The Party and Confession

It was night time and everyone at Zaofu was getting ready to celebrate their victory party over Kurvira and her Earth Empire downfall and it was all thanks to a brave heroic hero from another world who did things the out of the ordinary. While two air benders were helping a curtain Avatar get ready for the party by finding something that would look amazing on her since they want to see what Leonardo would think.

Opal: Oooo....this one would look great on you Korra.(Opal shows Korra the dress)

Korra: Uh?......I don't know about this one Opal it looks a little too much.(Korra denied the dress that Opal picked until Jinora came up to her and show her the second dress)

Jinora: What about this one Korra and it will look great on you!(Jinora saids while showering her the second dresss)

Korra: Well the dark green does look great but still I think is best that I pick what I want to wear for the party tonight.

Opal: Your property right, I am still wondering what a certain someone is gonna wear for the party.(Opal saids with a smirk making Korra confused)

Korra: A certain someone?

Jinora: You know who we are talking about Korra.

Korra: Uh should I know?(Korra asked while both girls face palmed)

Opal: We are talking about Leonardo Korra!(Opal saids to Korra who blushes of hearing his name)

Korra: W-w-what?!!.......I don't know what you two are....talking about!!

Jinora: Hehehehe, come on Korra you can not hide it from us; we see how you look at him and it is kind of obvious that you feel something for him.

Korra: That is so not true!!!

Opal: Than why does your face turn red every time you look at him.(Opal saids to Korra with a smirk while Korra's face turns redder)

Korra: I......I.......I.....THAT IS NOT TRUE AT ALL EITHER!!(Korra saids while blushing really red while both Opal and Jinora giggle at her reaction)

Jinora: See we were right! you do have something for him.

Opal: No bother denying it Korra

Korra: OUTT!!!(Korra saids while pushing both girls out of the room so she can find something to wear without having them teasing her about Leonardo)

Opal: Hahahahaha!!, you think they will get together.

Jinora: I have a one hundred percent sure they will but for now let's join your mom and brothers at the party.

Opal: Good idea

With that both the air benders left the hall to go to the party while a certain Avatar was still blushing while holding her hand to her heart knowing if there is something between her and Leonardo.

Korra: Is there really something between me and Leo, because I have already been down this path with Mako but somehow Leo seems different and more determined of what he does.(Korra thought while shaking it it off and preparing to get ready for the party)

Meanwhile at the party where everyone in Zaofu got together for Suyin's big speech about Leonardo and how he saved them all from the Earth Empire.

Suyin: Greetings my people of Zaofu, tonight we celebrate our victory and freedom from the Earth Empire that was lead by Kurvira who tried to take over our home, but since myself along with my sons and the Avatar were unable to stop her something amazing happened on today; out of nowhere a young man of red hair with such incredible powers stood against the armies of the Earth Empire and their leader and defeated them with his marvelous strength in which we are here to celebrate that someone who made a difference in our world, so people of Zaofu allow me to introduce to you all the great savior of the universe and hero of Zaofu Leonardo Morgan.(Suyin saids to everyone who cheers while Leonardo steps outside wearing a white dress shirt with black pants and black boots making all the girls fall over heels for him while the two air benders couldn't believe how handsome he looks in those clothes)

(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm)

Suyin: Leonardo Morgan for saving the lives of myself and my sons including my people, I want to precent to you the gold metal of bravery and honor metal for your heroic acts against the Earth Empire as well as saving the life of the Avatar.

Leonardo: Suyin I already what I did to protect those from being turned slaves for someone who only wanted power over her people, but now since her and the Earth Empire are taking care of and even I don't know how to return to my world yet, I would do continue to do what I best and that is helping innocent people just like my grandfather Henry Morgan.(Leo saids to Su who looks at him with pride and thoughtfulness knowing that Leo will stay and help protect the world along with the Avatar)

Suyin: FREE CHEERS FOR THE SAVIOR OF THE UNIVERSE KNOW AS LEONARDO MORAGN!!!(Suyin chants Leo's name while everyone cheers at the hero who saved Zaofu and the two air bender clap for being inspired by Leo's powers and his kind heart)

Air Benders and Civilians of Zaofu: LEO! LEO! LEO! LEO! LEO! LEO! LEO!.............

Suyin: Now let the party and celebration begin!!

Once the party started to begin everyone of Zaofu went to Leonardo and asked him questions about what it is like in his world and how did he get his powers that stop the Earth Empire as well as is he going to join Avatar Korra and help bring balance to the world. And speaking of Korra she finally found a nice dark green dress to wear and went up to Suyin and her husband while they were talking to their people.

