A Warrior and An Avatar meeting!

It is the year 2042 where everything is running smoothly and there are no problems happening at the moment. A young man by name of Leonardo Morgan who a crime fighting hero who is enjoying his day off from super hero duty along with his animal companion Zara in which both of them are at the park enjoy a nice sunny day but Leo brung his sword along with his gadgets to summon his vehicles and jaeger just in case something bad happens but there is no sign of danger. After the defeat of their enemy Supreme Leader Zorg, the earth is finally at peace which means no more chaos or wars to fight. Until something was gonna happen to the warrior that would change his life forever.

Leonardo: Man what a day this is, nothing like relaxing after fighting crime and saving cities from wars and dangerous villains just perfect am I right Zara.(Leonardo saids while relaxing under a tree reading his favorite book, An Adventure Beyond Other Worlds)

Zara: BARK! BARK!(Zara Barked while sleeping next to his owner)

While both of them were enjoying their days off, Leonardo's comer was ringing and decided to answer. The person who was calling was his cousin Richard Roberts who was telling him that Leo and Zara can take the rest of the year off since there are no more wars to fight after defeating Supreme Leader Zorg and his armies.

Leonardo: Yea Richard, you need something?

Richard Roberts: No just letting you know you and Zara can take the rest of the year off since there are no more wars to fight so enjoy your long vacation and try not to have too much fun ok Richard out.

Leonardo: Sweet!! a whole year off that is awesome, can you believe buddy we have all the time to ourselves.

Zara: BARK!

Leonardo: And best news is nothing can ruin this amazing day absolutely nothing!!(Leo saids while going back to read his book until something did ruin the moment for the both of them)

BOOM!!(After the huge blast both Leo and Zara got startled by what was in front of them, a huge portal just appear out of nowhere and something tells me that Leo and Zara are about to go back to work anytime soon)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Zara: GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!(Zara was growling at the strange portal that just appear out of nowhere)

Leonardo: OH COME ON!! First I got a year off from doing crime fighting and now this strange portal appears out of nowhere great just great!!(Leo saids to himself and then something starts happening to him that made him and Zara look in shock, they are being pulled into the strange portal)


Leonardo: YEA I KNOW WERE BEING SUCKED IN, WHAT YOU THINK I AM TRYING TO DO!!(Leo yells at his companion while trying to stop him and himself from being sucked into a portal that appear in front of them)(But it was too late they begin to be sucked right in the portal)



Leonardo: HANG ON TIGHT BUDDY WERE GONNA BE OK!! I think?(Leo saids to Zara who grabs onto him and sees where the portal is taking them)

Leonardo: This is gonna be a really long vacation and bad one if it turns out like this.(Leonardo saids in thought) 

While both Leonardo and Zara were crossing through the portal a strange light appear in front of them which means they are about to enter a totally new world which could change both their lives forever. When they reached the light, they close their eyes to avoid the brightness until they release they are falling.



Leonardo: OW!!(Leo saids after he and Zara hit the ground and sees a bright sunset sky)

Leonardo: Huh? what.....what just happen....where are we?

Zara: Bark!

Leonardo: Yea I know we fell out the portal but where did it take us though?(Leonardo saids as he looks around his surroundings and sees something that is beyond anything he could possibly imagine)

Leonardo: Ok this all new to me, I never seen this mountain range before and whats that over there though?(Leonardo saids as he and Zara looks towards the cliff edge and sees something that is absolutely incredible and yet he never seen such wonders in his life)(What he was seeing in front of him was a beautiful city made entirely out of metal and steal)

Leonardo: Woah!, Zara are seeing this, this is something out of the ordinary. I mean look at this place its amazing and yet I kind of have a feeling that the portal we got sucked into must of brung us into a totally different world because I am checking my scans and this world doesn't look anything like our earth except this world has north and south pole which is similar to ours but different from some reason. Here take a look boy and you can see that this earth is totally different from ours.(Leonardo saids to his companion while showing him an image of this world and theirs)

(Avatars Earth)

(Leonardo's Earth)


Leonardo: Yea I know strange right, but importantly this world looks really.........(Leonardo was gonna say something else until he heard something that coming from the fields near the city)

Leonardo: What was that just now? Did you hear that as well boy.

Zara: Bark!(Zara saids to his friend while pointing his head to where the noise is coming from)

Leonardo: What are you looking at boy I mean...........(Leonardo was cut off when he looks to where Zara was looking at and what he saw was a huge army along with tanks, strange robot suits, weird looking aircrafts, and their looking towards two people who are fighting)

(The Earth Empire)

Leonardo: Hmmm...looks like we been dragged into another war zone buddy, which means there is going to be chaos and that is totally not good.

