Chapter 27: The Big Day!

It's been a whole month since Team Avatar Atlantean defeated the triple threat triad and help save Republic City once again as well as Zhu Li Moon becoming the new president after Raiko stepped down. But also it has been a month since Troy The Sea Guardian and protector of both land and sea including the spirit world proposed to the love of his life Avatar Korra in which both him and her have decided to have their wedding at the same place where they first met, the southern water tribe where it all began. Tonraq and Senna has already sent out word about the wedding planing and everyone in the southern water tribe is preparing for the big day of Avatar Korra and Troy The Sea Guardians wedding.

As for the happy couple themselves they are with their friends who are wishing them a great future together at a small get together at the huts where they had drinks and food to help celebrate the big day. They arrived in the southern water tribe about two days ago and were excited for when both become husband and wife though Korra still feels a little nervous while Troy was still getting excited that he going to be marrying into Korra's family. In the huts Troy along with Korra as well as their friends were enjoying their time together while trying to figure who will be the best man.

Asami: I can't believe it's almost the big day for you two are you excited.

Korra: Excited yes though a little nervous.

Troy: It's ok to nervous a lot of people get nervous when they are about to get married. For me I am both excited and thrilled because I am about to married into your family Korra.

Korra: After everything you have done for me as well as for the world. You have the right to be part of this family since mom and dad love you and so do I.

Bolin: Say did you two have decided on the best man?

Troy: Now that you mentioned it Bolin we haven't.

Bolin: Well if you two need a best man I am open to step up and do it.

Mako: Bolin you already did best man hows about letting someone else have a go.

Bolin: I guess you're right bro.

Opal: I still can't get over the day that you propose to Korra Troy I mean it was quite the shock and yet it was the most beautiful moment ever.

Troy: After waiting three years I knew I had to find the right day and moment to propose to this beautiful woman here.(Troy saids while Korra cuddles into his chest)

Korra: And you picked the perfect day to do it Troy. I still can't get over the ring that you forged, it is the most beautiful creation that you have ever made me.(Korra saids while looking at her ring finger)

Opal: How long did it take you to make that ring?

Troy: The forging of the metal took about six hours and finding the right gems took longer. The gems at the stores were pricy so I decided to dig out the gems by hand.

Korra: You found these gems where?

Troy: During that long journey of yours around the earth kingdom. I almost got cooked alive from the volcano you walked by as well as the hot desert. How did you even survive that long in that sand pit.

Korra: I guess Avatar's can survive hot weather.

Troy: Right sure they can.

Mako: Say what plans do you two have after wedding?

Troy: Haven't thought about it yet Mako. But I am sure we will see what we have plan after the big day finished. By the way Asami, Opal did you two help Korra find her wedding dress?

Opal: Oh spirits Troy it looks absolutely beautiful, you will love it.

Asami: When Korra tried it on she looked ready to walk down the lane and meet her groom.

Troy: That true water angel.

Korra: You will know once you see it.

Asami: Hey hows about a toast to the bride and groom and their future together.

Mako and Bolin: Here here!

Opal: We wish you both a wonderful life together and if you need anything you know we will always be there for you guys.

Troy: You guys are the greatest friends a guy like me could have but you're more than that you guys are like my brothers and sisters. And if for say that Korra and I have kids of our own we would like it if you would be our future children's god parents.

Asami: Are you...are you serious.

Korra: We talked it over and have decided that you guys would be great god parents.

Bolin: 😢sniff..I think I am going to cry.

Mako: Bolin don't embarrass yourself. But seriously if that day ever comes we would be honored that is if any of us had kids in the future would you be their god parents as well.

Korra: Of course we will.

Troy: Absolutely.

Mako and Bolin: To the groom!(Both said and held up their drinks)

Asami and Opal: And to the bride!(Both said and held up their drinks as well)

Troy and Korra: And to the future!

Soon after everyone began to eat and drink as well as play games with each other. Then after a while night came towards the southern water tribe where both Korra and Troy were in their room together cuddling as well as thinking about their lives together.

Troy: Tomorrow's the big day.

Korra: Yea.

