Chapter 26: Turf Wars Part 2!
After what happened with Tokuga and his triad who escaped after they kidnapped Mr.Keum and Asami who are holding them against their will both Team Avatar Atlantean and the Republic City police were planning to hunt them down and get back their friend as well as the business man before Tokuga and his triad do something unthinkable. Meanwhile near the spirit portal who was being guarded by Orion who hasn't moved from his spot while also looking at the united forces surrounding the spirit portal while also not daring to step close since there is a huge beast guarding the portal so they don't risk injury. While at the portal one of General Iroh's men were telling him that a group of air bisons were heading toward their direction.
Once landed on the ground near the portal, Tenzin the air bending master got off his bison along with his children and his fellow air benders and went to speak with the general who was neaer the border around the spirit portal.
Solider: What are your orders general?
Iroh: Don't make a move.
Tenzin: General Iroh.
Iroh: Tenzin, I'm sorry but the presidents order still stands. I need everyone out of here immediately.
Meelo: Oh yea? You're gonna have to make us leave! And don't forget we have Orion here keeping our back ain't that right big guy!(Meelo saids to Iroh then to Orion who nods in agreement)
Tenzin: We already discussed this Meelo, this is a nonviolent protest.
Iroh: Believe me, I want to see a peaceful resolution too. Why don't you head back to the island? I am sure president Raiko will get distracted by some other crisis and call us off soon enough.
Tenzin: I am sorry Iroh but we're not leaving until the united forces do.
Iroh: Sigh...then I guess we're going to be here awhile.
Meelo: That's right keep walking buddy!
Tenzin: In the mean time everyone guard the portal near Orion and make sure no one gets through or tries to enter the spirit portal.
All the air benders took their positions around the portal as well as some near Orion who didn't mind the air benders being near him as long as they don't get hurt or too close to his legs or paws then they will be all right.
Back in the city word got out that the Triple Threat triad attacked the Creeping Crystal's hideout and set the place on fire in which the police force headed over to the scene of the crime to check things out along with Team Avatar Atlantean who were on top of a building and saw the whole thing.
Troy: It would seem that they attacked the Creeping Crystal's first. Beifong are they still in there?
Lin: Yes we believe that the Triple Threats are holding the Creeping Crystals hostage in there.
Korra: Well what are we waiting for Beifong? You have the Triple Threats surrounded so lets go after Tokuga now.
Lin: We can't, the Triple Threats aren't letting anyone leave their apartments. Tokuga is threatening to turn this neighborhood to rubble if we try to move in.
Mako: Not to mention considering he tried to kill us, I doubt he's bluffing.
Korra: So we're suppose to sit here and do nothing?
Lin: Listen kid, I heard about what happened to your friend Asami. We will get her out of harms way I promise.
Troy: She's right Korra, we will get her back and I am going make sure that Tokuga pays for what he has done, I blame myself for letting him get away..I should have stopped him when I had the chance.
Korra: You did your best Troy but your right we will get her back safe and sound.
Troy: After spending time with her as well as Mako and Bolin I came to see them as more as just my friends, I came to see them as like my brothers and sister.
Bolin: You think of me and Mako as brothers.
Troy: Of course I do, you two act like brotherly towards me and Asami acts like a sister, a sister that I never had since I was an only child and when I look upon you and Mako I see you both as my own brothers even though were not related by blood I still think of you guys as my family just like Korra who took me in after what I been through my whole life.
Mako: Wow Troy that is something, and I have to admit you do act like a brother towards me and Bolin in which we wouldn't mind having someone like you as a brother and a brother who stood by us and defended us now that is something a sibling would do.
Troy: I do what I can to defend those I care about.
Korra: That was really nice of you Troy.
Troy: Thank you.
Meanwhile in underground location both Asami and Mr.Keum were tide up after they were taken by Tokuga and his Triple Threats in which none of them know what Tokuga is going to do to them after the leader of the Triple Threats comes back.
Wonyong: It's hot as blazes down here. The least those triad thugs could do is bring us some water, are you thirsty Asami?
Wonyong: You haven't said two words to me since Tokuga threw us down here. Are you doing all right?
Asami: Don't pretend like you care. Your greed put me in this situation!
Wonyong: I was simply trying to turn a catastrophe into an opportunity, but your air bender friends got in the way along with the Avatar and that Sea Guardian who threw me away like garbage. They should have vacated the portal area like I asked, I was simply defending my new property.
Asami: Your new property? You sent criminals to threaten and intimidate people.
Wonyong: Running a successful business sometimes requires...unsavory partnerships, shall we say? But I am sure you learned all about that from your father.
Asami: You have no right to talk about my father! I didn't speak to him for years because of his ties with Amon. But int the end, he regretted what he has done in the past and I forgave him for what he did and we were able to reconnect again like old times, I almost lost him during the battle against Kuvira leaving me alone with no family to convert me. Tell me Wonyong, what are you willing to sacrifice if that the situation happened to you?
Don't bother miss Sato because I have taken nearly everything from him. He has nothing left to offer up.(The voice saids that belong to the leader of the Triple Threats)
Asami: Tokuga, if you have everything that you wanted, then let us go.
Tokuga: Not yet, the Avatar and the Sea Guardian haven't suffered enough in which I still want back at what that fish man did to me and how he humiliated me in front of my Triple Threats.
Asami: Hehehe when I saw Troy kicked you into the tanks I thought you were going to break something but it looks like he would have to do it a lot more harder next time he sees you. By the way Korra wasn't the fault of that eel dragon sprint that turned you into this, she was trying to stop it but you got in the way and attacked it.
Tokuga: How noble of you to defend the Avatar and the Sea Guardian.