Zara: Bark!

Leonardo: Couldn't agree more, but who are these guys cheering let me use my super hearing.

While Leonardo was using his super hearing, he got something from the soldiers saying (All hal the great unitor show that weak Avatar what true power is all about)(All hal Kuvira!)(So Avatar ready to give up the fight so easily)(I am not letting take over Zaofu Kuvira!! and hurt innocent people)(So be it Avatar once I done with you, Zaofu will be mine and you and Suyin along with everyone else will bow to me)After Leonardo heard everything he needed to hear and shows that this Kuvira is a dictator and this Avatar is some sort of hero but he never heard of an Avatar before well since he is from anaother world and of course he wouldn't know but that doesn't mean that he should help her and the people who live in that city.

Leonardo: What you think Zara should we go down there and help this Avatar person, I mean she could use some help right about now and I might be excited to take down another army all by myself.

Zara: BARK! BARK!(Zara barks in agreement)

Leonardo: Then what are we waiting for let's get down there and show this Kuvira what my power is all about.(Leonardo saids to Zara who nods and Leo uses his teleportation powers to get to where the Avatar and Kuvira are standing)

Meanwhile with the fight between the Avatar and Kuvira:

Korra aka the new Avatar was feeling totally weak in the fight against Kuvira, trapped in a large rock that constricted her while the earth empire dictator was going to launch her metal blades at the injured Avatar while on the other side two girls wearing red and yellow outfits were watching the horror that was gonna happen to their friend.

Jinora: Korra!! you gotta break free!!

Opal: GO INTO THE AVATAR STATE AND FINISH HER OFF!!(Opal screams to her friend who still looked banged up)

Korra: I can't move.......I just can't

Kurvira: Looks like it is time to end this once and for all!!(Kurvira begins to show her blades to Korra and begins to strike her down)

Opal and Jinora: NOOOO KORRA!!

Kurvira: SAY GOODBYE AVATAR KORRA!!(Kurvira threw her blades at the Korra but something happened that shocked her and she couldn't believe who just appeared in front of her out of nowhere)


When the person known as Leonardo Morgan appeared in front of the earth empire leader, everyone including Avatar couldn't believe what they were seeing which brought shocked faces of both Opal, Jinora, Korra, Suyin, including her sons of how a total stranger appeared out of nowhere and looked strange to them.

Opal: J....J...Jin..Jinora did you see what I just saw or am I just seeing things because right now a total strange guy appeared out of nowhere and how did he do that?!

Jinora: Um.......um.....I'm still.....puzzling of how did this guy just appeared out of nowhere? How is that possible more importantly who is he, I never seen anyone with that kind of clothing or red hair before.(Jinora saids while looking at Leonardo with shock while Korra on the other hand could believe who was in front of her)

Korra: Argh.......What.....what...just happened? (Korra said in thought while looking at the stranger standing in front of her)

Korra: Um excuse but who are you and how did you just appear like that?(Korra said to Leonardo who turns his head around towards her and when Korra got a good look at his face she blushed at the site she was seeing)

Leonardo: I can answer your questions later Angel but right now let's get you out of that thing and I will take you back to your friends.(Leonardo saids as he approached Korra and got her out of the dirt prison)(Leonardo then carried her bridal style which Korra blushed at what he was doing)

Korra: Wait!.....what are you?

Leonardo: Well your injured and you can barely walk so it's a mans job to carry the person who got banged up pretty hard.(Leonardo saids to Korra who looks at him with a small smile and then he walks towards Opal and Jinora)

Leonardo: Excuse me, are you two this girls friends by any chance.

Jinora: Yes we are but who are you and how did you just appear like that?

Opal: I never seen someone who can just appear out of nowhere like that.

Leonardo: I can answer your questions later right now your friend here needs you more.(Leonardo saids as he puts down Korra gently while the two girls look at him with confusion and wanted some answers but he was right Korra is in need of help)

Korra: Oww!! Oww!!

Opal: Korra are you ok

Korra: No I am pretty banged up right now, I can't even move my body.

Jinora: We need to get you a doctor right away.(Jinora saids to Korra but than Leonardo steps forward and kneels down to Korra height and the girls look at him with more confusion)

Leonardo: I can help with you that, and your name is Korra.

Korra: Yea thats my name

Leonardo: Thats a beautiful name for a girl with blue eyes

Korra: Um thanks I think but what you mean by I can help you with that.(Korra blushed at what Leo said to her and asked him about his question)

Leonardo: Hold still(Leo said while a green bright light appeared in his hand which brought the girls in more shocked)

Korra: What what what you gonna do?!

