Sand Dune Fun and Leo's last visit to Kiara!
After Team Avatar along with Leonardo and his friends had their fill thanks to Richard, they all packed up their things and got into the vehicles because starting now they are heading towards the beach sand dunes to have some sand dune sports fun in which they got out the sports vehicles to use for the sand in which Dana got out her dirt car that is fast and can jump really high when driving on the sand hills in which makes great impact which Asami will be riding with her. Chris is taking Bolin and Wu with him on his dirt car just like Dana's but his is custom made that can withstand any damage. Richard decided to take Mako because he liked riding on bikes and Richard showed him how to ride a dirt bike in which he got the hand of it. Jennifer and Opal were not really into sports that much so they decided to hang back and record everyone who are having fun while keeping safe because they do not want to get injured when their friends are driving so they sat on top of Dana's Rv and put up an umbrella too cool off as well as have some refreshing drinks to enjoy the show. Now as for the lovely couple both Leonardo and Korra were basically in a sports vehicle and were enjoying the fun of their lives in which Leonardo was taking his jeep into the sand dunes while doing some tricks while Korra was screaming with joy and excitement.
Korra: WHOO-HOOO!!!!!(Korra screaming with joy on the top of her lungs)
Leonardo: YEEEEEHAAAAAAA!!!!(Leo scream with joy and made a jump in which Korra while having the best fun in life time)
Leonardo and Korra were enjoying themselves really much and screaming with so much joy in their lungs in which was being heard from everyone else who were still getting ready to have some fun as well.
Mako: Seems like they are already having fun?(Mako saids while putting on the protective gear that Richard gave him so that he wont get hurt)
Richard: Seems that way, the protective fit you well?
Mako: Sure does slips on like a glove but why wear something like this?
Richard: Well due to safety reasons a lot of people got injured while riding their bikes on the sand dunes in which they didn't read the rules about wearing protective gear to help prevent injuries or crashes so that is why we made these to protect us if that ever happens and it does happen a lot of times some people just don't follow the rules that much.
Mako: Same thing in Republic City and takes us so many times to make sure that everyone has to obey the rules and try not do something out of the unthinkable at least that is something you and I have in common people refuse to listen and obey the law.
Richard: True on that my friend, now hows about we go for a ride and do some tricks.(Richard saids and puts on his helmet and gets on his bike)
Mako: Oh heck yea!(Mako saids as he did the same like Richard in which both of them got on their bikes and started to drive off into the sand dunes)
(Red is Mako and Blue is Richard)
Mako and Richard drove off into the sand dunes and started to kick their bikes into high gear in which they both started to do some amazing and extreme tricks in which they both were having the fun of the life time just like Leonardo and Korra who were driving around the sand dunes and jumping over sand dune hills. Richard did some flips and landed safely on the ground while Mako jump over the dunes themselves and went high in the air that he got a good view of the sand dunes and the beach area. When Leonardo stopped the car and looked towards Mako and Richard doing their tricks it earned a smile on his face that his cousin found someone who is like a brother and they are doing fun things together even Korra was looking as well and has never seen Mako do tricks and stunts like that before in which she was cheering them both on.
Korra: Whoo-Hoo! Go Mako! Go Richard!(Korra cheers for the boy in which they both waved to her while in the air because both of them jumped over a sand dune hill and did an excellent flip and landed safely on the ground then did a fist bump together)
Leonardo: Hey Richard try not to hit the sand dunes like last time!
Richard: Oh you be quiet will you!!!(Richard saids while driving his bike with Mako)
Korra: Did something happened when he was on the sand dunes?
Leonardo: Oh lets just say before he wore the protective gear, he took out his bike to the sand dunes for the first time and did a stunk in which he forgot to hang on the bike handle bars and then crashed landed into the san dune and when I mean crash I mean landed flat on the sand dune face first.
Korra: Ooooo....that has to leave a mark?
Leonardo: Yea it change his life forever and that is why he decided to follow the rules and wear protective gear next time.
Korra: Have you ever done anything that extreme before?
Leonardo: Korra honey I have done a lot of extreme stunts in my life time and I always come out without a scratch or burn on my body.
Korra: Ok what was the most extreme stunt you ever did in your life and be honest with me.