Suyin: Korra you made just in time and you look very beautiful in that dress.

(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm)

Korra: Thanks it was really difficult to find the right one to wear for the party and how did the speech go with Leo.

Baatar: It went beautifully Avatar Korra, and Leo is offering to help bring peace and balance to our world along side you.

Korra: Really he actually said that!!

Suyin: Yes even though he doesn't know how to get back home yet, he will continue to do what he was born to do just like his grandfather.

Korra: Speaking of Leo, do you know where he is?

Baatar: Why yes he is right over there with my daughter and Jinora.(Baatar points to the direction where Leo is at and Korra couldn't believe what she is seeing)

Korra: OH MY SPIRITS........he looks absolutely amazing in that outfit!!!!(Korra thought while blushing at what Leo is wearing and decided to walk towards his direction)

Opal: No way you can run on the water while running fast?!!

Leonardo: Yup it took me a couple tries to get it right but after six times of doing it I fianlly got it right and without falling or tripping into the water.

Jinora: Wow that is amazing Leo, whose been teaching you how to control your powers?

Leonardo: Well since grandpa Henry couldn't do it since he retired from hero work years ago, my uncle Nicholas and my cousin Richard were happy enough to teach me how to master my abilities.

Jinora: Wow they sound like great people to teach you their ways of fighting and mastering your abilities.

Leonardo: They sure are Jinora, they sure are.

While they continue chatting, Opal spots Korra walking towards them and what Opal saw was Korra finally found a dress to wear and blushing a little which could be the cause of Leo's dress clothes that he is wearing but who can blame him.

Opal: Hey Korra you finally made it and you look stunning in that dress.(Opal saids to Korra)

Korra: Thanks it was hard to find the right one to wear.

Jinora: Still you look amazing in that dress and speaking of did you check out Leo's outfit.(Jinora saids to Korra while pointing at Leo's outfit in which Korra blushes at the site she is seeing in front of her)

Leonardo: Wow you look gorgeous Korra and very beautiful in that dress.(Leo saids to Korra who blushes again after calling her gorgeous and beautiful again)

Korra: look very that outfit...(Korra saids while blushing at rubbing her hair then Leonardo goes up to her and grabs her hand)

Leonardo: 💋.........Why thank you M'lady, I really appreciate the comment from your lovely voice.(Leo saids to Korra and gave her a kiss on the hand which made Korra turn red making Opal and Jinora giggle of how Korra looks so cute when she is blushing)

Opal and Jinora: AWWWWW.........

Korra: Hehehe, anyway how are you enjoying the party so far Leo?

Leonardo: It is wonderful so far and I have so many people asking me questions about my world and having trouble getting away from those fan girls who keep looking at me twenty four seven.

Opal: Well they can not help it Leo, I mean look at you your tall, handsome, muscular, as well has a gorgeous face that make girls want to faint.

Jinora: It is true my friend hehehehe.

Leonardo: I probably got this from my dads side of the family, what a bummer.

Korra: Hehehehe, don't worry Leo this will be over soon enough.

While the girls and Leonardo are talking, Opal's mother comes up to them with some bad news.

Opal: Mom what is wrong?

Suyin: Unfortunately the band and the singer I hired to play the music for the party couldn't make it so I afraid we have to cancel the dancing for today.

Opal: Seriously I was looking forward to the music playing at party.(Opal saids looking down in sad)

Suyin: I am sorry Opal but maybe next time we can do it again.(Su saids to her daughter while Leo on the other hand had a better idea)

Leonardo: Say Su I have an idea for you.

Suyin: What is it Leo?

Leonardo: Well since the band and singer you hired could not come, why not let me sing my songs for your party that was everyone can have a great time.(Leo saids to Su who she and the girls look at him in shock)

The Girls and Suyin: YOU CAN SING!!!

Leonardo: Sure can, but I am gonna need a drummer, a person to play the piano and someone who can play the guitar.

Suyin: My sons Wei, Wing, and Huan are excellent with the guitar, Piano, and drums maybe that can help you.

Leonardo: Excellent, now show me to the stage Su so I can give these people a party they will never forget!

Suyin: Very well follow me hero of Zaofu.(Su saids to Leo and follows her to the stage while Korra, Opla, and Jinora chat with each other about Leo singing)

Opal: What do you think he is going to sing in front of everyone Jinora?

