Earth Empire Commander Guan and The Weapon Secrets!

It was the morning and everything was looking so peaceful that a certain hero from another world decided to go for a nice walk around Republic City and check out the sites of the city starting with where all the spirits are being at and just floating around people in which Leonardo found them very beautiful creatures that came in all different shapes and sizes. One of the spirits spotted the hero and decided to greet him with a good morning welcome to their home and when Leonardo spotted the spirit he remembers it and it was the Fruithog spirit in which he and the spirit got along pretty well after meeting Iroh in the spirit world.

FruitHog: Good Morning Leonardo, isn't a splendid day this is!

Leonardo: Oh good morning to you too FruitHog, and yes it is a lovely day it is so hows everyone doing these days in the spirit world.

FruitHog: Oh everything is going wonderfully and were about to have our after noon morning tea would you care to join us.

Leonardo: I would love to my friend, after spending with you spirits I actually come to found around your kind which makes me happy.

FruitHog: Well then my friend follow me!(He said to Leonardo and they both went to the spirit vines jungle to have tea with the other spirits who are having a wonderful time together)

FruitHog: Hello everyone, I have brought a guest to join our morning tea together.

Leonardo: Hello everyone it is so good to see you all again!

Light Spirit: LEONARDO!(Light spirit saids with excitement and goes over to hug Leo)

Leonardo: Hello my little light friend still lovable and cute as ever.

Light Spirit: How is the Avatar doing these days do you know?

Leonardo: Korra is doing just fine thanks for asking and she is learning how to fly thanks to me.

Spirits: The Avatar learning how to fly amazing!

Leonardo: Yea she quite the fast learner

FruitHog: Well my friend were about to have or tea, would you like sugar in yours.

Leonardo: Oh yes thank you(Leo saids to his spirit friend who gave him the tea with sugar and took a sip and the tea was delicious)

Leonardo: Delicious, this has to be the best tea I had in years.

FruitHog: Why thank you Leonardo it is the best tea served in the spirit world!

Leonardo: Hehehe, I can tell, it is still amazing how this world is full of wonders and beauty.

Light Spirit: Yea it sure is Leonardo

Leonardo: Please you can guys can call me Leo, a lot of my friends do and you are my friends after all.

Light Spirit: Leo, I like that way more better!!

Spirits: Yea!!

After spending a couple hours and talking stuff about spiritual connections and other stuff, Leonardo thought it time to head off and see the other sites.

Leonardo: Thanks again for tea for my friend he was great and thanks for those wonderful stories you told me about I look forward to hear more soon.

FruitHog: Oh the pleasure is all mine my friend and do come back soon.

Leonardo: Oh you know I will

FruitHog: Well then fare........aarrrgghhhh!!!(FruitHog was about to say goodbye until he felt a pain in his body in which Leo went to see what was wrong with him)

Leonardo: FruitHog! whats wrong my friend?

FruitHog: Something is wrong with our spirit connection and we must return to the spirit world where is is safe.(With that the spirit disappeared without a trace along with the others as well in which Leonardo was beginning to notice something was terribly wrong)

Leonardo: What is happening to all the spirits I gotta tell Korra about this, she said she heading towards city hall so thats where she might be.

Leonardo looks around the city and see a fantasy building with a tree coming out which means that this was city hall of Republic City and decided to head towards it. and Once Leonardo steps in the building he hears voices inside.

And Let me guess it happens to do with spirit vines!(When Leonardo heard that voice it was his girlfriend Korra talking to others about spirit vines and went in to see what was going on

Korra: I saw them taking spirt vines from the swamp and they were........

Leonardo: Korra! whats going on?(Leo said to his girlfriend who turns around to see her boyfriend with a smile while the others look towards as well as the two guys dressed in earth empire uniforms him as well)

Mako and Opal: Leo?

Korra: Leo!(Korra saids and hugs her boyfriend and he hugs back)

Leonardo: Hehe, well good morning to you too, but whats going on I was just having morning tea with the spirits then all of sudden they all disappeared like they were in pain.

Korra: Let's just say Bataar Jr and some guy he is the commander are taking spirit vines from the swamp.

Leonardo: What for?

I can answer that question my red hair friend!

Leonardo: Who are you and you as well?

