Chapter 25: Turf Wars Part 1!
The next day Korra and Troy invited all of the air benders along with Tenzin and kids towards the spirit portal that is now being guarded by Orion who offered to keep the portal safe from anyone going through and when the spirits got word that Troy had his friend guard the portal they were very pleased to know that someone cares about their well being and want to live in peace.
(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)
Korra: Hey thanks for coming with us everyone.
Tenzin: The air benders and I are always at your service Korra as well as you Troy after what you done for the world. Especially when it comes to matters concerning the spirits.
Meelo: ZZZZ.......
Troy: After what happened with that whole fight, it was a good idea that I had Orion guard the portal so that nothing happens because after what I saw those thugs did and caused a scene near the portal, I cannot let anything go wrong nor allow the spirits to go dark again.
Korra: I just hope we can help them that..the Avatar is and always will be the bridge between the physical and spirit worlds. After that battle last night, I am afraid the spirits think I have turned my back on them.
Troy: Don't feel so bad about yourself, I am sure with some time and respect I can guaranteed you that the spirits will start looking up to you just like how they look up to me.
Korra: Thanks Troy that really helps.
Ikki: Meelo wake up!
Meelo: What? Where are we? Did we crash?
Troy: Hehehe no sleepy head, we're on a bison heading towards the spirit portal.
Ikki: He's right we're about to enter the spirit world for the first time! Don't you want to be awake for it?!
Meelo: Yawn!...I suppose...
Ikki: This is so exciting! I can't wait to see all the beautiful spirity flowers and spirity rainbows and spirity spirits and...(Ikki was about to say something else when all of sudden when they entered the portal and looked towards the ground and what they all saw was dead plant life)
Troy: What the hell happened here?(Troy saids in thought while seeing the spirit world that looks dead for some reason)
Meelo: What a spirity letdown! Thanks for waking me up for nothing Ikki.
Once they all landed on the ground they all took a look at the area and saw all of the plants that trees were dying and destroyed almost like they was a fire started but couldn't figure out what caused it.
Troy: It wasn't like this after we came here?
Korra: You're Troy, I don't understand after we left and came back the flowers were all blooming and there were spirits everywhere and now...
Tenzin: They're gone.
Troy: This area used to be so amazing and filled with beautiful plants and life but now it looks like wasteland and not in a good way.
Tenzin: Jinora told me about you and Korra and I know this place was special to the both of you. I am very happy for you by the way.
Tenzin and Korra: Thanks Tenzin.
Kai: How did this happen? Who's powerful enough to do this to the spirit world?
Jinora: The only ones who can do something like this is the spirit themselves.(Jinora saids whole mediating)
Kai: But it doesn't make sense why would they destroy their own environment?
Troy: They are trying to send a warning so that they can protect themselves from anyone entering the spirit world, it makes all sense now.
Korra: The spirits are trying to tell us they don't want humans to step foot in their realm ever again.
Ikki: But the portal is still open. There's nothing stopping people from coming here.
Troy: You forget that Orion is guarding the portal and if anyone tries to enter, well they will have to go through the the new gate guardian of the spirit world.
Ikki: I guess that is true...(Ikki saids while touching a dead plant when all of sudden both Troy and Korra got worried)
Korra: Ikki don't touch that!
Ikki: Why? What could....Ah!...Korra it's got me!
Korra fire bend the dead plant away but all of sudden this wasn't the only one that was causing trouble because more of the plants started to attack the others. But for some reason they were not attacking Troy, maybe because the spirits still trust him after what he did for them last night as well as made Orion their guard for the spirit portal.
Tenzin: Everyone back to Oogi!
Meelo: This is the last time I visit the spirit world!
Everyone ran back to the vision while also dodging the vines that were coming at them, so far all of them were able to get on the sky bison thanks to Korra who fire bend the vines away so that they can get away safely and once on the bison they flew away and headed back to the physical world.
Tenzin: Is everyone all right?!
Troy: Everyone is safe Tenzin. Orion guard the portal make sure no one gets near it or goes into it!(Troy saids to Tenzin then back to his Orion who nods and stands guard of the portal)
Korra: Uh guys we have another problem.
Tenzin: What do you mean Korra?
Troy: I think she means the tanks heading towards the portal.
Korra: What are the United Forces doing here?
On the ground Korra and Troy looked to see General Iroh and his men putting up a perimeter around the portal while Orion was still guarding it and he looked towards Troy and the Atlantean gave him a sign not to attack them in which Orion nods and stands guard of the portal just in case something happens.
Korra: General Iroh, you need to draw back your troops!
Iroh: Hello Korra, we're here on president Raiko's orders after last nights battle and he wants the portal on lockdown.
Troy: Stupid bastard.
Korra: I agree, we are trying to smooth things over with the spirits and parking the military outside the portal is only going to anger them more.
Troy: And you forget I have Orion guarding the portal and if anything dares threaten the spirits or the spirit world itself theres going to be one hell of a fight.
