The hero from another world questions! Part 3
Leonardo: You are very welcome Korra, and now that I know about your world I think is time I tell you all about mine.
Jinora: Oh yea thats right I am dying to know about your world!!
Opal/Su/Wei/Wing: So are we!!
Korra: Including me as well Leo.(Korra saids while still hugging him)
Leonardo: Then let us begin!
Leonardo: Ok everyone before I tell you about my world I have to show you all something that could shock you.
Suyin: What is Leo?(Suyin saids to Leo who then pulls out a strange device out of his pockets and places it on the table)
Korra: What is that Leo?
Leonardo: I device from my world which is going to allow me to show you an image of your world and mine, and once you all look at my world you will see the different between mine and yours.
Jinora: You have an image of our world?!!
Leonardo: Yes allow me to pull up for you so you can see.(With that Leo pushes the button and then a big blue glow appeared which surprises everyone knowing that this technology is highly invasive tech, and when the their image came out they looked at it in awe)
Opal: Uh......Leo? Whose world is that on the left side and whats that one on the right.
Leonardo: That world on the left side is your world and on the right side is mine, and you can totally see the differences between the two earths.(Leo saids to everyone who went in shock at seeing what their world looks like as well as Leo's)
Suyin: I can totally see the differences between our world and yours.(Suyin said in shock)
Jinora: How many nations do you have in your world? I never seen this many land mass in my life.
Leonardo: Well Jinora, we don't called them nations in my world, we call them continents and we have about seven of them.(Leo saids to Jinora whose jaw drops to the ground knowing how much land is in his world)
Opal: Wow.....that is a lot of land mass you Leo, but it looks like we something in common we both have a north and south pole.
Korra: Oh yea I didn't see that sooner!, looks like that one thing we have in common in both our worlds Leo.
Leonardo: Yea but......
Korra: Whats wrong Leo?
Leonardo: Yes we do have a north and south pole but due to freezing below temperatures it makes impossible for people to live on both sides, so which means people can not live in those conditions due the snow storms and icy glaciers.(Leo saids to Korra who looks at him in shock knowing that the people in his world can not live in the north and south pole like she can)
Wei: Makes sense I mean who would want to live in a snowy place where they could freeze to death.
Korra: Ahem!!(Korra saids to Wei with a mean glare)
Wei: I mean there is nothing wrong with living in a beautiful snowy place where you can make snow mans and snow angles and I gonna shut up now.........
Korra: Anyway besides having a north and south pole in your world Leo, what are the people like on your earth.
Leonardo: Well Korra on my earth we have verity of different people who come from different races like we have Asian, Japanese, African, European, Native, and Oceanian. Which means the people have different skin tones, speak different languages, different hair color, they live in different places around the world, but we do our fare shares in wars and violence, but also we do have people who work for the government to help us protect our homes and land if anything happens in due time.
Jinora: I never heard of those kinds of races and you said something about wars, did your people go to war as well.
Leonardo: Yes a long time ago, it was called World War where our enemies were fighting against each other to take over our lands so they expand their governments and rule the earth until we ended defeated them and the war that lasted four years and hundred six days and everything was finally at peace but we still have to deal with criminals and psycho paths that try to hurt innocents lives due to the effects of the World War.
Opal: World War? you mean like all the continents went to war with each other to take over peoples lands, sound like how Kurvira tried to take over Zaofu by conquering small towns.
Leonardo: Yes but in my world we don't have benders or an Avatar so we can not bend the elements to win the war, we weapons called guns that we use to take down of enemies; here I will pull up of what they look like.
Suyin: My word I never seen weapons like these. And you and your people in world use these to take down your enemies.
Leonardo: Yes, these weapons shoot our peaces of metal called bullets and if you get either shot in the arms or the legs you will probably survive but if you get shot in either the chest or the head or in the back then you are dead.(Leo saids to everyone who looked at horror knowing that these weapons can instantly kill someone in a second)
Wing: You didn't bring those weapons called guns with you did you.
