Chapter 21: Last Stand Part 2!

After Troy and Orion defeated Kuvira's all powerful mecha giant along with the spirit weapon, Troy along with Korra were looking for Kuvira when all of sudden a bomb was set off in the damaged mecha giant in which Kuvira survived and attached a metal cable to Troy in which she dragged him along with her so that the bomb will take him and her down in which Korra panic to see the love of her life being blown up in which the bomb exploded after Orion threw it far away from the city and landed on the field where the armies are in which after the explosion all of sudden a new spirit portal was opened in which the spirits returned but for Korra she was panicking as well as getting upset because Troy was missing and she needed to find him and make sure he is alive and well. So right now everyone is looking for him and so far they couldn't find him or Kuvira.

Asami: Troy!

Bolin: Troy where are you buddy!

Mako: Troy!

Tenzin: Troy!

Jinora: Dad we check the mecha giant there is no sign of him or Kuvira!

Korra: No!, they have to be here they just have to be!!!!.......

Tenzin: Korra we're........

Korra: TENZIN I CAN'T LIVE MY LIFE WITHOUT HIM PLEASE!!!!.......I...😢sniff....I need to find him....I....I...just.........(Korra with sadness and heart broken in which caused tears in her eyes)

Tenzin: I know.......we will keep searching for him and I know we will find him.

Su: Tenzin I just got back with General Iroh....

Tenzin: Did he and his men find Troy?

Su: No all they could find was this.......(Su saids and holds up Troys trident in which brought shocking and more sadness to Korra)

Korra: can't be just can't........

Tenzin: Su are you absolutely sure this is all they can find?

Su: Yes even me and Lin searched everywhere and we still couldn't find him...

Tenzin: Well keep searching we are not leaving until we have found Troy understood!

Su: Very well we will keep on looking until we find Korra I think it is best you hang onto his trident....(Su saids then hands Korra Troys trident in which she took it)

Korra: 😢sniff......thank you......and please keep searching....

Su: We will Korra don't worry.....(Su saids then leaves to continue searching for Troy along with the others)

Jinora: Wait a minute I think I have an idea where he is, if I am right!(Jinora saids in which got everyones including Korra's attention)

Tenzin: What do you mean Jinora?

Jinora: Well there could be two possibilities in which either Troy is somewhere around all of this forest and vines or he could be.......(Jinora saids until Korra cuts her off)

Korra: The spirit world!!!!

Varrick: Wait a minute how do we even know if he is even in there?

Zhu Li: I am more curious if he could of survived a blast like that?

Opal: I seen what Troy can do and what he is capable of and if he is in there then he probably did survive.

Korra: I am going in to see if he is in there while the rest of you keep searching if he isn't in there until I get back!

Tenzin: Alright we will be waiting until you get back and if Troy is not in there then we will keep searching and I don't care how long it takes.

With that said Korra headed towards the spirit portal to see if Troy was alive while in the spirit world and the others keep on searching just in case Korra can not find him in the spirit world along with Kuvira. Speaking of Troy and Kuvira, after the bomb went off and thought they were dead on not all of sudden due to the power of the energy inside the mecha giant created a new portal in which not destroyed or killed Troy and Kuvira but simply transported or snapped them inside the spirit world in which now Troy is starting to wake up as we speak.

Troy: Neptunes beard what the hell happened? Oh wait a minute now I remember, Kuvira attached her metal cable to me and we both were attached to the remaining of her mecha giant in which a bomb went off and then of sudden........wait a minute the bomb went off and created an explosion in which I am still alive but how though unless all the energy inside the mecha suit created some sort of shield to block its affects that I wouldn't get hit in which means that I am alive and well and which also means......(Troy saids to himself while waking up and then looks around him to see that he is in the spirit world and couldn't believe he was back to the place he went to when he was following Korra)

Troy: I am in the spirit world.....then if I am here then that means?(Troy saids then looks towards his right and sees an unconscious Kuvira who looked a little banged up but alive)

Kuvira: Argh...........

