Chapter 2: A new world Part 2

Troys Dream:

Troy was resting inside the room that he was brought in to rest and while he was resting he started having dreams about his mother along with his grandmother and Mera who were spending time with the young prince in which made me very happy and that he felt love and compassion from the three people who looked after him and these years in Atlantis but while he was dreaming of the three something was happening while dreaming, Troy was seeing his mother in pain as well as his grandmother Atlanna and that two people were hurting them both and the two people who were causing the pain was known other than his father Orm and grandfather Orvax who were torturing and showing nothing but death and chaos throughout the kingdom of Atlantis and the surface world as well as seeing both of them killing the two people that Troy cherished with his life in his home of Atlantis until the dream became the reality of which he was fighting against his father Orm onto which he revealed that he was a half breed and his mother was a human who was slain by Orm and Orvax in which Troys dream was starting to become a nightmare of which he starts to panic but later while in his dream he felt a hand touching him which belong to both Mera and Arthur Curry who was his uncle that he only knew for a day and was the queens first born child of both worlds in which they looked upon Troy with honor and courage while Troy was remembering what Mera told him during the battle in the city on the surface world that a warrior fights for its people but Troy fights for everyone in which Troys dream was starting to become normal again in which he stood against his father and battle against him for the honor of his mother and grandmother queen Atlanna who gave their lives to protect the person who truly loved him as a member of Atlantis until while fighting against his father, Orm held up his trident and created a portal in which Troy was pulled in and looked back at his uncle Arthur Curry and Mera knowing that they will defeat Orm and Arthur will become a great ruler of Atlantis just like his grandmother Atlanna in the dream started to end and Troy began to open up his eyes.

Dreamed Ended


Inside a room that was empty except for Troy who the only one in there begins to open up his eyes due to the light the was reflecting from his helmet lenses in which he started to wake up and looked to see where he was and saw the sun and the outside which was covered in nothing but snow and ice.

Troy: what the heck happened? And where the heck am I?(Troy saids as he was waking up from his nap and looks around him in question of where he was which was an empty bed room)

Troy: What is this place and wait a minute now I remember I was floating in that strange vortex and then a light appeared in front of him in which I was being pulled in so fast and then I fell in hit the ground and saw a person in front of me before I fell unconscious?(Troy saids to himself while remembering what happened to him in which he got up from the bed he was laying on and looked outside the window to see where he was)

Troy: Huh.....I guess I'm in a new world now? Strange the view of the this world is quite beautiful even though it is covered in snow and ice.(Troy saids to himself while looking outside and saw the snow landscape)

Troy looked around him and figured out where he is which was a bedroom made by humans and the room that he was looked like it was made of wood and paper thin walls and then when he looked towards the wall he saw his trident just sitting there which means that the people who brought him to the room didn't take his weapon that his grandmother gave him while he was till a prince of Atlantis and so he took hold of his trident and opened the door of the bedroom and looked both ways and saw that nobody was around.

Troy: How strange where is everybody?(Troy saids in thought then walks out of the bedroom and began walking down the hallway to see if he can find the people who brought him to the place he is at until he heard a mans voice from behind him)

I see that you are fully awake.(The mans voice that belong to the person who found Troy which was Tonraq and next to him was his wife Senna who Troy turned around and saw the two people behind him)

Troy: They must the people who brought me here.(Troy saids in thought while looking at the two then Senna came up to him to see he was alright)

Senna: Hello my name Senna and this my husband Tonraq, he found you near the spirit portal while you were unconscious and took you to our home so you can rest.

Troy: It is a pleasure to meet you miss Senna and you as well Tonraq and thank you for bringing me here so I can recover from my incident.

Tonraq: Not at all son but who are you and where do you come from because you are definitely not from the north or south pole or anywhere to be exact since you fell out of a portal that appeared out of nowhere while me and my men were scouting the area.

Senna: Honey I think it is best we go somewhere so that he can tell us everything about who he is if that is alright with you sir?(Senna saids to her husband and looked towards Troy of what she said)

Troy: Yes that would be alright and you deserve to know who I am and where I came from as well as what I am if you tell me where I am and what world is this.

