Chapter 6: Recovery and Confession!

It has been months now since Troy met the creature known as Orion who was his peoples guardian until his grandfather Orvax banished him for not doing a good job protecting Atlantis in which Troy decided to befriend the beast so that he doesn't feel like it is useless and the two bonded pretty well together in which Troy visit Orion twice a day and Orion tells stories of how he became the guardian of Atlantis as well as long time friends of Queen Atlanna before she died in which Troy enjoyed the stories so much but during those months he also had to attend to Korra who was still having problems recovering from what her enemies did to her of which the nightmares and visions that she has always come back and haunt her but with Troy it is easier to calm down but when she is alone the nightmares get worse every time. So right now Troy is with Katara who is using her healing techniques to help Korra while she is laying in a small pool of water.

Katara: The poison did a number of nerve damage in your body.(Katara saids to Korra while using her healing skills)

Korra: Can you fix it?

Katara: I can help guide your healing process but whether or not if you get better is up to you. And I know what it is like to go through a traumatic experience.

Troy: Your not the only one, I to have been there and seen it all.(Troy saids while Katara and Korra feel bad for Troy for what he has been through in his life)

Katara: Me and Troy promise you that if you dedicated yourself to getting better, then you will get better.

Troy: As well as more stronger than ever, because I know that a fact you will be Korra.(Troy saids while putting a hand on Korra's shoulder while Korra smiles a little for Troys kind words)

Korra: And thats what I want more than anything in the world.

Katara: Then hows about we try something and see if it would work, try moving your big toe.

Korra closed her eyes and breathed out a little while focusing on her big toe and try to move it an inch while keeping herself calm as well as focus.

Troy: You can do it Korra I believe in you.(Troy saids to Korra in which he looks towards Korra toe and it started to moved an inch which means what Katara said was true she moved it an inch in which Korra gasp and looked towards both Troy and Katara in happiness)

Korra: It worked......Troy its working!(Korra saids while smiling at Troy in which he smiled back)

Troy: I knew you could do it water angel.(Troy saids to Korra in which she smiles and blushes a little)

After Korra was able to move her toe which was the first step, Katara and with Troy took her to the other room and set up walking poles so that they can help Korra try to walk again in which she was having some struggles to keep her balance.

(Edit done by me:95nicholasnm)

Katara: The mind can be a great ally or your greatest enemy, now I want you to try and take that first step.

Troy: You can do it Korra just believe in yourself.(Troy saids to Korra who was trying to take her step while struggling until she started to have a panic in which she started to fall over in which Troy knew that the visions that she was having came back in which is what caused her to loose focus)

Korra: Arghh........(Korra saids while hitting the floor while covering her head from the vision she had)

Katara: It is ok Korra, lets try again

Korra: I am done for today.......(Korra saids while being frustrated)

Troy: Korra........

Korra: Troy can you take me back to my room please.....

Troy: Sigh...alright(Troy saids as he carries Korra in her arms and put her back in the wheelchair and wheeled her back into her room)

Troy and Korra arrived in the bedroom and Troy helped Korra into the bed while she looked down in sadness as well as frustration for what happened in which Troy decides to brake the silence and try to talk to Korra.

Troy: Korra

Korra: Yes Troy?

Troy: When you said to Katara that you were done for today you didn't mean that did you?(Troy saids to Korra who looks away from Troy and not wanting to saying anything)

Korra: Sigh....what is the point Troy we already been through this for months now and I can't even take one step without falling down.(Korra saids in sadness in which Troy decided to sit next to her to keep her calm)

Troy: I know that your frustrated with everything but you can.......(Troy didn't get to finish his sentence as Korra screamed in anger and frustration)


Troy: I never imagined that she was in this much stress, I got to find a way to calm her down before something happens.(Troy saids in thought while thinking a way to calm down Korra)

Korra: TROY I HAVE BEEN STUCK HERE TRYING TO GET BETTER BUT SO FAR NOTHING HAPPENED AND NOT EVEN KATARA CAN HELP ME!!!.....I'M!!!(Korra screamed again then stops when Troy puts her on his lap and hugs her to calm her down in surprised her)

