Chapter 16: Beyond The Wilds

It has been a couple of days since Korra and Troy returned to Republic City and had a reunion with everyone but they both still worried of what Kuvria is planning to do now that her army was defeated back in Zaofu thanks to Troy so right now the Avatar and Troy are at Air Temple relaxing for a while and just minding their own business as well as playing with Naga who was trying to catch the rocks that Korra was lifting while using her earth bending.

Naga: BARK!(Naga barking while trying to catch the rock but misses)

Korra: Come on girl you almost had it!

Troy: Hehehe she is not going to catch it if you keep on moving the rocks very fast water angel.

Korra: Well at least she is having a good time Troy, unlike us we have to deal with what Kuvira has in store and I am worried about the weapon she and her men are working on. You don't think she would use it to attack Republic City do you?

Troy: I am not sure it is possible that she would but we have no idea what kind of weapon we are dealing with or where to find it?

Korra: Sigh.....yea I guess that is true but I still worried of what will happened if she did attack the city.

Troy: Well if she did attack the city then I will do the same exact thing like I did back in Zaofu but minus the tsunami because we don't want the entire city underwater do we.(Troy saids while rubbing the back of his head in which made Korra giggle at the idea)

Korra: Hehehe yea thats the last thing we need is an entire city underwater so that it could be the new Atlantis no offense sweetie.

Troy: None taken, besides I like how things they way they are, and I get to spend time with my beautiful Avatar.(Troy saids to Korra in which she smiles and blushes)

Korra: Aw you are so sweet.

Troy: I try water angel, I really do.(Troy saids and walks over and sits by Korra)

Korra: I am still happy to have you back with me Troy and I miss spending so much time with you and doing so amazing things together.(Korra saids and sits on Troys lap and wraps her arms around his neck)

Troy: So do I especially of what we did back in Zaofu which I found you very attractive even when the moon is shining on your lovely dark skin.(Troy saids with a smirk in which got Korra's face blushing pink and her heart thumping)

Korra: Troy!, don't say something like that we are out in the open for pip sake.(Korra saids while blushing and pouting at the same time)

Troy: Hehehe, Korra we're alone and everyone else is enjoying their time together so which means it is just us two and no one else well except for Naga but who can blame her.

Korra: I guess you have point there but still it would be embarrassing if someone saw us like this.

Troy: Yea just imagined if it was your mother or the kids.

Korra: Oh I do not want to know what would happened if they showed up while I am trying to enjoy my moment alone with the man I love.(Korra saids and kisses Troy on the cheek)

Troy: And I enjoy spending time with my Avatar even when she is the most beautiful woman in the world.

Korra: There is a reason why I love you so much even if you say such wonderful things about me.

Troy: I feel the same way water angel.

Korra and Troy looked at each in the eyes in which they showed how much they really love each other and then the next thing they did was moved their heads closer and closer until their lips with touching in which they both kissed passionately. Then soon a full make out session started in which Korra was making out with Troy so much that Troy started to kisses Korra on the lips then moved towards her neck in which she started to moan like last time that made her feel so much pleasure and love until the make out session came to end when a cough was heard in front of them and looked to see both Opal and Jinora in front of them with smirks on their faces.

Jinora: Cough!......Sorry were we disturbing your time together.(Jinora saids with a smirk while looking away)

Korra and Troy: DAH?!!!!!(Both came out of trance and fell backward and blushed like tomatoes)

Opal: Wow we were just walking and try to find you two and what do we find, a couple having an all out make out session thinking they were alone well hate to brake it to you two but we need your help with something and it is important.(Opal saids with a smirk then goes back into a serious look in which Korra and Troy got up from the ground and looked towards Opal and Jinora to see what the problem was)

Troy: Whats the problem?

Jinora: I just felt a weird surge of spiritual energy coming from the spirit wilds, and I think something is something wrong very wrong.

Troy: Show us Jinora and we will see what is the problem.(Troy saids to Jinora in which both her along with Korra and Opal nod in agreement)

Admittedly Troy along with Korra, Jinora, and Opal headed towards Republic City together to check out the energy that Jinora was talking about that took place in the spiritual wilds where the city was covered in so much wild vines and it was hard to spot anything or move around.

Opal: Are you sure you felt a disturbance? Maybe you just had some bad food for breakfast.

Troy: I don't think that is the cause of it and when it comes to spiritual connections Jinora and Korra know what to do when something happens.

