Chapter 18: Kuvira's Gambit

Since getting the spirits to help the Avatar against didn't work out since Troy reminded Korra that spirits were meant to live in peace and not fight in human wars otherwise she would break the truce between humans and spirits in which could in the result of what happened thousands of years ago with the spirits growing dark and nearly destroying everything if Avatar Wan the first Avatar haven't stopped it. But luckily Bolin along with Opal and Lin as well as Zhu Li returned from their mission to see what the weapon Kuvira has built in which they told everyone that the weapon is a giant cannon that fires spirit vine energy in which they got a pretty good look of how the weapon works. Zhu Li also informed them that Kuvira will be attacking the city in two weeks which could probably be enough time to get the citizens out of the city so that they will not fall from Kuvira's might.

Speaking of Kuvira, she and along with Baatar Jr reunited after what happened in Zaofu and she informed him that the mission to take Zaofu has failed and half of her army was taken in thanks to a mysterious warrior with powers unlike anything Kuvira has ever seen in which the warrior destroyed all of the Earth Empires accruement including their technology but luckily Baatar Jr was able to recruit the remaining army of the Earth Empire as well as one of the air ships that wasn't destroyed in the battle of Zaofu. So right now Kuvira and the remaining army of the Earth Empire all gathered at the place where the weapon was built and tested in which she gave out her speech to her fellow soldiers who still remained with her.

Kuvira: Today we stand on the precipice of history. For the past three years we have fought side by side to unite the Earth Empire and we have proven that no one can stand in our way, but unfortunately that all changed when a mysterious warrior with powers that were fall beyond anything I have ever seen destroyed one of my plans in which to take Zaofu by force since Su Beifong refused to be part of the Earth Empire, and with that the mysterious warrior destroyed my chances to take Zaofu in which he took down our best soldiers as well as half of our empire tech but luckily some of us survived and we will have our revenge on that warrior who ruined everything I work for. But before that the mission is still not complete because there is another grave injustice that must be corrected, as you all know after the hundred year war Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko stole Earth Empire land and formed the United Republic; as you call all see behind me this land you see before me belongs to the people of the Earth Empire and it is time to take it back Republic City will be ours and the Avatar as well as the Warrior will fall.

Earth Empire Army: ALL HALE THE GREAT UNITER!!!!

Kuvira: Are you ready to show the world what true super power feels like.(Kuvira saids to Baatar Jr who smiles at Kuvira's plan to take Republic city since she failed to take Zaofu)

Baatar Jr: Yes, I am honored to march into the city by your side and once we claim victory we can finally get married and rule our empire together; I love you Kuvira.

Kuvira: I couldn't done this without your help, and I will make that warrior pay for what he has done to me and my army.(Kuvira saids while hugging Baatar Jr as well as talking about Troy in plans to take him down)

Meanwhile back in Republic City, Troy along with Korra as well as Tenzin, Mako, Raiko and Wu were discussing plans to evacuate the city so that no one will suffer the consequences from Kuvira when she arrives with that weapon of hers.

Korra: How is the evacuation coming?

Wu: Could be better, at this point we have evacuated almost..eighteen families.

Troy: Wait seriously only eighteen?

Korra: There are millions of people in this city!

Wu: Well I did said it could be better.

Troy: Yea like that could ever be possible.(Troy saids in thought while crossing his arms and couldn't believe only eighteen people were evacuated)

Mako: The problem is it's a voluntary evacuation and there aren't many volunteers. They just don't feel like they're in any immediate dagger.

When the next person was about to say something Bolin came barging in with Zhu Li as well as a familiar person of which Korra and Troy were happy to see again.

Bolin: Oh good your all here!

Raiko: What is with you interrupting my important meetings all the time?

Troy: Wait a minute is that who I think it is!(Troy saids with a smile while looking at the other three people who came into the room in which Troy and Korra know about)

Korra: Su!, What....are came!, it is so good to see you again.(Korra saids to Su and hugs her as did Su)

Su: It is good to see too Korra and you as well Troy.(Su saids to Korra then goes over to hug Troy)

Troy: I am happy to see you again as well Su including you two Wei and Wing.(Troy saids to Su as well as her sons in which they nod for seeing Troy again)

Korra: What are you three doing here?

