Chapter 3: The Beginning of FriendShip!
After the meeting was finished about Troy of who he and where he came from as well as his culture of which everyone was surprised to find out that he came from another world and lived in an under sea kingdom in which its people had to ability to breathe underwater as well as use magic and are highly advanced race in which they all decided to keep it a secret since Troy told them that their world is not ready for someone like him to make an appearance in which they respected his wish as well as Korra who decided to show Troy around the south pole while him and her tell each other stories about their lives in both worlds in which they started to get along quite well.
Troy: So you mean to tell me that everyone in this world can control one of the four elements and there are only four nations that exist here?(Troy saids to Korra while she and him are touring around the south pole together)
Korra: Yes and no actually, you see Troy here in our world there are people who can control the elements and there are some who don't in which we called them non-benders people who don't have the ability to bend the elements like we do.
Troy: I see but why call yourselves benders?
Korra: What do you mean?
Troy: Not to sound rude or anything but the word bender doesn't really sound quite amazing to me but if you guys called yourselves elementals now that sounds like a perfect way to describe you since it describes how you guys can control the elements water, earth, fire, and air. You get what I am saying right?
Korra: Elementals? know that actually does sound a lot more better than benders and it does have a nice quietly to it I like it.
Troy: I am glad we agree on something, so who was the Avatar before you and what was he like?
Korra: The Avatar before me was an air bender named Aang who was the last of his kind before the fire nation invaded that was ruled by fire lord Sozin who used a commit to wipe out the air nation in which made Aang the last air bender.(Korra saids to Troy who felt peaty for the avatar before her)
Troy: That sounds terrible, how did he survive the invasion?
Korra: He ran away from home and took his bison named Appa and while they were both flying they got caught in a terrible storm in which they both sunk in the ocean until Aang used the ability that every avatar had called the avatar state in which is our strongest and most powerful ability to use in which we can control all the elements at once and when used it the first time he froze himself along with his bison and they remained frozen in a block of ice for a least a hundred years.
Troy: Whoah a hundred years in block of ice, have to say this Aang is quite impressive.(Troy saids in thought while thinking what this Aang person was capable of)
Troy: Thats quite something, I mean a hundred years while being trapped in a block of ice is by far bizarre to me how old was he when he ran away.
Korra: He was twelve at the time but when a hundred years have past he was now a hundred and twelve years but still looked like a kid when Katara and her brother Sokka found him and took him in and helped him in which they both discovered that he was the avatar in which they all went on amazing adventures together while Aang was mastering the four elements to become the avatar he was meant to be.
Troy: I have to say I already liking this Aang, and I happy that he had friends to look after him while he follow his destiny to become what he was born to do.(Troy saids to Korra in which earned her a smile that Troy was very fond on Aang)
Admittedly Korra began telling Troy about the rest of Aang's adventures and the friends he made on the way as well as the struggles he went through while being the avatar including the tough decisions he had to make while being the avatar in which Troy can relate since he been through some tough situations in his time in Atlantis but he was more interested in Aang's life that he felt amazed and yet sad for the air bender that he lost his people over a hundred years ago but found a new family and friends that had his back and him along with the friends he made saved the world together and ended the hundred year war that was lead by the grandson of fire lord Sozin known as Ozai in which Troy didn't like the guy because he brought nothing but chaos and war which could relate to his former father Orm but other than that Troy really loved Aang's life and the story that Korra was telling him about.
Troy: Amazing I never imagined someone like Aang went through so much in his life but managed to find peace and love again after a hundred years what did he do after words now that the hundred year was ended.
Korra: After the war ended he along with fire lord Zuko created a capital for all non benders and benders a like to live together in peace in which they called it Republic City, then after he married his friend Katara the older woman you met during the meeting and he and her had kids of their own which are Tenzin who is an air bender and my teacher who taught me air bending, his other son Bumi who was a general in the united forces and soon on later became an air bender in which I opened a spirit portal that humans and spirits can live in peace together and restored the air nation which Aang would be happy to know that his race lives on and lately there is Kya who is a water bender like Katara in which she and Katara are excellent water benders and great healers. Then after words Tenzin got married and had kids of his own in which he has three air benders named Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo while his fourth son is a none bender like his mother Pema. Jinora was like the wisest of the family in which she shared a magnificent spiritual connection while her siblings are well special but they love their family and want to make them proud even their grandfather Aang.
