Chapter 22: Vacation in The Spirit World!

After the defeat of Kuvira along with her earth empire as well as her spirit weapon thanks to the heroics of Team Avatar Atlantean in which they all celebrated their victory in which Varrick and Zhu Li had their wedding to celebrate a perfect day but they weren't the only ones who enjoying their day in which two certain heroes decided to take a week vacation into the spirit world and could use a break from all the stuff they went through together so Avatar Korra along with the love of her life Troy The Sea Guardian went into the spirit portal to enjoy some alone time together and they couldn't wait to have the fun of a life time.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Korra: Troy welcome to the spirit world!

Troy: Hehehe Korra you know I been into the spirit world before right there is no need for you to chant it out.

Korra: I know but I just wanted to make the mood more exciting especially it is with you sweetie.(Korra saids while hugging her boyfriends arm)

Troy: Hmm true but still even though I was only here once, I still cannot believe I am actually back in which I am so looking forward to this vacation with you water angel.

Korra: Me too Troy, the spirit world is a pretty unpredictable place. You never know when the ground might drop right out from under and I don't want us to get separated.

Troy: Maybe I should of brought a pair of handcuffs so that we don't get separated.

Korra: Pfff...hehehe are you seriously thinking of chaining us together?

Troy: No I just don't want my beautiful girlfriend to get separated from me because there is no way I am letting that happened again.

Korra: Aw you are so sweet babe 💋.(Korra saids and kisses Troy on the cheek)

Troy: I try water angel, say check out the view from here is it magnificent.(Troy saids while looking at the view of the spirit world in which Korra was admiring it as well)

Korra: I know right it is quite beautiful to look at.

Troy: Say hows about we have some fun, there this amazing field that is waiting for us to run through together. Lets get our bloods pumping and breath in this fresh new air are you with me.(Troy saids with excitement in his voice)

Korra: Oh I don't uh......YOUR IT!(Korra saids and tags Troy then runs into the field)

Troy: Hey you want to fool around! Two can play at that game Korra!(Troy saids and runs after Korra while both were having fun and laughing)

Korra: Hahaha! catch me as you can fish boy!

Troy: Hey I am a lot faster than you so I am so going to catch up to you!(Troy saids while running after Korra into the spirit world)

Soon the vacation began in which both Korra and Troy began to have their week vacation in the spirit world because lets face it they needed a break from all the crap they went through together and this could be the relaxation they needed. Both of them walked around the spirit world and saw many things happening in which made Troy in awe as well as amazed that he is getting to see so much of the spirit world up more closely in which Korra was happy that Troy was enjoying himself and so was she.

Korra: Hey Troy check this out!(Korra saids in which Troy comes towards his girlfriend)

Troy: Whats you find Korra?

Korra: See for yourself.(Korra saids in which Troy looked in front of his girlfriend and saw the most beautiful site he has ever seen in which was a beautiful waterfall with tree life covering all around it)

Troy: Wow what a rare site this is.

Korra: Wanna go swimming in it!

Troy: Oh heck yea I do!

Both Korra found a spot to change into their swimsuits and decided to have some fun in the water and from the moment they both jumped in they can tell that the water was absolutely perfect in which Troy was enjoying himself and so was Korra.

(Artwork done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Troy began swimming around his girlfriend and having fun while Korra did the same in which she was finely having some fun after three years of healing and being away from the outside world but now that she is having fun with the man of her life she can finally settle down and take a break to be with Troy in which he felt the same. Then after then came back to the surface they both looked at each other with smiles on their faces meaning that they were having a blast together.

Troy: Neptunes Beard this feels amazing.

Korra: I am happy that you are enjoying it Troy.

Troy: Yea especially if it is with you water angel, thanks for taking me back here.

Korra: You are quite welcome my handsome and strong Atlantean warrior.(Korra saids and swims close to Troy and raps her arms around her man)

Troy: I love you my Avatar.

Korra: And I love you my Sea Guardian.

Then after they were done swimming some more, they got out and dried themselves off and continued their vacation together in which they started to travel into the forest to see if any spirits were around because Troy did told them that he would like to share stories with the spirits if he returned to their world.

Troy: Have to admit the spirit world is the most beautiful place I have ever seen Korra I mean sure I seen a lot of things back in my world but I never seen a site like this and what I can tell is that Atlana, Mera, and Arthur would of love to see something like this with their own eyes.