Iroh: My goal is to keep the peace not incite the spirits.
Tenzin: If thats so, then withdraw and let the air nation and Troy's friend Orion keep watch over the portal.
Ikki: Yea! Nobody's better at restoring peace and harmony than us!
Iroh: Hmm...I'm sorry but I have my orders. If you really want the United Forces to leave then I suggest taking it up with Raiko.
Korra: Oh you bet I will!
Troy: Same here, let's go talk some sense into that asshole of president.(Troy saids that made some of the air benders smirk because they too don't like the president and for what he is doing)
Back in the city, Zhu Li along with Asami were watching the workers construct the new buildings for the city after what happened with Kurvira since she destroyed mostly half of the city and many lost their homes but thankfully thanks to the plans that both Asami and Zhu Li came up with for new homes the construction was on its way.
Asami: Everything stays on schedule, we should be able to move in the first group of evacuees in a few months.
Zhu Li: Hopefully I can convince them all to be patient for a little while longer.
Asami: Speaking of what is Raiko doing here with those evacuees?
Zhu Li: My guess? He's trying to save his job.
Raiko: I know this has been a trying time for all of you, and that's why I've fast tracked this new construction project. I'll be working around the clock to get you into new homes just as quickly as possible.
Civilian: And how quickly will that be?
Raiko: Well...a project scale it doesn't just happen overnight...
Advisor: You'll be sipping refreshing watermelon juice from your balconies by the end of the month guaranteed!
So soon? That's great!
Thank you President Raiko!
I love watermelon juice!
Advisor: A life of safety and security will soon be yours at..The Raiko Residence!
Everyone: Ooh beautiful!!(Everyone were amazed of the place they were looking at)
Raiko: Oh look everyone, it's Asami Sato and Zhu Li Moon. They're overseeing the construction of your new homes.
Zhu Li: President Raiko a word please?
Advisor: Let's get a photo!
Zhu Li: You need to tell your Advisor to stop making promises you can't keep.
Asami: And The Raiko Residence? Really? Have you already forgotten that we brought this idea to you?
Raiko: Always a pleasure ladies.
Advisor: Thank you all for coming, and remember a vote for Raiko is a vote for the future!
Then soon the sky bison that Korra along with Troy came down with Tenzin and the other air benders and went to have a talk with the president.
Korra: Raiko we need to talk!
Advisor: I'll deal with her sir. The president is extremely busy if you want to speak with him, you'll need to make an appointment just like everyone el....
Troy: Get.Out.Of.The.Way...unless you want to end up being worsted into a pile of dust in the next minute.(Troy saids and points his trident at the Advisors face who began to pale as well as starting to feel a wetness from his pants)
Advisor: You may see him....
Troy: Thank you and you may want to change your pants because it looks like you just spoiled yourself.(Troy saids with a smirk as well as Korra who walked by the Advisor and headed towards Raiko)
Korra: Raiko, the portal is a sacred land and you can't turn it into a military base.
Tenzin: Call off the United Forces.
Raiko: I most certainly will not.
Korra: If you don't, you're looking at another spirit crisis on your hands. Who's going to vote for you then?
Troy: I will laugh if he is voted out and someone else took charge.(Troy saids in thought)
Raiko: We wouldn't have a crisis if you hadn't created that portal in the first place.
Troy: The portal was created due the amount of spirit energy Kuvira had in that bomb she created after me and Orion took it down and the portal itself is away from civilian population because if that bomb would of have hit the city many people would have lost a lot of their homes or worse their lives.
The Sea Guardian has a point if that bomb would have been in the city then we would have most likely lost everything that we cared about.
And it was a good thing that portal is outside of the city and away from civilian population, I mean can you imagined what life would be like if we had a portal inside of the city itself.
Raiko: Be that as it may many of these people lost their homes and half of their neighborhood and were leveled in the blink of an eye. Also the Avatar claims to have your interest at hearts but while you were all returning to the city and picking up the pieces, guess where the Avatar was?
Troy: I can answer that question President.
Raiko: Oh Sea Guardian why of course answer the question to where the Avatar was?
Troy: Myself and Korra were in the spirit world.
Why were you and the Avatar in the spirit world Sea Guardian?
Raiko: Properly enjoying a vacation.
Troy: You shut it, and no we were not on vacation as a matter of fact we were making sure the spirits were not turning wild or dark again because if that would to happen can you all imagined a bunch of angry spirits running around causing problems in which they could harm innocent lives and bring destruction wherever they go but luckily we were able to calm them down after the whole Kuvira and Earth Empire incident.
Korra: Did my boyfriend just lie and made it a good one to protect the truth that we went on vacation. I got to admit that was a pretty good lie there.(Korra saids in thought while smiling at Troy's answer to everyone)
He's right I wouldn't want any of my family to be taken away by dark spirits nor have them hurt them.
The Sea Guardian actually did us a favor and if it wasn't for him I wasn't able to find my wife as well as my son. He even helped heal our injures after Kuvira attacked.
