Chapter 15: Reunion

The sun was rising in Zaofu and once again everything was now at peace thanks to a warrior from another world for stopping a terrible dictator who tired to take over the city and make its people bow to her and was going to unleash her armies if it wasn't for the Atlantean known as Troy who bravely defended the city of Zaofu and save the lives of Su Beifong and her family along with Troys beloved Avatar Korra. So right now the Atlantean is in the bedroom resting along with Korra at his side after the wonderful night they had together and soon when the sun hit Troys eyes he started to wake up.

Troy:Mmmmm......Yawn!!!!! what a day that was.(Troy saids while stretching his arms in bed until he started hearing a female voice and looked towards his left and that it was Korra starting to wake up due to the sun being in her eyes)

Korra: Yawn!!!!..........mmm......morning handsome.💋(Korra saids then kisses Troy on the cheek with smile after the best night she had with her man)

Troy: Hehehe, well good morning to you to water angel you sleep ok.

Korra: Oh yea I slept amazing and by the way last night was absolutely incredible, you were awesome in bed.

Troy: I could say the same thing for you darling.

Korra: Thank you for being my first Troy, and thanks for being back in my arms again you don't know how long I wanted to be in these arms of yours again.(Korra saids while moving closer to Troy and wapping her arms around his)

Troy: Well you are quite welcome, do you wanna get up and meet everyone else I think they are going to have breakfast soon.(Troy saids to Korra in which she felt her stomach growling as well as Troy in which they both giggled)

Korra: Yea, I am actually quite hungry and could use I bite to eat.

Troy: Great hows about I go grab a quick shower and we can be on our way.

Korra: Mind if I join you my Atlantean warrior.(Korra saids with a smirk in which made Troy smiled)

Troy: Why of course my beautiful Avatar, may I take your hand M'lady.(Troy saids and hold out his hand in which Korra giggled again and took Troys hand)

Korra: Hehehe, what a gentleman.

Both Korra and Troy headed into the bathroom together and started washing each other in the shower while also kissing a couple times since they haven't been around each other for six months now and they miss being with each other. Then soon after they got done with the shower and were all fresh and clean they both got dressed and headed towards the dinning room to have breakfast with everyone else while holding hands.

Troy: So were still going with the plan to head back to Republic City and inform everyone about what happened with Kuvira.

Korra: Thats the plan, but also I want to see Mako and Asami again and I want to introduce you to them for the first time.

Troy: I can tell I will get along with them pretty well.

Korra: Thats good to know, so how did everyone took your story about you being from another world and about what happened to your mother and Atlanna.

Troy: Sigh....well they took me being from another world quite well and they liked the history of my home and my people as well as the Justice league, Arthur, and Mera but they were quite sadden and hurt for what happened to my mother and grandmother in which they all felt sorry for me and pity but I told them that ever since I met you and your family and that you gave me a new life here they felt happy that you did something nice for me and help for forget my past.

Korra: Thats good to know but still can I ask you something.

Troy: Sure what is it?

Korra: If by any chance Atlanna and your mother were still alive will they like me for who I am and that I am with someone who is brave and heroic as you.

Troy: Of course they will Korra and what I can tell is that they would been happy that you and your parents looked after me for the past three years during my stay here so yes they would totally love you as well as Arthur and Mera.

Korra: Thanks I am really happy to see you again and I really mean it.

Troy: Me too Korra.

Then soon after walking hand to hand, both Korra and Troy came upon the others who were eating their food and looked towards the front of them and saw Korra and Troy together in which everyone smiled seeing the Avatar and Sea Guardian together.

Su: Korra, Troy good morning you two sleep well.

Troy: We sure did Su thanks for asking, smells pretty good.

Opal: We saved you two a seat come join us!(Opal saids as both Korra and Troy sat next to her and Jinora)

Jinora: So Korra now that Kuvira's armies are defeated thanks to Troy are you planing on returning to Republic City with us?

Korra: I am, I miss everyone there including my friends and Troy will be coming with us as well.

Troy: Even though I only seen the outside of the city once, I cannot wait to see the rest of it and also see your father again Jinora he is a good man when he and I first met.

Jinora: Thats good to know, and what I can tell is that both my uncle Bumi and my mom will totally like you and for what you did for Korra and Zaofu.

Troy: It is the least I can do for this city as well as Korra.(Troy saids and places his hand on Korra in which she blushes and smiles at Troy)

Su: Once you both get back to Republic City, are you going to inform everyone about Kuvira.

Troy: Thats the plan Su they need to know what woman is doing and is still out there somewhere.

Opal: And when she does show her face again we will be ready this time and I still can not believe that Baatar will still stand by her side after what she has done.

Troy: Your other brother?

Opal: Yes, how can he not see what she is doing is wrong and is hurting a lot of people.

Su: Sigh...if mom was here she could talk some sense into that boy.

Troy: Oh speaking of which Su your mother Toph sent her regards and to tell you that she loves you and your family.(Troy saids to Su in which he along with Opal looked at him in shock that he met Toph)

Opal: You met grandma Toph!!

Troy: Yea while I was spying on her and Korra train together in the swamp turns out she is doing just fine enjoying her retirement but she never stopped thinking about her family.

Su: So thats where she's been all this time, and I am glad she is doing alright.

Jinora: Hey Korra were planing on getting our stuff together for our trip back to the city, you think you can give me a hand.

Korra: Sure, I will see you guys later on as well as you Troy.💋(Korra saids to everyone then Troy in which she gave him a kiss on the cheek)

Troy: You too Korra and you both take your time with the stuff we need for the trip.

Jinora and Korra: We will!(Both said and left the room with their stomachs full after having breakfast)

Opal: So what was grandma like when you met her Troy?

Troy: Well she was stubborn, pushy, always making fun of Korra during training and breaks, doesn't really like telling stories, and always mean to Korra but when I met her she was so kind to me and found me to be very respectful and she liked my attitude as well. Honestly Opal I think your grandmother is a good woman even though Korra doesn't see it, I think she is very wise and strong to for someone of her age in which I like her very much.

Su: Hehehe yup thats my mother alright, she didn't really like people that much not even my husband Baatar and he still trying to win her trust.

Troy: And how is that turning out?

Opal: You don't want to know Troy.

