Chapter 28: The Atlantean and The Avatar's Honeymoon!

Today was the day that both the married couple go on their very first honeymoon together in which both Korra and Troy were at the docks of the southern water tribe with their friends and family to see the husband and wife enjoy their vacation together.

Korra: Are you sure you guys got everything handled while me and Troy are away.

Asami: Korra relax you got nothing to worry about just enjoy your honeymoon with your husband.

Troy: She's right Korra, they handle things while we are on our vacation. Trust me both you and I need this very much.

Tenzin: Myself and the air benders will keep the spirit portal protected at all coast and so will Orion. I am very proud that my student has become a fine young woman and grew into a remarkable Avatar. Now she is off to be with her new found husband, look after her Troy.

Troy: You know I will always do Tenzin.

Mako: Any idea where you two might be heading?

Korra: I found some tropical islands that are not inhabited by people, so I think a private island is something me and Troy need. Peace and quiet.

Tonraq: Just be careful out there sweetie and Troy you see anything that brings harm to my daughter well you what to do.

Troy: Yea go full on warrior upon the threats and protect the woman I love.

Senna: I am so happy that my daughter has found someone the perfect man in her life and I can tell that there is going to be a great future for the two of you.

Korra: Thanks mom.

Bolin: Bring back some souvenirs after your vacation.

Troy: We will see what we can do Bolin.

Jinora: Have fun you two.

Ikki: Enjoy your honeymoon and tell us all about it when you come back.

Troy: Hehehe we will Ikki and thanks Jinora.

Korra: It is nice of Varrick to give us this boat for our honeymoon.(Korra saids while looking at both hers and Troy's wedding boat)

Troy: I thanked him for it after he and Zhu'Li left to go back to Republic City.

Korra: By the way during our wedding party what did you and Varrick talk about?

Troy: Sorry hun but thats a secret. I will tell you when we get back from our vacation.

Korra: All right.

Pema: How long are you two going to be gone?

Korra: We talked it over and decided to have a three week vacation because being the Avatar and Sea Guardian is starting to tire us both so we need a weeks vacation to get back to our good shapes.

Troy: I'm always in a good shape, you just like to be lazy.

Korra: Hey when have wait you're right.

Troy: Well might as well get going, by the way Mako, Bolin, Asami, Opal thanks again for helping us pack for the ride really appreciated.

Opal: Anything for the married couple.

Asami: It's the least we can after everything we all been through together.

Mako: Troy you're practically family to me and Bolin and after telling us that you think of us as brothers, I got to say I approve. We would be nice to have another brother in our family even though your not blood related.

Bolin: I second it. You're the best warrior brother that me and Mako has ever had.

Troy: You guys are great.(Troy saids and hugs Mako and Bolin)

Asami: And me being a sister, I never had a sibling before but now I do.

Troy: You even act like a sister figure that includes Jinora, Ikki while Meelo and Rohan act like my younger brothers.

Meelo: I got an older brother!

Ikki: I always wanted an older brother!

Jinora: You do share a sibling bond with us and treat us like family.

Ikki: Wait if you and Korra have kids would that make us their aunt and uncles!

Troy: If Korra and I do have kids then yes you and your siblings will be.

Ikki: I will be the greatest aunt ever!

Troy: I am sure you will be that includes Jinora, Meelo and Rohan.

Pema: Safe travels you two.

Korra: Thank you, all of you.

Troy: Ready to get going honey.

Korra: You know I am sweetie.

Katara: Have fun and enjoy your time together as husband and wife.

Troy and Korra: We will.

Once both Korra and Troy got on board their boat, the two of them waved goodbye to their friends and family. Korra and Troy are excited to celebrate their honeymoon together as a married couple. The boat was now out to see and heading towards the location of where Korra and Troy wanted to go for their vacation together in which was a two day sail meaning they will have time for themselves until they arrive at the islands that were somewhere further away where the fire nation is located. Korra told Troy about some unknown islands that are located on the map and no one has ever been to them meaning that there was no one to bother them nor pose a threat. Nothing but peace and quiet.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Troy: So how long have you know about these islands?

