Restaurant To Another World Crossover Special! part 3

Ikki was wondering around the halls of her home Air Temple Island because she was bored out of her life and wanted to do something exciting but there was nothing to do until she heard something coming from one of the rooms and went to see what the noise was and once she opened the slide door she saw what looks like a door but with an adorable kitten on it.

Ikki: Huh? whats a door doing in one of the rooms?(Ikki saids and walks towards the door and then circles around it to see what it was)

Ikki scanned the door from top to bottom and what she saw looked like a normal door to her but when she placed her ears near the door she heard commotion like people talking in which got the girl surprised and decided to call her family as well as Korra and Leonardo.

Ikki: HEY EVERYONE COME LOOK WHAT I JUST FOUND!!!!(Ikki saids then all of sudden everyone like her family and siblings as well as Korra and Leonardo came barging in to see what the commotion was about)

Tenzin: Ikki whats wrong?

Ikki: Dad you wouldn't believe what I found, I was just wondering around the halls minding my own business when all of sudden I heard this strange noise coming from one of the rooms and when I looked inside I came across this door just siting here.(Ikki saids and points to the door behind her in which got Korra's and Leonardo's attention)

Leonardo: Well I'll be darn!, I never would of imagined the door would appear in the most obvious place.(Leonardo saids with a smile in which got everyone confused except for Korra)

Jinora: Leo you know what that door is?

Leonardo: I should do Jinora this here is a door that can bring you to a restaurant from different world in which it is the same place my grandpa took me and I took Korra as well as her friends to.

Pema: A door that leads to a restaurant how is that possible?

Korra: Leo saids it is based off magic so it is like a portal that can bring people from other worlds to a place where they cook the most delicious food ever.

Jinora: Wait magic as in like sorcery like something like you do Leo.

Leonardo: Indeed Jinora, me and Korra were actually planing on taking all you to the restaurant so you can see for yourself that the food there is really good.

Bumi: Well now that you mention food I am kind of hungry.

Kya: Hmm....I could go for a bite to eat and perhaps try food that I never had before.

Tenzin: Leo are you sure this not some sort of trick or prank that you and Korra are pulling?

Leonardo: Tenzin do I look like someone who messes around and play games.

Tenzin: Ah.....good point still this is something I never seen something like this before.

Jinora: It is giving off a very powerful energy feeling?

Leonardo: Well that because of the magic Jinora this type of teleportation magic is very powerful stuff in which the door can appear mostly anywhere around other worlds.

Meelo: Cool!

Tenzin: Well if you say what is true it wouldn't hurt to try the food there, do they have food for vegetarians?

Korra: Of course they do Tenzin me and Leo always get our favorite meals together.

Leonardo: That we do, oh and one thing I need to inform you guys once we enter.

Pema: What is it Leo?

Leonardo: Well you see guys the people who come to restaurant are from different worlds which means they are different from all of us and their from different races so try to be on your best behavior because I don't want to have an incident like the last time.

Korra: You mean like where everyone argues of which food dish is the best in which can cause a fight too happened yea I remember you telling me that. 

Tenzin: I see we will be on our best behavior, kids you promise to do the same.

Jinora/Ikki/Meelo: Yes Dad...

Leonardo: Well then let's head on in, and it would be on me.(Leo saids to everyone in which they all nod and then Leo reached for the door handle and opened the door)

RING!(Door bell ring)

Once everyone was inside Korra and Leonardo were smiling because they were back in the restaurant again while Tenzin and his family looked upon the restaurant in awe and shocked that the door they walked through really did lead to a restaurant, a really nice restaurant with people that they never seen before until one of them spoke in which was Aletta.

Aletta: Hello and welcome to Restaurant Nekyoa!

Leonardo: Hello again Aletta.

Aletta: Leo, Korra it is wonderful to see you two again!

Korra: It is good to see you as well Aletta, hope you don't mind but me and Leo brought more of our friends and this is their first time here.

Aletta: Oh that is wonderful it is pleasure to meet all of you.(Aletta saids to the air bender family)

Tenzin: Oh it is pleasure to meet you as well, my name is Tenzin and this is my family. My wife Pema, my siblings Bumi, and Kya, and these are my children Jinora, Ikki, Meelo and Rohan.

