Chapter 23: The Battle for Quendelie ar Apanónar

 This was it. The fate of the world would be settled here
So Many would die, and all would be filled with deep fear,
I know not the end, nor how this dark world will be ruled,
but this is not the finish, else you all have been fooled (13)

I looked out ahead of me, into the sunset, as we continued to march towards Le Elyanme, on the third day of our march. We were heading north of the city of Meneltarma, and as we had progressed, the land and its creatures were strangely quiet, as if they too could sense the the storm that would soon decide the fate of this land. The sky was a strange green, due to the Sky-Bridge puncturing the atmosphere of the sky, and causing the refraction of light through the water droplets in the atmosphere to change directions, which caused the sky to gain a greenish tint, or so we were told. Many in the land believed magic was to blame, and I personally stood somewhere in between. I believed that the sky was that color partially because of the atmospheric puncture, and partially because the fortress was almost always filled with bored magic users, who, due to the usual state of peace in the land, had nothing better to do than practice their spells into the sky, leaving magic floating above their heads with no place to be absorbed, radiating like a maelstrom of lightning filled green energy. Eventually, the council banned this practice, but the Ban was mostly ignored due to how hard it was for the council to enforce anything there. However, as it became visible to our column, I did not see it as a sign of atmospheric damage and danger, but instead it filled me with relief and hope, because soon I knew I could relax, knowing that the war was over. Whether this battle ended in Victory or defeat for the forces of Meneltarma, the war would end here. This truly was the Battle for Quendelie ar Apanónar.

Le Elyanme was on the north center of the explored landmass, and sat on a ledge, accessible by a single stone bridge, that crossed over the sea so far below, in an almost direct drop, onto rocks and waves.  The Skybridge, actually referred originally to the stone bridge, but it was eventually expanded to mean the whole fortress, bridge, and ledge. The reason this 79 unit long stone bridge was called the Skybridge, was because, from a distance, it appeared to lead into the sky. This effect was caused by the fact that the Skybridge was nearly 3,000 units higher than any other point on the entire face of the Land of Quendelie ar Apanónar.

It was also called the Skybridge, because the phrase Le Elyanme actually comes from the primitive Elvish word for rainbow. While the main structure of the bridge was made of a blue stone, the surface of the bridge was covered in a plethora of gems, from red rubies, to violet Amethysts. This, when the light shined upon it, caused the bridge to look like a rainbow, in all of its iridescent glory. 

We continued marching, the forces of Meneltarma marching behind us in a long line, proceeding slowly but steadily behind Aranellevanima and me. I turned towards her and said "How are you holding up, my friend?"

She smiled and brushed a lock of hair out of her eyes before responding, "I am tired, but I should be able to continue." She turned her head and looked behind her. "I fear for the soldiers. Not all of them are wizards, so they can't sustain their own energy. They need to rest, Saironelloistya. Could you give them eight hours?"

I looked up at the sky, and saw that it was already getting dark. "If we march for one more hour, I will give them ten hours to rest. By the time the message gets to the end of the column, it will have been nearly forty-five minutes, since the message began. " I thought for a moment, before turning back to her, and continuing: "What if I cast a countdown clock into the sky, and we pass the message along?" But she shook her head.

"Saironelloistya, you are a powerful wizard, but even you couldn't sustain an illusion spell for that long, of a size capable if being seen by the rearguard. We can pass a message along saying that you'll shoot a large tower of fire into the sky, as a signal that we can rest, and that it will be within the hour."

I nodded and she passed along the message, asking all Generals to inform their units of the change in plans. Then I said "I want you to sleep, Aranellevanima, not just go into a trance. They may medically have the same effect, but psychologically, the sleep is better for you, and if you won't agree on the grounds that you are my friend and I want the best for you, then please do it because I need you to have a clear mind for the coming battle."

She laughed and then replied "I will rest, Saironelloistya, but I expect you to do the same. You are not to spend all of the time planning, as I suspect you would like to, but, on Necromantic Doctor's orders, you are to strive to get eight hours of sleep." 

