The Beach Part 2

After Team Avatar and Leonardo's left the house, they began driving towards the beach spot that Leonardo was telling his girlfriend Korra and her friends about while they take in the sites their seeing while in the cars with Leonardo's friends. What Korra can tell is that she has never seen places like these in her life in her world and Leonardo can tell is that she is enjoying herself.

Leonardo: So enjoying the sites angel?(Leo saids to Korra)

Korra: Yea I never seen places like this before and all these amazing stores look incredible. And I never imagined how beautiful the hotels and these houses look. I can see why your world is different from ours because we never have hotels or houses that are this fancy.

Leonardo: Hehehe, you will be surprised what we can create Korra but if you saw my parents place you will totally flip.

Korra: Hahaha, I probably will even the others would as well.

Leonardo: True on that sweetie!

While they were talking to each other, Leonardo saw a red light and stopped as well as the others then out of nowhere a police car comes up and greets the hero on what a great job he is doing for the people.

BEEP! BEEP!(The police officer beeps his horn to get Leonardo's attention and when Korra saw the car she was shocked at what the police cars looked like)

Korra: Whoah is that what the police officers drive in this world, amazing!(Korra said in thought while admiring the police car)

Leonardo was looking at Korra and then looking at the police car and what he can tell is that his police are different from hers and he liked the look on Korra's face when she sees the car next to them and decides to give the officer a friendly hello.

Leonardo: Hello officer, what can I do for you? and lovely day isn't it.

Police Officer: I just wanted to say thank you for all you done for us Leonardo Morgan and thanks for helping us officers deal with the crime spree, we couldn't catch those criminals without you and your Warriors help, we really appreciated for what you done. Also yes it is Leonardo the perfect day to relax but for us officers we still have to work.

Leonardo: Oh thank you so much officer and yea I can relate my friend Mako is a detective and he barley has days off from work.

Korra: It is true officer he really doesn't!

Police Officer: Oh who might you be miss I never seen you around here before?

Leonardo: She's my girlfriend Korra, she and I met after I helped her friends take back their homes by a psycho chick and her armies.

Police Officer: Pleasure to meet you Korra, and you are one lucky girl to fall for this guy right there and I hope he treats you well.

Korra: Thank you so much officer and yes he does treat me well after he saved me and helped me with my problems back at home.

Police Officer: Good to hear that miss well as much I want to talk more duty calls, enjoy your summer Leonardo and you too miss Korra.

Leonardo: We will officer and keep up the good work!

Police Officer: You too!(With that the police officer drove away while Leonardo and Korra along with their friends continue to drive towards their destination)

Korra: You never told me that you helped police officers before?

Leonardo: I helped everyone Korra and not just the police, I also helped people at hospitals, fire departments, soldiers who are called marines and much more.

Korra: Wow, you never cease to amaze me even more Leo 💋(Korra saids while giving Leo a kiss on the cheek)

Leonardo: Aww thanks darling

Korra: Your welcome, by the way what else does your world have besides the stuff you told me about back at home?

Leonardo: Well Korra besides the stuff I told you all about, we also have events and holidays here that we celebrate every year.

Korra: Really what kind of events do you have here?

Leonardo: Oh we have music concerts, firework shows, the annual bike race where you have to peddle a bike across the world and back, sport games like baseball, football, soccer, hockey, bowling, golf, and volley ball, and comic con.

Korra: Comic Con?

Leonardo: Comic con is an event that we had for years where adults and children like to dress up as their favorite story book characters and have fun and meet their favorite story book artist as well as movie actors who played them, last year I went as my favorite character called Captain America who was a super solider who fought the villain named the red skull and the fought along side a team of heroes called the Avengers.

Korra: Wow that sounds awesome!, and I like that name Avengers sounds like a really cool team name and may I ask what does this Captain America look like even though he is a story book character.