Leonardo: Our course not those weapons, brought nothing but chaos and destruction including death so no I refused to pick up one of those, always use a sword or a danger to fight.(Leo saids to everyone who looked relieved knowing that if these weapons got into the wrong hands if could turn into another war)
Jinora: By the way Leo, what was that creature you turned into that giant reptile is that creature from your world as well.(Jinora saids to Leo in which everyone wanted to know as well)
Leonardo: That creature you saw Jinora was called a Spinosaurs, a prehistoric animal that existed millions of years ago before the mammals and people evolved; these giant reptiles are called dinosaurs.
Opal: A creature that existed millions years ago?!! before any of you were existed thats something.
Leonardo: Yea but they went extinct a long time ago.
Suyin: How did that happened?
Leonardo: Well you see millions of years ago a huge meteor from space smashed into the earth and destroyed most of earths population and the dinosaurs were all wiped out, and all that remains is their fossils in which we dig up and study them to teach others about creatures from a long time ago before us were created.
Korra: Reminds me of how the fire nation wiped out the air nation with the comet.
Leonardo: Yea then after so many centuries later evolution took its tole and the mammals took over and along with smaller reptiles that also lived along with the dinosaurs as well as aquatic life in the oceans. Then centuries later agin we took over and began growing in numbers and start living in bigger cities and invented highly invasive technology like you see before you and we also developed space travel as well.
Suyin: Wait your people invented technology that can go into space?!!
Leonardo: Yea pretty amazing right, and let's just say when did a complete scan of your world; some of the technology that you use is exactly like the tech we use to use hundreds of years ago during the 1900s.(Leo saids to everyone who look at him in shock knowing that his people used technology that are similar to theirs)
Opal: You used to have the same technology as we do.
Leonardo: Yes during the 1900's before the whole wars and everything started but now our technology is more invasive and we no longer use those old phones or cars anymore, we have cars that brand new and they all come in different shapes and sizes as well as electric phones that we can carry around with us where every we go to a different location or place.(Leo saids to everyone whose mouths jaw drop to the ground)
Leonardo: Here I actually brought the phone just in case of an emergency.(Leo Saids while taking our his I-Phone in which everyone looked at in awe knowing that this device was a phone that is very highly invasive)
Jinora: That thing is a phone!!(Jinora said in shock while everything looked amazed something so small can be a phone)
Leonardo: Yup and it has everything you need on it, a camera, hidden library, photo album to place your pictures in, has a radio to listen to all different kinds of music, you can call and send messages to people from very long distance range, you can play games on it, it can show you how the weather is, watch movies, and even video chat with people. Also one more thing, Korra say cheese. SNAP!, and best part you can change the colors of the pictures of how you want it and the image comes out perfect without any blurs.(Leo saids to everyone who looks beyond and I mean beyond shock that something this amazing could do all of that and Korra really loved how he can change the colors of her image in the pictures)
Suyin: Oh my Spirits?!!
Jinora: This is amazing Leo!!!
Opal: I never seen such an amazing device like this and it can do mostly anything you want!!
Leonardo: You can also call any food place you want and have them deliver your food to your house if you don't wanna leave the conference of home.(Leo saids which brought amazement to their faces)
Korra: Oh wait what about your movers in your world Leo are they good.
Leonardo: Movers? is that what you guys call it here, in my world we call it movies instead and yes Korra our movies are beyond anything you could possibly imagined and they are in color.
Wing: You have them in color!! while we have them in black and white seriously!!
Leonardo: Yea in the movies we have action, drama, horror, love, romance, adventure, fantasy, sci-fi, thriller, family and kids, comedy, and animation.
Korra: Wow, I would would love to see one of your movies in person.
Jinora: But what is animation, sci-fi, family and kids?
Leonardo: Oh animation is where we draw out characters based off imagination and we create a story board for them then we use technology to make it into a moving picture where we get people to play out the characters and work the backgrounds as well as the sound effects. Sci-Fi is about movies that are related to things about space like aliens, space ships, other worlds, battles with begins that want to take over the world. Family and Kids movies are for kids who like to watch something that makes them happy like for example in my world we have a movie called Mulan is where a girl who runaways from home to join the military in her father's place but the military doesn't allow women to fight in the war only men, so Mulan decided to pretend to be a man to get into the army with the help of her tiny talking dragon Mushu and cricket. The movie has action, drama, love, and it also has musical in it like some of the movies do.
