Chapter 19: Day Of The Colossus!
When Kuvira found her former fiancés location which was a small factory from other side of the city, she fired her weapon at the building containing everyone including Troy and Korra who were trying to get everyone out of the building before they get hit with the weapons spirit beam but unfortunately they did get hit with the beam and the factory was destroyed along with the mecha suits included and so Kuvira and some of her mecha suits traveled to the other side of the city to see if anyone survived her attack. Meanwhile with everyone who was under the remaining of the factory were ok in which Bolin used his earth bending to lift the rumble off everyone while they get out.
Bolin: Argh......Go ahead, take your time. Just bending a giant wall, man we got a lot of people here.(Bolin saids while bending the rumble off everyone until Troy came in and helped Bolin)
Troy: Don't worry Bolin I got you covered you can go ahead.
Bolin: Oh thanks Troy I owe you one!
Troy: Your welcome...Tenzin check to see if Kuvira is heading our way!(Troy saids to Tenzin in which he air bended up on top of building and saw what Troy was talking about in which he saw Kuvira heading their way with a unite of mecha suits)
Then when Tenzin came back down, Troy can see the shock look on the master air benders face which means things are not so good right now.
Tenzin: Kuvira's heading our way with a platoon of mecha suits.
Asami: What should we do?
Bolin: This is my hometown and I hate to say it, but there's no use risking all our lives to fight that giant thing; let her take the city for now we'll think of some way to come back and beat her.
Troy: Bolin that would take months or maybe years and trust me there is no way I am letting the bitch and her giant scrap metal taking over this city and don't forget there is still people trapped in the city who haven't got out yet.
Mako: He's right Bolin, what about all people who haven't been evacuated yet? If Kuvira finds out Wu is with them, She might fire that spirit cannon at him and take them all out.
Korra: I couldn't stop Kuvira when she almost took Zaofu thanks to Troy, but I am not letting her conquer Republic City. The world isn't safe as long as she has that weapon.
Troy: Me neither Korra, besides I been dying for another crack at her.(Troy saids to Korra then hears a familiar voice in which belonged to Lin)
Lin: I agree with you Troy and you too Korra, we take down that giant today.
Troy and Korra: Lin!(Both said with smiles on their faces)
Lin: Glad to see you all made out, you have me worried.
Varrick: Well you benders and Sea man are gonna have to fight her alone, she just blew up our factory with all our hummingbird suits.
Asami: Not all of them, there are the prototypes back at my office. If we can get those ready to fly, we'll at least be able to offer a little air support.
Troy: Su I want you to take your son Baatar Jr and the rest of the wounded back to Asami's office.
Korra: Asami get those suits working as soon as you can, the rest of us will just have to face Kuvira on our own.
Troy: Hope Orion gets here as soon as he can before Kuvira destroys the entire city.(Troy saids in thought while thinking about his friends arrival because their need something bigger to take on Kuvira's mecha giant)
Then soon everyone headed out while Varrick along with Asami and Zhu Li headed back to the office with some of the wounded who got hit with Kuvira's weapon to see if they can get the mecha suits working while Team Avatar Atlantean went to face off against Kuvira and try to by some time while their friends work on the mecha suits.
Meelo: A paint store thats it!(Meelo saids while looking at the store filled with paint buckets)
Troy: What is it Meelo?
Lin: What are you doing?
Meelo: I just got an idea and how to beat the giant! Now everyone grab some paint and find me some balloons.
Troy: I think I know what he has in mind guys though it wont beat the mecha giant but maybe we can somehow blind it so we get hit it with our attacks good thinking Meelo.(Troy saids to everyone in which they can see what Troy was saying is right and he then complimented Meelo on a good thinking idea)
With Kuvira who was inside her mecha giant were walking around the city, trying to find Korra along with with Troy and their friends but what she doesn't know is that a surprise attack was about to happened in a couple minutes or so.
Then soon the air benders took their flight with the balloons filled with paint and headed towards the mecha giant in which Kuvira's men told her about in which she had the suit turn around and face the air benders who were heading towards her then soon she aimed her weapon at them and began to fire upon them in which many was dodging the blast from the weapon so they wont get hit. But sadly some of them got hit and fell to the ground in which some of the cities buildings got hit with the beam in which half the block was destroyed by the weapon.