Troy: Say hope you didn't mind but I found ourselves the best man for the wedding.

Korra: Really who?

Troy: I thought it over and I think he would be perfect for the part of the best man and he is both wise and has been your friend for years now. But not only that but he is also a Master at air bending just like his daughter.

Korra: Wait you asked Tenzin?

Troy: Is that all right with you Korra.

Korra: I think..I think he is perfect. I wouldn't be the person I am if it wasn't for Tenzin and his teachings. How did he take it when you asked him?

Troy: He took it pretty well then engulfed me into a huge hug while showing some tears that made things awkward until Bumi and Kya pulled him away from me and couple minutes later he calmed down and would be honored to be the best man for our wedding.

Korra: Hehehe I wish I was there to see Tenzin's reaction.

Troy: Oh you would have cracked up when you saw him.

Korra: Yea I probably would. Troy can I ask you something and be honest with me.

Troy: Of course anything. What is that you wanna ask of me?

Korra: If by any chance that we do have kids of our you think I would be a good mother to them and would they like me.

Troy: Korra you are a remarkable young woman of course they would like you and yes you will be a great mother and if you have struggles I will be there to help and support you. I got your back Korra and I plan to keep it as a promise.

Korra: I love you so much 💋.(Korra saids and kisses Troy the cheek)

Troy: I love you too.

Korra: You know there is something we can do before wedding starts tomorrow.

Troy: And what would that be water angel.

Korra: Tell me is the door locked by any chance.

Troy: Sure is I locked it before we got into bed.

Korra: Good because tonight I want to please the man I love while he pleases me.(Korra saids with a smirk and then got on top of Troy)

Troy: Ooh seems like the Avatar knows what she wants to do right now.

Korra: Thats right and it has been over a month since we last did it.

Korra started to kiss Troy all over his neck while he did the same that made Korra moan and soon she pulled off his shirt revealing his muscular chest.

Korra: You have to know this that this body belongs to me and only one.

Troy: Understood my body belongs to you and only you.

Korra: Good boy, and whose the owner of your kisses.(Korra saids and kisses Troy on the cheek)

Troy: Hehehe you are.

Korra: Thats right and who is the one who can give her man a good time.

Troy: Hmm..that would be you water angel my all powerful Avatar.

Korra: Correct and you are mine tonight.(Korra saids as she takes off her shirt revealing her bare chest)

Troy: You are one feisty Avatar in an attractive and naughty way.

Korra: Oh shut up blue fish and make love to me already.

Troy: Whatever my darling bride wishes.

🍋 Lemon Alert

Troy and Korra got up and started to kiss Korra all over her body that made her moan with pleasure and then put his hand on her cheek that made Korra smile until their lips connected to each other in which Korra started to wrap her arms around Troy's neck while their tongues are fighting for dominance.

Korra: Path...I never get tired of that.

Troy: Neither do I, you kiss amazing babe.

Korra: Oh stop it, now it is time to have the real fun.

Korra got up and took off her pajama pants and so did Troy revealing their perfect bodies to each other while Korra was still getting used to seeing Troy and his perfect ripped body that made her blush with excitement and thrill. Troy made his move on Korra and gave her breast a squeeze that made the female Avatar moan.

Korra: T..Troy your touch is absolutely incredible...oh babe keep on doing that...I want to feel your touch more.

Troy then gave Korra a butt squeeze where she started to moan more and then proceeded to let Troy touch her entire body. Troy touched every part of Korra and every time he touched and kissed her she was feeling such tingles coming from her body that was making her wet.

Troy: How did you like that darling.

Korra: Loved every minute of it. Now it is my turn.

Korra pushed Troy down onto the bed where she was now on top of him and then looked down to see that Troy other part was getting excited and it made Korra smirk that her man wants her more.

Korra: Looks like someone is in the mood for love.

Korra began to suck down on Troy's hood while he did the same for Korra's V where he sucked the juices out of her that caused her to moan louder and was enjoying Troy's tongue inside of her.

Korra: Spirits...T..Troy keep doing that! It feel so good!

Troy: You taste amazing water angel.

Korra: I could say the same to you honey.

