The Beach Part 1

It was 10:30 am in the morning and team Avatar really enjoyed their long after noon naps that Leonardo gave them including their own bed room which they really appreciated. Right now everyone was still asleep until all of them started to smell something good and decided to wake up and see where that delicious smell was coming from except for a certain Avatar who was still sleeping because let's just say Korra is a heavy sleeper and doesn't want to be deserved. In the mean time the rest of the team avatar decided to go find out where the smell is coming from and the smell was coming from the kitchen where Leonardo is cooking up breakfast for his friends and his favorite girlfriend. 

Bolin: Sniff.......mmmmm where is that delicious smell coming from?

Opal: Looks like its coming from downstairs Bolin. 

Asami: Who ever is making that wonderful smell has to be cooking up something?

Mako: I'll say it smells really good 

Wu: Too good!

When everyone comes downstairs to where the smell is coming from, they hear whistling coming from the kitchen. 

Whistle! Whistle!

When they got to the kitchen, the person who was whistling was Leonardo who was cooking up food for everyone and when he stop whistling and saw his friends up he greeted them with a good morning smile. 

Leonardo: Well good morning my friends how was your good night sleep.(Leo greets his friends)

Asami: Leo it was the most amazing night ever and I never felt so amazing before!

Mako: I never slept on a more relaxing bed in my life, it was absolutely incredible. 

Wu: I was in heaven, the bed was so soft and relaxing!

Bolin: Yea who knew you guys made beds that want you to do nothing but sleep all day.

Opal: I really enjoyed my beauty sleep Leo thanks.

Leonardo: I am glad you guys enjoyed yourselves, and I hope you guys are hungry because I made you all breakfast.(Leo saids to his friends and puts out the food for them)

(An all vegetarian breakfast) 

Once Asami, Mako, Wu, Bolin, and Opal got a look at the food they couldn't believe their eyes of what they were seeing and couldn't believe that Leonardo cook all of this for them. 

Bolin: Dude, you cook all of this yourself?!(Bolin saids in shock) 

Leonardo: Sure did what you think?

Asami: Leo all of this looks good, I am impressed. 

Mako: You my friend, know how to cook.

Opal: Wow everything looks so delicious, I don't where to start?

Wu: Oo, whats that one in the white bowl?

Leonardo: That Wu is fried rice with cut up vegetables with potatoes. It is really good, my mom taught me how to make it when I was a kid. 

Wu: I got to try that one first!

Opal: Hey what this one Leo? The big plate one?

Leonardo: That Opal is the fruit dish, it has strawberries, cut up pineapples, crackers with chopped up tomatoes and toast with cut up bananas with peanut butter its like smashed peanuts that turned into a creamy past. 

Opal: That does sound good, I got to try these new fruits!

Mako: Are these toast too Leo?(Mako saids while looking at the other toast) 

Leonardo: Why yes Mako, with different toppings. The first one is strawberry toast with cream cheese, the second is blueberry toast with honey, the third is banana toast, and the last one is toast with vegetables.(Leo saids to Mako who looks at the toast with amazement) 

Mako: Wow I never thought adding toppings to my toast when I have breakfast, I got to remind myself to do that next time. 

Asami: And what this one Leo because this one caught my smell?(Asami saids looking at the dish with the eggs and vegetables) 

Leonardo: That Asami is fried vegetables mixed with eggs and flavored with garlic sauce. Dad showed my how to make this when we went camping together. 

Asami: Amazing, we should totally have breakfast like this everyday. 

Everyone: Here! Here!

Leonardo: Well what you guys waiting for pull up a chair and have some food. 

Everyone: Thanks Leo!(Everyone saids and sits down and start taking what looks good) 

While everyone was getting settled in and was ready to eat they heard someone yawing and when they looked behind them they saw their friend Korra who has just woken up from her nap. 

Korra: Yawn!.......morning everyone and what is that delicious smell.(Korra saids while stretching her arms and yawning while smelling the food that Leonardo cooked)

Leonardo: Hehehe, good morning angel how did you sleep last night.(Leo saids going towards his girlfriend and gives her a morning hug)

Korra: Good morning sweetie, and I slept amazing, and who is cooking food because it smells really really good.