The air benders continued to fly around the mecha suit while Kuvira was using the giant metal hand to move them out of her way or just smack them like little bugs. While below both Lin along with the twins, Bolin and Mako who were waiting with a giant metal cord in which they plan to use it to try to cripple the mecha giant. Then soon Meelo landed on the mecha giant and started to throw his balloons with the paint inside at the window part of where Kuvira is in which the remaining air benders followed and started to cover the window in color paint so that Kuvira would be blinded of what is going to happen next. Kuvira then ordered her men to clean off the windows while Tenzin gave the order to Lin and try to bend the metal on the mecha suit.
Lin: The joints are platinum, too! We can't metal bend any of it!
Bolin: Let me try something! You're about to get the world's greatest largest hot foot metal lady!(Bolin saids as he charges and then used hi lava bending to hit up the ground in which the suit started to sink a little bit in the ground)
Wei and Wing then used the metal wire cables to wrap around the legs of the giant so that they can try to make the whole thing fall to the ground when he starts moving again.
Bolin: Korra! Troy! hit it now!!!(Bolin saids to both Korra and Troy who were on top of building an getting ready to attack the giant)
Korra: You ready babe!
Troy: I was born ready lets show this scrap metal what the power of an Atlantean and the Avatar can really do!!
Korra then used her air bending and attack the mecha giant in which it was still standing while Troy waits for an opening to charge at it so he can try to make the whole thing fall to the ground. Then soon more air benders joined in with Korra and blasted the giant with more air in which it looked like it was about to fall over while still trapped in lava as well as the metal cables in which Troy can see an opening for him to charge at the giant using his super strength to push the giant over. But when tried to use the weapon to hit everyone it missed and took out more of the buildings behind Korra and Troy who dodge the attack and went back to what they were doing. Korra then hit the giant with more air bending in which she saw that the giant was going over and gave Troy the signal to charge.
Korra: Troy its working!
Troy: Wait a minute no it isn't look!(Troy saids to Korra then she looks towards the ground and saw that Kuvira has stopped the attack and freed herself then fired the weapon again)
The weapon hit the building with the air benders still on it along with Korra and Troy in which they all go flying off the building and hit the ground and they all looked pretty banged up while Troy who saw Korra falling jumped and caught her in which she is grateful for.
Korra: Thanks Troy!
Troy: Your welcome..oh no.....(Troy saids as he and Korra look at the air benders who are injured from the attack from the weapon)
Bolin: Opal?!!!!(Bolin saids and runs to Opal who was injured in which he turns around and saw Kuvira facing everyone)
Troy: Everyone fall back!!!, Retreat everyone retreat now!!!
Korra: Take the wounded back to Asami's office!
Lin: I'll meet you there, I am going to see if I can find help.
Everyone started to retreat right before Kuvira hit them with another beam attack in which they managed to get away in time with the wounded and as for Varrick and Asami along with Zhu Li they are back at the office working on the hummingbird suits in which they are trying to get them off the ground.
Varrick: All right lets fire it up again!(Varrick saids to Asami in which she started to start up the suit itself in which it started to fly off the ground until something went wrong with the steering)
AsamI: I can't stabilize it!
Zhu Li: I thought you said you fixed the hydraulics?!
Varrick: I did! Twist harder!
Then after a while now both Asami and Zhu Li crashed into some boxes in which the suit itself was ok but wasn't working probably which means that they still need time to work on the adjustments until an air bender came in with some bad news.
Air bender: I hope you something in here that can take out a platoon of mecha suits, Kuvira's troops are headed this way!
Varrick: I got it! I know how to take down some mecha suits, and it just might take down that giant too! Asami disconnect anything electrical in here until we get back, Zhu Li lets go!(Varrick saids to Asami then asked Zhu Li to follow him in which he has an idea for the troops and Kuvira if it works)
For Su she is in a room with her son Baatar Jr who is injured from the attack that Kuvira sent them back at the factory in which she goes over to her son and sees that he is starting to wake up from what has happened and couldn't believe what Kuvira did made regret everything he has done to his family.
Baatar Jr: Where am I? Mom?
Su: Just rest, son I am here.
Baatar Jr: Mom, I am so sorry I betrayed you the whole family. I gave my life to Kuvira and she just fired that weapon at me. How could she do that?
Su: I don't know, sweetie. She is a very complicated person.
Baatar Jr: Wing and Wei will never forgive me, and Opal......
Su: Yea, they might take some time to come around but we'll work through it as a family.(Su saids to her son and holds his hand meaning what she said was the truth in which her son understood as well)
Back with Varrick and Zhu Li they were on top of the building with the electric tower in which they were doing something that looks like it could shut down the mecha suits even the giant as well if it works like Varricks saids.