Bolin: Opal, Beifong, Zhu Li and I were checking out the weapon that Kuvira was building but unfortunately we all got caught but luckily Su and her sons as well as Toph were there to back us up in which we all made it out safely.

Troy: How close did you get to the weapon?

Bolin: We saw her super spirit weapon up close Troy, like really close way too close.

Tenzin: Is she going to use it against Republic City?

Troy: My answer for that is probably yes since she failed to take Zaofu who would to say she will not try and take Republic City.

Zhu Li: Troy is correct, I found out she is going to attack in two weeks.

Troy: I take that Kuvira didn't like it when you turned on her like that how did she take it?

Bolin: Oh she took it really bad, I mean really bad but thank goodness that Zhu Li is our side again and not working for Kuvira.

Zhu Li: I pretended to be loyal to Kuvira so I could, so I can sabotage her weapon but it didn't work but I did overhear her plans to attack the city from one of her men.

Troy: And for that we thank you for telling us what her plans are and what she is going to use the weapon for.(Troy saids to Zhu Li in which she nods in your welcome)

Raiko: I knew she wouldn't stop!

Lin: My guess is, she is coming by rail. It is the only way she can transport that weapon.

Korra: Then we'll cut the rail lines.

Troy: That way Kuvira wont be able to use them to transport that weapon of hers.

Raiko: I agree, but let's get as my citizens evacuated before we do put out the announcement. The evacuation is now mandatory.

Mako: We're on it President Raiko.

Korra: Don't worry Mr.President, me and Troy will not let Kuvira take our city.

Troy: And I like to see her try because I already took down her armies who would to say I wont send that weapon of hers to scrap hip of where it came from.(Troy saids to everyone in which Korra smiles at her boyfriends idea)

Then soon everyone got started working on the evacuation of the city while Varrick along with Zhu Li as well as Asami were working on the new mecha suits in a factory across where the city is so that they will be ready if Kuvira ever shows up with her spirit weapon. Mako along with Lin and Wu were at the police station who are about to give out the evacuation to the people of Republic City but unfortunately for Mako when he gave out his speech on the radio many people were complaining of what Mako was talking about in which was causing some problems until Wu took over and said something that made people change their minds about evacuating.

Wu: Hello everyone this is Prince Wu, now I know you all a little scared believe me I know what it is like to be afraid and I used to not be able to got to the bathroom by myself. But if we let that fear control us, none of us will ever be able to go to the bathroom, and then we all loose. Buy the people of Republic City aren't losers, we are winners and winners that are going to get out of this city in a calm and orderly fashion so I want you to grab your family, grab your neighbor, grab that guy down the street you don't know very well and head to the nearest bus, train, or ferry station. We are going to get you out of here safe and sound.(Wu's speech to the people in which the citizens of Republic City responded to Wu's words and began to evacuate)

Tenzin on the other hand was making sure that his family was evacuated as well but unfortunately they didn't want to leave their home because it is their city and they want to help with the evacuation as well as help Tenzin deal with Kuvira when the day she attacks the city. So Tenzin asked his wife to help Prince Wu with the evacuation while his children can help the other air benders keep an eye on the Earth Empire from above the sky so that they will know if Kuvira arrived to the city. Then soon the evacuation has begun in which Wu along with Pema were helping the citizens onto the trains to clear out of the city while Raiko called the United Forces in which General Iroh the grandson of Zuko came with many battleships as well as air ships so they can protect the city from the Earth Empire. Then couple days later the entire city was empty with the help of Troy and Korra who got the remaining citizens out of the city while the United Forces were all gathered towards the open area of Republic City to prepare for war against Kuvira and her weapon when they arrive.

Back on Air Temple Island, Troy along with Tenzin, and Lin were keeping Raiko safe if Kuvira tries to attack him or capture him to get him to talk about surrendering.

Raiko: I still don't like having to abandon my office and the city.

Lin: Air temple island is the ideal location for your base of operations and you will be safe here.

Troy: She is right Mr.President, if you stayed in your office or in the city there is no telling what Kuvira would do if she finds you.