Troy: Yea she is alive as well perfect.....but most importantly I am alive that is good news to know about but what about the others though and Korra I hope they alright as well.(Troy saids in thought until he sees someone coming from the spirit portal in which he got into attack formation until he sees the person he loves in which was Korra who came out of the portal and looked towards the front in which she sees that Troy was alive and well in which brought happiness to her heart and was brought into more tears)

Korra: He's alive........he's survived...😢sniff....he's........TROY!!!!!!(Korra saids in tears of happiness and runs towards her boyfriend with excitement in which Troy smiles that his girlfriend is alright)

Troy: Korra! Your al..........whoah!(Troy saids and gets tackled to the ground by Korra who was looking at him with tears running down her face)

Korra: Spirits....oh spirits your alive!!......I thought you were dead.....I thought I have lost you...😢sniff....I was so scared and worried about you......I....I...just.....

Troy: Shh.....its ok Korra I understand I am just happy that your alive as well....I am sorry I made you worried...I promise to never make you upset ever again...

Korra: 😢sniff.......please don't leave me like that again I couldn't bare it a second time....I am just so happy that you alright Troy.....thats all that matters....

Troy: I will never leave you water angel I promise.....because I love you so much and it is going to take more than just a bomb to get rid of this warrior.

Korra: 😢sniff...hehehe you really are such an idiot but your my idiot and I love you as well...

Troy: Thats good to know but can you get off me now your crutching my stomach?

Korra: Huh? Oh right let me help you up.(Korra saids and helps up Troy in which she hugs him after and he returned the hug)

Troy: Are the others alright?

Korra: They are thanks to you and Orion....thank you for everything Troy...thank you....

Troy: Your welcome my love......

Kuvira: Dah?!!!!....what...what happened are we dead?(Kuvira saids while waking up in shock then looks towards both Korra and Troy in which Troy was glaring at the woman)

Troy: thanks to that bomb of yours that had all of the spiritual energy exploded in which created a new spirit portal and zapped us in here so no were alive and well.

Kuvira: I thought that explosion would kill us both but I never imagined it would do something like this?

Troy: Heh, its going to take a lot more than your so call bomb to kill me but if you want I can end your life here and now but I am not going to because I am not a murder or someone wants to conquer others like you.(Troy saids with a glare while taking the trident that Korra gave back to him)

Kuvira: This is not how I wanted this to end if you all just have surrendered none of this would have happened!

Troy: Like hell we will surrender to someone like you Kuvira and your so called empire.....

Korra: He's right your brought this upon yourself, messing with the spirit vines and acting like a dictator over your people you had to know what you were doing wasn't right.

Kuvira: I was trying to help my people, Su turned her back on the earth kingdom you were gone and now this warrior here got in the way of what I was.......(Kuvira saids until her words get caught off by a slap to the face by Troy)


Troy: Help your people! you call threatening them, taking over their homes as well as hurting them as well as making them bow to you and you call that helping and not to mention you fired a weapon that could of killed them your not helping them your more like conquering them so that feel weak while you are trying to be the one above them while looking at them seeing that they are nothing but servants to you and nothing more. Face it Kuvira your not a hero your dictator as well as someone who just wants power and nothing more its no wonder the people of earth kingdom fear you, your just as bad as fire lord Ozai or better yet your probably worst then my own father and his father before him.(Troy saids in a glare in which spooked Kuvira in which she couldn't believe the words that came out of the mans mouth not even Korra couldn't believe it but she knows that what Troy was saying was the truth)

Kuvira: know nothing of what I am or what I do not even the Avatar you don't understand anything....

Korra: Actually I do and so does Troy, Su told how she took you in when you were younger. It must of been so hard to being an orphan.

Kuvira: Don't pretend you know what it felt like. The Avatar is adore but millions! I was cast aside by my own parents, like I meant nothing to them! How could I just stand by and watch the same thing happen to my nation when it needed someone to guide it?(Kuvira saids in which Troy understand her now what it is like for a parent to just cast aside their offspring like that and mean nothing to them)

Troy: I guess she and I have something in common after all...(Troy saids in thought)

Korra: You wanted to create a place where you and your people would never be vulnerable again. I may not have been an orphan but believe me I understand what it feels like to be afraid.