Leonardo: Hmmm...well I have done a lot of crazy stuff but I think the most extreme one I ever did was I jumped out of an air plane without a parachute then landed on the solid ground in which caused an impact and created a huge crater in the ground that was the size of small lake.
Korra: You....actually did that?
Leonardo: Hell yea, I got it on video as well and I got so many views from many people around the world but I also made sure to put don't try this at home because you know how people are and trying to do the same stunt that people on the videos do in which we have to put up warning signs so that they will not pull off these stunts.
Korra: I might have to see the video for myself and yea it was good idea for you to put a warning sign to warn them about the crazy stunts that professional people know to handle these situations.
Leonardo: Thanks and after were done having fun here, hows about we treat you guys to some lunch at our favorite diner it has best food there and you will totally enjoy it.
Korra: Sounds like a good plan to me sweetie but for now let's keep on having more fun.
Leonardo: I like the way you think say would you like to take the wheel and try out this bad boy for yourself.
Korra: Are you are going to let me drive your jeep!
Leonardo: Sure I want to see what the all powerful Avatar can really do behind the wheel besides fighting bad guys in the city all day and train.
Korra: Well when you put that way Leo, it has been a while since I drove something like this and I did once drove Asami's car back home, how hard can it be to drive something like this.(Korra saids to Leo in which earned him a smirk and he went on the other side and Korra went on the drivers side in which she looked at the controls of the car and started to get confused of how to start it)
Korra: Um.......ok uh lets see.....
Leonardo: Hehehe she has no idea how to start this thing or know to what to do.(Leo saids in thought while giggling at watching his girlfriend trying to figure out how to start the car since she knows how the music stuff works but the other things in the car not so much)
Korra: Ok.....I seriously have no idea what to do?
Leonardo: Hehehe don't worry about it Korra, I probably should give you some lessons of how to start cars like these. First thing you want to do is turn the key to the right, next pull the driving stick to four in which would help us get speed, and you probably already know how to push on the peddles of the car in which one stops the car and the other makes it go. And if you are having some trouble don't worry about it I will help while you are driving the car and don't worry about crashing because I customized this bad boy myself and the metal is very strong and powerful it can withstand anything and it always comes with safety precautions included.
Korra: Thanks Leo, that really helps me a lot 💋(Korra saids and kisses Leo on the cheek then starts up the car in which Korra did what Leo asked and started to drive into the sand dunes and was getting the hang of it)
Leonardo: I do what I can for a special woman like yourself.(Leo saids in thought while enjoying the ride in which he is watching Korra's every move in seeing how she is taking her driving lesson and it turns out she is doing just fine)
Meanwhile with Dana and Asami the two girls were having a blast as well inside a custom black dirt vehicle that was built by Dana's family in which Asami was very impressed of how such a vehicle can move this fast as well as drive in the sand so easily.
Dana: So Asami how you enjoying yourself!(Dana saids while driving the car and jumping over sand dunes but also wearing protective gear just like Mako and Richard)
Asami: Oh this is the most incredible fun I ever had and this vehicle is totally something else I have got to start drawing blue prints for new inventions and vehicles for Republic City!
Dana: I will be more than happy to help you design some new inventions as well as blue prints Asami but for now let us girls have some real fun and kick this into high gear!(Dana saids and drives the car faster in which both Dana and Asami jumped over a much higher sand dune while screaming with excitement)
Dana and Asami: WHOO-HOOO!!!!
While with Opal and Jennifer who were on top of Dana's Rv they were enjoying their girl time and checking to see that their friends were having so much fun in the sand dunes while they sit back and listening to music as well as read books since they both like to read a lot in which Jennifer showed Opal some romance novels that Opal read and she found them to be quite enjoyable to read while under the umbrella listening to music in which Jennifer put on.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Opal: This music is quite relaxing Jennifer, and it helps me think while I am reading these romance novels you gave me.
Jennifer: Glad you like it Opal and you can just call me by my nickname Jen a lot of my family and friends do even my boyfriend.
Opal: You got a boyfriend really who is he?
Jennifer: He is Dana's brother Diego who used to part of the Warriors but he decided to retire and become an animal trainer in which he helps animals all around the world who suffered from great losses as well as burning forests and jungles that been going on lately in which I am proud of him because he saved me and my family when there was a forest fire that broke out years ago and he managed to get everyone out safe and sound. Soon he and I got to know each other more and we started going out together and shared our first kiss under a beautiful full moon near the lakes and that is when I realized I fell deeply in love with him and he did as well.