Troy: Shhh......its ok Korra it is ok, just let it all out I am here for you and I always will; I just don't want to see you so angry and upset.(Troy saids while hugging Korra and rubbing her back in which Korra embraced the hug and let out her emotions where she started to cry until tear stains were all over Troys shoulder)

After Troy found out the truth of what happened to his mother and his grandmother he felt heart broken and alone as well as sad and even angry for what his own father and grandfather have done to the two people who given him much loved and compassion of which he started to see that in Korra, she was alone, sad and angry for what her enemies did to her of which Troy swore that he will always be there for her since he couldn't be there for his mother or his grandmother Queen Atlanna but now he has a chance to make things right and protect the person who took him in into her life and they became great friends and shared many stories togethers and have lots in common. Admittedly after spending so much time together and months Troy began to develop feelings for Korra but decided to wait and tell her how he feels about her of which he recorded himself confessing how much he cares about Korra and her family including her people. Troy made Korra a promise that he will help her recover and thats what he is going to do help her get through what she has experienced and soon she will be walking on her two legs once again on her own. Troy did the next thing he released Korra from his hug and lifted her chin to have her look at him in the eye so that he show her that she is not alone.

Troy: Korra....what ever happened to you is in the past now, which means no one is going to hurt you anymore because I am here for you and nothing is going to change that. And it is ok to be afraid people have fear all the time including me so I know what your going through and your not alone in this.(Troy saids to Korra who wipes her tears away while she looks down in sadness and turns her head away from Troy)

Korra: No you don't Troy, you don't know what I went through all the pain and the suffering!, And if I go back out there I will just get hurt all over again so you don't know what it is like!(Korra saids in more sadness until she remembers something Troy has been through far more worse then her in which she looks up at Troy and pleading to him that she is sorry that she knows that Troy suffered pain as well with happened to his mother and grandmother)

Korra: Troy....I....I....I didn't mean....I...I..😭.....IM SO SORRY!!!(Korra saids in sadness as more tears came pouring down her face for what she just said to Troy)

Troy: Korra do you remember the day you and I first met and the promise I made to you and your parents.(Troy saids while trying to calm Korra down again)

Korra: 😢sniff........of course I do why......(Korra saids while more tears came down her face while still hanging onto Troy)

Troy: Korra I made you a promise that I will always be here for you and help you recovery and after spending these months with you have been the best moments of my life and you gave me a home of which I really loved the most and your parents treated me with such compassion and kindness just like you did. Korra what I am trying to say is even though I wasn't there for my mother or my grandmother Queen Atlanna when they died but here I can make things right and protect and help the person who gave me a new life and helped me moved on for what I have lost and thats you Korra. Yes I too have been there I seen pain and suffering as well as death but that didn't stop me from doing what I was born to do and that is being a hero and a protecter of which I want to protect and help you Korra because you mean something to me and I will make sure that no one lands a hand on you or try to hurt you because they will have to go through me first even if it takes all my Atlantean strength to do it. You helped me Korra and now I want to help you now and that is what a good friend does they help each other out to get back what they have lost and right now I want to help you get back on your feet and I will always be by your side every step of the way and you know why is because your my friend my best friend and I am going to help you get better and sooner or later you will be able to walk out of that wheelchair and to be able to walk this earth once again and it will be on your own. I am never going leave you Korra I promise.(Troy saids to Korra of which made her surprised again by how Troy will always be there for her even in her toughest time of which she felt warmness in her heart and protection as well as happiness of which brought more tears to her eyes but not in sadness but in joy of which she hugged Troy again)

Korra: Troy......😢sniff....thank you and I am so sorry for what I said, you truly are the greatest friend I could ever have and thank you for always being here for me I have never felt so much better....thank you.(Korra saids while in tears of happiness in which Troy smiles and returns the hug from Korra)

Troy: Your welcome water angel, I will always be here for you no matter what. Hows about we head back to Katara and try again but this only focus on me and nothing else.(Troy saids to Korra of which she smiles at Troy while in tears and nods)

Korra: Ok.......