Raiko: Sign....well when you put it that way it would be best to stay somewhere so that Kuvira will not expect to find me.(Raiko saids to Troy then all of sudden Korra along with her friends came into the room to discuss something)

Korra: There is something we need to discuss with you.

Tenzin: What is it?

Korra: The four of us have been talking and...we want to take out Kuvira's spirit weapon before it gets too close to the city.

Troy: What..........(Troy saids in whisper as well in shock in which Korra heard and she could see her boyfriend would not like what she is going to do)

Tenzin: That sounds like a risk we don't need to take, the evacuation is on schedule and general Iroh is getting his army in place.

Korra: I know Iroh or even Troy can go toe to toe with Kuvira's army if she has any left, but that weapon it is too.....

Bolin: It is too powerful it can destroy the city!

Mako: We can't let it get to our doorstep.

Korra: We will sneak behind enemy lines and disable the weapon.

Asami: If it works, it will even the playing field.

Tenzin: But if you get caught?

Korra: It is worth the risk.

Raiko: I agree, and it might be our only shot at preventing an all out war; good luck.

Korra: We'll head out tonight.(Korra saids to everyone then looks at Troy who looked angry and upset that if something would to happened to Korra he wouldn't be able to handle another loss)

Troy: Hmmmmm.......(Troy looks away from everyone even Korra in which Korra can see that he doesn't like the idea)

Korra: Troy.......(Korra looks at Troy and sees that he doesn't like the plan until her along with the team leave their presence)

When Korra and her friends left the room, Troy was thinking of what would happened if Korra and her friends get caught by Kuvira or worse in which he couldn't bare to loose another person in his life since he failed to save his grandmother Atlanna from Orm.

Tenzin: Troy are you alright?

Troy: I don't like this plan that their doing, I got a feeling this will not turn out well....

Lin: Don't worry Troy, they will be alright they know what they are doing.

Troy: I know that Lin, it is just that ever since I lost both my mother and grandmother I couldn't bare to loose another person in my life and if that happens then there is nothing for me anymore.

Tenzin: Troy, Korra will be alright she is the Avatar after all.

Troy: But she is also a human being, I am going to see them off....(Troy saids and leaves the room while they discuss about the terms with Kuvira)

Back with Korra and the others they were getting ready to leave and go find Kuvira as well as her weapon until Troy came over to them to see them off but also to talk to Korra before they leave.

Troy: Korra........(Troy saids to Korra who looks behind her and sees Troy and goes towards him while her friends wait until it is ready to leave)

Korra: Troy, you came to see us off?

Troy: Sigh...yea and I also came to talk to you if you would allow me.

Korra: Of course Troy what is it?

Troy: Korra, I am not sure this is a good idea of what you and the others are doing.

Korra: Troy I know but this is the only chance we have to stop Kuvira.

Troy: But if you can not find a way to disable the weapon and if you get captured or worse I....I...

Korra: Troy it is ok, I will be alright don't worry.

Troy: Korra...I....

Korra: Troy please this is....

Troy: I CAN'T LOOSE YOU AGAIN!!!!!!!(Troy screams in which got Korra startled as well as the team)

Korra: Troy........

Troy: I have lost so much in my life, I lost my mother, my grandmother and now if something happens to you.....I can not bare the thought of loosing the person I love.....(Troy saids while being sad and broken in which Korra did something in which she gave Troy a hug in which Troy hugged back)

Korra: You are not going to loose me Troy, I am just afraid of loosing you because you mean so much to me and I can not bare to see you gone from my life.

Troy: I am sorry Korra, but please promise me that you will come back and you will be alright.

Korra: I promise Troy, and can you do me a favor.

Troy: Of course

Korra: Look after everyone if we ever come back.

Troy: I will do that Korra, I am the Sea Guardian after all and it is my job to protect the innocent.

Korra: Thats what I like to hear, I will be back if the mission fails so wait for me.

Troy: I will wait until you come back water angel.

Korra: Good.....

Troy and Korra: I love you 💋......(Both said and kiss each other on the lips then soon Korra backed away from Troy then went towards her friends to get ready to leave while waving Troy goodbye while Troy waved for good luck and stay safe)

Then soon Korra along with her friends were far from the city while Troy watched them fly off but also thinking about Korra's safety.

