Restaurant To Another World Special crossover!
It was a beautiful day in Republic City and everything was fine and dandy except for a certain Avatar who was starving to death because he had to go to a meeting with Tenzin, luckily Leonardo came along to make sure she doesn't feel bad and promise her to take her out for a bite to eat after their done with the meeting.
Korra: Argh.......I am so hungry right now....I am think I am gonna die of starvation!!(Korra saids while groaning over dying of starvation)
Leonardo: Don't worry sweetie, I made you promise to take you to get a bite to eat and thats what I am going to do.
Korra: Thanks and the food better be good otherwise I will have to eat left overs and I don't want that Leo.
Leonardo: Don't worry Korra the place I am taking you will blow your mind and the food is die for, trust me.
Korra: If you say so and thank the spirits the meeting is over now.
Leonardo: Yup now let's get food in the belly of yours my love.
Korra: Thanks but where are you taking me into the forest, and why are we leaving the city when the restaurants are there?
Leonardo: Well this is where the restaurant is going to be at and just to let you know Korra, the restaurant will not blow your mind but you will also meet people I have met over the years who are very unique.
Korra: Um ok sweetie if you say so?(Korra saids while looking confused until they came to a stop)
Leonardo: Well here we are Korra
Korra: Uh Leo, I don't see anything or any restaurant; all I see in absolutely nothing.
Leonardo: Hehehe, just watch and look closely(Leo saids to Korra and then something happens that made Korra jump)
Korra: Whoah!, how did that door just appear out of no where?!!
Leonardo: It is based on magic Korra, and that door leads to a restaurant from another world just like mine but in different dimension.
Korra: Wait you mean magic as in like sorcery, that stuff actually exists?
Leonardo: That right now hows about we get a bite to eat because I am starving as well.
Korra: Ok if you say what is true, looks like I will try the food here.
Leonardo: Excellent lets go(Leo saids as he and Korra go up to the door and opens it)
RING! Hello and welcome to Restaurant Nikola!!(A girl appears in front of them and greets them)
Leonardo: Hello Aletta, its been a while(Leo saids to the waitress)
Aletta: Oh my goodness!, Leo it is so wonderful to see you again!!(Aletta saids and hugs Leo)
Leonardo: It is good to see you too Aletta
Aletta: It is been so long since we last seen and you look...........(Aletta stops and looks towards Korra)
Leonardo: Oh right Aletta I want you to meet my girlfriend Avatar Korra master of the four elements and protector of both the fiscal world and the spirit realm. Korra this is Aletta she is half demon called a demi-human which means that their kind are half human and half animal.
Aletta: Oh it is pleasure to meet you Korra, I might say you look very beautiful and your eyes sparkle like a crystal blue lake.(Aletta saids to Korra who blushes a little at the comment)
Korra: It is nice to meet you to Aletta, and I have to say you quite something to see that I have no knowledge of but still very sweet to meet.
Aletta: Likewise, so this your first time here?
Korra: Yea and is it true that the food here is to die for because thats what Leo said?
Why of course it is(A man said wearing a chef clothing walks towards the three with a a girl with black hair)
Leonardo: Hello Tenshu it is good to see you again and you too Kuro lovely to see you again.
Tenshu and Kuro: Likewise
Leonardo: Korra this is Tenshu, he is the master of this restaurant and owner, and this here is Kuro she is a black dragon who can shape shift into human form to blend in with the crowd. Tenshu, Kuro this is my girlfriend Avatar Korra she is from an elemental world where people can control the four basic elements and has a place called the spirit realm.
Korra: It is honor to meet you both, and this my first time trying food from another world.(Korra saids while bowing her head)
Tenshu: The pleasure is all mine Korra, and I must say you quite someone who comes from another world and your outfit looks lovely.
Korra: Thanks and is it true Kuro your an actual dragon?(Korra saids with a smile)
Kuro: Yes I am
Korra: Amazing, so how long does that door appear in other worlds?
Leonardo: Well Korra is hard to say where the door appears, it will only reappear once every seven days on the day of Saturday.
Korra: Really is that how it always works?
Aletta: Yup, and we get a lot of people from different parts of the worlds.
Korra was about to say something else until her stomach began to grumble which she got embarrassed in which everyone giggled at her.
Leonardo: Hehehe, looks like somebody is hungry
Korra: Yea.........
Tenshu: Well then why don't you stay for a bite and lets get some food you belly.
Korra: Thanks
Leonardo: I will be paying for her as well since I owe her some food after we got done with a meeting.
Aletta: Well then sit where ever you like and I will be bring out the menus and some ice water as well as clean towels for the both of you.
Leonardo: Thanks Aletta shale we Korra
Korra: Sure!
With that Korra and Leo sat down at a table and waited for their water and menus that Aletta was going to get for them while Korra looks around the restaurant and sees it looks very beautiful.
