Earth Empire Gambit
In an unknown location where the remaining armies of the earth empire were being assemble by the commander Guan along with Bataar Jr. The two were giving their men a speech to describe their victory to take over Republic City.
Guan: Today we stand on the precipice of history. For the past three years we've fought side by side to unite the earth empire and we have proven that no one can stand in our way. Not even the so called Avatar, but however our mission is not yet completed. There is grave injustice that must be corrected, as you all know after the hundred year war, Avatar Aang along with fire lord Zuko stole earth empire lan and formed the United Republic.(Guan finished speaking than Baatar stepped forward to speak)
Baatar Jr: This land you see before me belongs to the people of the earth empire and it is time to take it back, Republic City will be ours!!
Soldiers: Long live the Earth Empire!!
Once both of them finished their speeches they both went behind the map and talked.
Baatar Jr: Commander Guan are you ready to show the world what I true super power looks like?
Guan: Yes sir!, I am honored to march into the city by your side and once we claim victory we can free Kurvira and our empire will finally be united and Avatar will be nothing but history.
Baatar Jr: Don't get your hopes up yet commander we still have to deal with that so called hero as well, who took down our empire and defeated the woman I love, he will suffer the same faint as the Avatar.
Guan: Well lets see if he can handle the power of our super weapon, and let him chew on that.
Baatar Jr: Get everyone assembled we move out at once and the earth empire we rise and the Avatar and the hero will fall!
Guan: Yes Sir!!
Meanwhile back in Republic City at a factory:
Varrick: Weld Hotter! Tighten Tighter!, the president saids we only got two weeks to get this mecha suits up and running!
Asami: Varrick relax we have time besides we don't want to see the suits falling apart if something goes wrong.(Asami saids trying to calm Varrick from blowing a gasket)
Varrick: Yea your right sorry, HEY WATCH THAT! IT IS VERY DANGEROUS!!
Asami: Oh never mind......(Asami saids to herself and when she was about to say something else Leonardo came behind her and greeted her to see whats going on)
Leonardo: Hey Asami!, is everything going well here?
Asami: Oh hey Leo, sorry I am trying to get Varrick under control and these are our new mecha suits that will be done sooner or later.(Asami saids to Leo and he goes up to see the suits for himself and was impressed and looked towards the old suits as well)
Leonardo: They look impressive Asami, and I take that those were the original mecha suits am I correct?
Asami: Yea the ones that my father built, what do you think?
Leonardo: Their like a mixture between a crane, scuba suit, and a tank but other than that they look cool kind of reminds me of my AMP suit.
Asami: AMP suit?
Leonardo: Oh yes here let me show you my mecha suit and prepare to be surprise Asami.
Asami: I like surprises!
Once Leonardo took out his capsule with the AMP suit logo on it, he pushed the button and toss it the ground and they his mecha suit appeared which brought Asami and Varrick in complete amazement and shock seeing such a magnificent mecha suit in front of them.
Leonardo: What you guys think of my mecha suit?
Varrick: WHOAH!!! now that is what I call a mecha suit!!, the details are so incredible and look at that armed body fabulous!!(Varrick saids with excitement seeing a invasive mecha suit in front of him)
Asami: Leo, this is absolutely incredible!, I never seen a mecha suit like this before how does it work!!
Leonardo: I will show you follow me
With that Leonardo took Asami to his mecha suit and opened up the cod-pit and showed her how to work the AMP suit controls.
Leonardo: Ok Asami, what you wanna do is you want to strap yourself in, which there are straps behind you, next you want to put on these gloves so it will connect you to the suit, and start button is here and the systems and controls are over there and there is a scanner right here so you can see where the targets are.
Asami: Got it, but still this is amazing Leo, your world is full of surprises and I would like to see more of your technology.
Leonardo: Sure I will book you guys a three vacation in my world so you guys can see what my world has to offer.
Asami: Awesome, so how do I move this suit by the way?
Leonardo: Once you are connected to the suit, you have to think about in your head, go ahead move an arm.
Leonardo saids to Asami and she did what he said and began to move an arm which brought her more amazement that she could move the suit with just thinking about it.
Asami: Whoah......this is spectacular!
Leonardo: Great, now I want you to walk around, just like you normally walk around the city.
Asami listened to what Leonardo said and began to walk while in the suit and she couldn't believe her eyes and not even Varrick who was about to faint after seeing such an incredible machine.
Asami: Leo!, this is the most incredible mecha suit ever!! Is this also used in combat as well?
