Chapter 20: The Last Stand!

When the plan that Korra and her friends didn't work and Kuvira was about to fire her weapon at them all of sudden she gets hit with a giant boulder in which knocked down her mecha giant in which got everyones attention from below and once they they saw what happened and heard the loud roar of some kind of beast then heard a familiar voice in which belonged to Troy they realized that Troy was on top of some gigantic monster in which was the one responsible for throwing the boulder at Kuvira in which they have never seen a creature like it before until now. So right now Troy is on top of his friend Orions head in which he was impressed of Orions strength and laughed how he threw a boulder at Kuvira in which made her mecha giant fall to the ground then soon looked towards his girlfriend and everyone else in which he can see the looks on their faces and decided to go down and inform them what he is going to do.

Troy: Hey Korra I thought you guys could use a hand or any case a monster hand that can crush anything in its path!(Troy saids while jumping off Orion and running towards Korra and the others who are still stunned at the sight they were looking at)

Korra: Uh............

Troy: I see that the plan didn't work out, not to worry me and Orion will take care of this.

Su: Troy whose Orion and what in the spirits name is that thing?!(Su saids to Troy in shock as well as frighten)

Troy: Oh that creature behind me is Orion of course, long story short he is from my world as well in which used to be the gate guardian of Atlantis until Orvax banished him for not doing his job right in which he opened a portal that brought Orion here and he has been living in this world for years now in which he hid himself from the world by staying under the sea itself until he and I met when Korra was still recovering in the south in which I made a promise to keep him a secret until the time was right to show himself to the world in any case this is the time and the place for him to fight along side us and end this war between us and Kuvira.(Troy saids to everyone in which their jaw hit rock bottom while Korra couldn't believe that the creature in front of them is from the same world her boyfriend came from)


Troy: Hey they never seen something like you before Orion so cut them some slack!(Troy saids to Orion in which he nods in agreement while everyone looked towards Troy that he can understand what the creature is saying)

Varrick: Wait a minute you can understand that thing?!!

Troy: Yea and that thing can understand you so watch it.

Asami: Ok I am going to state this in a nice way, Troy when were you going to tell us that you had something like this all the time and never told any of us until now?

Troy: What was suppose to tell you guys that I have a creature that is over twenty five stories tall who lived in this world for years without anyone knowing about him or where he came from in which was my world even though I never knew we had a gate guardian of Atlantis until he explained to me and further more how can except me to show him to the world I mean look at him how would the people react to him tell me that.

Mako: He does have a point there..

Bolin: Yea I mean look at the size of this guy even his appearance is terrifying.....No offense Orion!(Bolin saids to everyone even Orion in which the creature understood and couldn't blame Bolin about how he looks)

Korra: I can't believe he never told me about this but I guess he is right I mean this thing this Orion is quite something to be scared of..(Korra saids in thought while looking at Orion)

Lin: You sure you and this Orion can handle Kuvira?

Troy: Trust me Lin, we can handle that mecha giant to fight monster you need a monster of your own in any case I asked Orion to aid us in the battle against Kuvria.

Zhu Li: As much as we want to talk more we will have to discuss it later because is getting back up now!(Zhu Li saids in which everyone turned to see Kuvira getting up from the ground after that attack from Orion)

Asami: Whats the plan now?

Troy: Asami, you along with your father as well as Mako and Bolin take the wounded to your office; Su, Lin, Korra I want you three to head over to help Wu and Pema who I think are in danger because I saw a platoon of mecha suits heading their way and I need you three to go and help them while me and Orion will deal with Kuvira.

Korra: What?!...No I am not going to let you fight that mecha giant alone I will help you.

Troy: Korra can't fight that thing even if you used your bending or the avatar state it still wont be enough its time someone like me and Orion to take care of this and I cannot bare to let all of you risk your lives to fight that thing and I am not going to make the same mistake again.

