The hero from another world questions!

Korra: What do you mean you are not from any of the nation?

Leonardo: Because me and Zara are from another universe.(Leo saids to everyone who eyes open like dinner plates)

Zara: BARK!



Once Leonardo told them that he and Zara are from another universe they couldn't believe that their savior came from a different world which explains the powers he has but still couldn't believe what Leonardo has told them not even Korra couldn't believe it either.


Jinora: That is impossible?!!

Suyin: A person from another world, makes sense to me?

Korra: Su you actually believe him?!!

Suyin: Of course I do Korra, I can tell he is not lying to us you forget we can tell rather or not a person is lying or not.

Korra: Oh yea I forgot about that, but still how can this be possible though.

Leonardo: Well think about it Korra, have any of you seen a person with powers like mine, have your ever seen a guy with super strength, or shoot beams from their eyes, teleport from long distance, transform into a giant reptile, or grow gigantic.

Jinora: He has a point, I mean none of those abilities exist in our world but most importantly that one form you took on was absolutely incredible Leo what was that form.

Wei: Yea your entire body changed, and your hair and eyes changed different color as well.

Wing: And that aura around you was epic man!!

Korra: I am wondering about that as well, I mean I never felt such energy in my entire life.

Leonardo: Well guys what you saw was my warrior form and I am not the only one who was it or these powers.(When Leo said that everyone was shocked to know there is more than one of person just like him)

Suyin: You mean there are others like you?

Leonardo: Yes, I inherited my powers from my grandfather Henry Morgan who was the greatest hero that ever lived, and not just him but my Uncle Nicholas Roberts, my cousin Richard Roberts and his girlfriend Dana Stevens including her father Richard Stevens who my cousin was named after, while my mother is a different race and my other family members are normal like everyone else.

Jinora: Woah, you must of come from a strong family to have such great powers.

Opal: What do you mean that your mother is from a different race?

Leonardo: Well you see Opal, my mother isn't exactly human.

Korra: What you mean she is not human?

Leonardo: My mother is an alien race called the Asari in which her kind can live over a thousand years.(Leo saids to everyone who looked way beyond shock knowing that Leo's mother can live over thousand years)

Suyin: What?!! your mother can live over a thousands years!!!

Opal: Ok that is a long time to live?!!

Jinora: I never heard of race called the Asari, what are they like and how old is your mother?

Korra: Yea she has to like in her hundreds right?

Leonardo: You know it is not nice to talk about how old your mothers are in front of me.(Leo saids to Korra)

Korra: Oh sorry......

Leonardo: It is ok and here I have a picture of what my mother looks like and for her age she is over 2,445 years old in human years she is in her late 40's.(Leo said to everyone and showed them a picture of his mother and couldn't believe how beautiful his mother looked and what species she is)

(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm)

Korra: That is your mother, wow she is a different species but yet she is very beautiful.

Jinora: Wow in all my life I never seen such a beautiful species like her before.

Opal: Leo your mother is gorgeous, and yet I still can not get over she is over thousands of years old.

Suyin: But wait if she is thousands years old then how old are you Leo?(Suyin saids to Leo in which Korra wants to know as well and see if he is a thousand years old or not)

Leonardo: Right now I am 21 years old and the only thing I have of my mother is her intelligent's as well as her smartness which means I have an IQ of 265.(Leo saids about his age and his IQ to everyone in which was amazed that he and she are the same age and yet he is smarter than anyone)

Suyin: You mean to tell us you are highly intelligent?!!

Leonardo: What can I say, I am the son of genius and a soldier.

Korra: Your father is a soldier?

Leonardo: Yes, since he never showed signs of powers like my grandpa Henry, he decided to become a soldier to protect innocent lives along with my cousin Lucy.

Jinora: He must be a good man to help people those around him.

Leonardo: He is and so is my mother, and I love them both dearly.

Suyin: I can see why you loved them so much after all they did raise such wonderful son like yourself.(Suyin saids to Leo who blushes which Korra found it cute)

Leonardo: Thanks Su, really appreciated the comment.