Jinora: I don't know what songs do your people like listening to?

Opal: Mostly something that has to do with adventure and sometime romance that sort of thing.

Korra: I wonder how good he sings......(Korra saids in thought)

Once Suyin and the boys along with Leonardo get on the stage, Leonardo hands the boys scripts in their language to know what to play and they couldn't believe how good the lyrics looked and so did Su.

Leonardo: Ok boys you know what to do.

Wei/Wing/Huan: Yes!

Leonardo: Good, Su you can tell everyone that the music would be starting now.

Suyin: Ok and good luck Leo.

Once Su leaves the boys to their thing, she approaches in front of the stage and tells everyone including her daughter, Jinora and Korra to come towards the stage in where Leonardo will be performing.

Suyin: Attention everyone!, since the band and singer I hired to play for the party could not make it, so the hero of Zaofu offered to sing two of his songs for us and once of his songs that a person from his world sang for the slow dance.(Su saids to everyone and couldn't believe that the hero is going to sing for them and listen to a song for the slow dance)

Suyin: So ladies and Gentlemen and Avatar Korra give it up for the Hero of Zaofu known as Leonardo Morgan!!

Everyone and Korra: WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Leonardo: Hows it going people Zaofu are you ready to party!!!

Everyone and Korra: YEESSS!!!

Leonardo: Alright this song is called Maps and I hope you like it. ready boys and a 3.2.1 and hit it!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


I miss the taste of a sweeter life
I miss the conversation
I'm searching for a song tonight
I'm changing all of the stationsI like to think that we had it all
We drew a map to a better place
But on that road I took a fall
Oh baby why did you run away?I was there for you
In your darkest times
I was there for you
In your darkest nights

(Korra, Opal and Jinora couldn't believe what they were hearing that Leonardo can sing so good not even Su couldn't believe it her self)

But I wonder where were you?
When I was at my worst
Down on my knees
And you said you had my back
So I wonder where were you?
When all the roads you took came back to meSo I'm following the map that leads to you
The map that leads to you
Ain't nothing I can do
The map that leads to you
Following, following, following to you
The map that leads to you
Ain't nothing I can do
The map that leads to you
Following, following, followingI hear your voice in my sleep at night
Hard to resist temptation
'Cause something strange has come over me
And now I can't get over you
No, I just can't get over youI was there for you
In your darkest times
I was there for you
In your darkest nightsBut I wonder where were you?
When I was at my worst
Down on my knees
And you said you had my back
So I wonder where were you?
When all the roads you took came back to meSo I'm following the map that leads to you
The map that leads to you
Ain't nothing I can do
The map that leads to you
Following, following, following to you
The map that leads to you
Ain't nothing I can do
The map that leads to you

(Everyone including Opal, Korra, and Jinora, Suyin and Baatar begin to clap and cheer at the sound of Leonardo singing along with the boys playing the interments)

Jinora: GO LEO!!!


Korra: SING IT LEO!!!

Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Yeah yeah yeah
Oh oh ohOh, I was there for you
Oh, in your darkest time
Oh, I was there for you
Oh, in your darkest nightsOh, I was there for you
Oh, in your darkest time
Oh, I was there for you
Oh, in your darkest nightsBut I wonder where were you?
When I was at my worst
Down on my knees
And you said you had my back
So I wonder where were you?
When all the roads you took came back to meSo I'm following the map that leads to you
The map that leads to you
Ain't nothing I can do
The map that leads to you
Following, following, following to you
The map that leads to you
Ain't nothing I can do
The map that leads to you
Following, following, following

(Song Maps by RUNAGROUND)

Once Leonardo finished singing everyone couldn't believe what they just heard in their lives, that the hero of Zaofu can sing something so amazingly beautiful.

Random civilian: THAT WAS AMAZING!!!!



While everyone was cheering Leonardo and the boys, Suyin along with her husband including Opal, Jinora, and Korra have their jaws dropped knowing what they heard was the most incredible singing voice that ever heard which brought a few tears towards the air benders and a big smile ok the Avatars.

Jinora: WOW............

Opal: Leo can sing......really really good....

Suyin: I'll say that was quite the song he performed for us don't you agree honey.

Baatar: Absolutely we should have him perform his songs for our parties all the time.

Korra: still never seem to make me feel incredible.....what a wonderful voice you have.

Leonardo: Thank you everyone! and now who is ready for my second song and this one is for Avatar Korra!!(Leo saids to everyone and saying a song for Korra which brought Korra to shock and happiness)

Korra: A song for me!!!