Jinora: Troys right I felt something, and I think it has something to do with Ryu's tour group.

Troy: What was he doing in the spiritual wilds with a tour group in the first place?

Opal: He promised his mother that he would take her and some people into the spirit wilds to meet spirits and know about how they live together.

Troy: I see then all of sudden something happened in which caused Jinora to feel spiritual energy could they have been you know taken by the vines themselves since they do work in mysterious ways.

Jinora: It is possible Troy, I mean shouldn't we you know run into them by now?

Troy: I get the feeling something is off but I do not know what it is?

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Korra: Yea but come on Troy this is Ryu we're talking about? They might be at the mall for all we know.

Troy: Korra I can tell something is off and when things go wrong that means something bad must of happened to him and the tour group.

Jinora: I am with Troy on this one, Korra can you not feel how strange the energy is?

Troy: Try to maybe get a reading on what is going on, use that spiritual vine connection again like how you found Wu.(Troy saids to Korra in which she nods and goes towards the vine)

Korra places her hand onto the spiritual wild vine and try to find out what the problem was and once she looked to see what was the cause of all this commotion, she looked to see that the men who works for Kuvira are taking and cutting down vines in the swamp in which could mean that is the cause of spiritual energy that Jinora was feeling.

Korra: Oh no.........(Korra saids in shock in which got everyones attention)

Opal: Korra what is it? Are you ok?

Troy: You saw something didn't you what was it?

Korra: It was Kuvira, I saw her and her men taking vines from the swamp. It must be affecting our spirit wilds.

Troy: So that was the strange energy you were feeling just now Jinora, what could they want with spirit vines?

Jinora: Yes indeed but why is she taking vines from the swamp which I am worried about.

Korra: I am not sure either but whatever the reason is I am sure it is not good.

Troy: What do we do?

Opal: We have to tell Raiko, this might help him convince the other leaders to finally take her down.

Troy: Opal is right I think it would be best to talk about this with him, and Jinora see if you can look for Ryu and the others they have to be somewhere around the spirit wilds check every building and wild vine a like.

Jinora: Ok I will see if I can find them if not then I will contact you if something goes wrong.

Troy: Understood, Korra and Opal lets get going.(Troy saids to Korra and Opal in which both nod and the three ran off to tell about what is happening with Kurvira while Jinora flew off to find Ryu and the tour group)

Meanwhile in the city at a large building with a huge tree coming out of it, a group of world leaders were having a meeting about the situation about Kuvira and her empire in which Raiko the president of Republic City, Master Tenzin, Prince Wu, and Fire Lord Izumi daughter of Lord Zuko were discussing the terms.

Raiko: I say we deal with this Kuvira situation immensely.

Wu: YES AGREED! And I just know just how to get rid of her! We tell her she won an all expense paid vacation to a tropical island then when she gets there we revel it was a trap, the island is a prison.....BOOM!...WE GOT HER!.(Wu saids to the leaders in which they look at him in confusion and believing the idea to stupid in which Mako who was behind Wu was thinking the same thing)

Wu: Or, ok.....uh I am just spitballing here, we march in with an army of highly trained Bagermoles! Do we know if Kuvira has any allergies?

Raiko: Look, I think we all know what must be done. We take the fight to her.

Tenzin: I don't believe attacking is the right move, since her armies were defeated by Troy but I think she might have something else up her sleeve and don't forget about the weapon that Zhu Li told us about we still do not know what kind of weapon she is building or what she might use it for.

Raiko: Yes I am aware of this Troy and what he did for Zaofu and the Avatar as well as took down an entire army all by himself in which were gonna need him if we want to survive an attack from Kuvira if she comes to Republic City.(Raiko saids to the leaders until a woman wearing black armor spoke and her name is Lin Beifong)

Lin: Still I have to admit for someone being from another world who can take on an entire army without getting a scratch on himself and can hold out his own is something else, he must of been highly trained by these Atlantean's you told me about Tenzin in which makes him a great ally to us but of the matter is Kuvira can no longer be trusted she told is she was going to turn over power and she didn't in which she used it to take over Zaofu but thanks to Troy her plans have failed and her armies have been captured but she is still out there causing trouble as we speak; I am with Raiko on this one. I say we go on the offensive and start defending the citizens of Republic City if Kuvira ever tries to attack.(Lin saids to everyone until Korra along with Troy and Opal came in)

Korra: President Raiko, I am sorry to interrupt but......what is going here?

