Chapter 11: Korra vs Kuvira!

After Baatar Sr told Korra that Su along with her twin sons were going to snick into Kuvira's camp and end it all, the Avatar began to worry of what is going to happen if Su and her sons are caught and what Kuvira would do to them if they are captured by her and her army. While in the mean time Su and her sons are sneaking into the camp site so that they don't go unnoticed but another person was at the camp site as well but was hiding in the water near the camp which was Troy who was keeping his distance from the troops so that they don't find or see him.

Wei: Are you sure this would work? Even without Kuvira they could still crush us.

Su: Most of this army has been forced into service by Kuvira if we take her out they will have no reason to fight. Tonight we end her reign of terror.(Su saids to her sons and put on her mask while her sons did the same and they all headed into the camp site to stay low and stay quiet)

Su along with Wei and Wing are running into the camp site while trying to stay clear of the security lights as well as some of the men who are patrolling the night shifts and when they found Kuvira's tent and it looked like it is guarded by mecha suits so that no one can get close to Kuvira without triggering an alarm. So su used her earth bending like her mother taught her and sensed that Kuvira was indeed inside her tent sleeping and not knowing what is coming for her.

Su: She is alone in there, now is our chance.(Su saids to her sons and the next thing she did was used her earth bending and made a hole in the ground in which her and her sons dug a tunnel and walked under the mecha suit and into Kuvira's private quarters)

Once inside, Su and her sons saw Kuvira in the bed and used their metal rips to turn her around and once they saw the person who they didn't expect to see they saw it was known other than Varrick's partner Zhu Li.

Zhu li: Please don't hurt me.....

Su: Zhu Li?(Su saids then all of sudden an alarm went off and the entire sleeping quarters went down and the next thing that Su and her sons saw was that they were surrounded by Kuvira and her men)

Kuvira: I knew you try a sneak attack, you were afraid to step up and lead the earth kingdom when you had the chance; you were afraid to join me when I became the leader and now you are afraid of a fair fight you have always been a coward. Take them(Kuvira saids to Su then order her men to take Su and her sons in when the mecha suit electrocuted them all and while they did that a certain Atlantean who came out of the water and saw the whole thing with his own eyes)

Troy: Oh no....this is not good at all.(Troy saids in thought while watching Su and her sons being taken in and captured by Kuvira and her men)

Meanwhile back in Zaofu Korra along with the air benders and Su's other family were getting worried about what is happening in which they ask Korra go and try to stop Su from doing something out of thinking.

Jinora: Korra you have to stop Su before she does something terrible.(Jinora saids to Korra then Opal who is Su's daughter speaks)

Opal: Stop her? We should be helping her!

Korra: We have no idea where your mom is or what her plan is. We go charging into Kuvira's camp, we could get them all captured or worse. All we can do now is wait.(Korra saids to Opal who looked disappointed until everyone hears Kuvira's voice on the microphone)

Kuvira(voice): Attention citizens of Zaofu, your leader Su Beifong attempted to attack me tonight while I slept ignoring the terms of our truce. Luckily I now have her and her assault team in custody, rest assured that I will not take revenge on the peaceful citizens of Zaofu as long as you remain representatives meet me outside the city at dawn to offer the full and unconditional surrender of your city that is all.

Opal: Korra, you can't let Kuvira get away with this. We have to go break out mom and my brothers.

Jinora: You swore an oath of nonaggression when you became an air bender, you can't just attack Kuvira.

Opal: I don't care about the oath, I have to save my family.

Korra: No Jinora is right your mom attacked the camp, Kuvira is just defending herself.

Opal: Defending herself? She was going to attack our city I can not believe you are refusing to fight.(Opal saids until the other air benders cam out to see what the commotion is about)

Meelo: Why is the loudspeaker lady talking when I am trying to sleep?

Baatar: Korra what are we going to do?

Korra: Jinora and I will go and talk to Kuvira at dawn, and maybe we can work something out. I promise I will do everything I can to keep the peace.

Opal: I will go with you

Ikki: We will go too

Jinora: No, dad told us to find Korra and we found her now you need to stay safe.

Ikki: Come on let us help?

