Restaurant To Another World Special Crossover! part 2

It has been weeks since Leonardo and Korra have visit the restaurant from another world and they thought it was time to bring their friends Mako, Bolin, Asami, and Opal to restaurant for the first time since Leonardo did promise Korra to take them since they left the restaurant weeks ago and now it is the time to show what other world food taste like. So right now Leonardo and Korra are walking towards the same direction they went to when they first went to the restaurant while the others follow them behind. 

Mako: Hey guys just to be honest why are you dragging us all the way into the forest to get a bite to eat while the restaurants are in the city?

Asami: Yea, I mean there is nothing here but trees and forests?

Leonardo: Trust me guys, the place we told you about is to die for and the food is absolutely delicious ain't that right sweetie.

Korra: Yea!, you guys wouldn't believe the food they have at the place Leo took me and the people there are amazing. 

Opal: Really how so Korra?

Korra: Sorry but we can't tell you until we get to the place.

Bolin: Come on Korra, Leo would you just tell us, I already starting to loose my mind!

Leonardo: Don't worry Bolin, once we get to the place, you can have whatever you want.

Bolin: Awesome! but where are you two taking us really?

Asami: Come on guys, if this is a prank we are not falling for it?

Korra: Oh it's not and guess what were already here.

Mako: Uh Korra where? All I see is nothing but forest and more forest?

Opal: Ok are two pulling our legs because this isn't funny at all?

Leonardo: Just be quiet and look in front of you

Once Leonardo saids to everyone they all look towards the front of them and what happens next is that out of no where a door appeared right in front of them which brought Mako, Bolin, Asami and Opal in complete utter shock except Korra because since she's been to the place already she knows how the door works and how it appears. 

Bolin: WHOAH!!, how did that door just appear out of nowhere?!!

Mako: Ok that is very unusual?

Asami: Ok this is something out of the ordinary?

Opal: Uh Leo what is this? Where did this door come from?

Leonardo: The door is based on magic Opal and the door leads to a restaurant from another world just like mine but in a different dimension, and it is the same place I took Korra in which she absolutely enjoyed. 

Korra: And I am going to enjoy it again with you and you guys as well. 

Asami: Wait....wait...wait magic as in sorcery? I thought magic was a myth?

Leonardo: Magic does exist Asami but in other worlds and right now I want to treat all of you to a great dinner at a restaurant that serves great food and hospitality. 

Mako: Well if what you say is true Leo and we already tried everything in Republic City, I wouldn't mind trying something new for a change. 

Bolin: Same here Mako, I wonder what kind of food they serve there?

Korra: They have everything that will make your stomachs burst. 

Asami: Hmmm...I have to see for myself

Opal: As long as they have a vegetarian meal than I am in.

Leonardo: Excellent Guys lets go right in(Leo saids to his friends and they all go up to the door and open it)

RING! Hello and welcome to Western Restaurants Nekoya!(The same girl from before appears in front of Team Avatar along with the black hair girl and greets them)

Korra: Hello Aletta and Kuro it is good to see you two again(Korra saids to the two girls with happiness) 

Leonardo: How you two been

Alettea: Korra! Leo! welcome back you two and oh I see you have brought some friends with you this time. 

Kuro: Greetings

Leonardo: Mako, Bolin, Asami, Opal I want you guys to meet Alettea and Kuro they are the restaurants waitresses and good friends of mine. Alettea is a being called a demi human which she half human and half goat, and Kuro is a black dragon who can change into human form at will. Alettea, Kuro this is Mako, Bolin, Asami, and Opal they are our friends from the world I live with Korra.(Leo introduces everyone to each other and Team Avatar has never seen people like them before even people who half species and one is a dragon who can change into human form)

Alettea: Oh it is pleasure to meet you all

Asami: The pleasure is all ours Alettea and you too Kuro

Kuro: Thank you so much

Mako: I must admit I have never seen people like you guys before why is that?

Leonardo: Because Mako these two are from other worlds as well and they work here and get paid so they can also east here as well. 

Bolin: guys are from other world too just like Leo!

Alettea: Indeed we are Bolin thanks for asking and is this your first time at the restaurant as well.

Opal: Indeed it is Alettea, we thought that Korra and Leo were pulling a prank on us because they made us walk around a forest for hours. 

Korra: Well guys the door appears mostly anywhere of its choosing 

Mako: Really how does the door work exactly? 