Troy: It would seem that they are in a meeting right now and they didn't invite you I am guessing.(Troy saids while crossing his arms)

Wu: Hey there Avatar Korra and Troy just kicking it world leader style, trying to figure out what to do with Kuvira since she is still out there after her armies were taken down by Troy back in Zaofu; and for the record I told Raiko he should've invited you two.

Korra: You invited him and not me or Troy?

Tenzin: Please Korra, it is not personal we just thought perhaps we called you back into action a little too soon no offense to you to Troy.

Troy: Understood I think.......(Troy saids while rolling his eyes)

Korra: Again him, and not us?(Korra saids while pointing at Wu)

Raiko: Korra, were in the middle of a meeting and we can not have people just barging in whenever they want!

Troy: I am starting to not like this guy one bit.(Troy saids in thought until he came out and heard a voice from behind him in which he saw two people wearing earth empire uniforms and all dirty)

GUYS!!!!!(The voice said in which belong to Bolin the brother of Mako and friend of Korra and the other person next to him was Verrick the inventor who used to be Zhu Li's boss)

Bolin: Oh good your all here!

Mako and Opal: Bolin?

Troy: Ah so that is Bolin, huh he looks kind of like nice guy but who is the other gut with the weird mustache?(Troy saids in thought while looking at the two men in front of him while Korra was smiling seeing her other friend again)

Raiko: What are you doing here? Guards remove these traitors!(Raiko saids and had their guards take Bolin and Verrick away until Bolin spoke again)

Bolin: No!, we escaped Kuvira's army! We are back on your side and we have top secret information for you!(Bolin saids in which Raiko told his guards to release the two)

Verrick: Ok, I guess we should have opened with that line.

Troy: You think?(Troy saids in thought)

Bolin: Listen to me, Kuvira is making this thing that goes.....BABOOM!.....AHHH!....I don't know how it works but it has this......NAAAAAANAAAAAA!!!!

Verrick: It is a super weapon! Like a regular weapon but super.

Troy: And let me guess it has something to do with spirit vines.

Verrick: Hmm? Hey your that guy who took down Kuvira's armies!(Varrick saids in awe and shock and Bolin looked at Troy in awe as well)

Troy: Yes I know I am the guy who took down her armies but were loosing side track here.

Korra: He is right while me, Troy, Opal, and Jinora were in the spiritual wild I saw a vision of Kuvira taking vines from the swamp and I believe they are spirit vines as well.

Verrick: If she figures out how to harness their power we are all doomed and she is using them for the weapon she is building.

Raiko: She might use the weapon to attack Republic City, the only way to protect ourselves is with a preemptive strike.

Troy: Ok that is probably the worst idea I ever heard.(Troy whispers to Korra in which she agrees)

Korra: I agree with you Troy..

Tenzin: My air benders will not be part of an unprovoked attack.(Tenzin saids to Raiko in which a woman wearing a fire crown on her head stands up in which she is Izumi daughter of Zuko spoke)

Izumi: Neither will the fire nation.

Raiko: But fire lord Izumi, Kuvira is a threat to the world she has to be stopped!

Troy: Raiko that is enough!!!!(Troy saids and makes his way towards the front in which got everyones attention even Korra who looked at Troy in what he is doing)

Raiko: Troy I am in middle of......

Troy: Zip It!, have you forgotten what the previous fire lords have done to the world in which they nearly destroyed everything in their path which included the other nations and what I can tell is that fire nation have spent too much of their history fighting nonsense wars and what I can see is that Izumi doesn't want to drag her nation into another one if there was no other choice so do me a favor and listen for once so you know what I am talking about. I have done my research on fire nation history and I can is that Izumi doesn't want another war with the fire nation to happened and if we go up against Kuvira and her weapon then you will have to do it without her armies.(Troy saids to Raiko in which he was speechless and not just him but Korra and her friends along with the world leaders were impressed that Troy stood up and did something worth doing)

Korra: Wow Troy that was amazing such convenient words and you made Raiko shut up for once that was kind of hot.(Korra saids in thought while blushing a little and smiling at Troys attitude towards Raiko)

Izumi: Thank you Troy for your words and for respecting my nations decision not to attack if there was no choice.(Izumi saids while liking Troy by the minute for defending her nations honor and hers)

Troy: It is what I do and try to make sure nothing bad happens even on the worse times. Well Raiko what do you have to say now?