Atletta: What a lovely family you have Tenzin would you like table and I will bring out your menus as well glasses of water for each of you.

Leonardo: That would great Atletta thanks.

Admittedly Aletta took Leonardo as well as Korra including everyone else to an empty table in which they sit down and wait patently while they look around and find the restroom to be quite lovely and the people around them look mysterious.

Ikki: Hey Leo can I ask you something.

Leonardo: Sure Ikki what is it?

Ikki: Why does that girl Atetta have horns on her head and whats with all the different people here?

Jinora: I am wondering as well I mean I never seen people like them before not to sound rude or anything but they look so mysterious and bizarre.(Jinora saids in which her family nods in agreement)

Leonardo: Well everyone just like I told you about how my world is different from yours, these people in this restaurant are from other worlds in which they come in different races and what Atletta as well as those two the lion and the lizard are a race of people called Demi-Humans and Man beast while the woman behind you as well as the older fellow are sorcerers who study in magic, and the other two who are humans are adventures and great swordsman.

Jinora: Demi-Human, Man beast now that is something I never heard of. Are there lots of them where they come from?

Leonardo: Indeed they are Jinora and they all come in different forms.

Tenzin: Amazing races I never head of, people who can use magic and people who are from other worlds besides you Leo.

Kya: And you said you been to this restaurant before?

Leonardo: A long time ago with my grandpa, then soon I decided to take Korra in which she absolutely loved the food as well as getting to know the people here because I practically known everyone in this restaurant. 

Korra: Yea I really enjoyed the food here and I couldn't wait to come back to it and see everyone here again. Leo introduced me to all the friends he made in this place and they all shared interesting stories of what their lives are in which we all bonded pretty well.(Korra saids to everyone in which they can see that Korra had fun getting to know these people from other words as well as enjoying the food)

 ANOTHER PORK CUTLET RICE BOWL!(Lionel saids while holding up his bowl in which got Korra's and Leonardo's as well as the air bender family attention)

Korra: Geez does he have to shout that out every time he finishes his bowl?(Korra saids while smiling and shaking her head)

Leonardo: When it comes to Lionel and his pork cutlet rice bowls it can not be helped.

Jinora: Is that his name? 

Leonardo: Yea Lionel is a man beast warrior, who likes to fight and train a lot to become stronger he and I met a long time ago and became great friends and he and Korra got along famously in which I promised him that if I ever go on an adventure I promised to take Korra with me because he wants to see what kind of strength Korra has.

Korra: In which I will still like to go so I can show him what an Avatar can really do.

Jinora: I see and what about the others here.

Leonardo: Well the gentleman siting with Lionel is Alphonse who was stranded on an island and survived and soon became a general over time then when he met me and my grandpa we became such good friends and he has been like an uncle to me because he was such good friends with grandpa Henry. 

Pema: He seems like very nice man Leo.

Bumi: I like his style..reminds me of the soldiers back home.

Leonardo: The lizard man is Gaganpo, he is the leader of his lizard tribe and champion. His kind spends most of their time in the forest and try to avoid the outside world they don't usually get along with other people unless they want to be nice to them. The woman behind is Victoria Samanark she is from a race called elves in which they can live over a thousand years without aging and she spends most of her time studying in magic and healing in which she taught me so many spells during my time here and we became such wonderful friends. Lastly the other two siting by the bar section is Tatsugorou and Artorius, Tasugorou is a great mercenary swordsman and a legend which makes him a great warrior in which songs and tales were told about him and his adventures around the world he became good friends with grandpa Henry in which they both like to train in many forms of combat together to improve their swordsman skills. Artorius was one the heroes who fought against a power being called the demon king in which he can use many forms of magic and spells that could help in a battle but after the war with the demon king he continued with his studies in the library and became one of the wisest wizards in all of history.(Leo saids to everyone except Korra in which they were amazed by these people and their lives as well as their abilities and skills)

Tenzin: Hmm seems like all of them live great lives in their world and do such great things to keep them occupied.