Senna: Not at all, everyone is waiting in the other room as well as our daughter and her healer they too would like to know about you as well including some members who we trust.

Troy: Understood care to show me the way.(Troy saids to the both in which they nod and the three walked towards the room in which everyone was waiting to know about what Troy is and where he came from and how he came to be in their world)

While the three were heading towards the room they about to head in all of sudden a giant looking dog like creature came bursting out of the room and tackled Troy to the ground in which a girls voice was heard from behind which belong to Korra.

Korra: Naga no! Don't jump our guest like that!(Korra saids to her dog friend who didn't hear her and began to lick Troys face while he had his helmet on but found the creature to be quite lovable in which he giggled of what the creature was doing)

Troy: Hehehe!, down girl I am quite ticklish hehehehe!(Troy saids while being licked by Naga who was the white dog creature in which both Tonraq and Senna looked at Troy with a smile that he finds Naga to be quite joy-able)

Korra: Naga get off him!(Korra saids louder and then her friend got off Troy and he got up from the ground while Naga stood next to her owner)

When Troy got up from the ground and looked at the girl who was in a wheelchair and looked around his age. He saw that she was wearing a light blue shirt, dark blue winter jacket, dark blue pants, and three pony tails with two in the front and one on the back. But when Troy got a closer look at her, he was amazed of how beautiful the girl looked and had such lovely color blue eyes that sparkle like the blue sea.

Korra: Sorry about that I hope Naga didn't hurt you in anyway.

Troy: Not at all, besides I am very fond of many creatures even some who live on the land, and what I can tell is that she just wanted to introduce herself to me.(Troy saids to Korra and pets Naga on the head in which she loved and wagged her tail which made Korra smile)

Korra: How you feeling my dad found you unconscious and took you home to see if you had any injuries.

Troy: Which I appreciated what he did and yes I am fine and I have no injuries just a rough landing thats all but other than that I feel great after that rest that I had.

Korra: That is good to hear and my name is Korra by the way and I guess my parents already introduce themselves to you.

Troy: Yes they did and Korra thats a beautiful name for a lovely girl like yourself in which your name stands for heart maiden.(Troy saids to Korra in which earned her a blush for her name being beautiful)

Korra: Thanks and I never knew my name mean something like that but anyway may I ask who you are?

Troy: I will tell you as well as everyone else in the room since I to want to know where I am and what world is this and I will happy to share my knowledge and history to you all.(Troy saids to Korra in which she understood including everyone else in the room even the parents)

(White lotus members and Katara)

Once everyone including Troy enter the room and the doors shut, the meeting for what Troy is would begin while some of the members were looking at Troy from head to toe seeing that they have never seen a person with that kind of armor or weapon in their life before in which one of the members which was the leader and was shorter than the others came up to Troy first.

Leader: Alright now that everyone is here we can begin with who our new friend here is. So tell stranger do you have a name for yourself and I must say when Tonraq told me about a person who fell out a portal that wasn't the spirit portal but a totally unknown portal I must say I have never seen a being like you around here and that armor you wear looks so mysterious and the weapon you carry is something else would you care to tell us who you are and where do you come from.(Leader saids to Troy in which everyone even Korra awaits of what the person in front of them is going to say)

Troy: Greeting everyone my name is Prince Troy of the ancient under sea kingdom known as Atlantis which is from another world.(Troy saids to everyone who looked upon Troy with shock expressions and jaws dropping to the ground that Troy is from another world and what they heard was a place called Atlantis in which they never heard of such a place)

Everyone: He's a prince? and Atlantis?(Everyone saids in thought while thinking what this place called Atlantis was)

Tonraq: I never heard of place called Atlantis before have you master Katara?

