Republic City and Reunion part 2
After both Korra and Leo left to head towards Republic City, Korra was in the changing room of a clothes store while Leonardo waited outside for her and couldn't wait to see her new look. And once Korra has finished getting dressed she walks towards her love life and asked him how she looks in her new water tribe get up.
Korra: Hey Leo, I finished what do you think?(Korra saids to Leo who blushes a little at seeing his girlfriends new look)
Leonardo: Wow you look beautiful Korra, now that get up is totally you.(Leo saids to Korra in which she blushes at what he said)
Korra: Thanks Leo, come on I think Asami is waiting for me to show up.
Leonardo: Yea let just say people don't like wait for a long time for somebody to show up.
Meanwhile a beautiful woman with black hair and green eyes was reading a book until a certain Avatar came up to her and greeted her with a smile and a hug.
Korra: I hope you didn't wait for too long.
Asami: Only three years, it is great to see you again Korra.
Korra: You too Asami
While both girls hug and greeted each other Leonardo came up to them and when Asami looked at the person coming up to them she couldn't help but blush of who this handsome, tall, and muscular man walking towards them until Leonardo spoke.
Leonardo: You must be Asami Sato, Korra has told so much about you in her stories.
Asami: Um....Korra....who is this tall handsome guy next to you and is that red hair?
Leonardo: Seriously what is wrong with my hair and do people always talk about it?
Korra: I will tell you on our way to Mako and let's just say, the guy next to me is absolutely incredible.
Asami: Really? well I have to see for myself, come on Mako got us a table at a restaurant.
While the three were walking towards the restaurant Leo was checking out the sites around the city and was amazed how much Republic city reminds him of home and the cars look so much like the ones back home as well but older. Once the three made to the restaurant a guy with golden eyes and black hair was leaning against a pillar beside an empty table and once the walks up to the girls and some tall red hair he never seen before but ignores it and greets his friend.
Mako: Korra!
Korra: Hi Mako, it is great to see you again after three years.
Mako: You too but um......who is this with you and is that red hair he has.
Korra: Hehehehe!
Leonardo: Not again with the hair, anyway you must be Mako, Korra told me about you in her stories pleasure to meet you.(Leo saids and holding out his hand to Mako)
Mako: Thanks nice to meet you as well mr?
Korra: I will tell you guys who is he once we sit down and you guys are not gonna believe what he has down for me and for Su.(Korra saids to both Mako and Asami who looked at their friend with confusion)
Mako: I thought you said it was gonna be the three us....(Mako whispers to Asami)
Asami: I thought so too but if this guy knows Korra then it wouldn't hurt to have another person at the table.
Mako: Yea your probably right, it does get a little awkward if it is just us three.
Once all four of them sit down, Korra wore a big smile on her face while looking at Leonardo leaving Mako and Asami more confused until Asami spoke.
Asami: So.....Korra would you care to introduce your friend here?
Korra: Oh right, Mako, Asami I want you two meet Leonardo Morgan.
Leonardo: It is pleasure to meet you both and guys can call me Leo for short a lot of friends do.
Mako: So Korra how did you and Leo here meet by any chance because what I can he is definitely not from around at all and I never seen a person with that color hair before.
Asami: Same here?
Leonardo: Korra and I met after I saved her from Kurvira and destroyed her Earth Empire when they tried to take Zaofu by force.(Leo saids to both Mako and Asami who eyes widen with shock and disbpleath)
Asami: Korra is that true? did this guy actually beat Kurvira and her empire all my himself. I mean not to take this the wrong but how could one person take on an entire army with nothing but a sword on his back.
Mako: Yea that sounds crazy and impossible for someone like him to be capable of doing.
Korra: You guys should of been there when used his powers to take down Kurvira's armies and he did something that made my life absolutely amazing and I still can't get over it.
Asami: What did he do Korra?
Korra: He restored the avatar cycle and brought back my past lives as well as helped me reconnect with Raava!!(Korra saids with excitement and the two jaws dropped like crazy while looking at the man next to them)
Mako: Korra didn't you say the avatar cycle was gone forever.
Asami: Yea and how could this guy do all those things.
Leonardo: Because I am from another universe(Leo saids and both Mako and Asami faces looked like they were about to faint)
Mako and Asami:
Korra: Yea and he even showed us proof from where he came from and let's just say his earth is absolutely amazing including his powers.(Korra saids to her friends while giving Leo a smile)
Leonardo: Want me to show you two my memories of who I am and where I came from as well as how I help this wonderful person here.(Leo saids to Mako and Asami while adding Korra in which she blushes)
Mako and Asami: Ummmm.....sure why not?
