Chapter 8: Following Korra!

After the talk Troy had with Katara about leaving and following the girl he loves, it was early in the morning in the water tribe and Troy was finishing up packing what he needs for his journey in which the only thing he will be taking with him is his armor, trident, the tracker bracelet that he created for both him and Korra so he can track of Korra's whereabouts and money just in case he needs for or something to drink during his journey to search for Korra and to make sure she is safe and not harmed. Troy also told Katara to tell Tonraq and Senna that Troy will be going with Korra to check up on her to see how she is doing in which Katara gave her word that she will inform the parents of what is going to do.

Troy: Alright everything is ready to go, I got everything I need for my journey to the outside world, I just hope Korra is alright and safe.(Troy saids to himself and looks towards the sun rising near the docks of which he will so leave the water tribe and adventure to the other parts of the world to look for his water angel until Katara came by to see him off)

Katara: You have everything you need for the journey Troy.

Troy: Huh oh Katara I didn't notice you were there, yes I have everything I need for the journey.

Katara: Thats good to hear, but are you sure you want to do this?

Troy: Yes I have to, I can tell Korra is still suffering and I can tell she will get hurt on her journeys and that is why I have to follow to make sure she is safe.

Katara: You are a very kind person Troy, I can see that Atlanna and Mera took great care of you and raised you well, and I know that your mother would be proud as well.(Katara saids with a smile in which Troy smiles back for the kind words she said to him)

Troy: Thank you Katara and thank you for everything we will meet again, I know we will.(Troy saids and bows his head in which Katara did the same)

Katara: Goodbye Troy and good luck and if you see Korra make sure she is alright.

Troy: I will Katara I promise, I will see you soon.(Troy saids and hugs Katara in which Katara hugged back)

Katara: And I am looking forward to seeing you again Troy.(Katara saids and releases the hug from Troy)

Troy: Well time for a great adventure to the other nations, farewell Katara.(Troy saids and jumps into the water and leaves with Katara smiling and waving goodbye to the Atlantean)

Katara: You are full of many wonderful things Troy and maybe more so.(Katara saids in thought while looking towards the sun rise)

Troy began to swim towards the direction of which Korra was heading that had to take like a day to get to since he is traveling by water while Korra is traveling by boat. Troy swam for many hours and was starting to get a little tired until he figured it was time to take a break of swimming for so many miles and saw a little village near the sea and decided to rest there for a while so that he can continue his journey to find Korra.

Troy: Huh? This looks like a great place to relax for a while, maybe I will pick up some food since I swimming for many miles now and I could use a bite to eat.(Troy saids while sticking his head out of the water then climbs on the deck and walks towards a small food stand of which an old fellow was cooking up some good food)

Troy: Excuse me sir what do you have to eat, because I am looking for some food before I continue my journey.(Troy saids the older man who looked up and saw Troy and what he saw was a person he never seen before or a strange looking weapon)

Older Man: My I never seen a fellow like you around here before, are you new in town?

Troy: I guess you could say that, I decided to take an adventure and explore the other nations and I am looking for someone.

Older Man: Well if you say what is true then, I will happy to offer you anything I have, we got fish, lobster crabs, seaweed basically anything from the sea.

Troy: I will take three lobster crabs to go and some seaweed included.

Older Man: Coming right up!, say that is quite a weapon you got yourself there what is it some kind of giant fork?

Troy: Hehehe no it is called a trident a very unique weapon that was forged by my grandmother and my mentor.

Older Man: I see and have to say your outfit looks so much like something you see out of a fairy tale and........WHOAH YOU HAVE GILLS?!!!!

Troy: Hehehe I guess you notice them good sir.(Troy saids while rubbing the back of his head)

Older Man: My I never seen someone with gills, are you sure your not from around here stranger?

Troy: I am positive and for your question I am not from this world.

Older Man: Wait don't tell me your from a different world which I can tell by the outfit, the weapon and the gills on your neck you are definitely not from any of the nations are you.

Troy: No I am not, I was banished from my world by an evil dictator who wanted to take over the world in which I ended in the southern water tribe and they gave me a home to stay in which I couldn't thank them enough for what they have done.

Older Man: Well I think that is very nice of them do something for a fellow like you, and if your not human what are you?

Troy: Where I come from, I am from a ancient race that has the ability to breathe underwater, and use magic while learning many styles of fighting. I am known as an Atlantean.