The door appears once every seven days on the day of Saturday(The person who said that is the master of the restaurant)

Leonardo: Hehehe, hello again Tenshu I see your holding pretty well

Tenshu: Yes indeed it is good to see you again Leo and to you to Korra. 

Korra: Thanks it is good to see you again Tenshu

Opal: Whose this Leo?

Leonardo: Oh right sorry, everyone I want you all to meet Tenshu he is the owner of this restaurant and the chef. Tenshu these are me and Korra's friends from her world, this is Mako, Bolin, Asami, and Opal. 

Tenshu: Why hello there, welcome to my restaurant all of you it is pleasure to meet you all. 

Asami: Oh pleasure is all ours Tenshu and is it true that the food here is your restaurant is good.

Tenshu: Absolutely, I should know because Korra was my favorite customer. And I must say all four of you look like fine young people who can have a bite to eat right about now.

Korra: Aw that is so sweet of you Tenshu and yea these guys have be starving since we started walking here. 

Mako: Yea which we blame you two for and you said that the door appears once every seven days is that correct?

Tenshu: Yes indeed Mako, it has been that way for years since my grand dad was the original owner before me. 

Mako: I see that is quite something?

When everyone else was about to say something else their stomachs began to grumble in which Korra, Leonardo, Kuro, Alettea and Tenshu giggled at while the others were embarrassed about how they tummies were saying they need for right now. 

Korra: Hehehehe, looks like you guys are hungry

Team Avatar: Yea we are..............

Tenshu: Well then why don't all of you stay for a bite and lets get some food your bellies. 

Asami: Thanks Tenshu

Leonardo: And don't worry about money guys I will pay for your foods it is my treat and I did promise Korra that I will treat you all for dinner. 

Opal: That is so sweet of you Leo thanks

Alettea: Well then you all can sit where ever you like and we will bring out the menus and some ice water along with some clean towels for all of you. 

Leonardo: Thanks Alettea shale we all sit down

Mako: Absolutely Leo

With that everyone found a table for all of them to sit together and waited for their drinks and menus that Alettea and Kuro were fetching for them while everyone except Korra and Leonardo check out the restaurant for themselves. 

Asami: I have to admit Leo this place looks absolutely beautiful, how long have you been coming here?

Leonardo: Since I was little, my grandpa took me a long time ago and I never got tired of this place. 

Opal: Aw that is so adorable Leo


Leonardo and Team Avatar look towards the door and saw a giant lizard coming in which big huge muscles that could tare someone in half which brought Team Avatar in utter shock except Leonardo since he knows this being a long time ago. 

Gaganpo: Greetings is the master in the kitchen by any chance?

Tenshu: Yes I am I will be right with you shortly, just give me a minute.

Bolin: Uh......Leo what is that?(Bolin saids while in shock)

Leonardo: That Bolin is Gaganpo he the leader of his lizard tribe and champion, he is an friend of mine and my grandpa. 

Opal: Is he from another world just like you?(Opal saids while looking at the lizard man)

Leonardo: Indeed just like I told you guys, the door appears mostly anywhere which includes other worlds. 

Korra: Wow I gotta say, I thought Lionel was big but this guy is bigger.

Mako: And strong, I mean look at those arms and that tail of his?

While everyone was commenting on the lizard man, when he turned towards them he sees his old friend Leonardo who is now a grown man and goes up to him and greets him after so many years.

Gaganpo: Leonardo, is that you?

Leonardo: Hehehe, it sure is my scaly friend I have to say you look even stronger than the last time we saw each other.

Gaganpo: Yes indeed and you grew into a fine young man just like Henry and who might they be.(Gaganpo saids to Leo and looks towards his friends) 

Leonardo: Oh right I should introduce you, Gaganpo these are my friends from the world my mother sent me to. This is Mako, Bolin, Asami, Opal and this lovely beauty right here is the love of my life Korra, guys this is Gaganpo.

Korra: It is honor to meet you Gaganpo(Korra bows to show respect to Gaganpo)

Gaganpo: The honor is all mine, I must say I have never in my life time have never seen a woman with such lovely blue eyes that sparkle like ocean.(Gaganpo saids to Korra who blushes at the comment)

Korra: Thanks for your kind words 

Gaganpo: Hehehe, you quite a remarkable young woman Korra I can see why Leonardo loves you so much and has such amazing friends like yourselves.

