Chapter 10: Arriving to Zaofu!

It has been a couple days since Korra along with the three air benders have left the swamp and are now heading to the city of Zaofu and see if Korra can talk to Kuvira about not attacking Zaofu while Troy is following them while using his tracker bracelet to keep up with his girlfriend. So right now Korra and the air benders are flying towards Zaofu and thinking of way to talk to Kuvira without resulting to war.

Ikki: Hey Korra I was wondering about something.

Korra: What is it Ikki?

Ikki: Who gave you that beautiful bracelet, I mean I seen a lot of bracelets before but I never seen one like that before or that symbol who gave it to you.(Ikki saids to Korra while looking at the bracelet that Troy gave her before she left the south pole)

Korra: Oh....someone I met in the south pole who was always there for me and kept me company as well as helping me to recover and I wouldn't be able to walk again if it wasn't for him.(Korra saids while blushing a little while thinking of Troy)

Ikki: IS HE YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!!(Ikki saids which made Korra blush more in which earned smirks from Jinora and Meelo)

Korra: Um.........

Jinora: Would it be that boy you said in the letters that you sent us, Troy was it.(Jinora saids which Korra looked away and blush a little)

Ikki: Is that his name!, How long have you two been together!, Are you two going to get married soon!, What is he like!, What does he like to do!......(Ikki kept talking and talking which was making Korra very embarrassed)

Meelo: Troy huh, sounds like a great name is he strong Korra!

Korra: Hehehe....yea he is strong Meelo and he is also brave, honorable, very respective, likes to keep those close to him safe, he is also a warrior like any other I met before and he is highly skilled in combat and not afraid of fear, I have never met anyone like him and........

Jinora: You miss him don't you after what happened.

Korra: Yea....I just hope he will forgive me for what I have done because if it wasn't for him I would have been nothing, he always makes me happy and never stopped believing in what I do.

Jinora: Sounds like he is good man Korra, I can probably tell he cares deeply about you.

Korra: He does and I do as well...

Ikki: When can we get to meet him I would like to see him in person!

Meelo: Same here and I want to see how strong he really is.

Korra: Maybe when we go back to Republic City, then I can introduce you to him.

Ikki and Meelo: Ok!

Korra: Troy I hope your doing alright.....I miss you so much.(Korra saids while looking a little upset for missing her boyfriend and just wants to be in his arms again)

Jinora: I wonder what this Troy is like, dad told me that he is special but what does he mean?(Jinora saids in thought while thinking of who Troy is)

Ikki: I bet Troy is very handsome and dreamy, and he is Korra's prince and she is his princess.(Ikki saids while imagining what Troy is like)

Meelo: Strong she saids well I hope he likes fighting because knows I do.(Meelo saids in thought while thinking how strong Troy is)

Then some time later Jinora decided to change the subject and talk about the whole Kuvira earth empire situation happening in Zaofu.

Jinora: Korra are you sure we should be going to Zaofu? Dad wanted us to bring you back to Republic City.

Korra: If Kuvira is heading to Zaofu so am I, she needs to know that the Avatar is back. The world needs to know.

Meelo: Whoo Hoo!! Avatar fight!! This is going to be awesome!!

Korra: Meelo, there is not gonna be a fight Kuvira saved my dad and she was a captain in Su's guard. I think she can be reason with.

Meelo: What? No fight? Why did we go through all that trouble to save you if you are not going to beat someone up?

Meanwhile with Troy:

After leaving the swamp Troy managed to keep up with Korra and the others while keeping his tracker on and also avoiding earth empire soldiers because they were surrounding the area since it is their territory and if any of them try to attack Troy well they are going to feel a whole lot of pain.

Troy: Alright according to the map, Korra and the others are somewhere near this location and a couple miles towards where Zaofu is so I wont have any trouble catching up to them in no time.(Troy saids after looking at the map while following his girlfriend and her friends)

While walking some more, Troy heard a noise coming from behind him and once he turned around he was surrounded by three men in metal suits and they looked to be from the earth empire.