JInora: Wow I would like to see these movies myself even that movie called Mulan, sounds like a great movie to watch.
Korra: You could say that again, a female fighting in war that is something similar to me besides pretending to be a man.
Leonardo: Thanks girls and also we do have a movie called Avatar and.......(Leo was about to say something until Korra jumped up and looked at him with shock)
Leonardo: Woah....Woah...Korra not that kind of Avatar.
Korra: What do you mean Leo, you said it was an Avatar movie.
Leonardo: Yes but not the element Avatar like you, the movie is about a soldier named Jake Sully who was paralyze from the waste down and goes to a different planet called Pandora where he becomes a cadet for the Avatar program where he get to put his mind into an alien body called an Avatar and he meets the people of the race he turns into and helps them save their world from his own race who want to destroy the peoples culture and home, here let me show you some images so will get an understanding.
Once Leonardo shows the image from the Avatar movie, everyone looked amazed at how this was made and the characters were so detailed including the vehicles.
Korra: Woah so this the Avatar movie so were talking......IT IS AMAZING!!
Suyin: Is this all done with the technology your people did because this looks incredible Leo.
Wei: I for one would like to see this movie for myself, because it screams the name action, and adventure to it.
Wing: Same here and what are those flying vehicles, are they air ships?
Leonardo: The big one is called a Valkyrie shuttle which can fly in space, the smaller bigger craft is called the Dragon Assault ship while the smaller ones are called Scorpions and Samson which are ten times fast then the air ships you guys have and carry a lot of fire power. As a matter of fact I build one of the scorpions myself along with an armor machine called an amp suit similar to Kurvira's mecha suits but bigger and easy to move around along with some vehicles from my world as well.(Leo said to everyone who looked at him in amazement but looked shocked that he brought vehicles from his world to theirs)
Opal: You actually have your vehicles here in our world?!!
Leonardo: Indeed I have them stored in these capsules and if I want to take one of them out all I have to do is push the button and toss to the ground and the vehicle will appear.(Leo saids as he takes out the capsules that contain his vehicles which brought more shots to everyones faces)
Korra: So each of these capsules contain all of your vehicles from your world.
Leonardo: Yes but only the ones that are my favorite to use.
Jinora: How can you fit something so big into those tiny capsules?
Leonardo: Well in my world Jinora we have device that allows us to swank the object into micro size in order to place into the capsules and if you want to the vehicle turned back into the capsule all you have to do is push a button and it revert back to the way it was before.
Suyin: Impressive Leo very impressive can you tell us the vehicles you have here.
Leonardo: Sure, the yellow one is my car called a mustang which can go about hundred fifty five miles per-hour, the pink one is my car called a trans am or a fire bird if you like to call it can go up to two hundred miles per-hour, the orange one is my motorcycle which has to speed of one hundred and ten miles per-hour, the purple and blue one are my amp suit and scorpion based off the avatar movie, the green one is my space ship that allow me to fly in space and to different planets, and finally the red one is my jaeger.
Korra: Jaeger?
Leonardo: A giant robot suit that stand over forty stories tall and carries enough fire power to take on mostly anything, which also comes with two glowing blade swords along with a plasma a cannon on the arm. But I will only show it if we are facing something big and dangerous.
Wing: Woah that is big.......
Suyin: Leo now that we know about your world, would it be alright if we can see one of your vehicles, because what I can tell my husband would be thrilled to see something new in his life since he is an inventor after all.
Leonardo: Why of course Su, but let's go outside and do so that you wont having anything falling on your heads.
Suyin: Then let us head out shale we.
Everyone: Alright!(Everyone saids but Korra takes Leo's hand and asked him something)
Korra: Oh Leo, you forgot to tell us about the heroes in your world.
Leonardo: I'll tell you when were alone that way I can explain about them and their powers.
Korra: Yea that sounds great to me.
Once everyone makes it outside in the yard where a young man is bending metal and the other is looking at blue prints for a new invention.