Troy: And she's right about that Kuvira because we all have something to be afraid about.

Korra: After I was poisoned, I would of done anything to feel in control but when I met Troy things changed in which he helped me through my fears as well as helped me get back on my feet again in which I became strong again and I couldn't thank him enough for what he has done.

Troy: And Kuvira your not the only one whose parent cast them aside like they meant nothing.

Kuvira: What do you mean?

Troy: The truth is Kuvira I am not from this world or the spirit world you see the reason why I was so powerful and was able to defeat you twice in a row is because I am from another world in which my father banished me for the crimes he committed in which I can never forgive him or what he has done to me as well as cast me aside like I was nothing to him.

Kuvira: He's from another world so that explains why he was so different from the others of our world and those abilities he used against me and my army back in Zaofu all makes sense...(Kuvira saids in thought)

Kuvira: If that is true what did he do to you to make you afraid and cast aside like that?

Troy: He found out that my mother was a human being in which he and his father killed her in which he called me a half breed abomination then he stabbed my grandmother with a sword for the throne of my former kingdom then he raged war upon the world and tried to kill millions innocent people if it wasn't for me and my friends along with my mentor and my uncle he would of succeed but unfortunate for me he opened a portal in which I was pulled into and transported to this new world in which I met Korra along with the people around her and made myself a new home as well as a protector of man kind.

Kuvira: I guess that is something to be afraid be cast aside and watching someone who thought was your family in which turned out to be a mad man and wanted nothing but power and decided to kill those who were closes or were closes to him in which he used his power to conquer the world and banish you here..

Troy: Yea exactly....

Kuvira: I guess that something you and I have in common, we had parents in which they cast us aside and thought they meant nothing to them.

Troy: Yea I guess we do...and the way I was looking at you back at Zaofu and the way you were taking charge as well as giving out orders made me remember what my father did back in my world.....

Kuvira: Was he really that awful.....

Korra: He is, even I couldn't forget what he did to Troy......

Troy: See for yourself and you will know...(Troy saids as he activated his armor in which surprised Kuvira of she never seen armor that looked so advanced and creative in which Troy took off the helmet and gave to Kuvira)

Kuvira: Whats this for?(Kuvira saids while looking at the helmet)

Troy: Inside the helmet are recordings and memories of what I been through as well as what my father did but be worn what you about to see would change your life forever.

Kuvira nods in agreement and places the helmet on her in which she sees all the things that Troy has been through as well as where he came from in which Kuvira couldn't believe what she was seeing with her own eyes that Troy is from another world like he said and lives in under sea kingdom with people who have the ability to breathe underwater as well as technology so much more advanced then their own including the heroes with their powers and costumes who protected the world more times then they can count. She also saw Troys grandmother who was quite beautiful as well as respectful to her people in which she ruled all of Atlantis along with Mera who was her guard and Troys mentor in which they both forged the trident for Troy and offer to train him in the ways of their people but then Kuvira saw what Troys father Orm did in which he indeed killed the queen of Atlantis as well as raged war upon the world and tried to kill all those who would oppose him and his armies in which made Kuvira think that was she was doing made her realize that what was doing was wrong and they way she looked at Orm made her realize that she was just like him.

Kuvira: You were right your father was a conquer as well as a killer and he did all of those things for a throne....

Troy: Yea thats right but luckily my uncle would be a much better king then my father..

Kuvira: I saw him and he seams like a good man....

Troy: He is just like my grandmother as well as Mera....

Korra: They would be proud of you Troy just like I am...

Troy: Thanks Kuvira what do you want to do?

Kuvira: Sigh.....I think is about time to end this, I surrender and I mean it this time and I will take responsibility for my actions.