Troy: Fare enough say while Korra and Jinora are getting stuff for the ride back to the city want to see this embarrassing recording of Korra getting her butt handed to her by your own grandmother.(Troy saids with a smirk in which got the twins as well as Meelo and Ikki attention even Opal)

Wei: Grandma taking on the Avatar I want to see!!!

Wing: Count me in as well!!!

Huan: Heh why not?

Meelo and Ikki: We want to see as well!!!!

Su: Does Korra know about that?

Troy: Oh she did until she told me to delete it but I kept a copy version of it just in case you guys want to see and get a laugh at it.

Zhu Li: Your technology is very impressive Troy would be alright if I would to study it more.

Troy: Not at all Zhu Li, I give you my permission to do so.

Opal: Well play I want to see how Korra did with grandma Toph!

Troy: Ok and prepare to enjoy the show.(Troy saids and plays the recording of Korra getting her butt kicked by old lady Toph)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Korra vs Old Lady Toph)

Then after the recorded as ended both the twins were on the ground holding their stomachs from all the laughing, Opal was struggling to keep herself from laughing so hard as well as tears coming down her face, Meelo and Ikki were laughing like crazy in which was killing them, Huan was smirking while he also was holding in his laughter, Baatar Sr was smirking along with Zhu Li and Su who has never knew her mother could do something so embarrassing to the Avatar.

Troy: Hehehe I take that they got a good laugh from it.(Troys saids in thought while seeing everyones reaction to the recording)

Then soon everyone has calmed down and headed out to see Korra along Jinora who have finished packing for their trip back to Republic City but not before saying their goodbyes to the Beifongs.

Su: I will see you soon Korra take care of yourself and tell Lin I said hello.(Su saids while hugging Korra goodbye)

Korra: I will Su and thank you.

Su: Your welcome and Troy thank you again for everything for what you did for my family as well as Zaofu my people will never forget the brave warrior who saved us; I will see you soon as well and take care of yourself and the Avatar.(Su saids while giving Troy a big hug in which Troy hugged her back)

Troy: Your welcome Su, I will see you along with your family again and if Kuvira makes her appearance again we will be sure to contact you of when she going to turn up next.

Su: Thats what I like to hear, because the world needs the Avatar back but it looks like it also needs a new hero as well and it's true just like your mentor said the world needs a hero and I think this world needs the Sea Guardian to help the Avatar bring balance to the world.

Troy: And that's what my mother and grandmother wanted me to be, and I will honor them to the end and help Korra save the world.(Troy saids and holds Korra's hand which earned her a smile on her face along with Su)

Su: And I know they would be proud of you Troy as well as the heroes of your world including Arthur Curry and Mera.

Troy: Thank you Su, it was a pleasure to meet you as well as your family.

Wei: See you around Troy!

Wing: And thanks for taking down Kuvira's army which is still is awesome by the way!

Troy: My pleasure guys, take good care of yourselves.(Troy saids and shook both the twins hands and fist bump them booth)

Baatar Sr: Good luck Avatar Korra and to you too Sea Guardian and thank you for all what you have done for Zaofu and my family.

Troy: It was our pleasure sir take care.

Opal: Bye mom, Bye dad I will see you all soon!(Opal saids and hugs her family goodbye for now)

Su: See you soon Opal.

Troy/Korra/Opal/Jinora/Ikki/Meelo/Zhu Li: Bye seen you soon!, Keep safe we will inform you of whats happening!, Take care Su!, Love you mom!

After everyone said their goodbyes Troy along with Korra and the air benders hopped on the bison and began to flyaway while waving goodbye to Su and her family and watching them fly away from Zaofu and head towards Republic City.

After Troy along with Korra and her friends left Zaofu they have been flying around the earth kingdom for many miles and hours until they started to see a familiar site in which Troy and Korra were able to see it with their own eyes, they were back in Republic City in which Troy was still amazed of how big the city was from the above and he could get a better view of the area and not only saw the city but also Air temple island and Avatar Aang's statue; Korra saw Troys reaction and giggled at seeing her boyfriends amazement of the city from above. Admittedly Jinora spotted her home and began to land the bison down but not before Korra spotted her fury friend Naga who was laying down until she heard her owners voice from above.

Korra: Naga!(Korra saids to her polar bear dog in which Naga got excited and rans towards the direction of where Korra along with Troy will be landing)

Then soon the sky bison landed on the island and Korra got off the bison and saw Naga running towards her and started to lick her friends face meaning she missed her in which Troy saw and it made him happy to see Naga seeing Korra again for so long.

Korra: I missed you so much girl!(Korra saids while hugging Naga)

Meelo: Mom, dad we're back! and we got Korra!(Meelo saids as he and Ikki ran to see their parents Tenzin and Pema)

Tenzin: Well done kids, I proud of you all for finding Korra.

Meelo: Proud enough to get me my tats?

Tenzin: No.

Pema: Hehehe.

Tenzin then went over to see Korra along with his olde brother Bumi who is also an air bender thanks to Korra during one of her adventures.

Bumi: Well ain't you a sight for soar eyes! Bum-Ju and I missed you.(Bumi saids and hugs Korra while a floating blue bunny sits on Bumi's shoulder)

Korra: It is so great to see you again Bumi and you too Bum-Ju.

Tenzin: Korra it is good to see you again welcome home.

Troy: Hey Tenzin long time no see!(Troy saids from on top of the bison in which got both Tenzins and Bumi's along with Pema's attention)

Tenzin: Troy is that you my it is so good to see you again my boy.(Tenzin saids in which Troy jumped down from the bison and went to give Tenzin a hug)

Troy: It is good to see you too, you looking quite well.

Tenzin: I could ask you the same you sure have change from the last time I saw you, this here is my wife Pema and my brother Bumi. Pema, Bumi this is Troy the Atlantean I told you both about the one who came from another world.

Bumi: Ooh so your the fish man we been hearing so much about please to meet you Troy.(Bumi saids and shakes Troys hand)

Troy: Nice to meet you too Bumi son of Avatar Aang and Katara, Korra told me so much about your families history and it is pleasure to meet you as well Pema.

Pema: My aren't you somewhat handsome and kind, when my husband and the white lotus told us that you came from another world I couldn't belive at first but after seeing you now I have to say you are definitely not from around here.

Troy: Hehehe I get that a lot thank you very much.

Korra: Tenzin I missed you too and it is great to see all of you again.