Korra: I can not risk anyone else being captured you can stay with Baatar and Huan while I work this out with Kuvira and make sure they get back to Tenzin safely if anything goes wrong.

Meelo: Aw man when am I going to see some action?

Meanwhile with Troy:

Troy: I knew that woman can not be trusted and I can not believe she would do something so curl she probably as bad as Orm or maybe worse than Orvax put together but I can not just sit around and watch that woman take this city and harm innocent lives as well as the Korra and if she for Neptunes beard if she harms my water angel and the people who are close to her then I will send her and her army packing for what they are doing to this kingdom and the people who live in it.(Troy said to himself while thinking of how bad and horrible Kuvira is and what she is doing to the earth kingdom as well as how she is treating people)

Troy: It is like Mera said before I was brought to this world, a warrior fights for his people but for me I fight for everyone and I will fight for the people of Zaofu as well the girl I love and I will not let anyone fall or worse because I wont let that happen again because I am Troy The Sea Guardian and a warrior of Atlantis.(Troy saids to himself while encouraging himself to be the warrior he is meant to be as well as showing pride in his heart)

Troy: Good night Korra.....stay safe and stay strong I love you.(Troy saids in thought then goes to sleep while also getting ready to help and stop Kuvira from taking over the city)

Then soon night was falling upon the city of Zaofu and everyone was getting ready to sleep while Kuvira and her army get prepared for tomorrow at dawn as well as Korra who was in her room thinking of what she has planed but as well as thinking about Troy some more and wishes he was there with her to cheer her own if she fight Kuvira.

Korra: Goodnight Troy.....I will see you soon I hope, I miss you so much and if you were here I just want to be in your arms again as well as cheering for me if I fight Kuvira.(Korra saids in thought then goes to sleep and gets ready to meet Kuvira at dawn)

Dawn has come at Zaofu and Korra along with her friends Opal and Jinora walked towards Kuvira in which her army was behind her while awaiting her orders to attack and next to them were Su and her sons who are trapped in platinum cages so they do not escape and Troy who was watching everything from the other side was glaring her the earth empire leader but also was watching the love of his life Korra walking towards the female conquer.

Troy: I am not going to let anyone get hurt I made promise to fight for everyone and thats what I am going to do if things get out of hand.(Troy saids in thought while watching Korra walking towards Kuvira and her army)

Opal: Release my mom and my brothers now!

Kuvira: If Su agrees to bow to me and turn over Zaofu she and the rest of your family will not be harmed.

Troy: Ok now I definitely want to rip her apart and she is starting to sound like Orm now.(Troy saids in thought while hiding and listening to the conversation)

Su: Never! I will never bow to you!

Korra: There must be some way for us to resolve this.

Kuvira: I have already laid out my terms, and I think they are very reasonable after all Su did try to take me out during our peaceful negotiations.

Troy: Heh I would have done that myself or better yet summon a tsunami to have it wash you away along with your armies.(Troy saids in thought while glaring at Kuvira while observing the situation)

Wing: You call bringing an army to threaten our city peaceful?!!

Opal: Where is Bolin, I would know he would never go along with this!

Kuvira: Bolin is with my fiancé working on something very important but I assure you he is on board with my plans, you two have been apart for some time and I guess I don't realize how much Bolin has grown up. Now turn over Zaofu

Korra: I can't let you take the city!

Troy: You tell her water angel(Troy saids with a smirk while admiring Korra's attitude)

Kuvira: Avatar Korra you are interfering with internal earth empire business and letting your personal feelings get in the way of reason. Zaofu can not continue to rule itself they have been hoarding their riches and technology too long I am here to distribute those resources fairly throughout the nation this is about equality.

Opal: You don't care about equality! This is about control just take her down and you know it is the right thing to do you have to stop this Korra.

Kuvira: The only way you are going to keep me from marching into Zaofu is if you physically stop me and what are you going to do?

Troy: I will destroy you and your armies and show that your so called empire stands in the way of a hero who wants to protect all.(Troy saids while looking at Kuvira in anger as well as also getting ready to strike but when the time is right if Korra can not beat her)

Korra: It looks like your not giving me a choice.