Opal: That is so sweet of him and so romantic and I never knew Dana had a brother what is it like?
Jennifer: Kind of bit like Mako but with much darker black hair, blue eyes and more muscular and very handsome with a voice that could melt a woman's heart in which it melt mine.
Opal: Is that even possible Jen?
Jennifer: Hehehe you be surprised Opal, I will introduce you to him during the anniversary for Leo's parents.
Opal: Sounds very interesting to me, say can I ask you something.
Jennifer: Sure you can ask me anything Opal.
Opal: Well I me along with everyone else knows about Leo's parents and his grandfather but he never mentioned his grandmother did he have one by any chance?(Opal saids in which got Jennifer's attention in which she looked sadden by what Opal said meaning Leo did have a grandmother but not anymore because of the incident that took place years ago)
Opal: Jen? Did I say something I wasn't suppose to?(Opal saids while looking at Jennifer who knows something that Opal and the others don't know about except for Korra)
Jennifer: We are not suppose to tell anyone about this but I think Leo told Korra already about it I am not sure but to answer your question Opal, yes Leo did have a grandmother who was the most beautiful, kindness, and enjoyable person who cared about everyone around her even her family and friends as well as loved ones.
Opal: What was her name?
Jennifer: Her name was Kiara and she was the wife of Leo's grandfather Henry Morgan and the mother of John and Megan Morgan, Leo's father and Richard's mother.
Opal: Thats a beautiful name she has, Kiara it sounds so lovely but why doesn't Leo talk about her did something happened to her?
Jennifer: happened during a battle with our most deadliest enemy that nearly brought the world crumbling down if Leo haven't stopped him from destroying the world.
Opal: I take that this enemy was nothing like the ones we face in our world.
Jennifer: No ours was far more worse, he unleashed his armies upon the world and killed so many lives but luckily for us we were managed to defeat them all while Leo was able to defeat the enemy who caused so much pain in his life and...........
Opal: And what Jen?
Jennifer: And was the one responsible for the death of Kiara in which she sacrificed her life so that we have a chance to defeat our enemy while she took the blow that our enemy was going to use on Leo but she stepped in front of her grandson and protected him in which she died in his arms and it broke everyones heart including Henry, John, Megan and even Leo's heart that one person that they all loved including us is no longer with us after what Zorg did to her.(Jennifer saids with sadness and anger in which Opal gasp of why Leo never talked about his other family members)
Opal: Oh my that why he never talks about what happened in his past because this Zorg guy who nearly destroyed everything you guys cared about and killed Leo's grandmother in front of his eyes.(Opal saids while feeling hurt and pity for Leo as the rest of his family and his friends)
Jennifer: Yea but when she died in Leo's arms something inside Leo changed him in which unleashed a power within himself and he used it to destroy Zorg and the rest of his armies but he still can not forget of what happened to his grandmother neither can Henry or any of us because she cared deeply about us and showed us so much love and compassion.
Opal: I any chase was this power of his where his hair turned green and his eyes turned blazing gold yellow as well as a green aura surrounding him?
Jennifer: Yea how did you know about that?
Opal: I seen it when he used to take down Kuvira and her armies while he saved the lives of my family even Korra's it was the most incredible thing I have ever seen and I never knew a power such as that ever existed.
Jennifer: You be surprised because Henry had the same power as well including the rest of the family.
Opal: I guess what Leo said about his family having powers and this hidden power was all true after all, and here we thought he was a second Avatar but that would be something else.
Jennifer: Leo is full of surprises just like the rest of his family.
Opal: Say I would like to change the subject is there really other races out there besides humans because we found out that Leo's mother is an alien race while you are a race called Demi human are there others like your guys.
Jennifer: Why of course there are, there is like hundred and thousands of different races that come in many forms and each one comes from different planets or worlds beyond I will be happy tell you more knowledge about them so you can get an understanding of which race is which.
Opal: Sounds great Jen and by the wa.............(Opal didn't get to finished because she and Jennifer heard a scream coming from above their heads in which they saw a purple car jumping over them while hearing the scream coming out the car itself)
I WANT MY MOOOOOOOMMMMMY!!!!!!!(Voice screams while in the car)
Opal: Ok?.......what was that?