Leonardo: Sure Korra let me pull up the image of him from a movie I seen called Captain America the first Avenger.(Leonardo pulls up an image of his favorite hero and shows it to Korra who looks amazed by this character and mostly the shield)

Korra: Wow so this is Captain America, I got to say he looks absolutely incredible and that shield of his looks even cooler; I wonder what Leo looked like in that uniform I have to ask him because I think he would look sexy in that.(Korra saids in thought while admiring Captain America)

Leonardo: Hey Korra you wanna know something about Captain America that is quite similar to someone you know in your world.

Korra: Really who is he similar to?

Leonardo: He is similar to Avatar Aang(Leo saids to Korra who looks stunned that this hero could be related to Aang)

Korra: Really how?

Leonardo: Captain America's real name is Steve Rogers who also had the same fate as Aang, he to was frozen in a block of ice for more than seventy years and when he woke up he found out the world he knew no longer exists but that didn't stop him from continuing from what he does best and that is to help people. Captain America is world war hero and a great character to read about, people all around the world inspired him in the books that they would do what he does and that is protect the innocent from dangerous threats just like how me and my family do for the world.

Korra was amazed that this character Captain America went through the same exact problem just like Aang and he too was frozen for so many years and his world that he knew didn't exist but he didn't stop from bring peace and balance back into the world.

Korra: Wow.......I can see why you admire him so much because he is just like you, you help people just like him and these Avengers even if they are characters from book. By the way how can he lived for seventy years and still look so young?

Leonardo: That was the effects of the super solider formula inside his body, you see Korra in the comics and the movies scientist created a formula that can turn a normal human being into a fighting hero called a super solider and Steve was the first one to take it; it not only changed his fiscal self but also gave him super strength and amazing reflexes that made him a great warrior and hero to the country.

Korra: Interesting, I might have to read these books myself and watch the movies to see what you mean. And what about his shield because I wouldn't mind taking thing for test run?

Leonardo: In the books and in the movies his shield is made from a really strong metal that came from space called Vibranium which could cut through mostly anything, I should know because it actually exist in my world and I used it to make a replica version of Captain America's shield and it works like a charm.

Korra: No way?! you actually have the shield, oh you got to let me try it out!!

Leonardo: Sure Korra, I have the shield back at the house and I can train you how to use it just like Captain America used it in the movies.

Korra: Your the best Leo and by the way do you still have that costume of yours from last year when you went as Captain America?

Leonardo: Of course I do that is also back at the house why?

Korra: Oh no reason is that I would like to see my man in uniform, I find it very sexy.(Korra saids with a flirt tone and made Leo blush red)

Leonardo: Oh you are a naughty Avatar, I believe this solider would have to punish you for it.

Korra: Then once we get back I am all yours Captain.(Korra saids while saluting to Leo)

Korra and Leonardo: Hahahahaha!!!

Leonardo: Whatever you say, but I think you would look even sexier in the uniform than me.(Leo saids to Korra who blushes redder than Leo's hair)

Korra: really think I look sexy...(Korra saids while cover her face with both hands)

Leonardo: I sure do Korra, because I love you

Korra: I love you too......

Korra: OH MY SPIRITS HE CALLED ME SEXY!(Korra saids with excitement in her head)

After driving a couple hours, everyone was taking a turn to where the beach spot was gonna be at and yet Team Avatar can't get over the beauty of nature around them and how lovely the green forest looks in front of them.

Leonardo: So Korra how you liking the beauty of nature around you?

Korra: Oh Leo, it looks beautiful and I can see why you and the others decided to go to a place where no one can bother us or populate the area.

Leonardo: Yea that is exactly why we don't go to public beaches anymore because with all the crazy fans, people shouting at each other, no room to play sports, and the water is always crowded by hundreds of people like none stop.

Korra: Hehehe, I can relate to that one Leo, it is just like back on ember island.