"I will try." I said evasively, knowing I probably wouldn't, but that wasn't good enough for her.

"No, you will get eight hours of sleep." She paused, and looked at me. "If necessary, I will post guards outside your tent, to ensure that you stay in it." With that, she spurred her horse on, and I had to accelerate to keep up with her.

"As you wish, mi Mellon, but the lives of others must come first, in all wars, before my own life. "

She nodded her head, and we rode on in relative silence. Approximately Forty-five minutes later, I rapidly raised my staff, and cast a blue fire ball into the sky, so all our soldiers could see it. "General Laicaroquen, " I said, turning to him, "Please give the order that one-third of our force is to be on watch at all time. Delegate watches as you see fit. " He nodded, and I dismounted from my horse, and began to set up the meeting tent, Aranellevanima's tent, and my tent, all in a line, with the assistance of Aranellevanima, and a General who had walked up behind me.

"My name is Canoelloestel(commander of hope,) sir. I was hired by the Chief Medical General of Meneltarma, to carry on the mantle of General Laureaferedir of the Rangers. Do you have any orders for me sir?"

I looked at him, and said, before walking into my tent to sleep, " First, set up your tent, then delegate your watches. Get at least six hours of rest, and in the morning, we march for the Skybridge, and the end of all war."

. . .

We arrived at our camp, around a hundred units away from Le Elyanme, and I called together an General's meeting, to give out orders, and stations. Herynroc (Lady of the Horse,) would lead our non-magic Cavalry, while Laicaroquen would lead our non-magic infantry. Canoelloestel would lead the archers and feredirs, while I would lead the Wizard Cavalry. The Wizard infantry would be led by Herulepilin, and the Medical Division would be appointed by Aranellevanima. I informed her that I wanted two necromancers with each division, as healers, and to limit casualties. She nodded, and left the tent, as to give these orders to her healers. I said to the remaining generals: "We begin our cavalry charge up the bridge within the hour, so prepare your divisions." With that, I bowed, and walked out of our meeting tent.

. . .

I had always known that there would be casualties in war, but as our cavalry lined up at the base of the Skybridge, I knew that thousands more would die, for peace, unless I could convince Nimloth to surrender the Skybridge. I called for the yellow flag of negotiation, and, alone, I rode across the Skybridge.

Nimloth was waiting for me at the center of the Skybridge, on a white horse, the sun behind her, lacing beams of light through her blond hair, and casting golden light all around her.

I dismounted, and walked up to her, so she dismounted as well. "Calyacalima apa Le nimloth, ar nase vanima" I greeted her, meaning "Light shines on the white flower, and she is fair."

She smiled and said, "samninohta vistanimloth, nánala Saironlenolga" which roughly translates to "War may have changed the White flower, but not the Wise Wizard."

I looked her, and asked, "Are you still unwilling to surrender, Nimloth? I do not wish to waste any more lives in this war. I will ask the council to pardon you of treason, if you return."

She shook her head. "While I do not enjoy the loss of life, I still believe my path is right. I will not surrender, nor will I back down, until the council is defeated."

"Then will you at least hand over the amulet, Nimloth? I do not want your death, but the amulet must be in my possession by tomorrow morn."

I saw her rage building, and she mocked, "In my possession, you say, but what would you do with its power? This amulet could be used to do good, and for that purpose I must keep it. Tell that to your masters." With that, she mounted her horse, and rode back to her fortress, without looking back.

I mounted my horse, and looked back at her fortress, and before riding down to the base of the bridge, I sadly said "So be it. Let the battle begin."

. . .