Kuvira: Fine, I want you all to know that I would never ask any of you to do something that I am not willing to do myself so rather than risk your lives, I will fight the Avatar one on one; Korra if you win then you can do whatever you want with Zaofu but after I beat you I want you out of my business for good. I am the one who brought peace to the earth empire not you, your not relevant here anymore.

Korra: Fine, if you want to fight the Avatar? The let's finish this right here right now!

Troy: Hm...thats the spirit Korra I am cheering for you good luck.(Troy saids while he sees Korra who accepts Kuvira's offer to fight)

Jinora: Korra are you really ready to fight her?

Korra: Just stay back and let me handle this, its been a while but I got a lot of pent up rage.

Opal: Don't mess around, Kuvira is too good just go into the Avatar state and get it over with.

Korra: No I am only going to use that as a last resort.

Jinora: Be careful(Jinora saids before she and Opal stand back and not get in the way)

Korra: Su this is for you...I wont let Kuvira take Zaofu and this is also for you Troy wherever you are wish me luck.(Korra saids while cracking her neck and getting to fighting stance as well as looking that the bracelet that Troy gave her reminding of him)

Kuvira: Use whatever you want, all the elements, the avatar state anything you need. I know you are a little rusty.(Kuvira saids with a smirk while getting in fighting stance as well)

Troy: Good luck Korra I will be waiting(Troy saids while wishing his girlfriend good luck while far behind where Opal and Jinora are so that they can not see him)

Korra: Enough Talk!(Korra saids then starts throwing fire at Kuvira)

Korra kept on hitting Kuvria with fire as well as earth bending but she was dodging each attack and got the upper hand and used earth bending to stop Korra's attack then used her metal bending to catch her with cuffs to hold her in place then used earth to knock her off her feet.

Korra: Arghh.........

Troy: Get up Korra you can do it I know you can.(Troy saids in thought while he just say Korra get knocked off her feet by Kuvira while her army cheers for her)

Kuvira: Hehe looks like the avatar is a little off her game.

Opal: Don't let her get you frustrated! She wants you to make a mistake.(Opal saids to Korra who got back up from her feet and got ready to fight again)

Korra then started to use air bending and then some of the other elements but so far Kuvira is dodging each attack and attacking Korra in which she keeps on falling to the ground each time Kuvira makes an attack. Then Kuvira used a piece of metal to blind her and then used earth bending and shot a boulder at Korra in which she goes flying and hits the ground hard while looking at Korra who barley has a scratch on her.

Then soon Korra kept of attacking and attacking with everything she has and try to take down Kuvira but so far nothing seems to be working because she is dodging each attack that Korra is throwing at her while Kuvira on the other hand is getting the upper hand and knocking Korra off her feet again in which she is getting hurt which is making Troy really angry seeing the love of his life being beat by Kuvira.

Korra: Path....path.....path....(Korra breathes while getting tired)

Kuvira: Come on Avatar, get up show me what you have got.(Kuvira saids while making Korra look like a fool in which got both Opal and Jinora worried)

Opal: We have to help her.

Korra: No stay back, I can handle this.

Troy: Korra.....(Troy saids while worried of Korra's well being)

Korra: I can not give up...Troy wouldn't want me to give up(Korra saids in thought while getting up from the and gets ready to fight again while Kuvira readies herself once more)

After Korra got back up she kept on attacking Kuvira again some more but so far again she keeps on dodging and hitting Korra with each attack and it is starting to hurt her while Troy can not stand to watch Korra get hurt so much in which he comes out of his hiding black and into the open but no one seems to know that he is standing behind Opal and Jinora further away from him and just kept on watching Korra and Kuvira fight.

Troy: Noo.......(Troy saids in anger in which his power was started to grow while watching Korra get beaten by Kuvira)

Su: You have to go into the Avatar state! Do it!

When Kuvira was about to attack Korra, Korra went into the avatar state and stopped her attack and air bend her away and started to attack her in which Kuvira was now falling to the ground and getting hurt each time Korra throws more attacks at her. Then soon Korra was in the air and holding a boulder above her head and was going to use it to crush Kuvira until something happened that Troy saw which was the vision of past Korra with the same white eyes and long hair in which made the real Korra stop her attack and lose focus in which she landed on the ground.

