh....hmmmm...?

Y/n: Huh? Who's there?

Y/n and Mario looks up towards the mysterious figure, who reveals himself to be...Slendy!

Slenderman: Yo man, what's up?



Y/n and Mario extends their fists.

Mario: Ha-ha!

Y/n: Nice to see you again bro!

Slenderman gives them both a fist bump.

-Back with Luigi and SMG4-

Luigi shivers and passes out as SMG4 wakes up.

SMG4: Huh...whozzat...Jesus?...

-Back with Y/n, Mario and Slendy-

Mario: Hey Slendy, can you help us get out of here? We're kinda lost.

Y/n: Yeah, you would not believe the chaos we had to deal with today in these woods.

Slendy: I got you fam!

Slendy moves a tree out of the way to reveal a car.

Y/n: Wow. That's convenient.

Mario: Yahoo! HERE WE GOOOOO!

Y/n and Mario grabs his friends and throws everyone into the Slendymobile. Slendy then begins to drive the gang out of the forest back to Creation City.

Location: Creation City

As the gang makes it back to Creation City, thanks to Slenderman, he lands his car out of the sky somehow as they made to a local McDonalds that is open 24/7. This is why SMG4 convinced Y/n, Mario and Luigi to go for a nature walk to get Lunch at McDonalds in Creation City, which caused them to get lost in the woods.

Mario: There...there it is! After so long...we finally made it...

Y/n: We finally made it to McDonalds!

Mario: Yahoo! Thanks Slendy! This is the last time we're ever taking SMG4's directions.

Y/n: You said it, bro!

SMG4: (offended) HEY SHUT UP!

The gang run inside the McDonalds with Slendy

Mario: Hi! We'd like to order!!!

Then they soon realize that the cashier at McDonald's was none other than Shrek...and he hasn't forgotten about what happened earlier at his cabin, which is really Bob's fault.

Mario: You know what, I'm not really feeling McDonald's.

Y/n: Yeah, me too. I can make a mean Big Mac Lasagna. Anyone up for a slice?

SMG4: Alright then...

Luigi: Oh yeah...

Slendy: Alright, sure.

Luigi: Uh, bye!

Then the gang slide out of the McDonald's, got back on the Slendymobile and drove all the way back home to avoid getting cooked up and eaten by Shrek as Bob is now stuffed in a cooking pot as Shrek's dinner.

bOb: (stuffed into a pot) hEy I sMeLl DeLiCiOuS!



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