Solider: This is Earth Empire territory I order you to stand down and surrender and drop your....your....fork?

Troy: Uh did I do something wrong sir?(Troy saids while crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow)

Solider2: Hey don't ask questions just do as our commander saids and surrender!!

Troy: Ok chill, I was just asking thats all.

Solider: Surrender now and we wont hurt you!!! So just drop your weapon and stand down now!!!

Troy: Oh you want me to drop my weapon this weapon right here?(Troy saids while holding his trident while smiling because he knows what he is going to do next)

Solider: Don't play games with us just do it or else!!!

Troy: Oh else what tin man?(Troy saids with a smirk in which got the soldiers in a bad mood)

Solider: Or else we will have to use force!!!

Troy: Ok but first CATCH!!!(Troy said and throws the trident into the leaders chest in which shocked him and not just him but the other two solider included in which unleashed a powerful electricity that cause them so much pain)

(Edit done by me:95nicholasnm)

Soliders: AAARRRRGGGGGGG!!!!!!!(All screamed in pain then get knocked out cold while Troy goes over to them and takes out his trident from the leaders chest)

Troy: You told me to drop so I did not sorry, now lets get back to catching up with Korra and the others but first to dispose of these tin cans.

After Troy took care of the soldiers and destroyed their mecha suits as well as tied them up tight on a stone, Troy continue his journey to find Zaofu as well as finding Korra along with Jinora, Ikki and Meelo.

Troy: I have to admit those tin cans suit are a piece of garbage and can easily be taken down they didn't put up a good fight well who cares their not that strong; though I wonder what the others are like once I get to Zaofu.

Back with Korra:

After flying for so many miles later Korra along with the air benders were in the location of where Zaofu is and when they got there they saw Zaofu along with a huge army of soldiers and armored vehicles below which belong to the Earth Empire.

Meelo: I see it Zaofu we made it! And a bunch of other people are here too.

Korra: Oh no...I hope we are not too late.(Korra saids while looking at the army with her own eyes and shocked as well as scared if they arrived to late to stop this from happening)

Then soon Korra along with the air benders landed in the city and went to find the woman known as Su as well as her family in which they were all waiting in a room to await of what is going to happen next. Then when Korra came through the doors Su along with her family saw that the Avatar is back and went to greet her.

Su: Korra? I can not believe it where have you been? You disappeared everyone was so worried.

Korra: I will tell you the whole story later, right now I want to help you stop Kuvira what can I do?

Su: Follow me and let's talk alone so you know everything that is happening and what went down with Kuvira.(Su saids to Korra in which she nods and both headed out to talk)

Admittedly Korra and Su were outside and alone so that they can talk about Kuvira and what has happened to her while Korra was gone.

Korra: How did things get so bad between you and Kuvira? I thought she was your protege?

Su: She was more than that, she was like daughter to me. I took her in when she was eight years old and nourished her talents, Kurvia was smart and a natural leader. And quickly rose through the ranks I saw myself in her.

Korra: What happened?

Su: Three years ago, after the fall of the earth queen Raiko and Tenzin came to see me.

And soon Su told Korra that Raiko the president of Republic City has asked Su to take control of the earth kingdom situation in a place called Ba Sing Se after the earth queens death and lead an army there to get things under control but she wasn't cut out for that sort of thing in which Su told Korra that happening telling everyone that she was not going to follow what Raiko had planned Kuvira took matters into her own hands.

Su: I didn't realize at the time but that moment created a rift between us, then soon Kuvira turned my own son against me and together they plotted behind my back.

Then she told Korra that she ordered Kuvira to stay in the city and not march into Ba Sing Se but Kuvira didn't listen to her and took things into her own hands in which she disobeyed Su and left Zaofu along with her oldest son.

