Chapter 7: Korra Leaves Home!
It has been months since Korra was able to walk again and continue her training of being the Avatar once again but during those times she still is struggling with the visions and nightmares she is having in which is distracting her from her training but with Troy it is quite different because ever since Korra and Troy became a couple they had each others backs and offer to train with each other in which Korra fighting skills improve magnificent with some Atlantean defense techniques that Troy taught her including blocking the opponents attacks which Korra had a little problem with keeping up but that didn't stop her from trying in which made Troy very proud of his girlfriend and Korra was very happy to have Troy as her boyfriend in which after training they spend time together and do a lot of fun things around the water tribe even go on dates which Korra loved and what made her very happy is that Troy even taught her to dance as well as make her a romantic dinner under a beautiful sunset which was really romantic for the happy couple.
Korra and Troys relationship grew bigger than anything in which was different from when Korra dated Mako of which she told Troy about but didn't get upset after she explained the details of which she and Mako decided to remain friends after their breakup months ago before Troy met Korra. Troy always made sure to keep Korra happy even when during training of which he likes to help her improve her bending skills as well as trying to forget what happened to her in the past but sometimes during training with the other members those same visions always come back and haunt her. Then when the White Lotus informed that Korra's teacher Tenzin was visiting the south pole to see how the Avatar is doing she was very happy to see her master again and wants to introduce him to Troy. Right now in the training grounds Korra along with Katara saw a flying bison heading towards them which means that Tenzin has arrived which means he is here to see her student once again.
When both Korra and Katara saw the bison heading towards them the creature landed near the gates of the training ground and Korra ran over to see a man with arrow tattoos and red and yellow dress robes in which was Master Tenzin son of Avatar Aang.
Korra: Tenzin it so good to see you!(Korra saids while hugging her teacher)
Tenzin: Korra how you been, you looking quite well.
Korra: I am doing great Tenzin and it was all thanks to Katara as well as Troy.
Tenzin: Ah the person from the world called Atlantis that the White Lotus informed me about, I would like to meet him for myself Korra.
Korra: Sure he is with the coaches right now they are about to start combat skills with staffs and Troy is using his trident.
Tenzin: Hmm...I never heard such a weapon called a trident before I might have to see what Troy is capable of.
Katara: He is full of surprises Tenzin many surprises.
Korra: Come on lets go see what he is doing and I can show you how much I have been getting better.(Korra and takes Tenzin to the training grounds to see Troy face off against three people)
Admittedly Korra along with Tenzin and Katara made to the training grounds and saw Troy who was getting ready to start the fight against the three opponents on the other side while Korra, Tenzin and Katara stood and watch.
Troy: Hey Korra glad you and Katara could make it and who might this be?(Troy saids to Korra and then looks at the Air bender next to her and Katara)
Korra: Troy this is Tenzin the air bending master I told you about, Tenzin this Troy of Atlantis.
Tenzin: Troy it is a pleasure to meet you, my mother and the white lotus told me so much about you and of where you came from and I must say I have never seen someone like you before in any of the four nations or never seen quite a weapon like that.
Troy: It is an honor to meet the son of Avatar Aang, Korra told me so much about your father as well you and your family and this the first time I am meeting an air bender in person I am truly honored to be in your presence.(Troy saids and bows his head to Tenzin)
Tenzin: Oh the honors all mine Troy and I would like to see your skills that Korra and my mother were talking about and what your kind known as Atlantean's are capable of while in combat.
Troy: Why of course Tenzin we are about to start now.
Korra: Tenzin he is amazing, ever since we met his abilities are anything I ever seen before and the way he fights is awesome!
Tenzin: Really, well lets see what he can do and I also I am very happy that he was able to help you get back on your feet again and offer to train you like my mother told me in the letters she sent me.
Korra: And I couldn't be more happy that he did so much for me in which I have never met someone more amazing and honest as Troy.(Korra saids while smiling and blushing about her boyfriend then looks towards the arena to watch him fight)
Troy: Alright boys I want you all to come at me with everything you got and no holding back in which I am not going to as well because I never hold back in fight.(Troy saids as he readies himself while holding his trident while the three men with their metal staffs also get ready)
Korra: Good luck Troy!