Opal and Jinora: That is soo sweet!!

Leonardo: Alright twins and artist lets give the fans and a certain Avatar what they want!

Wei/Wing/Huan: Right!!

Leoanardo: and a 3.2.1 now!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Hiding from heroes in plain sight
Not who I wanted to be like
A colorful crowd in the spot light
Statues of glory infinite

(Korra begins to cover her mouth with her hands knowing that Leo is singing this song for her)

The battles of faithful and faultless
The tragic refrain of the heartless
Searching for saviors and solace
My kingdom won't fit in your pocket

(Everyone begins to show how much this song is getting so good while the girls had tears coming down their faces)

This is the last time I'll find
You and I together
At midnight it's goodbye
And I'll be gone forever
Whaoh Oh Whaoh Oh
And I'll be gone forever
Whaoh Oh Whaoh Oh
It's goodbye now or never

Jinora: LEO!! your so amazing!!!😭(Jinora said in tears of joy)

Running throug time and places
Limits and lies on their faces
Return of the heart to the homeland
Cause I can't be what you wanted

Opal: LEO!! SING IT!!!

This is the last time I'll find
You and I together
At midnight it's goodbye
And I'll be gone forever
Whaoh Oh Whaoh Oh
And I'll be gone forever
Whaoh Oh Whaoh Oh
It's goodbye now or never

We are made of our mistakes
When fate collides we're wide awake

This is the last time I'll find
You and I together
At midnight it's goodbye
And I'll be gone forever
Whaoh Oh Whaoh Oh
And I'll be gone forever
Whaoh Oh Whaoh Oh
It's goodbye now or never

Korra: LEO!! I LOVE YOU!!!😭 (Korra saids with tears while Opal and Jinora couldn't believe she actually said it)

Now or never
Or never, or never
It's goodbye now or never

(Song Solace by RUNAGROUND)

Once finished with the second song, Leonardo looks towards the crowd and saw that everyone was amazed while the girls looked on verge of crying after hearing that beautiful song including Korra.

Random civilian: It was the most breath taking song I ever heard was... IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!


Random civilian: I never heard such a splendid singing voice such as this...not once!!

Random girls: HE IS AMAZING 😭 😭 😭........WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH LEONARDO!!!

Korra: I love you as well much....😢....(Korra saids while wiping her tears away after what Leo did for her)


Korra: Ok fine I admit I do like him.......(Korra smiles a little while looking away)

Opal: Then why don't you tell him how you feel about him.

Korra looks down in sad and Suyin sees this and asked what is wrong. 

Suyin: What is the matter Korra?

Korra: It just that ever since me and Mako broke up, I haven't been the same ever since that day, but with Leo is different and what if he doesn't like me back, I don't want to loose him or what he has done for me including everyone.(Korra saids while a tear comes down and looking like she thoughts of loosing Leo could be terrible as well as his trust)

Suyin: Korra I know that a fact that Leo will not be like that and what I can tell is that he probably feels the same way about you even if you already known him for a day, I can tell you see love at a second time. Why don't go ask him to dance with you when he plays his song and then ask him about how you feel about him but don't rush things like you did with Mako alright.

Korra: Su I don't know.....

Opal: You can do it Korra we believe in you.

Jinora: Now get over there and dance with that guy you admire so much and tell him how you feel.

Korra: Your right I should tell him how I really feel about him!!(Korra saids with a proud smile knowing she can do this and begins to walk towards Leo's direction)

Leonardo: That was excellent guys, you did an amazing job in playing those instruments!

Wei: Are you kidding the way you were singing was unbelievable!!

Wing: Yea I never knew you such talent when it comes to music.

Huan: There is more to you than I thought Leonardo.

Leonardo: Thanks guys really appreciated

Fist Bump!!(All four boys fist bump each other and got off the stage while Leo stayed behind to play the slow dance song for everyone to hear, and thats where Korra came up to him with a sweet smile)

Leonardo: Oh hey Korra did you enjoy the songs that I sang for you guys including you.

Korra couldn't help herself so she ran towards Leo and gave him a hug while telling him what he did made her very happy.

Korra: Leo!!, that was the most beautiful thing you have ever done for us including me!! thank you!!!

Leonardo: Hey anything for a beautiful Avatar such as yourself.(Leo saids to Korra who lets go of him and blushes of what he said to her)

Korra: you......hey Leo there is something I want to tell see.(Korra was trying to say something but Leo cut her off)

Leonardo: Oh hold that thought Korra, I am about to play the slow dance song, and this one is my absolute favorite one, it's what my parents listened to when they first met each other.