Raiko: Sigh....very well Troy and Fire Lord Izumi I will hold off any plans of attack and we will go the defensive and fortify security on the borders.

Izumi: In that, you will have my help.

The soon the meeting came to an end in which the world leaders stayed behind to discuss more about the situation with Kuvira and the weapon that Verrick was talking about while the Troy along with everyone else even Korra went out side to talk to themselves.

Mako: Troy I have to admit that was something else?

Troy: What do you mean?

Korra: He is talking about how you stood up to Raiko like that and told him off which was awesome, I mean sure I do it sometimes myself but the way you did and made him shut up was the coolest thing I have ever seen.(Korra saids while liking Troys attitude towards Raiko)

Troy: Well someone had to step in otherwise things would get complicated and turned into chaos.(Troy saids to Korra then Lin came out to greet the others even Troy)

Lin: I agree even though I still have to follow his orders, it was quite amusing to see his mouth shut for once and you did just that.

Troy: It is a pleasure to meet you Chief Lin Beifong daughter of Toph Beifong I heard so much about you and deeds to Republic City.

Lin: Thank you and thank you for saving my sister and her family as well as Zaofu from Kuvira and her army. I have to admit you are definitely not from our world in what Tenzin told me about and that weapon you carry is made of metal I never seen before.

Troy: I get that a lot and the metal that my trident is made of is Atlantean steel in which can cut through mostly all sorts of metal even solid platinum. This is the rarest metal of my race and not even metal benders can bend this metal because it is very powerful in which I used it to take down Kuvira' armies.

Korra: It is true, and the powers he has are fall beyond benders even my own.

Lin: Interesting.....may I have a closer look at this trident of yours Troy?

Troy: Not at all Chief.(Troy saids and hands Lin the trident)

Lin: Not bad and it is very light as well as very crafted who made you this weapon?

Troy: My grandmother Queen Atlanna and my mentor Mera.

Lin: I see if we have the time I would like to know more about your race and your world.(Lin saids and hands back the trident to Troy)

Troy: Sure if you tell me about what it like to be a chief of police and stopping criminals in the city.

Lin: I like your attitude Troy it works perfectly but for now I have to get back to the station.

Troy: Understood duty calls(Troy saids in which Lin nods and goes off leaving Troy along with Korra, Mako and Bolin along with Opal who came out of the building as well)

Bolin: Opal....Listen I just wanted to say I am really sorry for everything I thought I was doing the right thing when I was with Kuvira but it turns out it was a lie......(Bolin saids while feeling bad for what he did to Opal and her family)

Opal: Sigh.....It is ok Bolin Zhu Li told me everything and if you didn't listen to Kuvira then she would of done something horrible to you but I am happy that you are ok.

Bolin: Yea I know I side with Kuvira, and I helped her take over the earth kingdom, and topple your home and get your mom captured and your brothers and........(Bolin kept on talking until Troy stopped from continuing)

Troy: Uh buddy she knows already so you don't have to keep going on.

Bolin: Um right sorry.........

Opal: It is alright Bolin but I would like some time for myself because Kuvira is still out there and planing on building a weapon that could hurt so many people and we need to focus then we can talk later on alright.

Troy: I think you should do that for her she really does need some time for herself after all the craziness that has been going on.(Troy saids to Bolin in which he understands and so did Opal)

Opal: Thanks Troy, I will see you guys back at temple.(Opal saids and leaves to head back to Air temple island)

Troy: Hey listen I know what your thinking right now Bolin but don't let it get you down she still loves you she was just afraid that you were on the wrong side.

Bolin: Yea I know I messed up big time........

Troy: Don't worry about it but for now two people miss you and wanted to welcome you back in their arms again; Korra, Mako.(Troy saids to Bolin then calls Mako and Korra over)

Mako: Bolin, I am so glad you are back, I was worried about you.

Korra: We all were.(Korra saids and she and Mako hug Bolin and he did the same)

Bolin: Thanks guys, Mako I am so sorry about the way we left things; I am such an idiot. You tried to warn me about Kuvira and I ran off anyway like an idiot. You were right and I am just an idiot.

Troy: Hey don't talk like that you are not an idiot Bolin, you were just lost and confused of what side you were and now that you know that Kuvira isn't the person you she think she is; you are back on the right side now.