Jennifer: Oh that was Chris driving his car with Bolin and Wu and I think the scream came from either Bolin or Wu?
Opal: No Bolin enjoys having fun even this kind of fun so I think the scream came from Wu.
Jennifer: Really?....I never knew he screamed that much I thought he likes having fun?
Opal: Apparently not this kind of fun but you have to admit it is quite funny to hear him scream like girl like that.
Jennifer: Hehehe true and I got the whole thing on video as well.
Opal: We can show that to everyone else!
Jennifer: I like the way you think Opal, you definitely my kind of girl to hang out with.
Opal: Your not so bad yourself Jen even if you have so much fur all over your body.
Jennifer: Well I can help it I am just too adorable.
Opal and Jennifer: HAHAHAHAHHA!!!!
Then soon after so many hours of having fun in the sand dunes everyone was starting to get hungry in which everyone met up at the spot where they all parked their vehicles and got dressed and took fresh showers and changed into some clean clothes that packed while still enjoying the fun they all head together.
Asami: That was the most fun I ever had in my life, you guys really know how show real and exciting fun to all of us thanks.
Richard: No problem it is what we do and Mako how was it to drive around on a dirt bike for the first time.
Mako: Pretty awesome and I got to say those stunts and maneuvers you did were incredible.
Richard: You weren't so bad yourself Mako, we do this more often.
Mako: I would like that
Chris: Well me and Bolin were having a blast until a certain someone had to scream into our ears and blew up our ear drums.(Chris saids and points to Wu in which he felt quietly while Bolin was clearing his ears out from the scream)
Bolin: Yea seriously Wu I thought you were having a great time just a while ago what happened?
Wu: I can not help it when it comes to fast cars and high places I have a certain fear about them in which it is kind of a childhood thing I had when I was younger.
Jennifer: Oh don't worry yourself Wu everyone has something to fear even if it is someone who screamed like girl from the top of his lungs.(Jennifer saids with a smirk in which got everyone giggling while Wu pouts out of embarrassment)
Wu: Hmph........
Leonardo: Anyway hows about we treat you guys to some lunch at our favorite diner and it has the best food you can get.(Leo saids while holding onto Korra)
Korra: I could go for a bite to eat at any place that has good food.
Asami: I am down for that.
Mako: Same here Bro?
Bolin: I am in, and besides I am quite hungry from having so much fun today.
Dana: Well lets all get going just were follow Leo since he knows the place himself.(Dana saids in which everyone nods in agreement and went to get into the cars and go to the diner that Leo and his friends go to)
Everyone got into the cars and drove off to head towards the diner that Leonardo told Korra about in which they are excited what kind of food they survive there. Admittedly everyone has left both the sand dunes and the beach in which Team Avatar enjoyed every minute of the place but now they want to get some food in their bellies since they hate all the food that Leo and his friends brought to the beach as well as breakfast so now they want to settle down and relax together and have a great lunch with friends and loved ones. After driving for many minutes and hours later because due to some traffic that was taking place in which everyone didn't mind they came across the place that Leo told them about in which was called the Sandy Shores in which Team Avatar was impressed about how this diner looked and got out the cars along with Leo and his friends and they all went inside and saw the inside of the place and found it to be very beautiful and has a great view of the city as well as the clear blue sea.
Team Avatar: Wow.........
Leonardo: I can tell you guys like what you see.
Korra: Babe this place looks great, I like it reminds me of the restaurants back home but more detailed and much more brighter.
Leonardo: Thanks I thought we can have our lunch somewhere, that we can all just sit back and enjoy ourselves as well as enjoying this incredible view from outside the diner.
Asami: Ok I am so doing designs for new restaurants as well because this place really looks quite nice and I think Republic City would like a place close to the water and watching a good view from it.
Mako: Not a bad idea I like it.
Waiter: Hello and welcome to Sandy Shores!
Leonardo: Hello miss, we would like a table for seven if you would be so kind.
Waiter: Oh of course sir if you and your friends would follow me please I will help you all get settled in and bring out your menus and fresh ice cold water as well.(Waiter saids to Leo in which he and everyone else nods and follows the waiter towards a big table in which everyone started to take their seats)
Waiter: Alright I will be right back with the menus as well as your water while you wait.