After a while both came where Troy came a lot in Korra's mouth and she did the same in Troy's which both enjoyed their juices but then the main fun is soon to start where Korra was now back on top of Troy and was facing him with a smirk.

Korra: The time has come for the main course, show me some love my Atlantean warrior.

Troy: As you command my Avatar.

Korra lowered herself like before and this time instead of pain she felt absolute pleasure from Troy and started burst in heavy moans as well as likeness.

Korra: Oh spirits how I miss this feeling!

Korra began to move her hips while Troy grabbed her breast and squeeze them that caused her to moan while enjoying the ride of her life. Troy started to groan feeling Korra inside of her like before back in Zaofu but this time it was a whole lot better than before.

Korra: Ah...ah...ah oh spirits yes yes! Spirits Troy this feels so good! Don't you dare stop give me more!!

Troy: K..Korra.

Korra: This is even better then when we first did it!! Oh my gosh your hitting my good spot keep on going give your woman what she wants!!

Korra started to speed up and began to bounce up and down on Troy while he was starting to feel the tingle again and so did Korra.

Troy: K..Korra I can't hold it!!

Korra: I know me too!! Just a little more Troy!!

Troy: K..Korra I am about too...

Korra: I know babe do it inside me like before!!! I want all of it inside of me!!!

Troy: Korra I'm!

Korra: I'm cumming!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Troy: Neptunes Beard!

Troy came inside of Korra which she felt all of the juices come out of her and then after Korra felt the same feeling like she had back in Zaofu with Troy. Korra got off of Troy and lad next to him while catching her breath of what she and him did tonight.

Korra: Path...path...oh wow that was is even better than the first time we had

Troy: Path...your telling were outstanding.

Korra: Thank you Troy 💋.(Korra saids and kisses Troy on the lips)

Troy: You're welcome though let's not do it here again because I don't know if anyone heard us.

Korra: Oh hehe good point.

End of Lemon

The next day which is the big day both Korra and Troy woke up smiling at each other for what they did last night where both kissed each other a good morning then soon took their baths together like always and got dressed to have breakfast with everyone waiting for them.

Asami: Hey you two good morning.

Troy and Korra: Morning!

Tenzin: Seems like you two have slept well.

Troy: You could say that. And Tenzin thanks again for excepting the job as best man.

Tenzin: It is my pleasure Troy. It is the least I can after what you have done for Korra and the people of Republic City.

Pema: Oh I can not wait to see you two when you both become husband and wife.

Jinora: I think I might write a book about you two of adventures together.

Troy: That would be nice wouldn't you agree Korra.

Korra: As long as it doesn't involve anything personal then I am ok with it.

Bolin: Hey have you guys heard that strange noise from last night because it sounded like a beast roaring into the night.

Troy and Korra looked at each and blushed with embarrassment while the others didn't see until Mako spoke.

Mako: I heard it too, I thought it was the spirits but I guess it could be something else.

Troy: We're are definitely getting our own place soon.(Troy whispers to Korra who nods in agreement)

Asami: Whatever it was it's probably long gone by now.

Senna: How you both feeling for today?

Troy: I feel great.

Korra: Same and though nervous but with Troy at my side I think I will be all right.

Ikki: Say Troy after you and Korra get married and have babies of your own can I name the child if its a girl!

Korra: Uh...maybe some other time.(Korra saids while blushing with embarrassment)

Meelo: If its a boy I have the perfect name for it!

Troy and Korra: I don't wanna know.

Everyone except Meelo: Same.

Meelo: Aw man...

Troy: How are the preparations going Tonraq?

Tonraq: We're about finished everything is all set up and ready for the wedding to start.

Troy: Thats wonderful news to hear.

Korra: Though before the wedding hows about we have some fun at the festival together.

Troy: Sure why not and we got time. You guys and kids wanna join us.

Mako: I am down for some fun how about you bro.

Bolin: Absolutely!

Asami: I would love to join.

Opal: I will come as well and Bolin better win me some prizes.

Bolin: You know I will Opal.

Soon after breakfast was finished Troy along with Korra and their friends headed down to the festival to have some fun where they play lots of games and went on some rides and had lunch included.

