Chapter 9: Toph trains Korra!
It was morning in the swamp and Troy was spying on both Korra and Toph who were in the cave having a conversation while he was keeping his distance from the two so that he doesn't let them see or hear him.
Korra: You gotta help me get back into Avatar fighting shape, I am getting my butt kicked by losers all over the Earth kingdom.
Troy: Thats no surprise and I actually seen it.(Troy saids in thought while continue to listen to the conversation between the two women)
Korra: The world needs me.
Toph: Get over yourself, the world doesn't need you one bit.
Korra: But while I have been the Avatar I've stopped some really bad people from doing really bad things.
Toph: Listen, when I was chief of police of Republic City I worked my butt off busting criminals. But did that make crime disappear? Nope, If there is one thing I learned on the beat it is that the names change but the street stays the same.
Korra: So basically you're saying that everything I have ever accomplished has been pointless. And I thought Beifong was grumpy.(Korra saids to herself while Troy was listening to the conversation in which he giggled at Korra's compliment)
Troy: Hehehe I like this Toph Beifong by the minute.(Troy saids to himself while admiring Tophs attitude then goes backs to listen to the conversation)
Toph: I am the original Beifong!
Korra: So your not going to train me?
Toph: Well I was planning on soaking my feet in the mud for a few weeks, but I can't stand you being so pathetic and getting your butt kicked all the time. All right I guess I can help you.(Toph saids in which made Korra happy as well as Troy who was listening from the trees)
Korra: Thank you!(Korra saids then gets hit with a stone in which knocked her out because Toph didn't want to be hugged)
Troy: Ooh....thats gonna leave a mark?(Troy saids while watching Korra get hit with a stone)
Toph: You want to hug something go hug a tree were here to work!
Troy: Wow Toph has a strong attitude a really strong one I like it.(Troy saids in thought while admiring Tophs attitude towards Korra)
Then soon Korra got up from her knock out and followed Toph outside to an open area to start her training while Troy on the other hand remained in the tree lines and observe of what Korra is going to do and what Toph is going to do in which he got a good view of what will happen.
Troy: This should be interesting to watch I might as well record some of this so I can tease Korra later on.(Troy saids in thought and takes out his helmet and taps the recorder to record what Toph and Korra are going to do)
Toph: Okay bring it!
Admittedly Korra started attacking Toph but thanks to the older women instinct she kept on dodging each attack that Korra is throwing at her in which Toph bended mud at Korra and the Avatar went flying into the dirt and got all muddy in which made Troy giggle of how Korra was being beat by an old lady.
Troy: Hehehehe wow this is what I call comedy, watching Korra getting her butt kicked by an older woman is just too good to watch.(Troy saids in thought while watching the fun below)
Toph: Tell me what you did wrong.
Korra: Well I was thinking.....that you were gonna?
Toph: Exactly you were thinking go again.
Korra then got back up again and started attacking Toph again and again until Toph dodged again and used her bending to send Korra flying into the air and landed in a small puddle of water in which made Troy giggle some more after getting such wonderful shots of Korra being beat by Toph.
Troy: Oh she is so going to be embarrassed about that one.(Troy saids with a smile and keeps on recording while watching the fight)
Toph: Pathetic, of all the Avatars I have worked with you are by far the worst; I know thats only one after Avatar but still.(Toph saids and pulls off an elbow leach off Korra in which she gasp of what happened)
Korra: Dah!, hey seems like you are enjoying having someone around to beat up an awful a lot.
Toph: Yea the swamp benders out here really can not take a punch.
Korra: So what made you want to drop out and disconnect from the rest of the world?
Toph: I am more connected to the world than you have ever been, the roots and vines they run all over the world. I can see Su and Lin, Zaofu and Republic City I see everything.
Troy: Very impressive most impressive.(Troys saids in thought while listening to Tophs words)
When Troy was admiring Tophs words, Korra on the other hand was about to use her water bending and catch Toph by surprise only to get hit with more mud.
Toph: Your blind compared to me!(Toph saids after hitting Korra with more mud)
Troy: Hehehehe I like you more Toph very impressive attack without looking.(Troy saids in thought while giggling and admiring more of Tophs skills)
Then some hours later Korra wasn't feeling like herself after a brutal beating from Toph who exhausted her while Troy who was in the trees got some really nice funny recording of his girlfriend getting thrown around like a rag doll by a person older then her even she is an old lady)
Korra: Argh....that was terrible....