Troy: Theres the Korra I know.(Troy saids to Korra in which she giggles at the comment)

Admittedly Troy took Korra back to see Katara again and this time Troy was standing on the other side while Korra was on the other while she was focusing on trying to walk.

Katara: Ok Korra were going to try this again, we will take it one step at a time until you make it all the way across on your own. And you must not forget that Troy will help you through this like he promised.(Katara saids to Korra of which she nods in agreement and looks towards Troy who was waiting for her to walk while believing in her)

Korra looked towards Troy who cheering her on knowing that she just has to believe in herself and she will be able to do anything of which she started to take her steps of which Troy started to smile and seeing that Korra was doing it.

Troy: What ever happened to you Korra it is in the past now and nobody is going to hurt you. You are a strong woman who will make it through this I know you will I can see it within yourself.(Troy saids to Korra of which she started to move more and more towards Troy)

Korra heard what Troy said to her of which she started to believe in his words of which she started to take more steps and eventually she made it towards the end of which she embraced Troy in a warm hug while thinking about what Troy said to her was true she just had to believe in herself and she will get through this.

Troy: You did it Korra....(Troy saids to Korra while hugging her)

Korra: It is because of you I could do it thank you Troy for everything....(Korra saids while hugging and smiling at Troy)

Katara: I am started to see something more between those two something far more greater.(Katara saids in thought while looking at Troy and Korra hugging together)

Many weeks have now past and Korra was able to walk once again of which she told her parents about and they were so happy that their daughter was on her feet. Korra told them that it was all thanks to Troy and his guidance and wisdom that she was able to walk again of which they thanked Troy for what he did for Korra of which they both were thinking that maybe one day that Troy would make a great husband for their daughter for what he has done for her as well as a protector due to him being a warrior. Admittedly both Tonraq and Senna decided to throw a celebration for their daughters recovery and have Troy be there since he was the one who believed in Korra and was there for her in her toughest time. So right now Korra is on her way towards Troys room to see if he is going to the celebration.

Knock! Knock!(Korra knocking on Troys door)

Korra: Hello Troy are you in there?(Korra saids while thinking that Troy was in his room and decides to open the door and check for herself)

Korra went into Troys room and found nothing but his trident and helmet of which Troy wasn't in his room which made Korra wonder where he went until she saw a note on the desk and began to read it.

Korra: Korra I went out to get some groceries I will back soon and in time for the celebration so don't wait up for me..Troy.(Korra saids while reading the note from Troy of which now she knows where he went)

Korra: Oh so he went out to get groceries that is nice of him to do.(Korra saids to herself until she saw Troys helmet glowing for some reason and went to see why it is glowing)

When Korra moved towards the helmet of which the jewel part was glowing, Korra touched something on the side of the helmet and then all of sudden a hologram appeared behind her and what appeared was a recording of Troy in his room.

Korra: Troy?(Korra saids while looking at the hologram recording of Troy)

Troy(Recorded): I know doing this is kind of awkward and very strange but I will get into that some other time but for now it has been months since I came to this new world after Orm banished me from my world and landed in a totally different place but not just any ordinary place, I landed in a new world where people has the ability to bend the elements of four different places of which I never heard of; Water Nation, Fire Nation, Air Nation, and Earth Nation, and in those nations are people who called themselves benders who can bend one of the four elements water, earth, fire, and air of which was a great discovery to be told and while I was hear I met some people who found me and took me to their home of which they found me to be quite amazing and incredible to have around even when I revealed to them that I am from another world and from a different race of which they promised to keep my secret. But while I was here I met this girl who her parents and friends told me that she was this worlds protector and guardian of which they call her the Avatar master of the four elements and the bridge between a place called the spirit world and the physical world and she told me so many stories about herself and her adventures of being the Avatar of which she and I formed a great friendship together and had tons of things in common but I also found out that she went through some tough times as the Avatar even faced dangerous enemies of which they poisoned her and had a hard time to recover but when she and I met the first time we got along famously and made a promise to look out for each other and I made a promise to help her recover and get better. And I have to admit something she is like no girl I ever met before, she is kind, compassionate, cares about the people around her, likes to train and become a better Avatar, and she has these beautiful blue eyes that sparkle like the deep blue sea itself and after helping her recovery from what she had experienced I came to realize after spending so much time with her I developed feelings for her in which I started to fall in love with her for what she has done for me and helped me move on with my life and helped me started a new one here in her world. And the reason why I am doing this recording is that because I am not quite ready to tell her how I feel about her but with this I can only say one thing and that is I am in love with Avatar Korra and I will always care for her and be by her side every step of way. Korra thank you for everything for what you done for me and I am happy to help you recovery from what has happened to you, you mean so much to me and I want to be there for you.