Leonardo: Of course Asami, try to make fighting stances and you will see.(Leo saids to Asami and she began to make fighting poses which made her smile even more)
Asami: Leo, this suit moves like a charm, and the controls are magnificent!
Leonardo: I am happy you are enjoying yourself Asami, by the way I have to get going I have to see how the evacuation is going for the city.(Leo saids to Asami as she powers down the suit and climbs out and turn the suit back into a capsule and handed it back to Leo)
Asami: Alright, hopefully everyone agrees to Mako speech about the evacuation otherwise were in a pickle.
Leonardo: Why is Mako's speech that bad?
Varrick: The guy acts too much of a cop and it makes people confused trust me kid you will know when you hear him on the radio.
Leonardo: I see what you mean by he acts too much of a cop?
Asami: will get used to it sometime.(Asami saids while facepalming herself until she heard somebody else on the radio and it was Prince Wu)
Wu: Hello everyone this is Prince Wu, now I know you are all a little scared believe me I know what it is like to be afraid and I used to not be able to go to the bathroom by myself. But if we let that fear control us, none of us will ever be able to go to the bathroom, and then we all loose. But the people of Republic City aren't losers, were winners!; winners that are going to get out of this city in a calm and orderly fashion so I want you to grab your family, grab your neighbor, grab that guy down the street you don't know very well and head to the nearest bus, train, or ferry station. We're going to get you out of here, safe and sound.(After Wu's speech Leonardo was impressed by the kids voice and so was Asami and Varrick)
Leonardo: You know for a prince, his heart is in the right place.
Asami: I'll say that was better then Mako's speech.
Varrick: Kids got attitude and guts!
Leonardo: Alright I am going to help the others with evacuation and you guys continue working, I will see you soon.(With that Leonardo used his teleport powers and vanished leaving Varrick speechless)
Varrick: Wow thats the best way to travel.........
Once Leonardo left he help the people of Republic city along with his girlfriend Korra and their friends evacuate and it took everyones help to get all the people to leave and it took them four days to get everyone out as well as assemble their army in front of the city in case the earth empire comes, then after that Leonardo went back to Air Temple island to what is happening next. While he arrives at the air temple and heads up to where the president is being kept, he heard his girlfriend speaking again about something about taking down the weapon.
Leonardo: Korra what is this about taking down the weapon?
Korra: Well Mako, Bolin, Asami, and I were talking and we would like to take down the earth empires spirit weapon before it gets close to the city.
Tenzin: Korra we can not risked that idea and general Iroh is getting his army in place.
Korra: Tenzin, I know our army can go toe to toe with the earth empire army, but that weapon...
Leonardo: Too powerful and it could destroy the entire city with people still trapped inside.
Korra: Thanks Leo
Leonardo: Your welcome
Mako: Tenzin, we can not let it get to our doorstep.
Asami: We seek behind enemy lines and disable the weapon, and if it works it will even the playing field.
Tenzin: But if you all get caught?
Korra: It is a risk we are willing to take!, and heading out tonight.
With that Korra and her friends leave while she looks back at her boyfriend who looks sad at knowing what would happened to her if she gets hurt.
Leonardo: I get a feeling this will not turn out well.....
Chief Beifong: Don't worry she we be alright, she is know what she is doing.(Lin saids placing a hand on Leo's shoulder)
Leonardo: I hope so, I am gonna see them off....(Leo leaves and goes sees his friends and Korra off)
Raiko: I hope they disable the weapon in time?
Tenzin: I hope so too?
Leonardo makes his way to where his friends and his girlfriend are and goes to see them off but to also talk to Korra as well.
Korra: Leo what you doing here?
Leonardo: I came to see you guys off and I also want to talk to you if you would allow me to.
Korra: Of course Leo, what is it?
Leonardo: If you guys can't find a way to disable the weapon and if you get captured I just want to let you know Korra that I love you so much and I can not bear to loose you too, I already lost someone I cared about in my family and I don't want to loose the girl I love.
Korra: I know Leo, and don't worry I will come back I promise.
Leonardo: You better otherwise I will have to carry all of you on back.
Korra: Hehehe, don't worry about that either we will be fine, but do help the others still trapped in city who didn't make it out for me.
Leonardo: Ok I will do that good luck Korra
Korra: You too Leo..
Leonardo and Korra: I love you 💋(Both kissed and they all said goodbye)
Leonardo: Be careful........(Leo saids to himself and leaves to help the others trapped in the city to evacuate)
It was morning on air temple island and everyone was getting ready for what is coming for them until they saw a sky bison coming towards them.
Tenzin: Korra are you all alright? Why are you back so soon?
