
Long ago in the under sea kingdom known as Atlantis which is a sunken kingdom in the North Atlantic and is the size of a continent. It is one of the earliest and most highly advanced cultural and magical societies on Earth. The under sea kingdom grew into a large and great empire in which it was divided into many city states like Poseidonis, Tritonis, Venturia, Shayeris and many others and what lived there were people who had the ability to breve underwater and are highly skilled and very trained warriors who protect their kind from many possible threats who want to destroy their culture or hurt the ones they care for the most in which the people are known as Atlanteans. Many centuries later Atlantis grew into an advanced community unlike any other on planet earth in which Altanteans also had the ability to use sorcery such as magic that was dominant which also means of power throughout the continent, noted intellectuals began to recognize the wisdom of science. Altanteans were a powerful race which they are beyond anything on earth and their more advanced then the surface world in which they think that their kind and their home of Atlantis are nothing more than a child's fairy tail that their parents tell them in story books but what they don't realize that Atlantis and the people who lived there are much real than anything on earth but they do not trust the surface world due to the ocean being palliated by trash, oil, sea creatures being caught and killed as well as thinking that Atlantis is a possible threat and a danger to the human world but some believe that there could be peace between them if there was a way to solve the differences between each race. But as time past Atlantis distance themselves from the outside world and decided not to expose themselves to the surface world because they want to remain a quiet and peace culture until one day during an attack that happened on the surface world where a powerful being from another world called Darkseid declare war upon earth and sent his army to attack and destroy all those who oppose him and thats when a group of heroes with powers unlike anything earth has ever had form a team and took down the conquers armies in which he fled the planet but not before leaving the damages the was already done to the world in which the attack on the surface was bad as well as the sea life included which also took a bad turn in which the king of Atlantis known as King Ovax the ruler of Atlantis and father of Prince Orm and husband to Queen Atlanna and grandfather to Prince Troy son of Prince Orm and a deceased mother who died from unkown reason died in the attack in which his son Orm was furious of what happened to his father and blamed the attack on the surface world while his mother Atlanna and son Troy were worried of what Orm will become if he chooses to go down a dark path.