Asami: Glad to see you up Korra and Leo made us breakfast all by himself.

Bolin: Korra you have got to try this food it is absolutely good!!(Bolin saids while eating the food) 

Mako: He is right Korra this is the best breakfast I ever had in my life!

Wu: This guy knows how to please a man like me.(Wu saids while eating the rice)

Opal: We saved you a seat Korra, so sit down and have some of this food!

Korra: Leo you actually made all of this for us!(Korra saids while looking at the food in front of her)

Leonardo: Sure did sweetie, why don't you sit down while I'll get some drinks for us. 

Korra: Can do babe, wow everything looks so good I don't where to start.

Asami: Try the fried vegetables with the eggs it is really good Korra, and Leo you have to teach me how to make this dish it is delicious!

Leonardo: Of course Asami I will be more than happy too. 

Korra: If you say so Asami might as well. (Bite) Oh my spirits! this is amazing I never something like this before!!(Korra saids after she took a bite of the food and found it very delicious) 

Leonardo: Like Asami saids Korra it is good. 

Opal: Korra try the fruit it is very tasty

Korra takes some of the fruit from the plate and eats one of them and found it very sweet and delectable.

Korra: Mmmmmm!!........(Korra eats the fruit and finds it good)

Wu: Try this fried rice with the vegetables it is so good Korra!

Korra: (Bite) Oh my this is very good!(Korra saids while eating the rice)

Mako: Korra you also try these different toast toppings I should know because they are really good to try. 

Korra: Oo, I think I will try that one with the berries.(Bite) Wow this one is really good and is this honey I am also tasting!

Leonardo: Sure is Korra, I added honey onto the toast to give that extra flavor. 

Korra: Leo, this is like the greatest breakfast I ever had in my life!

Everyone: Same here!

Leonardo: I am happy you guys like the food and here are your drinks.(Leo saids to everyone who hands them their drinks with a glass of orange juice that made them looked confused) 

Opal: Hey Leo what kind of juice is this I never seen this kind before?

Leonardo: That Opal is called orange juice and it is from the juice of an orange fruit like this one I have in my hand. 🍊 (Leo saids to Opal while holding the orange fruit in his hand)

Bolin: Might as well try it see how it taste?

Everyone took their glasses and began to drink the juice and once they tasted it they couldn't believe their eyes how delicious the drink was and it came from that fruit that Leonardo has in his hands. 

Everyone: This is so good!

Asami: Leo this taste great are their any other juices like this?

Leonardo: Of course there are Asami, there's apple, cramp berry, raspberry, watermelon, and lemon juice and all of them taste great thought lemon juice taste a little sour. 

Mako: Well lemons are suppose to be sour so makes sense. 

Korra: Thanks for making us breakfast Leo really appreciated 💋(Korra saids and gets up from her seat and hugs her boyfriend while planting a kiss on his cheek for thanks)

Leonardo: You are quite welcome Korra and you guys as well. 

While everyone really appreciates Leonardo making them their food, Asami asked him what is the plan for the today. 

Asami: So Leo whats the plan for today?

Leonardo: It is like Jennifer said yesterday, beach day which means were taking you guys to our favorite beach spot since public beaches are always crowded with a lot of people. 

Mako: True on that Leo, it is exactly like that back at home. 

Bolin: Yea back at home it is very hard to find the right beach spot to relax without someone bumping into you or kicking sand in your face. 

Leonardo: Bolin, it is exactly like here as well, thats why me and my family as well as my friends go to private beach location where we can have the beach to ourselves. 

Asami: Now this is exactly why we decided to take this vacation with you.

Leonardo: And I am very happy to have you guys here with me especially you Korra.

Korra: Aw your so sweet, but can we ask how were getting to the beach?

Leonardo: Why we are driving down to the beach Korra, in our beach cars of course. 