Opal: Thank you so much sir

Bolin: Yea we really enjoy having Leo as our friend.

Mako: And a great one 

Asami: Same here

After a many minutes of talking to each other and sharing stories, Gaganpo sat at his table and waited for his food to arrive while Team Avatar and Leonardo sat back down and Aletta and Kuro came back and handed them their menus and drinks. 

Kuro: Here are your water with ice and fresh towels as well as your menus 

Leonardo: Thank you Alettea and Kuro

Asami: Wow these towels feel really pleasant 

Mako: They sure do Asami

RING!(Another person came in through the door and it was a small woman with wings but when Team Avatar saw her she was absolutely beautiful and never seen such beauty in their lives)

Opal: Oh my spirits.....Leo is that what I think it is?

Leonardo: Yes Opal this person right there is a fairly of the forest and she can use magic to make plants grow in the forest and heal damages. 

Asami: She is absolutely beautiful....

Mako and Bolin: Wow......

Korra: Whats her name Leo?

Leonardo: Her name is Queen Tiana Silvario and she is the ruler of the forest kingdom home to the magical fairies that live in the forest in harmony. And the others are her friends who live with her and help her grow the forest in which they became close to family to me. 

Korra: Amazing....... 🤩 

Tiana: I don't believe my eyes! Leonardo your here!(Tiana saids while looking towards Leonardo direction and sees her long time friend who changed so much) 

Fairies: Leonardo!!(The girl fairies screamed with joy and flown towards their long time friend and gave him warm hugs) 

 Leonardo: Hehehehehe, hello girls it is so good to see you all again, sorry I been away for so long, mom sent me to another world to live my own life. 

Fairy Girl 1: You never forgot about us did you Leo?

Leonardo: Of course not, you girls are like sisters to me and I can never forget any of your faces. 

Fairy 2: Still we miss seeing you here

Tiana: And it hasn't been the same ever since you been gone.

Leonardo: I am sorry Tiana but now I am back this time and I brought some friends of mine from the world I am staying in and I fell in love with one who can control all four elements. 

Tiana: Oh would this be them right here, hello everyone my name is Tiana Silvario Queen of the magical forest it is pleasure to meet you all.(Tiana saids to Team Avatar)

Asami: Nice to meet you as well your majesty my name is Asami

Mako: My name is Mako and this is my brother Bolin

Bolin: Hello 

Opal: My name is Opal nice to meet you all 

Tiana: Likewise and my who might you be, I never seen such beautiful blue eye like yours before in a long time.(Tiana saids while flying towards Korra)

Korra: Hello Tiana my name is Korra, I am the one that Leo said the one who can control the four elements and I am a guardian called an Avatar. 

Tiana: Hmmm.....Avatar I never heard of a guardian called that before?

Leonardo: That is because Tiana Korra here is the bridge between the spirit world and the fiscal world and the Avatar is the protector of man kind and there has only been one Avatar to exist. 

Tiana: Really how long has the Avatar been around in your world if you don't mind me asking all of you. 

Opal: The Avatar has been around for more than ten thousand years and you see when the Avatar dies he or she is reincarnated in the next nation of the cycle. 

Tiana: Interesting, so there has been a whole generation of them that came before which makes you Korra the new Avatar. 

Korra: That is correct your majesty

Fairy 3: Wow your amazing Korra! what elements can you control? 

Leonardo: She can control Water, Earth, Fire and Air while Mako, Bolin, and Opal can control one of the elements. Mako can control fire and his brother can control earth while Opal can control air. 

Tiana: You are full of surprises Korra and you three as well and if you all are ever in our forest fill free to stop by including you Leonardo we missed having you during our celebrations. 

Leonardo: Don't worry I will make sure to visit all of you soon and I will bring them along as well right guys.

Team Avatar: We would love to visit! 

Tiana: Marvelous, and I have to admit Asami your beauty really brings out happiness in my eyes. 

Asami: That is so sweet of you to say so Tiana or do you prefer Queen Tiana?

Tiana: Please Tiana is just fine Asami, and we look forward to have you all attend our next celebration that is coming in couple months.

Leonardo: We will be there Tiana and you too girls

Fairies: Thanks Leonardo and thank you Korra, Mako, Bolin, Asami, and Opal!

Team Avatar: Your quite welcome girls!