Korra: Leo this is Mako's brother Bolin and this here is Varrick who build those mecha suits and the other tech Kuvria had. Bolin, Varrick, this is Leonardo Morgan the guy we told you about who took down Kurvira and her armies and the one from another world.

Bolin: were the guy that all the soldiers of the earth empire were talking about, cool it is pleasure to meet you Leo.

Leonardo: Likewise Bolin but let's get back to what going on with the spirit vines, Varrick you said you know something.

Varrick: Yes of course Bataar Jr and a commander named Guan are working a weapon using spirit vine energy and if they figure out to harness its power then we all doomed.

Leonardo: What kind of weapon are we dealing with here Varrick?

Varrick: I am glad you asked my friend because I stolen the blue prints of the weapon so we know what we are dealing with.(Varrick said and showed them the blueprints of the weapon and Leonardo actually seen this weapon in the history books)

Leonardo: Hey this looks like a World War Schwerer Gustav assault cannon?(Leo saids and everyone looks at him with shock seeing that he knows what this weapon was)

Tenzin: Leo you know what this weapon is?

Leonardo: Yes in my world our enemies used this cannon to destroy lands except instead of firing spirit energy it fire gigantic metal bullets with ten times the fire power that could easily destroy an entire population with just one blast. Thankfully they were all destroyed a long time ago, but if this thing has the same arsenal as the ones from my world.

Opal: We could disable it!

Chief Beifong: Or destroy it, how dangerous were they in your world Leo?

Leonardo: Very dangerous, one hit from a cannon bullet and you are dead completely, done, turned to dust and no chance of surviving.(Everyone gulp in fear knowing if the cannon in Leo's world was dangerous maybe this one would be as well)

Tenzin who is this person who was not allowed in this building accept us council members and world leader? (Korra gave the man a glare while Leo looked like he wanted to vaporize him)

Tenzin: President Raiko this is Leonardo Morgan, the hero of Zaofu and the one who defeated Kurvira and her armies. Leo this is President Raiko of Republic City.

Raiko: You mean the one with the powers and the strength to take down an entire earth empire army, this is that Leonardo Morgan the one I heard on the news.

Leonardo: Yes I am, it is a pleasure to meet you President Raiko of Republic City.

Raiko: The pleasure is all mine Leonardo, what you did for Zaofu was the bravest thing that anyone could do.

Leonardo: Thank you sir

Raiko: Now than if Bataar Jr and this Guan have this weapon they might use it to attack Republic City, the only way to protect ourselves is with a preemptive strike.

Tenzin: My air benders won't be part of an unprovoked attack.

Neither Will the Fire Nation.

Leonardo: Who is that Korra?

Korra: That is fire lord Izumi, she is the daughter of lord Zuko and her son is general Iroh named after Zuko's uncle.(Korra saids to her boyfriend who understand now)

Raiko: But fire lord Izumi, Baatar Jr and Guan are threat to the world they must be stop!(Izumi was about to say something until Leonardo beat her to it)

Leonardo: Raiko, the fire nation has spent to much of their history fighting wars and what I can tell fire lord Izumi would not like to be dragged into another one unless there in no other choice, if you do fight the other members of the earth empire you will have to do it without her armies.(Everyone looked at Leonardo with surprise and amazement after saying such honorable words even Izumi finds Leonardo to be respectful to her people of the fire nation)

Korra: Leo, where did that come from?(Korra saids admiring what her boyfriend said)

Leonardo: I did my research on fire nation history, and what I can tell we do not want another world and dragging another nation into it, so I say we fortify security on the borders, and if things get out of hand I will be gladly to send the rest of the earth empire packing and have that weapon destroyed because no dam soldiers or big metal weapon would dare mess with me.

Mako: Hehehe, I like this guy

Izumi: Leonardo was it you proven yourself to an honorable human being, and I thank you for respecting my nations approval and with that Raiko you'll have my help.

Raiko: Very well, and Leonardo I would go with your idea Chief send word to general Iroh and have his men ready to protect Republic City while you Varrick go back to future industries with miss Sato and see if you create something to take down the weapon.

Varrick: Yes Sir!

Opal: Hey Bolin

Bolin: Listen Opal, I just want to say that I am sorry for everything that I have done, and I know you will not forgive me; I thought I was doing good but when I found out that Kurvira has gone too far I knew I had to get away from her as I can and I understand if you don't want to see me again or ever I understand.

