Celebration Party, Avatar's Parents, Singing

After the finale battle between the Earth Empire and Republic City, president Raiko was throwing a victory celebration party in honor of Leonardo Morgan who saved everyone from the weapon that the earth empire has created without the help from the Avatar and her friends to get all the people of the city to safety. Leonardo was proven to be a honorable alley to their world and will help the Avatar bring balance to the world along side the people who helped. 

(Same place where Korra had her party during season 1 of the show) 

Once everyone has arrived to the celebration along with people from Zaofu, president Raiko gave out his speech to Leonardo and those who defended Republic City.

Raiko: Tonight marks a beginning on a new era in Republic City as well as a new alley who bravely defended us from the wrath of the earth empire and their weapon. Leonardo Morgan we thank you for what you have done for Republic City as well as Zaofu and we look forward to having you here along side the Avatar and those who defended this city from the earth empire.(Raiko saids to everyone including Leo who raises his cup to honor the heroes bravery) 

Leonardo: Thank you president Raiko

Raiko: Leonardo, would you like to say a few words to the people of Republic City, including the people of Zaofu. 

Korra: Go on lets here your speech sweetie(Korra saids to her boyfriend) 

Mako: You earned Leo

Bolin: Yea dude get up there and share!

Asami: You better because otherwise people are gonna start chanting over and over. 

Leonardo: Ok ok I am going......of course president Raiko I would be honored to. 

With that Leonardo went on stage where everyone was clapping their hands to hear what the hero from another world has to say while everyone has their cameras out and ready to answer questions about who Leonardo is. 

Leonardo: Before I do my speech does anyone in this room have questions they would like to ask me? 

Reporter 1: Leonardo Morgan I have question!

Leonardo: Go ahead sir, ask me your question

Reporter 1: Leonardo since your arrival to our world, how do you defeat Kurvira and her armies? What kind of bending did you use to defeat her?

Leonardo: I am sorry to say this but I am not bender and I am not from your world.(When Leo saids this it brought confusion to most of the people except for the ones who already knows that Leo comes from another world) 

Reporter 2: So if you are not a bender then how did you defeat the earth empire? and what do you mean by your not from our world? 

Leonardo: The truth is everyone I come from another world, where there is no benders, the four nations don't exist, the spirit world and the Avatar don't exist either. I defeated Kurvira using powers that no bender can use or exist in your world, I inherit my powers from my grandfather Henry Morgan who was the greatest hero to save to not just my world but other worlds as well. Though if none of this stuff means anything to you, I will be more than happy to show you all my memories of my world so you can get an understanding of who I am and where I actually came from. 

Reporter 2: You would actually show us your memories about who you are? 

Leonardo: Of course, Avatar Korra and her friends already know about me since I already showed them my memories and now I would like to share my memories with all of you if you would like want to. 

Reporter 1: Leonardo, we would be honor to see how the person in front us became such a great hero of not only Zaofu but also Republic City! 

Everyone: Absolutely!! 

Leonardo: Very well then, now I need everyone to hold still while I will show you all my memories and don't be afraid it wont hurt you.(Leo saids to everyone who nods in agreement and begins to show them his memories when a big bright light appeared that covered the whole room) 

Once the light has dye down, everyone in the room except for Team Avatar were beyond amazed and shocked that the hero who saved them comes from another world, with highly invasive technology, uses his powers for good to help people all around his world, has a lovely family who are strong and brave just like him, seen how his world and their world are completely different from one another, also they have seen how Leonardo defeated the earth empire with using his powers and saving not only Zaofu but the avatar as well and for restoring her past lives, reconnecting to the spirit Raava, as well as fond over his title Savior Of The Universe which brought amazement to all the people of Republic City and to the people of Zaofu. They saw how his grandfather was great hero and was following in his foot steps to become something great. 

Citizen 1: Leonardo Morgan, your world is by far the most amazing place ever!!

Citizen 2: You have such incredible powers that you use to help people, and you used to them to save the Avatar along with the people of Zaofu!

Citizen 3: You are a hero to your people in your world just like the Avatar! 

Reporter 3: And your world has highly invasive technology, so thats how you defeated Baatar Jr and commander Guan by using an invasive mecha giant to take down the weapon! 

Reporter 1: Leonardo, you have proven yourself to a magnificent hero not only in your world but in ours as well, and is it true you will be helping the Avatar bring balance once again to the world. 

Citizen 4: If you are then we would not only have the Avatar but a hero from another world to bring peace and harmony to our world! 