Katara: No and I believe its a place we are not familiar with, and you said your a prince are you royalty?(Katara saids to Troy)

Troy: Yes I am and Atlantis is an underwater kingdom which is ruled by a highly advanced race of which known as Atlantean's of which it is what I am and we may look like humans by we are race that has been around for centuries and have the ability to breath underwater in which I can tell that you already seen the gills on my neck to prove it.(Troy saids to everyone who was shocked and stunned of what information they were hearing and Korra couldn't believe it either that there is a kingdom that lives underwater and a race of people who breath underwater)

Leader: A race that can live underwater and a kingdom that has been around for centuries makes impossible but what I can see is that you what you saying is true but we might need some proof of which if you have anything from your world.(Leader saids to Troy in wanting proof if this Atlantis is a real place including these Atlantean's)

Troy: As a matter of fact I do, I have a device that a kept with me to remind me of my home and its people including images of my grandmother Queen Atlanna who ruled the kingdom of Atlantis along with a friend who has been by side for years and her name is Mera.(Troy saids as he takes out his device in which everyone looked at in confusion until Troy pushed the buttom and then out of nowhere a large hologram screen appeared in which surprised everyone in the room)

Once everyone looked towards the screen they were amazed of the highly advanced technology but soon looked at the screen and saw the kingdom of Atlantis in which everyone was in awe even Korra who has never seen such magnificent place even if it is underwater.

Korra: I never seen anything like this before, I mean I seen a lot of things in my world but this something else; an actual underwater kingdom from another world.(Korra saids while in awe at seeing the hologram of the kingdom of Atlantis)

Troy: It is beautiful isn't it this is my home the kingdom of Atlantis home to many sea life creatures and my people the Atlantean's.(Troy saids as the screen was changing showing many images of Atlantis and its people in which everyone in the room was amazed of they were seeing with their own eyes)

Senna: It looks so lovely, I can only picture something like this in a story book that my parents read to me as a child.

Tonraq: Incredible......and this where you came from Troy?

Troy: Yes this is my home of where I learned and trained to become what I am.

Leader: Well from what I am looking right now is the truth and I never imagined that other world exist and people who lived for centuries underwater while living in such an amazing place such as this Atlantis.

Katara: What can you tell us about your home Troy.(Katara saids to Troy in which Korra wants to know about his world and Atlantis)

Troy: Atlantis is an underwater kingdom located somewhere deep in the ocean and it is home to the ancient, isolated, and highly advanced Atlantean culture in which was originally part of a large Atlantean empire because the present Atlantis is now one of the four surviving kingdoms after the great fall.(Troy saids to everyone in which they want to know what the great fall was)

Tonraq: The great fall?

Troy: The great fall was the tremendous cataclysm that saw the destruction of the world power Atlantis millennia before the black zero event in which the entire kingdom fell into ruin and was sunk beneath the bottom of the ocean in which many lives were lost that very day but soon evolved in which our culture grew and our cities changed which gave us the ability to breathe underwater and build technology that is far more advanced of what the humans of the surface can create and as of this very moment in my world Atlantis is still growing and creating more advanced technology while the people roam the seas free and look out for one another and we have keeping the peace for more than millions of years.(Troy saids to everyone who were blown away by how an entire kingdom sunk into the ocean due to an advent that took place many centuries ago in which gave the Atlantean's such incredible abilities that are far beyond their own and has been around for millions of years)

Korra: Hey Troy?

Troy: Yes Korra?

Korra: When you mention that Atlantis was isolated what did you mean by that, why was it cut off from the rest of the world?

Troy: Because of during the advent that took place centuries ago a volcanic split the kingdom of Atlantis from the main land and was pushed far beyond the borders of which led to the destruction of the kingdom of Atlantis and was pulled into the deepest part of the ocean of which the surface world does not know of our existence.

Leader: Surface world?

Troy: People who live on the land like you all here who live on the land while we Atlantean's live in the bottom of the ocean cutting off from the rest of the world.

Senna: But why cut yourselves from the rest of the world?