After chatting with the fairies of the forest and their queen everyone went back to what they were doing and that is waiting for their food until the door bell rung again and another person came in and this time it was a very attractive woman with a red dress and red hair which made Team Avatar blush at the site they were seeing including the girls mostly. 

Red Queen: I have come for my Beef Stu master!

Tenshu: Sure of course I will be right out with it just give me a minute or two. 

Leonardo: Hehehe, still lovely your beef am I right red?

Red Queen: Leonardo Morgan, my it has been a long time since we last saw each other and I see your brought some interesting friends with you and who might this one be with the blue eyes.(Red Queen saids to her old friend while looking towards Team Avatar but mostly Korra)

Leonardo: Korra, guys I want you all to meet the Red Queen and she too is a dragon but she is the queen of all dragons and one of the mightiest out of all of them. Red this is my girlfriend Korra and her friends Mako, Bolin, Asami, and Opal. 

Red Queen: Greetings to you all, and especially to you Korra I must admit you are quite a woman to fall for this all powerful warrior here. 

Korra: That you for saying so and is it true you are the queen of all dragons where you come from?

Red Queen: Indeed I am 

Korra: Amazing, what is like being dragon?

Red Queen: Well besides flying around the world collecting gold coins and doing other things, I can just do whatever I want but enjoying delicious food such as beef stu really brings out the inner me. 

Leonardo: Hehehe, that why I call you Queen Beef because you have the same dish for years now. 

Red Queen: Hehehe oh you, and Korra if you and I ever get the chance fill free to stop by mom kingdom and we can talk about other things. 

Korra: It would be my honor your highness

Red Queen: Hehehe, I like this one Leonardo you have a good eye to pick the right woman to be your wife.(Red Queen saids to Leo who blushes while Korra turned pink thinking about becoming Leo's wife in the future while everyone else was giggling at the comment)

Leonardo: Thanks I think.......

Red Queen: Well I might as well wait for my meal, it was nice talking to you Korra and meeting your friends here. 

Team Avatar: Likewise

Team Avatar and Leonardo go back to their seats and look at their menus with their language that Leonarod had Tenshu translate for him to use for them. 

Leonardo: So have you guys decided what you want to order?

Korra: Well you know what I will always get Leo so I am good to go.

Bolin: Everything on this menu looks good but it is hard to decide?

Opal: Yea it is hard to pick the right meal?

Leonardo: Mako, Asami do you two eat sea food by any chase?

Mako: I love eating sea food it is my favorite food to eat since I went to that restaurant with Asami years ago.

Asami: Yea why do you ask Leo?

Leonardo: Well lets just say I have the perfect meals for you guys to try including you Bolin and Opal. 

Opal: Really what is it?

Leonardo: Just you wait

Alettea: Alright have you all decided what you all want to order?

Leonardo: Yes me and Korra will have the tofu steak like last time, Mako will have the fried sea food, Asami will have the fried shrimp, Opal will have the natto spaghetti, and Bolin will have Omelette rice. 

Alettea: Coming right up!(Alettea saids then heads back into the kitchen)

Mako: Hmmm...fried sea food never had that before?

Asami: Fried shrimp sounds kind of good?

Bolin: Omelette rice, I wonder what taste like? 

Opal: Natto Spaghetti never heard of it must be something new?

RING!(The door opens again and then came two people who have pointy ears)

Korra: Fardania! 

Fardania: Korra! its you!(Fardania saids to Korra and goes to hug her)

Korra: It is so good to see you again

Fardania: It is good to you too Korra and you as well Leonardo

Leonardo: Yes it is and I see you brought Christian with you as well how you been my friend.

Christian: Leonardo it has been so long and you looking well and you must be the girl that Fardania has been telling me about it is pleasure to meet you in person Korra.

Korra: The pleasure is all mine Christian and these are my friends from my world, me and Leo promised them to treat them for dinner. 

Fardania: Why hello there my name is Fardania and this is Christian we are a race of people called elves who are immortals that can live for hundreds of years without ages it is an honor to meet the friends of Korra and Leonardo. 

Opal: Fardania and Christain it is honor to meet you both my name is Opal

Mako: I am Mako and this is my little brother Bolin

Bolin: Nice to meet you

Asami: My name is Asami pleasure to meet you both

Christian: Likewise and is it true what Fardania said Korra that you can control the four elements water, earth, fire, and air.