Leonardo: Thank you so much.(Leo saids to waiter and goes back to grab the menus and the water)
Korra: Say Leo while we wait for the waiter to come back, can I ask you something.
Leonardo: Sure Korra whats up?
Korra: Well besides you and your friends being these heroes called the Warriors are there any other heroes out there besides you guys?
Leonardo: Why of course there are and they are good friends of ours who had our backs for years as well had theirs.
Asami: Really who are they Leo?
Leonardo: They are called Katipo, Tyranno, and Blizzard but their real names are Jake Hala, Ryan Jason and Lucia Thompson in which they get their powers from these magical jewels called Miraculous in which each one comes with a different power or more so.(Leo saids to Team Avatar in which they were shocked and amazed that his other friends get their powers from jewelry but magical ones)
(That right I decided to add my miraculous characters into the story as well)
Bolin: Whoah whoah wait a minute magical jewels that can turn people into heroes and give them powers?
Leonardo: Yea that is correct Bolin, and they saved more lives than they can count just we do the same. You see guys the miraculous have been around for many centuries and they are the most oldest and ancient magical jewels in history in which each one is pared up with a tiny god like creature called a Kwami in which they have been around since the during of time which makes them the oldest living beings in the world as matter of fact they older then the Avatars that came before you Korra and they are very powerful and their holders treat them well.
Korra: Whoah...I never knew you guys had something like that in this world.
Leonardo: A lot of people didn't know about it either because my friends and the Kwami' decided to keep the thing a secret and the only ones who know about it are us Warriors as well as their families in which they promise to keep their secret safe.
Opal: Kind of reminds me of how we were trying to keep the secrets about the spirit world and what lyes beyond the portal.
Leonardo: Exactly and while Jake and his friends spent time together with their Kwami's they found out that they can take on human form so that they can blend in with the crowd in which each of them had names for themselves. Jakes Kwami was called Sugu, Ryan's was called Swan and Lucia's was Snowflake or Snow for short.
Mako: What kind of powers do they have?
Dana: Well Mako, Jakes miraculous is the spider in which he has super human strength, Bullet proof suit, climb walls, spider senses that can alert him when there is danger around it is like a tingle on the back of the head, shoot webs out of his miraculous which are his bracelets, and a special power called the venom punch in which can knock out his enemies for more than six hours paralyzing them.
Bolin: Hmm...spider like powers thats kind of cool.
Opal: What about Ryan and Lucia what do they have?
Chris: Well Lucia's miraculous is the polar bear which is a silver ring with a blue bear paw print in which her powers are super human strength, able to swim cold waters, ice claws, sensitive hearing, able to control snow and ice, and her special power is Polar slash in which she can create an ice block fist that can crush anything in her path even solid objects. So basically her powers are related to snow, ice and water.
Wu: Is she single?(Wu saids while made everyone roll their eyes)
Leonardo: Don't think about it Wu because that last boy who hit on her she didn't like the way he treated her in which he ended up in a cast.
Korra: Sound like my type of hero to be around.
Leonardo: I can tell Korra you and her will get along quite well.
Asami: And Ryan what are his powers?
Richard: Ryans miraculous is the power of the dinosaur in which is also a bracelet with a dinosaur footprint, and his powers are super human strength, excellent night vision, able to grow into gigantic size like the size of a tyrannosaurus and his special power is called Dino-Stump in which when he is in big form he can unleash a powerful stump that cripple anything larger than him and destroy everything that brings harm to others.
Bolin: Cool!
Opal: Do you have a picture of them because I would like to see what they look like.
Asami: Same here.
Dana: Sure we got plenty of pictures of them here along with their super suits and their kwami's in human form and them in their civilian selves.(Dana saids as she along with Leo and the other Warriors show Team Avatar the pictures of the other heroes)
(Artwork done by me: 95nicholasnm)
Team Avatar looked the pictures of the miraculous heroes and were amazed of what they were seeing in which they found Jake and his friends to be incredible heroes and had awesome costumes and powers in which they would like to meet them one day and see them in action.
Asami: Got to say Leo your friends here look amazing and I like the suits.
Leonardo: Thanks Asami maybe some day I will take you guys to their home so you can see them in action as well as the powers they use to stop their enemies.
Mako: Now that sounds like fun to watch and see these guys beat up bad guys and saving lives.