Korra: You know this brings back memories.

Troy: What kind?

Korra: The time where you and I first met here in the southern water tribe. I was starting to walk again and you helped me through it all the way and we did so many fun things here and you won me so many prizes.

Troy: Oh yea I remember though I did however break that hammer game, you know hit the bell game.

Korra: Hehehe you hit that thing so hard it went flying into the sea itself.

Troy: What can I say your man has a good arm.

Korra: Yup and those arms are now mine along with everything thing else.

Troy: Indeed.

Korra: What do you think of our trip together?

Troy: Hmm..I am thinking of somewhere that is tropical with plenty of remote islands and good weather as well as nice sandy beaches.

Korra: Ooh I like what you are going with that idea.

Troy: Maybe while there we could find ourselves our own private little beach area where it is just the two of us.

Korra: Even better.

The two of walked around some and did plenty of games as well as go on some rides, then after an hour later Asami came running towards the couple with news.

Asami: Korra!

Korra: Hm? Yea Asami what is it?

Asami: It's time!

Korra: Wait it is!

Asami: Yea come on we got to get you into the dress and Troy best get into your outfit as well because the boys are already heading back and getting ready.

Troy: Got ya!(Troy saids and heads off)

After the festival it was time for the big day to start in which everyone of the southern water tribe along with friends, family and loved ones all came together at the southern water tribe palace to get ready for the wedding between Avatar Korra and Troy The Sea Guardian. Senna and Kya showed everyone where to be seated as well as their quest. Mako along with Bolin as well as Wei and Wing stood at front with Asami, Opal, Jinora, and Ikki who was voted to be flower girl.

Meanwhile Troy is in the back with Varrick and General Iroh who are checking to see that outfit that Troy was wearing fitted perfectly which is the similar outfit he wore at the wedding for Varricks and Zhu Li's wedding but more water tribe look.

Varrick: Got to admit my friend you look spot on.

Troy: Thank you and Iroh thanks for joining me.

Iroh: My pleasure it is the least I can do after you helped save Republic City. I wish you and the Avatar a good future together.

Troy: Thanks.

Varrick: Well looks like it's about time to head out. Now go out there and do the thing!

Troy: Hehehe ok I will.

Troy headed out of the back and walked down the lain where so many people of the southern water tribe sat down and greeted Troy with such great respect and then looked to see his friends and future in laws all smiling for him. Troy who is now standing in front of Tenzin who gave the warrior a charming and respectful smile and as soon as Troy stands at the altar waiting for his bride to come, Troy looks at the huge crowd and they were all smiling and wishing Troy good luck and a happy life with his future wife.

Then after a while the music started playing and everyone even Troy looked down the lain and saw the most beautiful site he has ever seen. He looked to see the love of his life Korra wearing a lovely southern water tribe wedding dress while be escorted down by her father Tonraq who is not only proud of her daughter but also proud of his future son in law. Troy was speechless to see how beautiful Korra looked in her dress while Korra was amazed of how handsome Troy looked. As soon as Korra arrived at the altar she stood in front of Troy with a smile while Troy smiled back at seeing his lovely bride with such beauty.

(Artwork done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Troy: You look beautiful.

Korra: And you look very handsome.

Tenzin: Friends, families and loved ones. We are gathered here today to mark the marriage of both Avatar Korra and Troy The Sea Guardian. They have been through so much together in their time and have grown into a remarkable pare, they fought together and they fell in love together and stood by each others side. They faced their obstacles and challenges and took on the fights head on and help save not only the people of Republic City but also help protect the spirit world. I am very proud to see my student grow into a fine young woman and now she is off to be with the man she has come to love with all of her heart and soul. I have never in my years have seen such a wonderful pare like Troy and Korra and I know deep down in my heart they will continue to bring peace and balance to the world. Now before the vows do you Troy and do you Korra have something that you want to share with each other.