Toph: Ha!, maybe for you I had a great time!, I never realized how much I miss tormenting the Avatar. I wish you were putting up more of a fight, but it was still fun.(Toph saids while relaxing herself and making fun of Korra)
Korra: You were tossing me around like a rag doll all day long.
Toph: And I know and I am an old lay, imagined me in my prime hahaha I would have destroyed you!(Toph saids while making Korra look more useless then ever)
Troy: Hehehehe ok this woman is funny very funny indeed I can get used to her.(Troy saids while listening and laughing a little at Tophs spirit while Korra looked bummed out)
Korra: I just don't understand why I can not get back to my former self it is like I am a step slower. I'm tentative, I'm out of sync, I just can't get back into the groove.
Toph: Probably carrying around that metal doesn't help.
Troy and Korra: What metal?
Toph: The little bits of metal poison stuck in your body, are you trying to tell me you can not feel metal in your own body? You really are the worst Avatar ever.
Troy: Wait a minute is that the reason why Korra is having problems with her training besides having those those visions and nightmares. No wonder she was not in full shape she still has some of the poison in her body.(Troy saids in thought they got the idea of why Korra wasn't feeling like her full self yet)
Korra: I thought Su got it all out?
Toph: No, my girls never really picked up metal bending all that well if you ask me.
Korra: Thats been my problem this entire time!I gotta get it out, you can get it out for me right?
Toph: Who do you think your talking to?(Toph saids as she grabs Korra's face and pushes her back to the ground)
Troy: Hmm.....I hope she can get it out otherwise Korra will not be able to get to her full self.(Troy saids in thought while still listening to the conversation)
Then soon Toph and Korra went back to the cave to see if the poison can be removed without causing any problems while Troy still in the trees watch of what Toph is going to do with Korra.
Toph: Ok if you want me to bend out this metal, you need to relax.
Korra: I am relaxed
Troy: Yea right like thats true?(Troy saids in thought while rolling his eyes and listens to the content while being hidden)
Toph: Ha! seriously your body is like a twisted tree trunk!
Troy: Hehehehe! ok that is funny.(Troy laughs while listening to both Korra and Toph in the cave)
Korra: Just do it! I am ready!
Toph then got herself relaxed and starts to bend the little bits of metal out of Korra but then something happens Korra starts to have a panic in which got Troys attention meaning that she is having the visions and nightmares again without him there to help her keep calm.
Korra: AH!!!!!(Korra screams in shock and in pain)
Troy: Korra.......(Troy saids in worry while watching Korra in so much pain)
Toph: Alright, that is it you are going to have to do this yourself. Clearly you want to keep the metal in there.
Korra: What do you mean? why would I want poison inside me?
Toph: I don't know maybe so you have an excuse not to go back to being the Avatar. If you don't get better you can not do your job, so you don't have to worry about getting hurt again.
Troy: For once Toph has a point there Korra.(Trops saids in the trees while looking at Korra and Toph talking about what to do with the poison)
Korra: What that is ridiculous?
Toph: Whatever, when you want it out you can bend it out. I can't deal with all your issues for you.
Korra: Wait!, what am I supposed to do now?
Toph: How should I know, ask the spirit that brought you here. The good news is if you are looking for a place to hang where no one will bother you, you picked the best swamp in the world!
Korra: Sigh....if only Troy was here he can help me like he always does.....I miss him so much.(Korra saids in thought while thinking about her boyfriend)
Troy: I know you can get throw this Korra I know you can just stop giving up on yourself.(Troy saids in thought while feeling bad for Korra)
Two days later Korra and Toph have done absolutely nothing all day which means Troy on the other hand was doing his own thing like relaxing, training in a different parts of the swamp far from Korra and Toph, eating to keep up his strength and so on and then went back to check on Korra to see her with Toph who are just sitting do absolutely nothing.
Korra: So what is the plan for today?
Toph: You are looking at it.(Toph saids while relaxing on the stones)
Korra: But we didn't do anything yesterday or the day before that.
Troy: Who can blame her I mean a lot of people need rest and breaks no matter how long it takes.(Troys saids in the trees while looking at Korra watching Toph relax)
Korra: Oh I know!, tell me the story of how you taught Aang to earth bend!