Korra: Indeed I can and not just me but Mako, Bolin, and Opal can bend one of the elements fire, earth, and air while Asami is skilled in combat. 

Asami: Its true

Fardania: Interesting I would like to see what you can do in combat Asami. 

Asami: Thanks I could ask you the same thing

Leonardo: So are you getting the tofu steak as well Fardania or are you having Natto Spaghetti again with Christian?

Fardania: When I am with Christian we always get Natto Spaghetti but when I am alone it is tofu steak. 

Opal: Leo ordered me the natto spaghetti is a vegetarian meal and is it really good?

Christian: Absolutely Opal, no how many times I ate it, it always the most delicious meal I have even eaten.

Opal: I might have to try it myself to be sure

Fardania: Trust us Opal it really is delicious you will love it. And I would like to catch up with you Korra I miss talking to you and would love for you to come visit our home some day. 

Korra: Oh I would love to come visit your home and maybe you can show me your elven ways and your history.

Christian: We would be honored to have you visit our home Korra and you as well Leonardo and your friends too. 

Leonardo: We will visit you guys promise 

Team Avatar: Absolutely 

After talking to the elves about some amazing stories and getting to know each other more, Tenshu came out with everyones dishes and they couldn't believe what they are seeing in front of their eyes. 

Tenshu: Thank you all for your patience, Mako, Asami here is your fried sea food and fried shrimp and I would recommend your try it will our special tartar sauce. 

Mako and Asami: Oh my spirits........this looks so amazing(Both said in thought) 

Tenshu: As for you Opal here is your Natoo Spaghetti and Bolin here your Omelette Rice.

Opal and Bolin: Oh wow.......this looks so good!(Both said in thought while looking at their food)

Tenshu: And as for the couple your Tofu Steak flavored with ponzu sauce, all of you take your time and enjoy refill on drinks are always free.(Tenshu saids to everyone then heads back into the kitchen) 

Leonardo: So guys what do you think of your meals?

Asami: Ok I have to admit Leo this is definitely something way more different from any sea food I ever seen at any restaurant.

Mako: Same here I never seen sea food that looks this good, what kind are these?

Leonardo: Well Mako the big ones are fish, the circle ones are squid, and the others are crabs. 

Mako: Interesting

Opal: I have to admit this does look really good Leo and it smells divine 

Bolin: I'll say check out this omelette but uh where is the rice?

Leonardo: The rice is inside the omelet Bolin thats why it is called omelette rice.

Bolin: Ohhhh

Leonardo: So anyway Mako, Asami why don't you two try your fried sea food first and see how you like it and try it with the tartar sauce as well because you will experience a flavor like you never tasted before. 

Asami: Well if you say so I will go first.(Bite)(Asami saids and takes her first bite of the food)

Mako: So Asami how is it?

Asami: OH MY SPIRITS! I never tasted something so good in my life!(Asami saids with excitement)

Leonardo and Korra: She loves it(Both said in thought) 

Asami: And this tartar sauce it makes the dish even more amazing than ever! Mako you have to try your food it is absolutely delicious!

Mako: If you say so Asami might as well.(Bite)(Mako saids and takes a bite and his food)

Asami: Well Mako?

Mako: WOW!! this is way better then that restaurant sea food we had and the tartar sauce is out of this world!(Bite)(Mako saids with excitement as well then eats more of his food) 

Korra: Hehehe, well guys shale we dig in?

Opal: Sure let me try mine now.(Bite)(Opal saids while eating her food)

Bolin: Hows your dish taste Opal?

Opal: Oh my spirits this natto unique stickiness and smell really brings out the flavor and the noodles that good with it taste delicious!!(Opal saids in thought while her eyes sparkly like crazy)

Opal: This is food is amazing!! I could eat this forever!!

Christian and Fardania: Hehehehe looks like she is joining the club as well.(Both said in thought) 

Leonardo: Well Bolin what are you waiting for dig in

Bolin: Alright, omelette rice here I come.(Bite)

Korra: Well Bolin

Leonardo: What do you think?

Bolin: 😢sniff........this is the best rice omelette I have eve tasted in my life and the cut up vegetables mixed into the rice really 😢 sniff.....brings out the flavor.(Bolin saids while showing tears of happiness after eating his food)

Leonardo: You know what is the best thing park is Bolin

Bolin: What is it Leo?