Recorded Ended

When the recording has ended everything in the room was silent and Korra who was staring into space processed of what she just saw and listen to of which she place a hand on her thumping heart that was beating with so much love and joy which means that after spending so much time with Troy, she feels the same way about him.

Korra: He......he loves me......Troy is in love with me.......(Korra saids to herself while blushing and her heart beats more and more)

When Korra found out that Troy was in love with her after spending months together and getting to know each other and telling stories as well as looking out for each other, Korra decided to tell Troy what she feels about him during the celebration so that she can tell him how she feels about him and after he helped her recover and always being there for her. So as of this moment Tonraq invited the people of the southern water tribe for the celebration of his daughters recovery as well as the person who helped her of which Tonraq wanted Troy attend because he saw something in him of which made him very proud to have someone like Troy at his home even Senna saw as well of which she was thinking that Troy and Korra would be a lovely pare and will give her such beautiful grandchildren in the future of which both Korra and Troy don't know of yet but soon will.

Senna: Tonraq have you seen Troy anywhere I thought he will be here?(Senna saids to her husband in which made Korra blush of hearing Troys name)

Tonraq: Korra told me that he was out getting groceries then coming for the celebration he's probably running late is all.

Senna: Oh alright should we just wait until he arrives.

Tonraq: I think that would be fare what you think Korra?(Tonraq saids to his daughter who was thinking of Troy until she heard her father and came out of her thoughts)

Korra: Huh....oh yea I think that would be wise thing to do.

Then after a half an hour later Troy came in through the doors in which Korra smiled that Troy made it and saved him a seat next to her of which he smiles and goes up towards Tonraq, Senna, and Korra and took a seat next to the three.

Troy: Sorry I'm a little late, the line for groceries were very long and I had to wait I hope I didn't miss anything?

Senna: Oh don't worry Troy we were waiting for you so Tonraq can give out his speech to everyone.

Troy: Well thats good to know, how you doing Korra.(Troy saids with a smile in which made Korra blush more)

Korra: I....I...I am doing alight Troy thanks for asking.

Troy: Oh ok then, are you feeling ok Korra you look a little red there?(Troy saids to Korra who blushes more)

Korra: I fine Troy really there is nothing to worry about hehehehe!(Korra saids while embarrassed of what she said)

Troy: Well if you say so ok then?

Korra: Sigh...that was close.(Korra saids in thought while relaxing herself then her father gets up from his seat and holds up his drink)

Tonraq: Thank you all for coming on this wonderful moment, for months now my daughter has suffered a deep pain of which she has not be able to recover from due to the poison of which her enemies of put in her but that all changed when our newest friend here helped her and brought her back to recovery and I couldn't be more proud of what he has done for my daughter and for our tribe. Troy you have done so much for my daughter and for our people and we thank you for everything you have accomplished all these months as well as protecting those who couldn't fend for themselves of which they decided to name you the Sea Guardian the protector of the Water Tribe of which I am very pleased to have you with us today and celebrate Korra's recovery for what you did and always had her back every step of the way.

Troy: Thank you Tonraq.

Tonraq: And for that I propose a toast to Troy of Atlantis from another world and to my daughter Korra of her recover!