Leonardo: Yea

Then after a while now Atletta came out with the waters as well as the menus for everyone and decided to see what they would like to try in a restaurant they seen or heard of while Korra and Leonardo already know what they usually get which is the Tofu steak. Then soon a woman with pointy ears as well as black hair came over to see if everyone is ready to order in which was Kuro.

Kuro: Are you all ready to order.(Kuro saids to everyone in which she was using her mind link to speak in which surprised the Tenzin and his family except Leo and Korra)

Leonardo: Hello again Kuro good to see you again, me and Korra will have the usual as always  what about the rest of you?

Jinora: Well everything on the menu looks good Leo but is quite hard to decide what to get?

Leonardo: Hmmm....I think I have something in mind for all of you to try and I had once or trice before I met Korra and all of you it is really good.

Tenzin: Really is it a vegetarian meal?

Leonardo: Indeed it is Tenzin, Kuro me and Korra will have the tofu steak with ponzu sauce while Tenzin and his family will have the rice burgers.(Leo saids to Kuro in which got Tenzin's and his family attention of what Rice burgers are)

Tenzin and his family: Rice Burgers?(They all said in thought)

Kuro: Coming right up.(Kuro saids and takes the menus and heads into the kitchen)

Ikki: Hey how did she do that without using her mouth?

Leonardo: She has the ability to use mind link in which she can connect to peoples minds in order to speak and she is also a black dragon that take on human form.(Leo saids in which Tenzin and his families jaw dropped to the table of what they heard in which Korra giggled at their reaction)

Meelo: Wow she's a dragon a real dragon!

Leonardo: Hehehe that is correct Meelo but she only changes back after her shift is done because you don't want a full size dragon in here do you.

Meelo: Eh....good point she could get squished in here if she is that big.(Meelo saids to Leo in which Kuro heard from the kitchen and giggled a little for Meelo's compliment)

Kya: Leo what are rice burger anyway?

Bumi: Yea are they really good like you said?

Leonardo: Trust me guys you will know once you try them.(Leo saids to everyone in which they wonder what rice burgers look like as well as taste)

After a couple hours later Atletta came out with everyones food in which she placed them on the table in front of them.

Atletta: Alright Leo and Korra here is your tofu steak flavored with ponzu sauce and for the family your rice burgers.(Atletta saids and places the food down for everyone)

(Korra and Leonardo's Tofu Steak)

(Tenzin and his family Rice Burgers)

Tenzin: does look quite delicious and the smell is extraordinary.(Tenzin saids while looking at the rice burger in front of him)

Jinora: Check out the bun part its made entirely out of rice which looks amazing and well created. 

Pema: And it has all different kinds of vegetables mixed into it.

Kya and Bumi: Mmmm....looks good(Both said in thought)

Leonardo: Wow don't you all try it to see how you like it, I had it a couple times now since my time in the restaurant with grandpa Henry.

Jinora: I think I would try it first to see how it taste then I can tell you all to see what it is like(Jinora saids to her family as well as Korra and Leonardo in which they all nod and await to see Jinora's reaction to the food taste)

Korra: You may want to blow it first because it could be hot.

Jinora: Thanks for the reminder Korra.(Jinora saids to Korra in which she blows on her food then the next thing she did was take a bit out of the rice burger in which her eyes open like dinner plates of how the food taste absolutely amazing)

Leonardo: I can tell by her face she is starting to enjoy it.(Leo saids in thought while smiling)

Jinora: Whoah!....this is so good I didn't know food like this existed and it has crispy outside with a soft inside and it is somehow sweet and salty at the same time.(Jinora saids in thought while tasting the delicious food in her mouth)

Pema: So sweetie is it good?

Jinora: You guys have to try this it is so good!!!(Jinora saids while taking another bite in which everyone followed suit in which they found the rice burgers to be absolutely delicious)


Ikki: It taste very yummy!

Pema: This sauce on it makes the food taste even better and I like how it is so crispy as well as soft to eat.(Pema saids while taking a bite out of food)

Bumi: Well I got to say this is totally the best thing I ever tasted in my life I could eat this forever!