Asami: They will stop you and when they do I hope Troy break ever bone in your body as well as rips off that tentacle of an arm of yours.
Tokuga: I sure like to see them try, but thats not the reason why you are here miss Sato because I understand you're handy with machinery.(Tokuga saids while holding a paper in his hands)
Asami: What is that you have there?
Tokuga: Oh this, this is something that I need you to make for me.
Asami: Wait...these look like my fathers drawings..where did you get these blueprints?
Tokuga: I got these blueprints from Wonyong of course I found them in his safe.
Wonyong: Your father gave me those plans to me years ago Asami, it was the reason I walked out on our deal. Once I realized Hiroshi wanted me to help him make illegal weapons, I didn't want anything to do with Future Industries.
Asami: This looks like a gas dispersion pump. Is that your plan to weaponize your stolen mecha suits with knockout gas?
Tokuga: Oh no, I am going to use something a little more powerful. Poison gas and why bother with mecha suits when I have an airship, I am going to bring this city to its knees.
Asami: There is no way I am going to help you hold all fo Republic City hostage!
Wonyong: GULP?!(Wonyong gets choked by Tokuga who grabs him by the throat with his tail like arm)
Tokuga: Either you help me or you can watch Wonyong suffocate.
Wonyong: Asami.......please......
Asami: Stop! Let him go....
Tokuga: Smart girl, I knew you'd see reason.
With Raiko who was in his office, he was reading the newspaper about how Zhu Li Moon is running for president of Republic City who gave out her speech to the people that made Raiko nervous that if the people vote for Zhu Li then he is done for.
Advisor: Zhu Li's a nobody! A former assistant with no government experience!
Raiko: Face it this election's over...people want a fresh face, a new start. Not to mention she stepped up to help out the evacuees, the people really seem to like her authenticity.
Advisor: It's all an act sir! She's been taking advantage of their misery for her own gain.
Raiko: But while I was cowering during Kuvira's invasion, she was helping the Avatar and the Sea Guardian take down the mecha giant, they're heroes.
Advisor: No..she's reckless, irresponsible, and foolhardy!
Raiko: Well when you put it that way...
Advisor: Trust me sir when I am through spinning this, now one will want to vote for Zhu Li Moon.
Employee: Excuse me sir, I have General Iroh on the line. He says the air benders showed up at the portal and are refusing to leave, it seems you have another crisis on your hands.
Raiko: Not another opportunity to change the narrative!
Advisor: That's the spirit sir!
Back with Team Avatar Atlantean, Mako along with Beifong were discussing plans to take down the Triple Threats and stop Tokuga while Korra and Troy think about their friend and hope she is all right.
Mako: Hey you guys doing all right?
Korra: Not so great actually. I can't shake what Tokuga said about my actions having consequences, maybe if me or Troy had stopped the eel spirit from attacking Tokuga instead of helping everyone else none of this would happening right now.
Troy: Korra don't blame yourself and even if we did stop that spirit you really think Tokuga would care rather he was human or half spirit he will still cause problems no matter what he turns into. Besides I had the feeling he deserved for what he did, after all he was the one who attacked the portal that made the spirits grow dark so the eel spirit gave him his punishment and now has to live with the consequences.
Mako: For once I agree with Troy on this one and Tokuga is trying to get into your head Korra, don't let me because that is what he does to others.
Troy: People do the most craziest things in their lives Korra, just like Orm and Orvax.
Mako: Exactly like I remember when Tarrlock captured you, I kept blaming myself and going out of my mind with worry.
Korra: You did?
Mako: I know what you're going through, that's why I want to help you find Asami because I care about her too and so does Bolin. We're a team and we never leave a team member behind.
Troy: He's right Korra, Asami is part of this team and we will get her back and stop Tokuga once and for all.
Korra: What about the Triple Threats?
Mako: I think I know a way to search for Asami without tipping them off, but I'll explain later. Beifong can't know what we're up to.
Troy: Whatever it is Mako we will keep it between us.
Korra: Thanks for being understanding Mako.
Mako: What are friends for Korra.
Troy: I think Mako would make a great brother as well as Bolin.(Troy saids in thought)
At the spirit portal, the air benders along with Orion were still keeping the portal safe from any interference as well as making sure anything or anyone gets by.
Meelo: Daad...protesting is so boring and I'm getting hungry, can we go now?
Tenzin: Meelo it is vital that we all stand together as one. President Raiko needs to understand we're not going anywhere until he changes his mind.
Meelo: And how long is that going to be dad?
Tenzin: For a stubborn man like Raiko, it could take weeks or even maybe longer.
Meelo: You mean that we might be here forever?
Air benders evaluate this area immediately or you will be forced out!
Tenzin: President Raiko! Draw back the united forces!
Raiko: You have no clam to the portal. This land belongs to Wonyong Keum now.
Tenzin: And we're here to bring attention to the fact that he intends to misuse it.
Raiko: Tenzin you and your air benders go back to air temple island.
Tenzin: We wont.
Raiko: General Iroh send in the water benders!
Iroh: Sir I don't that is a wise decision.
Raiko: And why not?
Iroh: Uh because of him and my men do not want to get anywhere near him while he is guarding the portal.(Iroh saids while pointing at Orion who was giving the president a vicious glare that made Raiko pale)
GRRRRRRRRRR.......(Orion growling at Raiko with anger)
Raiko: I don't care about some over grown monster that came from the sea just do it thats an order General!!
Iroh send in the water benders to make the air benders leave but stopped and looked at Orion who was giving them a look that means try something and you wont live to regret it in which caused all the water benders to run away and never step foot into the portal area now that Orion is taking charge as well as Tenzin.