Everyone: TO TROY OF ATLANTIS!! AND TO THE AVATAR!!(Everyone got up from their seats and cheered for both Korra and Troy of which both of them held up their glasses and celebrated with everyone else)

Tonraq: And now let the celebration begin!!(Tonraq saids as everyone of which music started playing and everyone talked among themselves and feast)

While everyone in the room were enjoying themselves including Tonraq and Senna who were greeting some of the people of their daughters remarkable recovery, Troy on the other hand were telling the kids stories about some tales of Atlantis of which they find them to be quite enjoyable while Korra on the other hand was watching Troy entertaining the kids which earned her a smile on her face but was also thinking about what she thought before the celebration and wanted to speak with Troy alone.

Korra: Ok Korra its now or never......(Korra saids to herself and begins to walk towards Troy who was telling stories to the kids)

Kids: WOW!!!!

Troy: And then they surrounded us so we couldn't escape and there were a lot of them of which it both myself along with Arthur and Mera trying to stop them but they were smart and very clever and yet dangerous but that didn't stop us from trying to defend ourselves.

Kid: What happened after?

Troy: Well after they surrounded us and we took down so many of them and thought it was all over a group of heroes in colorful costumes and mask with powers far beyond anything imaginable came in and helped us defeat the creatures of the Trench and they all fled when they looked upon the great strong man with his eyes glowing red showing that they had to retreat back into the sea or suffer the strong mans strength.

Kid2: Wow......and who were these heroes Troy?

Troy: They were called the Justice League earths greatest heroes

Kids: WOW.....amazing

Kid3: What were their names Troy?

Troy: Allow me to show you all of my worlds greatest heroes!(Troy saids and shows the kids an image of the Justice League along with Arthur Curry)

Troy: The lightening god Shazam, The guardian of space Green Lantern, The Amazon warrior Wonder Woman, The King of the Sea Aquaman, The strong Superman, The Dark Knight Batman, The fastest man alive The Flash, and the man made of iron Cyborg.(Troy introduces the kids to the heroes and they all found them to be magnificent and heroic and the girls loved Wonder Woman the most because she looked very beautiful)

Kids: Ooh!!!!!(The kids were amazed of the Justice League even the adults who were listening to the whole thing were impressed by these heroes and their powers as well as their heroic deeds)

Kid4: What kinds of powers do they have?

Troy: Well for some like Batman who only uses his martial arts and combat skills and his gadgets to fight, the others have powers that are fare more greater like Superman his powers are laser vision, flight, super strength, wind blowing when he blows air from his mouth, X-ray vision so he can see through solid objects and he can heal himself with the power of the sun itself. The Flash got his powers from a ancient of which he got caught in a electric field and gave the powers to run so fast that he can outrun anymore and move in such incredible speed that you won't see him coming. Green Lantern got his powers from the ring of which everyone lantern receives one if they are worthy to use one of which he can create anything that comes to mind like a sword, shield or even something creative. Cyborg was just a normal human being and had a great life until a strange looking metal from space crashed into earth and bonded with him and changed his whole appearance making him half man and half machine in which he uses his tech to help the team with many sorts of technology advanced problems which made him a great member of the league. Shazam however was not just a kid like around your age but when he met a magical wizard he gave him powers of which he can transform into an adult hero but still had the mind of a child of which he can harness the power of lightening and in order to change back he has to chant out his name Shazam and he can turn back into a kid or into his hero self. And finally there is Wonder Woman who was raised on a island called Themyscira and it home to the warriors known as the amazons who were a group of female fighters who spent centuries fighting wars and keeping their distance from the outside world because they don't trust what lyes beyond their boulders and they have a law of which man is forbidden and only women are aloud to step foot on the island. Wonder Woman was great member of the justice league she took had the ability of flight as well as super human strength and carries with her a sword and shield as well as a lasso called the Lasso of Truth of which is a golden rope and once placed around someone it can revel the truth within that person so that they can never tell a lie and they can not resists its power.(Troy saids to the kids of which they were in awe even the adults until the conversion ended when Korra came up to Troy and wanted to speak with him)

Korra: Hey Troy can I talk to you alone for a while.(Korra saids while rubbing her arm and blushing a little)

Troy: Hmm...Oh sure Korra, I will be right back kids to tell you more stories after my talk with the Avatar.(Troy saids to Korra then the kids of which they nod and wait for Troy to tell them more stories)

Korra took Troy outside where the moon was full and it was a beautiful night out for them to have some time alone to themselves as well as talk about some things of which Korra wanted to speak about how she feels about Troy after what she saw on the hologram recording.