Korra: Wow this place looks very beautiful Leo have you always known about this place?
Leonardo: Of course I have, I been coming to this place with my grandpa for years and I never get tired of it and now I get to take you now.
Korra: You are so sweet
Leonardo and Korra looks towards the door and saw two gentleman coming in, one was an old man carrying a staff and the other looked a samurai while carrying a sword.
Tatsugorou: Well I'll be Leonardo Morgan!!(Tastsugorou saids to Leo who looks happy to see an old friend)
Leonardo: Hehehe, Tatsugorou and Altorius it is been so long! it is good to you two again.(Leo saids and gets up to meet his and his grandfathers long time friends)
Altorius: Leonardo is lovely to you see you again my boy and I might say you grown into quite the fine young man just like Henry.
Leonardo: Thanks, you two haven't changed a bit
Tatsugorou: Where have you been all this time, we were wondering if you weren't gonna show up anymore?
Leonardo: Well lets just a say a certain mother created a portal and it sucked me into a totally new world that has people called benders who can control the elements water, earth, fire, and air. As a matter of fact the girl behind me is their guardian called an Avatar, and she is the love of my life.
Leonardo saids to the two and looks behind him to see a beautiful tan skin girl with such lovely eyes that are like a crystal blue lake and she begins to get up from her seat and meet the two in front of Leonardo.
Korra: Hello my name is Korra, it is a pleasure to meet you both and yes I can also control the elements as well but all four of them.(Korra saids to the two who were impressed by this girl)
Altorius: My you are quite the lady Korra, and would be alright if you show me this elements of which Leonardo has spoken about.
Korra: Not at all Altorius(Korra saids as she bends the elements in front of the two in which they have never something like this before and were amazed by her abilities)
Tatsugorou: My word, you have quite the gift there Korra very impressive in all my years of traveling the world I have never seen such marvelous abilities such as this.
Korra: Thank you Tatsugorou for your kind words
Altorius: And thank you for showing your abilities to us young lady but I afraid we must take our seats because we are also hungry after a long day of walking here.
Korra: I understood, same here
With that they all took their seats again and Aletta came out with the ice water and towels for Korra and Leonardo as well as the menus.
Aletta: Here you go you two fresh towels as well as ice water and the menus.
Leonardo: Thank you Aletta
Korra: Really appreciated(Korra said as she takes a drink of water and wipes her face with the towel which she finds it very pleasant)
RING!!(Another person came in and it was a blonde female with pointed ears)
Korra: Hey Leo who is that, she looks beautiful and is that blonde hair?
Leonardo: Yes Korra it is like I said other worlds have people with different hair color and that person right there is Fardania, she is an elf which are immortal race of people who can live over a hundred years without aging. She and I are like brother and sister we used to train together and protect the forest from dangerous threats.
Korra: Wow amazing
Fardania: I don't believe my eyes! Leonardo your back!!(Fardania saids and goes hugs her friend)
Leonardo: Hello Fardania it is been a while and sorry for not showing up last time, mom sent me to another world where people can bend the elements and it is where I met this beautiful lady here.(Leo saids to his friend and introduces her to Korra)
Korra: Hello Fardania, my name is Korra master of the four elements and protector of both fiscal word and the spirit realm.
Fardania: The pleasure is all mine Korra and must say for a human you look quite lovely to fall in love with this handsome devil right here.
Korra: Hehehe, I try
After Fardania and Korra got to know each other more and enjoyed their stories, they both went back to sit down at the table and checked out the menus until the door bell rung again and this time a big huge lion man comes in which Korra was amazed by the size of him.
Leonardo: LIONEL! how are you my friend!
Lionel: Leonardo! my long time friend and battle team mate!!(Lionel saids to Leo and hugs his long time friend)
Leonardo: You got stronger the last time we seen each other.
Lionel: Indeed and who might this very strong and beautiful woman here?(Lionel saids while pointing at Korra)
Leonardo: Lionel this is the love of my life Avatar Korra she a unstoppable fighting machine who can control the four elements and carries a strong attitude.(Leo saids to Lionel making Korra blush at what he said)
Lionel: Well is a pleasure to meet my friends woman, call me Lionel The Lion King!!
Korra: It is a pleasure to meet you Lionel The Lion King!!(Korra saids while shaking Lionels giant paw)
Lionel: Hahaha!!, I love this girl and her attitude is just right!!(Lionel saids while admiring Korra's attitude)
Korra: Your not so bad yourself Lionel
Lionel: Hey Leonardo, if you go on another adventure bring her along, I want to see what this woman is made of!!
Leonardo: Sure thing my friend!
Korra: I would like to see what king of lion's is made of!!
Lionel: Yess!!!