Tenzin: Nicely done Orion really appreciated that you stepped in.(Tenzin saids to Orion who nods at the air master for his assistance)
Then all of sudden everyone felt rumbling under their feet and looked towards the border around the portal coming down and everyone looked to see Zhu Li with the evacuees who had some earth benders tare down the walls around the portal.
Zhu Li: Everyone follow me!
Tenzin: Zhu Li?
Raiko: What is she doing here?!
Advisor: She brought her own camera crew? Cunning move...
Varrick: All right everyone remember in a docu-mover, there are no second takes! Make sure you frame the shot so the portals behind Zhu Li!
Tenzin: Zhu Li thanks for coming, and for convincing all these people to join you.
Zhu Li: I am hoping that when Raiko sees all of us standing together, he'll be persuaded to begin a dialogue about the portals future. Everyone listen this portal shouldn't be held hostage by businessmen or politicians! It is a symbol of harmony and peace and should be shared by all!
Everyone: Bring peace to the portal! The portal for the people! Bring peace to the portal! The portal for the people! Bring peace to the portal! The portal for the people!
Orion: This human has courage and compassion, kind of reminds me of the Queen Atlanna.(Orion saids in thought while listening to the peoples chant and for Zhu Li's encouragement)
Troy along with Korra as well as the brothers were near a building where Beifong found out that some of the Creeping Crytals were able to escape from Tokuga and his Triple Threats after they attacked the headquarters.
Troy: All right Mako what do you got?
Mako: Beifong reported that a few Creeping Crystals were seen going in and out of this building.
Bolin: Are you sure about this Mako? The chief said she didn't want any officers wasting time going after a triad on its last legs.
Mako: Technically we're not going after them, we are here to get Jaragala's help.
Korra: Come on let's go and talk to them.
Avatar Atlantean headed out of the car and headed towards the building where one of the Creeping Crystals saw them and invited them in by Jaragala's orders.
Jaragala: Hello again and what do I owe the pleasure.
Korra: We found out who really took Asami, it was Tokuga.
Jaragala: So you're here to apologize for falsely accusing me?
Mako: No we want to make a deal.
Korra: You know your old turf better than anyone. Are there any old tunnels or passageways under the streets? Ways to move around undetected?
Jaragala: Sure, but what do I have to gain by telling the Avatar and the handsome Sea Guardian as well as their cops all my secrets.
Korra: I so want to drop a boulder on her head for trying to flirt with my man.(Korra saids in thought while trying not to harm Jaragala for flirting with Troy who doesn't seem to have any affect on the Atlantean)
Mako: We know where Tokuga is hiding, I assume you'd like a change to reclaim the Creeping Crystals turf?
Jaragala: You want to help me get revenge?
Troy: Sigh..look we just want our friend back all right.
Jaragala: Do you know how my triad first got its name? From the Jennamite, the original Creeping Crystal. When it comes into contact with organic matter, Jennamite starts to grow and grow until there is no escape. Tokuga's about to discover why the Creeping Crystals were once the most feared triad in Republic City.
Soon Jaragala got up from her spot and went to show Korra, Troy along with Bolin and Mako the secrets passageways that could lead to where Tokuga is keeping their friend.
Jaragala: Some of these passageways are old as the city itself.
Mako: The only building large enough to house a couple of stolen airships is the abandoned Earthen Fire Refinery. Tokuga has to be there.
Troy: And thats where we must go to if our friend is there.
Jaragala: Here we are, this should take us straight to Tokuga.
Korra: And Asami.
Mako: As well as Wonyong.
With Asami who was working on the designs that Tokuga has asked for was constructing the gas part to the airship so that it can be used for the plan the the leader of the Triple Threats has in store for Republic City.
Wonyong: I'm so sorry Asami, you have to know I never intended for any of this to happen.
Asami: Quit talking.
Tokuga: How much longer?
Asami: I am almost finished.
Wonyong: Please Tokuga, I gave you everything you asked for. Why are you doing this?
Tokuga: Because power is never granted to those who ask. It must be taken.
Like hell it is you son of bitch!( a voice was heard in which caught the attention of Asami, Tokuga and Wonyong who looked to see Team Avatar Atlantean fighting off the mecha suits)
Troy: Hello freak show miss me.(Troy saids to Tokuga who looked pissed of what he was called by Troy)
Asami: Troy! Korra! You came!
Korra: Was there any doubt!(Korra saids while air bending a mecha suit away)
Tokuga: Get this ship in the air!
Triad member: Yes sir!
Asami: The pumps are all connected now let us go.
Tokuga: Not likely miss Sato. Take them on board!(Tokuga saids and pushes back Asami with Wonyong who were both grabbed by two members of the Triple Threats)
Jaragala: Hey Tokuga its payback time!
Tokuga: Wha....AH?!(Tokuga saids then gets hit with earth bending by Jaragala)
Jaragala: Oh it looks like you missed your flight. Here a little something for you..catch!(Jaragala saids and throws a crystal at Tokuga)
Tokuga: Ha! You're gonna have to earth bend a lot harder than that.(Tokuga saids after catching the crytal in his hand)
Jaragala: It is time you learned...don't mess with a Creeping Crystal.
All of sudden the crystal that Tokuga caught began to engulf his hand then his entire arm until he broke free when using his eel arm that caught Jaragala off guard.
Tokuga: I love to stay and finish this but my ride is leaving!
Tokuga flipped over and swung himself up towards the air ship that is taking off with the poison gas that Asami was forced to construct while being Tokuga hostage.
Jaragala: Tokuga's getting away and he took Asami with him!