Her archers nocked an arrow to each of their bowstrings, as I gave the Cavalry order. "Charge forth to victory, peace, and death, Soldiers of Meneltarma! Charge!" At that moment 75,000 knights, whether they were wizards or not, charged across the bridge. At the same time the Gate of Le Elyanme opened, and 50,000 of her troops charged forth onto the bridge, meaning that there were 125,000 citizens on the Rainbow Bridge, with me heading the charge. "Narrond!" I cast over the front of our army, and we rode forth into a military collision. The flames of the dome licked and reflected off of the gems on the bridge, a beautiful sight, made less appealing by the smell of burning flesh that was wafting through the air. The spell ran out, and we continued to try and force our way into Le Elyanme. Screams were filling the air, as people fell off the bridge on both sides, from overcrowding the the bridge being made slippery by the blood of both sides. There was no order. People were getting turned around and attacking their own side, before being cut down in the ensuing anarchy.

The battle had raged for three hours, but the positions on the bridge had still not changed at least in permanence. There had been some basic fluctuation, but for the most part, no real advancement was being made, with the battle-line about  three quarters of the way across. Fire was spreading around the bridge from all of the Magic users, but the place was unharmed by it, due to the naturally low temperatures, and the constant strain on The Weave or the source of magic that all magic users have tap into.

I was tired. I do not mean physically, but mentally. I hate taking lives, so to spend three hours slaughtering Nimloth's forces was awful. Looking to my left, I saw a conjurer was using the radiation in the sky, together with a transmuter, to make the radiation into throw-able balls of a volatile substance. I turned towards him, in the smoke and flames, and said, "Bring it all down." I pointed and they began, being protected by me, to spread the radiation over the lower third of Nimloth's army. The transmuter made it volatile. I turned, and as the last of the green left the sky, I cast "Narcoron" meaning "fireball," and I launched it right into the center of the now volatile radiation.

The explosion sent me flying, off my horse, but Aranellevanima grabbed me by the back of my cloak, and swung me up onto her horse. She galloped the horse through the gap in Nimloth's forces, and into the fortress of Le Elyanme.

Fifty thousand men stood as one, between us, and Nimloth,but still Aranellevanima rode on. Most of Nimloth's men payed us little here, because they were riding, or running out to meet the Army of Meneltarma. I cast "hlussaseHerynroc" meaning "whisper to The Lady of the Horse." I said, "Get off the bridge," Then I waited until almost all of Nimloth's army, before casting, "Yanta, olnen." Meaning, "Bridge, become water." The bridge turned into water, and though I didn't know until later, 28,000 of Nimloth's men fell into the abyss, and the rest on our side were promptly executed. The men on the walls didn't even notice us, so we rode forth, into Nimloth's throne room.

Or so we thought. What we had assumed was Nimloth's throne room, was what looked like a larger council chambers, but instead of the high Judge seats, there was a large round table, at which she was sitting.

Aranellevanima shut the door, and we sat down across from Nimloth. "I suspect you expect me to surrender peacefully. Is this correct?" Nimloth asked cordially.

"I would consider that course of action wise." I said, "but I would not ask you to do so unconditionally. I would like to see as many people pardoned as possible"

She looked at, baffled, and then smiled in spite of her sadness. "Saironelloistya, I started off this accursed conflict, with 200,000 rallying to my banner, and with the White-Orc Alliance, my numbers rose to 275,000. Now, after the Battles of this-of this revolution, I have less than 10,000 units left. You killed them all, Saironelloistya, and that is a crime in my mind. Crimes must be punished."

With that remark, Nimloth rose up rapidly, and attempted to flip the table onto Aranellevanima and I. I barely rolled out of the way, but Aranellevanima wasn't as fortunate. Her leg was still under the table, and a loud and resounding crack, right before the table stopped falling, told me she would not be walking for a short period of time. I started to run to her side, but a bolt of lightning caught me in the chest, and sent me flying back to the stone wall of the chamber.

I stood up, and dropped to the floor again, to avoid an ice spike being thrown at me. I rolled to my knees, and looked around for Nimloth, seeing her standing to the left of the table, and to the right of the table. It took me a moment to realize there were two of her, so I rapidly cast "melehtëpilin," meaning "Powerarrow," twice, once at each copy of her. The one on the right took the arrow without concern, but the one on the right took the arrow's energy, and absorbed it into the amulet.