Older Man: Atlantean you say, now that sounds likes something I never heard before and you said you can breathe underwater like a fish and use magic?

Troy: Sure watch this(Troy saids and his hand glows blue and the older man watches the water and the next thing he saw was the water turned into sea creatures and were swimming and dancing together)

Older Man: My word!, this is the amazing thing I ever seen in my life!!!

Troy: I know beautiful isn't it

Older Man: I have to say I seen water benders do all sort of things with water but this something that is unbelievable.

Troy: I get that a lot even the kids in the water tribe were surprised of what I can do.

Older Man: My boy you really know how to make an old man like me smile, you got a name for yourself.

Troy: My name is Troy thats what everyone calls me back home.

Older Man: Well Troy you sure know how to put on quite a performance so tell me what you doing on your journey.

Troy: Well I am looking for my friend Korra she left the south pole two days ago and I am just want to know if she is doing ok.

Older Man: Your friends with the Avatar!!!!

Troy: Yea she and her family were the ones who found me and took me in, and I always had her back and she had mine in which I want to find her and make sure she is safe.

Older Man: Well I have great news for ya, she came by here a day ago I even got her picture along with Avatar Aang!(Older man saids and shows Troy the picture of Korra with Aang)

Troy: So she came by here first which means I am a day head of her, so she can not gotten far.(Troy saids in thought)

Older Man: Yea she stop by here and try to stop some gang but she was taken down by them, in which I thought she was able to stop them but I guess she wasn't herself.

Troy: Yea she kind of had some problems back in the water tribe and still is so that is why I am looking for her to see if she is alright.

Older Man: Well last I heard she was heading towards Republic City towards that direction there and you leave soon you might be able to catch up to her.

Troy: Thank you sir that is.......

HELP THIEVES!!!!!........(Older woman saids while two men were stealing from her in which got both the older man and Troys attention)

Troy: Uh hold that thought sir I have to take care of something.(Troy saids as he taps his chest in which his armor appeared in which shocked the older man and then Troy jumps into the air and landed in front of the two men who stole from the older woman)

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Bandit1: What the?....where did this guy come from?

Bandit2: I don't know and I never seen armor like that before or that weapon?

Troy: I suggest you hand over what you stole and I wont harm you two!(Troy saids as he points his trident at the two men)

Bandit1: Yea right!

Troy: Have your way then(Troy saids as his hand began to glow in which he is using his magic to grab the two bandits with his water abilities while his eyes were glowing blue)


Troy: I think it about you two go bye bye!(Troy saids as he throws the two bandits into the water far from the sea village)

Bandits: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!(Bandits scream while being thrown into the air and landed in the water far from the village)

Troy: Well that cares of that.(Troy saids in thought then walks towards the bags and heads towards the older woman to return what those bandits stole from her)

Troy: Here you go miss I believe these belong to you.(Troy saids and hands the bags to the older woman who smiles at the warrior who retuned her things)

Older Woman: Oh thank you so much sir, I don't know what I do without your help and I must say you have such magnificent armor and the way you used the water like that to get rid of those bandits was amazing.

Troy: Please I was only doing what was right.

Older Woman: Who are you, your definitely not the Avatar?

Troy: My name is Troy, The Sea Guardian at your service.(Troy saids and bows his head to show his respect)

Older Woman: Sea Guardian now that sounds like a great name for a warrior such as yourself I will never forget this or for what you did sir.

Troy: I am just happy that your things are back where they belong, take care madam.(Troy saids to the older woman in which she smiles and waves Troy goodbye and he heads back to the dock to get his food from the older man)

Older Man: Wow have to say sonny boy that was impressive right there and that armor of yours is incredibly amazing.

Troy: Thank you sir so much, now I would like my food so I can continue my quest to find Korra.

Older Man: Oh yes absolutely here you are and hey mind if I get a picture for my wall even though your not the avatar, the way you took down those bandits like that was pretty impressive.

Troy: If would make you happy then sure I will be honored to be in your pictures.

Older Man: Great!!

The older man went back into his place and got out his camera and had Troy do a pose for him while he was in his armor in which the older man took the picture and it came out perfect.

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Older Man: Now that is a keeper right there and good luck on your journey Sea Guardian.