Troy: Thanks water angle!, now BEGIN!(Troy saids as one of the men charges at Troy and begins to fight him with his metal staff while Troy is using his trident to block each attack without holding anything back)
(Troy(Aquaman) and Trainer(Orm fighting)
While the men are using all of their skills to knock down Troy, the Atlantean had the upper hand in which he started blocking each and every attack from his opponents and none of them were fast enough to dodge the hits from Troys trident in which Korra was watching and was amazed of her boyfriends skills with a trident while Tenzin has never seen such an incredible fighter like Troy before even Katara was enjoying the show.
Korra: Go Troy!!!
Tenzin: Unbelievable I have never seen such marvelous movements and such incredible speed and strength and the way he is blocking each attack and not getting a scratch on himself is very interesting so this what an Atlantean from another world can do I must say he is as you said Korra amazing.
Korra: See what did I tell you, he is amazing and the training he's been giving me really helps my improvements as the Avatar.
When the men were unable to make a scratch or a hit on Troy they all backed away and light their staffs on fire in which Troy smirks and knows what he going to do next in which will surprise Korra the most as well as Tenzin.
Troy: I think it is about time to end this(Troy saids in thought and lifts his trident in the air while the men get ready for what he is going to do next)
Korra: What are you up to Troy?(Korra saids in thought while looking at Troys stance)
Then after a second later Troy began to spin his trident into a circle of which water was surrounding and it starting to become a shield of which both the men along with Korra, Tenzin and Katara were in awe of what they were seeing in front of them.
(Reference from Aquaman movie)
Korra: No way.........(Korra saids in awe)
Tenzin: Incredible........
Katara: Seems like he is full of many wonders.(Katara saids in thought while smiling at Troys technique)
Troy kept on spinning his trident and when the men looked at each other they charged at Troy of which Troy hits one of them with his water shield and gets knocked out follow by the other until one was left standing. Then when the last man was standing and was holding his ground, Troy charged him and did a flip in which he used his trident and it hit the mans staff in which the entire metal staff shattered into pieces leaving Korra and Tenzins mouths hanging down while Katara smiled at what they all just seen even the man who was still standing was speechless of what Troy did to his staff.
Troy: has been a while since I used this technique and it still never gets old.(Troy saids and he goes and helps up the men who was knock down and helping the other who was still stunned of what Troy did until Korra came running into Troy and hugging him)
Korra: Troy that was amazing!!!!(Korra saids while excited and hugging her boyfriend in which Troy hugged back and smiled)
Troy: Hehehe thanks Korra.
Korra: Was that your water shield you told me about!!
Troy: It sure was I wanted to surprise you when we had some alone time but it looks like this was the time to show you my technique.
Korra: And for that Troy I found it to be absolutely incredible just like you.
Troy: Aw why aren't you sweet water angle.(Troy and patting Korra's hair in which she giggles and smiles)
Tenzin: Troy that was the most marvelous performance I have ever seen! You are definitely not from our world and the way you used your trident to shatter the opponents staff like that I mean I have never seen a weapon capable of shattering a thick piece of metal, I wonder if that can cut through solid platinum.
Troy: Thank you for your words master Tenzin and yes my trident can indeed cut through all sorts of metal even solid platinum.
Tenzin: Who gave you such a weapon?
Troy: It was forged by my grandmother Queen Atlanna and my mentor Mera both are Atlantean's as well and very skilled fighters in which they trained me in the ways of the warrior.
Tenzin: I see and I can tell they did a magnificent job training you.
Troy: They sure did.
Korra: Is it possible you can teach me how to do that technique Troy?
Troy: Sorry Korra but only an Atlantean can master this technique and must also have a trident as well.
Korra: Oh I am sorry it just that it looked so cool to see.
Troy: Don't be sorry I should of told you before then but enough of that hows about you show Tenzin how much you are improving.
Korra: Oh yea thats right!
Tenzin along with his mother Katara and Troy stood beside the training ground while they watch Korra on the other side of the ground in which three fire benders got into stance on other side. Then after a while now Korra started shooting fire blast at the fire benders in which Troy was smiling at how Korra was doing so far even Tenzin was impressed of her student doing quite well with her training.