Leonardo: That is the same dish that my friend Gaganpo gets every time he comes here so which makes you two the omelette rice kings. 

Bolin: Whoah really

Leonardo: Yea everyone here orders the same dish every time they enter the restaurant and it sooner or later becomes their nickname like for me and Korra as well as Fardania will call ourselves the tofu masters. 

Korra: Yup still like it.(Bite)

Fadarnia: And I do as well Korra(Fadarnia said in thought) 

RING! Hello and welcome to Western Restaurant Nekoya!(The door opens once more and two people came in, one was a joyful older man named Thomas and the other was a young man next to him named Sirius)

Thomas: Greetings is the master in the kitchen by any chance?

Tenshu: Yes come right in Thomas I will be with you in just a moment.

Korra: Hey Leo who is that joyful older man and the young boy there?

Leonardo: I don't believe it Thomas and Sirius!

Thomas: Bless my soul Leonardo my word look how big you grown.(Thomas saids and walks towards Leonardo and gives him a big hug)

Sirius: Leo! your back I missed you so much.

Leonardo: I missed you to Sirius and you as well Thomas how you been all these years. 

Thomas: I been holding out much better thank you for asking and I have to admit you look like just your grandfather at that age, your almost like his twin when he and I first met. 

Leonardo: Hehehe thanks Thomas I been getting that a lot lately.

Sirius: So what have you been doing all this time Leo?

Leonardo: Oh the usually saving the world stopping bad guys from taking over the world, made new friends and fell in love with a beautiful girl. 

Thomas: Oh my so where is this girl you fell in love with, I would love to meet her.

Leonardo: She right here Thomas(Leo saids to Thomas and shows her to Korra who got up from her seat and greets the older man in front of her)

Korra: Hello Thomas and Sirius my name is Korra it is pleasure to meet you both.(Korra saids with a sweet smile)

Thomas: Oh my you are very beautiful woman Korra I can see why Leonardo has fallen in love with such beautiful eyes like yours and such a lovely smile.

Sirius: Please to meet you Korra and I want to say thanks for being in Leo's life, he's been like a big brother to me.

Korra: Aww you two are so sweet thank you 

Leonardo: And oh these are her friends from her world, this is Mako his brother Bolin, Asami and Opal. 

Team Avatar: Nice to meet you Thomas and Sirius 

Thomas and Sirius: Likewise 

Thomas: By the way Leonardo how did you end up in this beautiful girls world in the first place?

Leonardo: mother of course

Sirius: Hehehehe had to figure what your mother would do to you Leo.

Leonardo: Yea I know.......

Thomas: So why did she bring you to Korra's world?

Korra: Oh I can answer that for you Thomas, his mother wanted him to live his own life and settle down find a nice girl to meet get married have kids of his own so she can become a grandmother.


Leonardo: Ok laugh it up real mature........

Korra: Sorry Leo it is just too funny!!!

Thomas: Hehehe, I like this girl Leonardo, her heart is made of pure gold treat her right.

Leonardo: Sigh.....I will Thomas

Sirius: And if you have kids can I name once of them!

Leonardo: Were not married yet and no

Sirius: Hmhp.........(Sirius pouts) 

After many hours in the restaurant, Team Avatar along with Korra and Leonardo said their farewell to everyone is the restaurant and paid for their meals in which everyone found the food to be absolutely delicious and would like to come back to that place again in the next seven days. Team Avatar got along with the other worlders pretty well and enjoyed telling stories about their lives and will miss them but they will see them again in couple weeks or more. After they all left the restaurant the door disappears again and waits until it reappears once again soon. 

Asami: Korra, Leo we just want to say that was the best dinner we ever had in our lives and thanks Leo for introducing us to your other world fiends. 

Opal: Yea I had fun getting to know everyone there and would like to see them again soon.

Bolin: The food Leo was awesome!

Mako: Next time when that door appears let us know because that restaurant is my new place for eating.

Leonardo: Sure Mako no problem and thanks guys for liking the food and getting to know my other friends from the other worlds. 

Korra: So who are we gonna bring next time Leo?

Leonardo: Hows about we bring Tenzin and his family next time and what I can tell them will love the tofu steak and the other vegetarian meals at the restaurant. 

Korra: That sounds like a great idea Leo!

Leonardo: I know it is Korra

Korra: I love you Leo

Leonardo: I love you to Korra


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