Mako: Korra he's right our plan failed and Kuvira destroyed the hummingbird suits but if what Troy saids is true that he and Orion can beat Kuvira and her mecha giant then we should allow he to do so.

Korra: But....But....I...

Lin: Korra listen the plan failed and Troy along with friend there might be our only hope so lets respect his decision and go help Wu and Pema along with the remaining citizens who didn't get out of the city.

Su: She's right Korra they need our help more and Troy take Kuvira down and rip that giant to pieces.

Troy: With pleasure Su..alright all of you get going while me and Orion take care of Kuvira.(Troy saids to everyone in which they all nod and began to leave except Korra)

Korra: Troy....I....I....

Troy: Korra just do as I ask please it is what I was born to do, I am an Atlantean Warrior and the grandson of Queen Atlanna as well as the Sea Guardian I will do as I must to protect the ones I care about even the one that I love.

Korra: Please Troy don't do this....I can't bare to loose you, you mean so much to me and I cannot watch the man I love get hurt or worse....

Troy: Korra I will be alright, and I will come back to you I promise.

Korra: You really promise to come back to me when this is over...

Troy: I promise water angel...

Korra: Sigh.....ok.....take her down Troy and demolish her mecha giant for me.

Troy: I would be honored to that for you Korra.

Korra: I love you Troy so much...(Korra saids and places her hand on Troys cheek)

Troy: I love you too Korra now go and hurry.

Korra: Right!(Korra saids and runs off with the others while Troy stays to fight Kuvira with Orion)


Troy: Thank you Orion but now lets take down Kuvira together.(Troy saids to Orion in which he nods and picks up Troy and places him on top of his head)

Meanwhile with Kuvira, after she was hit with a giant boulder before trying to destroy Korra and the others she had her men divert all power and got up from the surprise attack in which she was little light headed after what happened.


Soldier: It appears we were hit with a massive boulder Kuvira?

Kuvira: I know that but who threw it?

Soldier: Uh........Kuvira......I believe that thing in front of us........(The soldier saids in shock and fear in which Kuvira looked towards the front and saw something that was impossible and yet was glaring right at her in which it means it going to attack)

Kuvira: Wha......what is the heck is that thing?!!!!!!

Soldier: What do we do Kuvira?!

Kuvira: Convert all power I am not going to let some monster get in my way!!!(Kuvira saids to her men in which they nod and covert all power to the mecha giant to get ready to attack the creature in front of them with Troy on top of the head)

Back with Troy and Orion who looked to see that Kuvira was getting ready to fight in which they were doing the same in which Troy was telling Orion how to defeat that mecha giant once and for all.

Troy: Alright my friend first we need to destroy the weapon locked on the arm of the mecha giant because as long as Kuvira has that she can destroy everything in her path but without it she is nothing then after words we can focus ripping that giant to pieces.


Troy: Yes the mecha giant is made out of entirely of platinum can you rip that kind of metal to pieces with your strength?


Troy: Good to know, lets do this Orion.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Orion: LETS!(Orion saids and lets out his mighty roar in which Kuvira heard it while in her mecha giant meaning that the creature know as Orion is going to charge first)

Then soon Orion and Troy began to charge at Kuvira while she inside her mecha giant stood her ground and await for the impact of the beast charging towards her while also awaiting to use her weapon against it that is if Orion doesn't destroy it before Kuvira has a chance to use it. When Orion charged at the mecha giant first, Kuvira was hit with a large impact in which she has never felt such strength coming from the beast that was attacking her even if she is in a giant mecha suit made of platinum. Orion started to hit the suit with all of his punches and attacks in which the suit was taking damaged and there were bents everywhere and it was causing so many problems for Kuvira to attack.

Kuvira: Argh!!!!.......I will not be beaten!!!!(Kuvira saids as she takes control of the suit and used its arm to hit Orion in which he dodges to avoid being hit)

With so many attacks that Kuvira was trying to do to Orion, she always misses every time she tries to throw a punch at Orion but for Orion he got the upper hand and started to attack Kuvira with more hits then started to jump behind her and started to damage the mecha giant even more.