Leonardo: Thank you all for believing in me, I think it was better to show you all where I came from then just saying it out loud, and as for your questions citizen and reporter. I will be helping Avatar Korra bring balance to your world and restore peace and freedom to all.(Leo saids to everyone and they begin to clap as well as his new friends and his girlfriend Korra) 

Leonardo: Thank you all, now I think it is time I give you all that speech you were looking for. 

Everyone in the room became silent when Leonardo is about to give out his speech to everyone including Korra who was ready to hear what her love is going to say. 

Leonardo: When I was a kid, I always dreamed of becoming a hero to my people ever since I seen my grandfather Henry Morgan in action whenever he is out saving the world from destruction and those who want to take over, I have admired my grandfathers heroic deeds for a very long time as well as my parents John and Kaitlyn Morgan who are the greatest people who made the person I am, and I couldn't thank them for turning me into the hero I was meant to be. When I first got these powers, I thought to myself that I would use them to help people but I realize something that my grandfather told with great power comes great responsibility, so I spent my entire life training to use my powers for good and not evil, so that I can protect those around me with the help of my Uncle Nicholas and my cousin Richard since my grandfather retired years ago and can no longer continue the work he did, so he past on the title Savior of the Universe to me and couple of years later I became the hero I was meant to be just like him. I saved hundreds of different words, fought huge armies that were ten times as powerful that this earth empire, strong enemies, terrifying beast, as well as demons; but I didn't do it alone, I had help from my team mates known as the Warriors and each one of them has the same powers as I do, my cousin Richard and his girlfriend Dana, my best friend Chris who has the power to control lightning and my friend Jennifer who can shape shifted into a giant wolf. Without them I wouldn't be able to defeat the enemies that try to bring harm to our world. And now that I have entered a new world where there are people who can control one of the four elements and one that is very beautiful can control all four at once, along with people who would like to live in peace and harmony together but still have their fare share of dangers; so I will say this to the people of the four nations, as long as I am still kicking and bashing no one from either world would be harmed as long as the Savior Of The Universe would be there to defend you from all that is evil.(Leo finished his speech and everyone is the room was amazed by his words and Korra showed signs of tears knowing that Leo would be here to bring balance along side her) 



Everyone: SAVIOR! SAVIOR! SAVIOR! SAVIOR!......................

Once Leonardo finished his speech and went down, and president Raiko gave the word and the celebration began. People from Republic City went up to Leonardo and shook his hand, got pictures with him and he even showed them his powers and kids got to meet Zara who was his wolf companion in which they really enjoyed seeing him in his tiny cute form. The police officers even got to know Leonardo's heroics as well as working with the police officers in his world which made them very impressed and look forward to working along side him. Asami's father was able to attend the party and he got to meet Leonardo and shared some of his ideas from his world that could make the company expend more in which Hiroshi was very fond of and thanks him for helping him getting back with his daughter so they can start all over again. Everyone was enjoying themselves including Korra's friends and family and speaking of family Korra wants Leonardo to meet her parents for the first time. So Korra was looking for Leonardo and finds him talking to some soldiers from the battle field, and she decides to go up to him and talk to him about meeting her parents. 

Korra: Hey Leo......

Leonardo: Oh hey Korra, wow I still can't get over how beautiful you look in that dress.(Leo saids which made Korra blush) 

Korra: Hehehe, thanks you look very handsome in that outfit, I think blue is a good look for you.

Leonardo: Hehehe, thanks I wanted to wear something that would look decent. 

Korra: I can tell, but anyway there is something I want to ask you Leo.

Leonardo: Sure what is it Korra? 

Korra: I want to introduce you to my parents if that is ok with you?

Leonardo: Korra, I would love to meet the people who raised such a beautiful and strong woman like yourself, and besides I do want you to meet my parents as well when we get the chance. 

Korra: Thanks Leo!, come on I will walk you to them. 

Leonardo: Whatever my lady wishes

With that Korra while holding on to Leonardo were walking around the party until they spotted two people wearing water tribe clothing, one was a strong man that looks like a great leader and the other was a beautiful woman who shares similarities to Korra which means that these two are Korra's parents. So the couple begins to walk towards them and Korra's parents see them and began walking towards them as well. 