Troy: Korra, Mako, Bolin we have to follow that ship!
Korra: Jaragala come on!
Jaragala: I'm not leaving my turf in the hands of these goons go!
Troy: Let's go Korra, we have to stop Tokuga!
Outside Troy found two motorcycles parked and he took one of them and had Korra get on while Mako and Bolin took the other. Soon all of them drove off to catch up to the air ship that is leaving the area.
Korra: Guys we'll take Kyoshi Bridge!
Mako: How do you know where Tokuga's headed?
Korra: I don't!
Troy: But I do, because the way the air ship is heading into the direction I know about, I know where he is going!
Korra: My hunch is correct with yours Troy, he is going back to where it all started.
Troy: Let's move Team Avatar Atlantean!
On the air ship Tokuga was talking to the driver to head towards the area where the portal is located so that he can give the order to release the poison gas.
Tokuga: Circle around the portal and wait for my order to release the gas.
Triad Member: Understood sir.
Asami: We have a problem.
Both Asami and Wonyong looked down and saw so many people near the portal area and not just them but also the air benders who are guarding the portal along with Orion.
Wonyong: I know...all those innocent people lives are in danger.
Asami: Everyone down there is going to be fine, but if Tokuga releases the gas we wont be. I don't anticipate he would bring us with him.
Wonyong: What did you do?
Triad Member: Is there a problem?
Asami: Nope we're fine. I think I can get us out of this, but you're going to have to trust me.
Wonyong: All right...
Asami: When I tell you to, I need you to get us those gas mask.(Asami saids while looking at the two gas mask in the glass case)
Down below Zhu Li along with everyone else were protesting against Raiko about the portal while Varrick was filming the whole thing and watch his wife do her thing.
Varrick: Get that camera on the ground! We need some low angle shots of Zhu Li! Make her look heroic!
Zhu Li and Everyone: Bring Peace to the portal! The portal for the people!
Camera Man: Uh sir do you want footage of the airship as well?
Varrick: Airship? What airship I don't see any...oh wait now I do. Huh that's not united forces?
Tokuga: Attention people of Republic City! This is Tokuga leader of the Triple Threat triad and soon to be leader of Republic City!(Tokuga saids through the radio on the airship)
Meelo: Is that guy running for president too?
Tenzin: I don't think so Meelo.
Tokuga: President Raiko along with Avatar Korra have failed this city. The spirit portal stands not as a symbol of hope but as a harbinger of destruction. That is why I am stepping in. I will make sure this once great metropolis rises again, and becomes the most dominant power in the world. Starting immediately, the president and the Avatar will answer to me and the Sea Guardian will be cooked alive!
Raiko: Who does that hoodlum think he is? He has no idea what it means to lead a city.
Advisor: No..but he does have a way with words. We should steal that metropolis line for your next speech sir.
Tokuga: My orders is for president Raiko to immediately and permanently withdraw the United Forces from Republic City! Should the president refuse to comply, he should know that I've equipped this airship with poison gas and I wont hesitate to use it!
Everyone began to panic and run for their lives while Zhu Li and Tenzin try to calm everyone down before things get out of hand.
Zhu Li: Please everyone remain calm!
Tenzin: Air benders get ready! If he drops that gas, we'll need to funnel it away from everyone!
Tokuga: I have also brought Wonyong Keum and Asami Sato onboard and his anyone attempts to bring this ship down will result in their deaths!
Iroh: What are your orders sir?
Advisor: And think carefully...whatever you decide may very well determine the election.
Raiko: I backed down against Kuvira and I'm still paying the price. I'm not about to make the same mistake twice. General Iroh withdraw your troops like Tokuga asked and it'll buy us some time.
Iroh: Time for what sir?
Raiko: I want you to call in a squadron of airplanes and force Tokuga's airship over the bay then take it down.
Iroh: But what about Asami and Wonyong? If we attack the ship...
Raiko: Are you questioning a direct order?!
Iroh: No sir...I'll radio the airfield.
YOU WILL DO NO SUCH THING!(A voice saids from behind in which was Troy who arrived with Korra, Mako and Bolin and he looked very pissed at what Raiko has planned)
Raiko: Sea Guardian I have to ask you to......
Raiko didn't get to finish his sentence as he was punched in the face by Troy and was knocked out cold that left everyone speechless while Korra smirked at what her boyfriend did in which Raiko deserved a punched to the face.
Advisor: How dare.....
Troy: You say another word and I will jab my trident through your thick skull am I clear shit head.(Troy saids with a glare that made the Advisor scared like a ghost)
Iroh: Did you just punch the president?
Troy: He ain't my president, now Iroh I am giving you an order to help these innocent people out of harms way. Would you comply or take orders from this dead beat president who is nothing but a coward and lousy man who only cares about himself and his glory.
Iroh: I never like that man in the first place, and I accept the order, I will have my men get these people to safely.
Troy: Good, because Zhu Li and Tenzin need the all the help they can get to make sure these people are safe.
Iroh: Right, all right men let's get these civilians out of harms way!
Troy: Tenzin is everyone all right?
Tenzin: For the moment and nicely done with Raiko, I been waiting for someone to knock some sense into that man and it looks like you already did it Troy.
Korra: Thats my Atlantean Warrior for you.
Troy: It was a good thing I stopped him from telling Iroh to launch a airplane strike on the airship that has both Asami and Mr.Keum on board.
Tenzin: That was very wise of you to do Troy as well as giving Iroh and his men to help get these people to safety. But now we need to focus on saving Asami and Mr.Keum before Tokuga releases that poison gas over everyone and I can't have Orion take it down because that could cause something bad to happen as well as cause the gas to come out.