Korra: I am sure they will Troy and I know they will be proud that you are alright and made a living in my world.

Troy: I sure did, new friends, new home, and a very beautiful and gorgeous woman in my life who I had the privilege of fighting along side her as well as helped her get back on her feet again.

Korra: In which I am the luckiest girl to have such an amazing boyfriend like you Troy.

Troy: I know and speaking of which where do you think the spirits are I mean haven't seen any of them in a while now?

Korra: I am sure they around, wait here I will scout around to see if I can find any.

Troy: Alright and be careful okay don't want you to go running into a piss off spirit who is probably sleeping because I know how people are when they wake up in a bad mood.

Korra: Um..okay I will make sure I do not do that.(Korra saids they goes off into the forest to look for the spirits)

Troy: She is totally go run into a pissed off spirit anytime soon, might as well sit back and wait and enjoy some relaxation under a tree.(Troy saids as he puts down his trident and relaxes under a tree until Korra gets back)

While Troy was relaxing under a tree, what he didn't know was that certain little spirits were eyeing him from the bushes in which brought smiles on their faces that the person they met weeks ago along with Avatar Korra returned in which they decided to go up and greet the Atlantean warrior.

(Minus the second light spirit the one with the green leaves)

Light Spirit: Hey guys look its Troy, he's back!(Light spirit saids with excitement in which all the other spirits came out and saw the Atlantean warrior relaxing under a tree)

Spirits: It is him our savior has come back!

Light Spirit: Lets go see him!(Light spirit said in which all the other spirits came out of hiding and went towards Troy)

Meanwhile with Troy who was relaxing under the tree and enjoying some peace and quiet until it ended when he heard some familiar voices heading towards him in which Troy opened his eyes and saw the spirits that he met on his first day into the spirit in which brought a smile on the warriors face.

Light Spirit: Troy your here!

Troy: Hello my little friends it is so good to see you all again sorry I didn't come back sooner I had to deal with some trouble in the physical world.

Spirit: We know we heard what happened with the person called Kuvira in which she used spirit vines as a weapon but you stopped her and saved us Troy your our hero.

Troy: Heheh well I didn't do it alone I had my friends at my side along with Orion who was a guardian of my world until he was banished just like me and brought to Korra's world.

Light Spirit: Yea we saw him and he was magnificent he almost looks like spirit just like us.

Troy: For once I agree he does share some similarities to a spirit.

Spirit: Did you remember the promise that you made to us after you left the spirit world to travel with the Avatar?

Troy: Indeed in which I will be happy to tell you all some interesting stories about my home as well as the protectors who defend the world from evil forces.

Spirits: YEAH!

Troy: Oh speaking oh which can one of you find Korra because she went out looking for you guys and I don't want her running into a spirit who is enjoying sleepy time because when a person wakes up from their beauty sleep if someone bothers them well you know what happens.

Light Spirit: Oh sure not all Troy! Can you guys go find the Avatar while we take Troy to a special place.(Light sprint saids to the other spirits in which they nod and went to look for Korra)

Troy: And what is this special place you talking about?

Light Spirit: Oh you will soon find out follow me and the others and you will know.

Then soon the spirits took Troy to a place that would find to his liking and not just him but the other spirits as well in which they came out of the forest and wondered into the fields of the spirit world in which the area was lovely to see even Troy was liking ever minute of it.

Troy: Okay now this is what I call paradise right here.

Light Spirit: Seems like you like this part of the spirit world Troy.

Troy: That I do and everything around here is so bright and the trees as well as the flowers are quite beautiful.

Light Spirit: So what happened after the defeat of Kuvira?

Troy: Well after Kuvira and her armies were defeated and the weapon destroyed Korra and I thought about taking a week vacation into the spirit world to get a break from being the Avatar and the Sea Guardian I mean people like us could use a break of relaxation once in a while.

Spirit: Well we can tell that you going to love here Troy.

Troy: I already am my little spirit friends.

Then soon after walking around the fields and telling lots of interesting things together both Troy and the spirits came to a halt when they see other spirits and a place that looked like small house that got Troy confused is to why there was a house in the spirit world of all places but decided to shrugged it off for now while checking out the other spirits who were at a small table and having fun together.

Troy: Korra never told me that there was someone living in the spirit world besides you guys who lives in that small house there?

Light Spirit: Oh he is a good friend to the Avatar as well as us spirits and were just in time for some of his delicious tea.

Troy: I could go for a cup of tea right now.