Mako: He is right bro, and besides the important thing is that your back with us which all that matters now.

Korra: If anyone has lost people's trust it is me ever since Kuvira kicked my butt no one even wants me around.

Troy: Don't say that Korra, everyone needs you, your friends need you, your family, and even me. And who cares about what other people think about you they just can't see that you did so much for them so don't be too hard on yourself and between us four I think some of these people are assholes anyway who can not see the big picture here.(Troy saids in which made Korra smile that her boyfriend respects her even Mako and Bolin)

Mako: Troy is right Korra, we want you around.

Troy: And Bolin stop saying you're an idiot you were justing thinking what you did thought was right.

Bolin: Thanks Troy....I love you guys and I really want to hug again.(Bolin saids to Troy in which he hugs both Korra and Mako again while Troy got in the hug as well because he thought it would help lighten up the mood)

Bolin: Say Troy how did you even beat Kuvira's armies in the first place since me and Verrick were captured?

Troy: Would you believe me if I told you that I am from another world who lives in an under sea kingdom and was raised by a queen and my mentor who taught me so much as well as have powers far beyond a benders in which I used them to take the armies of the earth empire.

Bolin: Uh..........guys is that true?

Mako: Oh yea bro one hundred percent Troy will tell you so much later once you get settled and relaxed.

Korra: And he is absolutely amazing Bolin, you and him will get along famously like he did with Mako and Asami.

Bolin: Ok and I looked forward to getting to know you more Troy.

Troy: Same here Bolin.

Then soon Bolin left to head back to air temple island to relax while Troy, Mako and Korra stayed behind until they were greeted by a spiritual Jinora who was trying to contact Korra and Troy.

Jinora(Spirit): Korra, Troy! the vines they are taking me! HELP!(Jinora spirit saids and then disappears)

Troy: Jinora!, alright you two lets move, and help Jinora.(Troy saids to both Mako and Korra in which they both nod and headed out towards back the spirit wild)

Meanwhile near the spiritual wild Lin and her men were clearing out the wild and getting the citizens to safety because something was happening while they were inside in which they had part of the street blocked off.

Lin: Get everyone out of here!, put up perimeter, cancel all tours, somebody get ahold of Tenzin.(Lin saids to her men and then sees Troy along with Korra and Mako coming towards her)

Troy: Chief Beifong!

Korra: Lin we got to get in there and find Jinora.

Lin: I don't think anyone should be going in there right now.

Troy: Lin this is not up for discussion just listen.

Korra: I know I am not the old Avatar I used to be, but I can do this and so can Troy.(Korra saids then all of sudden a vine came put and started hitting everything in its path then hits Troy in which he goes flying into a police car)

Troy: Argh.....ok that was something?(Troy saids as he gets off the smashed cop car and Korra goes over to check on him)

Korra: Troy are you ok!

Troy: Yea I am good but since when can a spirit vine do that?

Korra: I don't know but were going to find out.

Lin: Be careful in there, you too Troy.

Troy: I dealt with worse Chief but yea were be careful.

Troy along with Mako and Korra went inside the spirit wild and started calling out Jinora to see if they can find her but so far they didn't find any site of her or heard anything back in which Korra was getting worried while Troy was keeping his guard to make sure nothing happens even Mako was doing the same thing. Then soon they were attacked by the vines in which Korra used her fire bending to free Mako from the vine that caught him while Troy used his ice vision to freeze the vine in which it let go of Mako and then they ran to get into cover.

Troy: Are you two alright?

Mako: Yea were good but guys look, what are those?(Mako saids to both Korra and Troy in which they looked to see what looks like cocoons with people inside them)

Troy: I have no idea but I don't like it, Korra?

Korra: It is Jinora and the rest of them, their spirits are trapped in the spirit world.

Troy: So thats what the vines did to them, they snatched them and formed these cocoons to have their minds taken to the spirit world.

Mako: Let's get them out.(Mako saids and lights his hands on fire until Troy stopped him)

Troy: Mako I don't think you should do that it is not very wise.

Korra: Troys right you will provoke the vines, let me try.(Korra saids as she uses he water bending and was surrounding everyone trapped in to vines in which a glow was surrounding everything but when Troy was looking at Korra he can tell that is struggling to stay focus)

Troy: I get the feeling that something will happened if she tries another thing.(Troy saids in thought)

Korra: They will not open, maybe if I meditate into the spirit world, I can free them.