Troy: Very well lets all three of us get going.(Troy saids and walks to Kuvira to help her up in which she took Troys arms and got up with Korra helping as well and they all headed towards the spirit portal together)

Meanwhile with the others outside the portal they were still looking around the area for Kuvira as well as Troy until Jinora spotted something coming out of the portal in which she sees three figures heading towards them in which were both Korra, Kuvira as well as Troy who was alive and well in which brought team avatar atlantean happy smiles seeing their two friends alright.

Jinora: Guys Korra's back and Troy is alive with her!!(Jinora saids in which everyone stopped what they were doing and went to see their friends until the earth empire soldiers surrounded the three in which they asked to hand over Kuvira)

Soldier: Release Kuvira or we will attack!

Troy: Do you metal heads want to end up just like the others back in Zaofu or better yet I can have Orion do that for me.(Troy saids to the soldiers in which they know the person in front of them along with the monster that destroyed the mecha giant in which they all backed away from the three until Kuvira spoke)

Kuvira: Stand down all of you, this battle is over and I owe the Avatar as well as the Sea Guardian my life. Their powers are beyond anything I could ever hope to achieve. I will accept whatever punishment the world sees fit.

Then soon all of her soldiers and men stand down and backed off while Lin along Su came fourth with handcuffs and placed them on Kuvira to take her away along with her army included.

Kuvira: Su I am sorry for all the anguish I have caused you and your family.

Su: You're going to answer for everything you have done.(Su takes Kuvira away with Lin following behind)

Korra: You think she will change Troy?

Troy: That is for her to decided what she wants to do not ours.

Korra: I guess your right...I am still happy that your ok.(Korra saids and takes Troys hand in which he takes hers as well)

Troy: Same here water angel...

Mako: It is good to see that your alright Troy you had us all worried there for a second.

Troy: Yea sorry I made you all worried but don't worry I wont be doing anything like that again I hope...

Bolin: Well whatever the case is your alive that is all that matters buddy.

Asami: And thanks to you and your friend Orion this battle has ended for good.

Tenzin: That maybe true but there is still other things to be done for the world.

Jinora: Dad is right about that..

Troy: Well whatever happens we will do it together because were Team Avatar Atlantean after all there is nothing we cannot do ain't that right Korra.

Korra: Absolutely Troy.💋(Korra saids kisses Troy on the cheek)

Varrick: Oh speaking of which we decided to have our wedding tonight and everyone is invited!!

Zhu Li: Which means we need to get everything ready for tonight.

Soon after the battle was over and that Kuvira was taken into custody as well as her army thanks to Troy along with Korra and Orion everyone headed back to air temple island to have the wedding for both Zhu Li and Varrick in which Troy decided to wear something nice for the wedding in which Tonraq and Senna helped picked out the perfect clothes to wear while Korra was wearing her water tribe dress in which her boyfriend found her to be quite beautiful. Then soon everyone who was invited to the wedding were seated and await for the bride and the groom who wanted down the lane in arms and headed towards Bolin who became Varricks best man of honor in which he gave out his speech to everyone at the wedding.

Bolin: And though the battle took a serve toll on our beloved city, out of the destruction, love did bloom. So that is why dearest friends and family, we gathered today to celebrate the wondrous and at time inexplicable bond between Sir Varrick and The Lady Zhu Li!

Varrick: Hey pal camera on me this is my big day....(Varrick whispers to the camera man as he turns to face Varrick and Zhu Li)

Bolin: True love is a fickle creature, difficult to find, nearly impossible to tame, but Varrick and Zhu Li have proven that even the longest of long shots can have a chance at happiness together. Now for the vows! Do you Sir Iknik Blackstone Varrick of the southern water tribe, master of the high seas, take the Lady Zhu Li Moon to be your lawfully wedded wife? Will you promise to treat her not as your assistant but as your honored and cherished partner?

Varrick: Your darn tootin I do!

Bolin: And do you Zhu Li, take Varrick to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to care for him in sickness and in health, and...and also scrub his calluses on a bi-weekly basis, which isn't really that much to ask.....ok I am not reading all of this!