Korra: Come on attack me, I can take it!(Korra saids to the fire benders in which they got a little worried as well as Troy and Tenzin)
Troy and Tenzin looked at each other knowing what Korra said made them worry and when the fire benders looked each other with concern in their eyes they did what she told them to do in which they through more fire at her to which Korra was able to dodge and deflect the attacks from her opponents to where she started to see the visions again and when she came back to herself the fire benders kept of shooting fire at her in which she gets knocked down.
Tenzin: All right the sparring match is over now!
Troy: Korra you alright?(Troy saids and checks to see how his girlfriend is in which he helps her up)
Korra: Yea Troy....I am ok but I thought I was ready this time I don't understand.(Korra saids while taking off her helmet and Troy putting a hand on her shoulder)
Troy: It is ok Korra it is ok.....(Troy saids to Korra and places a hand on his lovers face of which she smiles a little)
Tenzin: He is right Korra, there is no shame in taking the time you need to recover being the Avatar can wait.
Korra: But Tenzin what about the Earth Kingdom? I heard it is still a mess.
Tenzin: The situation has been stabilizing since Kuvira took over and don't worry about it you need to take your time and recover.
Korra: But that should be me out there fixing things not her.
Tenzin: I know you want to help, but trust me everyone has this under control I just think you need to....
Korra: If you say be patient I swear I am going to water smack you in the mouth!
Troy: And trust me Tenzin she will, and last person who said to her to be patient well he didn't get the memo after he hit the wall and had to go to the hospital.(Troy saids to Tenzin in which he looked pale for a little bit but shrugged it off)
Tenzin: I was going to say not to worry about the future, be grateful for where you are now and the process you have made.
When Tenzin finished his sentence but the only thing Korra did was hand Troy her helemt and walk away in frustration as well as in sadness for what has happened in which Troy feels bad for his girlfriend.
Tenzin: Sigh I don't understand she was just fine a minute ago what could of made her loose focus?
Troy: Its those visions and nightmares she's been having their starting to come back to her.
Tenzin: Visions you say?
Troy: Yes she's been having visions of the day she was poisoned by the red lotus and Zaheer in which her parents told me about of what she has been through and I made them a promise that I will be there for Korra even during her time when she was having those horrible dreams and visions of that day.
Tenzin: So that explains why she was acting so nervous all of sudden and not focusing on her training she can't get over what has happened to her.
Troy: When she is training with other members the visions come back but when she is with me she is much more calmer and doesn't think about those horrible things.
Tenzin: Seems like to me you been keeping her focus and not have to deal with those visions she is having.
Troy: Yes...I care about Korra and ever since we became a couple months ago I want to always be there to make sure she is full recovered and not have to deal with the nightmares she is having.
Tenzin: Wait you two are a thing?
Troy: Yea after we got to know each other and spend time together and after what she has done for me and I did for her we confessed our love for each other and stood by together.
Tenzin: Well I can see the look in your eyes that you are indeed in love with her.
Troy: Thank you Tenzin
Tenzin: Your welcome Troy and right now she needs you more, as for me I must return back to Republic City and to my family can you give Korra my regards.
Troy: Of course Tenzin and it was really nice to finally meet you and once we see each other again hows about telling me more about your father as well as your family.
Tenzin: I would be honored and if you tell me more about your world and home Atlantis because I would like to know about your peoples culture and history.
Troy: I can agree to that
After Tenzin and Troy finish their conversation together they both bowed to each other and Tenzin hugged his mother goodbye and both her and Troy waved goodbye to the air bender, then when he was gone Troy decided to go check on Korra who was in her room alone looking at some letters that her friends sent her.
Knock! Knock!(Troy knocking on Korra's door in which she didn't answer)
Troy: Korra?...It's me are you in there?(Troy saids and walks into his girlfriends bedroom)
Korra: Sigh.....yea I am here I am just looking at some of my friends old letters that they sent me.
Troy: I see are they doing alright?
