Chapter 1: A new world
Several hours later in the portal vortex:
It has been hours since Troy the former prince of Atlantis was banished from his world by his former father Orm also known as the Ocean Master and is now floating around in a vortex to which Troy doesn't know where it is going to lead him or what awaits him.
Troy: I swear of Neptunes beard I will get you back for what you did to me Orm if it is the last thing I do!, I don't know what you did but I have a feeling wherever this thing is taking me in somewhere far away from you!(Troy saids to himself while thinking about his cruel father for what he did to him and his mother as well as Atlanna while floating in the vortex)
While Troy was floating in the empty space of the vortex something happened, all of sudden there was a bright light that was getting close to him in which started to blind him even though he is wearing his Atlantean helmet but the light was too strong for him to see in which Troy was being pulled in the light so fast that he can bare to know what is going to happened next in which he will soon see in no time.
Troy: AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!(Troy screams while being pulled into the light what was inside the vortex until all was quiet)
Meanwhile in a another place where there is snow:
A group of men were scouting the area near a forest where a strong powerful light was appearing from the ground and was shooting up into the sky and their leader was looking around to see if that the place was quiet and safe and the leader was a man in his forties and was wearing dark blue winter fur clothing and was looking at the light while his men were minding their own business.
Man1: Tonraq we been here for a least six hours now and there seems to be nothing to look besides the spirits and the portal?(One of the men saids to the leader who goes by Tonraq)
Tonraq: Very well then and it is getting late anyway, lets all head back before the storm comes.(Tonraq saids to his men in which they all nod and packed up and started their vehicles until they heard a strange sound)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Portal opening sound-effect)
Man2: What was that?
Tonraq: I am not sure? It looked it was coming from towards the spirit portal lets check out and be ready we may not know what happened!(Tonraq saids to his men in which they all head towards where the strange sound was coming from)
Tonraq and his men ran into the forest to where the spirit portal was and once they were near the portal they stopped in their tracks and looked to see what was in front of them which was another portal that was hovering above their heads which they never seen before and didn't know where it came from.
Tonraq: Another portal? But where did it come from?(Tonraq saids in thought while he and his men looked at the portal with their own eyes until something was coming threw the portal in which they held up their weapons to prepare for what is coming)
Man1: Tonraq! something is coming threw it what do we do?!
Tonraq: Be ready!, don't let your guard down and stand fast whatever comes through we will know and do not engage until we know what it is understood!(Tonraq saids to his men in which they all nod and took out their weapons and watch to see what is coming out of the portal)
After a while now something did come threw the portal in which what looked a person and a weapon that is in the shape of a fort and both landed on the snow ground hard while the men looked upon the person in shock and question of who this person was and what strange looking armor he is wearing and what that weapon on the ground is in which was known other than Troy former prince of Atlantis who landed in a totally different world but once he landed on the ground he became unconscious but not hurt.
(Edit done by me:95nicholasnm)
Tonraq looked between shocked and question of who this mystery person is wearing armor that he never seen before and the weapon that was next to the unconscious person looked like a mystery as well in which he walked towards the person while his men stayed close and behind their leader so that he can get a closer look at the person known as Troy to see if he is dangerous or not.
Tonraq: Who are you and what are you? I never seen something like this before and this armor and weapon look so strange?(Tonraq saids to the unconscious Troy while looking at his armor and trident on the ground until he heard a cough from Troy)
Troy: saids while trying to talk but passes out again in which Tonraq saw that person who was on the ground was hurt and needed saving)
Tonraq: Quickly get this man needs help! We have to get him back to the palace and see if he is hurt!(Tonraq saids to his men in which they lower their weapons and help Tonraq with Troy who was still unconscious while he grabs the trident and looked at it closely and never seen such craftsmen ship of any weapon he held)
Tonraq: This weapon he has, I seen many weapons around the world but this? This is something out of the ordinary but I have to admit it is quite light and was forge pretty well; I wonder where he got such an amazing weapon like this and where does he comes from?(Tonraq saids in thought while looking at the weapon and then sees the portal that brought the person who was being loaded onto their vehicles was closing in which Tonraq probably thinks that whoever this person is can not come back the way he came out of in which he puts the trident on the back on his vehicle with the unconscious person on the side and he and his men drove off)
Tonraq: Whoever you are I just hope your a good person and not someone who wants to hurt others.(Tonraq saids to the unconscious Troy while driving back home with his men following)
While Tonraq and his men are heading back with the unconscious Atlantean, somewhere else a girl who looked to be in her young adult years was in a wheelchair while looking at the night sky in a castle made of ice and metal and her name was Korra and a woman in her forties as well which shared similarities to Korra was her mother Senna and wife to Tonraq who checking up of her daughter to see how she is.