Leonardo: Just be silent for a while and let me do my thing.

Opal: What are you gonna do to our friend?

Leonardo: Healing Star through sent in flight, bring the brightest of blessing this day, send this healing light from above, and surround this girl now in healing love!!(Leo saids the healing words and then a green light appeared all around Korra who looked even more shocked but then her injuries were starting to heal and she couldn't believe what she was seeing)

Leonardo: There you go good as new, you should be able to move now.(Leo said to Korra who begins to get and what Opal and Jinora couldn't believe what they were seeing, Korra injuries were gone and she was good as new even Korra looked beyond shocked to what the man in front of her did)

Korra: I'm......I'm healed!! how did you do that, I never seen a person who do that kind of healing!(Korra saids with shocked and amazement)

Opal: You healed her but you didn't use water bending?!

Jinora: Unbelievable!

Leonardo: Like I said before I'll answer your questions after you fill me in on what is going on here.

Jinora: Well to make the story short, the person behind you is Kuvira and she is trying to conquer Zaofu for her so called Earth Empire and has Opal's mother and sons trapped and we thought Korra was strong enough to stop but I guess that didn't went so well.

Opal: Kurvira has taken things too far and now she is not gonna stop until she gives up her power.

Korra: I thought I was strong enough to beat her but I guess I was wrong, I still feel weak.(Korra saids looking down and Leo sees this and puts a hand on her shoulder)

Leonardo: Hey you are not weak Korra, you were just out of shape thats all besides you did show courage and bravery as well as showing that you will not give up on these people who live in this city.(Leo saids to Korra who couldn't believe the words he said to her and it made her feel better before he turns to Kurvira and walks towards her direction)

Jinora: Hey where you going?!

Leonardo: Stay there I'll take care of this Kurvira and her armies.(Leo saids to the girls who looked at him with utter shock)


Opal: Kurvira already took down Korra how can you stop her, your just noraml guy with a sword.

Leonardo: Yea but she and her army are to feel my strength and power.(Leo said while continue to walk towards Kurvira and her army)

Opal: What did he mean by his strength and power?

Jinora: He must be bender as well but which one though.

Korra: What is this guy thinking....if I couldn't beat Kurvira how could he can.(Korra thought while looking towards the guy walking towards Kurvira)

Kurvira: Who is this guy, and how did he just appear in front of me? and what did he do to the Avatar just now?(Kurvira thought while looking at the stranger that was walking towards her)

Kurvira: Whoever you are, you are not welcome to my Earth Empire for disrupting my fight against the Avatar! Also what is your name if you are worthy of facing me?

Leonardo stands in front of her army and crossed his arms and smirks his name

Leonardo: My name is Leonardo Morgan and I sagest you turn your asses around and leave this place before things get ugly and by the way whats with the outfit are you going to a costume party or something because those are worst outfits I seen in my life.(Leo saids to Kurvira who looked mad of what he said to her and her army while Korra, Opal, and Jinora hide their smirks of what Leo said to Kurvira)

Kurvira: Leonardo Morgan?, it sounds like a worthy name and how dare you insult me and my army! How dare you insult us!! Boss wipe the floor with this new guy!! While the screaming was continuing Jinora, Korra, and Opal found out the strangers name and thought it was a great name for someone like him.

Jinora: Leonardo Morgan? That sounds like a great name for a guy for someone like him.

Suyin: Leonardo? hmmm...that sounds like a worthy name to me.

Korra: Leonardo Morgan sounds like an amazing name for a guy like him who that good looking.

Opal: What did you say Korra?

Korra: Nothing! nothing! I didn't say anything!(Korra blushed)

Kurvira: I hope you release who you are dealing with Leonardo.

Leonardo: Oh I think I know who I am dealing with.

Kurvira: Oh really then tell me(Kurvira smirked)

Leonardo: Ok, I am dealing with a stuck up bitch who can't conquer a city and is wearing a ridiculous outfit and toy soldiers who are wimps who are wearing buckets on their heads. Also your not that strong your really aren't, you are sore looser and you soldiers are pathetic.(Leo saids to Kurvira and her army who looked shocked and angry of what he just said to them while Suyin and her sons giggled of what the young man in front of them just said as well as Korra, Opal, and Jinora)

Wei: Hahahahaha!, I like this guys attitude!!

Wing: He's awesome!!