Opal: If you are from another universe like you said Leo then how did you get here in the first place?

Leonardo: Well when me and Zara were just about to take our one year off from hero duty a strange looking blue portal appeared out of nowhere and sucked us right into it, and honestly I don't know how it appeared or who sent it. But when we were sucked in, the portal brought us to a new world that we never seen before or this person called an Avatar which I have no knowledge of.

Jinora: Hmmm....a blue portal? now that is something we have to look into.

Suyin: We worry about that later on right now hows about you come back home with us and you tell us more about your world and we tell you about ours.

Leonardo: Yea that would be great Su, I am dying to know more about this new world.

Korra: I am also dying to know about your world as well and the heroes there!!

Suyin: But first let's get Kurvira and her armies to prison.

Leonardo: Oh I can take care of that as well!(Leo saids to everyone who look at him confused of what he gonna do next)

Leonardo: Ram, Arch Elior Snap!!(Leo saids a spell that made the earth empire disappear in a flash of light)

Leonardo: There is go problem solved.(Leo said to everyone who looked behind him in more shock that he made the entire Earth Empire disappear with a trace)


Suyin: How did you do that?!!

Leonardo: Oh that was my teleportation spell, I sent them to prison with locks that they can not break out of even they try to metal bend them off.

Jinora: Ok you gotta tell us everything about your world and these powers of yours.

Opal: Yea that was something.....

Leonardo: Sure not at all, I will be happy to tell you everything about me and my world.

Suyin: Very well than shale we get going.

Leonardo: Absolutely, I want to see what this city of yours is like.

Wei and Wing: We will give you the grand tour!!

Korra: Come on hero let's get going.(Korra saids has she takes Leo's hand and they both walked together while Opal and Jinora looked at their friend with awe)

Opal: Korra is acting a little strange don't you think?

Jinora: I think I know what she thinking.

Opal: What you mean Jinora?

Jinora: Hehehe, I believe Korra is starting to fall in love with the new guy.

Opal: Are you serious!

Jinora: Well I seen the way she was staring at him during the battle so it is kind of noticeable.

Opal: So....what do we do?

Jinora: Watch her start to fall in love with him and see where things lead.

Opal: I like that idea, and she could use someone new in life after what happened between her and Mako.

Jinora: That is corrected, now let's get moving because I am thrilled about Leo's world.

Opal: So am I!

Zara: BARK!

Opal: Oh right come on Zara! we don't wont you to get left behind!!

Zara: BARK! BARK!(Zara runs up to both Jinora and Opal who cuddles his face into theirs which made both of them giggle)

Once everyone including Leonardo and Zara made back to Zaofu, the people were cheering for Leonardo along side Korra for saving their home and their lives. The people were also whispering about how Leonardo looked as well his appearance.

Random civilian: Wow isn't that the guy who defeated the Earth Empire.....

Random civilian: Look how he dress.....he's like a warrior......

Random civilian: Did you see how big he got when he took down those airships......

Random civilian girls: Look at that body....and those manly and handsome!!

Random civilian: I never seen someone with red hair before?.......

Random civilian: Did you all see the way he took down those soldiers with those abilities of his incredible!........

Random civilian girls: He is soo dreamy!!.........

While the people were commenting on Leonardo's saving, Korra was getting a jealous of how the girls were talking about him but dropped it when they were about to reach their location while still holding his hand until she heard two familiar voices.

KORRA!!(Two kids that are wearing the same clothes like Opal and Jinora run up to the Avatar to see if she was ok and their names are Meelo and Ikki)

Meelo: Korra!, did I miss all the fun and did you defeat Kurvira and her armies without me!!

Ikki: We heard explosions on the battle field but what we can tell you defeated her right Korra!!

Korra: Um......actually Kurvira had the advantage and I lost and she trapped me in rubble, so now I was not the one who beat her.(Korra said looking down in shame while Ikki and Meelo looked at each other confused)

Ikki: But if you didn't defeat her Korra then who did?