Troy: She will come back I know she will...but we are going to need more help if Bolin saids what is true about this weapon being powerful then we need something more powerful but what.....hmmm.......(Troy saids to himself while thinking about getting more help until something clicked into his head in which he knows who can help and he did made a promise to follow Troy if there was ever danger)

Troy: Thats it!.....I know who can help us I just hope he can hear my signal from all the way here.(Troy saids and jumps into the water and goes under to give out the signal to his friend who has met years ago while Korra was still recovering)

The next day came in which morning was starting to come in which after flying around the earth kingdom in search of Kuvira and her army as well as the weapon Korra along with Team Avatar Atlantean were searching from above on their bison to see if they can spot Kuvira or the weapon. Then all of sudden while flying Bolin spotted something in which was the reaming army of the Earth Empire.

Bolin: Guys, I see something down there!(Bolin saids while pointing to the ground in which everyone looked towards and saw what they are looking for)

Asami: Is that?

Korra: Kuvira, she's already crossed into United Republic territory, she is a week early.

Mako: This doesn't make sense, there aren't any train tracks this way. How are they transporting that super weapon of theirs?(Mako saids until everyone heard a loud stomp and looked to see the most horrifying thing they have ever seen in which was a giant mecha suit with the weapon attached to it)


Asami: Apparently on a giant mecha suit?!!

Mako: Did you know that Kuvira was building that thing?(Mako saids to his brother Bolin)

Bolin: Oh did I forget to mention it? No!, Of course I didn't know!

With Kuvira who was in her mech suit giant, one of her men told her that there is a flying bison in their direction in which she knew it was the Avatar and then did the unthinkable and used the weapon that is on the mecha giant and aimed it at Korra and the others in which Bolin warns them of what is going happen next. Then soon Kuvira started blasting Korra and the others with two shots from the weapon in which they got away in time before the spirit energy hit them while Kuvira and her remaining empire march towards Republic City so she can show everyone what a true super power looks like.

Back on Air Temple island Troy was waiting for Korra to return if she returned or not until he saw something moving towards the island in which was a flying bison which means that Korra along with the team are safe but look worried in which Troy along with everyone else on the island came up to see what the problem was.

Tenzin: Korra, are you alright? Why are you back so soon?

Korra: It is Kuvira our intel was wrong. She must of know Zhu Li had the information.

Raiko: What are you trying to say?

Korra: Kuvira's remaining army is only a few hours away.(Korra saids in which got Troys attention and couldn't believe it)

Troy: So she did survive and the reaming of her armies.(Troy saids in thought)

Tenzin: No they can't be....we're not ready.

Korra: And that spirit weapon of hers is attached to a giant mecha suit. It is over twenty five stories tall.

Troy: Oh you have got to be kidding me, first I dealt with her armies and now I have to deal with a giant walking tin can just great.(Troy saids in thought)

Raiko: Lin, Get general Iroh on the line and tell him the attack is happening today. We need to lock down this city.

Tenzin: Pema, find Wu and get the remaining citizens to safety immediately. We can not have innocent lives in jeopardy.(Tenzin saids to his wife in which she nods and goes off to warn Wu)

Bolin: What should we do?

Asami: Let's got to my factory, maybe we can get a few of those hummingbird suits up and running.

Su: Me and my sons are coming with you.

Troy: Korra you and I will head to the front lines and help general Iroh.

Korra: Right, lets move people!

Then soon everyone did what they were asked to do in which Asami took everyone like Bolin, Mako, Opal, Wei, Wing, Su, as well as Varrick and Zhu Li to the factory while Tenzin and the other air benders were on the roof tops viewing the battle field. Pema and Wu who were at the train station were helping getting the remaining citizens out of the city before Kuvira arrives and as for Korra and Troy they were with general Iroh on the battlefield and await for Kuvira to arrive.

Troy: I am happy that your alright Korra thanks for keeping the promise.

Korra: Your welcome but now we have to focus on stopping Kuvira once and for all as well as that weapon of hers and that mecha suit.

Troy: Your right and it is good thing I sent out a signal to my friend so he can help us.(Troy saids in thought while hearing a loud stomp that made the ground shake)


Admittedly Kuvira along with her army as well as her weapon attached to the giant mecha suit arrived in which everyone of the United Republic were shocked of the size of the machine while Troy kept his guard up and wasn't afraid of some tin can suit but was wondering how Kuvira build that thing and where she built it.