Korra: Oh really? what is it called Leo?(Korra saids to Leo while still holding to the though of telling him of she feels about him)

Leonardo: The song is called Remember Me This Way by Jordan Hill, and let's just say Korra her voice is absolutely amazing.

Korra: Well I would like to hear if you wouldn't mind.

Leonardo: Sure, alright everyone I am about to play the slow dance song and it is called Remember Me This Way written by a woman named Jordan Hill who voice is absolutely stunning so enjoy.(With that Leo began playing the song in which Korra starting to listen which was lovely)

Leonardo: Would you care to dance with me M'lady.(Leo saids to Korra holding out his hand in which couldn't contain her excitement anymore)

Korra: Yes.....I to dance with you...Leo(Korra saids as she takes Leo's hand while the music is still playing and they begin to slow dance)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Every now and then
We find a special friend
Who never lets us down
Who understands it all
Reaches out each time you fall
You're the best friend that I've found

(Leo and Korra begin to dance while looking into each other eyes while the music playing)

I know you can't stay
A part of you will never ever go away
Your heart will stayI'll make a wish for you
And hope it will come true
That life would just be kind
To such a gentle mind
If you lose your way
Think back on yesterday
Remember me this way
Remember me this way

(Leo and Korra begin to dance different ways while holding hands, twisting and turning as well as twirls including moving their feet)

I don't need eyes to see
The love you bring to me
No matter where I go
And I know that you'll be there
Forever more a part of me, you're everywhere
I'll always care

(While dancing Korra has flashbacks of what Leo did for her in saving her life from Kurvira and bringing back the Avatar cycle as well reconnected her to Raava again)

And I'll be right behind your shoulder watching you
I'll be standing by your side and all you do
And I won't ever leave
As long as you believe
You just believeI'll make a wish for you
And hope it will come true
That life would just be kind
To such a gentle mind
If you lose your way
Think back on yesterday

(Leo and Korra begin to slow down and look into each other eyes and not looking away from each other until Korra rested her head on Leo's chest showing that this was a great night for her and him as well while Opal and Jinora look upon the two and they couldn't believe how lovely they danced together and looking into each other eyes)

Remember me this way
Remember me this way

(Song Remember Me This Way by Jordan Hill)

(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm)

After the song was finished everyone clapped at what a beautiful song they have just listen too while dancing with their partners, even Suyin and Baatar enjoyed their dancing with each other while listening to the song that Leonardo put on. Once the music was done everyone continue on with the party until a certain Avatar took Leonardo somewhere more private to talk to him about how she truly feels about him)

At a beautiful garden where the moon is full and while under a tree both sat the Avatar and the hero from another world.

Leonardo: So what is you wanna talk about Korra?

Korra: see Leo.....I been having...these.....strange....feeling inside me and I don't know how to tell you.(Korra saids while blushing and looking away from Leo)

Leonardo: Korra whatever you have to say you can tell me, and I will understand.(Leo saids with a smile which made Korra blush even more)

Korra: Well Leo you see every since you saved me from Kurvira as well as brought back my past lives and restored my connection to Raava, I couldn't stop thinking about what you have done for me and now I starting to feel something else but I don't know what it is.(Korra saids to Leo who actually knows what she is talking about)

Leonardo: Like the fact your starting to have feelings for me, I already know.

Korra: WAIT WHAT?!!!

Leonardo: I said you started to develop feelings for me and I could tell from all the blushing you gave towards me as well as you acting different around me.(Leo saids with a smirk while blushed again)

Korra: Wait....but.but...but how did you know about that....the only people I told was Opal, Su, and Jinora?

Leonardo: Hehehehe, Korra your talking to a guy who also has super hearing so I heard everything you just said about me.(Leo saids while Korra looks shock and her blush increases)

Korra: OH MY SPIRITS!!!.....I feel so embarrassed right now.(Korra panics and covers her face)

Leonardo: Hey Korra, you don't have to be embarrassed about how you feel about me because I actually feel the same way about you.(Leo saids while Korra looks up at him with shock)

Korra: Y-you....r.really.....

Leonardo: Yea the truth is Korra I never met someone more beautiful as you or strong, you are absolutely incredible. What am I trying to say to you Korra is that I like you to and I really mean it from the bottom of my heart.(Leo saids to Korra while holding her hand and Korra looks like she is about to explode with excitement that Suyin was right about Leo having feelings for her as well)

Korra: Leo....I..I..don't know what to say 😢...(Korra saids while a tear comes down her face then Leo wipes it away and places his hand on her face)

Leonardo: You don't need to say anything Korra but I would like to ask you something if you don't mind.