With that Korra and Lionel bonded really well and they both love to be become strong and fight which made Leonardo happy knowing that Korra was enjoying herself and getting to know his friends from other worlds.
Korra: So Leo, what kind of food do they have here, because I am having a hard time figuring out what is on this menu?
Leonardo: Hehe, oh right I forgot I still need to teach you about other worlds languages, and since your a vegetarian I think I know the perfect meal for you.
Korra: Really what is it?
Leonardo: Just you wait(Leo saids as Atletta comes back to asked what they like to order)
Atletta: Alright you two you ready to order?
Leonardo: Yes were have the tofu steak with a side of rice 🍚.
Korra: Tofu steak?(Korra said in thought)
Atletta: Coming right up! and will bread be alright for your side as well.(Atletta saids while going back into the kitchen)
Leonardo: Absolutely!
Korra: Have you had that meal before Leo?
Leonardo: Yes, it is the same meal that me and grandpa Henry had on my first time coming to this restaurant long ago and it is delicious Korra.
Korra: Well I have to taste it and find out.
Leonardo: You will and it is the same dish that Fardania had when she first came here, at first she thought it was meat but after some explanation it wasn't.
Korra: Hehehe, did she have a problem with the food.
Leonardo: Only stuff that had milk or meat in it which elves can not have, and it has been that way for them for hundreds of years.
Korra: Kind of like the Air benders back home.
Leonardo: Yea
After so many hours of waiting Tenshu brought out Korra and Leonardo's food and presented it to them in which Korra had never seen a dish like this before and couldn't wait to try it.
Tenshu: Here you go, two orders of tofu steaks flavored with ponzu sauce take you time and enjoy especially you Korra.
Korra: Dully nodded, and thank you sir(Korra saids to the master of the kitchen then heads back to make everyone else's food)
Leonardo: Now shale we eat Korra, why don't you take your first bite and see how you like it.
Korra: Alright here goes nothing(Korra saids as she gets her fork and knife to cut the food into a square then puts the sauce on it)
Leonardo: What I can tell is she is gonna enjoy it(Leo said in thought while Korra takes her first bite)
Korra: (Bite) Oh my spirits.........this is unbelievably delicious, this something that I thought was possible to each and yet can stop to enjoy this lovely taste!!!(Korra saids in thought while her eyes go wide with amazement)
Leonardo: So how do you like it Korra?(Leo saids with a smile)
Korra: Leo, this the most delicious dish I ever tasted in my life! and this ponzu sauce taste absolutely amazing and it goes well with the rice. I can eat this meal forever!!
Fradania was looking and smiling towards Korra and was happy knowing that she along with Leonardo and his grandpa were not the only ones who love this dish.
Fradania: Hehehe, she is just like those two and maybe more so.(Fradania said in thought)
Leonardo: I am happy you love it Korra, it is the same meal that I had for years now and I never got tired of it not even grandpa Henry.
Korra: Really does everyone here, order the same dish?
Leonardo: Of course because it is their favorite meal as matter of fact every time they eat their food it later becomes their nicknames.(Leo saids to Korra who giggles at what he said)
Korra: Hehehe, what did you they call you, Henry and Fradania?
Leonardo: The Tofu masters
Korra: Oh my sprits......that is the most funniest nickname I ever heard.
Fradania: And congratulations Korra because your one of us now.
Leonardo: She's right welcome aboard little miss tofu!
Korra: Hehehe, I guess thats true then Leo!
RING!(Two people came in, one was a female and the other was a gentleman)
Leonardo looks towards the direction of the two and was happy to see his two friends after a long time.
Leonardo: Well look who is, Lord Seelemann and Various!(Leo saids to the two who look upon Leo with greatness)
Various: Leonardo!!
Seelemann: My friend you have returned!!
Various and Seelemann went up to Leonardo and gave him a hug because they haven't seen Leonardo in so long.
Various: I missed you much, look at you, you should have grown a lot the last time we seen each other.
Seelemann: Your like the spitting image of your grandfather at that age.
Leonardo: I missed you too and it is great to see you both after so many years.
Various: Likewise, oh are you gonna introduce us to your lady friend there.(Various saids while looking at Korra)
Leonardo: Of course, Various, Seelemann this is the love of my life Avatar Korra she is from an elemental world where people can bend the four elements and she is their guardian. Oh and if you want to know how I got to her world blame my mother who made a portal that sucked me into it and brought me to this beautiful angels world.
Various: Sigh........I always knew that mother of yours would do something completely out of the ordinary but it is lovely to meet you Korra my name is Various and I am the grand daughter of the adventurer known as William.
Korra: The pleasure is all mine Various and who might you be sir.(Korra saids while looking towards Seelemann)
Seeleman: A pleasure to meet you M'lady Korra, I am Lord Seeleman of the royal guards of her majesty and former knight.