Troy: Lets just say Atlantean's and the humans never got along that well due to what they are doing to our oceans by dumping chemicals in the sea which killed thousands of ocean life, hunting aqua animals for sport, mining oil from the bottom of the sea which poison many Atlantean's and got them sick and soon became death. And there was also war in which Atlantean's think that the humans see us as enemies but what they realize that our home and our very existence are nothing more than a child's fairy tale in which their parents tell stories to keep them expired.(Troy saids to Senna in which she looked shocked including everyone in the room thinking of what both races did to each other in which they do not want that to happened with Troy until he spoke again)

Troy: But once I got to know humanity during some time of the surface, I found out that there is also life and beauty around each part of the world that my grandmother Atlanna told me about while she too visit the human world and fell in love with a human named Thomas Curry who she and him had a son named Arthur Curry who was my uncle and the next line for the throne of Atlantis.(Troy saids to everyone and shows the images of Atlanna and Arthur)

(Arthur Curry and Queen Atlanna)

Korra: She's beautiful....(Korra saids while looking at the queen on the hologram as well as Arthur Curry)

Troy: Yes she is and one of the wisest Atlantean who ever been so kind to me all these years in Atlantis and taught me so much about my race and the surface world.

Katara: What was she like Troy?

Troy: She was kind, beautiful, strong and brave, and was happy with grandfather Thomas until she had to return to her people because of a promise that was made long ago.(Troy saids while looking down in sadness in which got everyone even Korra's attention)

Tonraq: What happened to her and what promise?

Troy: a young age she met my grandfather Thomas Curry who was human and they fell in love in which a union was formed and resulted in the birth of my uncle Arthur Curry but Atlanna was royalty and promised to the king of Atlantis known as Orvax which was my grandfather as well forbad her to marry Thomas nor raise a child; she was heart broken for what she did and married Orvax in which both had a son named Orm which was my father but during her time while leading the people she never stopped loving Thomas and Arthur Curry.(Troy saids to everyone in which they felt bad for the queen even Korra and while looking at the image of her with Orvax and Orm together she can tell that she was not happy of what she chose to do)

Korra: Thats so tragic........did she ever visit them while she was still ruling the kingdom?

Troy: Yes but only a short time because when Orvax found out he grew with jealously and hatred as well as my father Orm of which he too married as well to my mother of which I never got to know her name because she died years ago and I was only five at the time.(Troy saids to Korra of which she felt bad for Troy that he lost his mother at a young age and his grandfather and father were bad people because of their jealousy for Atlanna's first love life and her first born son)

Korra: And what I can tell is that this Orvax and Orm were not really good people?

Troy: No they were not even when I was around, my father never showed me any love or compassion after my mother died and my grandfather only cared about ruling the kingdom and only sees me as one of his servants but for my grandmother and Mera they showed me compassion after my mother died and have been there for me every step of the way even trained me to become an excellent fighter and warrior of the Atlantean race while learning history of both the surface world and the Atlantean world.(Troy saids to everyone in which they felt horrible that both his grandfather and father never showed him love but for his grandmother and this person Mera who was shown on the hologram did for so long)

Leader: Was this Mera someone you looked up to?

Troy: Yes she was my mentor and taught me everything about being an Atlantean warrior in which she taught me many fighting skills as well as using magic in which us Atlantean's have the power to use for many centuries. She was like no one I had the honor of becoming a student in which she and my grandmother forged me this weapon I have in my hand and it is called a trident which is an ancient Atlantean relic forged for and orginally wielded by the ancient king of Atlantis or any case anyone who is close to the king like bloodline.

Tonraq: So that is what it is called a trident, and does everyone in Atlantis have one?

Troy: Unfortunately the ones who have one are me and the king which is my uncle Arthur before......(Troy saids but stops at the moment because he knows what happened before he was pulled into the portal in which Korra looked at him and wants to know what happened before and after)

Korra: Before what Troy?