He's a hero and great one at that as well as showing us compassion and honesty.
The Sea Guardian saved my life! He's the greatest!
Raiko: I guess I made a mistake about that one but for you Avatar Korra because of your recklessness and selfishness these people lives have been shattered and as usual, I'm left to deal with the consequences.
Troy: I am this close of smashing him into the ground.(Troy saids in thought while glaring at Raiko for insulting Korra)
Asami: You have some nerve coward. When Republic City needed a true leader, Korra and Troy stepped up.
Tenzin: That's right if it hadn't been for them, we'd all be living under Kurvira's dictatorship right now.
Troy: And you better watch your words Raiko because you're in for rude awaken sooner or later.(Troy saids while giving Raiko a mean Atlantean glare that almost made him wet himself just like his Advisor)
Korra:'s fine...let's just go.
Troy: Sigh all right.
Asami took everyone towards her trailer where she works on the plans for the construction to rebuild the city as well as plans for the new houses for the citizens who have lost their homes.
Asami: Someone really needs to put Raiko in his place.
Troy: I was planning on doing that since that guy is a big pan in my ass and I am not the only one who agrees on the term.
Korra: The nerve of that guy.
Asami: Tenzin, you should run for president, Raiko wouldn't stand a chance against the son of Avatar Aang. You'd win in a landslide.
Tenzin: No, my days in the United Republic politics are behind me. Leading the air nation is my priority now. But there is someone else much more capable or leading the United Republic.
Troy: And I think I know just who that person might be Tenzin and she has the skills to make a great president of Republic City far more better than Raiko.
Korra: Who?
Tenzin: Why Zhu Li of course.
Zhu Li: Me?
Asami: Thats an excellent idea! If you were able to keep up with all of Varrick's ridiculous demands, then leading the Republic will seem easy.
Korra: I think it is a great idea!
Troy: President Zhu Li Moon of Republic City, I think it sounds like a wonderful idea for you.
Zhu Li:'s an intriguing proposal and I have been so focused on the evacuee crisis, the thought hadn't crossed my mind.
Tenzin: That's exactly why you would make an exemplary leader, you're so compassionate to the needs of others.
Troy: I agree with Teznin Zhu Li, I think you would make a fine president for this city and its people.
Korra: And with myself and Troy along with you, we can form a great partnership. I am tired of butting heads with Raiko and it would be nice to have a president I see eye to eye with.
Troy: She's got you there Zhu Li and it could be something that you are born to do.
Zhu Li: I don't know..but I will take it under advisement. Tenzin, we should get back to the camp. The new shipment of food and supplies is coming in from Ba Sing Se, and I want to make sure it gets dispersed in a timely fashion.
Tenzin: Lead the way.
Tenzin and Zhu Li leave while Troy along with Korra and Asami waved bye to them for now.
Asami: See you soon President Zhu Li Moon! What do you know? It does have a nice ring to it.
Troy: Hehehe I told you it does.
Asami: So how did it go in the spirit world guys?
Korra: Well we went back to the spirit world this morning and that beautiful field that Troy and I walked on became a wasteland.
Asami: What? It has that is so awful.
Korra: When Troy and I stepped through that portal, I thought my life was finally changing for the better but now that we're back it feels like nothing any different. Raiko's still impossible to deal with, the city's still a mess and now the people are starting to turn on me again except for Troy who everyone appreciates.
Troy: Hey that is not true Korra there are some in this city who still appreciate you, and besides Raiko got to hell for every he cares because he's not much of leader to begin with nor cares about what goes on in the city.
Asami: Troy's right Korra, all of us appreciate you and for what you did.
Troy: And I know one thing thats definitely different. There are always going to be problems to deal with but as long as we stick together, we'll be able to overcome anything. After all we're The Avatar and The Sea Guardian there is nothing we can't do. You and me against the world.
Korra: Troy...
Troy: Yes Water Angel?
Asami: you know I am still here right.
Troy and Korra: Hehehe yea..sorry.
Asami: It's all right you two, and besides I should be getting back to work.
Troy: Are you sure you don't want any company?
Korra: We would be more than happy to stick around some more.
Asami: Nah thats all right, you two should get back to what you are doing as well. Helping people as the Avatar and The Blue Fish.
Korra: Pfff....
Troy: Did you seriously just say The Blue Fish?
Asami: I said Sea Guardian.
Troy: No you really just said Blue Fish I heard you.
Asami: You must be imagining things.
Troy: No you practically just said...
Korra: And we're leaving come on babe, let's go. See you later Asami!
Asami: You too guys!
Troy: I swear just because I wear blue doesn't mean they get to call me Blue Fish.(Troy saids in thought while being dragged away by Korra)
Meanwhile in the city both brothers Mako and Bolin were patrolling the streets while also on the look out for the triads who escaped last night fight and were planning on a search for them and bring them into justice.
Bolin: Both are on a search for justice and themselves.