Before King Orvax died he was betrothed to Queen Atlanna who was heart broken that she had to marry Orvaz and leave the surface world where she met a human named Thomas Curry who had a child from both worlds human and Atlantean, so in order to protect her first born child she had to leave Thomas and her first son named Arthur curry and marry Orvax and bare him a son named Prince Orm who grew up and became a powerful warrior in which he met a beautiful woman who he thought was also an Atlantean got married and had a son of their own named Troy who was a great boy which such incredible knowledge and kindness in which his mother was very proud of how he turned out be and was tottered by Mera who was a friend of Queen Atlanna who trained Troy in the ways of the Atlantean and became a god mother figure to him in which Troy really liked the most then one day his grandmother Altanna told him stories about life on the surface world and sees that there is beauty and love in which his father Orm didn't want him near the surface because it was forbidden and that the humans were their enemy just like how his father Orvax said they are but Troy never believed it in which during some weeks ago he left Atlantis and went to the surface world without his father or grandfather knowing in which he did some research and history on the surface world and saw that there was life and beauty on the surface as well as dangers just like how things are back home in Atlantis but the one thing that he was amazed by was that the humans had families of their own and they spend time with other and love one another while Troy family however barley does any of that since both his father and grandfather are usually busy with the kingdom and never have time for him while his grandmother and Mera always have time to spend with Troy but one day he found out that his mother died of unknown reason in which his father Orm told him about but wouldn't allow him to see her since her body was never found or searched in which made Troy upset that he will never see the person who truly loved him with all her heart anymore in which Mera and Atlanna took the delivery of taking care of him which made the prince happy that he has two people who care about him while Orvax and Orm barley notice him or even barley talk to him since they found out a truth about what Troy really was and it was because of his mother. Orvax and his Orm found out that Troys mother was actually a human in which Orvax hated humans for what they did to their ocean and the sea life in which Orm agreed to him that Troys mother was sent to be executed for thinking she was an Atlantean like them in which Orm didn't really care of what happened to her nor did Orvax because they were cruel people who only care about themselves and no one else and hid the truth from Troy and never spoke about it to anyone except Altanna and Mera found out about it and were furious of what those two have done to Troys mother in which they foul to protect the prince from Orm and Orvax so that Troy will not end up like his mother. Troy grew up into a fine and great warrior of Altanis under the gausses of Mera and Queen Altanna who made him very powerful Atlantean armor as well a memory storage about his home and his people if he ever feels lost of alone and had the weaponry forge a trident that contains magic in which Troy was honored to receive from his grandmother and Mera and spent years mastering the trident as well as his combat skills along with his knowing of both Atlantis and the surface world so that he can become something great. When Troy was told that he has an uncle on the surface world named Arthur Cury who was the first born son of Queen Altanna he was filled with amazement that he has other family members in which grandmother told him stories of her time with the surface world and with her true love Thomas Curry in which makes him Troys second grandfather in which he wanted to meet him and his uncle Arthur curry but when Atlanna told him that it wasn't safe because she didn't want Orvax or Orm to find out about what she did before she was married to Orvax, because they will send their men to hunt down and killed them in which Troy decided to keep quiet about it and wait until the time was right and he was also informed that when Orvax was killed in the battle that took place on the surface between the evil Darkseid and a group of heroes known as the Justice League his grandmother took the throne and became the new ruler of Atlantis in which her son Orm grew jealous and mad with power and blames the surface world and the heroes for his fathers death and disown his own son Troy for being a half breed abomination just like his uncle Arthur Curry. Troy didn't like the way his father was acting and the way he was spending time with his companion named Black Manta who he didn't trust or like due to his ego in which Troys father never showed him signs of compassion or love like any father would and all he cares about is war against the surface world in which he tried to get the people of Atlantis on his side and have them strike the humans but thankfully Queen Atlanna ordered him not to in which Orm couldn't do anything now that his mother is Queen and while Mera took her side and never spoken to Orm because what happened to Troys mother all those years ago. Then when Atlanna send out Mera to see how her first born son was doing in which he grew into a great man like his father Thomas and asked her to bring him back to Atlantis so he can become the next heir to the throne while Troy was in next in line after Arthur in which Troy respected his grandmothers wishes and believes that his uncle would be a great kind since he is born of two worlds just he is but Troy still never knew he was a half breed in which he will soon known of what going to come next. After Altanna sent Mera to bring back Arthur, she got worried that Mera didn't come back yet so Troy asked her if he could go after her and see if she was ok in which the Queen knew that Troy was highly trained in the ways of the Atlantean race and knows how to wield the trident he was given to him and has knowledge of the surface world in which the Queen approved of her grand child's decision and took his armor and trident and went to find Mera while she remained in Atlantis to look after the people. By the time Troy made to the surface world and came by a destroyed lighthouse, he found Mera and Arthur who were being attack by his own people in which Troy jumped in attack them for trying to kill both Mera and Arthur in which he was unconscious while being in Mera's arms and when the attack ended Mera thanked Troy for his help in which they took Arhtur to a hidden part of Atlantis where he found out the truth about what happened to his mother as well as Orvax and Orm including that he has a nephew who wanted to meet him for so long in which Arthur and Troy bonded very well together and as soon as Arthur received the armor that originally belonged to King Orvax he headed towards a small land and realize of what going on in his life in which Troy and Mera followed him to see if he was ok until they were surrounded by monstrous creatures called Trenchers who were sent to kill Arthur but they were saved by the Justice League in which Troy was amazed by the heroes and their abilities and decided to help Arthur get back to Atlantis and meet his mother and as soon as they came back to Atlantis one the people informed that the Queen was killed by surface dreller in which Troy couldn't believe that another member of his family was gone even Arthur was shocked and sadden by the queens death. Then Troy along with Arthur, Mera and the League went to see the queen who was lying in peace in which Troy became heart broken of what happened to his grandmother in which both him and Arthur will make the person pay for what he did to the person who cared about them until Orm came in wearing his armor along with the kings trident and now goes by the name Ocean Master in which he meets his half brother along with Mera and his son Troy and the league in which he tells them that he was the one who killed the queen with a sword that made Troy angry that his own father betrayed his own mother and killed her and attack him along with Arthur until Orm used the trident to knock them out along with their friends and allies and sent them to the bottom of the ocean to die while he and his armies headed to the surface to declare war. Then after words both Arhtur and Troy discovered that they can talk to sea life in which they used their abilities to help their friends escape and headed to towards the surface to stop Orm from destroying the world.