Light Spirit: Then lets head right over Troy so you can meet the others.

Troy walked along side the other spirits and headed over to the little house where the other spirits are having what it looks like a small get together in which there is food, drinks and sweets in which Troy liked the most when he was younger and as soon as he made he way over the other spirits who were at the table looked to see their friends along with a person they never seen before and was carrying a strange looking spear but they looked to see that the person looked kind hearted and wouldn't bring and harm to no one.

Light Spirit: Hey everyone were back and we brought a special someone to join us.

Troy: I might as well as leave the trident beside don't want to cause any commotion.(Troy saids and places his trident in the ground and then walked towards the other spirits to greet them)

Light Spirit: Everyone this is Troy the being we been telling you all about and the one who saved us from being used as a weapon from that Kuvira.

Troy: Hello fellow spirits it is an honor to meet all of you.(Troy saids and bows in showing his respect for the spirits until a voice came from on top of a tree in which got the attention of both Troy and the other spirits)

Wait a second before anyone does anything I want to see this being for myself!(The voice saids in which came from another spirit except he was what looked like a lemur that Troy knows about in his world when he was on the surface and looked to see the lemur spirit come down from the tree and began to walk towards Troy to get a better look at him)

Troy: Who is that?

Light Spirit: Thats Aye Aye he is a spirit who was close friends with the first Avatar in which their relationship came out a little rocky but after Avatar Wan sealed Vaatu away and closed the portals to separate humans and spirits both Aye Aye and Wan became friends after Avatar Wan saved them from Vaatu.

Troy: Interesting.

Aye Aye: So you are the one known as the Sea Guardian of which the other spirits told us about.

Troy: Yes I am it is pleasure to meet you Aye Aye.

Aye Aye: Hmm you have respectful manner towards spirits very wise but let me get more closely of what you are.

Troy: As you wish take your time.(Troy saids to the spirit in which he walked around Troy and checking him out from head to toe and can tell he was like anything Aye Aye expected him to be)

Aye Aye: Hmm you look like a human but somehow different in which your giving off an energy feeling that I don't know of, and you don't smell bad in which you smell like a fresh water lake and I have never seen eyes more bluer that yours before and your outfit matches nothing from the human world and also I have never seen someone who has gills on their neck.

Troy: Well I been getting that a lot lately and to answer your questions I am from another world where I am from a race of under water beings called Atlantean's in which my kind lived over thousands of years beneath the sea itself and the energy you felt was my Atlantean magic in which our kind can use sorcery that is completely different from bending.

Aye Aye: Never heard of an Atlantean before hows is that you came to be here?

Troy: I was fighting in war to stop a tyrant from destroying the world who turned out to be one of my own who wanted to destroy everything in his path but I wouldn't join him in which I betrayed him and fought for the humans who lived peaceful lives but then when the tyrant grew angry of what I have done he banished me from my world in which I ended in the world of the elements and made new life.

Aye Aye: Interesting a being from another world and lives beneath the sea itself now that is something new to us.

Troy: Hehehe trust me you guys weren't the only ones who know about where I came from those in the physical world know about me as well.

Aye Aye: I see, have to say I never had another campion over thousands of years in which the first one was Avatar Wan but I am willing to have another one I think I will call you Blue Fish.

Troy: Hehehe whatever name suits you to describe me, I have no judgment besides I been called many things even fish boy but blue fish kind of make sense due to the fact that I am wearing all blue and I have gills of a fish.

Aye Aye: I am starting to like you already Blue Fish and you show respectful manners to us spirits come let us enjoy ourselves together.(Aye Aye saids raps his arms around Troy in which brought the Atlantean warrior a smile)

Troy: Yes indeed my friend.

Troy then sat down with the other spirits in which they all decided to share stories about themselves in which Troy did the same and he told them all about his world as well as his home Atlantis included the earths guardians in which many spirits were amazed that there were other worlds besides the physical world and the spirit world out there. The spirits and Troy started to get along quite well with each other and shared a bond of trust and friendship that the Atlantean warrior really liked and he enjoyed their company very much even when Troy showed some of his magic that made the spirits amazed that the person sitting next to them can use magic that is completely different from what a bender can do. Then after a while now the remaining spirits came along with Korra who looked to see her boyfriend bonding with the spirits at the table and sharing stories with each other.

Korra: Troy there you are and it looks like you fond the spirits.