Suyin: Leo, I want you to meet my other son Huan he creates art with his metal bending.
Suyin: Huan I want you to meet the person who defeated Kurvira and saved our home Leonardo Morgan.
Leonardo: Pleasure to meet you Huan.
Huan: Hey...
Opal: So what you working bro.....(Trying to change the awkwardness)
Huan: It is my greatest master piece!!
Everyone looked the sculpture in confusion, until Leonardo spoke something that made Huan impressed that someone actually knows about art.
Leonardo: Let me guess it actually represents the dawning of new age during a convergence is that correct Huan.(Leo saids to earth bending artist who looked at him in shock while every else did)
Huan: did you know about it?
Leonardo: You think you're the only one who can make sculptures out of metal, I did art as well during summer break and a good artist always knows what the art means to them.
Korra: Ok am I the only one thinks you can not get even more amazing then before and you actually did art before.
Leonardo: Wanna see what I can created with metal.
Everyone including Huan: Yea!!
Leonardo: Very well watch and learn.(Leo saids as he approached scatter pieces of metal and began to sculpt using his super strength and brilliant mind to create something that would shock everyone standing next to him including Huan)
Opal: I wonder what he gonna create?
Jinora: I am wondering as well, and never knew he was an artist as well.
Suyin: I am wondering as well if he can create something amazing of what Huan can.
Once with all the punching and metal crushing and using his laser vision and putting a cloak around the sculpture to precent the art to everyone.
Leonardo: Ok everyone ready to see whats under!
Korra: Yea show us!!
Huan: There is no way his work could be better than mine....
Leonardo: Alright here you!!(Leo saids as he takes off the cloak and everyone stares in the sculpture with complete utter shock and amazement while Huan's jaw hits the ground like he has never seen such a master piece.
(Megatron from Transformers 5)
Leonardo: I call it Death before Dishonor, he represents the cruelty of war and chaos which brings its enemies crumbling to the ground.
Suyin: My word Leo, it looks absolutely incredible!
Opal: Even though it is scary and yet threatening, this is some artwork you have created.
Wei: Yea it even shows the it means death.
Korra: You never seem to amaze me Leo.
Leonardo: So Huan what you think.(Leo saids to Huan who looks at the sculpture in shock)
Huan: It is a piece that shows crude and is absolutely MAGNIFICENT!!!(Huan saids as he has never seen such an amazing piece of metal art such as this)
Leonardo: Why thank you Huan, though if you want I can teach you how to create art such as this which could improve your skills as a much better artist.
Huan: Hmm...I could use some new skills in making new art sure why not after all us artist should work together to create such master pieces like this.
Leonardo: I am looking forward to it Huan(Leo saids as both of them shake hands and leave so that Leo can meet Su's husband)
When everyone leaves Huan to work new artwork with the idea's that Leonardo gave him to make better sculptures they went to meet a person wearing glasses while looking at something that looks like blue prints.
Suyin: Baatar!(Su saids to her husband who looks glad that her wife and sons are alright)
Baatar: Su, boys you all ok!, I was so worried about what happened.(Baatar saids to his wife who hugs her and his sons)
Suyin: We wouldn't be if weren't for this great hero here who not only saved us but the Avatar as well and even took down Kurvira and her Earth Empire.(Su saids to her husband while introducing Leo to him)
Leonardo: Hello sir you must be Su's husband my name is Leonardo Morgan but you may call me Leo.
Baatar: Oh so your the one with the powers that stop the Earth Empire and for recusing my family, I oh you my life for saving them Leo thank you.
Leonardo: I was doing what any hero would do Baatar and what I can tell your family and your home means everything to you.(Leo saids to Baatar who is likes this boys attitude and respect)
Wei: He is more than that dad, Leo here is actually from another earth with highly invasive technology which he is gonna show us right now.
Baatar: Really! well I would like to study in new forms of technology, what are you gonna show us Leo.
Leonardo: Hows about my space ship.
Leonardo: Sure do would all of you like to see.
Everyone: Yea!!