Present Metropolis:

Ocean Master: Attack this city and leave none alive and show no mercy!(Ocean Master saids to his soldiers in which they all marched into the city with their weapons and dangerous machines)

The Atlantean's and Ocean Master marched into the city and were causing damage everywhere while people were running for their lives and try to hide from the attacks until the US army showed up and got ready to attack the Atlantean's.

General Sam: Atlantean's this is general Sam Ling of the United States army, I order you to stand down!

Ocean Master: I am king Orm of Atlantis general and you are no percussion to issue orders, Kill the humans for Atlantis!(Ocean Master saids to the general and orders his men to attack the humans)

Admittedly the humans and the Atlantean's attacked and killed each other with everything they have in which more blood was being spilled everywhere until the Justice League members arrived into the fight and attacked the Atlantean's and their dangerous machines and weapons in which many of them were being taken down or slain. Then soon Troy along with Arthur and Mera joined them and attacked the Atlantean's as well in which Troy took down many of them and used his Trident to destroy their machines and disabling their weapons thanks to his knowledge of how the weaponry worked in Atlantis thanks to Mera and Atlanna who taught him well.

Troy: This is not how I picture my people to behave or act, this isn't the way of the Atlantean this war would only bring more destruction and chaos to all.(Troy saids while attacking more soldiers and destroying the machines until he saw Mera being caught by the other soldiers while his father was looking and calling her traitor in which made him more mad at his own father.)

Ocean Master: Sees her and make her watch my triumph!(Ocean Master saids to his soldiers who surrounded Mera until they were attack by Troy who jumped in and save Mera and looked towards his so called father with hate and vengeance)

Troy: Stop this madness father right now! can't you see what you are doing is wrong all for what so you can become a ruffles man just like Orvax.(Troy saids to Ocean Master while in fighting stance and while his father looked upon his son with anger and hatred for mentioning his dead father)

Ocean Master: How dare you my own son betraying me the king of Atlantis the one who stood by you all these years!! And how dare you mention your grandfathers name in my presence!!(Ocean Master saids to his son with anger)

Troy: Heh, your son give me a break you never shown signs of me being your son or show any love or compassion like any father would the only ones who truly showed me that was my grandmother Queen Atlanna and Mera who have been by side for all those years ago before mother died and even she was there for me while you and Orvax never did anything but talk about war against the surface world and power!!(Troy talks back to his father who is not more angry and his son for talking back to him even as king)

Ocean Master: I am your king and I order to stand down!!

Troy: You are not my king!, and you are no longer my father after what you have done and by the way Arthur Curry would make a better king than you and your dead father Orvax who I despise and you I hate more than everything Orm.(Troy saids with venom in his voice and showed that he was saying was true in which earned a smile or Mera face who got up from the ground while Ocean Master was furious that his flesh and blood betrayed him and insulted him along with his father Orvax)

Ocean Master: Grrrrrr!!!! YOU ARE JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER!!!! YOU HALF BREED ABOMINATION!!!!(Ocean Master saids in anger and reveals a hidden secret in which shocked Troy for what he said even Arthur heard it as well even the other League members)

Troy: What...............(Troy saids in stunned and shock)

Arthur: Troy is a half breed?(Arthur saids in thought while looking at his nephew in shock)

Ocean Master: Oh hahahaha!, I guess you never knew what you truly are my son, didn't Mera and my mother tell you of what you really are.

Troy: What are talking about?

Ocean Master: You see Troy you are not a full fledged Atlantean like me and the others but you are half Atlantean and the other is human.(Ocean Master saids to Troy who is beyond shock of what his former father said to him in which Mera felt bad for not telling Troy the truth about what he is)

Troy: I'm half human, and half Atlantean but how?(Troy saids as he looks down in shock)

Ocean Master: Thats right! you are a half breed bastard just like my half brother and the reason why you are is because of your mother.(Ocean Master saids with an evil smirk)

Troy: What does this have to do with her?!!!