Troy: Pfff.........thats Varrick for you.(Troy saids in thought while holding in his laugh then looks shrugs it off and goes back to listening)

Zhu Li: I do take Varrick calluses and all.

Bolin: You may do the thing.

Then soon both Varrick and Zhu Li kiss and are now husband and wife in which everyone who is seated clapped and congratulated the two love birds on their wedding day and will always have each other then soon both of them pressed a bottom in which launched many fireworks into the sky to celebrate a wonderful day it is. Then soon night appeared in which music was playing and everyone was talking among themselves as well as dancing to the music that is playing in which both Varrick and Zhu Li danced together.

Mako: My cousin told me how level headed you were during the whole evacuation Wu, I got to admit I am impressed; I think your gonna make a great leader but that doesn't mean I am going to help you find a girl to fall for you so don't ask.

Wu: That's ok Mako sometimes a good evacuation is its own reward.

Korra: Good to see you Prince Wu or should I say King Wu? You ready to get back to Ba Sing Se and finally take the throne?

Wu: Yea well about that...I was actually thinking of stepping down as king and getting rid of the monarchy altogether.(Wu saids in which surprised both Mako and Korra)

Mako: joking?

Wu: For once I am not, now I know what you're gonna say: I am being lazy, I am afraid of responsibility, I am putting my singing career before my people, but its none of those things. I really think the earth kingdom would be better off if the states were independent and had elected leaders like the united republic.

Mako: Thats actually pretty wise and mature of you.

Korra: I think it's a great idea, the earth kingdom should evolve and I will do everything in my power along with Troy to help you make that happen.

Wu: Looking forward to working with the both of you, but for now the dance floor calls.(Wu saids and leaves Mako and Korra alone to talk)

Korra: How you holding up Mako?

Mako: Pretty good thanks for asking.

Korra: The words thank you don't feel big enough for what you and the others did, but I honestly don't know what else to say.

Mako: You don't need to say anything. I want you to know I will follow you and Troy into battle no matter how crazy things get I got your backs and I always will.

Korra: Thank you Mako.

Mako: And speaking of Troy here he comes now and I will leave you two alone.(Mako saids to Korra in which she looks to see Troy in his outfit in which she blushes of how handsome he looks and then soon sees Mako taking his leave)

Troy: Hey....

Korra: Hi.......

(Artwork done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Troy: You look very beautiful water angel..

Korra: Thanks, you don't look that bad yourself and very handsome..(Korra saids while blushing of how Troys looks)

Troy: Hehehe thank you, your parents helped me with the outfit thought it would impress you and Pema did my hair for me.

Korra: Well I am very impressed and I am impressed about what you did for me along with Republic City they see you as their hero.

Troy: Not just me Korra but everyone else as well even you.

Korra: Yea but you were the one who did so much.

Troy: True but you did so much as well in which I am very proud of what you did for this city as well as our friends.

Korra: Its amazing I mean three years ago I was at the southern water tribe recovering from the poison in my body and the next thing I know I meet this amazing and incredible warrior from another world who has been by my side for those many years and never stopped believing in me in which I have never met anyone like you Troy of Atlantis and I mean that.

Troy: Yea three years ago I was in my world taking down Orm from almost destroying the world but then ended up in a new world where people can bend the elements along with a guardian who bend all four of them and it turned out to be a very beautiful girl who changed my life forever in which she offer me a new home along with great friends and to also love and cherish for the rest of my life in which I know my mother and my grandmother would of loved to meet you Korra along with your parents and our friends.

Korra: They would be proud of you Troy and I want you to be by my side every step of the way and help me bring balance to the world.

Troy: It would be my honor water angel and I will always be here for you always.

Korra: I love you so much....

Troy: I love you too and to prove it I want to do something very special for you.

Korra: Really what is it?

Troy: Come I will show you...(Troy saids and takes Korra's hand and guided her and himself to the stage where the music is playing)

Then soon Troy took Korra to the dance floor in which everyone stopped what they were doing in which they looked to see Troy on the stage in which Korra can see what her boyfriend was going to do.