Opal: Uh..Leo not to take this the wrong way but driving cars on the beach never works.

Asami: Yea they keep on getting stuck in the sand and it takes like days to dig them out.

Leonardo: Thats because you guys don't have car that can actually drive on the sand without causing problems. 

Mako: What you mean Leo?

Leonardo: I will tell you guys once you all get ready as soon as I clear up the dishes. 

Opal: Oh I can help with that Leo.

Leonardo: Thanks Opal really appreciated

Opal: It is the least I can do after what you did for my family and my home so this is saying thank you. 

Leonardo: And your very welcome Opal

While Opal and Leonardo clear the dishes everyone else went to their rooms to get ready for the beach and after Leonardo and Opal finished cleaning as well as washing the dishes they too went to their rooms and got dressed for the beach. Once everyone has got done getting dressed they all went outside to meet Leonardo's friends who will be taking them to the beach spot. 

Korra: So Leo how what car are we taking to go to the beach spot you told us about?

Leonardo: Well Korra, me and you will be taking my red jeep while the others go with my friends and guys whatever you do don't stare too much at my friends vehicles because they might shock you. 

Mako: Really how big are these cars of theirs?

Leonardo: You will see, oh here they come now.(Leo saids to everyone and see his friends and cousin approaching the house)

Korra: Really because all I see is oh my spirits...............(Korra saids in shock of what she is seeing)

Asami: Uh............

Mako: Whoah........

Bolin and Opal: Wow..........

Wu: I am lost for words.........

Everyone looks towards the front of them and sees their new friends vehicles which brought everyone in shock except Leonardo who already knows about their cars. 

(These are my favorite getaway vehicles because they look amazing) 

Dana: Hey guys hows it going!

Richard: Sorry were a little late we had to store some of the bikes in the back which took to long. 

CJ: Hope you guys are ready for a summer beach party of the life time.

Jennifer: Yea what we can tell is that you guys are gonna...........uh guys?

Team Avatar didn't say anything because they were still looking at the big vehicles in front of them until Leonardo decided to snap his fingers to get them out of their trance. 

Leonardo: Hey come on guys you can stop looking at the cars. 

Asami: Sorry guys it is just that I never seen cars like this before in my life or I ever seen them this big?!

Dana: Hehehe, you will get used to it Asami trust me. Would like a tour of my RV. 

Korra: RV?

Leonardo: An RV Korra is like a house and a car mixed together into one, think of it as a house on wheels. 

Mako: Whoah, a vehicle that is half car and half house now that is something I would like to have. 

Richard: I am glad you like it Mako because you are with me, would you like to see in the inside of my RV. 

Mako: Sure Richard I would love to!(Mako saids and walks towards Richards vehicle) 

Jennifer: Opal, Wu you two are with me, wanna see what the inside of my car looks like.

Opal and Wu: Sure! 

CJ: Bolin you are with me, so I hope you like fast cars because mine drives well.

Bolin: Oh heck yea!

Dana: Asami you are with me, wanna see my totally amazing RV up close. 

Asami: Oh heck yea sis!

Dana: Oh my gosh you called me sis!

Asami and Dana: KYAAAA!!(Both screamed in joy and headed to the RV)

Leonardo: Yup those two are gonna be glue together all week long.

Korra: Hehehe, no doubt about that sweetie so wanna show me your ride.

Leonardo: Sure thing babe follow me please. 

Korra: Show me the way!


Leonardos car: 

Leonardo: This Korra right here is a 2030 jeep which is used for sports like racing or jumping ramps but I only use it for traveling around and hit can hold over seven people with air conditioner incase you get too hot or too cold, it has a radio so you can listen the news and music just like the cars back home and the reason for the big tires is because when your driving on the beach you don't want your car all the way to the ground because thats how they always get stuck so you want your tires big and have the car up a little bit so it doesn't hit the ground. 

Korra: Wow this is impressive Leo, and I can see why these are used for the beach and whats that behind it? That trailer part?

Leonardo: Oh that is where you can sleep Korra, and it only fits two people. 