Opal: Bolin I forgive you, and I had someone to let give you a second chance.

Bolin: You do and who?

Leonardo: That would be me my friend, and what I can tell from your good heart and aura you were at the right place and Opal was just upset you would turn out like Kurvira but she never stopped trying to bring you back, she loves you Bolin.

Bolin: Is that true Opal

Opal: Yes, I missed you so much Bolin and please never leave me again like promise me.

Bolin: I promise!! I missed you more than anything Opal!!

Opal: Hehehe, me too Bolin me too 💋(Opal saids and gives Bolin a kiss on the cheek)

Opal: Thanks for the advice Leo, I couldn't have him back without your respectful words.

Leonardo: You are welcome my friend, look for each other thats your greatest power.

Bolin: We will Leo, and thanks(Bolin thanks him as well and Leo nods and goes back with Korra who wasn't there)

Leonardo: Hey Mako where did Korra go?

Mako: She is outside probably getting some air

Leonardo: Thanks, and one more thing if Wu bothers you or anything just use this.

Mako: What is it?

Leonardo: Sleeping spray, one sprint and the guy is out for a least six hours.

Mako: I like the way you think, thanks Leo.

Leonardo: No problem now I have to see where Korra is.

Once Leonardo goes outside and sees no one, but emptiness until he felt a pair of hands touching him and pulling him close and the person was his girlfriend Korra who smashed her lips to his.

Korra: 💋I love you so much 💋(Korra saids while kissing Leo in which he kisses back)

Leonardo: I love you too Korra

Korra: What you said back there was the most honorable thing you could ever say, heck I bet what Raiko was about to say next would totally backfire.(Korra saids while holding hands with Leo)

Leonardo: Hehehe, yea I could tell by the sweat on his face that he was going to.

Korra: Still that was very sweet of you do step up and show us that we could finally take down the earth empire once and for all.

Leonardo: I do what I can Korra, besides you and everyone mean everything to me now and I would do anything to protect those I care about.

Korra: That was another reason why I fell in love with you Leo thanks 💋(Korra saids to Leo and kiss him on the cheek)

Leonardo: You are welcome Korra 💋(Leo saids and kisses Korra on the forehead)

Korra: Hey I was gonna tell you that I had an idea for whenever Bataar Jr attacks but I don't know if is a good plan.

Leonardo: What is your plan Korra?

Korra: Well I was thinking we could have the spirits fight along side us and help us against the earth empire since they are threatening them so much.

Leonardo: I don't think that is a good idea Korra.

Korra: Why not Leo would something happened if they would to fight?(Korra said looking down knowing something could go wrong)

Leonardo: Let's just say Korra spirits fighting in wars would lead to more chaos and destruction, because in my world an enemy of mine used spirits to destroy the entire world and if the spirits in this world fight in this war then it could lead to suffering and death, or worse if their power gets out of control they can destroy not only the spirit world but the fiscal world in the process. Trust me Korra you do not want that to happened and it took us two years to fix everything that my enemy did to our world and it could be longer for yours.(Leo said to Korra who looked scared at knowing what the spirits are capable of doing if being dragged into a war by force just like how Vaatu did when he turned them dark)

Korra: Sigh.....I guess your right Leo, these spirits don't deserve to be dragged into any wars they deserve to live in peace and harmony.

Leonardo: Thanks for understanding Korra, we don't want to doom the world now do we.

Korra: No we do not, but can I ask you something

Leonardo: Sure what is it Korra ask away?

Korra: I mention to you all my enemies that I can came across during as the Avatar but you never told me about yours why is that.

Leonardo:................(Leo doesn't say anything just looks away from Korra with anger in his eyes which Korra sees and she can tell something was making him upset)

Korra: Leo, did I say something wrong?

Leonardo: No.......I just don't like to talk about him and for what he did to my world.(Leo saids with a bit of anger and his hands crushed into fist)

Korra: Him?

Leonardo: I can't say his name, because I after what he has done to my world and after I destroyed him, I still can't tell people about the enemy I faced not even my family won't speak about him.

Korra: Leo, you can trust me and what did he do to your world and what made you so angry at him please I want to know so you could get it out of your system just like how you did with me.