Troy: Wow Aang really had a good life and I am amazed that you brought back a culture that died out years ago and was able to make Aang's dream come true you are amazing Korra as well as Aang I can tell he would be proud of what you did for him as well as his family.(Troy saids to Korra in which she blushes a little while smiling for what Troy said to her knowing what he said is true)
Korra: Thanks Troy thats really nice of you to say.
Troy: Are any of them still around because I know Katara but what about the others?
Korra: Sigh....Aang and Sokka past away long before I was born but Zuko, and Toph are still alive and they too had kids of their own as well as grand children. Zuko got married and had a daughter named fire lord Izumi who also married and had a son named genreal Iroh in which he was named after Zuko's uncle who decided to leave his body in the physical world in live in the spirit world along with the spirits and as for Toph she became the chief of police in Republic City when Aang was still around and had kids named Lin and Sue Bei Fong in which Lin was the new chief of police after Toph retired and Sue is the leader of the metal clan in which Toph discovered long ago and she got married and had children of her own named Opal who was a air bender thanks to me, the twins Wei and Wing, the artist of the family Huan, and the genius of the family like his father Baatar Jr.(Korra saids to Troy in which he smiled knowing that Aangs friends had good lives as well and had families of their own after the war)
Troy: Sounds like to me that they also had good lives of their own.
Korra: They did.
While Troy was walking and Korra was still rolling in her wheelchair they both came across a group of children who were playing around a fountain in which Troy really liked how they were all playing together and having fun that reminded Troy of his childhood when he also had fun as a child back in Atlantis. While Troy was looking at the children play he gets hit with a snow ball and looked up and saw three kids laughing because they wanted to play in which Troy giggled and laughed in which the kids know that they know they were playing.
Troy: Hehehe you know that this means war don't you!(Troy saids while laughing and makes a snowball as well as threw at the kids in which they all laughed and started playing in which they all came down to have a snowball fight in which Troy was having a blast while Korra sat in her wheelchair while watching Troy have fun with the kids in which earned her a smile that Troy is getting along with her people)
Korra: I never imagined he was great with kids.(Korra saids in thought while watching Troy play with the children)
Troy along with the children were all having fun with each other and having snow ball fights in which their parents saw in which they smiled that their kids are having fun with this new person in the south pole and thought of him as a good person and then when the playing was getting tired because they were all getting hit with snowballs and running around so much that they all sat by the fountain to catch their breathe.
Troy: Hehehe I have to say you kids know how to make someone like me have the best time every and you put on one heck of snowball war.(Troy saids to the kids in which they all smiled and giggled for Troys kind heart)
Kid: Your not so bad yourself mr and are you new around here because we never seen someone like you before in the south pole.
Troy: Yes I am new around here and my names is Troy please to meet you all.(Troy saids with a smile in which they all smiled and nod)
Kid2: Where you from Troy?
Troy: I am from far beyond in which is not anywhere near the nations, it is in a cultural place in which my people like to keep to ourselves but for me I wanted to travel the world and see new places.(Troy saids to the kids in which they bought the story and kept the part of him being from another world a secret)
Kid: Oh ok by the way is that how you and people dress where you come from because it looks quiet amazing to look at.(Kid saids to Troy while admiring his Atlantean clothes in which Troy smiles and pets the kids head in which the kid giggled for the compliment)
Troy: Why thank you that is very nice of you to say, say how would you kids like to see something amazing that no one can do.
Kids: OK!
Troy: Great now I want you all to face the water in the fountain and watch what happens because it is a surprise.(Troy saids to the kids in which they looked towards the fountain water and when Korra heard what was going on she wheeled herself over to what Troy was going to show them)
Troy: Now watch.(Troy saids as his hand begins to glow in which surprised Korra and then when she looked towards the water she along with the kids were stunned of what they were seeing with their own eyes in which they are now amazed by what Troy was doing behind them while Korra was looking at what Troy was doing.)
(Scene from the movie Aquaman where Mera uses her magic to impress a girl)
The kids and Korra were blown away of what a beautiful and amazing scene they were looking at with the water in which the water began to turn into sea creatures and they were swimming and dancing as well as doing tricks which made the kids very happy that they never knew that water can do something like that not even Korra couldn't believe that water can do something like that in which she will ask Troy how he did that.