Troy: Thank you sir and have a splendid day and keep out of trouble.(Troy saids as he eaten his food and waves the older man goodbye and jumps back into the water)

Troy continued his journey towards the direction of which the older man told him where the Avatar is heading in which Troy using his super speed in the water was able to find the location and city known as Republic City that was located on the tracker of his bracelet and when he arrived he saw the city with his own eyes and couldn't believe how amazing it looks in person and started seeing the lights glow at night, air temple island of where Tenzin lives and the giant statue of Avatar Aang.

Troy: Wow so this is Republic City home to the benders and non benders, I have to say Korra was right this place looks amazing it is like a utopia for many people around the world. The city lights are beautiful at night and I can tell the island there is Teznin's home and the statue is Avatar Aang, I got to say this city looks like an interesting place to explore but I have to focus on finding Korra and the tracker saids she is somewhere near the bay might as well go see for myself.(Troy saids and goes back to look for Korra)

After a couple minutes later Troy swam near the air temple island and while he was still in the water near the island he saw a boat coming towards him in which he hid himself so that he can not be seen and when the boat came closer it was the same boat that Korra left on which means Korra arrived to Republic City after all.

Troy: Its Korra, she's ok thank goodness and still as beautiful as ever.(Troy saids in thought while looking at Korra who heading towards Republic City until she started to get nervous for some reason in which caught Troys attention)

Troy: Wait why is she getting nervous for some reason, wait is she having another vision from her past?(Troy saids to himself then looks towards of where Korra was looking at in which he used his magic to see what Korra was looking at and what he saw was a version of her but she had chains on her arms and looked like she was in a fight while her eyes were glowing white. Troy looked at the other version of Korra in which he got the idea that maybe this is something that frighten her seeing this version of herself in which he began to look at the real Korra who turned the boat around and was leaving Republic City waters)

Troy: So thats why she is not coming back, she is afraid of her other self that has been haunting her as well as the things that red lotus and this Zaheer did to her. I might as well continue to follow and keep my distance so that she doesn't see me on hear me.(Troy saids as he goes back to follow Korra while he is still under the water and her on her boat and thanks to the tracker he can find where Korra goes)

Many days later Korra came upon a small dock near a forest of which Troy spotted her and it looked like she was getting rid of her water tribe stuff and replacing them with earth kingdom materials. Troy made sure to keep his distance from Korra while she doing her own thing in which she took out a water tribe dagger and used it to cut her hair short in which Troy was impressed by her new look and blushed under his helmet but shrugged it off when Korra began to pack up leave and he was happy that she didn't take off the bracelet that Troy gave her before she left the south pole.

Troy: Thank goodness she didn't take off the bracelet because it would be hard to track her across the world and I have to admit I thought she looks amazing with her long hair but now with short hair she looks absolutely gorgeous.(Troy saids to himself then goes back under the water to follow Korra again)

Then some months later he followed her back to the south pole of which she was walking towards the place of where Troy landed when Tonraq found him and saw the spirit portal which was glowing ray that was coming out of the ground and shooting up into the sky and was giving a very strong energy feeling even Troy was feeling it while he was keeping a distance from Korra who has entered spirit portal and he followed behind and couldn't believe what he was seeing with his own eyes. What he saw was a beautiful and colorful world filled with creatures he never seen before and they were all flying around and keeping their spaces in which Troy figured out that these creatures were spirits like Korra told him about and soon he spotted a big tree with a hole in it and saw that Korra was headed towards it and went inside.

Troy: So this is the spirit world, I have to admit this place is quite beautiful and I never seen so many creatures like these before I think Korra told me that they are called spirits which makes sense since I can see right through them. But why is she going inside that tree? I might as well just ease drop and keep quiet so that she doesn't hear or see me.(Troy saids to himself and heads up to the tree and tries to hear what Korra is doing in which he heard her voice)

Korra: Do you mind I am trying to concentrate here, and yes I am the Avatar I am just wearing different clothes and I cut my hair.(Korra saids in which Troy from behind a the tree giggles for Korra nagging expression)

Troy: Yup thats Korra alright.(Troy saids in thought and continues to listen)

Spirit: See I told you guys it was her, how come you been away so long?

Korra: I was hurt pretty bad awhile ago, and I lost touch with my Avatar spirit.

Spirit 2: No wonder I couldn't feel Raava's energy?

Korra: I came to the tree of time hoping to reconnect with Raava and turn on the Avatar again, but so far it is not working.

Troy: Sigh.....So thats why she having a difficult time she still can go into this avatar state and reconnect with her spirt friend because those visions and nightmares are blocking her from doing it.(Troy saids in thought then continues back to listen to Korra and the spirts conversation)

Korra: The last time I was here, I saw all sort of visions, but now I don't see anything.