Toph: Whats there to tell? I threw some rocks at the Avatar, he got all winy and Sokka fell in a hole.
Troy: Hehehehe I can tell she doesn't like to tell stories like most people.(Troy saids while enjoying Toph being herself)
Korra: I thought there would be more to it than that. What about the time you guys took down the Fire Lord? That must of been epic!
Toph: Oh yea, it was hot, I was on a blimp, and I think a giant turtle showed up wow what a day.(Toph saids which made Korra pout and Troy who was in the trees hearing everything made him giggle)
Korra: Ok you are terrible at telling stories.
Toph: Your terrible of listening to them.
Troy: She's got you there Korra.(Troy saids while enjoying the show)
Korra: Sigh.......(Korra saids while bored and taping her foot on the ground in which Toph got adenoid)
Toph: Quit making all that racket, if your so antsy to do something why don't you go and collect some mushrooms for dinner?
Korra: You got it.(Korra saids and gets up and leaves to get the mushrooms before Toph gives her the directions to go)
Toph: Take the path till you see the boulder with a hole in it then go to your left. Oh and make sure you get the big slimy ones they are the tastiest.(Toph saids while Korra leaves to get dinner while Toph stays behind)
Toph: You know you might as well come down now I knew you were up there from the very start.(Tophs saids in which got Troys attention in which he figured that Toph would sense him)
Troy: Yea I kind of figure you would sense my presence.(Troy saids and he jumps down from the tree and lands in front of Toph)
Toph: You must be that fish man I have been listening to, Troy was it?
Troy: Yup thats me, Toph Beifong I presume I heard so much about you but I don't think you want to tell stories or anything I heard everything with your conversation with Korra.
Toph: Yup that is correct and must say I never knew a fellow like you before and it is true that your from a different world I only heard bits of pieces.
Troy: You are correct, I am from another world where my home is an under sea kingdom where my people have the abilities to breather underwater and use sorcery as well as trained as very powerful warriors.
Toph: Hmmm interesting....though sorry for your losses I listen to that while you were having that talk with the Avatar.
Troy: Thank you Toph...its just that two years ago I was in my world searching for the true king of Atlantis and the next thing I know is that both my father and grandfather Orm and Orvax were responsible for both my mothers and grandmothers deaths in which they declared war upon the surface world and tried to kill millions of people while myself along with my mentor and my uncle and a group of heroes banded together and try to stop the fighting but I ended being banished forever and landed in this world where I found out that people can bend the elements and live in four nations while having a guardian of their own also meeting Korra and taking care of her as well as becoming her boyfriend since she was there for me and I was there for her wow my life is full of surprises and wonders.
Toph: Seems like you also had a complicated life where you come from but managed to move on with your life with the help of the Avatar and her family. I have to say fish man you have spirit I give you that as well as strength and honor. I seen that when you showed off your abilities that are far beyond a benders which was pretty interesting.
Troy: Hehehehe thank you Toph and your not so bad yourself for a woman of your age in which I saw the whole thing of you giving Korra a lesson in which was pretty fun to watch and it is payback for not going to Republic city like she is suppose to but I understand what she is going through. I followed her all around the world to make sure she doesn't do something stupid.
Toph: Yea that girl is a pain in my butt, but I can tell what you did for her was very noble of you and I don't understand what she didn't take you with her?
Troy: She said she needs to do things on her own and heard about it when I followed her into the spirit realm so I decided to keep my distance so that she doesn't spot me and if she did she would just walk away or just runaway from me because she would not be ready to face me after what she has been through.
Toph: Yea I figured that would happened if she saw you again. How were you able to find her where ever she goes?
Troy: I made her a bracelet made out of Atlantean tech and inside of it is a small tracker where I track her where ever she goes and what she does.
Toph: Hmm very interesting your people must be very smart to create some technology.
Troy: Oh yea were a highly advanced race that has been around for millions of years.
Toph: Not bad for people who spend many centuries underwater.
Troy: You don't know the half of it.
Toph: I am also impress by your weapon you got there, while I am sensing that it is not any metal I ever seen before.
Troy: It is made of Atlantean steel it can cut through mostly any kinds of metal including solid platinum and it can do other things like magic.
Toph: Not bad not bad at all, you have the makings of a true warrior of your race.
Troy: Thank you for saying so Toph, and for someone who is blind and can see with her earth bending you are very skilled and creative.