Troy: So thats her mecha giant and that is the weapon attached to it right Korra?

Korra: Yup thats it why?

Troy: Just asking, I am going to need a bigger trident to cut that thing in half.

With Raiko who was on Air temple island with Lin Beifong, he took out the radio and was going to communicate with Kuvira and ask of her to stand down or they will attack.

Raiko: Kuvira, this is president Raiko I order you to stand down. Turn your army around and leave.

Kuvira(Radio): You're in no position to give orders.

Raiko: Stand down or we will attack.

Kuvira(Radio): I don't think you understand the power I possess. Let me make it clear.

When Kuvira said that she used her weapon to fire upon the United forces battleships in which destroyed them all with just such power from the spirit vine energy even Troy got a good look of how the weapon was used in which made him angry that someone like Kuvira would use spirit vine energy as a weapon that is also hurting the spirits themselves. Then after words Kuvira pointed the weapon at the United Forces army in which they knew they can not withstand the power of that weapon.

The battleships went down, some of the air benders manage to get all the crew members off the ships before they sink into the water and as for Raiko he was shocked of what he just saw until Iroh spoke on the radio then Kuvira spoke on the radio again.

Iroh(Radio): Mr.President do I have your order to engage?

Kuvira(Radio): You have three seconds or I wipe out your army.

Raiko: I have no choice..........

Kuvira(Radio): Times Up.

Radio: Wait stop we surrender, Republic City is yours.(Raiko saids while giving up)

Kuvira(Radio): Good turn your army as well as the Avatar and that warrior known as Sea Guardian over to me and give Baatar your location he'll precent you with our terms.

Back with Korra and Troy along with General Iroh they couldn't believe what they just heard from Raiko that he is surrendering to Kuvira.

Iroh: Argh!(Iroh saids in frustration and slams the radio down)

Korra: I am not surrendering!

Troy: Neither am I, I rather fight that mecha giant head on then surrendering to that Earth Empire bitch!

Iroh: You two get back to the city before she sees you and Korra find a way to beat that thing as well as you too Troy.

Troy: We will and stay strong general including your men.(Troy saids to Iroh in which he nods in agreement then Troy and Korra ran out of the tent together and headed back into the city together to avoid being seen by Kuvira)

With Baatar Jr he was informing to Kuvira that president Raiko is on Air temple island and is heading there as he speaks while Kuvira awaits to hear what the president has to say. Meanwhile with everyone else who were at the factory with Asami along with the hummingbird suits, they were all waiting for Korra and Troy to come back and give out the news of what is happening. Then after waiting a while both Korra and Troy arrived into the building together and unharmed.

Korra: Raiko surrendered, it is down to us now.

Troy: Can't believe he would do that some president he is.(Troy saids in which Korra kind of agreed with Troy)

Bolin: How are we suppose to fight an entire army, a mecha giant, and that crazy weapon and well we know that Troy can handle the army since he took down the first one in Zaofu.

Troy: That may be true Bolin but our main goal is to destroy that weapon as well as that mecha giant included.

Asami: Troy is right but we can't fight it but maybe we can cripple it, Zhu Li when you were spying on Kuvira did you learn anything about that metal monster.

Zhu Li: I had no idea they were even building it.

Varrick: Guess Baatar Jr is a better inventor than I thought.(Varrick saids to everyone in which got Troy attention in which he had an idea)

Troy: Hey Korra you thinking what I am thinking.

Korra: Troy thats it good idea, Baatar Jr built it he'll know how to take it down.

Troy: I say we capture him and get him to talk.

Tenzin: Hmm.....

Korra: I know it is a long shot, but it's the only chance we have and if we don't.....

Tenzin: Korra I'm in.

Troy: We all are water angel, remember we all have your back including me.(Troy saids to Korra in which she smiles for Troys kind heart)

Korra: Good we will need a stealth team of airbenders to get in and out of Baatar's airship unnoticed. Tenzin, Bumi, Jinora, and Kai lets get moving and Troy if any of Kuvira's men show up well you know what to do.