Korra: Yea, Asami got a big contract to help redesign the cities infrastructure so she will be busy at the time, Mako is continuing being a police officer in which he will soon be promoted to detective, and as for Bolin he is joining Varrick and Kuvira in stabilizing the Earth Kingdom. So their doing alright while I am stuck here still recovering.(Korra saids while looking down sad in which Troy saw and got into bed with her and pulled her close to him in which she cuddled into his chest)
Troy: Hey I know you will over come these fears Korra and you can't just give up hope because I will never stop believing in you and you know that don't you.
Korra: Of course I do I just that.....
Troy: Korra you are the most wisest and most incredible person I ever met these past two years and I love you with everything a guy like me could ask so your not alone Korra.
Korra: I love you too Troy and thank make me so happy inside even when we spend time together.(Korra saids as she moves closer to Troy and snuggle into him)
Troy: Thats my water angel 💋(Troy saids and kisses Korra on the forehead in which she snuggles more into Troy and then begins to yawn)
Korra: Yawn!.........
Troy: You tired?
Korra: Yea.....can you stay with me tonight please.
Troy: Korra you already know that answer already.
Then soon after Troy said that to Korra in which she smiled at her lovers face she drifted off to sleep with Troy holding her close and when night approached Korra woke up from her nap with Troy who was still sleeping and went over to her desk and began to write a letter to her friend Asami.
Korra's Note: Dear Asami,
I am sorry I haven't written to you sooner, but every time I have tried I never knew what to say. The past two years have been the hardest of my life and even though I can get around fine now, I still can't go into the Avatar state. I keep on having visions of Zaheer and what happened that day, Katara thinks a lot of this is in my head so I have been meditating a lot but sometimes I worry I will never fully recover so please don't tell Mako or Bolin I wrote to you and not them. I don't want to hurt their feelings but it is easier to tell you about this stuff and I don't think they will understand.
But during those two years were not always bad I mean during my time trying to recover, I met someone who was so kind to me and keeps me safe as well as calm, and without his help I wasn't able to walk again. Asami he is the most wonderful person I have ever met in my life he is kind, compassionate, brave, strong and he cares about the people around him and he understands what I going through and after getting to know each other more and spending time together I realized that I fell deeply in love with him after what he has done for me and while I am sleeping the visions and nightmares never showed up because the only thing that kept me calm was the boy that I met and his name is Troy and I can tell that you and him will get along quite well when you get to meet him in person and if you ask about who and where he comes from he will be more than happy to tell you his story about his life even I was amazed by who he is and what he does. Once he helped me walk again and offer to train me in his ways we both confessed our love for each other and for the past two years he has never left my side and I couldn't be any happier. So I hope to hear from you soon and see how you are doing back in Republic City and once I am recovered fully I will come back to the city and see you all again and I will bring Troy with me because I can tell he would love to meet you guys after I told him so much about our adventures together and battles we fought to keep the world safe.
Your Friend: Korra
Korra finished the letter for her friend while blushing because she mention Troy in her letter and was thinking that Troy will get along quite well with Asami, Mako and Bolin if they meet in person. Then when she is all done she turned off the light and put the letter in an envelope and addressed it to Asami then headed back to bed to see Troy still asleep which was adorable to Korra's eyes and decided to snuggle back into his arms and get some sleep.
Korra: Goodnight Troy.....I love you so much(Korra saids in thought and then drifts back to sleep with her holding Troy)
Many weeks have now past and Korra was still training who spent days and and nights training as well as meditating trying to get back into the Avatar state but nothing seems to be working in which Korra was looking more upset then ever but when Troy offers himself to train with her she feels better in which they both trained their techniques as well as fighting styles to improve their abilities. Korra loved Troy with all her heart but she was still upset that she still can get back into full Avatar strength again of which during dinner time with her parents and Troy she decided to make a decision of which she must do something on her own.
Senna: Everything alright sweetie?(Senna saids to Korra who is barley touching her food in which Troy is also worried)
Korra: There is something I need to tell you both even you Troy.
Tonraq: What is it?
Korra: I want to go back to Republic City.
Senna: Are you sure?
Korra: I know I am not one hundred percent yet, but I feel like I have hit a wall. I need to be where the action is where my friends are.
Troy along with Senna and Tonraq looked at each other then back at Korra who smile at her decision.
Tonraq: I will have the white lotus prepare a boat for you then they will take you back to Republic City.