Tenzin: That's great news but now I want to get right down to business, I want to hear what happened in Zaofu.(Tenzin saids to Korra in which the awkwardness was now happening)

(Edit done by me:95nicholasnm)

Bumi: Way to ruin the moment?

Opal: Kuvria whole army was there, she captured mom and my brothers.

Korra: I thought I was strong enough to stop her, I feel like such a failure.(Korra saids while looking down in shame until Troy put a hand on her shoulder)

Tenzin: No one expected you to handle Kuvira on your own, it is up to all of us to find a way to deal with her. We are just glad to have you back.

Troy: Yea but luckily for me Tenzin I already dealt with her and destroyed her armies but she got away and left her armies and fled like the coward she is.(Troy saids in which got Tenzins attention)

Tenzin: Wait what now?

Opal: Tenzin, what Troy is saying is that he saved my mom and my brothers and defeated Kuvira's armies and defended Zaofu!!

Jinora: Not to mention he saved the life of Korra's as well, in which he used his Atlantean abilities to defeat Kurvira's armies all by himself.

Ikki: And dad get this he can use magic and used it to beat all of her armies, none of them couldn't even match him!!

Meelo: It was the most epic fight I even seen!! Troy is awesome!!!

Tenzin: Korra is that true, did Troy really do all of that for you and for Zaofu.

Korra: Tenzin he was incredible!! The way he took down the army and not mention made Kuvira flea like a coward after seeing what Troy can do oh you have no idea how brilliant he was in the battle field.

Bumi: My you must of been a great warrior to face an entire army own your on Troy.

Troy: I am Bumi, I was trained by the best Atlantean's of my world and if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be able to beat Kuvira's army and save the lives of Korra along with Su and her family.

Pema: Atlantean's now that is something I would like to know more about Troy is that what you call yourselves where you come from.

Troy: Yes indeed, you see were a race of warriors who spent centuries underwater and have the ability to breathe it thanks to the gills on our necks, as well as spent time learning many forms of fighting techniques and sorcery included.

Bumi: Wow that is something I never knew people have the ability to do that ? I would like to know more about your kind as well.

Troy: Sure but I would like to leave the personal stuff out because it is still too painful to talk about.(Troy saids to everyone in which Korra knows what he talking about)

Tenzin: Hmm...we understand if you don't want to talk about it we can except that and you can tell us whenever you are ready.

Troy: Thanks Tenzin and I still want to know more about your father Avatar Aang since we both promised to share stories.

Tenzin: Hehehe, I always keep my word.

Troy: And of course I will be happy to show you my powers since your kids along with Korra and Su and her family seen them.

Tenzin: Oh that is something I wanted to see for myself since I already seen what you can do with that trident of yours.

Korra: He will be happy to show you but I want him to meet my friends in the city, it has been so long since I saw them and I want to introduce them to Troy.

Troy: And since you told me so much about them I cannot wait to meet them. But for now Tenzin, Zhu Li has some intel of what Kuvira is planing next and she will be happy to tell you everything since she was only working with her to find out what she is up to.

Tenzin: Thats good to know, Zhu Li you found anything about that Kuvira is up to?

Zhu Li: Yes and I think it is best we have to talk with the other council members they need to know what Kuvira is up to after Troy took down her armies.(Zhu Li saids to Tenzin in which he nods in a agreement)

Bumi: Say Opal where is Bolin? He's not still on Kuvira's side is he?

Opal: No I don't think so anymore after what Zhu Li told me that his heart was still in the right place with us but I have no idea where he is; I am getting worried.(Opal saids until Troy puts a hand on her shoulder)

Troy: I am sure wherever he is Opal he is doing alright, and you can't let just give up on him I can tell he is strong is finding a way back to the people he cares about including you so don't doubt yourself.

Opal: Thank you Troy, I really needed that.

Troy: It is what I do Opal.

Korra: You always have such nice words to help make people feel better Troy, that is what I like about you.

Troy: Thanks Korra so shall we meet your friends Mako and Asami.

Korra: Sure but first I want to get into something that feels so much like myself.

Troy: Wardrobe change, very well we can do that first.

Korra: Then let's go.(Korra saids and takes Troys hand and they both left together)

Pema: He is very nice boy don't you think.

Tenzin: He sure is and an excellent fighter.

Bumi: I kind like that weapon he has on him, a trident you say.

Korra took Troy to Republic City and were heading towards the clothing store so that Korra can get herself a new outfit and while they were there many girls were looking at Troy in seeing how handsome and muscular he was in which they all blushed at the site they were looking at and many hid their faces because they were shy but still looked at Troy but he didn't pay much attention to them because he already has a girl in his life in which Korra found the outfit she is looking for an came out to see how Troy will react to it.

Korra: Hey Troy, I'm finished what do you think.(Korra saids and comes out in which Troy was amazed of how beautiful Korra looked in her new outfit)

Troy: look absolutely beautiful Korra, I like it and that is so definitely you.(Troy saids to Korra in which she smiles and blushes for Troys comment)

Korra: Hehehe thanks come on Asami is probably waiting at the restaurant along with Mako.

Troy: Very well lead the way water angel, after you.(Troy saids and opens the door for Korra)

Korra: Why thank you my Sea Guardian.

Korra and Troy left the clothes store and headed towards the restaurant that Asami and Mako were at and at the restaurant a young woman was reading a small job advertisement while waiting for her friend to show up in which she heard a familiar voice coming towards her.

Korra: I hope you weren't waiting for too long.(Korra saids to her fiend Asami in which she smiles and gets up to meet her friend she hasn't seen in couple years)

Asami: Only three years, it is so great to see you again.

Korra: You too Asami, oh and I want you to meet someone who has been looking after me and helping me recover in the south pole and he is the one I told you about in the letters I sent you.

Asami: Really would it have to be this guy named Troy, I would like to meet him and thank him for what he has done for you.(Asami saids and then hears a male voice coming up from behind Korra which was Troy)

Troy: And you can right now, it is a pleasure to finally meet you in person Asami. Korra has told me so much about you as well as Mako and Bolin.(Troy saids to Asami in which she looked at the person in front of her that made her heart thump and earned a blush on her face)

Asami looked at Troy from head to toe and saw that we was over six to four inches tall, had long dark brown hair, smooth skin, a muscular body with an eight pack, was wearing clothes she never seen before or armor, and was carrying a spear on his back but when she got a good look at him she found he to be quite handsome and kind of hot even his eyes were so beautiful in which made Asami blush again and her heart beat like crazy then looks towards Korra who has a smile on her face and held Troys arm around hers.