She shouted "naréle" meaning "firebeam," so I countered with "nenramba" meaning "Waterwall." The room rapidly filled with steam, and I lost sight of Nimloth, but I suspected that she couldn't see. I stealthily moved along, until I found the table, and then I walked around it until I found Aranellevanima. I tried to pull her out, but I couldn't lift the table manually, and Nimloth would detect magic if I were to use it. Not that it mattered. Aranellevanima was not bleeding out, and she had already passed out from the pain. I looked up, and realized that the steam was thinning out. I had to act quickly. I drew my sword, and hid behind one of the solid Lorien wood chairs. Then I waited. Before long I saw Nimloth walking over to where Aranellevanima was lying, and she knelt down by her.

Fearing for Aranellevanima's well being, I dove out and cried: "Step away from her!" Nimloth turned and looked at me, before smiling.

"You have no authority here, Saironelloistya. By what power do you command me?" She asked sweetly, before casting another lightning bolt at me.

I rolled out of the way of the bolt, my cloak flowing behind me like a purple wave of a sail filled with the wind, before responding, "Turin le sairiniaelloistya ar Le macilellotenna, pa ya ilonna poltermar!" meaning "I wield the magic of knowledge and the sword of thought, against which no creature can stand!" I then cast, "belegnar," and a tower of fire appeared where Nimloth had been standing, immediately before she instinctively rolled right, and tripped over the table, and within a second I was standing over her, sword at her throat, ready to strike her head off.

"Do it." she seethed, "Take revenge on me for the death of your friend. Let my blood flow forth upon the stones, and fall. Fall from your hubris and loyal folly, and realize that you are no better than me. Kill me!"

I raised my sword to strike her down, when I heard a voice scream "No!" I turned my head and Aranellevanima, still trapped under the table, continued. "Saironelloistya, do not kill her. I beg you to heed my words. She killed Saironellotoron, but he was my friend too. I am as heartbroken as you are about his fate, but if you seek vengeance, than gain it the legal way. Take her back to Meneltarma, and have her tried for her wartime atrocities. Do not stoop to her level, and violate the rulings of the council." She tried to pull her leg out, and grimaced before collapsing.

Nimloth sneered, and said "I am too dangerous to be left alive. Strike me down, lest I take more lives."

Aranellevanima cried out again, saying "Strike her down, and you violate the rulings of the Council. If you partake of such hypocrisy, all of the lives spent in this war will have been spent in vain."

"How do we know the council is the right path! People flocked to Nimloth's offer of equality and peace, against the council! They have lost the people's mandate, because they have been corrupted by power!" I shouted, raging a internal war as voilatile as the war we had just fought

"As has she, Saironelloistya!" Aranellevanima retorted before forcing herself to calm down. "Saironelloistya, you are wrong. The people still believe in the council, because the people believe in you." She grimaced from the pain again before continuing. "You have saved this land that she ravished by war, and horror. You have done your part."

I stood there, thinking, my sword wavering by head, until Nimloth shouted, "Enough!"

I looked at her, and nodded. Then I said one word. "Agreed."

Then Aranellevanima shouted "No!," at the same moment that Nimloth laughed, as I brought my sword down towards her neck. The two of them stared in front of me, as the amulet fell from Nimloth's unharmed neck, and with a swirling motion I brought my sword hilt down upon Nimloth's brow.

As Nimloth collapsed unconscious, I bent down and scooped up the amulet off of the floor, and walked over to Aranellevanima. She smiled at me, and said, "I knew you would do the right thing."

"Lawful, yes. Right, of that I am​ uncertain." I said as I cast "Sarno, tsette," meaning "Table, Fly." The table floated upward, and I pulled Aranellevanima from underneath it. I then cast "envinyatalearanel" meaning, "Heal the princess," and as her leg mended, I grabbed Nimloth, and cast "landannar" meaning "to the plains."

A portal opened directly in front of me, and after placing Nimloth and Aranellevanima on the horse, we returned to the battle-field.

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