Korra: Oh so like if me and you wanna you know

Leonardo: Uh let's probably do that when were alone because we don't want the others knowing after what we did two days ago right.

Korra: Hehehe, yea your probably right but it was absolutely amazing, and thanks for being my first Leo you truly are an amazing man. 

Leonardo: And you are quite the woman Korra a very attractive and beautiful woman.(Leo saids to Korra who blushes at what he said)

Korra: I love you so much Leo and I mean that.

Leonardo: I love you too Korra


Dana's Vehicle: 

Asami: Wow Dana I can not believe that this is your ride, it is gigantic!(Asami saids with amazement) 

Dana: Thanks sis, this here is a 2040 Zetros which is a giant truck that can fit over nine people and it comes with everything you need, bathroom, shower, sink, kitchen, television, bedroom, changing room, conformable seatings, and air conditioner. It also has an outdoor shower as well including an outdoor grill where you can cook your food as well as sunbath on the top. 

Asami: Oh my spirits!, I have got to invent this for future industries!! It would be the perfect getaway and camping vehicle of Republic Cities future. 

Dana: Would you like to see the inside

Asami: Yes!!

Dana takes Asami into the vehicle and when Asami saw the inside she was blown away of how this looks like a house but also a vehicle you can drive as well. 

Dana: What do you think Asami?

Asami: What do I think........What do I think!!.....Dana this looks absolutely incredible!!! I cannot believe you guys built something this amazing in your world!!

Dana: Hehehe, I am happy you love it Asami, have a look around if you like. 

Asami: Oh you know I will sis!(Asami saids while taking a look around the place and she finds it very cool and she is thrilled by the technology) 

Dana: I always wanted to have a sister who likes the same thing as I do and now I have one and she looks just like me.(Dana saids in thought while looking at Asami while she admires the tech)

Asami: Wow everything looks absolutely amazing and the bathroom and the bed look fabulous. 

Dana: Hey hope you don't mind Asami but we also camping at the beach as well and if you want to share the bed it's alright with me.

Asami: I would love to Dana thanks!(Asami saids and hugs Dana)

Dana: Your welcome Asami(Dana saids and hugs back Asami)


Jennifer's Vehicle: 

Jennifer: Alright guys this here is my survival jeep and it fits three people and it comes with a small kitchen, bathroom, shower, three beds, sink, grill, air conditioner, and it is perfect vehicle for going camping with your friends and family. 

Opal: Wow this looks amazing Jennifer, I wouldn't mind if my family made something like this back at home. 

Wu: I'll say I wouldn't mind using this to go camping one day.

Jennifer: Would you like to see the inside?

Opal and Wu: Sure!

Jennifer: What you two think?

Opal: Kind of reminds me of a small apartment in a hotel but other than that Jennifer it looks really nice. 

Wu: Reminds me of those rooms I stayed in back in Republic City, and it is just my size. 

Jennifer: I am really happy you two like it so much, you know if we ever get the chance hows about the three of us go on a camping trip together sound good.

Opal: Oh would love to Jennifer!

Wu: Me too I would like to see the beauty of nature and wide open spaces. 

Jennifer: Awesome, I will pick a day for us to go camping sound good to you two.

Opal and Wu: Yea!


Richard's Vehicle: 

Mako: I have to admit Richard this thing looks like something used for the army?

Richard: Well Mako that because they have these for army as well and some are used for families who want to relax and enjoy time together. 

Mako: Interesting, and this is used on the beach and can easily drive right on top of the sand?

Richard: Absolutely and it has ten times the power to wist stand anything, sand, rocks, bumpy roads, and even floods. 

Mako: Whoah, I definitely need something like this for whenever I retire from the police force. 

Richard: Hehe come on I'll show you the bikes first then the inside.

Mako: Wait you have motorcycles on this thing!

Richard: Not motorcycles Mako, dirt bikes for used to drive on the sand and dirt as well as mountain ranges. 