Troy: Before my father Orm raged war upon the surface world and tried to kill millions of lives because of what happened to king Orvax in which I found out that a powerful being from another world invaded and destroyed cities and hurt innocent people as well as killing half of life in the ocean of which Orvax was caught in the crossfire and my father blamed the surface world for his death and not the one who caused the destruction on the surface world.(Troy saids to them and saw the image of his father Orm also known as Ocean Master and was declaring war upon the surface world and holding his dead father in his arms)

Tonraq: That is just horrible how could somone do that to innocent people?!(Tonraq saids in anger while everyone else agreed with him)

Troy: Because thats how my father is just like his father Orvax in which I never spoken to either of them because they disowned me and haven't been much of a father or grandfather to me since mom died. But when my grandmother told me about Arthur Curry that he is the rightful heir to the throne of Atlantis for being born of two worlds in which can end the conflict between each race she sent Mera to find him along side me in which we told him everything about his history and who his mother was until we came back to Atlantis and found out something happened while on the way back in which I will never forgive my father for what he has done.(Troy saids while crushing his hands into fist and said the last part in anger in which everyone even Korra could see that something was wrong with Troy and why he hated his father)

Everyone in the room was quiet and awaited for what Troy is going to say next in which Korra can see in her eyes that something terrible happened to Troy that is making him angry and frustrated.

Troy: After we came back, one of the Atlantean's informed us that the queen was killed by a surface dweller of which I never believed it but when we saw the queen lying on the table with a roan on her stomach I release that my grandmother was killed and I never saw her again.(Troy saids with sadness in his voice of which everyone looked at the screen and saw the queen dead on the table while Troy along with Arthur and some costumes looked like people look at the queen who was just lying there in which some of the women in the room felt upset for what happened to Troys grandmother while some of the men looked angry for who killed that person who loved her grandson)

Korra: Troy........(Korra saids in thought while looking sad for what Troy has happened to his grandmother)

Troy: I miss you already grandmother but I will not let your death haunt me because even though you and my mother are gone, you both will have a place in my heart.(Troy saids in thought while looking at his grandmother and thinking about her as well as his mother)

Katara: That poor woman.......

Tonraq: Who did this to her?(Tonraq said in hatred and wants to know who would kill a person like Atlanna)

Troy: See for yourself, I have a recording of the monster who took everything from me and Arthur.(Troy saids as he plays a recording of his father Orm aka Ocean Master who tells that he was the one who killed the queen)

Ocean Master(Record): Welcome home my son, and to you too bastard is Atlantis everything you dreamed of brother or in your dream were you on the throne.

Mera:(Record): YOU KILLED HER!

Ocean Master: I did, I ran the sword through her myself as she mewled for peace you can count yourself fortunate bastard at least our mother wont be the impediment to your life that she was to mine.

Recored Ended

Once the video ended everyone except for Troy were horrified of what kind of monster Troys father has become and he killed his own mother because he wanted the throne for himself and raged war upon the surface world and wanted to kill millions of lives of which Korra was angry like really angry that someone like Orm wanted nothing but power and chaos of which she felt so sad for what Orm did to Troy while also that she has never seen such a horrible and evil man like Orm before and if she ever saw him she will send him to hell for what he has done. Tonraq wanted to kill this man for how he treated his own son and cause the murder of Troys grandmother and started a war against the human while his wife Senna was in his arms crying for what she has seen even Katara showed a tear for what the man known as Orm did to Troy and leader of the white lotus was furious of what kind of being would do that to someone like Troy and this Arthur Curry while the others wanted to destroy Orm for the crime he did to the people of Atlantis.

Troy: And after I found out about what he did to my grandmother both me along with Arthur and Mera and a group of heroes known as the Justice League headed back to the surface and took the fight against Orm and try to stop from hurting innocent people of which I fought with all my strength and power but both me and him were highly skilled and evenly matched until he used his trident to open a portal that sucked me in which he used it to banish me from my world while I have asked Arthur to take down my father and become the next king and look after the people of Atlantis and then after floating in the vortex I ended up here in this world of which I can no long go back to my world since the portal that brought me here can no longer reopen and I just know that in my world Arthur has won and became the new king of Atlantis with Mera at his side so that there will be peace for both worlds.(Troy saids as he finished up his story of which everyone in the room felt so bad for Troy and what he has been through and they also felt sad that he can no longer return to his world or see Arthur or Mera ever again and his grandmother and mother who died at the hands of Orvax and Orm but he left the part of his mother out because he wasn't ready to tell them that part yet)

Everyone in the room didn't say anything because they were sadden for what happened to Troy even Korra who has never seen a person who suffered so much pain and lost so much and wanted to help Troy however she can but couldn't figure out how though until her mother went up to Troy and hugged him because she thinks it would help him in which it did in which Troy hugged her back.