Korra: Hehehe, Asami this is Troy the one I been telling you about in the letters.

Asami: Wait you mean he is the one in the letters, Korra he's....he's.....

Troy: I know what your going to say Asami all the handsome and good look parts as well as the mysterious part in which I will tell you about me soon.

Asami: Um ok then......well it is really meet you too Troy.(Asami saids while looking away and blushing in which Korra was giggling at her reaction seeing that she too thinks Troys is very attractive but he belongs to her)

Troy: You too.

Asami: Anyway I loving the new look Korra it looks great on you.

Korra: Thanks your looking snazzy as always.

Asami: Come on Mako has got us ourselves a table, and Troy I am looking forward to getting to know you.

Troy: I am looking forward to getting to know you as well including Mako.

Asami: Korra where did you find this guy, I mean I seen a lot of men in the world but him; he is something far more different and quite handsome.(Asami whispers to Korra in which she giggles)

Korra: He will tell you and Mako about who he is and where he came from, and I wouldn't be able to move around or do anything if it wasn't for Troy he makes me so happy.

Asami: I can see that did he also give you that bracelet it looks beautiful.

Korra: Oh this, yea he made it for me after I left the south pole and I never took it off.

Asami: That is so sweet of him.

Troy: Hehehe I think I am going like Asami, she so full of passion and kindness kind of reminds me of Wonder Woman.(Troy saids in thought)

Soon the girls and Troy made it to the restaurant where a man wearing a suit and nice hair with yellow orange eyes was sitting by a table then soon looked to see both Korra, Asami as well Troy in which he is happy to see Korra again but never seen Troy before in which he has never seen someone dressed like Troy wears and carries a odd weapon.

Mako: Korra!

Korra: Hi Mako!(Korra saids to her friend in which both of them hugged each other then Mako looked towards Troy in a question look in which Korra decided to introduce him to Troy)

Korra: Mako I want you to meet Troy, he and I met in the south pole and has been helping me recover and has been keeping track of my well being and has been a good friend to me since then. Troy this Mako one the friends I made when I came to Republic City.

Troy: It is a pleasure to meet you Mako, Korra has told me so much about you and your brother Bolin and the adventures you guys went on together.

Mako: Well it is a pleasure to meet you as well Troy and I have to state this but I feel like your not from around here or any of the nations because you seem quite different not to sound rude on anything.

Troy: Don't worry about it Mako that is why I will be telling you and Asami more about myself since I already told Korra and her family and her other friends included.

Korra: And trust me guys he is something else and you wouldn't believe what he can do and where he comes from. Trust me I am still getting excited of what he can do including the fact he did so much good for me and my family back home.

Mako: Well then hows about we......(Mako didn't get to finish his sentence as a short guy wearing green and making smirks at Korra in which made Troy a little mad and the guy was known as Prince Wu)

Prince Wu: Hello there, Prince Wu rightful heir to the throne and this guys boss. I bet he has told you a lot about me.(Wu saids while flirting with Korra in which Troy was starting to not like him one bit)

Troy: Let me guess a spoiled prince who wants everything he wants right and also shows off too much.(Troy whispers to Asami in which she shakes her head in annoying)

Asami: You have no idea.....

Korra: Nope not a thing?

Prince Wu: Then we have so much to talk about, you are going to love the food here. I know the chef personally. Excuse me sir let's start with a round of your spicy octopus fritters and keep the cucumbers water flowing I got to keep this princely skin hydrated.(Wu saids while flirting with Korra in which Troy sat next to Wu while glaring at him from behind)

Asami: I thought it was going to be just us, but I don't mind Troy being here since he does look like a nice guy to be around and since Korra knows him that's ok with me.

Mako: Sorry I couldn't ditch Wu but he promises to be on his best behavior and I agree with you I rather have the new guy sitting with us instead of Wu he is so annoying.

Prince Wu: Hey pop into the Avatar state for me I want to see your eyes glow!(Wu saids to Korra in which hit a tick mark on Troys head)

Korra: What No!

POKE!(Something sharp just poke Wu's back in which was Troys trident)

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Prince Wu: Gulp!........Uh hehehe Hi....(Wu saids to Troy in which he was glaring right at Wu)

Troy: Switch seats with me, I don't like how people treat others as objects and no she will not show you the Avatar state because it is not some kind play thing for a prince like yourself should not mess with got it.

Prince Wu: Crystal.........😱(Wu saids as he gets up from his spot and sits on the other side while Troy sits next to Korra while she blushes of what Troy did which made her heart thump)

Asami: And not to mention very protective I like him.(Asami whispers to Mako in which he agrees and likes Troys attitude)

Mako: I agree he even made Wu tremble by poking him with that spear of his.(Mako whispers back in which both him and Asami giggle)

Korra: Thanks Troy...(Korra whispers to Troy)

Troy: Your welcome....(Troy whispers back)

Asami: So Korra can you go into the Avatar state again? I was worried when you told me you couldn't.

Mako: Wait, when did she tell you she couldn't? What is going on with you two?(Mako saids to both Korra and Asami)

Korra: During my recovery in the South Pole with Troy, I wrote to Asami while I was away and I asked her not to tell you, I am so sorry.

Mako: Well, why didn't you ever write to me or Bolin?

Korra: I don't know, I guess I didn't know what to say.

Troy: No one blames you Korra, you were just not feeling like yourself at the time and Mako does have a point there I mean you could just say Hello, how you been, hows life treating in Republic city anything new happening, you know you could of told me about this and I would of helped you write letters to your friends.(Troy saids to Korra who smiles at Troy for what he said)

Mako: Well at least someone knows what I am talking about, you have good advice Troy I give you that.

Prince Wu: Mako if it makes you feel anything better, she didn't write to me either.

Troy: Heh like that would ever happened?

Korra: Whoah is Troy getting jealous....he really is the best boyfriend I ever had.(Korra saids in thought while smiling at Troys attitude towards Wu)

Korra: Listen I am sorry I didn't stay in touch but I am back now. And I want to to know everything about what is going on with you two.