Troy: So what is that you wanted to see me for Korra?(Troy asks Korra who was figuring out how to tell him how she feels about him)

Korra: Troy........I.....I....what I am trying to say is that.........

Troy: What is it Korra?

Korra: Well you see after you went out to do some shopping I stopped by your room to see if you were there or not and when I came into your room you weren't there and I saw the note of where you went and then when I was going to head back out I saw........

Troy: What did you see?

Korra: I saw.....I saw your helmet glowing on the desk next to your trident and I.......(Korra looking nervous)

Troy: Did Korra saw..........what I think she saw?!!!(Troy saids in thought while blushing a little)

Korra: Troy I went over to see why your helmet was glowing and when I got to it, it started to play a recording of you.

Troy: Yea.........

Korra: And it showed that you were telling yourself about my world and the people here but mostly you were saying that you will always be there for me in every step of the way which was the most sweetest thing you ever said and thats when I heard something else you said.......(Korra saids while blushing and looking down at Troy)

Troy: What.....what else did you heard.....(Troy saids while getting nervous as well and awaits Korra's answer)

Korra: Gulp......Troy do you love me...I heard everything that you said in the recording......and was wondering if what you said was true...I need to know.(Korra saids with emotion in her eyes and looking at Troy who was blushing and looking nervous to speak)

Troy: Korra I.......(Troy was about to say something until Korra stopped him)

Korra: Its ok it was a stupid idea to say why don't we just head back to the party.(Korra saids while looking sad and was about to leave until Troy grabs her hand in which made her heart thumps faster and turns to look at Troy)

Troy: You didn't let me finish, what you saw on the recording Korra was the truth and it came from the bottom of my heart and I meant every word I said about you.(Troy saids to Korra who looked at Troy with her eyes widen and her heart beating with so much love)

Korra: Re......Really.(Korra saids while blushing and placing her hand on her heart)

Troy: Yes truth is I been having these feelings since the day I first met you because you were so kind and sweet to me and when ever I am around you or sleeping I can stop thinking about you of which my feelings started to become stronger by each time we spend together.

Korra: Troy.......

Troy: And after I saw you walking again it made me very happy in which I wanted to confess how much you mean to me Korra which why I want to say the one thing I always wanted to say to you since our time together.(Troy saids while grabbing both of Korra's hands of which she was on the verge of crying while smiling at awaits for what Troy is going to say to her)

Korra: Is this it is he really.......

Troy:  I love you Korra, I have been in love with you for a long time and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you and I will always be there when you need me because I will always have your back no matter what happens.

When Korra heard those words, her eyes began to widen as her brain also started to light up like there is no tomorrow of which she started weeping tears of joy and happiness as well as love of which she smiles at Troy for everything he has done for these months and she too couldn't stop thinking about him and the goodness he did for her of which she said the words of which made Troy very happy.

Korra: 😢sniff......I......I love you too, and after spending so much time with you made me realize that you mean everything to me as well Troy and you always been there for me even when I was in such pain and suffering but now I can't stop thinking about you as well as being around you in which I came to realize that I developed feelings for you as well and I would love to be with you Troy of Atlantis.(Korra saids with love and tears in her eyes)

Troy: And I want to as well because you make me so happy and after you did so much for me I want to be the one to make you happy.

Korra: Troy I......mph.(Korra didn't finish as Troy kissed her on the lips of which she melted the kiss and put her arms around Troys neck and he put his around her waist)

While they were kissing each other both felt their hearts beat with so much love and compassion and while showing that they will always be together no matter what danger awaits them and they help each other every step of the way. And once the kiss ended they both looked into each other eyes and saw love and honor of which they both hugged each other and confessed their love for each other.