Troy: Yea go all Atlantean warrior on their asses I know what to do water angel but also to make sure everyone here is ok while you get back.(Troy saids to Korra who nods in agreement)

Meelo: Hey what about me?

Korra: Sorry buddy, but this mission count on everyone being as silent as possible. And your farts are just too much of a wild card.(Korra saids to Meelo in which made Troy smirk while holding his laughter)

Meelo: I can be quiet!(FARTS).....okay...point taken.

Troy: Maybe next time little guy.(Troy saids while petting Meelo on the head while he pouts)

Soon the mission began in which Korra along with Teznin, Bum, Jinora, and Kai got on the bision and flew above the airship that Baatar Jr was on then when they were close enough they all landed on the airship while being as silent as possible while also matching sure not to get caught by the guards. When they spotted Baatar who was going into an empty room they caught and tied him up and then put him into a sake and flew down from the airship together without being seen by the guards. After they had Baatar Jr in their custody they went back to the factory and got him to start talking about how take down the mecha giant as well as the weapon.

Baatar Jr: You have made a terrible mistake, once Kuvira finds out I am missing, you're all done for.

Troy: Man I want to punch his lights out right now because he starting to get annoying.(Troy saids in thought while glaring at Baatar Jr)

Korra: Thats why before she finds out, you're going to tell us how to stop that mecha giant or else....

Baatar Jr: Or else what?

Korra then went into the Avatar state and grabbed Baatar Jr and lifted him up in the air before Bataar spoke something that made Korra come out of the avatar state.

Baatar Jr: You wont hurt me, I know an empty threat when I see one.(Baatar saids to Korra in which got Troy pissed off)

Korra: Argh!(Korra comes out of the avatar state and drops Baatar Jr)

Baatar Jr: Was this your best idea? Hehehe you've lost, only you haven't accepted it yet...GULP?!!!.....(Baatar Jr saids to everyone but stops when Troy grabs him by the neck and chokes him)

Troy: Korra may not be able to hurt you but I can, I took down your so called leaders armies, I destroyed her plans to take Zaofu, whose to say I wont do it to you next even in the presence of your mother and brothers as well as Opal. So tell me Baatar Jr how would you like to have your arms ripped out of your socket.(Troy saids with a mean glare in which made Baatar Jr pale because now he is frighten of what Troy would do to him in which made Korra heart skip a beat of seeing Troys bad boy side)

Su: Troy that is enough let me talk to him......(Su saids to Troy who nods and puts down Baatar Jr but not before punching him in the face)


Baatar Jr: OW!!!..........(Baatar Jr screams in pain while blood dripped down his nose)

Troy: You kind of deserve that as well as Kuvira, he is all yours Su.

Wei: He actually did kind of deserved it.(Wei whispers to his brother and sister in which both nod in agreement)

Korra: Was that really necessary Troy?

Troy: He had it coming besides I know that a fact you wanted to to do it as well water angel.(Troy saids with a smirk in which Korra blushed a little then went back to serious and looked towards Su with her son)

Su: Baatar.....

Baatar Jr: If you think I am going to spill all my secrets to you mother, you're sadly mistaking.

Su: Why are you doing this? I know you set out to help better the world but this is madness.

Baatar Jr: It's madness to let others take what's yours and accept it blindly. The United Republic belongs to us and were taking it back.

Su: But at what coast? How many people have to lose their lives before Kuvira is satisfied?

Baatar Jr: It doesn't have to cost any lives if you would all just surrender. All Kuvira and I want is a United Earth Empire.

Troy: You are a disgrace to your family.(Troy saids in thought while looking at Baatar Jr with a glare)

Su: I don't know what I did to hurt you, but whatever it was I am sorry. When you left Zaofu it broke my heart and our family has never been the same since, please Baatar stop all of this and come home we want you back with us.

Baatar Jr: Kuvira is my family now....(Baatar Jr saids to his mother in which brought her into tears)

Troy: You are a disgrace to your family Baatar and I hope your empire burns in hell for ever I care.(Troy saids with a glare in which made Baatar shiver at seeing Troys glare in which Wei, Wing, and Opal kind of agrees with Troy for what their brother did)

Korra: Let me try something Troy because we're going about this all wrong.

Troy: What do you mean?