Leonardo: Well Korra prepare to amazed because were here.(Leo saids as he tells Korra that they have arrived at their destination and what Korra can tell is that she was in awe that she has seen such a beautiful site in her life)

Korra: Oh my spirits..........Leo this looks absolutely beautiful! Look at this view and the I never seen the water that clear before.

Leonardo: I am happy you love it Korra, here let me go find a spot to park and you can take in the view much more closely.

Korra: Ok!

Leonardo and his friends arrive on the beach spot and parked their vehicles under the shade so that their cars won't get too hot, and once everyone gets out of the cars, Team Avatar couldn't believe the site they were seeing in front of them, it was so breathtaking and it was the perfect spot to have a wonderful summer vacation.

Dana: So guy what do you think of our beach spot?

Asami: Oh my.......Dana this looks absolutely beautiful!

Mako: Look at this view, what a rare site to be hold!

Bolin: Yea and feel that cool breeze, amazing!

Wu: And the sun is perfect

Opal: Leo, this spot is amazing I can see why you chose the right spot for us.

CJ: Leo has an act for picking the perfect spots to have a wonderful time during the summer ain't that right dude.

Leonardo: Sure is, and I wanted this to be special for all of us to enjoy.

Mako: Well considered us enjoyed because I can not wait to finally relax on an actual beach.

Asami: Same here Mako, and this could be my chance to work on my tan.

Dana: Same here Asami, I could use some color on me.

Richard: Oh and if you guys need to change into your swimwear then we have some changing tents for each of us.

Bolin: Thanks Richard, because I really need to get in that water right now and cool off.

Jennifer: Uh...Bolin you may want to put on sunscreen before you do anything and that goes for all of you as well.

Leonardo: And if you don't apply sunscreen then you will get a really bad sun burn, and it stings a lot trust me I know.

Korra: Why did you make that mistake?

CJ: Oh yea he got burned so badly that he looked like red hot chilly pepper.

Everyone except Leonardo: Hahahahaha!!!!(Everyone laughed at Leo for making that mistake of his life while he pouts)

Leonardo: Yea yea laugh it up, real mature.......

Korra: Aww is little Leo pouting that is so cute!(Korra saids in a baby voice while teasing her boyfriend)

Leonardo: Hehehe, oh your the one to talk little baby Avatar.(Leo saids in baby voice which made everyone giggle)

Korra: Hmph......(Korra pouts by being called little)

Leonardo: Come on you know I was just playing and I know you were as well.

Korra: Sigh...yea you are right, I am gonna get changed and you think you can put on sunscreen for me.

Leonardo: Sure Korra, no problem

Korra: Oh yea one more thing

Leonardo: What is it Korra?

Korra: Hows about tonight me and you go to that waterfall we passed by and go skinny dipping just the two of us and maybe do the thing again.(Korra whispers in Leo's ear which made him blush again before she walks towards the tent with the other girls)

Leonardo: Uh......yea sure I would like that....

Korra: Hehehe, see you tonight sweetie 💋(Korra saids and gives Leo a kiss on the lips then leaves to change)

While Korra left Leonardo to his thoughts, Opal and Asami were wondering what she was talking to her boyfriend about and decided to ask her themselves with them following her to the tents to change into their swimwear. Leonardo on the other hand didn't need to change because he was wearing his stuff under his clothes along with his friends so they just got changed while outside while Mako, Bolin, and Wu head are in the other tent changing.

Meanwhile with the girl in the tent:

Opal: Wow Asami is that the swimsuit that Dana helped you pick out while we were looking for ours.(Opal saids while admiring Asami's swimsuit)

Asami: Sure is and I really like the design and the color it is just my type. I couldn't wish for a sister who helps me find what I am looking for.

Opal: Even though you two aren't blood related I still think it is sweet that you have someone who looks just like you and has similar things in common.

Asami: Thats true, hey you think maybe one day if she and Richard get married and have kids you think she will make me her child's god mother.