Zhu Li: Do you think this plan will actually work, sir?
Varrick: I know I can stop the mecha suits with an electromagnetic pulse, so it stands to reason that I can stop a giant mecha suit with a giant electromagnetic pulse.(Varrick saids while connecting the wires to the tower with Zhu Li helping included)
Zhu Li: If you say so sir?
Varrick: Zhu Li, I've been thinking.
Zhu Li: You're always thinking sir.
Varrick: Yes, but lately I've been thinking about you. I know we might now make it out of this mess, and I feel like there are some things I should tell you.
Zhu Li: There are?(Zhu Li saids with a smile on her face)
Varrick: I remeber when I was a boy, I had an ostrich horse. Named her Mrs.Beaks, I grew up on a farm did I ever tell you that Zhu Li? This was before the circus people took me away...anyway I loved old Mrs.Beaks but I took her for granted.
Zhu Li: would have to finish your story later, because Kuvira's troops are in range.(Zhu Li saids to Varrick in which he sees the troops heading their way)
Zhu Li: I hope this works like you said sir?(Zhu Li saids then flicks the switch to the control in which the tower turned on the electromagnetic pulse in which created a huge shock wave and started to shut down all the mecha suits headed towards them)
Varrick: Yes! dead in their tracks, oh rats she is still coming?! Zhu Li do the thing!(Varrick saids and sees the suits are down but now Kuvira's for some reason)
Zhu Li: I am afraid there are no more things to do.(Zhu Li saids in shock and terrified)
Soon both headed back inside in which everyone who was fighting Kuvira made it back with the wounded and started to ask questions why didn't the electromagnetic pulse didn't shut down the giant suit just like the smaller ones until Baatar spoke of what the machine is powered by.
Bolin: Varrick, how come your electro thingy shut down the small mecha suits but not the big one?
Baatar Jr: Because it is powered with spirit vine energy.
Troy: So that is why it didn't shut down because the vines itself cannot be affected by anything electrical?
Baatar Jr: I am sorry, I wish I could help you but it is unstoppable.
It's not...(A voice saids in which got everyones attention in which they looked to see a man with gray hair and bird and was wearing what looks like a prison uniform in which Asami sees that it was her father Heroshi Sato)
Asami: Dad?
Troy: So this is her father Heroshi Sato?(Troy saids in thought while looking at the Sato in person)
Lin: I got him out of jail to help, I figured we need all the geniuses we can get our hands on right now. If the prison's still standing after all this over we can throw him back in.
Heroshi: I know what you all must think of me, but I love Republic City and I would do anything to save her.
Korra: You think you know how to defeat this thing?
Heroshi: You must act like an infection: Break the skin and attack the vital organs, disconnect the heart and the brain, and this beast cannot live.
Troy: What I can tell you probably have something that cut threw platinum since my trident can, but I cannot get clear shot without getting blasted.
Heroshi: That is correct, you see future industries has plasma saws for cutting platinum and if we had one on the mecha suit.....
Asami: But the saws are way too big..we'd never get the suits off the ground.
Heroshi: I think I can add an electrical element to the welding torch on your suit and comfort it into a plasma saw. Then we'll just have to land on the giant and cut open a hole big enough for someone to get in.
Troy: You mean something like a bug?
Asami: Like a metal mosquito.
Varrick: You know what happens to mosquitos that land on me? I squash em!
Troy: I get the felling that would actually happened if they try to land on the giant suit.(Troy saids in thought while thinking the idea in his head)
Korra: We'll have to attack in a swarm to try to keep you guys safe in the hummingbird suits. It looks like their our only hope.
Troy: No their not Korra because I have something bigger in mind if this plan fails.(Troy saids in thought)
Air bender: Everyone Kuvira is heading our way!
Korra: How long will it take to get the plasma saws ready?
Asami: Just a few more minutes.
Korra: Get out there as soon as you can.
Baatar Jr: If you do manage to get inside, find the engine room there are two emergency levers. If you switch them off at the same time, you'll cut the power.
Korra: Thanks, we might not be able to beat that thing, but we can slow it down.
Troy: She's right Let's go!
Korra: Actually Troy I want you to sit this one out.
Troy: What why?
Korra: I want you to stay and look after everyone here just in case more of Kuvira's men show up and capture them and I need someone like you to protect them.