Korra: I never imagined that water can do something like that. How did Troy do the impossible?(Korra saids in thought while in awe of what Troy made the water do in front of her and the kids)
Kids: WOW SO COOL!!!(Kids were amazed of what they were seeing in they all clapped of what they were watching the water creatures perform in front of them)
After a while now the water turned back to normal in which the kids were now amazed and happy for seeing something new but the fun ended when their parents called them back but Troy promised them that he will play with them next time he sees them in which they all were happy in which they all hugged Troy and waved goodbye to him which made Korra happy that Troy was fitting in quite well in the south pole.
Korra: Troy that was amazing!, and I like how you treated the kids here how did you do that with the water it was something I never seen before.(Korra saids while amazed of Troys abilities and wanted to know how he made the water turn into sea creatures)
Troy: Thanks Korra and as for your question it is just like I told you all back in the meeting us Atlantean's can also use magic in which we can use to make mostly anything that we can think of and we spent centuries mastering magic in which we created dome to keep our city safe from the outside world and hidden so that our home can not be discovered or destroyed.
Korra: Magic is real where you come from!(Korra saids while in shock in awe that magic exist where Troy is from)
Troy: Indeed even my trident is magic and it is very powerful in which no one can wield because only an Atlantean can master a trident.
Korra: Amazing what other abilities do you have if you don't mind me asking since I told that I can control the four elements.
Troy: Well I already told I can use magic and I breathe under water, the others are that I can talk to aquatic life, super strength, I can summon electric water daggers, impervious skin, healing abilities, I can summon a tsunami ten times more powerful and bigger than any tsunami ever created, I can shoot ice from eyes which is called ice vision, speed enhanced senses, master of hand to hand combat, professional martial artist, and I can create a water shield while using the trident.(Troy saids to Korra who looked beyond shock and awe that Troy has abilities far beyond what Korra has in which she wants to see them in person)
Korra: HE CAN DO ALL THOSE THINGS?!!! NO WAY!!!!(Korra saids in thought while in shock that Troy has incredible powers and abilities)
Troy: Hehehe just by looking at your face makes me wonder that you never knew a person like me could have those kinds of abilities.(Troy saids in which she blushed out of embarrassment then shook it off)
Troy: Hehehe ok ok just relax water angel and I will be happy to show you my other abilities.(Troy saids to Korra in which she blushed again for the nickname she was given)
Troy took Korra to a private area a couple miles of where the town is so that he can show her his abilities in which Korra while still in her wheelchair waited for Troy to show her what he can do that no bender or avatar can do.
Troy: Ok Korra what would like to see first?(Troy saids to Korra who was thinking of what she likes to see first)
Korra: Hmm?...He already showed me his water magic and he did say he can breathe underwater as well as talk to fish but I he can not do that if he is in the water so maybe his super strength would be the first thing to see.(Korra saids in thought while she wants to see Troys super strength first)
Korra: I would like to see your super strength because there is no way that someone like you Troy can have such strength.(Korra saids with a smirk on her face while crossing her arms in which Troy smirked as well knowing that what she said was dead wrong)
Troy: Alright then you see that iceberg over there behind you.(Troy saids as he points at the giant iceberg the size of a mountain in which Korra looked and nod her head)
Korra: Yea why?
Troy: Watch this(Troy saids as he walks over to the iceberg while Korra looked to see what Troy is going to do in which he got into stance and then the thing he did was he lifted the entire iceberg over his head in which Korra saw in which made jaw dropped to the ground while in shock of what she was seeing with her eyes open like dinner plates)
Troy: WHAT YOU THINK KORRA!! IS THIS PROOF ENOUGH FOR YA!(Troy saids while holding the iceberg with one hand in which Korra was dumfounded that Troy did the impossible)
Korra: HOW THE SPIRITS DID HE JUST LIFT AN ENTIRE ICE BERG THE SIZE OF A MOUNTAIN?!!!(Korra saids while in shock that Troy really super strength like he said in which puts down the ice berg and walks towards Korra who jaw was still hanging down)
Troy: Hehehe wow that is the most funniest reaction she ever did better close her mouth so that no bugs will fly in.(Try saids in thought while closing Korra's mouth from her shock impression in which she came out of and came back reality)
Korra: trying to find the right words to say)
Troy: I know shocking right that this your first time seeing a guy like me with super strength.(Troy saids to Korra in which she just nods her head)
Troy: Alright now that you know about my super strength what else would you like to see?