Troy: Oh is the vision again she saw her past self agin.(Troy saids while looking at Korra who came out of the avatar state and landed on the ground in pain)

Jinora: I don't understand, we got the poison out what is wrong with her?

Kuvira: I knew you were weak.(Kuvira saids and used her metal bending to catch Korra and slam her into the ground in which Troy saw in which he got more angry that the warrior inside has awoken)

Troy: No!!........I will not let this happen.(Troy saids as his warrior instinct grows while his power was growing as well)

Then soon Kuvira traps Korra inside rocks while her friends watch of what is going happen next but what they don't realize that a certain Atlantean will make his appearance in which would shock everyone even Korra that the warrior of the under sea kingdom of Atlantis has had enough hiding around and it is time for him to take down the earth empire leader and her armies and save Korra and her friends.

Kuvira: I hope you have any last words before you meet your end.

Korra: Troy.....I am so sorry I guess I wasn't strong enough and I guess I will never see you again I will miss you so much as well as everyone else.(Korra saids in thought while looking down in defeat while her end comes by the hand of Kuvira)

Jinora: No........

Opal: Korra........

Su: Korra I am so sorry.......(Su saids in sadness and defeat until her son Wei saw something glowing from behind Jinora and Opal)

Wei: Hey mom tell me if I am seeing things or am I seeing something glowing very bright light and it is moving towards us really fast?

Su: Huh? What are you.......wait what is that?

Admittedly everyone stopped at what they were doing and looked towards the the glowing which was coming towards them fast even Kuvira didn't know what it was and it was moving so towards her direction.

Su: Opal!! Jinora!!! Get out of the way something is coming towards us and it moving fast!!!(Su saids while warning the two air benders in which they both turned around and saw what is coming)

Jinora and Opal: WHOAH?!!!!(Both saids and jumping out of the way and saw the thing heading towards Kuvira until everyone heard a voice that sounded like a males and it was calling Korra's name in which was Troy)

Troy: KOOOOOOOORRRRRRRAAAAAA!!!!!!(Troy screams Korra's name in which the next thing that was was that Troy came out of the glow orb that shocked Kuvira and then earned surprise attack by this unknown stranger)

Kuvira: WHAT?!!!!........ARGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!(Kuvira saids then all of sudden get an mean left hook to the gut delivered by Troy in which shocked everyone who just saw what just happened)

Troy: STAY AWAY FROM HER!!!!!(Troy saids in anger and punches Kuvira in the gut in which she goes flying into the air and hits the hard ground in pain)

(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm)

Once Kuvira got punched in the gut by Troy who finally made his appearance, the leader of the earth empire held her stomach in pain while shocked of what just happened and who attacked her while she was going to end the Avatar life.

Troy: NO ONE HARMS MY WATER ANGEL!!!(Troy saids in thought and gets up from the attack he did to Kuvira and everyone looked at the stranger in front of them and has never seen a being like Troy before and where did he come from)

Opal: What happened?(Opal saids while getting up from the ground as did Jinora)

Jinora: I don't know I saw that whatever it was and it was heading towards Kuvira's direction and then all of sudden I heard a persons voice and then nothing?

Then the next thing that both Opal and Jinora saw next in front of them was a male that had blue long sleeve covered in fish scales, muscular, brown hair, and was carrying a strange looking weapon while standing next to Korra who was still unconscious in which both of them looked at each other and then back at the stranger before them which was Troy of Atlantis.

(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm)

Opal: Jinora tell me I am seeing things or is it just my imagination or am I seeing a guy in front of us wearing clothes I never seen before and is carrying a strange looking spear?

Jinora: No you are not imagining anything I am seeing this as well, who is that and how did he just appear?

Wing: Mom did....did you just seen what I just saw and did you just see that guy of what he did to Kuvira?!!

Su: I am seeing Wing and I am just as surprised as you, strange I never seen someone like this before and I don't think he is from the water tribe?