Richard takes Mako around the back on the vehicle and opens up the back and what Mako sees made him very impressed and excited. Richard showed him his two dirt bikes which Mako found that to be very fast and quick. 

Mako: Whoah so these are your dirt bikes, I got to say Richard they sure do look different from any bikes I ever seen and how fast are they?

Richard: They go up to eighty-seven miles per hour which is faster than a motorcycle and car. 

Mako: I got to test one of these puppies out and see for myself!

Richard: Sure Mako once we get to the beach, you and I can have a race together.

Mako: Hehehe, I will except that challenge. 

Richard: Challenge excepted, come on I will show you the inside now.

Richard takes Mako inside the RV and once Mako saw it, he couldn't believe what he is seeing in front of his eyes. 

Mako: Oh my spirits.............(Mako saids in shock)

Richard: Yea I know right, it has everything you need, kitchen, fridge, shower, two beds, air conditioner, television, armored glass, and grill. 

Mako: I am in heaven right now

Richard: Yes you are Mako yes you are(Richard saids and places his arm around Mako)


CJ's Vehicle: 

Bolin: Wow CJ your ride looks totally amazing!

CJ: Thanks Bolin, I customized this bad boy myself from the outside to the inside. It has everything you need, two beds one on top and one inside, a grill to cook food, small kitchen, outdoor shower, air conditioner, and completely armored proof.

Bolin: Whoah............awesome.........

CJ: Thanks it took me six months to create the ultimate vehicle and it is my best handy work.

Bolin: You should share some of these ideas with Asami I know she would be thrilled to invent some new vehicles back at home. 

CJ: Sure thing Bolin and how much does she loves technology?

Bolin: Oh Asami loves............

OH MY GOSH THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING VEHICLE EVER!!!(Asami screams with joy while standing on top of Dana's RV)

CJ: Hehehe, I take that she loves it a lot?

Bolin: Yup you will get used to it.

CJ: I know that feeling


Leonardo: Ok everybody are all of you ready to hit the beach!!(Leo saids to everyone)

Everyone: We are good to go!!

Leonardo: Excellent, ready to have some beach fun Korra.

Korra: You know I am babe

Leonardo: After you M'lady(Leo saids while opening the car door for Korra)

Korra: What gentlemen thanks sweetie 💋(Korra saids and kisses Leo on the lips)

Leonardo: I love that woman(Leo saids in thought while closing the door) 

Once Leonardo gets into the car and everyone else does as well, he begins to start up the car and begins to drive with everyone following him behind. 

Leonardo: Hey Korra hows about some music while we drive towards the beach.

Korra: Sweet what you have in mind?

Leonardo: It is a song called Life is Highway, it is a great song to listen while driving to paradise. 

Korra: Mind if I put it on

Leonardo: All yours Korra

Korra: Life is a Highway and play!


Whooo umm yeah

Life is like a road that you travel on
When there's one day here and the next day gone
Sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand
Sometimes you turn your back to the wind

There's a world outside every darkened door
Where blues won't haunt you anymore
Where the brave are free and lovers soar
Come ride with me to the distant shore

We won't hesitate
To break down the garden gate
There's not much time left today

Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
Well, I wanna drive it all night long

Through all these cities and all these towns
It's in my blood and it's all around
I love you now like I loved you then
This is the road and these are the hands

From Mozambique to those Memphis nights
The Khyber Pass to Vancouver's lights
Knock me down get back up again
You're in my blood I am not a lonely man

There's no load I can't hold
Road so rough this I know
I'll be there when the light comes in
Just tell them we are survivors

Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long

Give me give me give me give me yeah

Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long

There was a distance between you and I (between you and I)
A misunderstanding once
But now we look it in the eye

Ooh, yeah

There ain't no load that I can't hold
A road so rough, this I know
I'll be there when the light comes in
Just tell them we're survivors

Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long

Give me give me give me give me yeah

Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long

Come on. Give me give me give me give me yeah

Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
Yeah, I wanna drive it all night long, baby
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long

(Life is a Highway by: Rascal Flatts) 

Next Chapter coming soon! 

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