Korra: I found out about them during my travels way before I met you though I never been to them or seen what they look like possibly they look like the islands I see in the fire nation.

Troy: Are these islands big?

Korra: We will know once we arrive, we just need to head into the direction of where they are located.

Troy: I trust your instincts water angel.

Korra: You know it is a two day sail towards the islands and since it's just you and me here.

Troy: Yea?

Korra: Wanna help me feel good.

Troy: How?

Korra: Easy you give your wife a massage since I enjoy your magical hands blue fish.

Troy: Hehehe whatever my lady wishes to make her happy.

Korra and Troy went into their boats bedroom where Korra took off her boots while Troy gets ready to give his wife a good Atlantean massage. Once Korra was laying flat on her stomach, she gave Troy the go ahead sign to start massaging Korra's body. Troy started to massage Korra's back then moved down to her thighs that was making Korra moan while also feeling good.

Troy: How does this feel Korra?

Korra: back never felt so sore but with you giving me this massage its starting to feel so much better, make sure to do my shoulders next.

Troy: I will do everything Korra, just lay down and relax while I will take care of the rest.

Korra: do that honey.

Troy then moves towards the shoulders where Korra can feel the pain going away then the atlantean moved onto the arms and legs that made Korra feel so much better because both her arms and legs were killing her probably sore from a rough night sleep.

Korra: I was right you do have magical hands.

Troy: Glad you're enjoying them.

Korra: Oh can you get the massage lotion out of the bottom cabinet, I could use some of that.

Troy: Sure thing, left or right cabinet?

Korra: I think it's on the left check.

While Troy was looking for the lotion, Korra smirked and was feeling naughty and decided to give her husband a surprise in which she took off her pants while just leaving her with her shirt and blue panties while also doing a cute and attractive pose for Troy.

Troy: I found it.

Korra: Good because I am ready for you.

Troy: So where do you wan.........oof.(Troy saids then looks at Korra with. wide eyes as well as blushing at the site he is seeing)

Korra: Like what you see honey, sorry I thought I get myself my conformable and it was getting a little hot in here.(Korra saids with a smirk on her face)

Troy: Neptunes beard....(Troy saids while squeezing the lotion bottle)

Korra: Come here my sexy Sea Guardian and give me that massage and I will give you an award after.

Troy: Whistle! The Avatar is getting even hotter.

Troy took the lotion and put some on his hands then went to go back and give Korra her massage where Troy did both her legs and arms again followed by her back as well as shoulders but then things turn hotter when Korra took off her shirt to reveal her bare breast that made Troy smirk.

Troy: Feeling feisty are we my love.

Korra: You could say that, now give my girls a massage and I will give you my reward.

Troy: Yes ma'am.

Troy massages Korra's breast that was making her moan with pleasure as well as feeling the heat on her face increase and just wanted to get up and ravage Troy like an unstoppable wild Avatar. Troy then started to kiss all over Korra's body that made her smile and blush then the kissing came to her lips where both him and her had a full on make out that lasted three hours until both parted way to catch their breath.

Korra: Path...path...that was some massage babe.

Troy: Path..happy you're enjoyed it darling.

Korra: I think it is time for your reward.

Both Korra and Troy were both naked and had full on love making where did a lot of things together and soon many hours later both were sweating and smiling at what they did and decided to take a nice nap together while cuddling close.

Korra: Best night ever.(Korra saids in thought)

The next day on the sea both Korra and Troy were enjoying some breakfast that Troy cooked up while also getting close to their destination. After what they did last night Korra legs were feeling numb in which was worth it because she felt such so much pleasure that she couldn't control herself. Troy massaged her legs once more and the feeling in Korra's legs was starting to come back normal.