Troy: Thats the other thing I am worried about, because she might have the nightmares and visions again.(Troy saids while standing next to Korra worried for her well being as she tries to meditate into the spirit world)

Korra began to meditate in which she didn't end up in the spirit world but at the place where she fought Zaheer in which she was trying to fight him as well as the poison in her body while in the Avatar state in which Korra was struggling and suffering all over again in which she came out of the meditation and Troy got worried and goes towards Korra.

Korra: DAH!!!(Korra panics and comes out of the meditation)

Troy: Korra I am here it is the visions again aren't they.

Mako: Wait whats wrong what happened?

Korra: It is Zaheer.....

Mako: What are you talking about?

Troy: Sign....during her recovery back in the south pole she has been having visions and nightmares about what the guy Zaheer did to her in which she can not focus or meditate peacefully and it is the same reason she can not go into the Avatar state fully or reconnect with Raava. I have been trying to keep her calm ever since we met and gotten together in which they never came back to her until now.

Korra: He has been haunting me ever since I fought him. I can not get any space or peace and it is like he is blocking me from meditating into the spirit world.

Mako: We are here for you Korra, what do you need?

Troy: I think I know what she needs to do.(Troy saids in thought)

Then soon Korra along with Troy and Mako headed out of the spirit wild and met up with Lin as well as Tenzin who arrived and heard of what happened and Korra went up to him to talk to him about what went down and decided to tell him that she needs to do something otherwise she can not make a complete full recovery in which Troy knows about it.

Korra: Tenzin, I want to see Zaheer.(Korra saids to Tenzin in which he is thinking it is a bad idea)

Tenzin: Korra he is too dangerous, even when he is locked up he can not be trusted.

Korra: I need to if I want to save Jinora and the others; there is no other way.

Troy: I agree with Korra Tenzin and I seen what she is going through because what Zaheer has done to her.

Tenzin: Troy please listen to reason, and Korra there is reason I am calling your father he can lead an expedition into the spirit world from the souther portal.

Korra: You have lost faith in me to haven't you?  No one thinks I am capable of anything anymore except for Troy who still believes in me.

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Troy: Tenzin by the time her father and his men get to the portal it would only be too late and there is no telling what is happening to Jinora and the others if Korra saids what she needs to do you must do as she please because I will follow her whatever she does to do.(Troy saids to Tenzin and holds onto Korra's hand in which she looks up at Troy and smiles for being there for her and agreeing to what she wants to do to get back Jinora and the others)

Tenzin: Troy I understand how you feel about Korra and her well being and always being there for her but Korra it is not like that at all it is just.....

Korra: I know I can do this......and Troy will be there with me the entire time if something happens.

Tenzin: I am just so worried for Jinora, and I can not imagined if something happened to you too.

Korra: Tenzin, please........I will be ok.

Troy: And I will make sure she will be because if Zaheer does something out of the ordinary or the unthinkable he is going to have deal with me.(Troy saids and bangs his trident on the ground meaning he will do something to protect Korra from Zaheer)

Tenzin: Zaheer's imprisoned deep in the mountains outside of the city. I will call Raiko and get the clearance.

Korra: Thank you Tenzin.(Korra saids and hugs Tenzin)

Tenzin: Troy you will go with her will you.

Troy: Yes I will just like I said before, besides she could use someone with her at all times.(Troy saids to Tenzin in which Korra smiles and holds Troys hand again meaning she doesn't want to be alone when she meets Zaheer)

Tenzin got word from Raiko and approved of Korra's decision to meet Zaheer in the prison near the mountains where Korra along with Troy went to see if Korra can over come her fears and push forward so that she can get back to her normal self again without dealing with visions she is having.

Troy: Are sure you are ready for this Korra, are you ready to face him again after what he did you?

Korra: Yes, I think if I see Zaheer chained up I will finally realize that he is not a threat anymore.

Troy: And if he tries something I will be happy to disintegrate him into dust.(Troy saids to Korra in which got her excited of Troys attitude that he will do anything for her)

Korra: Thanks but let's leave that part out if that ever comes.

Troy: Understood but that wont change that I will take action if he tries something.(Troy siads to Korra in which she nods in which they entered the prison together and met up with the white lotus)

Korra and Troy went into the prison together with members of the white lotus and took the elevator down to where Zaheer is being kept and both were facing a solid metal walls in which the white lotus opened it in which they told them to enter and face the wall.