Troy: Korra, when I first came to this world I was alone I have lost everything after what took place in the world that I hale from but that all changed when I met you. You helped me through my pain and suffering and gave me a home along with great friends who I see as my own siblings, you shared you life history with me while I helped you over come your fears and fought along side you every step of the way. But most importantly I fell deeply in love with you after spending the three years with you and I have never been this happy in my entire life and I want to make you the happiest woman in the world as well as raise a family of our own. I love you Korra with all of my heart and I will love to spend the rest of my life with you until our dying day.(Troy saids to Korra who looked upon Troy with a smile as well as tears of joy)

Korra: Troy....😢sniff...after I was poisoned I thought my life was going to be over for me but that all changed when I met this incredible warrior from another world who showed me a much greater path and has been by my side for these past three years and I...I couldn't be more happy than I already am. You treated me with such kindness, you shared your worlds history with me as well as telling me how much you care for me and I want you to be by my side all the way. Troy...😢sniff..I...I love you so much...and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you until my incarnation. You made me the happiest woman in the world and now we are going to spend the rest of our lives as husband and wife. Thank you for everything Mighty Sea Guardian.(Korra saids with tears coming down her face)

Troy: I am starting to cry as well.(Troy saids with his own tears coming down his face)

Tenzin: Now that they have shared their love for each other and will promise to be by their side forever it is time for the vows. Do you Troy, The Mighty Sea Guardian of another world take Avatar Korra to be your long wedded wife and promise to help her bring balance to the world.

Troy: In the name of my grandmother Queen Atlanna of Atlantis I do.

Tenzin: And do you Avatar Korra take Troy as your long wedded husband and promise fight by his side to the bitter end.

Korra: As the master of the four elements and the bridge between both the physical and spirit world I do.

Tenzin: Then with the power of the great spirits of the spirit world I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride.

Troy placed his hands on Korra's cheek and brought her to his lips in which both kissed each other symbolizing their marriage completely where everyone got up from their seats and clapped for the married couple. Soon the party started inside where everyone attended. Korra and Troy were by the table cutting their wedding cake.

Troy: Wow now that is what I call a wedding cake would you agree honey.

Korra: I like it, especially it reminds me of the ocean. Here open wide sweetie and tell me how it taste.(Korra saids and hold a piece of cake for Troy to eat)

Troy: Mmm...not bad. I can taste a whole amount of different flavors mixed in. Now you open up honey and taste it for yourself.

Korra: is good. I wonder who baked it.

Asami: We did, we wanted to make you guys the best wedding cake.

Troy: Oh you guys are so sweet.

Mako: Though we did have some trouble with two people who were eating all the frosting.

Wu: I was just making sure the flavors were perfect.

Bolin: What I like cake frosting I can't help it.

Opal: Congratulations, my family and I are so happy for the two of you.

Su: Troy, Korra.(Su saids to the two)

Korra: Hello Su.

Su: You look lovely Korra and you Troy look dashing, I just want to say congratulations on becoming a married couple if you two need anything fill free to stop by our home and let me know.

Korra: Thank you Su.

Lin: Congratulations on the wedding, you did good kiddo.

Korra: Thanks.

Lin: Troy good luck with her and make sure to keep a close eye on her so that she wont start trouble.

Troy: You know I will Chief.

Korra: Hey that doesn't happen anymore.

Troy: Korra really?

Mako: He's not wrong there.

Asami: You always start trouble wherever we go. No offense.

Korra: All right I wont start trouble.

Troy: Hey have you guys seen Varrick anywhere?

Bolin: Oh he's over there by the punch bowl with Zhu Li why.

Troy: Good I need to talk to him be right back.(Troy saids and leaves)

Mako: Why does he need talk to Varrick?

Asami: Who knows probably something very important. So Korra how you like the wedding planing for the party.

Korra: I love it especially the blue lighting. Everything looks perfect.

Wu: I even helped picked out the best musicians to brighten the mood. I just love the sound of music during weddings.

Bolin: Yea even the food is great.

Mako: Bro you think all food is great no matter where we go.

Bolin: Oh yea thats right.

Troy then soon came back to the others after he little chat with Varrick in which Korra wanted to know what the conversation was all about but Troy told he it is a secret and will tell her at the right moment. Then soon the music started to play where it was time for the bride and groom to dance with their parents though Troy went to dance with Senna while Korra dances with her father.