Meelo: Yea who in did?(Meelo said with a thinking face)

Korra: The person who defeated Kurvira and her armies was this guy.(Korra said to the air benders and looked towards Leonardo who waved at them)

When both Meelo and Ikki looked upon Leonardo they can look at him with shock knowing they never seen such a big strong man with unusually clothes or red hair which made Ikki blush knowing how handsome Leonardo is while Meelo looks at him thinking he is a warrior with great strength.

Meelo: WOAH! who is this guy!! he actually screams the name hero!!

Leonardo: My name is Leonardo Morgan but you two can call me Leo and it is pleasure to meet you both and what I can tell you two are related to Opal and Jinora am I correct.

Meelo: You bet we are mister!! and my name is Meelo!!

Ikki: My name is Ikki, are you the one who saved us!, is it true you defeated Kurvira and her armies, are you warrrior, how did you beat her, where do you come from, and do you think Korra is beautiful!!(Ikki said really fast questions while Korra blushed at the last question while Leo giggled at the little girl)

Leonardo: Well it is pleasure to meet you as well Meelo The Magnificent, and you to Ikki and for your questions, Yes, Yes, Yes, I used my super powers to beat her, I come from another universe, and for your final question Yes I find Korra to be very beautiful.(Leo answered Ikki questions while Korra blushed red that he thinks that she is beautiful)

Korra: He thinks I am beautiful.......(Korra thought while blushing red while Opal and Jinora saw it and smirked)

Meelo and Ikki: WOW!!

Meelo: Awesome!!, he is a warrior and he has super powers and he comes from another world!! also I like that new name for myself Meelo The Magnificent!!

Ikki: You think you can show us your powers huh can you can you!!

Leonardo: Hahahaha, maybe another time but right now these guys want to ask me questions.

Meelo and Ikki: Awwwww.......(While they both looked down in shame, Meelo sees Zara and asked what he is even Ikki seen him as well)

Meelo: What is that big huge black dog next to my sister!(Meelo saids while everyone turns to Zara which Leo giggles)

Leonardo: Oh that is my companion Zara, he is black wolf with a surprise.

Korra: What kind of surprise? what can Zara do.

Leonardo: I will show you, Zara shift!!(Leo told his wolf and he begins to changed his size which brought shocks to everyone knowing Zara can do something as well and once the light dyes down they seen something unbelievable)

Zara has changed into his smaller self and it made all the girls fall in love with how Zara turned from big to fluffy and adorable. Korra however has never seen the most cutest thing in her life.

Zara: Bark! Bark! Bark!(Zara barked in his tiny self that made the girls fall in love with his tiny self)

Korra: Aww how adorable!

Opal/Ikki/Jinora: HE'S SO CUTE!!(The girls said in union and went down to pet the tiny little wolf puppy in which Zara decided to lick all their faces and made the girls giggle then he looked at Korra and ran up to her and jump into her arms which she caught him and started licked her face as well)

Korra: Hahahahahahaha!!, aww aren't you the cutest little wolf puppy I have ever seen.(Korra saids while hugging little Zara while the girls crowded around Korra and looked how Zara was cuddling with Korra)

Suyin: Now that is something you don't see everyday.

Wei: Woah he went from big and tough too small and adorable.

Wing: I definitely gotta get something like that.

Leonardo: Well that is gonna impossible.

Jinora: Why is that Leo(Jinora saids while petting the Zara head)

Leonardo: Zara is the last of kind, his family was killed in a forest fire and I found him as a puppy all alone so I took him in and raised him myself.

Ikki: Aww that is so sad, you poor little guy must of been scared to loose your family like that.

Opal: You sweet little guy, you must of been very brave to survive for that long.

Korra: Yea but luckily Leo saved you and gave you a brand new home.(Korra saids while nuzzling her cheeks to Zara's face)

Leonardo: Alright let's change the subject I still oh you guys some answers.

Suyin: He is right, we can head to my office so we can talk more.