Troy: But Korra you need me out there I can't just let you and everyone else face that thing.
Korra: Troy please do it for me....if something happens to you I couldn't bare the thought of loosing someone I love so please do this for me...
Troy: Sigh.....your so stubborn sometimes water angel but your right I will do this for you and if you get hurt out there I am taking matters into my own hands.
Korra: Thank you Troy...and if this plan doesn't work I just want to say I love you so much.
Troy: I love you too Korra and good luck to all of you.
Korra: You too and knock some heads for me would you.
Troy: Hehehe whatever my lady wishes.
Korra: Alright everyone lets go!(Korra saids to her friends and team in which they all headed out of the office to by some time)
Troy: If this plan fails then it is up to me to stop it, I just hope Orion is here on time.(Troy saids in thought and looks back at Asami along with her father and Varrick and Zhu Li working on the mecha suits)
With Korra and the others they all went out to by some time so that the hummingbird suits can be fully operational in which they all got together and split up to attack Kuvira to slow her down and used many resources to do so but it looked like it wasn't stopping her not even a falling building in which landed on her thanks to Bolin, Su, Wei, and Wing as well Lin pushed on her in which Kuvira came out of the rubble and was ready to strike everyone down. And it looks like Korra is having a difficult time trying to slow down Kuvira is going into the avatar state to slow her down but it wasn't working even with the four elements she still cannot slow down a twenty stories tall mecha giant.
Back with Troy who was watching over everyone else, he can see that the saws on the mecha suit were working perfectly in which he was very impressed by how they are turning out. He was looking at how Heroshi who was using the saw cutter to cut the platinum in half in which he went all the way through.
Troy: Not bad you two not bad at all..(Troy saids to both Asami and her father for creating such machines)
Asami: Thanks Troy, and if we stop that mecha giant it will all because of you dad.
Heroshi: You're the one who designed these incredible suits, it is great to be working together again.
Asami: I love you dad..
Heroshi: I love you too Asami...
Troy: Sigh....if only Orm and Orvax were like that then that would be something but their not but looking at Asami and her father brings a smile on my face.(Troy saids in thought while looking at both Asami and her father)
Then Troy looked towards Varrick who is walking towards Zhu Li and he looked kind of nervous for some reason while also holding a small box in his hands in which Troy was thinking for a minute until it can to him that Varrick is going to do something very special for Zhu Li that would make her very happy including Varrick.
Troy: So he is going to do it...(Troy saids and looks towards Varrick and Zhu Li)
Varrick: Zhu Li?
Zhu Li: Yes?
Varrick: Gulp!....I have something I need to attach before we take off.
Zhu Li: Attach to what?
Varrick: I need to attach this ring to your finger....Zhu Li Moon will you do the thing for the rest of our lives.
Troy: I am proud of him.....
Zhu Li: Yes.....yes I will....(Zhu Li saids with smile with emotion included)
Varrick: YES!(Varrick saids and puts the ring on Zhu Li's finger and they both kissed each other)
Troy: Well done Varrick well done!
Varrick: Thank you Troy, now lets go attach these barley functional rust buckets to a giant killer smashing machine!
Zhu Li: It's exactly how I always pictured our engagement.
Troy: Asami I need to ask you something before you guys take off.
Asami: What is it Troy?
Troy: Sigh......if the plan fails and you guys can't get close to the mecha giant to cut a hole through the platinum what then?
Asami: I....I am not sure.....either we win or we become prisoners to Kuvira honestly I have no idea why you ask?
Troy: Just wondering thats may want to get going their going to need you guys out there.
Asami: Right...wait what about you are you coming with us?
Troy: I will join you guys shortly just get out there and hurry.
Asami: Alright see you soon Troy!(Asami saids as everyone who was in the suits started them up and began to fly out of the building and onto the battle field)
Baatar Jr: Why didn't you go with them?
Troy: Because I have to go meet someone who will help deal with Kuvira and her mecha giant.
Baatar Jr: What do you mean?
Troy: I mean is to fight a monster you need another monster to defeat it, I want you to stay here and after everyone who wounded and seal the doors shut so no one can get in.(Troy saids and begins to leave the building)
Baatar Jr: What did he mean by that?
And so Troy went out of the building and headed towards the water so that he can signal out to his friend Orion to see if he is close by or not because the city is in danger and his friends are getting hurt and if the plan fails all hope is lost. When he arrived at the bay, he jumped into the water and swam out to sea to wait for his friend to arrive and try signaling him once again to see if Orion has heard it.