White Lotus: Approach the wall.(White lotus saids to Korra and Troy in which they both entered and waited)

Korra: Sigh......

Troy: You're going to be ok, I will be with you the entire time.

Korra: Thank you Troy(Korra saids as the door behind them closes and the other in front of them opens to revel an empty room with green crystals glowing but a person who was chained up and floating in the air with long hair while he has his eyes closed in which Korra and Troy were in front of Zaheer)

Zaheer: I figured you would show up sooner or later.

Troy: So this is Zaheer, have to admit I thought I was expecting someone more dangerous or powerful or scary but I guess I was wrong but I still should keep my guard up just in case.(Troy saids in thought while glaring at Zaheer)

Zaheer: I see you have brought a friend as well but I must admit I never seen someone like him before and he is giving off a very strong and yet powerful aura.

Troy: Why thank you for a guy who is chained up and floating in the air like some kind of ghost which I seen better.(Troy saids with a smirk and rolled his eyes in which Zaheer can tell that his ego is strong and doesn't care what he can do but shrugged it off and looked towards Korra)

Zaheer: Anyway, you must really be in trouble if you came all this way down here to see me.(Zaheer saids to Korra while Troy crossed his arms but kept his eyes on Zaheer)

Korra: I came here to look you in the eye and tell you that you have no power over me. I will no longer be scared of you.

Korra told off Zaheer in which he opens his eyes again and then out of the ordinary he starts flying towards Korra and tried to scare her but was caught by Troy who grabbed him by the neck and started to chock him hard.

Zaheer: GULP!!!!........(Zaheer being chocked by Troy who was glaring at him while Korra stood back with a little fear from Zaheer)

Troy: Don't even think about it you be dead before you hit the ground and trust me you do not want to see what I can really do.(Troy saids and then releases Zaheer in which he held his neck while trying to catch his breath)

Zaheer: Cough! are very strong and got good reflexes. I never met someone who can move that fast and grab someone without making a sound.

Troy: I was trained by the best and highly skilled warriors after all.

Zaheer: Hehehe but I have admit something what you said Korra, I have to say it didn't work you still seemed scared except for your friend here who looks like he doesn't show any sign of fear.

Korra: This way mistake.

Troy: Sigh...Korra you said you would do this and there is no turning back.

Zaheer: I know why you are here and your friend happens to agree.

Troy: Oh shut the hell up before I do something out of the ordinary.(Troy saids to Zaheer in which Zaheer can see that Troy is serious)

Korra: You don't know anything about me! and don't bring Troy into this.

Zaheer: You can not go into the spirit world. I spent most of my time in the spirit world and it is well known that the Avatar's spirit hasn't been there for a few years.(Zaheer saids to Korra in which got her attention)

Korra: You can meditate into the spirit world from here? Doesn't feel very spiritually charged.

Troy: Actually I feel some spiritual energy everywhere even it is in a prison.(Troy saids in thought while feeling the spiritual energy around him)

Zaheer: This is your problem, Republic City is flowing with spiritual energy and you can't even tap into it.

Korra: No, my problem is you! You poised me!, You ruined me!, people used to think I was unstoppable but now they don't think I am capable of anything.

Troy: I never stopped believing in what you do Korra because I can never stop after what you did for me those years ago.(Troy saids in thought they goes back to glare at Zaheer along with Korra)

Zaheer: Blaming me is a crutch to make you feel better,  but it is not helping you recover.(Zaheer saids and turns away from both Troy and Korra)

Korra: I thought seeing you face to face would put an end to all of this, but maybe it is time I realized I will never be the same.(Korra saids in sadness in which Troy put a hand on her shoulder in trying to calm her down until Zaheer spoke)

Zaheer: Neither of us are the same as before, I learned to fly but now I am bound in chains. You have all the power in the world and freedom to use it but you choose to hold yourself down.

Korra: I am not holding myself down, by my powers have limits.

Zaheer: You're wrong, that poison should have killed you but you were able to fight it off.  You think your power has limits; I say it is limitless.

Korra: Whatever before you were always talking about chaos and freedom then you took out the earth queen and created the worst dictator the earth kingdom has ever seen. Thanks for that!

Troy: She's right about that Zaheer and it is going to get worse by the minute.

Zaheer: I have heard rumors about her but I didn't know she achieved so much power, she needs to be stopped.