Korra: I love you Troy.

Troy: And I love you too Korra.

And while the two were hugging some more two people were looking at them with proudness and love which were both Senna and Tonraq who wore smiles on their faces when then saw the two who confess to each other Senna squealed with joy and got both Korra and Troys attention.

Senna: OH MY SPIRITS!!!!!

Korra and Troy: DAH?!!!!(Both got startled and blushed from the embarrassment)

Tonraq: Honey I think you got them nervous?

Senna: Sorry I couldn't help it, they looked so beautiful together!


Tonraq: Oh quite a while now and I must say I am very happy how this turned out between you two even Katara seen it.(Tonraq saids of which both Korra and Troy blush)

Troy: Sigh...I take that you heard everything we said and also the confession?

Senna: Yup every word in which I am very happy that Korra found someone who will always be there for her and always keep her company including having her back.(Senna saids in which made Korra smile a little and blush)

Korra: Ah...hehehe...thanks mom....I think..

Troy: Yea really appreciated.....

Senna: And of course you have both mine and Tonraq's blessing to marry our daughter in which I would like to have a lot of grandchildren that would make me very happy.(Senna saids in which made both Korra and Troy blush really red)

Korra: MOM?!!!!!(Korra screams while being embarrassed)

Troy: Oh Neptunes Beard why........(Troy saids in thought while embarrassed as well)

Tonraq: Come on dear I think we should give these two some privacy and let them have their fun, and remember kids not too much fun alright I am not ready to become a grandpa yet.

Korra: DAD SERIOUSLY?!!!!!(Korra saids while her head turns into a tomato)

Troy: Don't worry we wont now can you please leave us alone.

Tonraq: Of course you two have nice night together, come on honey lets go and talk with the other tribe members.

Senna: Alright seen you inside Korra and you too my future son in law.(Senna saids to the two and heads back inside with her husband)

Troy: Uh yea you too.......

Korra: I have never been soo embarrassed in my life!

Troy: Well it could be worse?

Korra: How?

Troy: Your mom can tell you how to become a mother like herself.

Korra: Oh dear spirits.....

Troy: Hey lets forget about that stuff and what your parents said and just spend some time together while the night is still good.

Korra: Yea I guess your right and it is quite lovely out and the moon is very bright out.

Troy: It sure is Korra(Troy saids while wrapping his arms around Korra's waist and her wrapping her arms around his and cuddling into his chest)

Korra: I am happy to have you in my life Troy do you feel the same.

Troy: I should do Korra and I am happy that your in mine.

Korra: Say that I am on my feet again and I am moving around, I still need to focus on my bending and training would you like to train with me.

Troy: I would be honored to train with you my water angel.(Troy and kisses Korra on her head of which she giggles)

Korra: So hows about we spend a once a day of training and for the rest we spend more time together and do fun things together.

Troy: I would like that very much Korra and hows about during training I can teach some Atlantean fighting styles that can approve your skills more.

Korra: Yea that would be great!

Troy: Then it is decided we both train together and improve both our skills and techniques to each other as well as spend more time together.

Korra: Agreed 💋(Korra saids and kisses Troy on the cheek)

So after spending a while with each other under the full moon both Korra and Troy decided to head back to the party in which Troy went back to the kids and told them more stories in which Korra joined as well and wanted to hear some as well while sitting next to her new boyfriend and then when the party and the story telling were over; Korra and Troy headed back to the bedroom and changed into their sleep wear and decided to sleep together like before because Troy thinks that Korra will have the nightmares again and he didn't want to see her in pain so Korra cuddled right up to Troy and Troy placed his arm around his new girlfriend to keep her warm and safe and with one last look they both confessed again to each other and said good night to each other.

Troy: I love you Korra sweet dreams 💋(Troy saids and kisses Korra on the forehead)

Korra: I love you too Troy and goodnight 💋(Korr saids and kisses Troy on the lips and drifted off to sleep with Troy following)

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