Leonardo: Excellent now hold still(Leo saids as the same light from his hand appears which shocked both Mako and Asami but looked towards Korra who nods and saying it is ok and with that Leo showed the two his memories of who he is, where he came from, who his family is, as well as his powers and how he used them to save Zaofu and restored Korra's past lives and reconnect with Raava. When the light dye down both Asami and Mako looked upon Leonardo with utter shock and amazement that the person next to them has such incredible powers and lives in world that highly invasive which made Asami want to ask Leonardo questions while Mako was impressed that he uses his powers to help people just like Korra and he comes from a very strong family.
Korra: So what did guys think of Leo now?
Asami: Oh my spirits..........
Mako: You really are from another world and you have such incredible powers as well as a strong family.
Leonardo: Thanks Mako, it is like I told Korra's teacher Tezin it is best to show you then just plain on saying it out loud.
Asami: Still this is absolutely incredible, your a hero from another world who stop Kurvira from taking over Zaofu as well as restoring the Avatar cycle!!(Asami saids with amazement)
Mako: And we looked at how you used your powers that was something that no bender can actually do.(Mako saids with a smile knowing how Leo is a good person)
Korra: I told you guys he is amazing, and you should seen him when he was singing at Su's celebration party his voice was beautiful.
Asami: Hmmm....I might have to listen to him sing
Korra: He even has some of his technology with him and his vehicles that one can fly into space!!
Asami: WHATT?!!! Leo your people invented vehicles that fly in space!!
Leonardo: Yup and let just say Korra enjoyed it when I showed her space and how big your world is.
Mako: Wait how did you get your vehicles here, what did you like carry them with your super strength?
Leonardo: No I have my vehicles stored in these small capsules, in which in my world we have a device that allows up to shrink the object into smaller size and then place into the capsules. If you want the vehicle to come out all you have to do is push the button and toss the capsule to the ground and the vehicle appears. Here let me get them out and show you.
Asami: Wow so these little capsules contain your vehicles and you have a device that can shrink them to fit into them, that is so amazing Leo!!
Korra: Oh but he has something that is even more amazing Asami
Mako: What is that Korra?
Korra: Show them your phone that you and your people use
Leonardo: Ok, these the phones that we use in my world and it has everything you need on it. Its has a hidden library, a camera, calculator, check the weather, you can watch movers on it, even record the film, play game on it, call people from long distance range, message people as well, video call people, and it easier to carry around with you if you wanna go places.(Leo saids to Mako and Asami while showing them his phone which brought more shocks to the both of them while Asami looks at it with more amazement knowing something so creative and well built can be phone with everything that a person needs)
Asami: CAN I SEE!!!!(Asami saids with excitement when she takes the phone out of Leo's hand while Mako, Korra and him giggle at Asami's reaction to highly invasive technology)
Leonardo: Hehehehe, You sure love technology Asami!
Mako: Well that is because she is the owner of future industries where everything is being built for future purposes.
Leonardo: Amazing sounds like how my mom is taken over the family business of becoming a professional scientist while my dad is a soldier fighting for freedom along with my uncle and cousin and his friends)
Korra: Your family would be proud of what your doing Leo and so I am.
Leonardo: Thanks Korra
Asami: Oh my spirits this looks absolutely incredible!, you even have a place to store your pictures and it plays toons.
Leonardo: Yup everything you need is on that phone.
Asami: How long will it take for us to make something like this in your world?
Leonardo: Well right now you guys are somewhere in the 1920s and the tech you have now is just like we had over a hundred years ago, so it might take about probably the next hundred more years for you guys to build technology such as this.
Mako: Makes sense after all we did see what your world is like and he looks something out of the future; speaking of which what is the year in your world Leo.
Leonardo: Well what year is it here in your world?
Asami: It is the year 174 AG what about you Leo?
Leonardo: For me it is the year 2042
Leonardo: Ok OK I know you guys shocked but don't scream so loudly in my ear geez..
Korra: Sorry Leo, you never told us that it was that your world was over in the thousands.
Leonardo: Yea sorry i forgot to tell you guys
Mako: Yea but still is amazing that your from another world where technology is more invasive and that both our worlds are different from each other.(Mako saids to Leo while Asami hands back Leo his phone after taking pictures of her and playing with the editor)
Asami: But there is one thing that puzzles me is that how did you end up in our world Leo?