Korra: Well I would like to see your tsunami ability but I think that might be too dangerous and as for the hand to hand combat I would like to see that in the training grounds as well speed enhanced senses you have also the martial artist so for right now I would to see your ice vision and impervious skin.
Troy: Sure of course and sure we can do the others during a training ground if that is what you wish I have no problem with it. I think I will show you the ice vision first then the impervious skin sound good.(Troy saids to Korra in which she smiles and nods her head in agreement)
Troy took his stance and ready himself while Korra was looking excited for what she is going to see in person and can not wait for what Troy is going to show her.
(Reference of Ice Vision)
Troy shot his ice vision all around the area in which Korra was amazed by the ability that she wouldn't mind trying something like that if that ability ever existed in her world and could help improve her skills as an avatar. Then after he was done he turned around to see Korra with a big smile on her face that she liked the ability that Troy used which made him smile that Korra like the ice vision.
Troy: I take that you liked the ice vision Korra
Korra: Liked it no I loved it!, I wouldn't mind having that kind of ability to use because I can easily take down my opponents without lifting a finger I can just shoot them with ice vision.
Troy: Hehehe thank you Korra.
Korra: He is amazing, in my time as the avatar I never met someone who has such incredible powers and skills makes me wonder what else he can do.(Korra saids in thought while admiring Troys gifts)
Troy: Alright now hows about I show you the impervious skin and then we can head back sound good.(Troy saids to Korra in which she nods agreement because she has to see Katara like her mother said last night)
Troy began by taking off his Atlantean shirt in which shocked Korra of what Troy was doing and after he took off his blue long sleeve revealing underneath his muscle body and strong arms as well as his eight pack in which made Korra blush pink and red and steam came out of her head for looking at Troys good looking upper body.
Troy: Ok lets do this, uh Korra you ok you look a little red there?(Troy saids to Korra who blushed more but she knew what was happening and decided to shake off the idea and focus on what Troy was going to show her but was still thinking of his muscle body in her head)
Korra: OH SORRY YEA I AM FINE!!(Korra saids while clapping her hands to her face to calm herself down and it did while Troy looked at her in confusion but let it go and went back to what he was doing)
Troy: Well....ok then for this I want you to shoot fire directly at me and do not hold anything back hit me with all the fire power you have in you.(Troy saids to Korra in which scared her that Troy asked her to shoot flames at him in which could burn him to a crisp or worse)
Korra: Troy I...I don't know about this?
Troy: Korra trust me everything will be fine I promise.
Korra: I don't want to hurt him or worse but if he saids what is true then I guess I should respect his decision.(Korra saids in thought then with everything that she had she shoots flames at Troy while he stood in front of her)
Korra shot the flames at Troy in which he was now lit on fire in which Korra was now panicking that Troy was on fire while still standing but him he doesn't feel anything due to his impervious skin.
Korra: OH NO WHAT HAVE I DONE?! TROY ARE YOU OK!!!!(Korra saids while panicking and worried about Troy until the flames went down and Korra looked in front of her and saw that Troy was ok and not harmed or burned in which stunned her that the impervious skin that Troy has is real and it worked)
Troy: Whoah that was hot, but feel all toasted right now, and yea Korra I feel fine nothing to worry about like I told you.(Troy saids as he dusted himself off and put his shirt back on while Korra was just sitting on her wheelchair in awe that Troy was ok and not harmed in which she let of a breath of relief that her new friend was ok)
Korra: Oh thank the spirits that he is ok and wow I never imagined that he has impervious skin, he can probably take on anything that gets thrown at him.(Korra saids in thought while amazed of how Troy took the flames head on and didn't get burned or worse)
Troy: Now that you know I can handle myself and know about some of my abilities hows about we head back to the castle.
Korra: Sure and beside I have to see Katara anyway, but would you mind pushing my chair my arms need some rest.(Korra saids to Troy in which he smiles and nods and goes over to help her way back to the castle)
Troy and Korra headed back to the castle and while they were heading back Troy wanted to know what Korra's friends are like in this world in which she wouldn't telling him about them.