Troy: Yea thats what I am talking about get her Orion!!(Troy saids while on top of Orions head and watching his friend kick the crap out of Kuvira's mecha giant)

Orion started attacking the mecha giant more and more in which was taking so much damage in which Kuvira was getting very pissed about in which she had the strength to get Orion off her so that she can use the weapon and fire it upon Orion so that she can see what it can do to him in which Troy can see now it was the time to act and destroy the weapon.

Troy: She is going to fire the weapon, now is our chance Orion do your thing!!!(Troy saids to Orion in which he nods and gets up and charges at the mecha giant again and this time used his teeth to bite down on the weapon in which Kuvira was now getting nervous and angry)

Soldier: Kuvira the weapon isn't working, it is starting to malfunction we can't fire?!

Kuvira: Its not a malfunction that thing is biting down on it in which it is going to rip off the weapon it is useless to us?!!

Then soon Orion crushed down on the weapon more in which he ripped the weapon off the mecha giant along with the arm still attached to it in which the beast bit down on the weapon hard in which caused it to snap it in half.

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Troy: Yes! Well done my friend well done now lets take care of the mecha giant itself.(Troy saids in thought and then told Orion to attack the mecha giant next)

Back with Asami and the others in her office who were tending to the wounded they all made it back safely without anyone knowing while their friend Troy and his friend Orion deal with Kuvira while Korra, Su, and Lin went to help Wu and Pema at the station.

Baatar Jr: What happened did the plan work?

Opal: No it failed in which Kuvira destroyed the hummingbird suits.

Asami: I thought it was our only hope in winning but I guess not.

Baatar Jr: So Kuvira has won....

Bolin: Um not exactly, Troy and his giant monster friend are dealing with her right now.

Jinora: Giant monster what are you talking about?

Varrick: Well the make things short, after our plan failed and our hummingbirds were destroyed Troy came back with a giant monster that is the size of Kuvira's mecha giant and is now beating the snot out of it as we speak.

Tenzin: What!, Mako is that true is Troy really facing Kuvira along side this monster?

Mako: Tenzin even I was surprised and shocked when I first saw the thing and it looked very powerful.

Meelo: YOU GUYS GOT TO SEE THIS!!!! SOME KIND OF GIANT MONSTER IS ATTACKING KUVIRA AND IT LOOKS LIKE ITS WINNING!!!!(Meelo saids to everyone in the room who went out and looked outside and couldn't believe what they were seeing from above the building)

(Orion hitting down on Kuvira's mecha giant in which is taking damage)

Everyone: WHOAH!

Wei: GO ORION!!!! GO TROY!!!


Heroshi: Unbelievable.......

Ikki: Amazing!!! Its taking it down were going to win!!!

Asami: Incredible the mecha giant is made entirely out of platinum that Su and Lin can not bend but for Orion he can rip the entire thing in a matter of minutes.(Asami saids in thought while watching the battle from her office building)

Bolin: Wow after all we have done trying to stop that thing, Orion is taking it down with no problem that is so awesome!!!

Tenzin: In my years I have never seen such a creature like this I have to ask Troy where he found such beast.(Tenzin saids in thought while looking at Orion attacking Kuvira)

With Korra along with Su and Lin, they arrived at the station and found it abandoned until they saw giant looking tunnels in which they started to head in and found everyone who hasn't been evacuated along with Pema and Wu who was on a giant banger mole in which it look like he was communicating with them that they were helping him get the people out of the city and away from Kuvira and her men. Then soon some platoon of mecha suit came in and were getting to attack everyone while Korra along with Su and Lin took their fighting stance and try to protect everyone until Wu started to sing a song which wasn't that good but was heard by the bagger moles in which they dug tunnels on each side then all of sudden they came out behind the mecha suits and smashed them to the ground. Then after words Korra, Su and Lin helped Wu and Pema get the remaining citizens out safely until Korra decided to do something after in which she wanted to go help Troy.