Korra: The honor is all mine sir Seeleman of the royal guard.(Korra saids while bowing her head in respect)
Various: She is quite something else Leo, tell me did you mother tell about other things before she you know?
Leonardo: Yea, she wants me to live my own life, meet a nice girl, get married, have lots of babies so she can become of grandmother.(Leo saids while pouting making everyone in the restaurant giggle at the thought)
Seeleman: Hehehe, that is something that your own mother would do to you my friend.
Leonardo: Yea but I am not proud of it that she did that without telling me first.
Korra: But I am proud that I met you and what you did for me and my family.
Leonardo: Thats true
Korra along Various and Seeleman got along as well and thought if they ever go on adventures together that would be incredible for them.
Korra: Hey Leo, can I ask you something?
Leonardo: Sure Korra what is it?
Korra: How do you know all these people in this restaurant?
Leonardo: Well Korra before I met you the others, grandpa Henry use to take me around other worlds to see new sites and on the way I met a lot of new friends and people who taught me many things but these guys here are like greatest that I ever known in my life. Once ever seven days we all come to restaurant and chat about adventures and battles we fought but mostly getting to know each other and sometimes after words we go on adventures to discover new sites and battles to fight.
Korra: Wow, maybe next time think you can take me on one of these adventures because I would like to see new sites as well.
Leonardo: I would love for you to come on adventures and who knows you might learn new abilities if you do.
Korra: That would be great Leo, thank you so much.
Leonardo: Your welcome Korra
RING!(A person comes in wearing what looks like a military outfit and has a white beard with a scar on his cheek)
Alphonse: I have come for my curry rice!!!
Everyone except Korra and Leonardo: Oh geez............
Korra: Whose that Leo?
Leonardo: Alphonse, a good friend of the family and was like an uncle to me and a long time friend of my grandpa Henry.
Korra: That is so sweet of him Leo
While Alphonse was looking around he spotted his favorite person who he hasn't seen in a long time and couldn't believe how much he looks like his grandfather.
Alphonse: My goodness, little Leo is that you!
Leonardo: Alphonse it is so good to see you again!(Leo saids while going up to Alphonse and giving the guy a big hug in which Korra found it to be very sweet)
Alphonse: Oh wow look how big you grown!, you look just like your grandfather I know because I can see the resemblance between the two of you!
Leonardo: Hehehe, I was getting that a lot Alphonse, oh I want you to meet somebody that my mother sent me and in which I am still gonna have a talk with.
Alphonse: Let me guess she sent you to a totally different world and never told you?
Leonardo: Yup thats right, now Alphonse I want you to meet my girlfriend from that world.(Leo saids to Alphonse and walks towards the table where Alphonse sees a beautiful tan skin girl with such lovely eyes)
Leonardo: Alphonse this is my girlfriend Avatar Korra who can bend the four elements water, earth, fire, and air. Korra this is Alphonse an old friend of the family.
Alphonse: Please to meet you little lady and I might say Leonardo has chosen a perfect woman to be with him.(Alphonse saids to Korra who blushes a little at what he said)
Korra: It is very nice to meet you too Alphonse(Korra saids to Alphonse with a sweet smile)
Alphonse: What I can tell you are very independent woman Korra and would do anything to protect those around you just like this guy right here.(Alphonse saids while pointing at Leo)
Korra: Hehehe, thanks and I wouldn't be what I am without Leo he makes me really happy and I love being with him.
Leonardo: And I love you as well Korra and I am happy your in my life.
Everyone: AWWWW!!
Alphonse: Well as much as I want to continue our talk I need my curry right now after traveling a long distance, though it was a pleasure meeting you Lady Korra and I would like to get to know Leonardo's beloved.
Korra: I do as well Alphonse and thank you
Alphonse: Hehehe, I love this one(Alphonse said in thought)
Leonardo was amazed that everyone he knew really loved Korra and would like for to come back to the restaurant more as well as go on adventures which made Leonardo very happy that his own grandfather would also like to meet Korra.
After many hours in the restaurant, all of Leonardo friends said goodbye as well paid for their meals and would be delighted for Leonardo to bring Korra along all the time if she is not too busy. Leonardo and Korra said goodbye to the master of the kitchen as well as Aletta and Kuro who find Korra to be a great customer to their restaurant and so the happy couple left the restaurant and the door disappeared until it reappears once again in the next seven days.
Korra: Thanks for taking me there Leo, I had lots of fun getting to know your friends and the food was absolutely delicious.
Leonardo: I am glad you enjoyed yourself, say hows about next time we bring Mako, Bolin, Asami, Opal, and Wu with us; I know that they would love to try food from another world as well.
Korra: That is a great idea Leo!!
Leonardo: Hehehe, I love you Korra so much
Korra: And I love you too Leo
💋(They both kissed and headed back towards Republic City)
END!(Until I make another crossover chapter)
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