Kurvira: HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME YOU WORM!!(Kurvira yells at Leo then charges at him but to only to be in shock that he vanished)

Kurvira: Huh?....what....where....where..did he go?(Kurvira looked both ways but couldn't find her target)

Opal: Guys did you see what I just saw(Opal looked shocked)

Korra: I didn't see anything.....where did he go?

Jinora: I don't know, I never seen someone disappear that quick.

While Kurvira was looking for Leonardo her soldiers were questioning of what was happening while guarding Suyin, Wei, and Wing.

Soldier 1: That was strange did you guys see what just happened?

Soldier 2: Not a clue but........(The soldier didn't get to finished because someone was tapping his shoulder and when he turned around he looked completely shocked)

Leonardo: How you doing boys!

Soldier 3: WHAT THE HOW YOU GET BEHIND US!!(The soldier yelled while Suyin and her sons looked at Leo with complete utter shock that he appeared in front of them)


Korra: Unbelievable how did he get way over there!

Jinora: Wow just wow!

Kurvira: How did he get way over there now?! It's impossible!

Leo turns to face Suyin and smiles at her

Leonardo: I take that your Opal's mother and your her brothers am I corrected.

Suyin: Yes my name is Suyin and these are my sons Wei and Wing

Wei: Dude how did you get here so quick?

Wing: That was some move you got there.

Leonardo: Pleasure to meet you three and now let's get you back to your daughter and one thing don't freak out about what I am going to do.(Leo saids to Suyin and the boys who looked confused until Leo touches the cells and then he disappeared along with the three which brought the soldiers in utter shock)



Soldier 6: I don't think this guy is a bender?

Soldier 7: THEN WHAT IS HE?!

While the soldiers were arguing about what Leo was, Leo reappeared again next to Korra, Opal, and Jinora who were flabbergasted of what they just saw including Suyin and her sons.

Jinora: Oh my spirits!

Opal: You can teleport!!

Suyin: How could someone like you massage to do the impossible?

Wei and Wing: Woah totally awesome!!

Korra: Not only he healed me with some green light but he also teleport as well, I am definitely gonna ask him how he did that.(Korra said in thought with some excitement)

Leonardo: Yea pretty cool right now if you excuse me I have to take down psycho chick and her armies.(Leo said while freeing Suyin and her sons but than Suyin stop him)

Suyin: Were fight her together

Opal: Yea let's go

Leonardo: No stand down I will take care of this besides I delt with armies and dictators before and these guys won't last that long.

Suyin: But Leo....

Leonardo: Just sit back and enjoy the show besides you guys are in no condition to fight her and her armies and also look after Zara for me he's my wolf companion. (Leo saids to everyone while walking back to Kurvira)

Suyin: Whose Zara?(Suyin asked while she hears her daughter giggling and turns to see a giant black wolf licking her face)

Opal: Hahahahahaha!, come on cut it out that tickles.

Korra: I never seen a wolf that big before? he's like Naga size.

Suyin: I take thats Zara?

While everyone was keeping Zara company, Leo walks back to the fight and see Kurvira even more frustrated than before.


Leonardo: Maybe because your just too stupid to think for a minute.

Kurvira: I had enough of you as it is, metal soldier deal with him.

Metal suit 1: Right great uniter!!

Leonardo: You gotta be kidding me?(She is sending these rust buckets)

Kurvira: Hahahaha! I hope you are ready to surrender Leonardo!!

Leonardo: Seriously you are sending your toy man do stop me, hahahahahaha oh man I can not believe how stupid you are.

Metal Suit 1: HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TOO OUR GREAT LEADER NOW!! DI................(He didn't get to finish because Leo slaped him away and he went flying)

Leonardo: Enough already geez..(Slapped!)

Metal Suit 1: AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!(The guy yelled so much that he was out of site and the soldiers looked at Leo with horror that someone slapped a mecha suit and it went flying far away from Zaofu)




Wei and Wing: WOAH!(both of their jaws hit the ground)

Korra: I didn't know he had that kind of strength?!

While team Avatar was looking at the attack with awe, Kurvira couldn't believe what she just saw. Her soldier was slapped by this new guy and he went flying out of Zaofu, she couldn't believe what she just seen in front of her eyes.

Kurvira: How....how.....could....this man....do that....to a mecha suit....with just one slap?!



Soldier 3: KURVIRA HOW DO YOU WANNA HANDLE THIS!!(The soldier said to their leader but she didn't respond because she was still shocked of what that man with the red hair just did to her soldier)


Mecha Suits: YES GREAT UNITER!!(The mecha suits charge at Leo who smirked and did something that would not only shocked them but terrify them)

Leonardo: I GUESS I HAVE TO GO DINO ON YOUR ASSES!!(When he said that he confused the soldiers including team avatar but then saw something happening to Leo, he was transforming into something they never seen before)

Opal: What is happening to him?