Senna: Troy I would like to be the first one to say welcome to our family. Also I didn't know you were such a good dancer.

Troy: I had years of practice and I want to make a good impression to my mother in law.

Senna: Well Troy you surely made me very impressed. As for you and Korra hope you two do give me such beautiful grandchildren.

Troy: As you wish. Since you are not going to stop begging.

Senna: I want my first grandchildren to be a beautiful boy and girl and if you have another one it doesn't matter if it is boy nor girl.

Troy: I will see what I can do.

Korra: Mom mind if I steal him from you. I would like to dance with my husband.

Senna: Not at all sweetie, good luck Troy.(Senna saids and dances with Tonraq)

Troy: Thank you.

Korra: So what were you two talking about?

Troy: About how many grandchildren she wants in which she wants a beautiful boy and girl and if we have a third it doesn't matter.

Korra: Had to know mom would of said something like that.

Troy: Thats my mother in law for you.

Korra: So are we good for our honeymoon.

Troy: Absolutely. I can hardly wait for spend alone time with my beautiful wife.

Korra: And my attractive husband.

Troy: Speaking of attractive hows about your attractive husband sings you a song just for you.

Korra: Aw the is so sweet of you.

Troy: Yea, just stand and watch the show love. Don't forget to cheer me on.

Korra: You know I will honey.

Troy got onto a stage where the musicians were playing and as soon as everyone stopped what they were doing and looked towards Troy who looked like he was going to sing a song they gave their attention to him as well as Korra.

Troy: All right this song for my beautiful water angel, and I hope you like it Korra. Because for the song that I am about to sing what I need is a miracle.

Korra: Hehehe he's such a charmer but I love him.

Wu: Ooh I wonder what the song is like this I got to hear.

Asami: Have to admit Troys singing is so remarkable. He should do these things more often.

Mako: Hey Bolin maybe he can sing for when your birthday comes around.

Bolin: That would be awesome.

Opal: I wonder if he does romance songs.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(All I need is a miracle by: Mike and The Mechanics)


I said "Go if you wanna go, stay if you wanna stay"
I didn't care if you hung around me, I didn't care if you went away
And I know you were never right, I'll admit, I was never wrong
I could never make up my mind, I made it up as I went along

And though I treated you like a child
I'm gonna miss you for the rest of my life

All I need is a miracle, all I need is you
All I need is a miracle, all I need is you
All I need is a miracle, all I need is you

Korra began to clap and dance to the song that Troy was singing meaning that she was enjoying it as well as their friends and families as well as guest who were all clapping for Troy.

I never had any time, and I never had any call
But I went out of my way just to hurt you, the one I shouldn't hurt at all
I thought I was being cool, yeah, I thought I was being strong
But it's always the same old story, you never know what you've got 'til it's gone

If I ever catch up with you
I'm gonna love you for the rest of your life

All I need is a miracle, all I need is you (All I need is a miracle)
All I need is a miracle, all I need is you (All I need is a miracle)
All I need is a miracle, all I need is you

And if I ever catch up with you
I'm gonna love you for the rest of your life

All I need is a miracle, all I need is you (All I need is a miracle)
All I need is a miracle, all I need is you (All I need is a miracle)
All I need is a miracle, all I need is you (All I need is a miracle)
All I need is a, all I need is a, all I need is you
(All I need is a miracle, all I need is you) (All I need is a miracle)
All I need is you
(All I need is a miracle, all I need is you) (All I need is a miracle)
All I need is a miracle, is you
(All I need is a miracle, all I need is you) (All I need is a miracle)
All I need is a miracle, all I need is you
(All I need is a miracle, all I need is you) (All I need is a miracle)

Song Ended

As soon as the song ended everyone applauder for Troy who was later engulfed into a hug by his wife Korra who have him a passionate kiss on the lips that made everyone clapping and whistle for the married couple on stage.

Korra: I love you Troy.

Troy: I love you more Korra.

Korra: Looks like our next journey is about to begin.

Troy: Seems that way and let's make a good one.

Korra: Together.

Troy: Together.

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