Chapter 30: A mother never forgets!
After Troy reunited with his long time friend back in his old world, Aria invited him and Korra to her parents place where the married couple arrived at the beach home but for some reason Troy started have memories like he knows this place for some reason but couldn't place it.
Aria: Make yourselves at home.
Korra: Wow, this place looks amazing.
Aria: Thank you, it was my stepmothers place back in our world until she too was banish caused by Orvax and Orm. She not only got sucked through a portal that led her here but her whole house got sucked in as well and it took myself along with my adopted father Solon to rebuild the whole house.
Troy: Strange it feels like I been in this house before?(Troy saids in thought)
Korra: Where is everyone?
Aria: My dad is training my siblings and will be back in a while and my adopted mother is doing her own thing by the pond area. In the mean time would you like a tour of our home.
Korra: I would love too. Hows about you Troy, Troy?
Troy just looked around the place and not paying attention to Korra in which he started to have some flashbacks of himself inside a house playing with his mother when he was just a boy.
Marine: Come here baby. Come to mommy!
Troy(Baby): M..mama...mama.
Marine: Yes thats it sweetie. I will catch you if you fall.
Baby Troy was trying to walk towards his mother and after a few steps later little Troy made to his mother in which the happy mother smiled that her baby took his first steps.
Marine: YEAAAA!!!! Baby's first steps!
Troy(Baby): Hehehehe!
Flashback end
Korra: Troy? Troy? Honey are you all right? Hello?
Troy: W..what? What is it?
Korra: Are you ok? You spaced out for a minute there. Something bothering you?
Troy: It's nothing, I'm fine. You were saying about a tour sure I would like to go on a tour.
Aria: Well ok then follow me and I will give you two the grand tour of our happy little home.
Troy: Thanks.
Korra: What's going on with him?(Korra saids in thought while worried about her husband)
Aria: Here we have about like seven bedrooms and working showers and bathrooms thanks to my adopted mother. You already seen the dinning room, over here we have the kitchen area.
Korra: Not bad of kitchen.
Aria: Thank you, here think fast.(Aria saids and tosses an fruit towards Korra)
Korra: Ooh thank you, I was getting kind of hungry.
Aria: Would you like some fruit, Troy.
Troy: I'm all right for now. But thanks.
Aria: Outside we have the deck with a great view of the blue lake in the center of the island. Down below us is our gaming area where me and my siblings like to play games and have fun. Next to the deck is our diving board in which after we finish with our chores we go to the deck and jump into the water to relax and have a fun time together.
Troy: Why does this place feel so familiar to me.
Korra: Did you say something?
Troy: No I was just admiring the view from the house.
Korra: If you say so and it is a great view.
Aria took Korra and Troy all around the remaining house in which Korra enjoyed seeing every inch of the place including when Aria told her there is a pathway that leads to an underground hot spring near the house which she would like to try out. Aria showed them the bedrooms as well as the guest rooms who the Avatar herself liked because it had a view of the blue lake from the window side. Troy on the other hand was having more flashbacks of the house and for some reason it felt like he was in this house many years ago.
Aria: So how did you two like the tour?
Korra: I enjoyed it very much, thank you Aria. Your home is very beautiful.
Aria: Why thank you Korra. How did you like the tour, Troy?
Troy: It was all right.
Korra: Troy, what's going on with you? Your acting strange?
Aria: I agree, you been spacing out a lot during the tour.
Troy:'s just that this place, it reminds me of something. Something I remembered from my past. feels like I've been here before, in this house I mean.
Korra: Really?
Troy: I was so young at the time but I remember seeing things that looked like it belong to my mother.
Korra: How?
Troy: I remember playing with her in a dinning room. She was teaching me how to walk and I was trying to stand on my two feet and walk to her.
Korra: Oh my spirits I can imagined what Troy looked like when he was little.(Korra saids in thought with a smile on her face)
Troy: I remember seeing her smile and that she loved me with all of her heart. Just seeing this house I am standing in brought back some memories but it could be something else.