Korra: Leo I want you to meet my parents from the southern water tribe, mom, dad, this is Leonardo Morgan the guy I been telling you about and the person who saved me from Kurvira.(Korra saids to her parents and her father was the first one to greet this find young man and his name was Tonraq) 

Tonraq: It is a pleasure to meet the hero who saved my daughters life, my name is Tonraq chief of the southern water tribe.(Tonraq saids and offers Leo a handshake in which Leo shook in the way of their tribes greeting) 

Leonardo: The pleasure is all mine Tonraq and it is an honor to meet the father of this special woman next to me.(Leo saids as he grabs Tonraq's hand in the way all the water tribes greet their new people) 

Tonraq: Hahaha, whoah that is quite the grip you go there Leonardo! 

Leonardo: Hehehe, what can I say super strength. 

Tonraq: I can see that but anyway, I wan to thank you for helping Korra in her tough times as well as restoring her past lives including her connection to Raava; you are good man Leonardo. 

Leonardo: Thank you Tonraq and I will do anything to protect your daughter, she means everything to me, and if anyone who tries to harm her on the people she cares about they would have to go through me first.(Leo saids and Tonraq was impressed by this boys attitude and wouldn't mind Korra marry someone with that kind of fighting spirit) 

Tonraq: I like your attitude Leonardo, you show courage and bravery like a true warrior. And you have my blessing to marry my daughter, because you have what it takes to be someone who would do anything to protect the ones you love.(Tonraq saids which made Korra blush really red knowing she would also like to marry Leo some day) 

Korra: DAD!!(Korra saids while blushing red out of embarrassment) 

Leonardo: Uh......I will give that some time to think about.....

Tonraq: Take all the time you need, and if you are ever in the southern water tribe, hows you and I go hunting together. 

Leonardo: I would like that Tonraq very much, and now you must be Korra's mother.(Leo saids to Korra's mother and her name is Senna) 

Senna: Yes I am, my name is Senna and it is pleasure to meet you Leonardo. 

Leonardo: Please you can call me Leo, a lot of my friends and family do. 

Senna: It sounds beautiful to my ears, I also want to thank you for saving my daughters life and for the people of Zaofu and Republic City.(Senna saids and wents up to hug Leo in which Leo hugged back) 

Leonardo: It is what heroes like me do Senna, and I will always protect those in need of help. 

Senna: That is why you are such a good man, and will do anything to help people, you have such an honorable heart.(Senna saids to Leo who shows a tear on his face which Korra and her parents saw) 

Korra: Leo what is wrong?(Korra said a little worry) 

Leonardo: No......it is just that your mother reminds me so much of my grandmother Kiara, with her kinds words and sweet smile who loves the people around her. 

Tonraq: It seams like your grandmother was a wonderful person to be loved by all. 

Leonardo: Yea she was..........(Tonraq sees this and so does Senna and they know that his grandmother was no longer with him) 

Tonraq: I am sorry I didn't know.........

Leonardo: It is ok Tonraq, even though she is no longer around, she will always be my heart and up there in the clouds looking down on me.

Senna: Your grandmother would be proud of who you turned out to be Leo. 

Leonardo: Thank you Senna, that mean a lot to me. 

Senna: Also you have my blessing to marry my daughter and of course I would like some beautiful grand children, so I can be very happy.(Senna saids to Leo which made him and Korra blush really red which both Tonraq and Senna giggled at their embarrassment) 


Leonardo: Oh great not she sounding just like my own mother who also wants me to give her grandchildren as well just great.(Leo saids and looks down in embarrassment) 

Senna: Hehehe, well me and Tonraq better go talk with the other guess, it was nice meeting you my future son in law. 

Tonraq: Also one more thing, if you ever.........

Leonardo: Sir I will not hurt your daughter, I love her with all my heart and I will protect for the rest of my life until my dying day. 

Korra: Leo....❤️(Korra saids with love and smiles) 

Tonraq: Hahaha, thats what I like to hear from my future son in law, you to take care of yourselves and visits us sometime along with our grand kids. 

Leonardo:........Sure will do.........

Korra: I feel like fainting right now..........

Once Korra's parents left the two couples couldn't believe how embarrassed they looked after the whole having kids, marriage thing. 

Korra: I feel so embarrassed right now!!!(Korra blushing more) 

Leonardo: Were both gonna feel more embarrassed when you meet my parents. 

Korra: Oh my spirits.........

Leonardo: Yea..................

Korra: Hey enough of that stuff, everyone is getting ready for the dance would you like to go dancing. 

Leonardo: I have better idea, and you are gonna join in. 

Korra: What are planing Leo?

Leonardo: You and I are gonna go up on that stage and sing to these people. 

