Chapter 25: The End of The World As We Know It

Aranellevanima looked at me in shock, before she burst out laughing. She exclaimed, "Yes, Saironelloistya, we have to destroy the amulet!"

Herulepilin and Herievamornie looked at Aranellevanima and I in confusion, until I said, "I'll explain when we get back." With that, Aranellevanima and I left the stage.

                                                                               . . .

After some discussion between Aranellevanima and I, we decided to go back to the woods where we had last encountered Martamo, on our way back to Meneltarma. When we arrived there, after the one day journey, Martamo was already waiting for us. She smiled at our confusion, and teased "Did I not tell you I was omnificent? I knew you would be looking for me, so I came back here." She looked different than she had before, no longer looking like she had been weeping, but instead, she looked like she had come into a state of acceptance. She still wore the green and blue dress, and her eyes with their iridescent coloring, were mesmerizing. She wore wooden shoes, which were sprouting leaves, and she wore gloves woven of spider webs, shimmering like woven silver. The laugh lines around her eyes were still there, and her eyes had a sparkle to them that spoke of joy and wisdom beyond measure.

"You spoke of the nature of your omniscience," Aranellevanima responded merrily, "Which means you know why we are here?"

Martamo nodded, and responded to me, "Saironelloistya, bring forth The Amulet of Lúmë ar Parma, that it may be destroyed."

I removed it from around my neck, and looked at it, remembering its history, and its creation. I remembered the gathering of each of its ingredients, every conversation with Aranellevanima, Saironellotoron, Nardil, Laureaferedir, Nimloth, Herulepilin, the other Councillors, Laicaroquen, and the citizens of Meneltarma, and my trials. I remembered every feeling I had experienced on this journey, and I remembered my centuries of emotional control. I held it tightly in my hand, and said, "With this amulet, I started a war, and caused the deaths of many of my friends, yet with its destruction, I do not prevent it. Why should it be destroyed?"

Martamo went to respond, but Aranellevanima spoke first, saying, "The Amulet of Lúmë ar Parma has caused much death and pain, and it will cause more. It contains much power, and people are often dark, and want power, even being willing to kill for it. To allow it to exist, is to allow it claim more lives. With any power, comes an equal level of responsibility, and with a power like this, the responsibility is too great for any one person to possess. It must be destroyed, Saironelloistya!"

I looked at her, realizing that what she spoke was true, and handed Martamo the Amulet, as she looked at Aranellevanima, and said, "You, Aranellevanima, have grown since this party began, by far the most, and certainly in a positive way. Your intelligence and wisdom have grown exponentially, and your other traits such as your selflessness, have grown as well. Herievamornie is proud of you." She turned to me, and said, "You, on the other hand, Saironelloistya, still have much room to grow. You are very set in your ways, but that will change before the end. You have grown in some traits, such as your emotionalism, your empathy, and your hopefullness. Your faith in the Gods has grown as well, which is surprising, because of the life they have given you." She smiled, and said, "Aranellevanima, and Saironelloistya, I am proud of both of you, because you gave this world your all, and accomplished that which you set out to do."

Aranellevanima looked at Martamo and me, and said. "Excuse me, please." With that she left, walking towards the horses, and Martamo and I were left alone.

She looked at me, and said, "This destruction is not free of cost. It requires an immortal soul, freely given."

I looked at her, then I looked at Aranellevanima, who was playing with the horses, the sunlight through the trees reflecting off her hair, before I said, "I am wroth to leave her alone, having lost both Saironellotoron, and I to this War." I turned back to Martamo, looked her in the eyes, and continued, "However, I created this amulet, so I must destroy it. I offer up my soul as a sacrifice, that I may save others."

Martamo looked at me sadly, before replying, "I doubt she will see it the same way, Saironelloistya, but I accept your sacrifice. Come back tomorrow morning, and I will begin the ritual. I hope you are aware of the fact that your soul will be lost, going to neither Mando's, nor will it go to Nienna. "

I nodded and said, "tenna omentieentolva" meaning, "Until our next meeting." Then I turned and slowly walked back to Aranellevanima.

She saw me approaching, and smiled, while asking "What did you discuss?"

I looked at her, saddened, but I hid it behind a smile as I had trained myself to do through my emotional control. "We simply discussed the Destruction of The Amulet. I must return tomorrow, but I would like you to ride back to Meneltarma with a message for Herulepilin, and I want you personally to deliver it into his hands."

She looked at me, suspiciously, and requested, "May I read it first, Mi mellonartoron?"

I shook my head, and explained, "Part of Herulepilin's instructions are to read it aloud to you. I hope you will respect me in this." I looked her in the eyes, and when she didn't respond, I ordered her,"Get some rest, Aranellevanima, and I take the first watch. I need to write the note anyway."

She climbed a nearby tree, carrying her bedroll, and I sighed. Walking over to my horse, I gathered some paper, and an ink tube for writing, before sitting with my back against the tree she climbed, and began to write.