Troy: Hello everyone I hope all of you are having a wonderful time in which I would like to dedicate a song to this special person right in front of me in which I want to show her how much I truly love her and for what she has done for me.(Troy saids to everyone in which Korra places her hands on his thumping heart that Troy was going to sing her a song)

Korra: Troy.......

Troy: Korra I love you with all of my heart and I hope you enjoy this song as well as everyone else here watching because I put my heart and soul at doing this and I want it to be special.(Troy saids in which made Korra tear up a little to what Troy is going to sing for her)

Tonraq: Aw that is so sweet of him....

Senna: He will make a great husband for our daughter honey...I know he will.

Troy: This song is called For You I will and I hope you love it..

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]



When you're feelin' lost in the night
When you feel your world just ain't right
Call on me, I will be waiting'
Count on me, I will be there
Anytime the times get too tough
Anytime your best ain't enough
I'll be the one to make it better
I'll be there to protect you
See you through
I'll be there and there is nothing I won't do

(When everyone heard Troys voice they couldn't believe their ears not even Korra who found her boyfriends voice to be quite beautiful in which she was enjoying the sound of Troys voice while the others got up and walked towards the front to listen to Troy sining)

I will cross the ocean for you
I will go and bring you the moon
I will be your hero, your strength
Anything you need
I will be the sun in your sky
I will light your way for all time
I promise you
For you I will (Yes)

(Soon everyone started to listen more in which started to bring tears in the women as well as the girls who found Troys singing to be amazing and so filled with love and compassion in which Wu was speechless and yet impressed that Troy can sing so good)

I will shield your heart from the rain
I will let no harm come your way
Oh, these arms will be your shelter
No, these arms won't let you down
If there is a mountain to move
I will move that mountain for you
I'm here for you, I'm here forever
I will be your fortress, tall and strong
I'll keep you safe, I'll stand beside you, right or wrong

(Troy while sining took Korra's hand and took her to the stage in which he was singing while walking around her in which she was brought to tears of joy and happiness for what Troy was doing and then started to dance with her very lovely in which her parents were enjoying their daughter dance with the man she loves)

I will cross the ocean for you (I will cross the ocean)
I will go and bring you the moon (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I will be your hero, your strength
Anything you need (And I will be)
I will be the sun in your sky (The sun)
I will light your way for all time
I promise you
For you I will (Yeah-yeah)

(Everyone watched as Troy was sining and dancing with Korra on stage in which they have never seen such marvelous dancing before in which they were enjoying the site they were seeing two people in love with each other while enjoying themselves)

For you I will
Lay my life on the line
For you I will fight, oh
For you I will die
With every breath, with all my soul
I'll give my word, I'll give it all
Put your faith in me (Put your faith in me)
And I'll do anything, oh

I will cross the ocean for you (I will cross the ocean)
I will go and bring you the moon (Ocean)
I will be your hero your strength (Oh, I will be your hero)
Anything you need (I will be)
I will be the sun in your sky (Oh)
I will light your way for all time (Time)
I promise you (Promise you)
For you I will (I will, I will, I will)
I will cross the ocean for you (Ooh)
I will go and bring you the moon (I'll go across)
I will be your hero your strength (Yeah)
Anything you need (Let me be your hero)
I will be the sun in your sky (Baby, yeah, baby)
I will light your way for all times (Yeah)
I promise you (I promise you)
For you I will (I will)
I promise you (Promise)
For you I will (Whoa, oh)

I promise you
For you I, I will

(Song by Monica/New version by MMG)

Then soon when the song ended both Korra and Troy looked into each others eyes in which they will always be together and have each others back no matter what in which both of them kissed each other on the lips in which the crowd went wild for what an amazing performance that took place in which Korra and Troys friends along with the parents were impressed by Troys voice in which they asked to perform on their celebrations or wedding days if he is not too busy in which the warrior excepted their offer to do so. After words the party continued in which Korra went to have some time for herself while looking at the spirit portal coming from the city in which Tenzin joined her.