Troy: Oh hey Korra yea mostly they found me instead and brought me to their peaceful get together in which I am having a splendid time with them.

Korra: Hehehe well I like that you are having fun with them Troy.(Korra saids and sits with him and the other spirits)

Troy: Their the best Korra, I really enjoy them very much.

Light Spirit: And we enjoy having you here Troy especially when you shared your stories as well showed us real magic.

Troy: And for that you are quite welcome.

It would seem that everyone is having a wonderful time together.(An older man voice was heard in which got the attention of both the spirits, Troy and Korra of which the Avatar knows that mans voice anywhere in which a man came out holding a tea pot and was wearing a generous smile on his face)

Korra: Iroh, it is so good to you again!(Korra got up and hugged the man in which brought a smile on the mans face at seeing an old friend)

Iroh: Korra welcome back it is so good to see you again.

Korra: It is good to see you as well Iroh.

Troy: Iroh as in like Lord Zuko's uncle Iroh?(Troy saids and walks towards both Korra and Iroh)

Iroh: Ah you must be Troy, the spirits told me about what you have done for them as well as the Avatar it is an honor to meet you my boy.

Troy: Oh the honor is all mine Iroh, Korra told me stories about your time in the physical world where you helped Avatar Aang and your nephew Zuko save the world from the fire nation and fire lord Ozai.

Iroh: Yes Indeed and I found out about you as well in which I am sorry for the loss your mother and grandmother back in your world.

Troy: Thank you Iroh.

Iroh: So hows about we all settle in and have some nice cup of tea.

Korra: Absolutely Iroh, Troy what do you say?

Troy: I would love a cup of your delicious tea that the spirits told me about.

Iroh along with Korra and Troy as well as the spirits sat down together and had some warm relaxing tea in which Troy found the drink absolutely delicious in which he thanked Iroh for the tea and it brought a warm smile on the old mans face that another enjoys his tea. Then after so many stories and having fun together like a big happy family Troy and Korra decided that it was time to continue to their vacation together in which they both thanked the spirits and Iroh for their time together and will come back to visit when they get the chance.

Aye Aye: See you soon Blue Fish!

Korra: Pff...hehe blue fish?

Troy: What I don't have any problem with him calling me that besides I gave him a nickname as well.

Korra: Really what would that be?

Troy: See you as well Long Ears!(Troy saids to Aye Aye in which he gasp of what he was called in which the spirits and Iroh hid their smirks)

Aye Aye: Hey my ears are not that long!

Light Spirit: Um actually they kind of are in which every here agrees.

Aye Aye: Hmph....

Soon Korra and Troy left while Korra was laughing at Aye Aye's new nickname in which made Troy smirked that he will see him as well as the other spirits soon. Then Korra and Troy continued with their vacation together in which they spent days walking around the spirit world and took rest and camped near the most beautiful spots to sleep. When there was two more days left in the spirit world they decided to do one last thing together in which they spotted a huge mountain and Korra asked her boyfriend if he wants to do a rock climbing race to see who will win.

Korra: Hey Troy you thinking what I am thinking?

Troy: Uh Korra are you sure about this because something doesn't feel right about climbing this thing?

Korra: Oh don't be like that it will be fun come on race you to the top!(Korra saids and begins to climb the mountain side in which Troys shrugged and started to climb as well)

Troy: But seriously Korra I get the feeling something is going to happen in the next couple minutes.

Korra: Why you scared that I am going to beat you! Well think again slow poke.

Troy: Sigh....well I tried she will probably figure it out on her own.

RRMMBBLL!(The mountain then started to shake in which caught the attention of Korra as well as Troy but he knew something wasn't quite right with this mountain)

Korra: Hey what's going on?!

Troy: I tried to tell you that something was up!

Then all of sudden the mountain itself began to change into something big and it looked like it wasn't pleased of who was disturbing its slumber in which the mountain itself turned out to be a giant stone spirit who was eyeing both Korra and Troy.

Mountain Spirit: Who dares climb upon me?

Troy: I knew it wasn't an ordinary mountain, it was a spirit who was trying to slumber and now he looks pissed.(Troy saids in thought while looking at the spirit in front of him)

Korra: Um...I am so sorry noble spirit we didn't realize that you were.....

Mountain Spirit: I should've known pesky humans!

Korra: Hey I am not pesky I am the Avatar!

Troy: Uh Korra if you would please this spirit here was just trying to enjoy his peaceful slumber and we have disturbed his beauty sleep so I think it not wise to provoke him.