Korra: Well I can not stop her unless I get over this block, and thanks to Troy here he already took down her armies back in Zaofu but she is now working on a super weapon that can cause more chaos.

Zaheer: I also heard the rumors about that as well, I am surprised that this man standing in front of me is the one who took down an entire army all by himself in which he used abilities that are far more greater than a benders but he used them respectfully and knows how to handle himself I am impressed, but for you Korra I think I can help with your problem let me lead you into the spirit world.(Zaheer saids to Troy in which he didn't really care what Zaheer saids to him but turned to look at Korra who was shocked about leading into the spirit world)

Korra: No way, I can not trust you.

Zaheer: Maybe not, but if you had any other options, you and your friend wouldn't be here now would you? We may have been enemies once, but for now our interests align.

Troy: What do think Korra?

Korra: I have come this far what have I got to lose? You will stay with me right and watch over my body.

Troy: Be proud too.(Troy saids to Korra in which she and Zaheer got into meditation formation)

Zaheer: Focus on the sound of my voice, and clear your mind.

Korra closed her eyes again and began to mediate in which she starting to remember what happened to her during her fight with Zaheer and her being poisoned and she was now struggling to keep focus once again until Zaheer told her to focus and embrace of what happened to her.

Zaheer: Let it play out..

Korra: I can't!

Zaheer: You can accept what happened to you, don't fear what might have been.

Korra: I have no control!

Zaheer: Don't be afraid hold on......

Then soon after a horrible vision and calming down later, Korra was now shown that she was in a world where there are spirits and beautiful tree life surrounding her while still in meditation stance then begins to open her eyes and saw that she was back in the spirit world.

Korra: I made it....and you led me here. Do you know where Jinora and the others are?

Zaheer: No but you do.(Zaheer saids as he disappears leaving Korra alone in the spirit world until her body started to glow and a mark appeared on her body)

Korra: Raava, I can not believe it your back I missed you where have you been?(Korra saids to her spirit friend inside her)

Raava: I have always been inside of you, and I have to thank that man known as Troy for keeping you safe while you were recovering he is good man who treats you with love and respect as well as us spirits.

Korra: He sure is Raava and I will make sure to tell him that, but can you help me find Jinora?

Raava then showed Korra the way to find where Jinora and the other are in which they were all together but inside a giant spiritual bubble.

Korra: How do I release their spirits?

Raava: You must bend the energy within.

Korra: But I am powerless in the spirit world.

Raava: No, you are most powerful here, in the spirit world you are connected to all the spiritual energy.

Korra listened to Raava's words in which she went up to the Jinora and the others and then touched the orb holding them all inside and then went into the Avatar state in which the entire orb holding everyones spirit began to go back to their own bodies which means that Korra has freed everyone from what has happened to them and Korra was finally back into her full Avatar self and reconnected to Raava. Then soon she came out of the mediation in which Troy was waiting for her while Zaheer stood where he was and the two headed out of the prison together while Korra feels so much better than ever before.

Troy: How you doing water angel?

Korra: I feel whole again, I feel good and it was thanks to everyone who believed in me including you Troy and Raava thanks you for what you did for me in which I am now reconnected with her.

Troy: That is wonderful news to hear Korra, and I am happy that you are back to your Avatar self again and reconnected to your spirit friend. But I also take that you can not forget about what Zaheer did to you.

Korra: No, but I am finally able to accept what happened and I think thats gonna make me stronger.

Troy: Just like how you did with me when I couldn't let go of what Orm did to me but you helped me see past that and helped me move on with my life.

Korra: It is the least I can do for everything you did for me, thanks for being such a good person in my life Troy.(Korra saids and moves closer to Troy and holds both his hands while smiling at him)

Troy: And thank you for being in mine, I like how sensitive you are it what makes you a great person, a better Avatar and an awesome girlfriend that I love so much.

Korra: And I love you as well Troy

Troy: Does my water angel need a kiss to make her more happy.

Korra: Hehehe come here you handsome fish man.(Korra saids and grabs Troys face in which they both kissed each other passionately with love)

Troy: Come on let's go home and see how Jinora is doing as well as the others.

Korra: Ok my Sea Guardian

Troy: Allow me to take your hand my beautiful Avatar Korra.

Korra: Hehehe you are still such a charmer you know that right.(Korra saids and takes Troys hand and walked together)

Troy: Yea but you know you love it.

Korra: Always

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