Korra: What?!! Leo I can't sing and never done it before.....

Leonardo: Korra, you have a beautiful voice and I know you can do it. 

Korra: No I can't

Leonardo: Yes you can

Korra: No I can't

Leonardo: Yes you can

Korra: No I can't

Leonardo: Yes you can

Korra: No I can't!!

Leonardo: No you can't

Korra: Yes I can

Leonardo: No you can't 


Leonardo: Ok you win, lets get going 

Korra: Ok lets go!

Leonardo: Follow me


Leonardo: The old switch trick, works like a charm

Korra: I hate you......

Leonardo: I love you to my Avatar

Korra: Sigh......I love you as well

Korra and Leonardo wen up to the stage and got the Wei and Wing along with Huan to play the instruments just like in Zaofu. Once everyone was looking towards the stage including team avatar as well as Korra's parents who are looking at their daughter with surprise as well as Tenzin and his family. 

Leonardo: Hello everybody tonight I will be performing a song along with Avatar Korra here and yes she will be singing along side me.(Leo saids and everyone looks surprise that the hero is gonna sing them a song along with Korra which Korra's friends and family would like to hear what Korra and Leo sound like) 

Korra: Leo.......I am not sure......(Korra a little scared) 

Leonardo: Don't worry you read the lyrcis to the song all you have to do is believe in yourself. 

Korra: Ok, I trust you

Leonardo: Excellent!, so people of Zaofu and Republic City are you all ready to hear what the hero from another world and the Avatar can sound like on stage!!

Everyone: Yesss!!!! 

Leonardo: Then let's get this celebration on the way!, 3.2.1 hit it boys.

The music starts playing and the song is called rewrite the stars from the movie The Greatest Showman. 


Lyrics with the character saying the words: 


You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide
I know you want me
So don't keep sayin' our hands are tied
You claim it's not in the cards
And fate is pullin' you miles away
And out of reach from me
But you're here in my heart
So who can stop me if I decide
That you're my destiny?What if we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine
Nothing could keep us apart
You'd be the one I was meant to find
It's up to you, and it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
So why don't we rewrite the stars?
Maybe the world could be ours


You think it's easy
You think I don't wanna run to you
But there are mountains
And there are doors that we can't walk through
I know you're wondering why because we're able to be
Just you and me within these walls
But when we go outside, you're gonna wake up and see
That it was hopeless after allNo one can rewrite the stars
How can you say you'll be mine?
Everything keeps us apart
And I'm not the one you were meant to find
It's not up to you
It's not up to me
When everyone tells us what we can be
How can we rewrite the stars?
Say that the world can be ours

(Leonardo and Korra)

All I want is to fly with you
All I want is to fall with you
So just give me all of you
It feels impossible
It's not impossible
Is it impossible?
Say that it's possibleHow do we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine?
Nothing can keep us apart
'Cause you are the one I was meant to find
It's up to you
And it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
And why don't we rewrite the stars?
Changing the world to be ours


You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide
But I can't have you
We're bound to break and my hands are tied

(Song by Zac Efron and Zendaya)

Once the song was finished everyone in the room including team Avatar couldn't believe their eyes and ears that Leonardo could sing amazingly while Korra sang magnificent even her parents showed tears at how beautifully their daughter can sing. Tenzin and his family were amazed that both Leonardo and Korra sang incredible together which made his girls including his wife Pema cry after hearing their voices. Wu was the first to say something. 



Everyone: BRAVO!! 

Asami: Korra!! you are amazing!!!

Mako: Awesome singing Leo!!

Opal and Bolin: Awesome!!!

Lin: I give the kid credit if has an outstanding singing voice and Korra as well. 

Raiko: I agree

Suyin: So beautiful 

Bumi: This kid impresses me even more!!

Kya: Such a wonderful song that was 

Leonardo: Your were amazing Korra, I love you so much

Korra: You were also amazing to Leo and I love you too 

💋(Both kissed and everyone cheered) 

Leonardo: Thank you everybody now how would you all like to dance to one of my favorite songs in which me and a friend of mine from my world would be happy to sing for all you good people! 

Korra: Whose you bring! 

Leonardo: I will show you, ladies and gentleman, boys and girls say hello to my good friend and music song writter Lionel Richie!!

Korra: NO WAY!!!(Korra saids with excitement and with that Lionel made his way to the stage) 

Lionel Richie: Hows it going everybody from another world and to you too Korra!! 