Bolin: We got a problem a really really big problem!!
Mako: Its the earth empire, our intel was wrong
Raiko: What do you mean Mako?
Mako: They are only a few hours away!
Tenzin: No they can't be, we are not ready!
Korra: And that spirit weapon of theirs is attached to a giant mech suit, it over twenty five stories tall!
Raiko: Get General Iroh on the line tell him the invasion is happening today.(Raiko saids to Lin)
Tenzin: Pema get the remaining citizens to safety!
Pema: Tenzin, Leo went to that and I don't when he would be back.
Tenzin: If I know Leo he is probably already finished by now, I hope he knows what is coming.
Bolin: What should we do?
Asami: Let's head back to my factory maybe we get some of those mecha suits in the air for an air assault.
Korra: I will head to front lines and help general Iroh and maybe find Leo as well.
Tenzin: Alright everyone let's move!
Korra: Leo please be ok........(Korra looks a towards the city and thinking about her boyfriend)
Once everyone was getting assembled for the battle and everyone has been evacuated from the city thanks to Leo who is nowhere to been seen for some reason. Korra and Iroh were on the front lines waiting for the earth empire army and the mecha giant to show up.
Iroh: Avatar Korra is it true that this weapon can be dangerous?
Korra: Yes I seen what it can do and it all a matter of time before...........
Korra: Their here!
Iroh: My spirits.........(Iroh saids in shock seeing the mecha suit in person)
Everyone including the air benders and the people on Air temple island were beyond shock of what they were looking at in front of them and that is when Raiko decides to speak.
Raiko: Baatar Jr and Guan of the earth empire this is president Raiko, I order you two to stand down, turn your army around and leave.
Guan: You are in no position to give us orders!
Raiko: Stand down on we will attack!
Baatar Jr: I don't think you know the power we posses allow us to make it clear. DESTROY THE CITY, AND TAKE DOWN THEIR ARMIES!!!! SAY GOODBYE AS WELL AVATAR!!
Guan: Being to fire!!
Guan and Baatar Jr opened fire on the battleships in which destroyed all of them but luckily the air benders were there in time to save the crew members before their ships sank. Then after the weapon was fired on the battleships Baatar Jr and Guan pointed the weapon at Republic Cities army as well as Iroh and Korra who looked at the weapon in fear of what would happen if the weapon is fired on them next.
Iroh: Mr.President do I have your order to engage?(Iroh saids on the radio while looking at the mecha giant while its weapon was pointed towards the army)
Baatar Jr: You have three seconds before I wipe out your army.(Baatar saids on the radio to Raiko)
Raiko: I don't have any choice.....
Baatar Jr: Times Up....
Raiko: Stop we surrender.....Republic City is yours.(Raiko saids to Baatar Jr on radio)
Baatar Jr: Good turn your army and the Avatar along with the Warrior who destroyed our empire and captured our great leader over to me and give my men your location. And they will present you with our terms.
When Baatar spoke to the president about surrendering all of sudden the radio changed to a different voice in which belong to Leonardo Morgan who was about to give out his own speech to Baatar Jr and Guan in which got the attention of Korra who was listening to the radio.
Leonardo: I don't think so because I am not going to let you conquer Republic City!(Leonardo saids over the radio)
Leonardo: Hehehe, oh I am already here and I brought something to even the odds why don't you look in front of you and see for your self.(Leonardo saids on the radio then goes off while Baatar Jr and Guan looked towards the front where the army and the city was until they heard a much bigger stomp)
Iroh: Whoah....did you just feel that Avatar Korra?
Korra: Yea I did where did that come from?
Iroh: Lets go out and see(Iroh saids to Korra in which they went outside until they saw all the men looking towards the city and saw the most biggest thing they have ever seen in which was a giant red mecha suit that looked highly enhanced)
Korra: Another one!(Korra saids in shock but they hears a familiar voice coming from the red mecha giant)
Korra: Wait a minute.....Leo?........Oh my spirits Leo is that you!!!!!
Iroh: Leo? in the hero of Zaofu or took down Kuvira's armies.
Korra: Yea!, But where the heck did he get......oh wait a minute he told me he has a mecha suit called a jaeger in which is over forty stories tall and carries a lot of fire power. I never imagined it looked this amazing in person.
Iroh: Well I give him credit, he knows how to make an appearance at a time like this.
Leonardo: HELLO BOYS IM BACK!!!(Leonardo saids in his jaeger while everyone looks at the red mecha giant with shock and yet amazement of how incredible it looks and it is bigger than the earth empires mecha suit)
Kai: I got to admit that is by far the most coolest thing I have ever seen in my life.