Aria: Hey its all right. I know the feeling.
Troy: Thanks, Aria. It is so good to see you again.
Aria: You too, Troy.
Aria! We're home and we brought food.
Aria: Ooh that would be dad and my siblings. Come on I will introduce you to them.(Aria saids and takes Korra's hands)
Korra: I would like to meet them.
Troy follows Korra and Aria back to the dinning room and once they arrived they all looked to see four Atlantean's one adult, two females who are twins, and a younger male. Troy who was behind Korra and Aria looked upon the adult male and knows that face it was Solon, one of the royal guards of Atlantis and the three next to him are his children.
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Aria: Hey dad.
Solon: Hello sweetie, we got some...oh it seems we have company.
Aria: Dad this here is Korra, she's this worlds guardian. She is being known as an Avatar who can master the four elements water, fire, earth, and air. And get this, this world has people who can bend the elements but only one since Korra here can bend all four. Korra, this my adopted father Solon, and these are my step siblings, my younger brother Atlas and the twins Coral and Maris.
Korra: It's a truly a pleasure to meet you.
Solon: The pleasure is all mine miss. And you are this worlds guardian. Strange I would have never knew there were people who can control the elements. I guess being on this island for so long made me release there more life beyond our home.
Korra: There is sir. We have cities, kingdoms, temples, good food, great people except for some. We also have a spirit portal.
Atlas: Spirit portal? What's that?
Korra: It's a portal that leads into the spirit realm. Inside is a world filled with incredible and unique spirits running around their world and the place itself is absolutely beautiful.
Solon: Interesting. You might have to tell us more about your world, Korra. There is so little that we know since we have been here for years and never left.
Korra: I will be more than happy to tell you all about my world.
Aria: I'm still getting used to of what she told me.
Solon: So tell me Korra, what brings you to our island?
Korra: Well you see sir me and Troy here were celebrating our...
Solon: Wait, what did you just say? What was that name you spoke?
Korra: I said Troy.
Troy decided to make his appearance and came in front of Korra and Aria. When Solon looked upon the man standing in front of him, he gasped in shock of who he was seeing and couldn't believe his eyes. His children were in awe of the man standing in front of their father and admired of seeing an actual trident.
Solon: It's can't be....
Troy: Hello Solon, it's been a while.
Maris(Whisper): Whoah who is that?
Coral(Whisper): I don't know but he is tall.
Maris(Whisper): And he has a trident. A real trident, could he be an Atlantean.
Atlas(Whisper): I was thinking the same thing, I mean he has gills on his neck and he wears the Atlantean symbol on his belt. Kind of obvious.
Solon: There's no doubt about it, I know those eyes anywhere.
Troy: Yea, my mothers eyes. You were good friends with her back in our old world.
Solon: Troy!
Solon saids and brings Troy into a big hug which the Sea Guadrian himself smiled big and hugged his long time friend who is also Aria's adopted father. Korra smiled at seeing this reunion of the two even Aria who shed a small tear of seeing old friends reunited.
Solon: Let me look at you. Neptunes beard you have grown.
Troy: You look just the same though you cuts your hair and grew a five o'clock shadow.
Solon: I was planing on shaving this off. But you, you look good. Last time I saw you, you were just a boy but now you are grown man. I see you still have the trident Mera and Atlanna made for you.
Troy: It comes in handy.
Solon: How did you get here, there is so much I want to know. How are Mera and the queen?
Troy:.........(Troy didn't say anything and just avoided eye contact)
Solon: Troy?
Aria: Dad, there's something you have to know and it's something that Troy knows about and he's seen it.
Troy: may want to sit down for this, it's a long complicated and sad story.