Troy: My friend I hope you get here soon or maybe now because my friends are suffering from what Kuvira is doing and I need all the help I can get to stop her.(Troy saids in thought while under the water until he saw a lot of fishes moving fast towards him in which they look like they were spook by something)
Then after the fish swam away from Troy, all of sudden the Sea Guardian started to see a large figure approaching him in which was a gigantic beast with glowing eyes and was starting to move towards Troy in which Troy finally recognize it as Orion who has finally arrived to aid Troy in his battle against Kuvira.
Troy: Orion it is good to see you again but I fear that it is not the time for chat because there is trouble happening on the surface and I need your help.
Troy: A person named Kuvira has unleashed a powerful spiritual weapon that is causing havoc in the city in which my friends are having trouble fighting it and the weapon is attached to a giant metal suit in which I need your help to help me destroy it before all hope is lost.
Troy: Thats what I like to hear my friend, now lets go show Kuvira what the strength of at Atlantean Warrior and An Atlantean Gate Guardian can do to her!
Orion: YES!
Back with Korra and the others who are still keeping Kuvira occupied, Asami along with her father, Varrick and Zhu Li in their hummingbird suits began to fly towards Kuvira while also avoiding getting hit by the spirit beam.
Varrick: Aim for that spot in the middle of the back, the one I can never reach.(Varrick saids to Zhu Li who nods in agreement)
Zhu Li: Got It!
Soon both of the landed on the back of the mecha giant and then started to cut the platinum without being seen but then all of sudden Kuvira used the metal hand to smack off Varrick and Zhu Li before they started to cut the platinum.
Varrick: Wow I wish I had that kind of flexibility.
Then soon it was Asami and Heroshi's turn to try to cut the plantinum in which they landed on the leg of the giant and started to cut but unfortunately Kuvira saw it and try to smack them away just like she did with Varrick and Zhu Li. With Korra and the others below, she was trying to think of an idea so that her friends can get a clear shot to cut through the platinum on the giant in which she saw a body of water behind her.
Korra: I hope this works....(Korra saids in thought while heading towards the body of water while Kuvira was heading towards it while trying to hit the hummingbird suits out of the sky)
When Kuvira was close the waters edge, Korra used her water bending and then turned the water into ice so that she can trap Kuvira so that her friends can have chance to land on the giant and cut through so that they can get inside it. But all of sudden Kuvira used her weapon and it hit Varrick and Zhu Li's suit in which they started to crash but not without parachuting out to safety.
When Korra saw it she water bend the weapon included so that it would by some time for Asami and her father who are still in the air to land on the giant to cut through the platinum. When Kuvira saw that Asami and Heroshi were cutting the platinum she ordered her men to full power so that she can break the ice and stop Asami and her father from cutting through in which the arm of the mecha giant broke the ice and was heading towards Asami and her father.
Asami: Dad we have to get out of here!!
Heroshi: I know lets go before we.......(Heroshi didn't get to finished because after him and Asami detached from the giant it hit them and they were going down in which their friends were looking in shock and horror until they both parachuted of of the suit until it crashed into the ground and exploded)
Mako: The plan didn't work..........whats our next move Korra?
Korra: I...I don't know.......I....I......
Then once Kuvira was free from the ice and looked to find Korra along with the other who survived including Asami and her father as well as Zhu Li and Varrick, she pointed her weapon at them in which meant that this would be the end for them.
Korra: No.............(Korra saids in sorrow until something happens in which a giant boulder comes in and hit the mecha giant in which it crashes into the ground leaving everyone stunned of what just happened)
Bolin: Um.....did anyone just saw that?
Mako: Bro I with you on that one but where did that boulder come from and who through it at that size?
Korra: How did.......(Korra saids before she along with her friends heard a loud roar in which sounded like something very big)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Orion's roar)
Varrick: Ok what the heck what that just now!!!!!
Asami: It kind of sounded like some sort of beast?
Lin: Yea but where did it........(Lin saids until a voice was heard from behind everyone)
Admittedly everyone turned around in which all their jaws dropped to the ground of what they were looking at in which was a gigantic beast in which they have seen before but when Korra looked towards the person who was on top of the creatures head she sees that it was her boyfriend Troy.
Korra: Troy...........(Korra saids in awe as well as shock of what she is looking at)
Troy: Hey Korra need a hand!!!!!
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