Troy: I would like to know as well since you two have been great friends to Korra for so long.(Troy saids to both Mako and Asami in which both like Troys attitude towards them)

Asami: Well for me I have some big news, I went to visit my father for the first time and he has been writing me letters and I guess I can finally felt ready to try and forgive him.(Asami saids in which got Troys attention)

Troy: At least you can forgive your father unlike me I can not forgive mine for what he did to me.(Troy saids with a little venom in voice and crushed his hands into fist in which Korra calmed him down and it got both Mako and Asami's attention)

Asami: Why what did your father do, I mean my father used to work for a guy named Amon who tried to take over the city and build weapons to hunt down benders all over the place how is your father different from mine.

Korra: Troy you don't have to tell them......

Mako: Tell us what?

Korra: Asami, Mako the truth is Troy isn't from around here and I mean not from our world or the spirit world but from another world in which he fell out of a portal that I never seen before and my dad found him and took back home in which Troy told us so much about his world and what has happened to him before he came to our world and I am still shocked and horrified of what happened to him.(Korra saids to her friends in which both of them were shocked at what they just heard and looked towards Troy)

Asami: Troy is that true are you really from another world!

Troy: Sigh....I am but I was banished from my world because of what my father did if I can even call me that.

Mako: What did he do to you?

Troy: He raged war upon the world, tried to kill all humanity, he and his father executed my mother for being a human, and killed my grandmother with a dagger for the throne and later created a portal in which I got sucked in and brought to this new world.(Troy saids with hate and anger while both Asami and Mako gasp in horror of what they heard)

Mako: By the spirits......he did all of that to you and for what a throne?

Troy: Not just any throne Mako, the throne to ancient undersea kingdom of which my people have lived for many centuries and our technology is far more advanced as well as skillful warriors and great sorceries. The Throne of Atlantis

Asami and Mako: Atlantis?

Asami: I never heard of such a place? and what did you mean by your father and grandfather executing your mother for being human I mean that is so tragic and horrible!!

Troy: Sigh...because I am not interlay human but half human and the other half is my race that lives underwater and have the ability to breathe it; we call ourselves Atlantean's in which we have these gills on our necks to breathe underwater.(Troy saids to Mako and Asami and showed them the gills in which their eyes went wide of what they were seeing)

Asami and Mako: YOU HAVE GILLS?!!!!

Troy: Yea shocking right?

Mako: Ok now I am starting to see the picture here, your not from our world but from a different world where your kind lives underwater which is pretty impressive by the way and you said your father killed both your mother and grandmother for the throne and raged war upon the humans to do what exactly?

Troy: My father's name was Orm who blamed the humans of my world for his father Orvax death and not the powerful being who tried to destroy the earth in which he became ruthless and deadly as well as crazy with power and wanted to kill all humans but I didn't want that or the throne because I used to be a prince but ever since I was born both Orm and Orvax treated me with such disrespect and no compassion, the only ones who showed me love was my mother, and my grandmother queen Atlanna who was the ruler of Atlantis before Orm killed her and my mentor Mera who taught me how to fight and use sorcery in which I became a hero of my world.

Asami: I guess your father is far more worse than mine, I am sorry for your losses Troy.(Asami saids while feeling bad for Troys losses even Mako because he knows what it is like to loose a family)

Mako: And I feel your pain Troy, me and Bolin lost our parents to very dangerous people and we have been alone ever since then.

Troy: Thanks Asami and thank you Mako.

Asami: So I would like to change the subject what is Atlantis like Troy before you came to our world.

Troy: Instead of telling why don't i just show you both, but be warned my technology so advanced you might get excited of what you about to see.(Troy saids to Asami in which she looks confused and so did Mako until Troy pulled out the same device again and placed it in front of Asami)

Asami: Troy what is this thing?(Asami saids while looking at the device in front of her)

Troy: What you see there Asami is called a hologram projector in which it has a complete file of my home Atlantis along with the heroes of my world known as the Justice League in which they have powers far beyond anything you could possibly imagined and if you ask no in my we do not have benders, spirits, the four nations or the Avatar because they do no exist it is a completely different world filled with such wonders and highly advanced technology far more advanced then the tech you create in this world.

Asami: How advanced are we talking about?

Troy: The humans of my world build bigger cities, better cars, there is about like seven nations, they invented vehicles that can fly in space, weapons that are dangerous and could destroy a lot of things if you come too close them, and we Atlantean's are still developing newer and more highly advanced tech for the future.(Troy saids to Asami in which her eyes popped out like dinner plates even Mako whose jaw was dropping to the table while Korra was trying to hold in her laughter while Wu was sleeping because he didn't hear anything)

Troy: Observe!(Troy saids and pushes the button on the projector in which a blue screen appeared in front of Asami in which surprised her even Mako but stopped and saw the image of Atlantis on the screen and was in awe of what she was looking at even Mako was seeing it in person)

Mako: Troy is that what I think it is?

Troy: Yes Mako that is my home the undersea kingdom of Atlantis beautiful isn't it.

Asami: Troy this technology is amazing! And your home this Atlantis looks absolutely incredible!! I never seen such a city like this even if it is underwater.

Troy: That it is Asami, and I still can't get over the memories I had there with Mera, my mother and Atlanna the good times I had with them.

Mako: So how did this kingdom ended up in the bottom of the ocean?

Troy then began to tell both Asami and Mako the history of Atlantis in which they both shocked and yet amazed that the kingdom was originally on the land until it was struck by a cataclysmic invent in which made the entire place sunk to the bottom of the ocean in which gave the people new life and have the ability to breathe underwater as well as grow into a magnificent empire and learned how to use sorcery as well as fight as powerful warriors. Troy also told them about the many creatures that live in the ocean in which he showed them so many species in which Korra looked as well and found them be quite beautiful and some very scary like sharks and pariahs as well as how the people known as Atlantean's live in harmony while the outside world sees them as nothing more than a child's fantasy which makes sense because what Mako and Asami are looking at does look something from a child's fantasy for being a city underwater. They also found out that Atlantis has been around for more than millions of years that was older than how the Avatar has been around for ten thousand years or more so which makes Atlantis the oldest kingdom in Troys world. Then Troy finishes his history telling to Asami and Mako while looking at the images of Atlantis and were absent amazed about this place and Asami was excited about how highly advanced the technology was in Troys world which earned a smile on both Troys and Korra's.

Asami: Troy!! this is the most amazing knowledge of technology and race I have ever heard of!!! You must let me study more about your Atlantean tech as well as knowledge of different worlds.

Troy: Hehehe of course Asami I will happy to let you know more about my tech and my peoples culture.