Korra: Su I want you and Lin to go with Wu and Pema and get these people out of here.

Su: Wait where are you going?

Korra: I am going to help Troy with Kuvira.

Lin: Korra he specifically told you that he and Orion are handling it.

Korra: I am not going to just sit here and watch him fight her alone and I am not going to watch him get hurt, I need to make sure he is alright.

Su: Sigh...very well just be careful while you get to him and what I can tell is that he and Orion are beating Kuvira as we speak.

Korra: Thanks and make sure to get everyone out safely.

Lin: We will and good luck..

Korra then soon left Su and Lin with Wu and Pema and headed back into the city to find Troy with Orion who is beating the monster crap out of Kuvira and her mecha giant in which wasn't looking that good due to all the hits and tarrying the platinum to pieces in which took a lot of heavy damage.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

With Kuvira she couldn't believe what was happening to her mecha suit in which took so many damages as well as hits including for the fact that her all powerful spirit weapon was ripped off or bitten off by Orion in which he snapped the thing in half with his jaws. Now Kuvira feels like she has failed yet again in which she not lost her chance to conquer Su's home now she is loosing her chance to conquer Republic City all because of a certain warrior who foiled her plans and is not destroying her greatest creation.

Kuvira: First this warrior destroyed my plans to conquer Su's home, then he destroyed my armies, made a mockery out of me and my empire, and now he is destroying my weapon to take Republic City?!!!!(Kuvira saids in thought while in anger and defeat)

Troy: Alright time to end this, Orion ripped that thing in half and lets end this destructive conflict for good and put an end to this Earth Empire!!!(Troy saids to Orion in which he nods and charges at the mecha giant which is completely banged up and then lifted it up into the air with both arms)

Kuvira: What the spirits is he doing?!!!

Solider: Kuvira he is going to rip the mecha suit in half?!!!(Soldier saids to his leader in which she gets a fear feeling in which something bad is going to happen now)

Kuvira: Grab hold of something and hang on tight!!!(Kuvira saids as she metal bend some metal to her to make sure she hangs on tight when her and her men hit the ground)

Back with Korra who was running towards the battle in which she spotted Orion and what looks like the mecha giant that was banged up and the weapon was destroyed which brought a relief to Korra's face that the weapon was destroyed first and now was watching Orion with Troy on top of the head was lifting the mecha giant in the air in which Korra was seeing that Orion was going to rip the giant in half in which he did when Korra heard a loud tarrying sound coming from Kuvira's mecha giant and soon Orion tarred the giant into two.

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Korra: They....they did it.....I can't believe it they actually did it....YES!!!! THEY DID IT!!!(Korra saids with excitement in her voice and then ran over to check on Troy in which he jumped down from Orion to go look for Kuvira)

Back with Troy after Orion destroyed the mecha giant along with the weapon, he went down to search for Kuvira and take her into custody for the crimes against the nations and for trying to conquer Republic City for nearly destroying it as well as hurting innocent people.

Troy: Come out Kuvira it is over! Your plans have failed and your weapon is no more now come out peacefully and quietly and I might just go easy on you!!(Troy saids while calling out to Kuvira in which she is nowhere to been seen until Troy heard Korra's voice from behind him)

Korra: Troy!

Troy: Korra! What are you doing here I thought I told you to stay with Su and Lin?

Korra: I know but I got worried about you and I went to check to see if you were alright and it looks like you are and thanks to you and Orion Kuvira's weapon is destroyed along with her mecha giant.

Troy: Yea but we still need to find her if we going to end this for good.

Korra: Your right, she needs to come in peacefully and trialed for the crimes she has committed.

Troy: Come on lets go check the remains of the mecha giant maybe we can her in there.

Korra: Ok she might still be in the control area where she was controlling her mecha suit, we can start there.