Opal: I would have to say yes, I mean I think you will make a great aunt some day.

Asami: Thanks Opal!

Korra: You will make a wonderful aunt Asami.

Asami: Thanks Korra, by the way me and Opal wanted to ask you something if it's no trouble at all.

Korra: Sure what is it?(Korra saids while finished changing into her swimsuit)

Asami: Well after we had that mover night two days ago I was wondering what did you and Leo do after you left because Tenzin said that you both fell asleep at a motel due to over slept.

Opal: But what I can tell that is not totally true, so what did you two do that night after we left?(Opal smirks while crossing her arms making Korra nervous)

Korra: Uh.........well...we.......I mean.......we....just(Korra saids while blushing and getting nervous)

Asami: Korra you can tell us, it just between us girls and nobody else.

Opal: Yea we will keep it a secret we promise.

Korra: You really promise not to tell......

Opal and Asami: Absolutely!

Korra: Sigh......ok after we left I asked Leo to take me to that lake area a couple miles where Republic City was.

Opal: Oh yea we past by the area once or twice it is quite lovely.

Asami: So what happened once you two got there?

Korra: Well after we got there, I asked him if he wanted to go swimming with me in the lake in which he agreed to.

Asami: Oh that is so sweet, a couple swimming together on a beautiful night.

Opal: Wait, if you two went swimming then did you bring swimsuits with you or........oh my...(Opal stops at what she was saying and was thinking what they actually did)

Asami: Korra did you and Leo...............

Korra: and Leo went skinny dipping in the lake ok, we were completely naked in the water.(Korra saids while blushing red as well as Asami and Opal)

Asami and Opal: Oh my spirits............(Both said while blushing)

Korra: Yea, we did that as well and we kissed and then we..........uh......(Korra saids whiling blushing more and more)

Opal: Well tell us Korra what happened after!

Korra: I can't

Asami: Come on Korra how bad can it be?

Korra: It wasn't bad Asami.........

Opal: Well tell us than!

Korra: Ok!, after we kissed I asked him do to do something for me in return for saving me and always being there for me.

Asami: What did you two do Korra?

Korra: After we kissed and talked a little, we...........we made love to each other....(Korra saids whiling looking away from their site and blushing more)

Asami and Opal stood there while they couldn't believe the words that came out of their friends mouth and began to blush a lot more than Korra.

Opal: K.......Korra you and Leo had............what that night........

Asami: Can you repeat the once more because I am so loss right now?

Korra: Me and Leo had sex that night ok!!(Korra screams but not too loud and it made Opal and Asami blush redder)

Asami and Opal: OH MY GOSH!!!! YOU TWO DID IT!!!

Korra: Yea......we did.....(Korra saids while smiling a little)

Asami: Oh my goodness, how was he?

Korra: He was magnificent.....he was a god sent from the stars..(Korra smiles more while thinking about that moment she had with Leo)

Asami and Opal: Wow...............

Opal: What did it felt like when you and Leo did it?

Korra: Pleasure.....pure pleasure.....Leo made me feel like a woman, he was so amazing that night that I can not stop thinking about.(Korra saids while playing with her hair and blushing)

Asami: Our Korra has finally become a woman and she did it with the person she loves.(Asami saids in thought while still blushing)

Opal: Wow Korra is one lucky girl to have a man such as that, I wonder if Bolin can be like that if he and I ever do it together.(Opal saids in thought while thinking about the idea she had)

Asami: Korra you have finally become a real woman

Opal: And we promise to keep this between us three, we promise.

Korra: Thanks guys I really appreciated, and sorry I never said anything sooner I was just too nervous to talk.

Opal: Hey it is ok Korra, we understand but maybe it is best we keep that stuff you and Leo had that night a secret.

Asami: Yea I have to agree

Korra: Sigh....thanks so hows about we forgot about that and just enjoy our beach time.

Asami and Opal: Yea!