Ocean Master: At first I thought she was an Atlantean just like me but when my father found out a shocking truth about her in which sicken me, he told that she was actually a human being from the surface world.(Ocean Master saids to Troy who is now more shock then ever even Arthur was shocked that his nephew is a half breed just like him and was given birth by human and raise by Atlantean by instinct)

Troy: this true was my mom really a human?(Troy saids to Mera who looked sadden for not telling him the truth in which nod her head meaning yes his mother was human)

Mera: Yes your mother was a human but she had a large heart and loved you like anyone would even me and Atlanna loved you and she treated us both with such love and kindness.

Troy: If this is true why didn't you say anything?

Mera: We were trying to protect you from Orm and Orvax after what happened to your mother and didn't want you to end up like her in which they executed her with no one knowing except for me and Atlanna.(Mera saids to Troy who is now broken into pieces that his father and grandfather killed his mother and was trying to the same to him)

Troy: They killed my mother..........(Troy saids while trembling in sadness)

Arthur: god.....(Arthur saids in thought whiling feeling bad for his nephew for what happened to him)

Ocean Master: Thats right and I cannot believe she gave birth to a half breed bastard like you!(Ocean Master saids as he points his trident at Troy who was just standing there in shock and sadness)

Troy: They killed her.....they killed her....they killed her......(Troy saids while repeating the same thing over and over in which Mera looked devastated and hurt from what he knew about his mother death)

Before Ocean Master was about to strike down Troy with his trident out of nowhere one of the league members known as Captain Marvel appeared and shot lightening at Ocean Master in which did nothing to him then using the power of the trident he unleashed his own lightening and attacked Marvel in which turned him back into his true self which was a little kid then the other members joined in and attacked him but didn't get close enough to lay a scratch on him because of his skills as a fighter and the power of the trident. Then when all of them were except Troy along with Mera and Arthur, Arthur decided to fight his half brother to avenge his mother as well as Troys mother for what Orm has done to both of them.

Arthur: Face me Orm!(Arthur saids as he charges at Orm and attacks him and beats him up)

While Arthur and Orm were fighting against each other and the Atlantean's were watching their king fight the half breed, Mera was comforting Troy who just learned a terrible truth about what really happened to his mother and sadden of what happened to his grandmother in which he will probably never recover from what he just found out.

Troy: I can believe she is gone.....I...I never even had the chance to tell how much I miss her and love her and now I feel nothing but sadness.(Troy saids while looking down in shame while Mera put a hand on his shoulder to have him look up at her)

Mera: Troy your mother may be gone but what she did and what she sacrificed will not be in vain, you have a chance to be something far more greater than any Atlantean could become and she saw that in you even Atlanna.

Troy: And what would that be?

Mera: A hero, a warrior fights for his people but you Troy fight for everyone and I know both your mother and Atlanna would want you to become one and so do I.(Mera saids with a smile in which made Troy look up at her and then looked at his trident in remembering everything his learned from Mera along with his mother and grand mother in which he stood upward with honor and bravery once again and turns to Arthur and Orm who were fighting each other)

Troy: A hero......I will make you proud mother as well as you grandmother, thank you Mera for everything I needed that.(Troy saids to himself and looks towards Mera in which she nods and smiles)

Mera: Now go and be the man your mother raised you to be.

Troy: For my mother and for Queen Atlanna.(Troy saids as he runs towards Arthur to help him against his former father)

Back with the fight, Arthur and Orm were continuing hitting each other while everyone else was watching to see who will be victorious.

Orm and Arthur were going head to head with their battle in which they were now fighting with their weapons and Orm was getting the upper hand since he is holding the kings trident with all the magic within in it so that Arthur would now have a chance to get near him and then when Orm used his trident again on Arthur in which caused an impact which shook the ground and created a powerful light, Arthur was on the ground and then later on stab in the chest and raised up from the ground by Orm who got him right where he wants him while drawing blood from him due to the stab worn.

Ocean Master: Now you die!