Troy: Alright follow me and stay on guard.(Troy saids to Korra in which she nods and follows Troy to the remains of the mecha giant)

As soon as both Korra and Troy came upon the head of the mecha giant they went inside of it to find all the controls were destroyed by the fall or from Orion when he was attacking it in which both the Avatar and the Atlantean searched every part of the mecha's interior and couldn't find Kuvira but some of her men were found and were all banged up pretty bad in which they took them out and placed them somewhere safe and then went back to find Kuvira.

Korra: Any sign of her Troy?

Troy: No nothing, it doesn't make sense she was inside this thing when it crashed to the ground but all of sudden she is not which is odd?

Korra: She must be around here somewhere we just have to......(Korra was about to say something until Troy cut her off)

Troy: Wait hold that thought for a second, I am starting to hear something can you?

Korra listened to Troy in which she too was hearing something and it sounded like something was ticking in which Troys eyes shot out wide and he knows what that ticking sound means.

Troy: Korra I know that sound, we got to go like now!

Korra: Troy what is it!

Troy: Its a bomb!

Korra: Oh spirits?!!

Troy: We got to toss this thing before it takes out half of the city!

Korra: What do you have in mind?!

Troy: Orion toss this thing fall away from the city it is going to blow any time soon?!!!(Troy saids to Orion in which he moves towards the head of the mecha suit and picks it up and and was about to throw it far away until a metal cable caught Troy and pulled him towards the mecha suit in which he looked to see it was Kuvira who was attached to the suit and was pulling Troy towards her)

Troy: Kuvira!!!!(Troy saids in anger while being pulled towards Kuvira)

Kuvira: IF I AM GOING DOWN I AM TAKING YOU WITH ME!!!!!(Kuvira saids while pulling Troy towards her and then locking him in a metal trap in which Korra looked upon Troy in horror and was now panicking in seeing the love of her life being trapped by her enemy and was going to be blown up with the bomb along side Kuvira)

Korra: TROY?!!!!!!(Korra screams in fright and watches Kuvira and Troy go flying into the air while attached to the head of the mecha suit in which they were heading right towards the open field where the armies are standing)

Then soon the head of the mecha suit crashed landed on the field where the armies of both the earth empire and the united republic ran for their lives because the next thing they saw was that the mecha suit piece started to glow bright and then all of sudden a huge explosion was heard from across the city in which Korra along with her friends heard and caused the Avatar to panic more that she thinks that Troy was killed in the explosion.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Korra: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!(Korra screams with horror and sadness as well as shock when she saw the explosion with her own eyes)

Then all of sudden something happened in which not only shocked Korra but as well as her friends who arrived near her when she came to the field in which the explosion stopped and the energy of from the spirit vines was pulling back and then soon a bright yellow beam came out of the ground and shot into the sky itself while the open field was covered in vines and tree life itself which means thats the bomb that contain the spirit vine remains created a brand new spirit portal right in front of everyones faces.

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When Korra along with her friends saw the spirit portal that was created from the power still inside the mecha suit, they were in awe of what they were seeing with their own eyes but for Korra it was a different meaning because she just saw the man she loves get taken away from her with Kuvira trapping him on the mecha suit itself before the thing exploded.

Korra: Guys we have to find Troy!, Kuvira caught him in her metal cable and attached herself along with him onto the mecha suit before it exploded!!!

Everyone: WHAT?!!!!

Korra: Please!! I need to find him.....I need to 😢sniff....I need to.......(Korra saids with tears coming down her face)

Tenzin: Don't worry Korra we will look for him together, Mako inform Iroh that Troy is somewhere in there and needs to be found while the rest of us will search each part and send out search parties.

Mako: Right!

Tenzin: Alright everyone lets move and hurry!(Tenzin saids to everyone in which they ran into the field to search for Troy if he is still alive)

Korra: Please be ok Troy....please be ok....please.

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