With that the girls all agreed and went out to meet up with the others who also finished changing into their swimsuits.

Back with everyone esle:

Team Avatar come out of their tents and were wearing their new swim wear that they got when they went shopping with Leonardo's friends.

Dana: Hey Leo they finished changing!(Dana saids to Leo who was getting stuff from the car)

Leonardo: Ok I will be there in a minute!(Leo saids while getting out the stuff out of the car for the beach)

Asami: Wow Dana you look amazing in that sky blue swimsuit!

Dana: Thanks you look absolutely incredible in that swimsuit I helped you picked out.

Asami: Thanks!

Jennifer: I have to say guys, you pull off those swimsuits a whole lot better.

Opal: Thanks Jennifer, I must admit these swimsuits feel more comfortable than the ones back home.

Bolin: Opal you look really beautiful

Opal: Thanks, your not so bad yourself Bolin

Wu: I feel like a celebrity!(Wu saids while admiring his look)

Mako: I got to admit this as well these, swim trunks look awesome and I dig the dragon on them.

CJ: Looks totally badass Mako

Mako: Thanks CJ

Dana: You Korra on the other hand look amazing, Leo is gonna flip when he sees you.

Korra: Thanks, I didn't know they had swimsuits that were my taste. And you really think he would like me new look.

Dana: Absolutely, Leo loves you Korra theres no denying that.

Korra: I hope he likes me swimsuit(Korra saids in thought)

Leonardo: Hey guys I got everything set up for our beach time and wow you guys look amazing in those swimsuits.(Leo saids when he comes back wearing blue swim trunks and his upper body is exposed which made Korra blush really red)

Mako/Asami/Bolin/Opal/Wu: Thanks Leo!

Asami and Opal: Korra was right he is like a god!(Both said in thought while looking at Leo's rock hard abs and muscle body)

Korra: Hey Leo how do I look in mine........(Korra saids while rubbing her arm and looking shy which made Leo blush more seeing how beautiful Korra looks)

Leonardo: Wow Korra you look beautiful.........very beautiful...

Korra: R....really thanks and wow you look amazing yourself and I was right you do look great in blue.

Leonardo: Thanks you to as well sweetie

Dana: Hey hows about you two take a picture together in front on the ocean it will be a great memory.

Richard: I have no problem with that do you guys?

Everyone: Not at all!

Leonardo: What you say Korra wanna get a selfie of us together.

Korra: Yea I would love that very much. Dana can take it with my phone for me.

Dana: Sure Korra

Leonardo: Richard you take one with mine for me.

Richard: Sure cousin I will be happy to

With that both Korra and Leonardo walk up to the edge of the water so they not only take a picture but also get their feet wet.

Korra: The water feels amazing on my feet

Leonardo: It sure does Korra

Dana: Alright you two I want you to get closer to each other, Leo I want you to put your right hand on Korra's shoulder.

Richard: Korra I want you to put your left hand around Leo and your right touching his hand on your shoulder.

Korra and Leonardo did what Richard and Dana told them to do.

Korra: Is it always like this, you know to get the perfect picture?

Leonardo: Yea pretty much you will get used to it now smile babe for the camera.

Dana: Alright you guys in say Summer Paradise!

Korra and Leonardo: Summer Paradise!

CLICK! CLICK!(Both Dana and Richard took the pictures)

Korra: How did it turn out Dana!

Dana: See for yourself, and what I can is that you two look adorable together.(Dana saids to Korra and shows her the picture of her with Leo together)

(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm)

Leonardo: Now that is a keeper right there

Korra: Wow we look amazing Leo! It is absolutely perfect.

Leonardo: It sure is Korra it sure is. So are you guys ready to have the best beach fun of all time!

Everyone: HECK YEA!!

Korra: I am as well Leo, I love you so much.

Leonardo: I love you too Korra

Leonardo and Korra: 💋(Both kissed on the lips)

Next Chapter coming soon!

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