I want you to read this aloud to Aranellevanima, but I also want you to be there to comfort her. The truth is that what I must do, I do not think I could do with her nearby, because while my friends are my greatest strength, they are also my greatest weakness. If she asked me not to, I in all probability would consent, and the deed would be left undone. However, this action must be taken, to prevent the loss of more life. I am sacrificing my soul to destroy the Amulet
It would only lead to more war, and death, were its existence to continue. Aranellevanima is aware of the second part, but until now, she knew naught of my plans. She will most likely not be willing to accept my death, but she will know it to be true, due to her adept nature at Necromancy. You need to get her to accept it verbally, or it will cause her to destroy herself. I love her as a friend, and I would give my life for her. I know she would do the same for me, and I cannot allow her to, because​ if by my life or death I could save her, I would. I will not be reanimated, because the ritual will destroy my soul. This is the end for me, but with the deaths I have caused, I deserve much worse. I despise myself for causing her more pain, but I cannot allow my emotions to cloud my logical thinking. I must die, that others may live. I hope you understand.
Shame of Meneltarma.

I folded up the letter, and put it into her saddle bag, and allowed her to sleep, until she naturally awakened, four hours later, an hour after my watch ended.

She climbed out of the tree, and commanded me, "Rest, Saironelloistya, as you will need it, for whatever tomorrow brings." Then she ushered me to my bedroll, and within minutes, I was asleep.

. . .

I awoke late in the morning, to Aranellevanima packing up her saddle, and gathering up our camp. She saw me and smiled, saying, "I'll await your arrival at Meneltarma, in two days time, Saironelloistya." With that, she mounted her horse, and rode off east, towards Meneltarma, and her future life, which though she knew it not, would not contain Saironellotoron, or I.

I turned towards the woods, and walked into them. Just inside of them, I saw Martamo in a clearing, and stated, "My time has come. I must destroy the Amulet. "

She frowned at something, but said nothing about it. "Shall we begin, Saironelloistya? Reaffirm your sacrifice!"

I nodded, and, she said, "So be it. Step into the soul cage, and expose your heart." I did so and she began to cast in a language of old, that I didn't understand. I watched her pull out a dagger, inscribed with artistically written runes, and thrust it towards my unmarred exposed heart.

In the moment before impact, I had the exact same flash back, that I had the day before, when I removed the Amulet.

Suddenly, and not at all predictably, regardless of what BadPenname thinks, a force struck me from the left and pushed me out of the way, as the dagger slid into the place where my body had been.

As the dagger slid right into Nimloth's heart.

She collapsed to the ground in a heap, but I caught her before her head could hit the ground. "Why?" I wept, terrified to lose another friend regardless if what they had done.

Every word seemed a struggle, as I attempted to stop the bleeding, but she squeezed out, "Saved... to... return... favor."

Her blood now coated my fingers, as I cast "Envinyanta", but Martamo shook her head, because the dagger's enchantments voided the spell. "Nimloth, this was my fault, I had to rectify it. You shouldn't die!"

She gurgled on her own blood, but managed to sputter out, "War... My... Fault... I ...must ... Correct."

Martamo knelt down beside her, and quickly asked, "Nimloth, Le Nolgaarvanima, will you bind your soul to destroy the Amulet, aware that your soul will be destroyed in the process, and you forfeit Mandos?"

I went to object, but Nimloth took my hands, and nodded. "Just wanted... To... Help... People." With that, Nimloth, Councilor of Meneltarma, General of Le Elyanme, Hero of The Land of Men and Elves, died in my arms, sacrificing her immortality, to save me, and the people of The Land of Quendelie ar Apanónar.

I openly wept, but soon my cries turned to shrieks of outrage, as I turned on Martamo. "You are omnificent! You knew this would happen!"

She did not deny it, but instead said, "Come now, Saironelloistya of The High Elves. I will destroy the Amulet, as we now have all of the necessary components."

I was still outraged, so I lashed out irrationally at The Goddess, saying, "No, I will!"

She glared at me, and for a moment, my outrage turned to fear. Then she ordered, "Be silent! You are being megalomaniacal!" She paused, and more calmly stated, "Saironelloistya, this is a world we live in, of which you are just one part, not the whole. This Chronicle is not of you truly, but of the Land of Quendelie ar Apanónar. Instead, you must go home, to your friends, and live a long life through your immortal years. I will request however, that you write down all that has happened, when you return. This is the End of the First Era of this world, and you have seen it through. You have been at the head of most of its major events, and therefore can offer a unique perspective, on how it all went. For now, come with me. I must destroy the Amulet."

She began to walk, until, upon entering another clearing, I saw a strange cornicopia of sorts. Then, I recognized it. It was the horn of Bolton's Minotaur, and around it were all of the other ingredients Saironellotoron, Aranellevanima, and I had gathered.

She looked at me, and explained, "Nimloth's soul will replace the Maiden's blood, but other than that, the rituals are the same, except in their incantation. This one must be done in The God's tongue",

I accepted that and, without a word, restacked everything, as the three of us had. Every step of Aranellevanima, Saironelloistya, and I's journey was seared into my mind, and I knew, not only was everything that had happened my fault, but also that it had all been for naught.