Mako: Bro enough with the narration, we're not filming a mover.
Bolin: But maybe we should! Varrick could make a mover about us, we could call it Mako and Bolin On The Beat or how about Good Cop, Bad Cop?
Mako: Let me guess, I'm the Bad Cop in that scenario?
Bolin: Well, I certainly can't be, I'm the boyish charmer and you're the brooding, mysterious older brother. I'm sorry but you're not a good enough actor to play against type.
Mako: Neither are you bro. You think being Nuktuk was a strength?
Bolin: Hey! That role had a lot of range.
Mako: Whatever you say Bolin. Hey it's Skoochy!
Bolin: Hey don't change the subject.
Mako: No I mean it's really Skoochy look, you know the kid we're out here looking for?
Bolin: Ooh yea your right.
It's the coppers! Everyone split up!
Bolin: Skoochy wait a minute! It's me your old pal, Bolin. I just want to talk!
Skoochy: You'll have to catch me first!
Bolin: Not a problem.
Bolin chances Skoochy into an alleyway and earth bends a wall cutting off Skoochy so he doesn't get away from the earth bending brother.
Bolin: Nowhere to go now!
Skoochy: Ha! That's what you think!(Skoochy saids while jumping over the earth wall)
Bolin: Oh come on!
Skoochy: See you around slowpoke!
Skoochy was about to get away when all of sudden he gets grabbed by Mako who went the other way around and caught the kid and pin him to the earth wall.
Mako: Not so fast kid.
Skoochy: Hey, hey, hey! Hands off the duds.
Mako: It's been a while Skoochy, how you been?
Skoochy: Doin' fine until you two showed up.
Bolin: Oh good you got him, he gave me the slip!
Skoochy: What do you want anyway?
Mako: Word is you might know where the Triple Threats new hideout is.
Skoochy: And how would I know that officer? Been living on the straight and narrow these days.
Mako: Yea right, then where'd a street rat like you get such nice clothes?
Skoochy: I found them.
Mako: I've seen your arrest reports, I know you have been running numbers for the Triple Threats for a while now.
Skoochy: So what if I have?
Bolin: Quit Lying! Answer Mako's questions!
Mako: Ok bro, easy relax yourself.
Skoochy: Yea don't get yourself all in a tizzy.
Mako: Listen, I was in your shoes once thinking the Triple Threats was my only chance to make something of myself. I know you're just looking for number one, but there comes a time you have to grow up and realize you have a responsibility to help others. The guy you're working for Tokuga..he's very dangerous and people could die if we don't find him. So please, I am asking for your help. Point me in the right direction do the right thing Skoochy.
Skoochy: Sigh..last I heard, The Triple Threats were holed up in an abandoned warehouse at the docks pier thirty one. But you didn't hear that from me!(Skoochy saids to Mako and Bolin then takes off)
Mako: I wont say a word.
Bolin: Sorry I lost my cool bro, I had it all backwards..I am the Bad Cop and you're the Good Cop! Who would have guessed?
Mako: Let's just find Tokuga, I'll radio Beifong for backup.
When night came, Mako along with his brother Bolin as well as Beifong and her fellow officers arrived at the abandoned warehouse and were about to move in and raid the place. But what they didn't realize that no one was inside the abandoned warehouse because the guys that they are looking for are in another location meaning Tokuga wasn't there neither were the Triple Threat triads.
Lin: Everyone get in position, I'll lead the recon team in. Don't make a move until I give the go ahead. All right everyone let's move.
Beifong and the others moved in and towards the abandoned warehouse and once near the door, Lin uses her earth bending to sense the vibration of anyone inside of the warehouse until she picked up some people inside and there were dozen of them.
Mako: How many are there Chief?
Lin: I picked up at least a dozen people on the lower level, get ready to move in.
Once they were all inside and moved into the warehouse and headed down to the lower level of the building, Lin kicked down the door where the dozen of people she felt when she used her earth bending and when the door was kicked down everyone got into fighting position.
Lin: This is the police freeze!
Mako: Uh Chief? I think there is something wrong here.
Bolin: Uh for once I agree with Mako. I thought you said there were dozen people down here and all I see are a bunch of dozen manikins with mask?
Everyone looked to see no one but dummies with clothes and mask meaning that the warehouse that thought where the Triple Threats would be at was a sham. When they were about to look more into the dummies all of sudden Mako spotted something that got him in a panic in which he looked to see explosion devices inside the place.
Mako: Everyone get out now!!
The room exploded but thanks to Mako who used his fire bending was able to hold back the fire from touching anyone.
Bolin: You all right Mako?
Mako: More or less..I am sorry Chief. I thought our lead was solid.
Lin: It's not your fault, Tokuga was one step ahead of us. But I won't let him outsmart us again. Men, sweep what's left of the room and see if Tokuga left behind any clues where he might be hiding.
Lin and her men began to sweep the area for anything that can help find Tokuga but Mako knows that they cannot find anything due to the fact that everything was destroyed nor did Tokuga leave anything that could lead to him.