Korra: Sure what is it Leo?

Leonardo: I would like to take things slow which means I don't like to rush through things so quickly if we are going to be in a relationship.

Korra: Of course Leo, I would like to that and it give us time to spend more time together.

Leonardo: Yea that sounds perfect

Leonardo and Korra look at each other in the eyes smiling and then something happened they both started to move closer to each other and when their faces touch each other they shared their kiss which was Leo's first time but Korra's second since she had hers with Mako. Once they separated they both blush a little and what they can tell is that they both enjoyed the moment.

Leonardo: That was beautiful....

Korra: Yea it was and I liked it as well.....(Korra blushed while smiling and so did Leo)

While they were still looking each other Leonardo's phone in his pocket begins to ring and he couldn't believe someone was calling him in which Korra hears as well.

Korra: Hey is that your phone making that noise Leo?

Leonardo: Yea I wonder who is calling me right now and I can not believe I am getting a signal from this world incredible.

Korra: So who is calling you on the phone?

Leonardo: My cousin Richard might as well put him on video chat so we can see what he wants and maybe he knows something about the whole portal thing.

Korra: Well put him on I would like to see your cousin!

Leonardo: Ok ok......Hello Richard is that you?

Richard Roberts: Hey cousin!! how you been and oh looks like you have company, hello there I am Richard Roberts pleasure to meet you miss?

Korra: Korra, Avatar Korra it is pleasure to meet you as well Richard well not in person but you get what I mean, Leo has been telling so much about you and your world.

Leonardo: Yea that is something I wanted to talk to you about Richard do you know who created that portal that brought me to another world.

Richard Robert: Oh hehehehe, yea I do but you are not gonna like it one bit.(Richard saids to Leo who looks confused and so does Korra)

Leonardo: What do you mean Richard who sent me to this world and why.

Richard Roberts: You really want to know cousin?

Leonardo: Yess!!!

Richard Roberts: Alright, it was your mother who sent you to another world.(Richard saids to Leo who looks shock including Korra)

Leonardo: WHATT?!!! my own mother sent me to another world why!!!

Richard Roberts: To give you a chance to live on your on and meet a nice girl, get married, have a lot of babies so she can become a grandmother, as well as to protect a world on your own.

Leonardo: W.....what...what......marriage....babies.......being a grandmother?!!! Mom is so gonna get it right now!!!

Korra: Marriage.......b....babies.......oh my spirits....(Korra saids while blushing really red)

Richard Roberts: Yea told you wouldn't like but tell me do you like the world your in now and do you like the girl your next to as well.

Leonardo: Well yea and yes I do like Korra, we even confessed to each other of how we feel about each other after I help her with her problems.(Leo saids to his cousin while holding Korra's hold which she smiles at her new love life)

Richard Roberts: Then there is no problem here, as well long as you protect the people of that world and keep each other safe, and Korra I am also talking about you as well to make sure nothing happens to my cousin.

Korra: Don't worry Richard, he is in good hands and were planing on heading back to my city tomorrow so he can meet the rest of my friends and family.

Richard Roberts: Thats what I like to hear, your good woman Korra look for each other, and I got to get going Dana needs me were having a barbecue at the beach, I will talk to you soon later cousin.

Leonardo: Later Richard and tell Dana I said hi.

Korra: It was nice talking to you Richard!

Richard Roberts: You too bye....

Call Ended!!

Leonardo: Well now I know who sent me to your world Korra.

Korra: Yea and it was your own mother that is something a woman like her would do to her son.

Leonardo: Trust me, mom does a lot more things you don't wanna know about ever.

Korra: Alright, since we have time could you tell me about the heroes of your world.

Leonardo: Sure let's head back to my room and we can chat more.

Korra: Ok

Once they both got up from the ground they headed to Leo's room to talk about the heroes from his world and Korra was enjoying every minute of it after they finished, Korra was starting to feel sleepy so she asked Leo if she can stay with him for tonight in which he said yes. With that both the Avatar and the hero from another world fell asleep, so they can prepare to go to Republic City and meet Korra's friends and family after such a long time.

Chapter 7 coming soon!

Leonardo Morgan: 95nicholasnm

Legend of Korra: Michael Dante DiMartino

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