Spirit: Maybe we can help you get better.

Korra: I am sorry but for years people been saying they can help me get better, nothing has worked I need to figure this out on my own.(Korra saids to the spirits and begins to leave and head back towards the portal of which Troy heard everything and felt bad for Korra for what she is going through)

Troy: Sigh....Oh Korra.(Troy saids and watches Korra leave the spirit world and then a sprit spotted Troy and went to meet him)

Spirit: Hello there are you new around here?

Troy: Hm?.....Oh sorry about that I didn't see you there little one.

Spirit2: Say I never seen you around the spirit world before and your giving off a great energy inside of you who are you?

Troy: Greetings spirits of the spirit realm my name is Troy and I am a friend of Avatar Korra.

Spirit: Your friends with Avatar Korra then why were hiding from her?

Troy: I wasn't hiding from her, I was following her to make sure she was ok and not hurt because I found out what happened to her during her adventures and feel so bad for what has become of her.

Spirit: Seems like you two are very close.

Troy: We are ever since her father brought me to his home and Korra offered me a place to stay since I was banished from my world I couldn't thank for the kindness and honesty she has shown me.

Spirit2: Your world? Are you not from the physical world like the Avatar?

Troy: No I come from another world where I live in an under sea kingdom known at Atlantis in which my race are a group of powerful warriors and magical begins known as Atlantean's as you can see by the gills on my neck that we have the ability to breathe underwater.(Troy saids to the spirits who look surprised that their meeting a person from another world and looking at the gills at Troys neck)

Spirt: Wow we never met a person from another world before not even one who lives underwater in a kingdom we never heard before.

Troy: Hehehe, you be surprised my little spirit friend.(Troy saids while petting the spirits head in which it giggled)

Spirit2: If your from another world what are you doing here in the physical world?

Troy: I said I was banished from my world because my father Orm declared war upon the humans and blamed them for his fathers death and not the one who caused the destruction to both the surface world and the ocean. And by doing so he was driven mad with power and wanted to conquer the world of which I couldn't allow that after what he did to my mother and my grandmother after he and his father Orvax killed them for the throne but my grandmother had a plan of which her other son Arthur Curry who was born of two worlds human and Atlantean and with him as the new king he can bring peace to both worlds and end the destructive conflict but during a battle Orm told me the truth that I to was half human and half Atlantean because my mother was human and because of that he banished me from my world and I ended in Korra's world in which I made a new life here and never went back to my original home of Atlantis and I can not go back anymore because the portal that brought me here closes and can no longer open.

Spirit: Thats so are you feeling after what your father and this Orvax did to you.

Troy: After spending months and years with Korra made me forget all about them and I moved on with my life and I spent those days looking after Korra and help her with her recovery even though she moved around and still use her bending she is still having those visions and nightmares about what her enemies did to her in which I made a promise to be by her side and help her through this.

Spirit2: Sounds like to us that she more than just a friend to you Troy.

Troy: She is ever since met and got to know each other and spend time together, I realized that she was more than just a friend to me she is someone who I want to spend the rest of my life with in which me and her confessed our love and became something great.

Spirit: That is so beautiful.

Troy: Thank you and now I have to make sure that she is safe at all cost with those visions and nightmares that she still having theres no telling what could happened.

Spirit: If you find a way to help her would you promise that she will come back and see us.

Troy: Of course and I will do that same because I would like to get to know all of you and share stories.

Spirit2: We would like that and you can tell us more about this Atlantis while you help Korra.

Troy: Sure thing my little spirit friend until next time, I must be on my way Korra must of left by now and I have to catch up with her before she leaves the south pole.

Spirit: Ok it was nice meeting you Troy and take care of the Avatar for us!

Troy: I will and it was nice meeting you spirits as well!(Troy saids and waves goodbye to the spirits and leaves through the portal and back to the physical world)

Troy left the spirit world and continue to follow Korra more in which she was now sailing in the waters of the south pole and while Troy was still following her, Troy saw the same vision of Korra of her eyes glowing in which the real Korra saw as well and kept of going as did Troy. Then many months later he followed her in many different places of which he couldn't stand like walking through a magma with volcanoes as well as a hot desert which he almost died of thirst but with good thinking he brought a lot of water with him for just an emergency and continue to follow Korra wherever she goes and while still having the visions of herself as well as her friend Raava but they were all visions from her head. But during those many months Troys body change and his muscles grew as well as his hair which he is now in his twenties so which makes him twenty two years old but he didn't care about that all he cared about was keeping an eye on Korra and her whereabouts and seeing how she is doing on her own. Then when he saw Korra walking around in the streets a small town, he decided to hide his appearances and keep close to the shadows and spy on what Korra is going to do next.