Senna: Were so sorry Troy for you loss and for what your father has done to you......(Senna saids while hugging Troy)

Troy: Thank you Senna I really needed this......

Tonraq: And were sorry that you can no longer go back to your world, and if you need a place to stay we will be more than happy to have you stay in the south pole with us.

Troy: You would do that for me?

Tonraq: Yes and I think someone like you deserves a chance to start over away from that horrible father of yours.

Troy: I don't know what to say?

Leader: Well after you told us everything and that you a good person who was raised by two great people we will be more than honor to give you a place to stay.

Troy: Thank you and I could use a new start in a new world away from Orm.

Katara: And of course you would probably have to do some things around the south pole since it is part of life here.

Troy: Understable

Senna: And if you don't know that much about our world, Korra can fill you in with everything since she is the Avatar after all.

Troy: Avatar?

Leader: The Avatar is a guardian in our world who can control the four elements water, earth, fire, and air and there has only been one Avatar in each generation of which when the Avatar dies they reincarnated in the next nation of the cycle.

Troy: Interesting I would like to know more about the Avatar and this world if you would share with me Korra.

Korra: Of course if you tell me more about Atlantis and these Justice League then I will be happy to share my history with you.

Troy: I can agreed to that

Leader: Than it is decided you will live in the south pole under the guidance of chief Tonraq and will learn about the people, benders, and the Avatar.

Troy: I am looking forward to what I can to learn and start me new life here. But I think it is best we keep my appearance here a secret because I don't know if the outside world is ready for someone like me.

Leader: Understood everything that happened today will be our secret but I will want inform Korra's teacher about this and he is the son of the Avatar before her if that is alright with you Prince Troy.

Troy: Troy is ok and I am no longer a prince but a warrior of Atlantis and a hero and yes you may inform her teacher about me I don't mind.

Leader: Excellent but first would you mind removing your armor so we can see eye to eye.(Leader saids to Troy in which got Korra's attention and wants to see Troys face in person)

Troy: Oh my apologies once second....(Troy saids as he taps the armor and it magically disappears on its own in which everyone was shocked of how the armor comes off and once it was gone everyone got a look at Troys face and appearance)

Troy appearance was like anything they seen, he had short dark brown hair, was over six to four inches tall, wearing blue long sleeve, dark black pants with armor on both legs and arms and a belt with the Atlantis logo on it and was very muscular and handsome that caused Korra to blushed at the sight she was seeing but what drawn her the most was Troys blue eyes that were much bluer than hers of which she couldn't stop staring at him.

(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm)

(Edit done be me:95nicholasnm)

Korra: I never seen such eyes...(Korra saids in thought while blushing at Troy)

Tonraq: I have to say Troy, I think you will fit in quite well with us here in the south.

Troy: Thank you sir.

Senna: You look so handsome Troy and your eyes are very beautiful.(Senna saids to Troy of which he smiles and blushes a little from the compliment)

Troy: Hehehe thank you Senna that is really nice of you.

Katara: Korra hows about you show him around the tribe, so he can see what the place is like before he can settle down.(Katara saids to Korra who was still lost in Troys appearance until she shakes it off and comes back to reality)

Korra: Huh? Oh of sure I will be happy to follow me Troy.(Korra saids as she rolls herself out of the room with Troy following behind)

Troy: This world wont be so bad after all.(Troy saids in thought with a smile as he goes with Korra to do a tour around the south pole)

Troy is on his way to start a brand new life in a brand new world but who would to say that while being in a new world there will also be danger as well as battles to fight so he will do what he always does best be a hero like Mera said to him back in his world while getting to know his new friend he made in the new world and her name is Korra.

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