Korra: Oh that was his mothers doing, you see she wanted him to live his own life in a new world, protect the people there, find a nice girl, get married and have lots kids so that his mom can be grandmother so she open a portal and he got sucked into our world during my fight with Kurvira.(Korra saids while teasing Leo who pouts of what she said to her friends in which they laughed)
Leonardo: Ok enough talking about me, now why not you two tell me and Korra of whats going on right now in this year.
Mako: Well Chief Lin promoted me to detective that was until she made babysit the new earth king who is a spoiled prince.
Leonardo: And let me guess he is driving you crazy so much that you just want to jump off a building and not deal with his idsticy.
Mako: Hehehehe, finally someone who understands what I am dealing with, you and I are gonna get along pretty well Leo.
Leonardo: No problem Mako and what about you Asami?
Korra: Yea what has been going on lately for you?
Asami: Well I kind of have big news, I went to see my father for the first time and he has been writing me letters and I guess I finally ready to try to forgive him after what he did with the equalist.(Asami saids to everyone and when Korra was about to say something that could cause a problem Leo beat her to it)
Leonardo: Well I think is a great idea for him to be back in your life Asami.
Asami: Huh?
Korra: Leo?
Mako: Ok now am I just more confused?
Leonardo: Well after what everyone told about what happened with him with the equalist, and how he was doing this over the death of his wife which drove him to madness and after spending so long in jail, made him release what he did to you and the family name was wrong and a person deserves a second chance to redeem themselves for the mistakes they made in the past. And what I can tell Asami, judging by the look in your eyes you miss the good times you had with your father and you want that feeling back again, so I say give him a second chance he deserves it that much.(After Leo said this everyone at the table were stunned by what Leo has just said and even Asami looked amazed that Leo has said the most beautiful thing to her which made her thinking maybe she can give her father a second chance)
Asami: Leo that was the most wonderful thing you have every said to me.......😢and I will take your word for it maybe my dad deserves another chance thank you.(Asami saids while wiping her tears and thanking Leo for his kind words)
Leonardo: It is what I do Asami, helping people with problems that they can not solve even if it has to do with family.
Mako: Leo you earned my respect for the way you said that to Asami and for helping Korra, you truly are a wonderful human being.
Leonardo: Thank you Mako really appreciated.
Mako: What is taken Wu so long to use the bathroom?
Leonardo: Isn't that the name of that spoiled prince you said about?
Mako: Yup.....
Korra: I will go check out...(Korra saids as she gets up to look for the prince)
Mako: Please tell me you don't have queens, kings, princesses or princes where you come from Leo.
Leonardo: Used to centuries ago so not we don't
Mako: Lucky....
Meanwhile near the back of the restaurant:
Korra: Hey have you seen a prince wondering here by any chance?
Random civilian: No we haven't miss(The guy saids until someone comes out of the laundry)
Wu: I am in the laundry!
Before Korra could react she gets earth bended by the guy she talked too and the two men leave with Wu as their prisoner, that when Mako, Asami, and Leonardo come in and sees what happens.
Mako: Korra what happened!!
Korra: They got the prince!!
Mako: Well what are we waiting for let's go after him!!
Asami: We can't my car is still at the shop and we can not simply run after him.
Leonardo: Here we can take one of my car!!(Leo saids to everyone who looks at him)
Mako: You mean one of your cars you brought with you, are any of them fast to catch up with a truck.
Leonardo: Heck yea now watch and learn fire boy(Leo saids as he tosses his capsules containing his red and black mustang)
BOOM!!(Once the smoke clears everyone looks at Leo's car with shock and their jaws dropped)
Leonardo: Oh yea my sweet ride!!
Mako: Woah that is the most coolest car I ever seen.....
Asami: You have good taste in colors Leo
Korra: I'll say that car looks fast
Leonardo: Well what are we waiting for get in the car!
While they all got in the car, Asami was impressed with designs, while Korra and Mako couldn't believe that this car was really fast that they caught up with truck and flatten the tires and pulled out the guy who kidnapped the prince and started to answer questions.
Mako: Where is the prince?!!!
Random person: I will never talk and you can not make me!(Saids with a devilish smile)
Leonardo: He can't I can and I hope you don't mind me turning into something that could rip you apart(Leo saids as he transforms into another dinosaur except it is smaller but with sharp claws and teeth which brought shocks and shivers down Mako and Asami as well as the guy they shoved out of the truck)(Leo Turned into a Raptor and let out a terrifying roar)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Leo(Raptor): Roarrrr!!!!!!(Leo screams at the guy and begins to shake in fear)
Random Guy: WHAT IS THAT THING?!!!!!
Korra: You better do what we asked otherwise our friend we tear your insides out just like he did with Kurvira's armies.
Mako: You have five seconds before he claws your face off 5....