About three hours later Troy explained everything to Solon about what went down back in their world. From Orvax being killed, to Orm taking things into his own hands as well as declaring war upon the surface world as well as to the murder of the queen and banishing of Troy himself. Once Troy finished he saw the look upon Solon's face in which the man grew angry and sadden for what he has learned and his kids gasped in horror of what Orm has done.
Solon: THAT BASTARD!!!! I knew he would go so far to get want he wants but to murder our queen is....I should have never followed Orvax nor his son. Both of them are cruel and despicable. Our dead. I wish I could have been there and saved her.
Troy: There was nothing you or myself could have done. But there is hope.
Solon: How?
Troy: Atlanna, had another son before Orm. She fell in love with a human. There she gave birth to her first born child named Arthur. Arthur has his mothers blood and with it he will take it upon himself to become Atlantis's new king and I know for a fact that he defeated Orm in combat.
Solon: I have heard whispers about Atlanna having another child but I didn't believe it at first. At least there is someone looking after Atlantis and he is the true blood son of Atlanna. But Troy, I am so sorry for what Orm has caused you, you must of been so alone.
Troy: I still had friends, Mera still trained me along with Atlanna before she died. I also made new allies to help defeat Orm and they are guardian with powers. After I got banished I made a new life here in this world and I became this world's second guardian. I been helping Korra protect her world ever since.
Korra: They dubbed him, The Sea Guardian. It is a name my people back home in the South Pole called him after he saved the life of young child from drowning.
Atlas: How come we don't have a cool title?
Troy: I am sure you will be able to find one, young warrior.
Atlas: I like this guy already.
Solon: Is there something else I should know about?
Troy: Yes and did you know.
Solon: Know about what?
Troy: Did you know that my mother was human and not Atlantean.
Solon: Wait how did?
Troy: Sigh..Orm he told me during our fight.
Solon: I see. The truth is Troy yes I did know but there is something you need to know because well your mother well she's.....
Honey, kids I am back so whose ready to have
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As soon as the woman came into the room she looked see her husband and children together but also to see Korra who was staring at the woman with wide eyes but then the woman's eyes landed on Troy who the warrior himself shot up from his seat and stared at the woman in pure shock and disbelief. The woman herself stared as well and her own eyes widen in absolute shock.
Troy:'t be.....
Korra(Whisper): Who is that, Aria?
Aria(Whisper): That's my adopted mother, Marine. Marine Thresher.
Korra(Whisper): Marine, wait a minute isn't that the name of......GASP! way.
Troy was trembling in which he dropped his trident onto the ground and small tears were started to build up in his eyes of who he was seeing and who he thought was gone forever. The woman standing before him was his mother Marine, alive.
Marine(Whisper): I..I know those..eyes......
Marine walked slowly towards Troy who was still trembling and once close she gently places her hand onto Troy's cheek to get a better look at him and when she saw who this man was. She too started to build up tears of her own that this warrior in front of her was her son, her first born son. All grown up and has her beautiful eyes.
Marine: T...Troy.
Troy: do you know my name?
Marine: Because...a mother never forgets her son.
Troy started to loose focus and soon his eyes turned dark and then fainted but was caught by Solon in time.
Korra: TROY?!
Aria: Oh boy...
Solon: It's all right he just fainted.
Coral: Mom, what is going on?
Marine: Kids go outside and have fun. I need some time with your dad.
Atlas: But mom.
Aria: Come on guys lets give them some privacy.
Korra: Should I...
Solon: No stay, Troy might need you for this.
Korra: Right.
Marine: He's grown so much...and I missed every moment of his life.
Korra: Are you...are you really?
Marine: Yes, though I have so much to tell him. I just hope he can understand.
Korra saw Marine's eyes and saw the pain and loss this woman has went through her whole life and wants to make up for what happened and Korra can see that Marine misses her first born child a lot.
Korra: Is this really Troy's mother.(Korra saids in thought)
As soon as Troy came out of his fainting incident he sat by Korra while Solon and Marine sat on the other side. Troy avoided to look at Marine which upset the poor woman but knows that Troy went through a lot back in their world and didn't want to meet her eyes right now. Korra was feeling upset for her husband that he just found out that his mother who thought was dead is actually alive.