Korra: He's right we will have to go up ourselves, Tenzin we need to borrow Oogi.
Tenzin: Of course just be careful you two.
Korra: When have you ever known me to be careful?
Tenzin: Sigh...
Troy: Don't worry Teznin, we'll be all right bedsides Asami needs us because we're a team and team never leaves a team member behind. Let's go Korra!
Back on the airship Asami started with her plan to get away along with Wonyong in which she started to rip out the cords from the airship that released the poison gas that got everyone startled.
Asami: Go Now!
Triad Member: What did you do?! Cough! Cough!
Asami: Just made a few modifications!(Asami saids while flipping the triad member over her and into the other member)
On the bridge both Tokuga and the driver saw the gas coming out of the vents and both were coughing and covering their mouths because it was the poison gas.
Triad Member(Pilot): Whats going on? Cough! Cough!
Tokuga: Cough! Asami double crossed us!
Wonyong broke the glass of the case and took the two gas mask and gave on to Asami while he put on the other so that they wouldn't breath the poison gas in the room.
Asami: Cough! Cough! Thanks! Tokuga and the pilot should be passed out. I'm going to to steer us clear of the city.
Tokuga: There's one thing you didn't plan for!
Asami: How did...?
Tokuga: Turns out being half spirit has its advantages.(Tokuga saids and grabs Asami by the neck then rips off the gas mask that Asami had on)
Asami: Cough! Cough!
Tokuga: Now double crossing me, I think its about time I end you once and for all.
I don't think so!
Tokuga: Wha.....ARGH?!!
Tokuga gets kicked and crashed into the wall and then looked to see who kicked him in which was Troy arming with his trident as well as showing his glare towards the half spirit Tokuga.
(Artwork done by me: 95nicholasnm)
Tokuga: YOU!!!
Troy: Korra, create an air bubble around Asami so that she doesn't breathe in the poison gas and you do the same!
Korra: On it!
Korra went over and made the air bubble for her and Asami while also checking to make sure she was all right.
Korra: Don't worry Asami sit tight and I will try to land the ship.
Asami: No, I've seen you drive before just keep me safe while Troy deals with Tokuga and I will steer the airship.
Korra: Yea thats probably for the best. I will make sure nothing happens to you while you steer this ship away from civilian population.
Troy: Care for a rematch.
Tokuga: You look a little pale there fish man here hows about some air to lighten up the mood.
Tokuga began to smash all the windows in the airship to allow the poison gas to be released.
Troy: Asami we need to get this gas away from everyone!
Korra: He's right we can't allow it to harm them.
Asami: I can take us into the spirit world! The poison isn't affecting Tokuga so I don't think it will harm the spirits!
Korra: Then the spirit world it is go!
On the ground Tenzin saw the gas coming out of the airship and had all of his air benders line up and use their air bending to get the remaining poison gas out of harms way while the airship itself entered the spirit portal with Mako and Bolin following it to make sure their friends are all right.
Tokuga: After I deal with you, I going after your Avatar and then next Asami, and I will make sure to allow you to watch as I cause their deaths.
Troy: Then let's get it done you ugly bastard. Because I can tell that your no match for someone like me.(Troy saids with a smirk)
Both Troy and Tokuga charged at each other and defended each attack with both swords and trident in which Troy was getting the upper hand and moving more quicker then Tokuga even if he is half spirit but it wasn't enough when Troy launched a hard punch to Tokuga's face that went flying near the window while a bit of his own blood came down his mouth.
Tokuga: Grr.....
Troy: Stings doesn't it, your time our terrorizing innocent people is over.
Tokuga: No I've only just begun!
Tokuga charged at Troy again and was going to chi block him but missed every time and when he did hit Troy nothing happened due to the fact that Troys skin is imperviousness to any attack that is thrown at him.
Troy: Nice try eel face but my skin is imperviousness to your pathetic attacks.
Tokuga: Maybe so but not your precious Avatar!
Tokuga charges at Korra who was about to bend Tokuga away when all of sudden Troy jumps in front of her and uses his trident to slice of Tokuga's eel like arm that left him in great pain.
Troy: I will not allow anyone bring harm to my Avatar not even scum like you Tokuga.
Korra: Thanks Troy.
Tokuga: I'LL KILL YOU FOR......AAAAHHHH!!!!!
All of sudden the airship titled that made Tokuga fall over to the side and out of the window meaning that Asami did it to help out her friends.
Asami: Stay way from my friends you eel face freak of nature!
Tokuga: Your not going to get rid of me that easy!(Tokuga saids while holding onto the window side with his human arm)
Wonyong: Keum enterprises belongs to me not you!
Tokuga: Why you....AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!(Tokuga saids then gets hit by Wonyong and then falls completely off the airship)
Mako and Bolin saw the airship that entered the spirit world as well as Tokuga falling to the ground in which Mako went to get him and asked Bolin to help Troy along with Korra and Asami. Outside of the portal Iroh along with the united forces as well as Tenzin and Zhu Li were able to get everyone out safely while Raiko who was holding his face after being punched by Troy drove away like the coward he is along with his Advisor. Zhu li looked to make sure everyone was out in time but then heard a small girl who trapped and went over to help the girl before the poison gas gets to her. Zhu Li was able to get to the girl in time with the help of Tenzin and his air benders who were keeping the poison gas away from civilian population. Using the air bending, Tenzin and his air benders were able to get rid of the poison gas and save the lives of those who got out in time.
Back in the spirit world Asami was able to land the ship or more like crash it into the ground but luckily herself along with Troy and Korra made it out safely and unharmed that includes Wonyong.
Bolin: Korra! Troy! Asami! Are you three all right?