Senna: Can't sleep again, honey your father and I have given you so much space as you needed and we are worried. We do not want to push you but will you please go see Katara; you need some help.(Senna saids to her daughter who looked down in sadness because she went through something horrible in which she was in a wheelchair)
Korra: Sigh.....I do not know mom, I don't think if I can do it; I am the most powerful bender in the world and yet I could be taken down so easy and just get my butt handed to me again even when I get better.(Korra saids to her mother while feeling bad for what she is going through)
Before Korra was in a wheelchair she was a powerful hero known as the Avatar in which is a guardian of the world who can control the four basic element, water, earth, fire, and air in which she spent her whole life protecting the world from evil just like the Avatars that came before but during her time she faced very dangerous people who wanted to throw the world into chaos in which one of them poisoned her from the waste down in which she spent most of life trying to recover but nothing seems to be helping her get through of what is happening in her life and she even had nightmares of the day she was weak and not strong enough to face the person who made her life miserable as well as put her in the wheelchair. So right now while her friends are out there helping people she is stuck at home trying to recuperate from the incident that took place after she was free from the poison of which her enemy put inside her. And it is the Avatars job to help those in need since it has been that way for many centuries but now that Korra is in a wheelchair she can not do anything until she is fully recovered from her pain while her family is looking after her well being.
Senna: Sweetheart you will get your butt kicked again, but you have to believe that you will get better and become stronger as well as save the world. Like what your friends are doing right now, you are one of the strongest girls I ever known and I don't believe that you would just give up on it. Its only been three weeks and would you please go see Katara.(Senna saids to her daughter while trying to cheer her up)
Korra: Alright, I will go...(Korra saids to her mother then gets hug by her)
Senna: You are going to get through this, I love you so much.(Senna saids to her daughter and hugs her until her husband came running in which go both their attention)
Tonraq: Senna get Katara and some of the healers into the rooms we have a hurt man or I think it is a man!(Tonraq saids to his wife in which got both her and Korra confused of what he said)
Senna: Tonraq what do you mean if it is a man?
Korra: What are you talking about dad?
Tonraq: Come see for yourselves?(Tonraq saids to his wife and Korra who headed towards of where they took Troy who was still unconscious)
Korra wheeled herself and was following her parents to one of the rooms to see what he father was talking about a man who thinks he is a man or not in which Korra saw her parents go into the room where Troy was taken and once she went inside she was shocked of what she was looking at and couldn't believe what she was seeing with her own eyes not even her mother couldn't figure out what she was looking at and when an older woman in her eighties was coming in which she goes by Katara she too was speechless of what she was seeing with her eyes.
(Troy still in his armor while being place onto a bed)
Korra saw the person who she think is a person and couldn't believe what she was seeing, in which she got a questionable look of what this person was and never seen such armor before until Katara spoke which got Tonraq's attention.
When the healers came in and see if they can somehow help this stranger but something shocked them in which they try to remove the armor and it wouldn't come off for some reason in which they were looking for a way to take it off so that they can see who this person was and see if he has any injuries but so far the armor will not come off.
Katara: Tonraq where did you find this stranger? I mean in all my life time I have never seen such armor like this or a weapon like that before how did this person come to be?(Katara saids to Tonraq and looked at the stranger in the armor as well as the trident that was next to him which Korra saw and never seen a weapon like that)
Tonraq: Me and my men found this stranger when he came out of a portal but not the spirit portal, a totally different portal in which I never seen before? And this weapon he had on him is something that doesn't look like it is from the water tribes of both the north and south pole.
Katara: I see so I believe our new friend here will probably tell us who he is once we heal him and he gets some rest.
Healer: Uh master Katara we have a problem?
Katara: Whats the matter?
Healer: We can not get the armor off, it is like bonded to this person in which we have no idea how to remove it but we were able to see if he had any injuries.
Tonraq: And what did you find out?
Healer: This is the most bizarre thing I ever seen, this person has no injuries or cuts or scratches but it looks like he is just unconscious which means he will probably wake up anytime or anyday so all he needs is some rest.
Tonraq: Thank you for telling us.(Tonraq saids to the healers in which they headed out of the room while Katara, Senna, Tonraq, and Korra stayed behind)
Korra: Dad what did you mean that he fell out of a portal that was not the spirit portal?
Tonraq: What I means is that I don't think our new friend here is not from around here and it doesn't look like someone we known from any of the nations.
Senna: What do you suggest honey?
Tonraq: I think it is best we let him rest and when he wakes up he will tell us who and what he is because I have to say that is quite impressive armor and that weapon he has on him is quite the craftsmen ship.
Senna: What do you think master Katara?
Katara: We let our new friend rest, and he will tell us in the morning but when I was looking at him more closely I found something very odd.
Korra: What is it Katara?
Katara: This stranger has gills on his neck?(Katara saids to everyone in which they moved closer to see for themselves and saw the gills on the neck in which they were stunned for seeing that was on the persons neck actual gills)
Korra: HOW THE HECK DOES THIS STRANGER HAVE GILLS?!!!(Korra saids in thought while her eyes open like dinner plates for what she is seeing the the man in the armor neck)
Tonraq: Ok now this stranger has to tell us everything when he wakes up because I never seen anything like that before on a person.
Senna: Honey you can just say something like that about a person no matter what they are come on lets head back to sleep and our new friend here will tell us everything.
Tonraq along with his wife and Katara headed out of the room to get some sleep while Korra stayed for a little bit while looking at the stranger more and she too wants to know what this person is and where he came from.
Korra: What are you? Where did you come from?(Korra saids in thought while looking at the unconscious Atlantean)
After spending some time with the stranger, Korra started to head back to her room but not before looking at the mysterious armored figure who was in the bed and wants to know who and what he is and then once she finished she closes the door and went back to her room while thinking about that being she saw in the other room and will talk to the person once he wakes up from his unconscious state.
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