Solon: Sigh..this, this is what I was gonna tell you, Troy.
Troy: How? How is she alive? I was told that she was killed.
Marine: T..Troy I..
Troy: Do you know what I you know how long I suffered at the hands of Orvax and Orm.
Marine: I....
Korra: Troy....
Troy: Do you know what it is like to live for years with them. They treated me like shit. They treated me like I meant nothing. They never spoke to me never cared for me. Do you know how much I have lost.
Marine: Troy..I just...
Troy: Orm told me that he and his father killed you. They killed you because you were human. Mera said that she and Atlanna knew that Orvax and Orm killed you. Yet here you are alive. Was everything I was told a lie. WAS IT ALL A GODAMN LIE?!!!
Marine saw her sons eyes and they were filled with anger and sadness that she started to show tears of sadness and heart broken.
Troy: Do you know how much I missed you...I was so upset that you were gone forever..that I would never see your smiles and your warm hugs again...😢 I don't even know anymore...I don't even what to think now.
Korra: Troy I think she could....
Troy: I..I need some air..please don't bother me. I need some time for myself.(Troy saids and leaves the house)
Solon: Marine.
Marine: I...😢sniff...I need to be alone.(Marine saids and leaves the dinning room in tears)
Korra: Sir I am so...
Solon: You don't have to apologize. They went through a lot and suffered a lot. Marine never felt the same after she was banished.
Korra: Banished? You mean she was never killed?
Solon: No, and the truth is Marine is a half breed just like Troy.
Korra: What? But it was said that she was human?
Solon: She was late bloomer. Her mother was a human ocean biologist who fell in love with a male Atlantean warrior who washed up on shore. The two fell in love with each other and gave birth to a girl, Marine. She never showed any signs of Atlantean gifts but tries to hide it from Orvax and Orm thinking that she was one of them. But when they discovered that she was lying to them, Marine begged for mercy and with it Orvax banished her from our world to this one along with her whole house. I spent my entire life keeping Marine happy but she still thinks about Troy and misses him. She's blames herself for not being there for him nor taking him with her.
Korra: Why didn't she take him?
Solon: Because Orvax and Orm would have killed him. Atantis throne needs a bloodline to rule. But they needed a pure blooded and since Troy half blood like his mother it was something Orvax and Orm couldn't tolerate. Marine told me that they would spare her life but will still be banished forever and that Troy will become the next heir to the throne under the guidance of Orm.
Korra: Troy will never follow a cruel tyrant like Orm!
Solon: Thank Neptunes beard he didn't. Those two never got along together even after Troy was born. I saw their eyes meet and I could already see that scared look in Troy's eyes when he met Orm's. Orm a tyrant just like his father.
Korra: I feel so bad for him and not just him but also his mother, Marine.
Solon: Give them time, I am sure they will come around soon. They just need their space.
Korra: I understand.
Solon: I am gonna go check up on Marine. If you like to stay, you and Troy can use the guest room.
Korra: Thank you so much sir.
Solon: Please call me, Solon. Since Marine is my wife that makes Troy my stepson. I always thought of him as a son that I always wanted. Also the kids have been asking for another sibling.
Korra: Aria told me that you were married, I am surprised it was Troy's mother.
Solon: She suffered a lot and I was there to help her.
Korra: I just hope Troy can makes things up for her.
Solon: I am sure he would, he just needs to thinks things through.(Solon saids then leaves to find Marine)
Korra went outside to see Coral and Maris along with Atlas playing in the water while Aria was seeing Troy sitting on the beach shore line alone. Korra was about to go up to check on her husband when Aria stopped her.
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Aria: It's best you don't. He needs some alone time.
Korra: I just wanted to make sure that he is all right.