Jinora: He's transforming into something but I don't know what?

Korra: Woah he can shape shift as well?!

Suyin: But what is he turning into that confuses me?

When Leo finished transforming into his dino form it brung shivers down everyones spine and saw what he has become and let out a mighty roar. Leo transformed into a Spinosaurus.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Spinosaurus from Jurassic World 3)

When Leo transformed into the dinosaur, it brought shivers and horror to the soldiers including team avatar after Leo let out that roar and saw how big and and terrifying the creature he turned into.



Leo-Dino: ROAAAARRRR!!!!(Leo roars and charges at the mecha suits with great force)

Mecha Suit 3: NO NO STAY AWAY!! AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!(The soldier didn't finish because he was wracked by Leo's tail and went flying into the other soldiers who got damage due to the strength)

Leo-Dino: ROAAARRRR!!!!!(Leo charge at all the mecha suits and destroyed them all meaning Leo took down all the mecha suits that Kurvira had due to Leo's dino form)

When team Avatar looked upon the site they couldn't believe what they just saw, Leo took down 1000 mecha suits all by himself in his creature form which brought shocking faces to all but Korra was amazed of how Leo did all of that and wonder what other abilities he has.

Jinora: Lin is going to have a hard time seeing this.

Opal: I can not believe Leo can also shape shift into something so big and yet terrifying.

Suyin: And used it to take down all of Kurvira's mecha suits, incredible.

Wei and Wing: GO LEONARDO!!

After Leo finished off the mecha suits he transformed back into his human form and had smirk on his face.

Leonardo: Wooooo!! man now that is what I am talking about!! Hey Kurvira is that all you got!!

Kurvira couldn't even speak of what Leo did to her mecha suit soldiers because absolutely terrified of what this man turned into and it brought shivers down her spine but she let it go and look at Leo with more hatred.

Kurvira: I WILL MAKE YOU PAY!! YOU DESTROYED MY MECHA SUITS AND NOW I WILL CRUSH YOU!! EARTH EMPIRE LET US SHOW THIS FREAK WHAT THE FULL MIGHT THE EARTH EMPIRE IS CAPABLE OFF!!(With that Kurvira and her soldiers used all of their strength to lift a giant boulder the size of mountain and began to hover it over Leo who only smirked again while team avatar looked upon horror that their savior is about to be crushed)

Kurvira: NOW DIE!!!(Kurvira as her and her men dropped the huge boulder on Leo and crushed him and team avatar couldn't believe that their hero has been crushed)

Jinora: Leonardo NO!!

Suyin: Our hero has fallen.......

Wei and Wing: LEO!!

Opal: LEO.......

Korra: Leo......noo.please....no....😭(Korra saids while crying)



Jinora: Leo please don't die.....

Korra: Please don't be dead please............(Korra still crying)

Team Avatar were upset that their hero has fallen while the the Earth Empire celebrated

Kurvira: Now then let's get back to where we................(Kurvira was about to say something until she heard a something coming from the boulder)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Leonardo: GRRRRAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!(Leo screams while lifting the huge boulder with the help of his super strength while the earth empire and team avatar couldn't believe their eyes that the hero is alive and holding the boulder above his head)

Kurvira: But.....but...but...how...there is no way he is that strong to hold something that heavy.(Kurvira said while shocked and horrified of what she is seeing)

Korra couldn't believe her eyes, Leo survived and he has super strength. She was was beyond shocked and yet happy to see Leo was alive and well but also lifting a boulder the size of mountain above his head.

Korra: LEONARDO!!(Korra screams with joy)

Opal and Jinora: HE'S ALIVE!!(They both hugged eachother)

Suyin: Our hero is alive and strong!!

Wei and Wing: Holly Spirits he is even more amazing than ever!!

Leonardo: Whats wrong Kurvira is this all you got!!(Leo saids after throwing the boulder into the air and then disintegrate it with his heat vision which brought more shocks to everyone)


Jinora: Dad is going to flip when he meets Leo.

Suyin: Leo you are full of surprises.

Korra: Wow.........

Leonardo: Any last words before I take all of you down!!


Leonardo: Then let the fun begin!!

Chapter 2 coming soon!

Leonardo Morgan and Zara: 95nicholasnm

Legend Of Korra: Michael Dante DiMartino

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