Leonardo: Meelo, Ikki, why don't you two go play Zara he does like to have fun with kids.

Meelo and Ikki: OK!! LETS GO ZARA!!

Zara: Bark! Bark!

Once the kids decided to leave to play with Zara, they headed towards Suyin's office to discuss of what Leonardo's world is like and tell him about theirs. When everyone got to the room they decided to sit down and talk about each world. Leonardo sat on one side while the rest sit on the other side to asked him questions while Korra couldn't help but be ready for what Leonardo is gonna tell them about his world.

Suyin: Leo, for what you did for us and for Korra I really appreciated you for saving us from Kurvira and her armies.

Leonardo: Hey it was no problem at Su, I delt with armies before as well as dictators so I had no problem in taking her and her armies down with no problem.

Suyin: Still what you showed was absolutely magnificent, and would be alright if you can tell us more about your powers and what those transformations were.

Leonardo: Sure not all, and I have other powers as well though I hardly used them.

Jinora: You have more powers!

Opal: Wow that is something else....


Leonardo: Ok well these that I have came from grandfather Henry Morgan who was the original savior of the universe before me and he used these powers to save not just our world but other worlds as well. The powers you seen were the same powers he used to save our world like super human strength where you can lift things that really heavy, the beams that come out of my eyes were called heat vision in which there is also ice vision as well so I can freeze my targets instantly, also there is my impervious skin which makes me completely unharmed so if you throw anything at me it wont hurt me, the element powers that something where you can change your body to the forms of the elements but you can not bend them like you just said Korra, the growth power is where I can change my body structure so that I can grow into ginormous without hurting the inside of my body, I can breath underwater(When Leo said that Korra was shocked that he can breath underwater like fish which she found interesting) I can turn myself invisible so that my enemies can not find where I am, I have the power flight so I can fly anywhere I want to(Leo said he can fly which brought shocks to both Opal, Jinora and Korra) You already seen my teleportation power where I can appear anywhere I want to be but I had to focuses on persons energy to appear where they are, you did see my healing powers as well where I have chant some words in order for the spell to work including the disappear spell which I used on the Earth Empire, there is also muscle control where I can change my voice to mach the person next to me, there is sonic wave that comes through my mouth and if guys heard it you wont be able to hear for a long time, there is shape shifting to where I can turn into any animal of my choosing, I do have electrical powers to where I absorb electricity and shoot back at my enemies, and finally the warrior form is my true power and it is what I used to take down my teams most powerful enemy that he nearly destroyed the world and it took me three years to master it.

Once Leo has finished explaining about his powers and how he inherited them from, they all look upon him with utter shock and yet proudness knowing that he used his powers to help people just like his grandfather almost reminds them of Avatar Aaang.

Suyin: Leo, those some amazing abilities you have with you.

Wei: Yea man that has to be a big responsibility to hang on to.

Wing: Especially since you used your powers to help people just like Korra does when she was helping others.

Jinora: You remind me of my grandpa Aang who was the Avatar before Korra.

Leonardo: Is that true Korra? and there was more than one Avatar.

Korra: Yes helping people is what I do best and i can see you and your family are doing the same thing were doing here but for other question there is only one Avatar in exist. You see Leo when the Avatar dies he or she is reincarnated in the next nation of the cycle, Aang the Avatar before me was an air bender then before him was a fire bender named Ruko, and then before him was an earth bender named Kyoshi.

Leonardo: Oh so it starts all over again, now that is something I know about.

Korra: Yea that was when I found out I am the last Avatar to exist.(Korra saids while looking down in sadness)

Leonardo: What do you mean Korra?

Jinora: She means is that during a battle with an evil spirit named Vaatu who merge with her uncle destroyed her connections to the past Avatars and ended the cycle forever.(Jinora said to Leo while he looks at Korra who looks sad and thought of something that could help which could make her feel better)

Leonardo: I think I have just the thing you need Korra.

Korra: What do you mean Leo?