Aria: After what I heard inside, I think it would be wise to not encourage him. He needs some time to get his thoughts together. It was a really hard feeling finding out that his mother well my adopted mother was alive this whole time.
Korra: You knew.
Aria: I didn't say anything because it would upset him even more. I wanted to let things calmed down before saying anything to him. I couldn't imagined the pain and suffering when he was with Orvax and Orm. I might not be able to sleep at night.
Korra: I saw recording of what Orm told him about his mother, and I never heard him so upset.
Aria: Things will be all right. Troy's a strong a guy.
Korra: I hope you're right.
Aria: Dinner wont be out for a while now, so hows about relaxing yourself in the hot springs. I will tell you when dinner is ready.
Korra: That's very sweet of you. But what about..
Aria: Don't worry about him, he will be fine. He's my best friend and now sister. I always liked having him as a brother.
Korra: You do make a good sister.
Aria: And you make such a magnificent wife to him. Still congratulations on getting married to him.
Korra: Thank you.
Aria took Korra to the pathway that leads to the hot springs and once arrived Korra was amazed of the site she was seeing and was going to enjoy a nice warm bath all to herself. After Aria left, Korra stripped off her clothes and got into the warm water and the feeling was soothing.
Korra: Sigh...this feels amazing.
Do you mind if I join you.(A female voice saids behind Korra in which was Marine)
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Korra: OH! Um it's don't mind.
Marine: Thank you.
When Korra saw Marine's figure she couldn't help but stare but also seeing her looks almost reminder of Troy. Troy had his mothers beautiful eyes, her gorgeous brownish hair and smooth skin that caused Korra to blush hard but shrugged if off when Marine joined her in the hot spring.
Marine: I always liked coming here, when it is just myself. It helps calm my nerves.
Korra: Now I know where Troy gets his looks from....oh spirits did I just say that out loud?
Marine: Hehehe, you did and I thank you for the compliment. I never really got your name.
Korra: Korra, my name is Korra. I am the guardian of this world.
Marine: Really. What kind?
Korra: I am known as the Avatar master of the four elements and bridge between the physical world and the spirit realm.
Marine: Interesting. Can people in this world do what you can do?
Korra: We have separated people here. Non-benders and benders. Non-benders are normal people who can't bend the elements and benders are people who can only bend one element like fire, air, water, and earth. Only the Avatar can bend all four, here there is only one Avatar. When the Avatar passes they are reincarnated in next nation of the cycle.
Marine: I did not know of this. Guess being on the island for long made us think that there isn't any life beyond the island.
Korra: There is a verity of nations in my world. Fire Nation, Earth Kingdom, The Air nation, and The water tribes.
Marine: This world is full of mysteries.
Korra: Listen I don't want to bring up any bad thoughts but what really happened before the banishment. Solon only told me half of the truth but I would like to know from your side. If you don't want to tell me I understand.
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Marine: It's not a very good story...I wish I could have done something but I couldn't.
Korra: What happened?
Marine: It was the day that Mera and Atlanna were coming to visit me back on the surface. I was going to tell them that my Atlantean abilities were kicking in since I was late bloomer.
Korra: Solon told me about that. Are you really?
Marine: Yes, I am an Atlantean well a half breed just like Troy. I never showed any signs of abilities while growing up but my parents still loved him for who I am even my father who is an Atlantean warrior. He taught me all about his people and his skills as a warrior, and I wanted to be just like him but I didn't have the abilities yet. I trained night and day to unlock my Atlantean heritage but it took a long time until my abilities started to show and I was happy and excited that invited Mera and Atlanna over to celebrate and I was going to bring Troy with me while he was playing with Aria back in Atlantis but everything change when they appeared.
Korra: Orvax and Orm.