Troy: We're good though that was some landing.
Asami: Sorry about that, but Tokuga's thugs are in rough shape.
Korra: I can heal them once I find some spirit water.
Bolin: Once you all back on your feet, you'll be walking straight to prison!
Triad Members: Ugh...I don't feel so good...
Asami: That was a rougher landing then I would've liked.
Korra: It was better than I would've done.
Troy: Oh come Korra yours couldn't be that bad.
Asami: She crashed my car into a lamp post and got a lot of parking tickets.
Troy: Dam water angel, never took you for the driving type.
Korra: Oh shut up.
Troy: Ok I will but we are happy that you are all right Asami, we felt bad for what happened to you. I'm sorry.
Asami: Hey don't blame yourselves, besides I thankful for what you did and thanks for coming for me, the both of you saved my life.
Korra: It's like Troy said as long as all of us are together there is nothing we can't do. We're Team Avatar Atlantean there is nothing that the five of us can't do.
Troy: Here here, and together we can overcome anything.
Asami: You guys the best.(Asami saids and hugs both Troy and Korra)
Bolin: Uh..guys we got company...and its the dark spirits!(Bolin saids while looking at a bunch of angry spirits heading their way)
Eel Spirit: Haven't you brought enough turmoil to our world Avatar?
Korra: I promise we're not here to cause any trouble.
Eel Spirit: As long as that portal remains open, there will be strife between humans and spirits.
Korra: It doesn't have to be that way, if we work together we can find peace.
Eel Spirit: How can there be balance when men like this man here are determined to exploit our world?(Eel spirit saids and looks towards Wonyong)
Korra: Maybe the spirits are right....keeping the northern and southern portals open was one thing, but maybe this one was never meant to exist.
Troy: Korra this portal is precious and its apart of this world and if anyone tries to bring harm to it, I defend it till my dying day. I care about these spirits and their home and I don't want to see them suffer.
Wonyong: For once I agree with the Sea Guardian.
Troy and Korra: You do?
Wonyong: Spirit what if I abandoned my clam on the land where the portal is located?
Eel Spirit: And what would you do that?
Wonyong: I owe the Sea Guardian, Avatar Korra and Asami Sato my life. And the last thing I want is to cause more hostility in Republic City. I'd rather do what I can to support both the Avatar and the Sea Guardian in bringing peace.
Eel Spirit: If you say what is it true then I'm willing to let this matter lie and allow the future to unfold. But we'll be watching what happens next Avatar and for your sake, I hope the situation improves. Otherwise you'll be seeing us again soon. Also Sea Guardian due come back and visit, we spirits due enjoy your company more but keep the Avatar close because I am bound that she will start trouble again.
Troy: Hehehe you got it my friend now go live in peace with the others and I will see you and everyone soon.
Eel Spirit: Farewell.
Korra: I am not going to start trouble again because thats the last thing I need and Wonyong thanks.
Asami: I guess I pegged you wrong sorry.
Wonyong: I hope this means our companies can do business together in the future.
Asami: Don't get ahead of yourself. But we'll see.
Mako: Guys...Tokuga got away. I searched the area where he fell, but there was no sign of him and I didn't see him go back through the portal.
Korra: I bet he'll lay low for awhile.
Troy looked around the area for a minute until all of sudden his eyes locked onto something moving inside the bushes in which he looked to see Tokuga still alive.
Troy: That wont be necessary Korra because I think I just found him.
Korra: What? Where is....
Troy: Be right back.
Troy took off running towards the area that Tokuga was in and when the leader of the Triple Threats spotted the Atlantean heading towards him in great speed, the half spirit went to make a break for it when he was roughly tackled to the ground and was brought towards the face of Troy.
Troy: Thought you could get away from me eel face, your sadly mistaken.
Tokuga: What you going to do take me to prison?
Troy: Well yes that but first to make sure you don't get away again and by doing so I am going to freeze you in very hard and un-escapable ice so that you wont be going nowhere.(Troy saids with a smirk in which his eyes started to glow blue that made Tokuga reacted while trying to break free but couldn't)
(Replace Supergirl with Troy who is using ice vision instead of heat vision)
Tokuga: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
After Troy frozen Tokuga in a block of ice he took the ice with the triad leader trapped inside and went back towards the others who saw their friend carrying a big block of ice in his arms.
Troy: Here you go Mako one frozen Tokuga in a block of hard ice and ready to be delivered to prison and don't worry he wont get out because this ice is very hard to melt and hard to break, lets see anyone try to melt this sucker.
Bolin: Dude that is so awesome!
Mako: Nice job Troy, this makes our job easier.
Troy: Glad I can help Mako. He's all yours.
Mako: Thanks, let's get this frozen popsicle and his goons to prison.
Bolin: Right behind you bro.
Korra: I am going to say it since I said it again, you never cease to amaze me Troy.
Troy: What can I say I am full of surprises.
Asami: You sure are Troy come on let's go on home because soon the election will be starting in couple weeks.
Troy: Even better I cannot wait for Raiko to step down and make way for President Zhu Li Moon.
Korra: Absolutely babe.
Three weeks after Tokuga and his Triple Threats were thrown in prison and the spirits portal safe everyone was getting ready for the election to see who will win the election Zhu Li or Raiko and the votes were all in and many chosen who to vote for. So right now people were all dressed up and having a good time while Varrick was showing everyone the video of his wife Zhu Li how wonderful a leader she is while also showing how much of a coward Raiko was as well as getting his faced punched by Troy that earned many laughs from the crowd.
Mako: Hey hows it going partner?
Bolin: Hey Mako, Beifong didn't tell you?