Mako: They're not going to find anything down there. But there is still one last lead we haven't followed up on yet.
Bolin: Wonyong Keum? But Beifong siad...
Mako: Bro I don't care what she said. Tokuga almost killed us and if Wonyong knows something then he's our only shot at tracking down Tokuga.
The next day both brothers headed over to the place where Wonyong owns and asked his employee about talking to him and it was very important.
Mako: Hello we need to speak with Mr.Keum.
Employee: Do you have an appointment with him sir?
Mako: Uh no ma'am, this is a police matter and it's urgent.
Employee: If you don't have an appointment, I can't help you sir.
Mako: Fine we're leaving.
Guard: Please follow us sir.
Mako: Hey I said we're leaving already.
Guard: Actually can we ask you a question?
Mako: Excuse me?
Guard: Is Mr.Keum in some kind of trouble?
Mako: What do you mean?
Guard: Mr.Keum hasn't shown up for work the past couple days. We haven't informed his employees yet and we don't want to alarm anyone.
Bolin: Your boss has been missing for two days and you didn't think to call the police?
Employee: Mr.Keum's a private man and doesn't like to involve the authorities, so we've been investigating on our own. We've checked his home, but his wife hasn't seen him either.
Bolin: Bro you don't you what I thinking do you?
Mako: My best guess is Tokuga.
Back with Korra and Troy, both of them were walking towards the construction site where they want to meet up with Asami and check to see how she's holding up the plans for the city.
Korra: Hey Troy mind asking me something.
Troy: Sure Korra whats up?
Korra: Yesterday with Raiko why did you lie about us going on vacation to the spirit world?
Troy: It was either that or you get hollowed by those people while Raiko insults you more and I hate when he does that to you because if he saids one more word about your well being well I wont hesitate to use my full own Atlantean magic on him.
Korra: Aw that is so sweet of you babe and you do make a good point.
Troy: I know I do, and I know that Zhu Li would be a much better president than Raiko.
Korra: Oh I totally would love to see Raiko's face when he steps down and makes way for President Zhu Li Moon. Wow even saying that sounds a whole lot better.
Troy: Zhu Li Moon President of Republic City.
Korra: Ooh I like that one.
Troy: Or President Zhu Li Moon, the woman made a difference and help destroy Raiko.
Korra: Hehehe..I think that could work as well.
When both Troy and Korra arrived at the construction site both of them were greeted by the guards who they didn't know about until one of them spotted them heading towards Asami's trailer.
Guard: Can I help you both?
Korra: Yea, we're here to see our friend Asami.
Guard: Is miss Sato expecting you two?
Troy: Is something going on around here sir, because last time we checked we didn't see any of you guards here?
Asami: Hey it's all right you can let them in. Good morning Troy and you as well Korra.
Korra: Morning, so what's with all the hired muscle?
Troy: Did something happen that made you want to hire these guards?
Asami: It's just a precaution guys.
Korra: Because of what happened with Mako and Bolin?
Asami: No I hadn't heard are they all right?
Troy: They're fine but that guy Tokuga from that day during the fight near the spirit portal set up a trap for Beifong and the task force. It nearly blew them all to bits but they were able to get out in time which was good. Though I should have gone with them just in case something worse happened.
Korra: Hey they made it out all right Troy, that is good to know.
Troy: I guess, so what the big deal with you Asami. What's going on?
Asami: Well...I had a small scare last night but it is nothing to worry about.
Troy: What happened?(Troy saids while getting serious as well as Korra)
Asami: A few triad thugs showed up and threatened me unless I paid them off.
Korra: What are you all right?
Asami: Relax guys I am fine, please don't make a big deal out of it.
Troy: We're you friends Asami of course there is always going to be something to worry about.
Korra: Those Triple Threats are out of control.
Asami: It wasn't them Korra, it was some woman named Jargala, leader of the Creeping Crystals.
Troy: And that would explain why you have this much security around so that they wont show up and cause trouble.
Korra: But you don't need all of this Asami, besides you got us to help out. So hows about me and Troy go over to this Jargala lady and pay her a visit and we promise that she will never bother you again.
Troy: Except we have no idea where she could be or this Creeping Crystals which their name sounds pretty ridiculous.
Asami: Hey like I said, don't make it a big deal besides you both know I can handle myself.
Troy: Don't underestimate yourself too much Asami sure you may be able to defend yourself but sometimes the enemy can get clever and smarter that could over power you and take you down without breaking a sweat.
Korra: I'm with Troy on this one, we want to help however we can. Your our friend Asami and we don't anything happening to you not even Mako or Bolin.
Asami: I really appreciated to the both of you but really I don't need...
Troy: You don't need help we know but still it would be nice to do something for a friend and a great one at that.
Asami: Thanks Troy.
Korra: Asami, we've been friends for a long time and I don't want anything happening to you neither does Troy.
Asami: Thanks I really appreciated that you two are looking after me.