Marine: Sigh...they came to my home or more like invaded my home. They blasted down the door and some of their men were pointing their weapons at me thinking I betrayed them. When they thought I was surface dweller they were planing to kill me but I asked for mercy and I tried to explain to them of what was going on but they wouldn't listen to me. So as punishment Orvax used the trident to open up a portal and have myself and my whole house sucked in and never to been seen again. I never got to asked if I could take Troy with me since they don't want a half breed ruling a kingdom but I never got the chance to asked them, their eyes were filled with hatred and disgust. I don't blame them and I didn't care if I was half breed, all I cared about was my son but now I lost my chance to be with him. I don't think he will ever forgive me..
Korra: You can't blame yourself for what happened. It was Orvax and Orm's fault for not listening to your pleas. I know we just met and all but I think you are a wonderful person who misses her son so much and I know he misses you and wants you back in his life. I know Troy, I known him for three years and I know he will make amends with you.
Marine: He's been here for three years?
Korra: He told me everything that has happened.
Marine: I know, Solon told me about what happened. Troy's banishment, Atlanna's death as well as her first born son Arthur. I just want to be with Troy again and I promise to never leave him again. I lost him once and I am not going to loose him again. Tell me Korra, what was he like while living here in your world.
Korra: He was by far the greatest moment who came into my life. When I first him, he was a stranger from unknown world but we slowly got to know each other and became good friends and later after he helped me recover from an incident that took place while being the Avatar I fell deeply in love with him. He had my side and I had his. We are team, The Avatar and The Sea Guardian. That's what the people back home called us together.
Marine: I am so happy that my son grew into a magnificent warrior and that he fell in love. Thank you for being there for him. You are very beautiful and kind person Korra.
Korra: It was no trouble at all, ma'am. I just wanted him to be happy. Just like how he makes me happy.
Marine: The one thing that never changed was that I still think about him and that I still love him no matter how far away I was. I always dreamt of seeing my little boy again but now he is a big boy.
Korra: Can I ask, was he cute when he was little?
Marine: Oh Neptunes beard why of course! He was the most adorable little munchkin you could have ever seen. He was so cute when he was a baby and he liked playing in the water and getting his feet wet and even enjoys the bed time stories that my father told me.
Korra: Wish I could see what he looked like.
Marine: I still have my photo album of me and Troy together.
Korra: Even better.
Aria: Hey Korra! Dinner is read...oh hi mom. Didn't know you were here as well.
Marine: We will be out in a while Aria, just get the table and stuff together.
Aria: Right. See you two later.(Aria saids and leaves)
Marine: Are you hungry dear.
Korra: Grumbling.......Heh yea I could use something to eat right about now.
Marine: Then lets get going, on the way you can tell me more about your life and your Avatar adventures.
Korra: Sure it would be my honor.
As soon as Marine and Korra got out of the springs and dressed, the both of them headed back to the house while getting to know each other but unknown to them was that Troy who decided to take a walk around the island calm his nerves and while walking into the jungle he heard the whole conversation between Korra and his mother a couple feet from where he was walking and he heard about what really happened and he felt bad for yelling at his mother and getting angry. He decided to apologize and maybe get their mother and son relationship back but would like to take things slowly. Troy walked back to the house and saw Korra interacting with everyone which made him smile and when he made his appearance the room went silent.
Korra: Hey. Are you feeling better?
Troy: Yea, I just needed some time for myself to process of what is going on.
Marine: Troy.
Troy: Hi, mom....
Marine: Listen, I just wanted to say that I'm.....
Troy: You don't have to say anything I know already. I heard your conversation with Korra. I understand what really happened and I know you couldn't take me with you because of what Orvax and Orm did.
Marine: I am just so sorry I couldn't be there for you. I missed you so much and all I ever wanted was to have you back in my life again.
Troy: Well maybe you can.
Marine: W..what?
Troy: Sigh..things are crazy right now as well as confusing but I am willing to have a mother and son reunion but I want to take things slow before anything else.
Marine burst into tears and did something in which she engulfed her first born son into a deep hug and Troy who showed tears as well hugged his long lost mother with so much love.