Toph: Oh shucks, I know I am the best.
Troy: And still are.
Toph: Well I might as well go check on the Avatar and see if she has dinner and I will keep your secret of being here.
Troy: Thats nice of you to do.(Troy saids as he goes back into the trees while Toph goes to find Korra in the swamp)
While Troy was following Toph in the trees and she was on the bottom walking they both spotted Korra who looked sad and hurt for some reason in which Toph decided to break the sad mood while Troy stayed in the clearing)
Toph: There you are, you got my dinner yet?
Korra: No this swamp, it did crazy things to my mind I had visions of all the times my enemies hurt me.
Toph: Yeah I figured something like that might happen.
Korra: What?!, you wanted me to see those visions? You are one twisted old lady you know that?
Troy: And a pretty fun and amazing old lady.(Troy saids while watching the conversation between Toph and Korra)
Toph: Look I know you want to get better and so does the swamp it can sense you are out of balance. It will teach you what you need to learn if you are opening to listening.
Korra: Sigh...ok swamp I am all ears.
Troy: Hehehe did she just say that?(Troy saids in thought while looking at what Korra said)
Toph: You said you saw your past enemies, now why do you think that is?
Korra: I don't know because they have made me and a lot of other people suffer.
Toph: Sounds like you are carrying around your former enemies, the same way you are still carrying around that metal poison. You ever consider maybe you could learn something from them?
Troy: I know that feeling I learned a lot from what Orm and Orvax did I could relate.(Troys in thought while still focusing on the talking between Korra and Toph)
Korra: Sounds like the swamp is messing with your mind too.
Toph: My mind is just fine thank you, listen what did Amon want? Equality for all, Unalaq? He brought back the spirits and Zaheer believed in freedom.
Korra: I guess...
Toph: The problem was those guys were totally out of balance, and they took their ideas ideologies too far.
Korra: Ok fine but that doesn't explain why they keep haunting me.
Toph: Because you need to face your fears, you can not expect to deal with future enemies if your still fighting the old ones.
Troy: Toph is right Korra you need to let go of all what has happened to you and push forward just like you did for me.(Troy saids while smiling at Tophs honest words to Korra)
Korra: It is just like how Troy told me back home and he never stopped believing in what I can do.(Korra saids in thought while thinking of what Toph said)
Korra: Maybe your right, but how am I supposed to move on?
Toph: Boy, you Avatars sure need a lot of hand holding get up we are going to the banyangrove tree.
Troy: The what tree?(Troy saids in thought then starts following Toph and Korra)
Troy followed both Korra and Toph to a giant tree that was the most beautiful site the Troy has ever seen and while there he hid inside one of the vines so that he can stay clear of what Korra and Toph are doing while still listening to their conversation again.
Korra: It is beautiful.
Troy: I have to agree with Korra on that one.(Troy saids in thought while hiding)
Toph: The roots in this tree spread out for miles in every direction, connecting this whole swamp. Your problem is you have been disconnected for too long, disconnected form the people who love you and disconnected from yourself.
Korra walked forward and began to place her hand onto the vine and then the next thing she did was closed her eyes and focused on the energy so that she can connect to herself as well as the people who knew her well. And while she was connecting she spotted three kids in the swamp who were dressed like air benders like Tenzin in which were his children and the one with the arrows sensed Korra and made contact with her.
Korra: I can't believe it!, I saw Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo they are here!
Troy: Tenzins children are here.(Troy saids in thought while smiling that friends of Korra are here while listening to Korra so happy)
Toph: Good hopefully they are here to take you home.
After a while now Troy hears a noise coming from the swamp which sounded like an animal and admittedly he saw a bison just like Tenzins and it was heading towards Korra's direaction and on top were three kids two girls and a boy who got off the bison and flew towards Korra.
Jinora/Ikki/Meelo: Korra!(All said and headed towards their friend)
Troy: Yea their definitely Tenzins children I can see the family resemblance.(Troy saids while in hiding and smiles seeing the kids fly towards Korra who was happy to see them)
Ikki: Oh we missed you so much Korra.(Ikki saids and hugs Korra with tears in her eyes)
Korra: I missed you so much too. How did you find me all the way out here?
Ikki: Jinora sensed your energy.
Jinora: But we would never been here if it weren't for Ikki.
Ikki: I would have stormed off and found those soldiers if it weren't for Meelo.