Tenzin: Unbelievable......
Ikki: Wow!!!
Meanwhile on Air Temple island:
Chief Beifong: Now that is something you don't see every day? I have to admit Leonardo really knows how to show off.(Lin saids while admiring the jaeger Leonardo has)
Raiko: Leonardo has a mecha giant as well? I just hope it can stop their mecha suit before he does anymore damage.
Chief Beifong: You are full of surprises Leonardo maybe more so indeed.(Lin saids in thought while looking towards where Leonardo in his jaeger are getting ready to fight)
Back on the front line:
Guan: Im........Impossible!!! how could he have a mecha giant as well!!!!
Gaun: Right set the weapon and aim it at the heroes mecha suit!!!
Soldier: Yes Sir begin firing!!
The Mech giant aims its weapon towards Leonardo but the hero had a better idea instead. When Leonardo saw that Guan and Baatar Jr are going to fire their weapon at him he decided to charge at the mecha giant while the army for Republic City moves out of the way so that Leonardo can run towards the mecha giant and then while he was running towards it, he activated his sword and cut deep into the earth empires mecha gaint side.
Leonardo: HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW DIRTBAGS!!(Leonardo saids to Baatar Jr and Guan who took damage to their own mecha suit while everyone else was amazed of Leonardo's surprise attack as well as the sword he used)
Korra: Whoah that was incredible!!!! TAKE IT DOWN BABE!!!
Iroh: Yes!, we might actually have a chance now.
Baatar Jr: Arghh!!!.........WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED?!!!
Guan: He charged us sir and then used a sword that came out his mecha how the hell is that even possible?!!
Baatar Jr: Seems like our new friend here knows how to deal with this. How much damaged did we take from that hit?
Solider: We took almost seventy percent damage on the side of the mecha but our power source and other functions are working just fine.
Baatar Jr: Good redirect our course towards that warrior and his mecha suit and lets show him what true power is all about!(Bataar Jr saids to his men in which they directed their mecha giant towards Leonardo who was behind them in which Leonardo while in his jaeger got into battle formation for he is ready to take down the earth empire once and for all)
Leonardo: Let the fun begin but first a little music to lighten up the situation and I know just the one for this fight.(Leonardo saids while getting to fighting stance as well as putting on some music in which was Jump by Van Halen)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Once the music starting playing Leonardo got into fighting stance and was ready to take down Baatar Jr's own mecha giant who was also ready to fight even though it got damage it still can fight. Korra along with Iroh and the army were watching the whole thing from below in which they were cheering on Leonardo to take down the earth empire once again as well as destroy the weapon.
Leonardo: GOOD BECAUSE I AM GOING TO ENJOY TAKING YOU DOWN JUST LIKE HER AND HER PATHETIC ARMIES.(Leonardo saids then charges at Baatar Jr's mecha giant while Baatar did the same in which Leonardo knew what he was going to do next in which he used his jaegers flusters in the back in which he giant high in the air while holding the fist above then slammed it down on the earths empires mecha gaint in which cause some damage included)
Everyone: OHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Leonardo: Not so tough now are you.(Leonardo saids while watching the mecha giant he hit fall to ground while taking damage)
Baatar Jr: ARRRGHHH!!!!........HOW THE HECK DID HE?!!!
Solider: Sir were taking heavy damage!!!!
Guan: Get this thing back up were not out of this yet!!!
Solider: Yes sir directing all power now!(Solider saids as getting everything working again in which the mecha giant got back up again in which made Leonardo smile that he knows that it is time to end this)
Leonardo: Oh so you want more well than take this!....ELBOW ROCKET!!(Leonardo saids and then punches the mecha giant again in which took more damage but this time Leonardo hit in the chest area where the power source is coming from)
Guan: No..........this can't be happening.....sir our power source took damage I don't know how long we can last against that warriors attack!!!
Bataar Jr: Keep pushing all power to the weapon ready!!!!!
Solider: Yes sir the weapon is hot and ready to fire!
Baatar Jr: Good aim it at his mecha suit and this time no mistakes!!!
Baatar Jr gave the order to use the spirit cannon on Leonardo once again in which the hero smirked and decided to end the battle in which he thought of using his plasma cannon to destroy the weapon in which could not only destroy it but also cause heavy damage to the mecha giant included.
Leonardo: IT IS TIME TO END THIS FOR GOOD!....PLASMA CANNON NOW!(Leonardo saids in which the hand of the jaeger turned into weapon in which shocked everyone who was on the battle field even Korra who never seen such a weapon not even Baatar Jr)
Korra: DO IT LEO!!!!!