Troy: Say hows about me and Korra treat you to dinner tonight if you're not too busy.
Korra: Thats a wonderful idea and we were planning on going out tonight and we would love it if you came along Asami.
Asami: I would love to hows about we meet up at Fan's Dumplings around eight o'clock.
Troy: I heard about that place, I hear the dumplings are really good.
Korra: Sounds perfect we will meet you there at eight.
Asami: I will see you two tonight.
Troy: Well we might as well head back and get ready for tonight Korra.
Korra: Yes we shall, later Asami.
Asami: See you soon Korra and Bl....
Troy: Don't say it! Only my Water Angel and the spirits are aloud to call me that.
Asami: Hehehe all right whatever you say Fish sticks.
Korra: Pfff..Hahahaha!
Troy: Hmph!
Back at the camp site Tenzin is helping Zhu Li and Varrick with the people who are waiting for their food to arrive but it hasn't shown up yet and the line was going crazy.
Where's our food? You said it would be here by now!
Zhu Li: I know, I know, please, be patient. The supplies should be here soon...I hope.
You've been telling us that to be patient all day! I'm sick of being patient!
We want to eat!
Varrick: What do we do? This horde already devoured my whole supply of Varri Cakes! My whole supply except one..I saved your deliciousness all for me.(Varrick saids while hugging his food that made everyone look at him like he was acting weird)
Kya: Ok now he is being weird?
Varrick: What? You can't except me to work on an empty stomach. Mmm..get into my mouth..
Tenzin and Kya: Definitely weird now.(Both said in thought while look at Varrick and his ridiculousness)
Zhu Li: It's Raiko's fault we're in this mess. He assured me those supplies from Ba Sing Se would sail through customs. I swear, he's holding things up just to spite me.
Varrick: Mmnffommnff..nff.(Varrick eating his food while listening to his wife)
Tenzin: This is unconscionable even for him.
Zhu Li: This morning, Raiko was acting like he had the evacuees best interest at heart. What a hypocrite that man is and I guess he only wants to help people when it suits his needs.
Varrick: Well I can't stand seeing my Zhu Li getting so bent out of shape! Why don't you come inside sweetheart and massage your troubles away.(Varrick saids while leading his wife into the tent to talk)
Zhu Li: Thats's so thoughtful of you honey..I guess I could use a break.
Varrick: I'm especially tight in the shoulders and don't go easy, I like a lot of pressure.
Zhu Li: Cough..excuse me? I thought I was the one getting the massage.(Zhu Li saids while giving Varrick a glare)
Varrick: Uh...right..of course dear...for you I will be the best shoulder kneader ever!
Soon Varrick began to give his wife the best massage ever in which was starting to please her while Varrick was struggling not to mess up and embarrass his wife.
Zhu Li: Honey?
Varrick: Yes my love?
Zhu Li: What would you think fo me running for president?
Varrick: I...LOVE IT!
Zhu Li: Really? Korra, Troy, Asami, and Tenzin encouraged me to run against Raiko, but what if I end up losing to that imbecile? I don't know if I could handle it.
Varrick: You wont lose.
Zhu Li: But if I win, suddenly all the problems plaguing the United Republic become my problems. I don't know if I could handle that either.
Varrick: Zhu Li, you are the most tenacious, brilliant, inspiring woman I know! The people love you! If you really want this, Raiko doesn't stand a chance.
Zhu Li: You know what honey, You're right I'm in.
Varrick: WOO-HOO! This calls for a celebration!(Varrick saids while swinging around Zhu Li in the air)
Zhu Li: Put me down dear.
In the city after both Korra and Troy decided to invite Asami for tonight, the two of them were at the Fan's Dumpling waiting for their friend to arrive on the time she chose to meet them while the night is great and everyone is enjoying their time together.
Troy: You got it admit Water Angel this is beautiful.
Korra: I'll say, I didn't know why we didn't think about coming to a romantic place like this and it has a great view of the park as well as Harmony Tower.
Troy: Maybe we will come back here again just the two of us.
Korra: I would love that. Say anything from Asami yet?
Troy: Nothing yet, let's just wait a little bit longer maybe she is just running late is all or just stuck in traffic.
Korra: I agree, let's wait a while.
After waiting for so many hours later both Korra and Troy looked at the time and it was now eight thirty meaning something was wrong and Asami still hasn't shown up at all.
Troy: Ok now something tells me that there is a problem now.
Korra: Yea I know it as well.
Waitress: It's an honor to have you dining with us this evening Avatar Korra and Sea Guardian. May I take your...
Troy: Sorry ma'am but something came up, and its very important.
Korra: Exactly we've got to go sorry.
Troy and Korra ran out and headed towards a phone booth so that Korra can give Asami a call and see where she is until when Korra tried to call her, she didn't pick up and there was no answer.
Troy: What's going on Korra?
Korra: I don't know I tried calling her but she isn't picking up?
Troy: Let's give Mako and Bolin a call maybe they can help.