Arthur: Argghhhhh!!!(Arthur screams in pain while the trident was still on him until Troy cam charging in)

Troy: ORM!!!!!(Troy saids and charges at his former father and delivers a punch to the face in which Ocean Master looked to his right saw the fist coming at him)

Ocean Master: Wha.........ARGGGGHHH!!!!!!(Ocean Master saids and get hit the face by Troy and letting go of Arthur while Ocean Master gets hit towards the solid wall drawing out blood from the hit)

Troy: Leave my uncle alone!, fight me now!(Troy saids to Ocean Master who looked up after being hit in the face and sees that his former son did in which he got angry now)

Ocean Master: You half breed bastard you will pay for your insolents!!!(Ocean Master saids and gets up and charges at Troy)

Troy: Then show me what you got so called king!(Troy saids and charges at Ocean Master as well in which both tridents collided with each other)

Admittedly both Troy and Ocean Master fought like they never fought before in which they were both highly skilled and very trained and were attacking each other with every strength and power they have while the league along with Arthur and Mera watch of what is happening.

Arthur: What is Troy doing he's gonna get himself killed!(Arthur saids and goes try to help but Mera held him back)

Mera: He is doing this because he has to Arthur it is right he was born to do.

Arthur: I know but still, I feel bad for what happened to him and what Orm did to his mother and mine.(Arthur saids to Mera until one of the league came up to him with something they have to hear and his name was Cyborg with the others behind, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, and Green Lantern)

Cyborg: Which is why I have it all on video of Orm saying he killed the queen.

Wonder Woman: And if we show it to his people.

Arthur: Then they will see that Orm is nothing but a liar and murderer to the people of Atlantis.

Batman: That is correct.

Back with Troy and Orm:

Troy: I should of know that you were the one responsible for my mothers death and for the murder of the queen!(Troy saids to Ocean Master while fighting him with everything he is doing)

Ocean Master: I should of killed you from the day you were born!, I never would known that Troy former prince of Atlantis would betray his own father for a human mother who is not one of us and a queen who does nothing but sit on throne that belong to my father!

Troy: Your wrong my mother was a good person who loved everything around her and Atlanna was a magnificent queen of Atlantis far more greater than King Orvax in which I am glad he is dead because I don't have to put with him and his lame ass son who only cares about power and destruction!

Ocean Master: I will make you eat those words traitor!

Troy: Your the traitor to our people and brought nothing but death and chaos!

Troy attacks Ocean Master again and actually made a scratch on him leaving him speechless that Troy actually made him draw blood in which Ocean Master has had enough of his traitorous son and decided to something out of the order which would leave Arthur and Mera shock and sadden.

Ocean Master: I HAD ENOUGH OF THIS NONESE!!!!(Ocean Master saids in anger and lifts up his trident in the air in which magic started coming out if and was creating something which left Troy questioning of what Orm is doing)

Troy: Whats he doing?(Troy saids in thought while looking at what Ocean Master is doing)

Arthur: Mera whats happening whats Orm doing!

Mera: Oh no.............(Mera saids in shock and horror in which she knows what is going to happen)

Ocean Master lifts up with trident and then electric comes out of the weapon in which winds were blowing everything and the heroes were keeping their guard up as well as Troy until something behind Ocean Master was forming and it looked like a portal of some kind which was sucking everything in.

(Edit done by me:95nicholasnm)

Ocean Master: TROY FORMER PRINCE OF ATLANTIS AND ONCE CALLED MY SON!, I HERE BY BANISH YOU FROM THIS WORLD AND SEND YOU TO A PLACE OF WHICH THERE IS NO RETURN FOR THE CRIMES YOU COMMITTED AGAINST THE THRONE AND TO THE PEOPLE OF ATLANTIS!!(Ocean Master saids to Troy in which he was being pulled into the portal while the heroes along with Arthur and Mera go and try to help him)

Arthur: Troy hang on were coming!!(Arthur saids as he and the others run towards Troy to save him but watch as Troy was near the portal while being pulled in slowly)

Troy: ARRGGGHHHH!!!!!!!(Troy screams while the portal caught him and was being pulled in while the others looked upon him with shock even Mera)

Mera: TROY!!!(Mera saids in shock and sadness)


Mera: Troy........