Opal/Bolin/Wu: Yea I would like to meet them as well!
Chris: Sure guys maybe one day we will all take a trip to their city and you can see how they fight together as a team while also getting to know them as well.
Soon the waiter came back with the menus and the water for everyone in which they decided to talk about the other heroes later on and begin to look for what looks good on the menu for lunch in which everything looks good and then after a while now the waiter came back and started to take everyones order.
Waiter: Alright are all of you ready to order.
Leonardo: Yea were ready to go.
Waiter: Excellent what can I get you miss.(Waiter saids to Asami first)
Asami: I would like to the greek salad with the special dressing.
Waiter: Very well and you miss.(Waiter saids to Dana now)
Dana: Same thing as Asami here.
Waiter: Alright, and for you three misses.(Waiter saids to Korra and Opal as well as Jennifer)
Korra: Well for me I will like to do the Tossed salad and Leo will be doing the same as me.
Leonardo: That is correct
Waiter: Alright
Jennifer: I am going to the Diner Joe with a side of salad.
Wu: Make that two please!
Waiter: Very well
Opal: I would like to the baked potato with broccoli and cheese please.
Waiter: Excellent choice and for your gentlemen(Waiter saids to Chris, Mako, Richard and Bolin)
Richard: I am going to have the grilled chicken salad with mayo ranch dressing please.
Mako: I am going to try the veggie burger with onion rings and can I get some special sauce with it as well.
Waiter: Of course sir.
Bolin: Hmm...I am going to get the BLT club sandwiches with the fries.
Chris: And for me I will do the same thing Bolin is having.
Waiter: Alright I have that down and your food will be brought out when ever it is ready for all of you and enjoy your time in Sandy Shores.(Waiter saids to everyone in which they smile and nod and thank the waiter)
After a while now their food have came out and finished cooking and the waiters brought them out for everyone in which each of them were amazed by how their food turned out even Korra was impressed of how the food looked which brought a smile on Leonardo's face.
Bolin: Mmmm....this looks so good! and it even smells delicious.
Leonardo: Well Warriors and Team Avatar shale we all enjoy our lunch together.
Warriors and Team Avatar: Yes!
Everyone began to eat their foods and team Avatar were the ones who were enjoying it the most because they were amazed of how their food was cooked and tasted in which they would like to come back to this place for lunch again when they have the chance in which Leonardo and his friends will agreed to do it again with them. Then soon after they all had their fills and paid for the food they are decided that they want to head back to the house because starting tonight is Leonardo's parents anniversary but first he wants to make a stop somewhere that is private and he wants Korra to be there with him.
Leonardo: Hey guys why don't you all go back to the house with my friends, I got to go somewhere important, Korra you mind tagging along.
Korra: Sure Leo if thats what you want I don't mind.
Leonardo: Thanks(Leo saids as he and Korra get into the car together and drove off leaving the others to head back to the house)
Jennifer: He is going to visit her one last time.......(Jennifer saids to Opal while looking sad for Leo)
Opal: Korra is there with him, I think that is something that would help him move past what has happened to him and the rest of his family.
Jennifer: I hope you are right.
Then soon Team Avatar and the rest of the Warriors left while with Leonardo and Korra they were driving to a place where Leonardo must make his finale goodbyes to a special someone who gave her life to protect everyone around her even her own grandson in which Leonardo stopped at a flower shop and picked up some flowers while Korra waited in the car thinking about what her boyfriend was doing. When Leonardo got the flowers and put them into the car and drove towards the direction with Korra at his side they came upon a beautiful beach cliff side and had a great view of the area in which Korra was amazed of what a site she was looking at.
Korra: Wow Leo this is so beautiful, but why are we doing here and whats with the flowers and the sword?(Korra saids to Leo who took out the flowers as well as sword that he kept in his car and brought them out and went to towards Korra with a sad look in which got her worried)
Leonardo: Sigh....I came here to say my goodbyes and it will be my last visit in which I wanted you to be with me when I do this.