Leonardo: Alight but would everyone please stay back because I don't want a huge ship landing on your heads once I push the button on the capsules.(Leo saids to everyone in which they nod in agreement)
PUSH!(Leo pushes the button and throws it to the ground and the last thing that happened was everyone saw smoke coming on out and then when were able to see again, what they saw brought their faces in awe)
Leonardo: So what do you guys think of my space ship.
Opal: Oh
Jinora: My
Korra: Spirits
Suyin: This
Wei: Is
Wing: Absolutely
Leonardo: Thanks, it is wicked fast and it goes faster than any vehicle you have in this world.
Suyin: Leo, this is the most amazing ship I have ever seen in my life.
Leonardo: Thanks Su, would you guys like to see space for yourselves.(Leo saids to everyone who looked at him with shock and excitement)
Jinora: Leo.......are...are..serious.....(Jinora saids while putting her hands to her mouth)
Leonardo: I am and this could be the first time you guys get see what your world looks like above and the stars as well.
Opal: I always wanted to see what our world is like up there and now I get to see it in person!!
Wei and Wing: Were In!!
Leonardo laughs at their reaction and walks up to Korra and takes her hand in which she blushes.
Leonardo: Care to see what your world is like up there in space Korra.(Leo saids with a sweet smile that made Korra blush even more)
Korra: Yes......(Korra smiles while blushing)
Once everyone was on board the ship Baatar couldn't but look at the invasive technology around him in the cockpit while Korra sits next to Leo getting excited to see space for the first time.
Leonardo: Alright is everyone strapped in
Everyone: Yes!!
Leonardo: Good now hang on tight this could get a little fast.(Leo saids as he starts the engines of the ship and begins to take off and then the ship went from floating to speeding fast into the sky)
Everyone: WOOOOAHHHHH!!!
Leonardo: I told you it was gonna get fast!!
When the ship reached space, everyone began to calm down after that whole flying fast thing and then looked out the window of the ship and saw something that took their breaths away.
Opal: Leo is that.........
Leonardo: Yes Opal, that is your world and those are those stars you were talking about.
Suyin: Amazing.........
Jinora: Wow........the stars are so beautiful and I can not believe how big our earth is and our moon.
Opal: 😭.......I can not believe my dream has come true.....thank you Leo...(Opal saids with tears of joy while hugging Leo)
Baatar: Leo my boy you have amazing technology that was able to do this, how long would it take us to build something like this.
Leonardo: It would probably take you guys the next hundred years to build something like this but for now just enjoy the view for the time being.
Baatar: Oh I will, I will indeed....
Wei and Wing: Totally wicked!
Korra: This is the most beautiful site I have ever seen in my life.....😢(Korra saids while a tear comes down her cheek)
Leonardo: I am glad you enjoy Korra, now you guys are the first to see space and what your world is like.
Korra: It is all thanks to you Leo for showing us such how amazing you are and how kind you are.
When everyone was finished looking at their world, they went back to their seats and Leonardo set the course back to Zaofu while Korra is looking at Leo with how she never met a good person like Leonardo Morgan. Leonardo lands the ship at the same spot and everyone see him pushing a button that made the ship disappear and turned back into the capsule.
Jinora: Leo! that was the most beautiful thing that you ever showed us, I can only imagined what my dad would think when he meets you or my mom.
Leonardo: I am glad you guys enjoyed yourselves.
Suyin: By the way Leo tonight were throwing a big party to celebrate your victory against the Earth Empire and we would like it if could attend.
Leonardo: How can I say no to that, and I do love parties.
Suyin: Then it is settled, me and Baatar and my sons will get everything scheduled while the girls help Korra find something nice to wear for the party.
Opal and Jinora: Ok!! Lets go Korra!
Korra: OKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!(Korra saids as the girls dragged her away while she was still looking at Leo)
Suyin: Do you need something to wear for the party Leo.
Leonardo: No thats ok Su, I got something very nice to wear for party.
Suyin: Very well then, we will see you tonight.
Leonardo: Looking forward to it.
Chapter 6 coming soon!
Leonardo Morgan: 95nicholasnm
Legend of Korra: Michael Dante DiMartino
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