Senna: And Troy can come with you so that you don't feel alone and he could have a chance to get to see what is like outside of the water tribe.(Senna saids to Korra)
Korra: No I want to go alone, and the trip could help me concentrate some more and Troy I don't want to be rude or anything but I feel like I need some time for myself if that is alright with you.(Korra saids and looks towards her boyfriend with sad look)
Troy: Korra it is ok and I understand I think some time for yourself is something you could use and I respect that.
Korra: Thank you for understanding Troy.(Korra saids and hugs Troy and he hugs her back)
Troy: Just don't do anything out of the ordinary once you get to the city and always be mindful.
Korra: I will try and thank you.
Troy: Your welcome.
The next day came and Korra was all packed up and ready to leave while Troy along with Senna and Tonraq were wishing her good luck and safe travels.
Troy: I want you to take care of yourself for me ok, because if something happens you know what I am going to do.
Korra: Hehehe I know you are going to rush in and protect me like my knight and shiny armor.
Troy: Yea something like that, and here I made you something so that where ever you go if you ever feel alone you can always look at this to remind you of me.(Troy saids and hands Korra a gift he made for her in which she took it and opens up the box and saw the most beautiful thing she has ever seen)
Korra: is so beautiful!(Korra saids as she puts on the bracelet and looks at it in which has the Atlantis symbol on it)
Troy: I wanted to make you something special, in which I made one as well to remind me of you.(Troy saids and shows her his bracelet with her tribes symbol on it)
Korra: This is the most sweetest thing you ever made for me I promise to wear it wherever I go.
Troy: Thats what I like to hear Korra, take care.
Korra: You too(Korra saids as she places her hand on Troys cheek)
Korra and Troy: I love you 💋(Both said and kiss each other goodbye)
Then with one last look Korra let go of Troy and began to sail away from home while waving goodbye to her parents and to Troy.
Korra: Bye Troy I will see you soon!!!
Troy: Bye Korra and I will be waiting!!!
With that said Korra and her boat disappeared from sight leaving Troy along with Senna and Tonraq alone.
Troy: Sigh........
Senna: Don't worry Troy she will be alright I know my daughter well.
Troy: If you say so Senna
Tonraq: Come on lets go have something to eat together.
Troy: You two go on ahead I want to be alone for a while.
Senna: Ok and if your feel hungry we will make you something to eat when you come back home.
Troy: Thank you Senna
Senna and Tonraq headed back home leaving Troy to himself while still looking where Korra was heading until Katara came over to see how Troy is.
Katara: Troy..
Troy: Hmm...Oh hello Katara sorry I was just.
Katara: No I understand your worried about Korra
Troy: Sigh...yea before she left I saw something in her eyes meaning that she will probably not go to Republic City and will still have those visions and nightmares that will still haunt her.
Katara: Yes I seen it in her eyes as well but I know that she will try to over come them.
Troy: I hope your right....
Katara: Your going to follow her aren't you.(Katara saids with a smile while looking at where Korra left)
Troy: Yea...
Katara: Do you know how you going to find her once she makes her decision to return or not.
Troy: That braclet I gave her is also a tracker in which I can pinpoint of where she is going to be and what place she will head towards.
Katara: Very clever of you but wont she notice?
Troy: The tracker is silent so she wont be able to hear it.
Katara: When will you leave?
Troy: I will leave first thing tomorrow morning and I will travel by water and I mean travel under water and keep a low distance so that she doesn't spot me.
Katara: You are full of wonders Troy and I wish you good luck and safe travels.
Troy: Thank you Katara and if her parents ask tell them I decided to leave with Korra and meet her in the city.
Katara: I would be proud to and make sure that she is alright.
Troy: I am her boyfriend it is part of my job to protect the one I love.
Katara: Just like Aang when he is off saving the world and keeping those close to him.
Troy: Yea come on lets head back home and have some food with Senna and Tonraq.
Katara: I would like that very much.
Troy and Katara headed back home to have food with Senna and Tonraq while Troy was thinking about his plan to follow Korra wherever she goes and to make sure she is ok and safe.
Troy: I will make sure nothing happens to you Korra and I will not make that same mistake again.
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