Mako: I must admit Troy, your world and Atlantis are something else but what is with that spear you have there is that from Atlantis as well?

Troy: Of course it is, it is called a trident an ancient weapon in which the king and myself are the only ones who have one and it is made of Atlantean steel and cut through mostly anything even solid platinum.

Asami: Wait that thing can cut plantinum?

Korra: It sure can Asami, we had him tested out back home and it works like charm. He cut the platinum with it and shattered into pieces.

Asami: Really, I might have to see if for myself whenever I get the chance. And it does look like a unique weapon and the metal does look mysterious.

Troy: Well Atlantean steel is quite rare and hard to bend, not even Su can't metal bend it.

Mako and Asami: Whoah.......

Troy then soon told them about Mera and Queen Atlanna and show them the images of them in which Asami found them to be quite beautiful and very strong women who look like they can take down anyone bigger than them, then soon he showed them the heroes known as the Justice League in which they were a group of heroes in costumes and mask with unique abilities while some relay on their combat skills and technology but also save more cities then they can count and stopped many dangerous people who want to destroy the world that are fare more dangerous then the enemies in the Avatar world. Asami was impressed by Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Batman and Superman because one was a female who lives on an all female warrior island in which they are trained to become very skillful heroes, the other was someone who was great detective and has so many interesting gadgets that he uses to fight crime as well as a mean glare that scares their enemies away as well as skilled in combat, the other was an alien who has super powers that can fly, shoot beams out his eyes, and is very strong and fast and the last one was a human who was half man and half alien machine and can create things using his mind as well as hacking into any electronic devices to help the team out. Mako liked the Flash, Green Lantern, Shazam because he liked how Green Lantern reminded him of his brother Bolin as Shazam in which Troy told him was actually a ten year boy who was given magic like powers to transform into an adult with lightening abilities, and the Flash he really liked because he was the fastest man alive with his super speed and can run so fast that you wont be able to spot him coming right at you in which Mako wants to know what he would be like with super speed and it would be a lot easier to catch criminals. Then soon Troy told them to his uncle Arthur Curry in which he too was a half human and half Atlantean just like him and was the son of Queen Atlanna her first born child of two worlds in which he told them that he was the one true king of Atlantis and not Orm in which they were impressed by Arthur and his looks that Asami and Mako think that Arthur and along with Mera would be proud of Troy that he is doing alright and making a new life for himself with Korra. Then soon when Troy was about to say something else Prince Wu woke up from his nap and it made everyone annoyed again.

Prince Wu: Yawn! much as I am enjoying this little catch up and story time, my royal bladder is about to explode. Mako!, come on I need you to stand guard.

Mako: I am not going to hold your hand every time you have yo empty your royal bladder. Go to the bathroom on your own for once.

Prince Wu: Fine....(Wu said as he walks away from everyone)

Mako: Sigh....Troy you said you were a prince right?

Troy: Was....was a prince not anymore I am sick of royalty and what I can tell your on the same page as me.

Mako: Yea pretty much......

Korra: Do you always go to the bathroom with him?

Troy: Thats just weird in all directions?

Mako: I don't go with him with him, I just stand there in the general vicinity while he....I don't want to talk about it.

Asami: Say Troy can I ask you something.

Troy: Sure Asami whats up?

Asami: Are you and Korra you know a thing?(Asami saids in which made Korra blush)

Troy: Hehehe of course we are, we have been together for three years, and I have never met anyone like Korra before she makes me happy and if it wasn't for her and her family I wouldn't be here starting my life in this world and I made her family a promise that I will always be here for her and protect her with my life and we both swore to look out for each other and protect those closest to us family, friends and loved ones.(Troy saids to Asami in which shes smiles that Korra has found a really good and respectful person to spend her life with and it made Korra very happy that he said those beautiful words to her even Mako was impressed by Troys words to Korra)

Asami: That is so romantic Troy, I can see how you care deeply about Korra like we do.

Korra: And I wouldn't be standing or walking again if Troy haven't gave up hope for me and helped me recover during my time away and offer to train me his ways of the Atlantean. But most and importantly you stood by my side every step of the way and made me the happiest person in the world and you treated me with such love and compassion and has always respected me and that is why I fell in love you Troy.

Troy: And I love you as well Korra

Asami: Awwwww!!!!

Mako: Say if I ever you know get into dating again, you think you can help me with some dating advice I was not really that good with talking to girls except for Asami and Korra.

Troy: Not at all Mako besides you and Asami are my new friends and I would be honored to help whatever you need including you Asami.

Then soon hours later the waiter came to the table with dish of food that Prince Wu has ordered but he hasn't come back from the bathroom in which Mako was getting frustrated about.

Mako: I wonder what is taking Wu so long, he is not one to miss out on lunch. I will go check on him.(Mako saids and gets up and goes check on Prince Wu leaving Asami, Korra and Troy at the table)

Korra: What do you think is keeping him Troy?

Troy: Maybe he has a tiny little bladder or is afraid to go to the bathroom like a big boy.(Troy saids with a baby like voice in which made both Korra and Asami laugh)

Asami and Korra: Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!

Then after the girls and Troy got up from their seats and waited outside the bathroom for Mako and Wu until Korra saw a man with a basket of dirty towels and decides to check it out.

Korra: I am going to check something out I will be right back.(Korra saids and heads out which Troy can see something is up but did what Korra asked)

Korra went outside the restaurant and into the back where the trucks are being loaded filled with dirty laundry and decided to asked the man in front of her about Prince Wu.

Korra: Excuse me, did you happen to see if Prince Wu came out this way?

Waiter: Sorry miss, haven't seen him.(The man saids until Wu's head stuck out the laundry and it looked like he was drugged)

Prince Wu: Hmmm....I'm in laundry.

Korra saw the Wu and was about to do something until she was earth bend under her and the guy she was talking to was an earth bender in which he earth bend Korra in the air and had her knocked into the woof of the building in which was heard by Mako, Asami and Troy who went out to see what was happening.

Troy: Korra what happened!

Korra: They got Wu! Asami get the car I am going after them.

Troy: I am going to!(Troy saids as he and Korra went to catch the guys who kidnap Wu while Asami and Mako get the car)

Korra and Troy chase the truck that was getting away and Korra used her earth bend and try to stop it but it didn't work and Troy ran after it and was gaining on it pretty fast in which Korra was amazed by how Troy catching up to the truck so quick.