Leonardo: Stand up for me and come to where I am and don't move a muscle.(Leo said to Korra who did what he asked and they both looked into each others eyes until Leo told her to close her eyes)

Leonardo: Now I need you to close your eyes and not move.

Korra: Where is this going?

Leonardo: Just trust me ok.

Korra: Sigh.....ok

Opal: What is he gonna do to Korra?

Jinora: I don't know let's just see?

Leonardo: Sky above me, stars so bright hear my plea upon this girl, restore what she has lost and bring back what she has lost so she may once be whole again!!(Leo saids the spell and then a glow appeared around Korra which everyone shielded their eyes from the light)

When the light surrounded Korra, her eyes begin to glow white and what happened next is that all of the past Avatar that were long gone has somehow returned to her which means the cycle has been restored and all thanks to a warrior from another world.

The Light has dye down and everyone was able to see again and Korra was back to her normal self and when she looked at Leonardo who had a smile and she decided to ask what he has done to her.

Korra: Leo, what did you do to me?

Leonardo: Oh let's just say you are not the last Avatar anymore.(Leo saids to Korra who looked at him confused at but looked at him with a shock look at knowing what he just did to her)

Korra: Leo.....did....did you.....did you really.....😭 what I think you did.(Korra saids while tears were coming down her face and Leo looked at her with a smile)

Leonardo: Yes, I have restored the Avatar cycle and your past lives have returned to you.(Leo said to Korra who looked on the verge on crying more with joy while the others looked at Leo of what he just did that was not heard of in centuries)

Jinora: YOUR RESTORED THE AVATAR CYCLE AND BROUGHT KORRA'S PAST LIVES BACK?!!!😭 (Jinora saids while tears coming down her face as well)


Suyin: It is unbelievable, a powerful hero has restored the Avatar cycle.

Wei and Wing: Woah..........

Korra: Leo.....I....I.......😭.......I......THANK YOU!......THANK YOU!......THANK YOU! are the greatest person who did something for me!!(Korra saids crying tears of joy while giving Leo a big bear hug for restoring her past lives to her in which he excepted)

Leonardo: You are welcome Korra, and I they I saw you looking down in sadness I knew I had to do something that would make you happy so I used my hidden power of restoring to bring back your past lives and restore the Avatar cycle.

Korra: the greatest hero.....I have ever met.......thank you....for restoring my past lives....and the Avatar cycle......thank you.(Korra while still hugging Leo with tears of joy and happy that she will no longer be the last Avatar anymore)

Jinora: have made all of nations historical have great powers and you use them to help restore the Avatar cycle and brought back Korra's past truly are a great hero.....can I get in the hug as well please...(Jinora saids to Leo with tears knowing that Leo is a good person and Leo nods and let her join in the hug along with Korra)

Once everyone has calm down from the moment they just richness, it was time to get back to the questioning while Korra decided to sit with Leonardo since he so much for her like save her life, healed her as well as restore her past lives.

Suyin: Leo, you have proven yourself to be good person and not only to save us but too also to do something that was impossible to do. Leo you have restore the Avatar cycle and brought back Korra's past lives I can hardly imagined what the others will think of what you did for us and for Korra here.

Leonardo: Well before we get into that stuff why not tell me about your world and I will tell you about mine.

Suyin: Very well where do you want us to start?

Leonardo: Why not start from the beginning.

Suyin: As you wish but I think is best that Jinora tells you about it since she is the grand daughter of Avatar Aang.

Jinora: I will more than happy to Su, you ready for knowledge from our world Leo.

Leonardo: I was born ready, I excited to learn from what I can from this world.

Jinora: Than let us begin

When Jinora is about to tell Leonardo about their world, Korra couldn't help the feeling in her heart while looking upon Leonardo and couldn't stop thinking about him.

Korra: Why can I not stop thinking about you I starting to have feelings for you.(Korra thought to herself while blushing and holding a hand to her heart showing that she might develop feelings for the new guy)

Chapter 4 coming soon!

Leonardo Morgan: 95nicholasnm

Legend of Korra: Michael Dante DiMartino

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