Leonardo: Hey LR ready to show these people a good time!

Lionel Richie: You know it my friend! alright people this song is one of my favorites and it is called dancing on the ceiling!! 

Leonardo: Ready boys!! and 1.2.3 hit it!! 

The song begins to play and both Leonardo and Lionel Richie begin to sing while everyone was cheering and Korra joined her friends to dance to the song. 


Lyrics with boy Leonardo and Lionel Richie singing: Ps the second guy singing with Lionel his name is Rascal Flatts so he will be Leonardo. 

(Lionel R)

Come on everybody! Everybody! WAAAHOOOOO!! COME ON

I say
What is happening here
Something's going on that's not quite clear


Somebody turn on the lights, yeah
We're gonna have a party
It's starting tonight

(Leonardo and Lionel R) 

Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceilingThe room is hot and that's good (and that's good)
Some of my friends came by from the neighborhood
The people startin' a climb the walls
Ooh it looks like everybody is having a ball
Woo-oh, what a feeling (oh, what a feeling)
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Woo-oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling (oh, what a feeling)
When we're dancing on the ceiling (we're dancing on the ceiling)
Woo-oh, what a feeling (Woo-oh, what a feeling)
When we're dancing on the ceiling (we're dancing on the ceiling, yeah)Woo
Come on!

(Everyone begins dancing and cheering on the two singing even Korra couldn't can't but dance to this awesome music not even her friends and family who all got up and danced to the music) 

Everybody start to lose control
When the music is right
If you see somebody
If you see somebody hangin' around
Don't get uptight
The only thing we want to do tonight
Is go 'round and 'round
And turn upside down, yeahCome on!
So come on! (Yeah, come on)
Let's get loose
Don't hold back
'Cause ain't no use (ain't no use)
It's hard to keep your feet on the ground
'Cause when we like to party
We only want to get down
Woo-oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Woo-oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Woo-oh, what a feeling (oh, what a feeling)
When we're dancing on the ceiling (when we're dancing on the ceiling)
Oh, what a feeling (oh, what a feeling)
Dancing (when we're dancing on the ceiling)

(Korra and her friends joined Leonard and Lionel R dance floor and dance like there is not tomorrow) 

She's dancing
Dancing on the ceiling
Woo-oh (dancing)
Woo-oh (dancing)
Oh, yeah
Good job my brothers

(Song by Lionel Richie) 

When the song has ended, everyone is the room went completely nuts over such an amazing song and everyone cheered both Leonardo and Lionel Richie for their performance and even Korra got to go up the stage and hug both of them showing that she loved the song very much and she got to meet Lionel Richie in person along with her friends and family. Leonardo even took a selfie of Korra and Lionel Richie together which made Korra really happy. 

After the song was finished and everyone settled down and Leonardo sent Lionel Richie back home, Leonardo put on one last song and it is the same song that Korra and Leonardo dance to when they first met in Zaofu. 

Leonardo: Ok everyone this is the finale song for the day and it is the song that me and Korra danced to when she I first met.(Leo saids to everyone and Korra blushes and takes her hand to the dance floor to dance to the music called Remember Me This Way by Jordan Hill) 

Leonardo: Would you care to dance to the song you and I dance to when we first met my Avatar.

Korra: I would love you my Savior

With that Leonardo played the song and everyone got onto the dance floor and began to dance to the song with their partners and love ones. 



Every now and then
We find a special friend
Who never lets us down
Who understands it all
Reaches out each time you fall
You're the best friend that I've foundI know you can't stay
A part of you will never ever go away
Your heart will stayI'll make a wish for you
And hope it will come true
That life would just be kind
To such a gentle mind
If you lose your way
Think back on yesterday
Remember me this way
Remember me this wayI don't need eyes to see
The love you bring to me
No matter where I go
And I know that you'll be there
Forever more a part of me, you're everywhere
I'll always careAnd I'll be right behind your shoulder watching you
I'll be standing by your side and all you do
And I won't ever leave
As long as you believe
You just believeI'll make a wish for you
And hope it will come true
That life would just be kind
To such a gentle mind
If you lose your way
Think back on yesterday
Remember me this way
Remember me this way

(Song by: Jordan Hill) 

After the song was done, Leonardo and Korra looked into each other eyes and shared a look showing that they will always be together and that they will look out for each other no matter what happens. 

Leonardo and Korra: I love you...........💋(Both kissed and the celebration party was a success) 

Next Chapter coming soon! 

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