Mera: And you will always be in mine as well as Athlanna and your mothers!

Troy: JUSTICE LEAGUE IT WAS AN HONOR TO MEET YOU AND FIGHT A LONG SIDE YOU!, KEEP THE WORLD SAFE AND NEVER STOP BEING HEROES I BELIEVE IN YOU!!(Troy saids to the league in which they nod in thanks for helping them protect the city)


Arthur: I will do what I can Troy!, and I will always think about what you did for me and for my mother you are a true hero of Atlantis and the best nephew I could ask for!!!

Troy: Thank you uncle Arthur and thank you Mera and thank you mother as well as you grandmother.(Troy saids in thought then get fully sucked into the portal and then closes leaving a heart broken Mera and a shattered Arthur)

Arhtur and Mera: TROY!!!!!!!!

The portal closes leaving everyone silence even the other Atlantean's who believe that the former prince was banished forever by his former father Orm.

Ocean Master: Now that pest is out of the way, I think I will do the honor of destroying you all!

Arthur: I'LL TARE YOU APART!!!!(Arthur saids and attack Orm again in which the others looked at two fight once again until Batman asked Cyborg something)

Batman: You still have the recording?

Cyborg: Yea I do.

Batman: Play it.(Batman saids in which Cyborg nods and plays the recording)

While Arthur and Ocean Master were fighting a screen hologram was appearing around them in which showed a video recording or Orm himself reveling what he did to the queen.

Mera(Record): YOU KILLED HER!

Ocean Master(Recored): I did, I ran the sword threw her as she mulled for peace you can count your lucking bastard at least our mother wont be impending to your life as was she was to mine.

Mera(Record): YOU KILLED HER!

Ocean Master(Recored): I did, I ran the sword threw her as she mulled for peace you can count your lucking bastard at least our mother wont be impending to your life as was she was to mine.

Ocean Master: What...what is this?(Ocean Master saids while looking at the recording even his men)

Mera(Record): YOU KILLED HER!

Ocean Master(Recored): I did, I ran the sword threw her as she mulled for peace you can count your lucking bastard at least our mother wont be impending to your life as was she was to mine.

Atlantean: Orm killed our queen, we are betrayed!

Ocean Master: No wait this dissection is their surface magic!

Mera: Liar!, I was there when Orm posted to the murder of our queen it was as you see.(Mera saids to everyone in which they were shocked of what Orm did)

Ocean Master: I am your king, I did this for you!(Ocean Master saids and then gets punched in the face by Arthur)

Arthur punches Ocean Master in the face and he gets hit into a car and knocked out cold while blood was shedding down his face.

Arthur: Is this the king you want Atlantean's? A coward who lies to you? You need a light to guide you in the darkness people of Atlantis my people!(Arthur saids to the Atlantean's who lower their weapons)

Mera: What are you doing?

Arthur: Honoring Troys words by becoming beacon. I was born of two worlds just like prince Troy, Atlantean by birth and human by instinct join me and we shall bridge those two worlds in peace!(Arthur saids to the Atlantean's in which all of them took off their helmets and bowed to Arthur Curry while thinking about Troy who was a great warrior and friend to the people of Atlantis)

Arthur: Mera is there a way to bring Troy back to us?

Mera: No.........when the portal closes it can not reopen or bring back those who were sent through, our only hope is that Troy will be alright in an unknown world but will do what he can to survive just like how Atlanna and his mother raised him.

Arthur: And what kind of life would he have in an unknown world?

Mera: I do not know but I know he will do great things and become something great just how I remember him since he was a boy.

Arthur: Sigh.....I just hope he will be alright and I wish I had time with him but I know what he said to me Atlantis does need a king to help guid them into a better path and I am it.

Mera: Troy along with your mother would be proud of you Arthur and so am I.(Mera saids to Arthur in which he smiles and holds her and than kisses her in which she kisses back)

Arthur: Good luck Troy of Atlantis, your memory and heroic will be remember forever.(Arthur saids in thought while thinking of his nephew where ever he might be)

Chapter 1 coming soon!

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