Wei: Well who ever he is, he gave Kuvira a really awesome punch to the gut!(Wei saids in amassment then all of sudden Troy walks over to Su and the twins then gets blocked by a mecha suit)

Soldier: HALT!!! You shall go no.........(Solider didn't get to finish as Troy grabbed the mecha  suit and threw it around like rag doll leaving everyone speechless and jaws dropping to the ground)

Troy: Hmm...don't get up I will let myself through thank you very much.(Troy saids with a smirk then was now in front of Su and her sons)

Opal: Jin.....Jinora did you just see what I just saw?(Opal saids in awe of what Troy did to the mech suit)

Jinora: I.....I.. did...I am just curious of how that man did it?(Jinora saids in awe and shock)

Troy: Hello there you must be Wing and Wei as well as Su Beifong.(Troy saids with a smile in which Su can see that this person in front of her is on their side)

Su: Um yes I am, and how did you....I mean....and where did and the mecha suit.....I never seen?

Troy: I can answer all your questions later miss Beifong right now hows about I get you three out of those things and you can get back to your daughter Opal.

Su: He knows about Opal how?(Su saids thought)

Wing: Hey man uh thanks for giving Kuvira a great punch in the gut and saving the Avatar and also destroying that tin can but how are you going to get us out of this?

Wei: Yea these things are made of solid platinum in which nothing can......(Wei didn't get to finish as Troy took out his trident and cut the platinum into pieces leaving all three Beifong speechless once more)

(Troy cutting the platinum cages into pieces)

Troy: I'm sorry did you say something?

Wei and Wing:

Troy: Good get back with Opal and Jinora while I get Korra out.(Troy saids in which Wei and Wing nod in agreement while Su was looking at Troy with suspicious of who he is and how his weapon cut the platinum into pieces)

Su: Thank you um?.......

Troy: I will tell you who I am once I get Korra out right now your daughter needs you now.

Su: Right thank you again and thanks for saving Korra from Kuvira.

Troy: It is what I do(Troy saids and goes towards Korra while Su heads towards Opal who smiles seeing her mother and brothers ok)

Opal: MOM!!!!(Opal saids in happiness and hugs her mother)

Su: Opal it is good to see your alright.

Opal: Me too if it wasn't for him who is he?(Opal saids while pointing at Troy who was in front of Korra)

Su: I don't know but I believe he is on our side and he knows Korra so he must be a friend of hers.

Jinora: Hmmm?(Jinora saids while thinking who this person is)

Troy: You fought brave Korra, I am proud of you but I am afraid that the visions and nightmares are still haunting you but we can worry about that later for now lets get you out those rocks.(Troy saids and gets Korra out of the rocks in which she falls to the ground and then begins to open her eyes)

Korra: Argh....what happened?(Korra saids while rubbing her head)

Troy: What happen was you were almost about to be killed by Kuvira if I didn't show up and gave her a mean left hook to the gut.(Troy saids to Korra in which her eyes widened of the voice she was hearing and recognize it in which she turned around)

Korra: That.....that can't it really........(Korra saids in whisper and turns around and saw the person she hasn't seen in months and was standing before her)

Troy: Hello water angel it is good to see you again. Like the haircut by the way looks good.(Troy saids with a smile in which Korra was shocked of who she was looking at which was her boyfriend Troy)

Korra: T.....T....TT....Troy.........

Troy then got down and got a look at Korra in which he checked to see if she was alright in which he saw that she was a little banged up by alright while Korra was looking at Troy and saw that his hair has grown more, as well as his muscles and was couple more inches taller but seeing him in the same outfit that she saw when they first met was still the same but what drawn her more was Troys blue eyes the same blue eyes of the man she loves and had her back.

Troy: You fought brave Korra I am proud of you of what you try to do for Zaofu and Su.

Korra: Its him......its really him he's here is he here and how did he find me......(Korra saids in thought while looking the man she loves and then her eyes started to get watery)

Troy: Your a little banged up as well not to worry a little first aid would do just the........(Troy didn't get to finished as he was engulf into a bare hug by Korra who was in tears)

Korra: TROY!!!!! IT'S REALLY YOU!!!! I miss you soo much!!!!(Korra saids in tears in which Troy hugged her back and smiled)

Troy: It is ok Korra I am here, everything is going to be ok I promise.

Jinora: Troy.....wait isn't he the one from the letters..(Jinora saids in awe while looking at Korra who is hugging Troy)

Su: So thats his name Troy.

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