Korra put in the number to contact Mako and soon the fire bender picked up the phone that made both Korra and Troy relieved.
Mako: Mako here.
Korra: Mako, it's Korra. We need you and Bolin to meet me and Troy at Asami's new office.
Mako: Everything All right?
Korra: I believe so, both me and Troy invieted Asami for dinner tonight but she stood us up but we doubt it. I have bad feeling she might be in trouble.
Mako: We're on our way there Korra, see you and Troy soon.
Korra: Thanks Mako.
Troy: Where we heading?
Korra: Back to Asami's new office, I think she might be in deep trouble.
Troy: I am getting the feeling also let's go.
As soon as Korra and Troy arrived back at the construction site with Mako and Bolin who were waiting for them, both saw the mess of boulders that were smashed into Asami's new office and Korra went to see if she was there with Troy and the brothers following behind.
Korra: Oh my spirits, what happened here?
Everyone looked to see the guards that Asami hired all knocked out and unconscious but still all right and need medical attention.
Bolin: Looks like there was a fight..
Mako: Oh you think?!
Troy: Enough we need to figure out what happened here, Korra see if any of these men know who attacked them and what happened to Asami.
Guard: Argh....
Korra: What happened? Where is Asami?
Guard: Not sure...we were ambushed..
Mako: Did you get a look of who attacked you?
Guard: No..they came out of nowhere.
Korra: Troy, you think it could have been the Creeping Crystal triad?
Troy: I am not sure Korra, but it could be a possibly.
Mako: What are you two talking about?
Korra: I know exactly who did this, it was this gang called the Creeping Crystals triad. Mako do you know where we can find their hideout?
Mako: Yes but...
Korra: Then let's go. Come on Troy we have a friend to save.
Troy: Right behind you.(Troy saids as he and Korra headed out with the brothers following behind)
Mako: Troy, Korra wait a minute! How do you two know it was the Creeping Crystals?
Troy: We're not sure if it was them but we have to make sure.
Korra: We're explain on the way, now drive the car!
When they drove away, all of them headed towards the area where the Creeping Crystals hideout was located in which the triad who were inside their place were mining their own business and not knowing who was about to bust down their door.
While the triad's were enjoying themselves, outside of their hideout, a police car pulled up to the side and out came Korra along with Troy with Mako and Bolin who were near the hideout and Korra was ready to knock down the down with full force.
Mako: Korra hold up!
Troy: Oh boy...
Korra: We're here for Jargala!(Korra saids and kicks down the door of the hideout)
You'll have to get through us first!
Korra: Not a problem!
Korra earth bended the crystals in the hideout and fired them upon the other triads who took cover behind the furniture for wanting not to get hit until the woman known as Jargala came out to greet the Avatar in person.
Jargala: I don't take kindly to people barging in on me, especially the Avatar.
Korra: Where is our friend, where is Asami?
Jargala: You mean Asami Sato? You got the wrong place.
Troy: We know you paid her visit to her office a night ago.
Korra: Exactly now where is she?
Jargala: I'm telling you she's not here. Don't believe me? Take a look around.
Korra: Fine we will.
Troy along with Korra as well as Mako and Bolin looked around the whole place but couldn't find any site of Asami anywhere until they all headed out to look for her again.
Jargala: I told you she wasn't here. Now get lost, Avatar before we make you and Sea Guardian nice to finally meet you.
Troy: Whatever.
Mako: We searched the whole building, the Creeping Crystals didn't take Asami. But something is definitely going on around here, first Wonyong Keum goes missing and now Asami..
Troy: Wait rewind that what did you say about Mr.Keum?
Mako: We went to see if Wonyong but his employee's told us he hasn't been home in two days and his wife is starting to get worried.
Korra: Wonyong's missing too?
Mako: Yea, Bolin and I decided to follow up on your hunch about Wonyong hiring The Triple Threats.
Bolin: But when we tried to talk to him at his office, we found out he hasn't been seen in days.
Mako: If Tokuga was working for Wonyong, maybe things went south between them.
Troy: First Wonyong is missing and now it is Asami why do I get the feeling of who is the one responsible for their disappearances.
Korra: Maybe it was the Triple Threats that took Asami and attacked her office as well as kidnapping Wonyong.
Bolin: But why would they...?
Radio(Lin): Mako, its Beifong are you there?
Mako: Go ahead Chief.
Radio(Lin): I need every available task force member at the police depot, pronto! It's under attack by the Triple Threats.
Mako: We're on our way!
Bolin: Why are the Triple Threats attacking the police depot?
Mako: I am not sure why bro?
Troy: What do you guys have at the station that the Triple Threats can use to fight off against the police force?
Mako: Stuff that we officers use as well.....
Korra: Mako?
Mako: Oh no...
Troy: Whats wrong?
Mako: I think I know, what they are after and what they are attacking the station.
Bolin: Bro you don't think that they took you know what?
Korra: What are you guys talking about?