Troy: For an Avatar she really knows how to get around, I mean seriously how far is she going to go I almost got cooked alive from the magma and from the desert but that wont stop from keeping an eye on the girl I love.(Troy saids to himself and keeps on spying on Korra who was walking in the streets until she stoped for some reason)

Korra stopped in her tracks and looked in front of her and what she saw was herself again with the same glowing white eyes and scary look in which Korra decided follow the version of herself in which Troy followed in pursuit while keeping quiet and not making a sound so that Korra doesn't hear him following her. Then after some running and taking turns Troy saw Korra stopping what looks like a fighting ring for people who want to see people beat up each other in which Troy put on a disuse and kept quiet and went into the fighting arena and saw Korra fighting her opponent and it looked like she was getting creamed in there.

Troy: Oh geez she is getting crushed in there...(Troy saids while looking at Korra getting her butt kicked over and over until she was knocked out)

After the fight was over, Korra received her money that she barley won and left the arena and headed out to walk some more with Troy still following her behind and not making any sudden movements so that Korra can continue what she is doing. Then soon she walked into a alley where she was all alone and saw a cute little puppy of which Troy found the animal to be quite adorable but also sense something was odd about it in which he can tell that this was not a normal puppy in which the animal asked Korra to follow it while Troy followed them both which led them to the swamp.

Troy: Why did it bring Korra to a swamp?(Troy saids in thought but shrugged it off and climb the trees so that he can see where Korra was heading then when he went into the swamp he saw Korra and the puppy but the puppy turned into the spirit he met back in the spirit realm and was listening to Korra's conversation)

Korra: Wait, I met you at the tree of time, you should of told me who you were.

Spirit: If I did would you have followed me?

Korra: I get your point, but why did you bring me here? What am I going to find in the swamp?

Spirit: Not a what, a who.(Spirit saids and leaves into the swamp)

Troy: So the spirit took her to the swamp to meet someone but who though?(Troy saids in thought while listening and watching Korra from the trees)

Korra: No wait, come back!(Korra saids and follows the spirit and gets lost while Troy was in the trees watching Korra's every movement)

Then all of sudden while using his magic Troy saw Korra who was fighting herself from the vision she was having and the two were going all out fighting and the vision Korra was getting the upper hand and was hurting the real Korra who was trying to fight back but no such luck was happening. Then he sees her being dragged in some kind of silver liquid but what he can tell was just an allusion in which he called of his magic and saw that Korra was just knocked out and then out of the swamp a person came out and saw Korra lying on the ground and it was a older woman who looked to be blind.

Troy: Could this be the person that the spirit was telling Korra about?(Troy saids in thought while watching the older woman bring Korra to her home and soon night fell and Troy stayed in the trees while listening to what the older woman and Korra who woke up in her home were talking about)

Older Woman: Feeling better?

Korra: Where am I and what happened?

Older Woman: I was hoping you could tell me, I found you past out in the mud.

Korra: How did you know I was out there?

Older Woman: I am pretty tapped into the goings on around here. What brings you to the swamp anyway?

Korra: A spirit led me here and told me I was supposed to find someone. Is that you?

Older Woman: Beats me, but if your Avatar senses called you here you should probably listen to them.

Troy: Seems like she knows about the Avatar as well.(Troy saids in thought while listening)

Korra: Wait you recognize me?

Older Woman: In a manner of speaking, we were good friends in your previous life.(Older woman saids to Korra and turns around to meet an older woman wearing green and is blind in which made Korra shock while Troy was looking at the woman more closer and waits to know the persons name)

Korra: I can't believe it, Toph.(Korra saids in shock while looking at the older woman in front of her)

Troy: Toph as in Toph BeiFong who was friends with Avatar Aang and was the greatest earth bender that ever lived and discovered metal bending who is also the mother of Lin and Sue BeiFong the Toph BeiFong!(Troy saids in thought while amazed of looking at The Toph BeiFong while he is hiding in the trees and listening to the conversation of both women)

Toph: Hehehe, nice to see you again twinkle toes.

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