Random Guy: I can't.......
Mako: 4.......
Random Guy: Please don't let that thing near me!!!!(Leo approaches the guy and readies his teeth and claws)
Mako: 3........
Random Guy: Please........I am beginning you..........
Mako: 2.........
Random Guy: Wait......wait...I...
Mako: 1.........
Leo(Raptor): ROARR!!!!!!
Mako: That is more like it, I can have the police take you away.
Random Guy: Just don't let that near me ever again!(Guy saids while pointing at Leo who changes back into human form)
Leonardo: Don't worry man I wasn't gonna kill you, thats too violent for me to do.
The police take the earth empire soldier to jail while the others go in search for the prince until Korra came up with an idea to try something with the vines.
Leonardo: What do you see Korra?
Korra: They are taking the prince to the train station!
Mako: How do you know?
Korra: I will explain later right now drive Leo!
Leonardo: You got it!!
While Korra explained to everyone in the car how she found Wu by using the vines, she told them that she learned it from Lin and Su's mother Toph and once they made it to the station Korra points out where the prince is hiding on which train.
Mako: How do you know for sure he is here?
Korra: I don't but I have a feeling alright
Mako: And I am supposed to trust your Avatar feelings?
Korra: You wouldn't have to if you had guarded the prince like you were suppose to!
Leonardo: Hey would you two knuckle heads stop arguing for gods sake I found the prince!!
Wu: Ahhh! what? where? Mako am I dead?
Mako: No you are on a train and we are getting you out of here.
Asami: You might want to hurry because we got company!!!(Asami saids as she sees more earth empire soldiers coming towards them but stop and saw Leonardo in which brought shivers down their spines)
Soldier 1: You......your the one who destroyed our EMPIRE!!!(She said to Leo)
Leonardo: Oh look more ridiculous toy soldiers that are waiting for another ass kicking.(Leo saids as he cracks his knuckles)
Soldier 2: You are gonna pay for what you did to our armies and to our leader!!!
Leonardo: Korra, Asami, Mako, and Wu get down and cover your ears because these losers are get something really really loud.
Mako and Asami as well as Wu looked towards who nods and do what he said to them in which they did.
Leonardo: Hope you guys have a good doctor for hearing because you won't be able to hear anything!! FEEL THE POWER OF MY SONIC WAVE!!!
(Reference to use for Sonic Wave/Black Canary)
With that Leonardo unleashed a powerful sonic wave from his mouth and it made the soldiers scream in pain and agony.
Solider 1 and 2: OWWWW MY EARS!!!!!(One they screamed they fainted)
Leonardo: Ok guys you get up now and let go of your ears.
Korra: Was that your sonic wave!
Asami: Wow that was impressive
Mako: Not bad Leo, not bad
Wu: Ooooo....I think I might make him my bodyguard for now on.
Leonardo: In your dreams dude, I am not bodyguard material.
Mako: Hehehe, I like his attitude
Leonardo: Let's get out of here, grab hold of me and I will teleport us out.
With that Leonardo teleported everyone to the ground where everyone was shocked that Leo can teleport except for Korra who already knows about it.
Leonardo: Is everyone alright?
Asami: Yea were ok and thanks for the help back there Leo
Leonardo: No problem
Wu: Mako! you save me and you are so getting a raise for it!
Mako: Um actually you should be thanking Leo and Korra, we could never find you without their help.
Wu: I owe you my life Avatar and Leo if there was only way to repay, ooh I know hows about take you out for a night on the town.(Wu saids while Leo glares are him and speaks)
Leonardo: Don't even tried it prince she's taken!
Wu: Uh who might that be?
Leonardo: Me!(Leo saids as he places he hands around Korra's waist and she blushes)
Asami: Woah! you two are dating now since when did this happend?
Korra: Since Leo saved me from Kurvira and we got to know each other a lot better.
Asami: Ok you are so gonna tell me the details when we get back!
Leonardo: Oh don't worry she will
Mako: You too Leo
Leonardo: Sigh......fine
Asami: Still after being gone for three years Korra, it is really good to have you back with us.
Mako: Yea and now we have someone from another world who can help deal with whatever Baatar Jr has in store for us.
Leonardo: If he has something that has to do with attacking Republic City then I am gonna enjoy tearing down the rest of the earth empire whose with me!
Korra: You know I am always with you Leo 💋(Korra saids while kissing Leo on the cheek)
Asami: Same here
Mako: Count me in as well
Wu: AND ME!!!!!!
Leonardo/Korra/Mako/Asami: NO!!!!
The next chapter will be coming sooner
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