Mako: I believe they stole some of the mecha suit and tanks that were use by Kurvia in which we had them locked up at the station.
Troy: Well that figures, now we know why they are attacking the police depot.
Mako: We got to move quick!
At the police depot, Lin along with her fellow officers were holding off the Triple Threats who are using the stolen tech that was used by Kuvira during her rule for the Earth Empire until the tech was taken away and locked up but now is being used by the triads.
Who needs bending when you got one of these babies!
One of the triad saids while inside a mech suit and shot flames towards the policemen who were getting away from getting hit by the fire in which more of the triads inside the suits shot fire all together. And standing on top of the tanks was their leader who suffered an incident with the eel dragon spirit that made him into something else.
Tokuga: Triple Threats follow me!
I don't think so Tokuga!(A female voice saids from behind Tokuga who turned around and looked to see Korra along with Troy, Bolin and Mako)
Tokuga: Hehehe, I was hoping you'd show up Avatar as well as you Sea Guardian. How nice it is to see the both of you here.
All of sudden both Korra, Mako and Bolin gasped in pure shock of what they saw while Troy thinks that whatever that eel dragon spirit did to Tokuga he deserved it after what he tried to do near the spirit portal.
Mako: Whoah...
Tokuga: Don't act so surprised Avatar Korra after all you are the one who turned me into this!
Troy: Actually that was your own fought. You're the one who attacked and pissed off the spirit and by doing so that same spirit cursed you for you're wrong doing.
Korra: I didn't mean for this to happen I was trying to stop that spirit.
Tokuga: Well I guess you should have tried a lot harder. Your actions have consequences, Avatar and it is time you learned that.
Korra: What's that suppose to mean?
Tokuga: Hehe, you'll find out soon enough.
Mako: You're the one who needs to answer for your actions not Korra! Who sent you to the portal, to attack the air benders? Was it Wonyong Keum? Are you stealing all these weapons for him?
Tokuga: No one owns me anymore. Mr.Keum works for me now.
Troy: Where are you keeping him?
Tokuga: Why don't you look up, he's been right over your heads this whole time.
Everyone looked up and saw a former earth empire air ship and two people near the door side in which they look to see Mr.Keum tied up.
Korra: Is that..?
Mako: Release Mr.Keum immediately and surrender yourselves!
Tokuga: And why would I do that? You're outnumbered and outmatched.
Mako: You couldn't beat me and Bolin at the portal, and you couldn't kill us with your ploy at the docks. You're not going to win now.
Bolin: Yea this is Team Avatar Atlantean you're dealing with!
Troy: And you do know that I took down an entire army of those mecha suits and tanks back at Zaofu and who knows I might do it again and this time I wont leave anyone standing.(Troy saids and points his trident at the Triple Threats who backed away because they knew that Troy was right because he did take down an entire army on his own)
Tokuga: Oh I do know about your actions in Zaofu and how you defeated Kuvira, but I must tell you that your not completely this Team Avatar Atlantean something because it looks like you're missing a fifth member am I right?
Troy: So it was you who took her.
Korra: Where is Asami?!
Korra went to attack Tokuga who dodged her fire bending and then used his tail arm to grab her by the leg and throw her into the ground.
Tokuga: Hehehe you thought you could..ARGH?!(Tokuga was about to say something when all of sudden he gets kicked in the gut by Troy)
Troy kicks Tokuga in the gut and he went flying towards the tanks and saw Troy pointing his trident at him while showing off a mean Atlantean glare.
Troy: For a mutated eel dragon freak of nature, you're quite annoying.
Then soon Troy looked to see some of the mecha suit about to attacked Bolin and Mako who got knocked out after being electrically shock from the mecha suit and fell unconscious. Troy went over to check out them in which they were all right but turn his attention to Korra who was getting up from the attack that was delivered by Tokuga.
Troy: Are you all right Korra?
Korra: Argh...mhm..
Tokuga: Now that those two police officers are going to back off and let me and the Triple Threats leave.
Troy: You do realize I am still standing and I can just instantly take you out and your Triple Threats in a matter of minutes.
Tokuga: You better back off Sea Guardian otherwise your friend Asami Sato dies.
Troy: Where is she, you abomination.
Tokuga: Look above you.
Both Troy and Korra looked up and saw Asami being in the hands of one of the triads who is a fire bender and was holding Asami by a flame of fire meaning if anything happens then Asami will get hurt.
Korra: No...
Tokuga: Whats it going to be Sea Guardian?
Troy thought it over and he couldn't risk his friend ending up dead but will have to let Tokuga and his Triple Threats go for now and come back another time to face them and save Asami in which Korra was thinking the same thing and both promise to get their friend back and defeat Tokuga and the Triple Threats. So both Troy and Korra let Tokuga and his triad leave for now in which Tokuga and his men moved out with the tanks and mecha suits and marched towards the city of Republic city to reclaim their turf.
Korra: We have to help her.
Troy: We will Korra, as well as take down the Triple Threats as well as their leader.
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