Kya: MMMM......everything about it taste absolutely good even the vegetables are well cooked inside of it. 

Tenzin: I don't even know how to put this in words, the savory grilled rice and the saltiness of the sauce as well as this slight sweetness, the fragrance of sake; it all blends perfectly and when I am looking at this middle part must be the mixed vegetable that Kya mentioned an exceptional dish to be sure and to make this happened I believed the person who cooked these coated mixed vegetables that look like they were breading in flour then dissolved in water fried in oil then formed it into the shape.(Tenzin saids in thought while eating the food and finding the everything about it delicious)

Jinora: These vegetables they look like carrots have been softened in a sweet and salty broth then there is some other vegetables with a chewy texture of a root these would probably pair well with rice on their own but the way that they were cooked as well as fried like this gives them such a crunchier and more satisfying feel.(Jinora saids in thought while taking in what the rice burgers are made of while still eating the goodness)

Leonardo: I can tell they are liking their food sweetie.(Leo saids to Korra in which she also smiles at seeing everyones faces with smiles while enjoying their food)

Korra: Looks that way hows about after were done our food lets order some rice burgers as well I would like to try them as well.

Leonardo: Sounds like a plan to me Korra but for now lets us enjoy our tofu steak while we let Tenzin and his family enjoy their food.

Korra: Alright

When everyone was finished with their food they realized that this wasn't enough for them in which they were still hungry in which Leonardo told them that he will be more happy to order another rice burger for all of them in which they smiled that Leonardo is doing something nice for them. Thats when the master of the restaurant and kitchen came to see them and saw Leonardo along with Korra which earned him a smile on his face to see his favorite costumers again.

Tenshu: Hello again Korra and you too Leo I see you as well as your friends enjoyed your meals.

Korra: You always known the answer to that Tenshu.

Tenzin: You must be the owner of this restaurant as well as the cook the food was very delicious sir. Both myself and my family really enjoyed your cooking very much. 

Tenshu: Thank you for saying so, but there is something about you that looks so familiar?(Tenshu saids in which got Tenzin's and his family as well as Korra and Leonardo's attention)

Tenzin: Really why is that?

Tenshu: Well in one of the photographs that my grand dad showed me, he told me that there was a person who really enjoyed his cooking as well as did his wife and he had the same looking arrows as you do. Grand dad said that he was his absolute favorite customer and ordered his favorite dish which was the rice burgers in which both him and his wife really enjoyed them. 

Jinora: You wouldn't to have the photo of them would you?

Tenshu: As a matter of fact I do wait here and I will go fetch it.(Tenshu saids then heads back into the kitchen to get the photograph while everyone was wondering who was this customer that his grandfather knew and he saids something about having the same arrows)

Korra: What did he mean by the same arrows? Could this person be an air bender?

Leonardo: Thats impossible me and grandpa never knew about air benders on seen people with arrows until I came to your world.

Kya: Could be a totally different person I mean there are a lot of people with arrows on them right?

Bumi: We will see when he comes back with the photo.

After waiting a while Tenshu came back with a photograph frame in his hand then walked towards Korra, Leonardo as well as Tenzin and his family so they can see the person in the picture that Tenshu told them about. 

Tenshu: Here it is, my grand dad kept it hidden so that it can be shown to people who look like this man in the photo and that is reason why I think the man in the photo is someone similar to you and your family.(Tenshu saids and hands to photo to Tenzin which he looks at it for a second and then his eyes went wide of what he was looking at)

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Korra along with Leonardo and Tenzin family went to look at the photo as well and they took couldn't believe it as well, the two people in the picture was known other than Avatar Aang and Katara who were the mother and father of Tenzin, Bumi, and Kya as well as the grand parents of Jinora, Ikki, Meelo, and Rohan and also Korra's past life. 

Pema: Honey is that........(Pema tries to say while holding Rohan in her arms)

Tenzin/Bumi/Kya: Its mom and dad!(All said in shock while looking at the photo of their parents together)

Jinora/Ikki/Meelo: Its grandpa Aang and grandma Katara!