Korra: We're close to the islands Troy.

Troy: That is great news to hear Korra.

Korra: By the way thanks for massaging my legs I think we may have over did it in bed.

Troy: True but I can tell by your blushing face and the way you acted all wild last night told me that you enjoyed it all.

Korra: Yea hehehe I guess I did and it was worth it. Though maybe next time let's take it down a little.

Troy: Sure babe.

Korra looked towards the front of the boat and when she looked what she saw, she was in awe of what she was seeing in which was the island itself and it was larger than any other island she has seen.

Korra: Troy were here!

Troy: Whoah, this is some island. Its huge!

Korra: I don't understand, how could nobody not know about this place. I wonder if Aang knew about it.

Troy: I must admit the island as well as the water and beach area look magnificent. I wonder what the other parts of the island are like. We should totally do some exploring.

Korra: Sure, but first let's find a place to dock out boat.

Troy: There's a path towards a small lake area, we can park our boat there and lower anchor.

Korra: Looks like a good enough spot.

Troy docked the boat near the island and once he lowered the anchor, both him and Korra looked at the view of the island and was amazed of how beautiful and peaceful it was. Both of them then changed into their swimsuits after words because Korra wanted to go swimming.

(Artwork done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Korra: Isn't this amazing sweetie.

Troy: Amazing yes and also very beautiful. You picked a good place for our honeymoon.

Korra: I am happy that you think that way. Also one more thing.

Troy: What.....WHOAH HEY?!!(Troy saids then gets pushed into the water by Korra)


Troy: You did that on purpose!

Korra: Pff..hahahahaha! Don't worry blue fish here I am come.(Korra saids then jumps into the water with Troy)


Korra: Woo! This feels great!

Troy: It sure does, hey water angel think fast.(Troy saids while splashing water at Korra)


Korra: Hey?! Oh it is on now fish boy.

Troy: Bring it on Avatar.

Both Troy and Korra started to play together in the water that was fun and then Korra water bended both her and Troy ice boards to go surfing which was awesome except for the part where Korra made Troy slip off his board and landed in the water. Troy got his payback when he called upon ocean sea life to chase Korra out of the water and onto land.

Korra: Was that really necessary.

Troy: Hehehe well you made me slip off my ice board so I got my revenge.

Korra: One of these days I will get you back.

Troy: Good luck with that honey.

Korra: Say can I ask you something.

Troy: Sure whats on your mind.

Korra: I been thinking about something and its just a thought.

Troy: What is it?

Korra: Well besides you and Orion being here, you don't think there could be others who were also banished from Atlantis could there I mean is there a possibility that somehow that there were others who were also didn't follow both Orm's or Orvax's way and got themselves banished to another world probably this one.

Troy: Well actually now that you mentioned it, I haven't seen some of the people that I knew from my childhood in Atlantis in such a long time. I looked everywhere to find them but they weren't home nor in Atlantis. I get the feeling that something bad happened to them probably Orvax's doing.

Korra: Who did you knew back in Atlantis? You never told me about people you knew back in Atlantis besides your grandmother, Mera, Arthur, and the Justice League.

Troy: I wanted to keep those a secret but keeping secrets would not help me get over myself.

Korra: You can tell me, I want to know who you knew back home.

Troy: Well I had a childhood best friend, she was a good friend to me and we did a lot of fun things together when we were little kids. She and I grew up together before she disappeared, she was adopted by a royal guard of Atlantis who was close friends with both Mera and Atlanna.

Korra: What was her name?

Troy: Her name was Aria, she too is an Atlantean but a full fledge one. She is from a species called Mer Scales. Her skin is blue with blue fish scales while her eyes are violet.

Korra: Are all of her kind like that?

Troy: Sure there are many different species of Atlantans in my world Korra. All of them are from different parts of the ocean and have their own cultures. Aria was born in Atlantis but sadly her parents died long ago and was later adopted by the royal guard I told you.