Mako: Tell me what?
Bolin: Don't take this too hard, but now that the triad situation is under control, I've decided to move on. I'm quitting the force.
Mako: Really? But I thought you loved being a cop.
Bolin: Yes, it was thrilling while it lasted, but I can't be tied down. This little bird needs to fly.
Mako: Ok whatever you say bro.
Bolin: Brave, brave, Mako, please don't make this any harder than it needs to be. What we had was a speical partnership, but I'm afraid it is time we go our separate ways.
Mako: Bolin, I'm going to see you at home in like two hours.
Bolin: I'm going to give you some time to process this.(Bolin saids while walking away)
Mako: Sigh....
Troy: He gave you his talk didn't he.
Mako: Yup, and now he is acting like I wont see him again.
Troy: Thats a brother for ya.
Mako: In a weird and goofy way yes.
Troy: Don't worry you will be all right speaking of which have you seen Korra anywhere?
Mako: Yea I just saw her with her parents over there.
Troy: Thanks bro, by the way did you vote for you know who.
Mako: You bet I did and I hope she wins.
Trop: I am counting on it that she will.
With Korra who was with her father and mother, both of them were enjoying the party while also wishing Zhu Li good luck for being the next president of Republic City.
Tonraq: So where's Troy at? How are you two doing since you got back to Republic City.
Korra: Were doing fine dad, and he's somewhere around here I just saw him come in but I guess he must be talking to some people.
Tonraq: Who can blame him after what you and him did for the city, they all look up to him.
Korra: I know they do and so do I.
Senna: Sweetie your father and I are so proud of you and Troy for what you did in which you made us the proudest parents in the world.
Korra: Thanks mom.
Tonraq: And no matter what, I want to let you know that you and Troy have my support no matter what.
Korra: Thanks dad.
Troy: Oh there you are Korra, I've been looking all over for you, a lot of people here and its hard to spot a beautiful water angel in this crowd. Hello again Tonraq and you too Senna.
Tonraq: You have no idea how happy I am to see you again Troy, I want to thank you for being by our daughters side and saving the lives of Republic city.
Troy: My pleasure sir.
Senna: Hello Troy, its good to see you.(Senna saids and hugs Troy)
Troy: Good to see you too Senna. Say Korra I need to talk to you.
Korra: In a minute, I got word the results are in. They're about to make the announcement!
Troy: Really thats great! I wonder who..
And the whopping sixty eight of the vote, Zhu Li Moon wins in a landslide!
Troy: Oh never mind because I just heard it.
Korra: Yes! Whoo-Hoo!
Asami: I knew she would win, congratulations to Zhu Li.
Troy: Don't you mean President Zhu Li Moon of Republic City.
Asami: Yea!
Everyone: Zhu Li! Zhu Li! Zhu Li! Zhu Li!
Behind the curtains Varrick was with his wife Zhu Li who is about to go out in front of the crowd and give out her speech as the new president of Republic City.
Varrick: Congratulations!
Zhu Li: I can't believe this is really happening.
Varrick: I assure you, it's all very real and it's tremendous!
Everyone: Zhu Li! Zhu Li! Zhu Li! Zhu Li!
Varrick: Now get out there and do the thing!
Everyone: Zhu Li! Zhu Li! Zhu Li! Zhu Li!
Zhu Li: Thank you! Thank you! Everyone! I stand before you humble and honored to serve as your next president, with no illusions about the challenges we face. If the events of the past several months are any indication, there are still dark times ahead and our path is far from certain. Our Republic and this city are unique in the world. There's no place else where so many disparate groups and traditions have come together to live as one, but Republic City is only its infancy and too ofter, our differences become a source of conflict but it doesn't have to be that way because next time you're walking down the street, look up say hello! to that stranger passing by you and imagine what it's like to walk in their shoes. If enough of us do that, we might someday find balance as a society and with one another.
Troy: Her words sound amazing, like a true leader. Just like Atlanna.(Troy saids in thought while thinking about his grandmother)
Zhu Li: I realize that peace and harmony wont happen overnight. After all, The Avatar have been trying to achieve balance for millennia and there still much work to be done and with the help of the Mighty Sea Guardian who defended those in need as well as the Avatar it will take all of us to support another to fight the forces of hate that seek to throw our lives into chaos. I know the many things have happened in this city and I work tirelessly to help rebuild and help the evacuees find new homes. A new spirit portal near the city is not something any of us could have anticipated but it's here to stay and now that Wonyong has generously donated the land to our city we need to plan for the portals future. And that is why as my first act as president I will bestow the spirit portal and the surrounding wilds to the air nation while having the Sea Guardians friend Orion keep the portal safe as its new protector after what he did for the city after Kuvira was defeated.
Troy: Very wise decision Zhu Li.
Zhu Li: I hope that the air nation continues to thrive and flourish in an area rich with spiritual energy. And I know that under Tenzin's leadership the portal will be safe from those who might try to exploit it.
Troy: Korra come with me, I want to have that talk now.(Troy saids while leading Korra away from the crowd)
Korra: Ok?
While Zhu Li was continuing on with her speech to everyone, Troy took Korra outside where the night is beautiful and thought about it over and thought it was the time to tell Korra about what he wants to say to her.
Korra: What are we doing out here not that I don't mind if it just us? The speech isn't even over yet.
Troy: I know but I just wanted you to myself because there is something I need to tell you.
Korra: What is it?
Troy: I've been keeping this in me for a while but I can't keep it to myself any longer, I love you Korra so much.
Korra: Hehehe I love you too Troy.
Troy: Yes but there is something else.
Korra: Whatever it is Troy you can tell me.