Troy: Sigh this is just great I arrived in Republic City with the girl I love and met her friends and now we have to go save a prince who just got abducted.(Troy saids in thought while still chasing the truck really quick)

Asami: Korra get in!(Asami saids as Korra got into the car while Troy is still running after the truck with his friends behind)

The truck drivers partner made a turn and used his earth bending to block the way they turned and Korra along with Asami and Mako stopped and couldn't get through until they saw Troy charged the rock and broke through in a second.

Troy: YAAAAAAA!!!!!(Troy saids and charges into the rock smashing it into pieces)

Korra/Mako/Asami: WHOAH!

Troy: GUYS I'LL KEEP CHASING THIS WAY, TRY TO CUT THEM OFF ON THE OTHER SIDE!!(Troy saids to his friends and Korra in which they nod and drove the other way)

Then soon Troy was able to catch up with the truck in which the driver was having a really hard time trying to get away from Troy but can not out run him until Troy saw his friends and Korra who jumped onto the truck and metal bend the woof of the truck and couldn't find the prince only the driver in which she air bender the driver back and stopped the truck. Then Troy came to a hawt as well as Mako and Asami who stopped the car and saw Korra dragging out the driver.

Troy: What happened Korra where's Wu?

Korra: Wu is not here, this guy was the only one in the truck.(Korra saids as Mako grabs the driver by the shirt)

Mako: Where is the prince?!!!

Driver: Hehehe like I ever tell you......he is probably half.......(BANG)!!!!(Driver didn't get to finish as something just ran past his head and hit the truck and it was Troys trident in which Korra, Asami and Mako and the driver looked in front of them and Troy in his armor)

Troy: I think I can make you talk.....(Troy saids as he walks towards the driver in which he started to shiver at the site he was seeing while Asami and Mako have never seen armor like that before)

Troy: Tell me where the prince is and I wont hesitate to destroy you like I did to Kuvira's armies back in Zaofu!(Troy saids with venom in his voice and it scared the man while Asami and Mako looked at Korra of what he is talking about)

Asami: Wait Kuvira's armies were taken down by Troy, Korra is the true?

Korra: Thats right, you should of seen him in action he literally took down all of Kuvira's men and destroyed all of the tech she had to take Zaofu it was amazing.

Driver: You.....your him.......your the one who destroyed the Zaofu.....and took down our best soldiers......

Troy: Thats right and your leader abandoned them like the coward she tell me WHERE.IS.PRINCE.WU.NOW!.....or else I will disintegrate you with my trident.(Troy saids and points his trident at the driver while electric was coming out in which the man was terrified and said the words)


Troy: Hmmm....thank you was that so hard.(Troy saids as a police car came and took the driver away and Troy deactivate his armor)

Mako: Troy that was something?

Asami: That was probably the coolest thing I have ever seen.

Troy: You just got to show them some tough love or any case make them scared until they break.(Troy saids as he cracked his knuckles in which Korra liked the way Troy handled the driver)

Korra: Troy he said that they were taking him to the train station is that correct.

Troy: Thats right why you ask?

Korra: I want to try something real quick and I don't know if it would work on not.(Korra saids as she goes near a vine and touches it in which she starts to see if she can see how far Wu is from them)

Troy: Korra what do you see?

Korra: They are taking Wu to the train station and they are already there!

Asami: Are your sure how do you know?

Troy: Trust her guys she knows what she is talking about.(Troys saids in which smiles at Korra and she smiles back)

Korra: I will explain on the way just drive, come on Troy lets go!(Korra saids as everyone even Troy hops into the car and they drive towards the train station)

Mako: So how did you know where Wu is just by touching some spirit vines?

Troy: She learned how to connect to peoples energy through them.

Asami: Who taught her that?

Korra: Lins mom, I found her in the swamp that place is like one giant spirit wield.

Asami: You met Toph?

Troy: Not just her me as well.

Asami: You both did what was she like?

Korra: A cranky, more miserable version of Lin.(Korra saids in which made Troy giggle)

Troy: Really she was quite nice to me when we first met. I guess when it is with you Korra you make her get annoyed.(Troy saids in which made Korra pout and Mako and Asami giggle)

Mako: Is that even possible Troy?

Troy: You be surprised, just treat your elders with respect and they will go easy on you.

Asami then stopped the car as the made it to the train station in which all of them got out and prepared to take down anyone who tries to find Prince Wu.

Mako: Which train is Wu on?

Korra: I don't know!

Mako: Split up and start looking!(Mako saids as everyone started to look for the prince)

Troy and Korra started to look everywhere for the prince but so far they ran into more dead ends as well as did Mako and Asami.

Asami: If we don't find Wu soon, we might never find him.

Troy: Korra try to use your connection again and see if you can pinpoint of his location he could be on any of these trains left.(Troy saids to Korra in which she nods and gets down and uses her connection again like the vine)

Korra: He is on that train come on!(Korra saids as she along with Troy, Mako and Asami run after the train that was starting to leave and manage to get on board)

Mako: How do you know for sure he is here?

Korra: I don't but I have a feeling ok?

Mako: And I am suppose to trust your Avatar feelings?

Korra: You wouldn't have to if you had guarded the prince like your suppose to.(Korra saids then walks away until two people saw them while sitting and looked like they had something to do with Prince Wu kidnapping)

Mako: Oh so it is my fault Wu disappeared.

Korra: It is certainly not mine!

Troy: WOULD THE BOTH OF YOU STICK A CORK IN IT AND SHUT IT!!!!!(Troy saids in which his eyes glowed and it made both Mako and Korra quiet)

Mako and Korra: Sorry....

Troy: Thank you and just listen I think I hear something?

Asami: Yea I hear it too and it looks like it is coming from that chest right there.(Asami saids and points to the chest the is moving in which Mako went to it and opened it up and out came Wu)

Prince Wu: DAH!!!!

Mako: Wu! Wu! it is me.

Prince Wu: Mako? Where am I? Am I dead?

Mako: No, you are on a train were going to get you out of here.(Mako saids to Wu then all of sudden two people came in and it look like they from the earth empire and once they were in they spotted Troy and looked at him in fear)

Man: Its.......its you the one who destroyed.....