Leonardo: Sigh.....alright but let's go somewhere more private

Korra: Ok

Leonardo: Grab on, I am about to teleport us to the place.(Leo saids to Korra and they both teleport to the location and it was Avatar Aang's memorial and they were on top of the statues head)

Korra: So who was this enemy of yours Leo?

Leonardo: His name was Supreme Leader Zorg and this is what he look like......(Leo shows Korra an image of Zorg and what Korra see brought shivers down her spine seeing another masked man just like Amon)

(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm)

Korra: Thats him.........the enemy of your world....

Leonardo: Yes, he was psycho path, a monster, and he has powers as well just like mine but darker and he used them to destroy the world along with his armies so he could build out his own empire as well but a group of heroes known as the Warriors and I was a member of the team and we all banded together and fought for the world but at a cost though.(Leonardo saids while looking down sad and Korra moved closer to him to comfort him)

Korra: What was the cost Leo

Leonardo: My grandmother Kiara the person I never told you about was killed by Zorg in front of my eyes, she sacrificed herself to give us time to defeat Zorg and his armies but now I can no longer see the sweat carrying and lovable person ever again.........I......I....😢.....I miss her so much Korra I really do........and I hated Zorg!! with all of my hatred!!!! It shouldn't been me and not her!!! why did she have to die!!! The reason I didn't tell any of you this was because I to was broken but more than ever, I am so sorry Korra I am sorry I never told you this.(Leo saids to Korra who looks on the verge of crying after hearing about what really happened to his grandmother and why he never said anything about his enemies)

Korra: Sniff😢......I'm sorry Leo, I didn't know you were also suffering this much pain and I am so sorry for what happened........😭 your grandmother, and it was my stupid fought for bringing this up to you, Leo I am sorry as well....😢......(Korra saids to Leo while crying and hugging him in which Leo hugged back)

Leonardo: No......😢 did the right thing and I had to let this out and I couldn't bundle it up inside me any more......if my grandmother was here with us I know she would love to meet you Korra and your friends.

Korra: What was she like like Leo before she died.....(Korra saids after wiping her tears away)

Leonardo: She had a beautiful smile that could bring people together, had such lovely dark brown hair with blue eyes that sparkle like the deep blue sea and such a kind heart, I have to say Korra you would never find such a wonderful human being like Kiara and even if she is no longer around she will always be up there in the heavens looking down on us and will also be in our hearts and our minds.

Korra: And she has a beautiful name as well, Kiara, that name sounds lovely in my ears.

Leonardo: Thanks Korra, and thank you for helping me to let the past go and move forward.

Korra: Just like you did for me, and you promise to be with me always.

Leonardo: I promise to be with you always Korra

Korra: I love you Leonardo Morgan grandson of Kiara

Leonardo: And I love you to Korra master of the four elements

💋(Both of them kiss each other and decided to head back to Air Temple Island)

Meanwhile in an unknown location:

Is the weapon ready for the test!(The person who saids this was none other than Baatar Jr)

Soldier 2: Yes sir we just finished the last adjustments to the weapon and it is fully operational.

Baatar Jr: Good let us begin the operation at once!

Soldier: Yes Sir! begin firing on our command!!

Soldier 2: As you wish!

Baatar Jr: Ready the spirit vine capsule and prepare to fire!!

Soldier: Yes Baatar!!(Soldier saids and loads the weapon with the spirit vine)

Soldier: It is ready Baatar!

Baatar Jr: Prepare to Fire on my mark!!

Soldier 2: Yes Sir!

They move the weapon into place and when the weapon located on it target which is a small abandoned town, Baatar Jr gives the word.

Baatar Jr: FIRE!!!

Once the weapon hits the town, it turned into nothing but dust which means the weapon is ready to be deployed and ready to destroy Republic City since Zaofu was a faller.

Soldier: Sir the weapon is a success!!

Baatar Jr: Good now can avenge of great leader and those who have fallen, and hope you are ready so called hero and Avatar because I am coming for you next.(Baatar Jr saids with an evil smirk)

Guan: Sir the second one is ready as well, shale we proceed to the next phase?

Baatar Jr: Yes commander Guan and you will be the one to pilot it since you are a metal bender after all and could easily take control of it.

Guan: Yes sir, long live the Earth Empire!

Soldiers: Long Live The Earth Empire!!

Next Chapter coming soon!

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