Meelo: I was trying to toughen up these ladies but I guess it was a team effort.
Troy: I like these kids they all look out for each other and work together as a team, Tenzin must be proud of them.(Troy saids thought while smiling at the kids and Korra)
Ikki: I love your hair
Meelo: It is so you.
Toph: Clears throat!
Korra: Right I am so sorry.....this is Meelo, Jinora and Ikki, Aang and Katara's grandchildren.
Toph: Your grandpa was a real pain in my butt.
Meelo: Wait a minute cranky, old, blind you must be Toph!
Toph: Oh I like this one.(Toph saids to Meelo)
Jinora: You need to come home Korra, Kuvira is taking over the Earth Kingdom.(Jinora saids to Korra in which got Troys attaention)
Troy: Great another dictator to deal with and I thought Orm and Orvax were a problem but now there is another one just great.(Troy saids in glare and thinking about what this Kuvira is)
Ikki: You have to stop her.
Korra: I don't know, I am not the Avatar I used to be. I can't even go into the Avatar state.
Ikki: Please Korra
Jinora: The world needs you back.
Troy: I have to agree with Jinora words the world does need her but something tells me she needs help.(Troy saids in thought then sees everyone leaving the tree in which he follows them back to the cave while it starts to get dark out)
Everyone was back in the cave while Korra was looking at the fire and Troy was back in the trees spying on what is going to happen next.
Korra: Alright I am ready.
Toph: I am not bending it out of you, you got to do this on your own.
Troy: You can do it Korra I believe in you.(Troy saids in a whisper while watching Korra taking her stance)
Toph: Close your eyes, clear your mind and don't freak out like the last time. Now focus your energy find the metal and let it move through your body.
Korra did what Toph asked and began to find the metal in her body while still trying to deal with the visions she is having in which she panicked for a little while then goes back to what she was doing and tried to release the fear but while doing so she was also thinking about Troy and what he has done for her in which the metal in her body was starting to come out while she was bending it out and once all of it was out she gave it to Toph who put it in a stone and sealed it close.
Toph: Well done Korra
Troy: I knew you could do it water angel(Troy saids while being proud of what Korra did while still hiding from everyone and sees Korra's eyes start to glow white meaning she can go into the Avatar state again)
Meelo: The Avatar is back in business!
Korra: I feel so much lighter, thank you so much for helping me I would like to give you a hug if that is ok with you.
Toph: Alright you earned it.(Toph saids in which Korra hugged her and she hugged back)
Then after Korra along with the air bender kids hopped on the bison and were getting ready to leave but not before saying goodbye to Toph.
Korra/Jinora/Ikki/Meelo: Bye Toph! See you later!, It was so nice to meet you!, Were gonna miss you!(Everyone saids and leaves the swamp)
Toph: Coast is clear Troy you can come out now.
Troy: I knew she could do it I never stopped believing in her.
Toph: Yup and now she has to go save my family back in Zaofu.
Troy: Yea in which this Kuvira is waiting
Toph: You still going to follow her and the others.
Troy: I must and if this Kuvira is going to take Zaofu then Korra is going to need my help as well if she can not beat her.
Toph: If Korra fails then what?
Troy: I will take down Kuvira and her armies, I dealt with dictators and armies before and lest just say no conqueror or armies would dare to mess with me and the woman I love. I made a promise that I will protect Korra with my life and thats what I am going to do and also the words that my mentor told me that a warrior fights for his people but me I fight for everyone.
Toph: Those are some wise words Troy and I wish you good luck and knock some heads on the way.
Troy: Oh you know I will, let's see if this Kuvira and her armies can take me on.
Toph: You are going to show off your abilities to them and do a lot of damage.
Troy: Oh yea lots and lots of damage
Toph: Well keep the Avatar safe and show Kuvira what a warrior like you can really do as for me I going back to retirement so I can finally have some peace and quiet.
Troy: Fare enough and before I leave I got you these mushrooms that you wanted the slimy kind just the way you like them.(Troy saids and hands Toph the mushrooms)
Toph: Finally someone who remembers! You are something else Troy even though you are a fish man from another world.
Troy: I will take that as a compliment, farewell Toph Beifong and enjoy your peace and quiet.(Troy saids as he leaves and follows Korra and the others)
Toph: That boy reminds me so much of Aang or even more so. Well might as well enjoy my day with these tasty mushrooms.
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