Korra: That is so sad, how did she take it.

Troy: She didn't know them, she was very young when it happened. Solon the royal guard who adopted her was the only family she knows. He took her in and raised her as his own daughter.

Korra: I can tell that Solon is a good man.

Troy: He is, I met him a long time ago and he was good to me as well as Atlanna and Mera but he too disappeared along with Aria. It has been years and I never saw them again.

Korra: I am so sorry Troy.

Troy: Thank you Korra. I just wish I know what happened to them because I do miss them.

Korra: Did you know I had something for Aria.(Korra saids while feeling a little jealous)

Troy: You mean like romantically?

Korra: Mhm...

Troy: No both she and I shared a sibling bond, both of us acted like brother and sister where I am the older brother and she is the younger sister though I was a year older than her. Why are you jealous?

Korra: W...what?! I am not jealous!

Troy: Really?

Korra: Ok maybe I was but not anymore.

Troy: Hey your the only one I love Korra, because you are strong, amazing, talented, drop dead gorgeous but also the greatest person in my life who happens to be my wife.

Korra: You are so sweet.

Troy: I know I am especially when I am this close to you.

Korra: Do you remember her..

Troy: Who?

Korra: Your mother, do you remember her before know.

Troy: Sigh..I do. Even if I was so young I could still remember what my mother looked like. I have her eyes as well as her amazing brown hair and flawless skin. Korra she is a very beautiful person I have ever seen in my life, I still think of her night and day and the good times both she and I had together.

Korra: Do you know her name?

Troy: Her name was Marine, as in like the marine life of the sea itself. Oh Korra she was everything that made me happy and filled with such joy. You would love her and she will would have loved to meet someone like you.

Korra: I would want to meet the woman who raised you.

Troy: She will always be with me, in my heart and in my dreams.

Korra asked Troy to tell her more about his childhood and not the parts with Orm or Orvax but about his life with his best friend and his mother. Troy told everything about what he did when he was little to Korra who was enjoying her husbands good parts in his life while also gushing over how cute and funny Troy was when he was such a young boy.

After a while both of them decided to set up camp before the sunsets where Troy cooked up some dinner for both him and Korra and the two of them sat down by a fire that Korra put up while Troy was setting up the tent and sleep gear.

Korra: Thanks for the food Troy, it was delicious.

Troy: My pleasure Korra. Sigh..this is perfect. No being the Sea Guardian.

Korra: No Avatar duties.

Troy: Just us and this private island where we can just sit back and enjoy of three weeks vacation until we go back home.

Korra: Yup. Say did you bring a guitar with us.

Troy: Hm? Oh yes I did I thought we could use some music for our honeymoon. I was going to play a song on the boat but decided to wait. Would you like to listen to a song while the night is still good.

Korra: I would love to Troy.

Troy: I heard this song when I visit the surface world back in my world, it's a good song and must of heard a hundred times.

Korra: What was it called?

Troy: Let's Fall In Love For The Night by a guy named Finneas O'Connell.

Korra: You going to sing it.

Troy: Nah I will just play the song on the guitar maybe next time I will sing the song.

Korra: Let me move over towards you so I can hear the song more clearly.(Korra saids and sits next to Troy)

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Troy plays the song in which Korra listened to every minute of it and it was pleasing to her ears that she started to cuddle into Troy's shoulder while watching the night sky in front of her while Troy continues to play the song and after he finished he looked towards his shoulder and saw that Korra past out probably started to fall asleep towards the end of the song. Troy smiled and carried Korra to the tent where he and her slumbered away together. While Korra was sleeping, Troy was pounding on what he and Korra were talking about there being other Atlantean's who have either been banished by the caused of Orm and Orvax or worse but he didn't if is it true or not and decided to shrug off the idea and go back to sleep.

Troy: Is it possible that me and Orion aren't the only ones from Atlantis who have been banished.

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