Troy: Never leave again.
Marine: I promise. I missed you so much Troy. My little boy has grown into a proud warrior.
Troy: I missed you too mom.
Korra: 😢sniff..
Aria: I know its touching isn't it.
Korra: Yea.
Troy: Tell me is Solon my and are his...
Marine: Come let me re-introduce them to you. Coral, Maris, Atlas.
Coral/Maris/Atlas: Yea mom.
Marine: Do you all remember the story I told you about my first born child before I came here.
Maris: Yea you told us that he was our brother, a brother that we never knew.
Atlas: What's going on mom?
Marine: Everyone say hello to your big brother Troy. The same Troy I told you kids about when you were younger. Troy meet your brother and sisters.
Troy: Hello. It's nice to meet you three.
Atlas: YES! I'm not the only boy in the family!
Both Coral and Maris gasped in shock and yet grew huge smiles on their faces and got up from their seats and walked towards Troy. Once standing in front of him they greet him together.
Coral and Maris: It's nice to finally meet you big brother!(Both said and hugged Troy who smiles and hugs his new sisters)
Atlas: Welcome to the family brother!(Atlas saids and hugs Troy from behind)
Troy: I always wanted a brother and sisters, now I got them. But also a father, a real father.
Solon: I always thought of you as like a son. Orm never treated you like a son but I do.
Aria: And congratulations because I am your sister now too. Since Solon adopted me that makes us family.
Troy: Well get in on the hug sister.
Aria: HE CALLED ME SISTER!(Aria saids with joy and hugs Troy)
Korra smiled at the happy reunion and that Troy gained himself a family that he always wanted. Soon dinner started and Solon brought out the food that he and Marine prepared.
Korra: Oh wow this all looks so good. Though do you feel bad for killing sea life.
Marine: We always say a prayer after catching a sea creature and that its spirit will find peace in the afterlife.
Troy: It's something that me and Aria did back in Atlantis.
Aria: It's part of our tradition.
Korra: I see.
Marine: Before we start eating, we always pray. Coral since Atlas did many times it would be your turn.
Coral: Of course. We thank thee for this amazing food in front of us and we thank the sea for providing us with everything that it has to offer. Now lets us eat.
Everyone: Let's eat!
As everyone began to eat their food which both Troy and Korra found delicious, Marine was looking at a certain ring on a certain Avatar's finger and it had the Atlantean symbol so Marine wanted to ask Korra about it.
Marine: Korra.
Korra: Yes?
Marine: I couldn't help but notice that ring on your finger. It looks very beautiful.
Korra: Oh um thank you, Troy made for me.
Marine: That's so sweet, did you make that for a birthday gift Troy or was it your anniversary?
Troy: Um actually it was something I gave her after I proposed to her.
Solon and Marine: W...what?
Coral and Maris: Say what now?
Atlas: Hm?
Aria(Whisper): Best to tell them otherwise they wont get the idea.
Troy: Korra and I have been through a lot together for three years.
Korra: We got to know each other, fell in love, fought to save our world from a tyrant as well as psychopath who tried to take over Republic City.
Troy: I never met anyone like Korra. She makes me happy.
Korra: And he makes me feel special.
Troy: And she's more than that, she was my girlfriend for a while but now she is more.
Korra: And so is Troy.
Troy: Everyone meet my wife Avatar Korra.
Korra: Troy my Sea Guardian, is my husband.
Troy: In other words.
Troy and Korra: We're married.
Troy: Well got married a couple days ago and we are now celebrating our wedding anniversary here on a tropical island.
Marine: KYAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!🩵 I have a daughter-in-law!!!!
Coral and Maris: We have another sister!!!
Atlas: Man! Another sister this sucks.
Aria: Grow up will you. At least you have Troy.
Troy: I heard that.
Solon: Well it's about time you settled down and got married. Congratulations Troy and to you Korra. I know you two are great together.