Troy: Sigh...I get it I destroyed your ridiculous empire and your armies, and made Kuvira flea like coward she is and besides she wasn't much a leader anyway now are you two going to talk all day or should I just kick your metal asses.(Troy saids as he walks over to the two who began to pale then the next thing Troy did was grabbed both of them in the air and slam them into ground hard)

(Reference of Troy grabbing the two earth empire guards and slamming them down to the ground)

Korra: Wow.........(Korra whispers in thought while smiling and blushing at the same time)

Troy: Geez I hate those guys so much?

Asami: Guys more are coming!(Asami saids as more earth empire guards are coming their way)

Mako: Let's get out of here!(Mako saids as Korra opens up the woof of train with metal bending)

Korra: Everyone out!

Prince Wu: I am not going up there.

Troy: Oh yes you are Prince!(Troy saids and throws Wu out of the train and everyone else jump out of the train included)

Then everyone started running across the train while some of the earth empire guards chased after them as well. Korra along with Troy as well as Mako and Asami attack the guards and knocking them down one by one and some of them couldn't even take on Troy because he was too strong for them then soon Korra grabbed hold of Asami, Mako and Wu while Troy jumped off on his own and they all landed on the ground.

Troy: Korra you alright?(Troy saids and helps Korra up on her feet from the fall)

Korra: Yea I'm alright thanks Troy, what about the rest of you?

Asami: We're good!

Mako: You alright Wu?

Prince Wu: Yes! Thank you!, Thank you!, Thank you!, Thank you!, Thank you!, Thank you!, you are definitely getting a raise buddy.

Mako: You should be thanking Troy and Korra we never would of found you without their help.

Prince Wu: I owe you my life Avatar and to you too Troy if there only there was some way to repay you. Oh I know how about I take you out for a night on the town?(Wu saids while grabbing Korra's hand in which she looked uncomfortable until Troy stepped forward with a glare)

Troy: Really your asking her out even though she is in a relationship with me and your hitting on somebody else's girlfriend.(Troy saids as he puts his arm around Korra's waist in which she smiles at Troy for being with her and for calling her his girlfriend)

Prince: Oh......I guess I wont put her down for a maybe?

Korra: How about a never.

Troy: Nice try Prince...(Troy smirks and goes over to Korra with Mako and Asami)

Korra: Not exactly what I imagined for our first day back together.

Asami: But it was kind of like old times except for getting on each other nerves part.

Troy: Do you guys always go on these crazed up adventures where you get annoyed with each other and always get into trouble with people who want to kill you?

Mako: Hehehe actually Troy that happens to us all the time, you will get used to it.

Korra: Listen I am sorry things got so awkward earlier.

Troy: Meet too sorry about my little outburst back on the train.

Asami: Hey it is alright after being apart for three years there is bound to be a bit of adjustment period.

Mako: Yea but it is great to have you back and Troy since you helped us and became our new friend and ally we would be honor to have you in our world your full of surprises and you got attitude and spirit I like that.

Troy: Thanks Mako, you and Asami are really good people and so you are you water angel.(Troy saids to Mako and Asami then Korra in which she takes Troys hand and smiles)

Korra: Thanks Troy and there is no place else we rather be then you guys.(Korra saids as she brought Troy, Asmai and Mako into a hug and Wu tried to join in but stopped by Troy holding up his trident)

Troy: Don't even think about Wu....

Prince Wu: You guys are the greatest friends a guy could have.

Korra: So what are we going to do about Wu? It is too dangerous to take him back to the hotel.

Troy: Not to mention there are probably still earth empire men looking for him and they can still be in the city somewhere.(Troy saids while crossing him arms)

Prince Wu: Oof! Your telling me I need a cushy safe house somewhere.

Troy: Got any ideas guys?

Mako: Actually I think I know just the place.

Soon after Korra along with Troy and her friends took Wu to the place that Mako has mention which a beautiful mansion with a nice garden and everything and Troy found it to be quite nice but he wasn't really big on fancy stuff or money.

Prince Wu: Nice digs Mako, you didn't tell me you came from money.

Troy and Korra: Oh please.....(Troy saids while rolling his eyes as Korra did the same)

Mako: I don't, this is Asami's place she was nice enough to let my family stay here after they fled Ba Sing Se.

Troy: Because of what happened to the earth queen right?(Troy whispers to Korra in which she nods until a door opened reveling an older woman who looked very sweet and was wearing a red scarf around her neck)

Yin: Mako, it is so wonderful to.....gasp!....are you.(Yin saids while staring at Wu in shock)

Mako: Grandma this is Prince Wu he needs to stay with you and the family for a little while.

Prince Wu: It is an honor Grandma Mako.(Wu saids and kisses Yin as she started to faint until Mako catches her)

Mako: She loves royalty?

Troy: Hehehe what else is new?(Troy giggles in which Korra did as well)

Prince Wu: I think I will fit right in here, thanks for looking out for me Mako. Now where is the nearest bathroom? I have been holding it all day!

Troy: Oh good grief...(Troy saids while shaking his head in annoyance)

Korra: Wanna head back to Air temple island, Pema is making dinner soon and I am kind of hungry.

Troy: Yea thats sounds great, I could use some food what about now.

Asami: Say Troy now that your part of the team I think we have to change our team name to something else.

Troy: Really what do you have in mind?

Asami: Hows team double avatar?


Troy: I think I have a better name, hows about Team Avatar Atlantean.

Mako: I kind like that one.

Korra: Sounds perfect!

Asami: Team Avatar Atlantean sounds pretty good to me, welcome to the team Troy of Atlantis.

Troy: And I looked forward to joining the team.

Korra: Come on let's go home together.(Korra saids while wapping her arm around Troys)

Troy: Let's, see you guys around!

Mako and Asami: Later Troy! Bye Korra!

Troy and Korra: Bye!

Korra: So what you what you think of them.

Troy: I like them Korra I really do.

Korra: I am happy that you got along with them quite well.

Troy: Yea but thats not the only thing I like.(Troy saids with a smile)

Korra: And what would that be...mph(Korra saids then feels a pair of lips on her in which was Troy kissing Korra in which she kissed back)

Troy: The one thing I like is being with the woman I love and that is you Avatar Korra my beautiful radical water angel.

Korra: Hehehehe!, and I love you too my all powerful Sea Guardian of Atlantis.

Troy: Race you back to the island and loser has to clean the dishes and I mean all of them!

Korra: Your on!(Korra saids and she runs after Troy and try to beat him in the race back to the island)

Troy and Korra: I love him/her so much!(Both said in thought)

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