Troy: So Korra now that I know about the nations, benders as well as the avatar, tell me what are your friends like in this world since you told me about the others.
Korra: Well there are three of them that had my back and I had theirs and their names are Mako, Bolin, and Asami.
Troy: They sound like great people what are they like?
Korra: Well Asami owns a company called Future Industries which is a large business conglomerate founded by her father Hiroshi Sato until he retired using state of the art technology and innovative ideas such as the assembly line, the factory produces over one hundred luxury Satomobiles on a daily basis.
Troy: Sounds like your friend is a hard working woman.
Korra: She is and an excellent inventor and fighter as well in which she too knows hand to hand combat and martial arts.
Troy: Interesting I might have to see what kind of fighter she is if I ever had the chance to meet her someday.
Korra: I can tell you two will get along quite well as well as Mako and Bolin.
Troy: And what are they like?
Korra: Well there were both orphans after their parents were killed by fire benders and they grew up on the streets and worked with bandits until they both god jobs as professional sport players called the Republic City fire ferrets in which it is a sport where two teams go head to head with each other but they only bend three elements and try to knock the other team out of the ring then when they met me and became part of Team Avatar along with Asami they both became such great friends to me in which we all went on many adventures together and stopped so many dangerous people who tried to take over the world or destroy it. Mako got a job as a police officer thanks to Lin and Bolin is still trying to find his destiny with Opal at his side.
Troy: I kind of feel bad for them that they lost their parents kind of reminds me of how I lost my mother and grandmother back in Atlantis.
Korra: I am still sorry for your loss Troy, I really am.(Korra saids as she puts her hand on Troys in which he smiled and thanks her for her concern)
Troy: Thank you Korra your a good person
Korra: So are you Troy
Both Troy and Korra continue their conversation for a couple more hours and then when they came across the castle, Korra told Troy she is going to see Katara in which he nods to her and she rolled herself to the room where Katara was in while Troy walked around the castle and then spotted Tonraq and Senna together and decided to see them.
Troy: Hello again Tonraq and you too Senna.(Troy saids to the both of them in which they smiled at Troy and greeted him)
Tonraq: Hello again Troy, how was the tour around the south pole.
Troy: It was great Tonraq, your daughter showed me everywhere around the south pole and let just say I had some fun with the kids and showed them one of water magic abilities in which they really loved.
Senna: We are happy that Korra showed you around and glad you were having fun did she tell you about our world while you two were out.
Troy: She told everything about this world including her relationship with her friends Mako, Bolin, and Asami including the other people she came to know.
Tonraq: Well I can see that she told you all basic stuff but did she tell you about what happened to her.
Troy: What do you mean by that, like why is she in a wheelchair? No she never mentioned that to me what happened to her?
Senna: Come I think it would best that all three of us talked alone of what happened to Korra during her adventures.
Troy: Very well lets go(Troy saids as him along with Tonraq and Senna head to a room to about what happened to Korra that Troy doesn't know)
While all them went into a room together both Tonraq and Senna told Troy everything about what happened to Korra and her adventures. While he was listening he found out that Korra fought a guy named Amon who lead an anti bending revolution to take down benders all over the world while finding out the he was a bender himself who used an illegal ability called blood bending in which he used to take away Korra's bending which made Troy angry that someone had that kind ability but was told that Amon was defeated and then killed by his brother who died in a boat explosion, then they told him about her uncle who fused with a dark spirit named Vaatu who became an evil avatar in which he ripped out the spirit known as Raava who was the avatars spiritual guid and friend and destroyed the connection to the past avatars while throwing the world into darkness and chaos but was later defeated by Korra who took him down and save the world from her uncles plan for destruction in which she kept the portals open so that humans and spirits can live in peace together while soon she found out that while portals were open it also brought back the air nation where Korra and her friends travel the world to find the new air benders but while being hunted down by four dangerous criminals who wanted to kidnap Korra when she was a kid and do horrible things to her which made Troy want to run his trident through their heads but when Tonraq told Troy that the members of the group known as the red lotus were defeated except for the leader named Zaheer who is now locked up in a highly strong prison, Troy listened to both Tonraq and Senna that during that time the red lotus poisoned their daughter with metal liquid that paralyzed her from the waste down in which the red lotus were trying to get her into the avatar state so that they can kill her and the avatar cycle for good but Korra stoped them while being in the avatar state as well as carrying the poison in her body and was soon saved by Sue BeiFong who got the poison out but soon the poison took its toll and paralysis Korra in which is the reason why she is in the wheelchair and has to stay in the south pole to recover in which they do not know how long it will take but they will not give up on their daughter because she is strong and will over come this pain and get better.