Leonardo: FIRE!!!!!!(Leonardo saids and fires his plasma beam at Baatar's mecha suit weapon in which caused a huge explosion in which caused everyone to shield their eyes from the bright light that was blocking their vision)
Then when the light dyed down all of sudden Korra looked towards the front of her and saw the most shocking thing she has ever seen in which Iroh couldn't believe it himself not even everyone else in which they all looked to see that Leonardo was ok and his jaeger but for the earth empires mecha giant not so much that after the blast the entire weapon was destroyed and left a big huge damaged hole on the side of the mecha in which Baatar Jr and Guan were beyond shocked that their weapon and creation were defeated.
Guan: No......this can not be........
Baatar Jr: HE DESTROYED OUR GREAT WEAPON!!!!!(Battar Jr saids in which all of sudden his creation started to tip over and fall to the ground in which the earth empire army had to get away as fast as they can before they get crushed)
Leonardo: TIMBER!!!
Crash!!(The mecha giant fell to the ground and Baatar Jr and Guan got out before it exploded)
Korra: He.....he did it.........(Korra said in awe)
Iroh: Amazing.........
Tenzin: He actually did it........
Jinora and Kai: Wow........
Raiko: That boy just saved the lives of everyone in Republic City including our own, I got to say he is very impressive having someone like him would be marvelous.
Chief Beifong: I'll say, even though he denied my request to become a police officer I still think he would do great on the force.
Leonardo: Asami do you copy surround the earth empire armies and make sure they don't try to escape.(Leonardo saids on the radio in which he looked to see Asami in her newest mech suit along with a few others behind)
Asami: Copy that Leo!(Asami saids while inside her new mecha suit while her and Varrick were surrounding the remaining earth empire soldiers)
Leonardo: NOW EARTH EMPIRE SURRENDER NOW OR ELSE!!(Leo saids while pointing his jaeger plasma cannon at them)
Punch!!(Korra runs over to Baatar Jr and knocks him out cold)
Korra: Oh shut up already!!.....geez you guys are already finished so just give up or you would rather have Leo here turn you into dust.(Korra saids to the Baatar after knocking him out and to the army)
Guan: I surrender and I quit!!!, they weren't gonna pay me for this job anyway!
Leonardo: Well that makes two and what about the rest of you?
Soldiers: Ummmmm?................
Leonardo: Either you surrender or end up like the army I took down in Zaofu and I will use my full power on you.
Soldiers: WE SURRENDER!!!(The army said while in fear of being turned to dust)
Leonardo: Good! that what I like to hear.(Leonardo saids while deactivating his plasma cannon)
After Leonardo saids that he gets out of his jaeger and transform it back into its capsule form and runs towards his girlfriend who runs to him with excitement and joy in her eyes.
Korra: LEO!!!!
Leonardo: KORRA!!!
They both ran into each other and hugged showing that the battle has ended and they won the war in which their armies took in the remaining earth empire forces into custody.
Korra: Leo!, you did it, you actually did it!!!
Leonardo: I couldn't done it without your help sweetie and everyone as well.
Korra: I love you so much Leo, and I am happy your in my life.
Leonardo: I love you to Korra and I am happy your in my life as well.
💋(They both kissed showing that the battle between the the nations and the earth empire has ended)
Iroh: Leonardo Morgan, I am general Iroh of the United forces it is an honor to meet you in person.
Leonardo: The pleasure is all mine Iroh, and I am just glad that the people of Republic City and my friends are safe thats all that matters.
Iroh: We could use someone with your talents and skills on the United forces.
Leonardo: Thanks Iroh but I am already part of something and I would like to remain here and help the Avatar bring balance to the world.(Leo saids to Iroh while holding hands with Korra who smiles at Leo's decision)
Iroh: If this your decision Leonardo then good luck and you too Avatar Korra.
Korra: Thank you general and we will do our best.
Once Iroh goes to take the armies of the earth empire to prison along with Guan and Bataar Jr, team Avatar along with the air benders comes running towards the two lovebirds with open arms.
Team Avatar and Air Benders: KORRA!!! LEO!!!
Leonardo and Korra: Hey Guys!! WHOAH!!(Korr and Leo get tackled to the ground and being hugged by all their friends and celebrating their victory)
Once everyone gets up from them and congratulates them fro defeating the earth empire for good, Raiko hosted a victory celebration in honor of the Avatar and the hero who saved them from the earth empire and that weapon that nearly destroyed them.
Next Chapter coming soon!
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