Tenzin: I spoke to President Raiko, tomorrow he is announcing a plan to expand the city rather than rebuild whats left.

Korra: I bet Aang never could of imagined there would be a spirit portal behind the city.

Tenzin: Korra what you and Troy did changed the world more in a few years than the avatars that came before you.

Korra: But I feel like we have only just begun, there is so much more that I want to learn and do as well as Troy because what I can tell he to wants to learn more just like me.

Tenzin: You don't know how happy I am to hear you so full of hope again and it all thanks to what Troy has done for you and for the love he has given you these past three years.

Korra: Hehehe and I couldn't thank him enough for what he has done and it has been a bit of a bumpy ride, huh?

Tenzin: I come to realize life is one big bumpy ride.

Korra: I know I was in a pretty dark place after I was poisoned, but after what Troy did for me and you all did I finally understand why I had to go through all that. I needed to understand what true suffering was so I could become more compassionate to others even in people like Kuvira.

While the two were talking, Troy came over with a smirk in which he pretended to rush over to them and tell Tenzin what Varrick is planning on doing.

Troy: Tenzin you have to move fast, I think Varrick is going to do something crazy something about flying off the temple in a glider suit!

Tenzin: What?! That doesn't seem like a good idea.(Tenzin saids and rushes away leaving Korra and Troy alone)

Korra: Hehehehe is he really going to fly off the temple in glider suit?

Troy: Oh yea he is totally.....

Korra: Hehehe wanna sit with me for a minute, I am not ready to get back to the party just yet.

Troy: Sure me neither, I could use a break even with my favorite Avatar.

Soon both Korra and Troy sat together and looked towards the city where the spirit portal in glowing.

Korra: Troy, I don't think I ever really apologized.

Troy: What do you mean Korra?

Korra: For leaving home without telling all of you what I was doing including you in which I felt so helpless and ashamed of what has happened during my travels around the world.

Troy: Hey don't blame yourself Korra, you were just in rough spot thats all because if it was me I would of done the same thing but I would only just write letters to you because your like the one person I could really talk to and be around with not that I am saying our friends are alright to talk to but for you it is different because you know what I am going through and you were always there for me when I needed it and it made me very happy to have someone like you in my life.

Korra: Thank you Troy that is really the nicest thing you have ever said to me and I feel the way about you and what we both went through together; were practically the same.

Troy: Yea that is something water angel..but whatever happens I promise to fight along side you and be there when you need me the most.

Korra: And I will fight along side you as well Troy and be at your side every step of the way even in some dangerous situations.

Troy: Thats what I like to hear An Atlantean and An Avatar fighting side by side.

Korra: what do you wanna do now get back to the dance floor?

Troy: Nah, for all the crap we been through together I could use a break or better yet a vacation maybe a week vacation would do just fine for me.(Troy saids to Korra in which she got an idea in her head)

Korra: Lets do it, Lets go on a vacation together just you and me; you get to pick the place.

Troy: Wait really? Hmm...well now that you mention it I did promise the spirits I will visit them back in the spirit world to share stories so hows about there for our vacation together.

Korra: Sounds perfect Troy......

Then soon Korra and Troy packed their stuff together and headed towards the city where the spirit portal was coming from along with the spirits floating around it in which they thanked Troy for doing something amazing for them in which both Korra and Troy have arrived together with bags and Troy brought his trident just in case something happens in which Korra didn't mind at all.

Korra: You ready for some fun sweetie..(Korra saids to her boyfriend in which he smiles and looks towards his water angel)

Troy: I was born ready water angel lets go have some fun and enjoy our week vacation together but not as the Avatar or the Sea Guardian but just as Korra and Troy.

Korra: Sounds wonderful to me....

And so both Korra and Troy walked towards the portal together while holding hands and once they were close and near the portal they looked into each others eyes while smiling that this is going to be a great week for them.

(Artwork done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Korra and Troy: Together.........(Both said and disappear in the portal together to start their vacation and their next journey of being heroes)

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