Once they finished Troy was beyond shocked of what happened to Korra and felt between sad and angry that she went through so much while being the avatar it almost reminded of him when he was back in his world because he too went through so much that he can never let go but in this world he finally has a purpose and the purpose is to help Korra get better and help her however he can become even though he couldn't save his mother or grandmother from Orm or Orvax but in this world he finally has a chance to do something and that is to help his new friend get better and when he told Korra's parents that he wants to help their daughter get better they were both thrilled and happy that Troy wants to be there for their daughter for everything she has been through in which they offered his help to help Korra with her recovery in which made both of them hug Troy with love and compassion in which Troy was happy to hug them back for being such good people including their daughter.
After a while now Troy left the room and went into the dinning room while waiting for Korra to be done with Katara in which she came out of the room she was in and rolled herself into the dinning room where she saw Troy sitting on the couch while pondering the information he was given by Korra's parents.
Korra: Troy?
Troy: Hm...oh hey Korra how are you doing?
Korra: I am doing alright for now thanks for asking but what are you doing sitting alone in the dining room by yourself?
Troy: Sigh just taking in the information of what your parents told me about.
Korra: What would that be?
Troy: Sigh...Korra they told me everything about what happened to you during your adventures like Amon, your Uncle, Vaatu, The Red Lotus and the poison in which paralyzed you and how you ended up in the wheelchair.(Troy saids to Korra who looked down in sadness that he knows the truth of what happened to her)
Korra: So you know everything about what I went through.....huh.(Korra saids while looking down in sadness)
Troy: Yes....and I am so sorry for what has happened to you and that you went through much struggle and pain from all those things those people did you.
Korra: Troy you have nothing to be sorry about, you weren't there when they did those horrible things to me and it is not your fault or your problem for that matter.
Troy: Well now it is my problem!, Because if I was there with you I would have done something and stopped those monsters for what they have done to you!!(Troy saids while angry and hurt for what those people did to Korra in which got Korra surprised of what he said)
Korra: Troy......I.
Troy: I know what you are going to say after but I wished I could've helped in some way, and I may have only known you for a day but as of this moment I am not going to sit around and watch you suffer in so much pain because I made a promise to both your parents that I will help you recover and I don't care how long it takes I will always be by your side and watch you grow stronger once again in which you will have the strength to walk out of that chair and be the person you used to be and that is the Avatar master of the four elements and protector of the earth!!
Korra felt her heart beating with so much compassion and honor for what Troy said to her in which he will always be there for her and help her recover no matter how long it will take and he will see to it that she will fight what the poison did to her and get back up and start walking once again thanks to her new friends words in which brought her into tears but not in sadness but in joy and hope that someone believes in her.
Korra: 😢sniff.....Troy you will do that for me....(Korra saids while tears coming down her face)
Troy: I couldn't be there for my mother or my grandmother when they died but here I have a chance to make things right and right now I want to help my new friend recover and help her so that she can has the courage and strength to get back up and fight for what she loves.(Troy saids to Korra who smiles while more tears came down her face that someone like Troy wants to be there for her in which she moved closer to him and hugged him)
Korra: Thank you Troy....😢 don't know how much that meant to me.
Troy: Let us make a promise together that we will both have each others backs and look out for one another.
Korra: I would like that Troy.....thank you for being my new friend.
Troy: And thank you for being mine Korra
And so both Korra and Troy promised to look out for each other and over come their struggles together in which a new friendship is now formed and a new duty for Troy to service which is to help his new friend to heal and get all better so that she can return to the person she was once was master of the four elements. While Korra promises to help Troy adjust to his stay here in her world and teach him everything about her people in which Troy would be honored to learn everything from her new friend and his new home.
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