Martamo placed the Amulet into the horn, and with the dagger, and its light, redrew the diagram from the blood. Then she released the rest of the soul into the horn, and began in God's speech, saying,"Grooth ust bandstilla, isdahear ecalkcen," which she told me means; "Death has come to you, immortal Amulet."

When she said that, all of the soul flared, and began being sucked into the Amulet. The Amulet grew brighter and brighter, until finally, in a shower of purple, yellow, and blue, its energy returned to the Weave. The Amulet of Lúmë ar Parma, was destroyed.

. . .

Within three hours, Aranellevanima had returned both outraged, and mourning, because she came to collect my body. Upon seeing me alive she ran up and wrapped me in a bear hug, and immediately anteceding that, she slapped me across the face.

"I suppose I deserved that." I said, wondering where she got this penchant, for slapping me across the face, but she glared at me.

"You not only planned to sacrifice you life, but also your afterlife, and you only 'suppose' you deserved that. No you did deserve it." Then she noticed how quiet, and quite frankly, sulky, I was being, because she more calmly finished, "I am glad you are alright though."

She sat down next to me, and waited. I looked down at the ground and said, "The Amulet of Lúmë ar Parma has been destroyed."

She waited expectantly, but she knew why I was saddened, because she said, "Yet your soul was not used, for you still live. Who died, that you could live?"

I took a deep breath, then looked my dearest friend in the eyes, and stated, "Nimloth is dead. She sacrificed herself to save me." Her last words echoed in my head, and the image of her gurgling on her own blood flashed before my eyes. "Nimloth was a hero, Aranellevanima, and she must be remembered as such. She just wanted to help people, and she died for it. If anyone could have fairly led Meneltarma, it was her."

Aranellevanima looked at me, and smiled sadly. She said, "Mi toron, if Nimloth died, that you might live, then it is you duty to live. Come, mi Mellon, we are going back to Meneltarma. I have something to show you."

. . .

We arrived back at Meneltarma once again, just around a day and a half later. We had gone back slowly, discussing the last four months on the way. When we arrived, and had entered through the gate, I saw rows of mourning citizens at the sides of the gate, all leading up to the main college, where I lived. I looked at Aranellevanima who smiled, and said, "They are mourning your death, or more accurately, they are mourning the death of the newly elected leader of Meneltarma." I looked up sharply at that, to which she laughed. "Honestly, Saironelloistya, what did you expect? You are the Hero of The Land of Quendelie ar Apanónar, The General of its Armies, and a Patron of the people. They elected you, by an overwhelming 87% of the popular vote." She turned to the people, who's heads were bowed in mourning, and shouted, "Weep no more, people of Meneltarma! He is alive!"

"I do not desire, nor do I deserve, power, Aranellevanima. I should not be in charge, but if it the will of the people, then by the morality doctrine of Meneltarma..." I looked at the people of Meneltarma, and saw the hope, and joy, apparent on their faces,"... I accept."

Aranellevanima dismounted, and bent down on one knee, but I leap down off my horse, and helped her up. "If I am to lead, then my first order shall be this, No one in the Land of Quendelie ar Apanónar, shall ever bow to their leaders again. No leader is better than their citizens, and therefore, they should not be treated as such."

Tears freely flowed down Aranellevanima's cheeks, but they were tears of pride and joy. "Your humility will make you a great ruler, Saironelloistya. You will serve the people well."

I looked at her, and thought about what she said. "Maybe, Aranellevanima, but not alone, shall I rule. I will need an advisor, and I would have you be that advisor. Do you accept, Aranellevanima?"

She smiled and stepped back, saying, "There are others wiser than I, and-"

I cut her off, and affirmed, "There is none I trust more, my friend. Hardship is the flame through which friendship becomes faith. Aranellevanima, I have faith in your ability to serve the people of Meneltarma, not as my lesser, but by my side, as a equal. Will you join me, in raising the Land of Men and Elves, to be all that it can be?"

She nodded, and I drew her into a hug. "Now comes the Age of Estel! May we serve you well, People of Meneltarma!" With that comment, Aranellevanima led me to my quarters, now separated from Herulepilin's, and in a different hall, closer to Aranellevanima's room.

"Who's home was this?" I asked, as I opened the door, and saw Herulepilin, Heruevafaireindemmar, and Herievamornie, sitting inside my new quarters.

Herulepilin stood to answer, but in the moment before, I realized where I was. These were the former sleeping quarters of Heruevavista. The sleeping quarters of Saironellotoron.

I stiffened, and Herievamornie​ saw this, and immediately said, "We can change it if you want?"

I looked around the room, at all the smiling faces of my friends, and next to them, I saw, in my mind's eye, the ghosts of Nardil, Laureaferedir, and Saironellotoron, and in my heart, I felt Nimloth. I considered all of this, truly at peace, before with a smile, and a laugh, I replied, "No, everything is perfect."

There will be an epilogue, when I feel like it, but it will be less focused on Saironelloistya. I do not know when it will be up, but know this; "Death is just another path, one that we all must take."~ John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. Namarie, mellonrairaarmáre


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