Troy: Sigh...its now or never.
Korra: Troy?
Troy: Korra, I'm an Atlantean Warrior always have been and always will be but it's not enough to be a warrior because a warrior needs someone to fight for besides everyone and that someone is you Korra. After everything we've been through together for the past three years I couldn't stop to think about this amazing person who has given me such a wonderful new life here in this world. You took care of me, you help me adjust, you showed me all these amazing things in this world as well as shared your history and allowed me to make interesting friends who I came to see as family but most importantly you brought happiness to my heart for being in my life and I have never been more in love with you Korra.
Korra: Troy...that was beautiful.
Troy: Korra after spending these past three years with you have been the greatest time of my life and I want to be with you for the rest of my life and that is why I am going to say something that I have been waiting to tell you for those three years and now its that time.
Korra: Tt..Troy....what...what are you?(Korra saids while covering her face of what's going to happen next)
Troy: Avatar Korra, daughter of Tonraq and Senna of the Southern Water tribe, Master of the four elements and the bridge between both the physical and spirit world, the love of my life, my water angel, would you do this Atlantean's honor of becoming my wife...will you marry me Korra.(Troy saids while getting down on one knee that made Korra gasp while the tears were building up and then looked at the ring that was shown in front of her)
(Artwork done by me: 95nicholasnm)
Korra started to cry tears of pure joy of what Troy just said to her and it made her heart beat with so much love that caused her to engulf Troy into a polar bear dog hug while crying with happiness.
Troy: Hehehehe, I take that as a yes?
Troy and Korra looked at each other while Korra was still crying and both of them kissed passionately on the lips and once separated Troy puts the ring on Korra's finger in which the Avatar was absolutely amazed of the jewelry she was wearing.
Korra: 😢sniff....Oh Troy...I...I love it..
Troy: I forged it myself to inspire both my former home and the southern tribe.
Korra: 😢sniff...I..I love you so much.
Troy: I love you to my water angel. I been waiting for the right moment to propose to you and I think this was the time to do it.
Korra: truly are the greatest...
Troy: Come here.
Korra embraced Troy into a hug while more tears came down her face because now she is filled with more happiness and it was all thanks to her lover who will soon become her future husband and her as his wife.
Bolin: Hey whats going on we heard screaming?
Troy and Korra looked to see everyone coming out to see the couple outside until Asami looked to see her friend in tears for some reason and asked what was wrong.
Asami: Korra are you all right?
Troy: You want to show them.
Mako: Show us what?
Ikki: Yea what is going on and why is Korra showing tears?
Jinora: Korra?
Korra: 😢sniff...the reason why I am like this is because...Troy...he....he...I mean this is why.(Korra saids with tears with a smile and showed everyone the ring on her finger)
Admittedly Tonraq and Senna wore big smiles on their faces while Mako, Bolin gasped in shock of what they were seeing and the girls like Jinora, Ikki, Asami and Opal were about to squeal in pure joy, Tenzin along with his wife and his brother Bumi and Sister Kya even Lin looked upon Korra and Troy in proudness until the girls burst out in excitement.
Asami/Opal/Jinora/Ikki: KYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!❤️
Admittedly Korra was engulfed into a big hug by the girls who couldn't believe their friend has just been proposed by Troy and were hugging Korra with such excitement in them.
Bolin: Whoah! Bro, you proposed to her! That is awesome!
Mako: Nice!
Troy: Hehehe thanks guys.
Tenzin: Troy I am so happy for the two of you.
Pema: My gosh Troy did she say yes.
Troy: Sure did after she engulfed me into a polar bear dog hug.
Tonraq: I am so proud of you son, welcome to the family.(Tonraq saids and hugs his future son in law)
Troy: Thank you.
Senna: Troy..😢 made our daughter very happy, and now you are going to take her as your wife, I have never been so happy in my entire life.(Senna saids and hugs her future son in law)
Troy: I have to thank you both for your blessing to marry your daughter.
Lin: Well done Troy, congratulations.
Troy: Thank you Beifong.
Asami: My best friend is going to get married!!
Jinora: Oh my gosh look at that ring!
Asami: Let me see!
(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)
Ikki: Its so beautiful!
Meelo: So cool!
Opal: Such amazing craftsmanship.
Troy: I forged the ring myself.
Mako: Bro that is some amazing work you did.
Bolin: I'll say it looks incredible!
Zhu Li: I wish the both of you a great life together.
Varrick: Looks like were going to have ourselves another wedding!
Ikki: Oh my gosh can I be the flower girl!
Jinora: No way I am going to the flower girl.
Ikki: No I want to be the flower girl I called it first!
Asami: There is so much to do, we have find you the perfect wedding dress for when the day comes.
Opal: I want to help pick out the dress!
Bolin: Ooh! Me and Mako can help out with the decorations!
Mako: Wait what?
Pema: Sorry boys but decorating for a wedding is a job for the laddies, Senna, Kya would you like to join.
Kya: Sure could be fun.
Senna: Anything for my daughter and my son in law. Tonraq send the word out that Troy and Korra are getting married.
Tonraq: I will do that honey.
Troy and Korra looked at everyone who were excited and wanted to get the wedding ready but the couple didn't bother to stop them in which they will tell them where they want their wedding and who can help put the decorations but in the mean time they want to spend their time together.
Troy: We have such amazing friends and family don't we.
Korra: Yea we do. Troy you made me the happiest person in the world and now I am about to have you as my husband.
Troy: And you as my beautiful wife.
Korra: I love you Troy, my Sea Guardian, my protector.
Troy: And I love you Korra, my Avatar, my water angel.
Korra: and to the future.
Troy: Our future.
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