Mountain Spirit: Hmm seems like this one knows what I am talking about but an Avatar that is even worse! I didn't complain when you kept the Northern and Southern portals open but creating a new one has gone too far. The human and spirit worlds should have remained separated.

Troy: Looks like someone woke up in a bad mood today?(Troys saids in thought)

Korra: Um about the new portal well you see the new portal was kind of an accident and well you see...(Korra saids but they was cut short when the Mountain Spirit threw both her and Troy away from him)

Mountain Spirit: Leave me realm and never return!

Troy: We understand and still sorry for waking you up!(Troy saids while him and Korra were thrown into the sky far away from the Mountain spirit)

Then soon when both of them were about to hit the ground, Korra used her air bending to catch each other and land on the ground safely unharmed while Korra on the other hand looked bummed out about what the spirit said to her.

Korra: Troy you alright?

Troy: Yea I am alright but have to say I told you so that something was up with that mountain.

Korra: Sigh...yea sorry I didn't believe you.

Troy: Hey it's alright water angel no harm done.

Korra: Well this day was disaster I mean sure the other days were great and all but this one not so much in which almost got us killed.

Troy: Oh come on please we have been through a lot worse together and I am not going to let a cranky mountain spirit ruin these last two days of fun together.

Korra: You know what your right Troy, but it looks like we lost all our supplies so we should probably think about heading back home to the city.

Troy: Actually Korra before the spirit threw us I was able to get the supplies in which I have them right here.(Troy saids and shows Korra her bag of supplies)

Korra: You never seem to amaze me even more Troy.

Troy: I do what I can to please m'lady and speaking of which before we go there is another thing I wanted to do on our vacation.(Troy saids with a smile in which Korra knows what her boyfriend means in which she smiled as well)

Soon both of them moved towards each other and kissed each other on the lips in which Korra wrapped her arms around Troys neck and Troy wrapped his around Korra's waist in which both of them pulled each other closed and then once they finished they separated while looking at each other with such love and compassion as well as comfort.

Korra: You know for what it is worth this has been a wonderful vacation.

Troy: The best ever.

Korra: Say hows about we go visit my parents in the south pole we can take the southern portal there.

Troy: Yea sure why not I wouldn't mind paying them a visit before we head back to the city lets go.

Then after many walks towards the spirit portal that lead to the south pole both Korra and Troy headed towards the portal itself so that they can go visit Korra's parents who came back to the south after the battle with Kuvira ended. Then once they left the portal and head back into the physical world all of sudden Troy was looking at the site that he remembered three years ago of which was the same spot where Korra's father found him as well as the same spot where Troy was brought to this world after what Orm did to him.

Troy: Sigh.....

Korra: Troy you okay?

Troy: This is the same spot of how I came to be here Korra and the same spot where your father found me unconscious.

Korra: Troy....

Troy: Sorry Korra I didn't mean to worry you its just an old memory from three years ago but I am alright just needed to take in the sight again.

Korra: I am here for you Troy you know that.

Troy: In which I am thankful for Korra I really am.

Korra: Come on let's go see my parents.

Troy: Lead the way water angel.

Korra and Troy then soon headed into the southern water tribe to go visit both Tonraq and Senna who were home and were about to have dinner until they saw two familiar faces in which were both Korra and Troy coming towards them in which brought smiles to the couples faces and went over to hugged the two.

Tonraq: Korra, Troy what a surprise! We didn't except you I thought you two were still on vacation.

Senna: How was the spirit world Troy?

Troy: Absolutely magnificent it is nice to see you both really and Tonraq were still on vacation in which we still got two days left so we thought about coming here to visit you both and spend time together.

Senna: That is just wonderful and we would love for you both to stay.

Troy: Thats great because let's just say a certain someone had to wake up a very pissed of spirit mountain in which I told her that something was wrong but she just kept on climbing it.

Korra: Hey I didn't know alright cut me some slack Troy!(Korra saids in which made Troy along with Senna and Tonraq giggle)

Tonraq: Well then you two must be starving were about to have dinner now why don't we all sit together and have a family dinner.

Troy: Great I am starving!

Korra: Hehehe me as well dad.

Senna: Well come on in sweetie and our future son in law, speaking of which don't you think is about time you propose to Korra.

Korra: MOM?!!!!(Korra saids while blushing in embarrassment)

Troy: Same old Senna....

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