Su: Kuvira and Baatar left that day with Varrick, my security force and a few of Zaofu's wealthiest citizens and after Kuvira proved herself by stabilizing Ba Sing Se; Raiko and the other world leaders made her the provisional head of the earth kingdom. Once she refused to step down, I knew it was only a matter of time until she made her way back here.

Korra: I want to fix this.

Su: You can go into the Avatar state and demolish her army, remove Kuvira from power once and for all.

Korra: Fighting is something the old me would do, but that always made things worse. Let me talk with Kuvira maybe I can reason with her.

Su: Kuvira doesn't listen to reason.

Back with Troy:

While looking at the map, Troy locater that was inside the bracelet that Korra has has stopped in the coaction of where the city is and once he climb the hill that was near the city he looked at what he was city and it was a beautiful landmark with much green, forest as well a huge bodies of water in the front as well as in the back of the area but also sees the city which is covered in metal as well as the army of the earth empire in which there was a lot of them.

Troy: So this is Zaofu, have to admit I like the area already but I have to focus because there is an army down there that is ready to storm a city and hurt innocent people as well as the girl I love I just hope Korra is doing ok might as well get a closer look without being seen.(Troy saids and then walks down the mountain tries to move closer towards the city without anyone spotting him)

Back with Korra:

After the talk with Su, Korra decided to go talk with Kuvira and ask her not to attack Zaofu and take it by force as well as ask her to leave in peace but like Su said to Korra that Kuvira is not to be reason. And while coming down to see Kuvira, Korra was met with a man with short dark hair and glasses which was known other than Baatar Jr, Su's oldest son.

Baatar: Kuvira, we have an unexpected guest, the Avatar is here to see you.

Kuvira: Korra it is such an honor to see you again, the last I heard you were still healing in the south pole.

Korra: Well I am feeling much better now.

Kuvira: Thats wonderful news.

Korra: I am here to ask you to back down, please take your army and leave.

Kuvira: I think we both know that is not going to happen.

While the two women were staring at each other, a certain someone was spying on them while listening to the conversation in which was known other than Troy who was hiding in plain site and looks towards Korra who was talking to a woman wearing green clothes and silver armor which was Kuvira herself.

Troy: So that woman right there is Kuvira, I might as well keep on listening and see what they are talking about.(Troy saids in thought while hiding and listening to Kuvira and Korra talking while seeing that Korra was ok)

Korra: I can not let you take Zaofu.

Kuvira: Look I was tasked with brining stability to the earth kingdom, Zaofu is the last holdout and why should I treat it different than any other state?

Korra: What you are doing isn't right.

Kuvira: I understand you are just trying to do Su a favor but you can't come to me as I am on the verge of reuniting my nation and tell me to stop. The world was descending into chaos while you were gone and in order to fix it I had to make some tough decisions.

Troy: I don't trust this woman by the minute and her ego sounds so much like Orm and Orvax.(Troy saids to himself while glaring at Kurvira while hiding)

Korra: I know what that is like, I have plenty of people mad at me about decisions I have made.

Kuvira: Exactly, Korra if you really want to help go back to Su and try to talk some sense into her. Let's call a temporary truce, I wont make any moves until you talk to her and get back to me.

Korra: Maybe that will be for the best.

Troy: Something is not right here and I can smell a lie where I see it. Might as well leave for now before I get spotted buck I am not trusting that Kuvira and if tries something or hurts Korra and her friends then she will have to deal with me.(Troy saids in thought then leaves the area as well as Korra did the same and heads back to Zaofu)

Back in Zaofu, Korra was looking for Su and spotted her husband Baatar Sr and he look like he was alone for some reason and Korra went up to him and asked him where his wife is because she needs to speak with her.

Korra: Baatar! where is Su I need to speak with her.

Baatar Sr: She is not here, she took Wing and Wei they are going to sneak into Kuvira's camp and put an end to this.

Korra: No........(Korra saids in shock and horror)

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