Korra: Unbelievable!, Tenshu's grand dad favorite customer was really Aang!!(Korra saids in shock while looking at the photo of a younger Aang and Katara holding the rice burger)

Tenshu: So I see the two in the picture are your parents and grand parents no wonder I recognize the similarities between you two tell me are they?

Korra: Aang past away a long time ago and he was my past life and was the Avatar before me and Katara is still around but I feel like she would of loved to come back here and visit this place just like she did with Aang.

Tenshu: Oh I see and it would be nice to meet such a gentle woman like herself, my grand dad told me so much about them and how they treated with such kindness.

Tenzin: My mother and father were always so kind towards others, I know that a fact they would of loved to come back to this place before my fathers passing.(Tenzin saids while smiling at the picture of his parents)

Leonardo: I actually found something that is quite amusing.

Korra: What is it Leo?

Leonardo: Since Aang's favorite dish was the rice burger that means it is now yours as well since I seen how you all enjoyed the them so much I can tell that Aang and Katara really enjoyed them as well.(Leo saids to Tenzin and his family in which they all smile thinking what Leo said is true they all like the rice burgers just like Aang and Katara)

Tenshu: In which they did just like my grand dad said. 

Jinora: If it is not too much trouble could we get a copy of this photo so that it is something to remember grandpa Aang.

Tenshu: Sure not all is there anything else you would like.

Bumi: Well we could go for some more of those delicious rice burgers.

Leonardo: Same for me and Korra.

Tenshu: Hehehe of course I will more than happy to do so.(Tenshu saids to everyone then goes back into the kitchens to make more rice burgers as well as get a copy of the picture of Aang and Katara)

Korra: I cannot believe that Aang and Katara knew about this place and never told anyone?

Leonardo: Maybe it was because they wanted to spend some time alone for themselves because with the whole save the world and keeping the balance in check.

Jinora: Probably but it is still nice to know that they enjoyed themselves makes me wonder who else came here from our world. 

Tenzin: Only time will tell Jinora but I am happy that my father and my mother looked excited and seeing their smiles brings a warm feeling in my heart.

Pema: Mine as well Tenzin and same goes for the rest of us.(Pema saids to her husband in which the entire family smiles as well as Korra and Leonardo)

Then soon Tenshu came back with more rice burgers in which Korra really enjoyed them a lot as well as Leonardo then Leonardo introduced Tenzin and his family to his other world friends in which they all got along famously in which Ikki and Meelo out of the unthinkable were petting and snuggling into Lionel's fur and main in which cause the warrior to purr as well as meow in which made everyone in the room laugh that the mighty warrior has a soft spot. Tenzin, Pema along with their daughter Jinora and Kya got along with Artorius and Victoria quite well and enjoyed swapping stories about their lives in other worlds. Bumi got along with Alphonse and Tatsugorou in telling stories about their battles and war stories. Leonardo and Korra saw how everyone was enjoying themselves and meeting new people for the first time even if their from other worlds, then when everything was finished and payed for Leonardo led everyone out of the restaurant to go back home and they all watch the door disappear without a trace. 

Ikki: Hey where did the door go?

Leoanardo: Thats another thing you should know about the door, you see guys the door only appears once every seven days on the day on Saturday. 

Tenzin: Really so thats how it always works, well if that day every comes again I would like to go back to the restaurant and try that tofu steak that you and Korra had.

Ikki and Meelo: Us too!

Bumi: I would like to see more of those interesting people included.

Kya: I would like to try their frozen deserts I heard they are better than the ones here.

Leonardo: Sounds like a good idea what you think Korra.

Korra: Sure that would be great.

Jinora: And it was very nice that the owne gave us this copy of grandma and grandpa so that we have something to remember.(Jinora saids and holds up the copy picture of Aang and Katara)

Tenzin: Come on lets us get some fresh air and then we can do some meditation.(Tenzin saids to everyone in which they all nod and headed out leaving Korra and Leo behind)

Korra: That was really nice of you to invite them to the restaurant Leo.

Leonardo: It is what a guy like me would do for such a wonderful family like them.

Korra: I love you Leo

Leonardo: I love you too Korra 

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