Korra: Thank you so much.
Marine: Oh my gosh I can't believe my baby boy is married! I missed his wedding!
Korra: Don't worry we will tell you all about it, we promise.
Marine: 😢sniff...I am so happy for you Troy, you gained such a beautiful wife.
Korra: That is so sweet of you, Marine.
Marine: Oh please your family now, just call me mother.
Korra: Ok, um mother.
Marine: Welcome to the family!(Marine saids and hugs Korra who hugs back)
Atlas: Hey Troy.
Troy: Yea.
Atlas: You think you can show me some of your moves, since your a guardian in this world you think you can pass on your skills to rookie.
Troy: Hehehe, how can I say no to my brother. Though I attend not to hold back.
Atlas: Really because I don't hold anything back either.
Troy: You and I are gonna get along just fine.
Marine: Troy.
Troy: Yes?
Marine: When will I be aspecting my grand babies to come?
The minute grand babies hit both Troy and Korra's mind their faces turn absolutely red and later Korra faints while gibbering about having babies with Troy.
Korra:B..babies...with...T..Troy....babies.our bb..babies....
Troy: MOM?!!!!!
Solon: Marine!!
Marine: What? I was just asking.
Troy: We are not even at that level yet though we are thinking about it but not now.
Marine: Oh. Hehehe I am so sorry dear.
Korra:'s all right. My mom said the same thing.
Marine: I understand. Now then hows about I show you those pictures I told you about. Wait until you see Troy when he wore his sea creature costume, it's so adorable!
Troy: Wait what?
Korra: Show me the pictures!
Troy: Wait wait what now?
Marine: This is him when he was so small ain't he just so precious.🩵(Marine saids and shows a baby picture of Troy)
Marine: I know just look at him, just look at him.
Korra: I just want to scoop him up in my arms and give him a squeeze.
Marine: You should see the bubblebath.
Troy: Why me, why?
Aria: I can tell one thing, Korra is going to spoil your future children.
Troy: Shut up already.
Aria: Sorry can't be helped.
Korra(Baby voice): Aww look at him playing with a toy boat and a fish.
Marine: That's my baby boy right there.
Troy: Someone kill me.
Maris: Don't worry bro, mom did the same thing to us.
Coral: We too got embarrassed.
Atlas: Didn't like it.
Troy: At least I am not the only one.
After everything and everyone finished dinner it was time for bed, Troy was in the guest room with his wife Korra who were getting ready to slumber.
Korra: How you feeling honey?
Troy: Still a little shocked of what I found out but I will get over it in due time.
Korra: Well it's a start. I am happy that you and your mom got back together.
Troy: It's good to have her back in my life. I still want to take things slow between me and her.
Korra: Yea, you two have been through a lot and could use the time to spend more with each other.
Troy: Mhm.
Korra: You know, you looked really cute when you were little. So small.
Troy: Oh you really think that well as soon as we get back I am going to ask your mother to know what you were like when you were little and lets see who was the smallest.
Korra: You wouldn't dare.
Troy: Try me water angel.
Korra: You think we would make good parents.
Troy: Of course we would. Don't forget we have people looking out for us and they will help us.
Korra: True. If we have a girl, what would like to name her?
Troy: Whatever works best for me. What do you have in mind?
Korra: Well, I kind of like Atlanna. Your grandmothers name.
Troy: Atlanna, yes I think that would be a perfect name for a girl.
Korra: And what of a boy?
Troy: I am sure something will come to mind eventually. For now I want to sleep with my beautiful wife.
Korra: I love you, honey.
Troy: I love you too, my darling wife.
Korra: Yawn!...good night.
Troy: Good night Korra.
Aria(Whisper): Hey are you two not going to do it or just waiting until you are completely alone.(Aria saids while sticking her head between the door of the married couples room)
Troy and Korra: ARIA GET OUT!!!!!!!
Aria: Sorry.
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