Korra: Let me show're right, I'm not going to physically hurt you even though I will let Troy do that for me instead if you don't talk but there is something I can do that will be even more painful. I will take away the one thing you care for the most.....Kuvira.(Korra saids to Baatar Jr in which got Troys attention and knows what his girlfriend is planing)

Baatar Jr: What do you mean?

Korra: Kuvira might win, she might chase us out of the city. But you wont be around to enjoy the victory because wherever I run, I will take you. I am going to make it my life's mission to never let you see the one you love again.(Korra saids to Baatar Jr in which Troy steps forwards and spoke while glaring at Baatar Jr)

Troy: She's right you know is taking the city worth losing Kuvira forever?

Baatar Jr: You can't!

Troy: Oh but we will unless you convince that so called leader yours to back off.

Korra: You two will still have the Earth Empire, just leave the United Republic alone.

Troy: Because if you don't you know exactly what is going to happened to you two and trust me I wont hesitate to use this on both of you.(Troy saids while holding his trident near Baatar Jr's neck in which he knows that Troy and Korra are being serious)

Raiko who was waiting on air temple island to discuss terms with Baatar Jr but all of sudden his men told Raiko that he wasn't on board the airship in which another person came out with a radio in which Kuvira was on the line and wants to talk to Baatar Jr but he wasn't on board the ship or ever met up with Raiko in terms of surrendering and decided to speak Kuvira on the radio and ask her where is Baatar Jr.

Raiko: Kuvira, this is Raiko what kind of game are you playing? You told me you would send Baatar over with your terms, and then he doesn't show.

Kuvira(Radio): What do you mean he didn't show?

Raiko: According to your people, he is not on the airship.

Kuvira(Radio): If he is not on the airship then where is her?

Then all of sudden the radio changes in which Kuvira heard Baatar Jr's voice instead and it sounded like he was in trouble.

Baatar Jr(Radio): Kuvira, it's Baatar, I have been captured. My airship was ambushed and I was taken by force. Korra along with the Sea Guardian refuse to release me unless we back down and leave this city.

Kuvira(Radio): Are you injured?

Baatar Jr(Radio): I'm fine.

Kuvira(Radio): Is the Avatar and the Sea Guardian there with you now?

Baatar Jr(Radio): Yes, everyone is here. Listen to me if you try to take Republic City, both the Avatar and the Sea Guardian will never let me see you again and I refuse to live that way. Forget the United Republic we have our Empire. We have each other, let's go back and get married; the only thing that matters is that we're together for the rest of our lives.

Kuvira(Radio): Your right, this city isn't worth sacrificing our life together. I love you, Baatar.

Call Ended

Back with Korra and Troy as well as the others, they were untying Baatar Jr and discussing plans with Kuvira until that was all going to change when both Troy and Mako looked out the window and saw what Kuvira was going to do.

Korra: As soon as we work out terms with Kuvira, we'll let you out of here.

Troy: Korra I think it is best we change plans now and I mean right now!(Troy saids while looking out the window and seeing Kuvira pointing the weapon at their location)

Mako: Guys he's right!, she must have our location and she is pointing that weapon right at us!!!

Baatar Jr: No, she wouldn't........

Troy: She would, Run!

Korra: Everyone out!, Now!!(Korra saids to everyone in the room and began to run)

Then soon Kuvira's spirit way it the building in which everyone including Troy and Korra fell and were covered under the buildings rubble in which Kuvira betrayed Baatar Jr as well as lost her mind. Back on Air temple island Raiko and Lin saw what happened in which Lin asked her men to stay put and watch over Raiko while she goes to the location of where everyone was to see if they survived the blast. Then after Kuvira fired the weapon she breathed in and let go of what she did and continued on her plans while not carrying of what she did to Baatar Jr or the others who were in the factory.

Meanwhile in the open ocean a certain creature has heard his friends call and is heading towards the direction of where the signal came from and it looks like the creature known as Orion of Atlantis is needed once again and this time he will be there to fight along side the Sea Guardian and his allies to stop the threat that is happening on the surface.

Orion: I AM ON MY WAY, MY GUARDIAN.............(Orion saids while heading towards Troys location where he gave out the signal to call for Orion's aid)

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