Korra: Leo........(Korra saids and places her hand on Leo's cheek then takes it and begins to walk to the direction of where he is taking Korra)
Leonardo and Korra began to walk in the direction until they came upon a small hill with a stone sticking out of the ground in which Leonardo looked towards the ground in sadness in which Korra looked upon her boyfriend's face meaning that came to this place to visit someone who gave and sacrificed everything to protect those close including Leo. Then soon Leonardo took a breath and push on and began to walk towards the hill and up where the stone was along with Korra following him behind and once they came up to the hill Leonardo placed the flowers and the sword in front of the stone in which Korra came up and looked to see what it was and was looking at what looked like a gravestone with a woman's name on it but not just any woman but Kiara Morgan's name who was the grandmother of Leonardo Morgan in which brought a sad look upon Korra's face that she is in front of Kiara's grave.
Korra: Here lyes Kiara Morgan, loving wife and grand mother. A woman who loved all those around her and those closest to her.(Korra reads the carving in the stone)
Leonardo: This is why I wanted you to come with me, so I can share my last goodbyes to my grandmother and I know that she would of loved to meet you Korra.(Leo saids and drops down to pay his finale respects to his grandmother while Korra looked sadden and hurt for Leo in which she also got down with him so that he doesn't feel alone)
Korra: Leo......
Leonardo: Hello grandma, I just came to visit you for one last time and I brought someone with me and she is the most beautiful and kindest person I have ever met and her name is Korra and what I can tell is that you would of loved to get to know her and what she does.....she makes me so happy and I make her happy as well just like you were with grandpa Henry. I just wanted to tell you that I love you so much grandma and I wish I could of stopped.....😢sniff....but I realized you were just doing it to protect those who loved you like any one would....because....😢sniff....because thats what heroes do right they protect those closer to them....I just wish I could of told much I miss you..... 😢 sniff....and all the good times we all spend together with you.....and if you were still here with us......I would of love it if you and Korra got to spend time together and tell her so many fun and loving stories about yours and grandpa Henry's adventures......but....but....but...but now.....😢sniff.....I can no longer see those beautiful bright white eyes that sparkle like the crystals and your loving dark brown hair ever this will be my last time I will see you grandma Kiara.......and I will always love you.....and will always remember the good times we had together as a family.......I.....I....I love you grandma Kiara and I know Korra feels the same way.(Leo saids with tears running down his face in which Korra hugged him to show that he is not alone anymore and will always remember Kiara name forever)
Korra: Hello Kiara, my name is Korra I am your grandson's girlfriend and I just wanted to say that even though we never met in person I can tell that you were someone who was very important to Leo just like me. I would of loved to get to know you as well as spend time with you and hear the stories of you and your husbands adventures together as well as your time with Leo. But I understand your time here in this world came to an end because of what you did for your family and for Leo and I just want to say that you were probably the most bravest woman who sacrificed everything to protect those close to you. Leo will miss you so much but he will not be alone anymore because he has me as well as his family including his friends and my friends to help him push through to the end and I will promise to be with him always. You are a good person Kiara Morgan grandmother of Leonardo Morgan may your soul go in peace.
Leonardo: Goodbye grandmother and may your spirit live on in all of us.(Leo saids to his grandmothers grave then begins to leave with Korra holding his hand while they both took one last look at Kiara's grave in which they both smiles knowing that Kiara is up there in the heavens smiling upon them knowing that they will be alright)
Korra: You did the right thing Leo, I know she would of want you to move on with your life.
Leonardo: Sigh....yea it was for the best and I know you are right as well she would of want me to move on and keep on going and that is what I am planning to do but I will not do it alone because I am with you.
Korra: And I am with you Leo every step of the way because I love you.
Leonardo: And I love you as well Korra.
Korra: Come on lets go home and get ready because your parents anniversary starts tonight.
Leonardo: Yea lets do that, I just hope mom doesn't embarrass us just yours did.
Korra: Oh I hope not........
Leonardo: Hehehehe lets go my love 💋(Leo saids and kisses Korra on the cheek while holding hand and hand)
Korra: Of course Leo.
Both Leonardo and Korra head back to the car and drove off to head back home to get ready for the anniversary party tonight. Then a voice was heard coming from the Kiara's grave site in which her spirit was talking while looking at her grandson leave with the woman he loves.
Kiara(Spirit): Goodbye my grandson, I will always be with you and take care Korra I know you and Leo will find true happiness together.(Kiara spirit saids then smiles and disappears into the sky while a tear from her face fell showing that she will miss Leo as well as Henry)
Kiara(Spirit): And goodbye Henry my love I will see you soon.
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